#and I even like the result so šŸ˜Œ happy Friday to me
straightupsickfics Ā· 1 year
something sweet and full of care
ed/stede - ~4k - modern college au
i managed to finish something i started in january... who IS SHE?
college au stede is suffering and missing his boyfriend very much and really not having a good time at all <3 too bad ed's school is soo far away :(
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Stede Bonnet isā€¦ well, heā€™s not doing very well, honestly. The spring semester is just getting started in earnest, which means heā€™s got about a million assignments to complete and studying to get done. He's also coming down with the cold he always gets this time of year, and to top it all off, heā€™s missing Edward more than ever. Itā€™s always ten times harder getting used to being apart again after being together through the entire three-week winter break, and Stede feels his absence so acutely he wants to cry.Ā 
Now, Stede is back on campus, back in his single room that feels like both a blessing (not sharing with strangers) and a curse (not having anyone to study and commiserate with), and missing Ed so much he thinks he might just let himself wallow in it for a bit. Crying sounds both necessary and entirely unavoidable at this point, what with the way his head is throbbing, his stomach is growling, and his laptop seems to glare at him with a particularly threatening energy.Ā 
Stede: I miss you :(Ā 
Ed: I miss you already is that patheticĀ 
Ed: Okay, that was weird <3 i love youĀ 
Stede: Somehow this makes me miss you MOREĀ 
They would text each other the same thing at the same time, Stede thinks, sighing heavily and sinking onto his bed. Heā€™s made the best of the small bed, covered it in the highest thread-count sheets he could find and covered it in an admittedly absurd amount of soft blankets and pillows, trying to make up for the absence of Ed, the softest thing heā€™ll ever find in his bed, really. His small creature comforts help for a minute, but as soon as he lays down, Stede knows heā€™s made a mistake. Heā€™ll never get back up now, heā€™s too tired, his head pounding too hard for him to be of any use this evening. He stretches and groans, blinking up at his phone as another message from Ed comes through.Ā 
Ed: Me too, I have so much work to do Iā€™m about to say fuck it and go to sleepĀ 
Stede: Ha. Iā€™m in bed having the same thought. I wish you were here, though
Ed: Letā€™s see then
Stede: [img]
Ed: I always ask thinking itā€™ll help but it also makes it worse?? How is this possible? You look fucking exhausted, sweetheartĀ 
Stedeā€™s eyes prick at the easy endearment, and he squeezes them shut to push away the tears he knows are coming. No one is even around to see him, thereā€™s no reason he should feel soā€¦ ashamed about crying in his own room, but, well.
Stede: think I picked something up, a cold or something. My headā€™s killing me and my throatā€™s all scratchy :/Ā 
Ed: Poor Stede. Though I guess itā€™s that time of yearā€¦ I could set my watch to itĀ 
Stede: Could not
Ed: Totally could. How do you know I havenā€™t?
Stede: Did you actually??Ā 
Ed: No šŸ’œ I just know youĀ 
Ed seems set on inadvertently making Stede cry tonight.Ā 
Stede: That you do :(Ā 
Ed: Aw, hey, I miss you, I love you, I wish I could come cuddle you better. You should take tonight to relax and see how you feel in the morning. Donā€™t force yourself to stay up and study!!Ā 
Stede: šŸ˜‡
Ed: You already said youā€™re in bed! Order takeout and stay thereā€¦ doctorā€™s ordersĀ 
Stede: Twist my armĀ 
Takeout consists of hot and sour soup that tastes delicious but makes Stedeā€™s nose run, fried rice he only pokes at, and a chicken thing he ordered by accident that Ed usually eats.Ā 
Stede dabs at his nose and takes a picture of his dinner and sends it to Ed, explains about the chicken, and manages a smile when Ed sends back a running emoji.Ā 
By the time heā€™s finished and the leftovers are stashed in his fridge, Stede feels marginally better. At least heā€™s eaten, which means he can take some cold medicine and hopefully knock himself out for the night.
