#and I get to finish abyss in like a few minutes yippee!!! IW soon!!!
Sunday six time yayyyyy! and... I actually have RGG stuff to share??? what is this???? I cooked for a second and I think I *finally* have the missing piece for a fic that's been in my WIP document for so long. Maybe I can edit it soon? Perhaps?
Anyway I got tagged by @four-white-trees @jichanxo and @phantasy14. Tagging the usual @mike----wazowski @passthroughtime @woundedheartwithin @fire-tempers-steel @skysquid22
“There’s this person… I’ve known them for a long time. You see, I’ve only just realized how important they are to me,” he fidgets with a bracelet on his right hand, “I’m not sure if it’s love. Fuck, I’m not sure what it is. But, I know I can’t have a future without them. I have to abandon this way of life for that future to even exist. It’s hard, and I’m risking my life to do so, but I know I can do it, because I know what my purpose is now.”
He looks up at Yagami, and Yagami sees a hidden determination within them.
“All I want to do is protect them.”
Yagami looks over his shoulder, and sees Kaito smile at Shinumi. A warm feeling envelops him as he darts his eyes to the ground.
“I think I understand,” he says in a low voice.
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