Tomorrowā€™s another day.Ā 
Ed: goodnight šŸ’œ
Stede: goodnight šŸ’™ I love youĀ 
Ed: love you more, no arguments šŸ˜‡
When Stede wakes up the next morning, he knows immediately that today isnā€™t going to be any better than yesterday. In fact, if the immediate rush of sneezes is anything to go by, today is going to be infinitely worse.Ā 
ā€œhhIHā€¦ hIHhā€™NDGt! hiH!ā€¦ā€™NGDshH! Hh!ā€ Stede manages to stifle two ticklish, insistent sneezes against the sleeve of the sweater as soon as he tugs it over his head, grimacing with the knowledge that this will hardly be the last time he does that today. At least itā€™s Friday, and thereā€™s a long weekend, so he can sequester himself to his room if he has to.Ā 
He knows, deep down, that heā€™ll end up doing exactly that once he gets through the three classes he has today.Ā 
Ed: Good morning, love of my lifeĀ 
Stede: Bet you say that to everyone &lt;3
Ed: Caught me, youā€™re one in a long, long list, Bonnet
Stede: Okay, I know it was my joke, but I regret it immediatelyĀ 
Ed: I love you the most. How are you feeling this morning?Ā 
Stede canā€™t text and make tea and walk to class and keep his nose in check all at once, so he pops his headphones in and calls Ed while he finishes getting ready. Heā€™s downing a dose of liquid cold medicine when Ed picks up, and Stedeā€™s heart swells a little when he hears the smile in his boyfriendā€™s voice.Ā 
ā€œGood morning, darling,ā€ Ed says in greeting.Ā 
Stede would love to return the sentiment, he really would, but his nose gets the better of him at the exact wrong moment, so what Ed actually gets in return is a flurry of damp sneezes, an entire fit of them all in a row.Ā 
ā€œHih! Iiiidshh! Hehā€™ushhhā€™ue! MmptshhH!ā€ Stede has to set his phone down to blow his nose a few times, and is a little breathless by the time he picks it back up again.Ā 
ā€œGod, so sorry, that was gross,ā€ Stede says immediately, but Ed is already making sympathetic sounds into the phone.Ā 
ā€œGod bless you! Youā€™re not feeling any better, I take it,ā€ Ed says. Itā€™s not a question, and Stede just sighs again.Ā 
ā€œNā€™dot quite,ā€ he sniffles. ā€œItā€™s going to be aā€¦heh! Snf! Ā long day.ā€Ā 
ā€œBless you?ā€Ā 
ā€œHdtā€™UdshhH! IIshhiiew!ā€
God, Stede really has to get a grip before class. His cheeks heat at even the idea of sniffling and sneezing through the lectures he has this morning, all back to back with hardly enough time to grab tea in between. He'd thought it was smart, when heā€™d registered, getting all of his end of the week classes out of the way at once, but now that he feels like this heā€™s having his doubts.
ā€œWhy donā€™t you just skip and email your professors? Not like youā€™ll use absences to skip class,ā€ Ed says, voice gentle but teasing. ā€œToo smart to slack off like the rest of us heathens.ā€Ā 
Stede smiles. That much is true, he rarely (fine, never) skipped class, but thatā€™s more to do with the fact that he doesnā€™t have many people to skip class with than some outstanding academic record. Still, though, his Oceanography paper is due soon, and they were doing a peer review today that he didnā€™t want to miss. His paper is solid so far, but he could really use the feedback, though Stede already feels bad for the poor person assigned to swap with him.Ā 
He explains the situation to Ed, and notes that his throat already hurts, and heā€™d only been talking for a few minutes. He really is in for the longest day ever. Stede listens to Ed talk about his own busy day (class starting at noon, followed by a few hours of tutoring, and a warning that Stede might not hear from him for most of the day, but to please call or text him if he starts feeling really bad).
Stede makes himself a travel mug of tea while he listens, his throat feeling heavy and tight with emotion right along with the sore throat. Ed really is sweet.Ā 
ā€œStill there?ā€ Ed asks as Stede locks his door and sets off down the stairs and towards his first class of the day.Ā 
ā€œMm, yes, sorry! Just thinkingā€¦ā€
ā€œUh oh,ā€ Ed smiles.Ā 
Stede laughs, then winces, because that hurts his throat, too, as it happens. ā€œMaybe once things calm down and I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m going to infect everyone in my pathā€¦ I could come visit? I have some money saved, andā€¦ā€
Edā€™s quiet on the other end of the line. ā€œThat would be amazing,ā€ he agrees after a beat. ā€œBut letā€™s cross that bridge when we get there, yeah? You focus on getting through today and feeling better for now, alright?ā€Ā 
Stede wants to cry. Deep down, of course he knows Ed wants to see him as badly as Stede does, knows that heā€™s just being protective, but still, that nagging voice at the back of his head, the one that never leaves him alone and hates to see Stede happy, pokes at him. What if Ed doesnā€™t want him around? His friends are more fun, cooler than Stede, and what if Ed doesnā€™t want Stede around them again?
No. Stede forces the thoughts from his mind as he huddles into the soft fabric of his coat, tugging his sleeves down over his gloved hands. Edā€™s right. One thing at a time. Focus, Bonnet.
Stede repeats that to himself until he gets to his first class, sniffling as he takes his usual seat and sipping his travel mug of breakfast blend tea to keep himself from falling asleep in his chair.Ā 
Oceanography goes well enough, though his partner Lucius makes almost no effort to hide his grimaces every time Stede has to turn away to cough to sniffle or blow his nose. As if Stede himself prefers it this way, he thinks, miffed.Ā 
He gets the feedback he wanted, though, and despite his dazed, stuffy head, Stede manages to provide Lucius with some helpful direction, too, he hopes.Ā 
ā€œHere, you look like you need these more than I do,ā€ Lucius says at the end of class, holding a travel packet of tissues out with the tips of his fingers, as if even a brush of their fingers will ensure transfer of Stedeā€™s cold.Ā 
God, maybe it would, Stede really does feel bad.Ā 
ā€œThanks, Lucius. Sorry about all this,ā€ he says again.Ā 
Lucius has the decency to look sympathetic, even momentarily. ā€œNo problem,ā€ he chirps. ā€œFeel better. And maybe donā€™t leave the house this weekend. See you!ā€Ā 
With Lucius gone, Stede lets himself outside and proceeds to fall into the coughing fit heā€™d put off for the duration of his class. Best to get it out now before the next one starts. Thatā€™s the goal, anyway, though he knows, deep down that it will be impossible to keep all of his cold symptoms in check for another four hours.Ā 
Four hours. The idea of it is enough to make him want to turn right around and head back to his room. It feels like a marathon. He really can afford to miss the classesā€¦ butā€¦Ā 
But heā€™s stubborn. Stede can almost hear Ed telling him as much over the phone, and smiles a little to himself as he makes his way to his Earth Science class. Maybe he is stubborn, but itā€™s also the busiest time of the semester, and besides, Stede likes his classes. He loves to learn and always has, and finally having the ability to study exactly what he wants hasnā€™t worn off just yet.Ā 
So, Stede blows his nose a final time, thankful for the backup tissues from Lucius, as heā€™s sure heā€™ll be running through his own in no time, and trudges across campus to his next class.Ā 
He can do this.Ā 
By the time the day ends and Stede finds himself back in his room his head is throbbing with congestion and he can hardly think straight. Fever, he thinks dimly, but he doesnā€™t have a thermometer that he can find, so he settles for a lukewarm shower that leaves him shivering, a glass of water, and a dose of cold medicine. Heā€™d been hoping to make it through some of the reading he needs to get done, but anything more than a glance at his laptop sends his eyes swimming with tired, irritated tears.Ā 
Heā€™s pressing his face into yet another handful of tissues, his eyes and nose seemingly in some kind of contest for which can run the most, when his phone lights up with a text from Ed.Ā 
Ed: Howā€™re you feeling now? Make it back to your room okay?
Itā€™s the first Stedeā€™s heard from him in hours, he realizes sullenly. Ed mentioned his busy day this morning, and Stede had completely forgotten. He knows itā€™s silly to think that heā€™s the only one of the two of them trying to slog through the rush of the semester, but he feels just bad enough that he lets himself get away with it.Ā 
Stede: Pretty bad :( Iā€™m back, yes, probably just going to end up falling asleep and hoping for the best. How was your day?
Ed: Good :) busy
Stede frowns down at his phone; nothing to smile about as far as he can see.Ā 
Stede: GoodĀ 
Ed: ;)
Stede: What
Ed: Nothing, you get comfy and maybe we can FaceTime in a bit. Donā€™t fall asleep without me!
Stedeā€™s heart gives a little squeeze. He wishes he could fall asleep with Ed here. He feels a little better about the doubts heā€™d been having earlier, too. Ed misses him, too, of course he does.Ā 
Stede: Wouldnā€™t dream of itĀ 
Ed: <;3Ā 
Stede does drift off, though. Almost immediately, in fact. Heā€™d sprawled onto his bed after his shower, wanting nothing more than to get warm as he texted back and forth with Ed, but surrounded by his blankets and the beloved stuffed animals Ed had bought for him over the years, well, he didnā€™t stand a chance.Ā 
Itā€™s his phone that wakes him up. Shit. He was supposed to FaceTime with Ed. Stede coughs into his shoulder, catches his breath, and rubs at his face before he picks up the call. Itā€™s unlikely to do any good, but itā€™s worth a shot.Ā 
ā€œEdward!ā€ Stede says when he answers.Ā 
ā€œStede?ā€ Edā€™s somewhere dimly lit, his face pressed in close to his phone.Ā 
ā€œWhere are you?ā€ Stede asks, yawning. His eyes feel so heavy. His whole head feels heavy, really, thanks to this monster cold. He hadnā€™t even taken NyQuil, but he might as well have for how overwhelmingly tired he feels.
ā€œMm? Nowhere,ā€ Ed says quickly. ā€œYou fell asleep,ā€ he smiles. Itā€™s not even a question, and the fond tone of his voice makes Stede smile right back. He canā€™t help it, not when Ed looks like that, warm and smiling and happy, no matter how shitty Stede himself might be feeling.Ā 
ā€œMaybe?ā€ Stede says, rummaging around on his bed for the box of tissues he had beside him before he fell asleep. ā€œH-hh! Hang onā€™dā€¦Snf! Snf!ā€ Sniffling helps for a minute, if that, but Stede finds the tissue box just in time to grab two tissues out of it before he sneezes. ā€œhDTā€™SSHH! Iiā€™eishhā€™uh!ā€Ā 
ā€œBless you,ā€ Ed says, his voice sympathetic and a little tired-sounding.Ā 
ā€œSnf! Thanks,ā€ Stede says. ā€œAnd sorry,ā€ he adds. ā€œAll our conversations today have involved mbe sndeezing at youā€¦ā€
Ed laughs and Stede wishes he could bottle up the sound of it, let it out whenever heā€™s feeling bad or missing him. ā€œYouā€™re sick,ā€ Ed reminds him gently. ā€œDonā€™t need to be sorry for that.ā€Ā 
Right, well. The thing about that is Stedeā€™s still getting used to it, even after two years. Not being an annoyance when heā€™s sickā€¦ having someone to remind him to take medicine and give himself a bit of a breakā€¦ It's a lot. Stedeā€™s tired and sick enough that his eyes and throat burn with the threat of tears at Edā€™s words, and he forces himself to swallow them away.Ā 
ā€œThink this coldā€™s gettinā€™g worse somehow. I really do miss you,ā€ Stede says. It sounds pitiful and he knows it, but at this moment, he canā€™t bring himself to care. Edā€™s seen it all by now, and nothingā€™s managed to scare him away so far.Ā 
ā€œMm, yeah, about that,ā€ Ed says, smiling widely now. ā€œI missed you too. And I know how you feel about being alone when youā€™re sick. So you have to promise not to get mad at me for doing something crazy, yeah?ā€Ā 
Stede sits up, suddenly wide awake as he tries to make sense of Edā€™s words. ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€Ā 
Thereā€™s a knock at his door and Stedeā€™s heart leaps as his stomach swoops because of course.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™reā€¦ no! No way. Ed?? What did you do,ā€ Stedeā€™s sputtering, caught in a tangle of blankets on his narrow bed, and Edā€™s laughing as he tumbles out of bed in a surprised little scurry.Ā 
ā€œLet me in, you lunatic.ā€Ā 
Stede throws his phone onto his bed and moves as fast as his over-tired, cold-ridden brain will allow him, and then the doorā€™s open and Edā€™s here right where Stedeā€™s wanted him every moment of this neverending day. Ed wraps himself around Stede without a second thought, pressing himself in as tight and close as he can manage, Stedeā€™s face tucked into the warm skin of Edā€™s neck, breathing each other in for one long, endless moment.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™re here,ā€ Stede says without pulling away.Ā 
Ed laughs, the sound as warm and familiar as always, except now Stede can feel it vibrating right through him, and even this is enough to make him want to cry all over again. Everything about Ed feels so warm and safe he wants to sink right into him.Ā 
ā€œIā€™m here,ā€ Ed repeats. ā€œSome of us donā€™t mind skipping the occasional class,ā€ he teases. ā€œDā€™you know the panic you sent me into this morning, talking about visiting soon when I was literally on my way to you?ā€ He brushes his nose against Stedeā€™s, then smiles when Stede has to sniffle a few times as the contact. ā€œThought you were about to come to me and weā€™d be in one of those movie situations where Iā€™m here and youā€™re there.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t think I couldā€™ve managed a drive like that feeling like this, to be honest. And.. I thought you didnā€™t want me there,ā€ Stede admits, a little ashamed.Ā 
Ed looks at him, brushing his thumb gently beneath Stedeā€™s eye and then turning Stedeā€™s face in his hand until Stedeā€™s looking at him.Ā 
ā€œStede Montague Bonnet,ā€ Ed says, and Stede is already smiling and feeling silly for all of it. ā€œI always want you there! Anyone who didnā€™t want you around before didnā€™t know what they were missing. Fuck ā€˜em.ā€Ā 
Edā€™s right, Stede knows. None of it matters now, not when Edā€™s here in his small single room, wrapped around him and kissing him everywhere he can reach.Ā 
Stede does his best to make Ed at home, tucking his bag away and fussing until Ed pushes him gently onto the bed, insisting he can manage two cups of tea while Stede ā€œrebuilds his sick person nest.ā€Ā 
ā€œSā€™not a nest, reallyā€¦ more of a fort,ā€ Stede huffs, gesturing to the warm white Christmas lights he still has strung from the ceiling. They give the whole place a more cozy vibe, and he keeps them up year round.Ā 
ā€œYeah, yeah, budge over, let me into the Stede Bonnet Fortress of Germs,ā€ Ed says, making his way over to the bed with two steaming mugs of tea.Ā 
Stede shifts, rolling over towards the wall and letting Ed settle in against him until theyā€™re pressed in warm and close, wrangling the blankets over themselves. Itā€™s a small bed, but they make it work ā€” Stede tends to sprawl out over Ed anyway, and this time is no different. Heā€™s not inclined to leave even an inch of space between them when heā€™s spent the last few weeks dreaming of exactly this.Ā 
ā€œKoala mode,ā€ Ed murmurs, one hand stroking softly through Stedeā€™s hair, the other drawing patterns over his back.Ā 
ā€œYouā€™re going to put me to sleep if you keep that up!ā€
ā€œThatā€™s the point, darling,ā€ Ed tells him.Ā 
Stede shakes his head. ā€œWant to enjoy having you here, not sleep through it.ā€ Stedeā€™s eyes feel heavy though, the events of the day catching up with him all at once. Everything melts away with Ed holding him like this. And, for a rare moment, Stede realizes can breathe through both of his nostrils at the same time, making sleep actually possible.
ā€œWe have all weekend, and youā€™re sick,ā€ Ed reminds him, as if he can possibly forget. ā€œItā€™s late. Youā€™d be asleep already if it wasnā€™t for me.ā€Ā 
ā€œYou did try to warn me,ā€ Stede smiles, leaning up just enough to brush their lips together.Ā 
ā€œSo I did. Didnā€™t want to be locked out, banging away at your door like a jilted lover.ā€Ā 
ā€œNever jilted,ā€ Stede says with a yawn.Ā 
ā€œMm, hope not. Drove a fucking long way; youā€™re stuck with me.ā€
Stede canā€™t imagine ever feeling stuck when it came to Ed, but that was an argument for another day. He lets Ed take charge of the remote, putting on a Planet Earth episode theyā€™ve watched together before but both enjoy, and it really is no time at all before theyā€™re both asleep, lulled by the company, the warmth, and the soothing voice of the TV.Ā 
Tomorrowā€™s another day, after all.Ā 
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yeonjuins Ā· 2 years
Oh thatā€™s really understandable, I get like that too when it rains but I hope youā€™re mood and motivation gets better overtime ā™”ļøŽ
And I have been well ā™”ļøŽ just preparing myself for my exams,, I know I said Iā€™m not as anxious for them but my history exam is cumulative and like even though I take notes and stuff,, the material just doesnā€™t click for me and I am worried (but not too worried to the point where Iā€™m going to shut down like I usually do KAKSKS Iā€™m just going to have to wing it <3)
But my professor said sheā€™ll post anything that will be of help for the exam so I will take advantage of the that (small rant: I really hate when exams are cumulative because 1) why put all those questions on an exam 2) I hate having to go that far back into the class material because my memory is like yikes and 3) the studying- but then Iā€™m like I shouldnā€™t be complaining because this is my only cumulative exam but !! it irks a nerve)
And IT WILL!! I will manifest it šŸ˜Œ Iā€™m going to be so annoying when my family checks the mail SKSKS ā€œis there anything for me? Did I get something?ā€ and Okay!! So about that, I keep forgetting to go by there (Iā€™m sorryy ā™”ļøŽ) but !!! Iā€™ll be doing some errands on Friday so Iā€™ll write down to go by there when Iā€™m out ā™”ļøŽ ( I feel like I worded that wrong LMAO but i set a reminder for Friday to go by there)
Ahaaa yes šŸ¤ but I havenā€™t because I tend to be indecisive BUT Iā€™m leaning more towards just using my summer break as a break and just going to school afterwards but then I feel like I just see how I feel once the school year rolls around but mostly likely Iā€™ll just go back to school after summer break KAKSKS (witnessing my indecisiveness firsthand itā€™s like it gets worse and worse as I grow up) and thank you ā™”ļøŽ ā™” I really appreciate you ā™”ļøŽ
Hmm hm understandable well then I hope the rest of the year is good to you ā™”ļøŽ
ohh understandable to feel that way. Iā€™m not that familiar with web development,, but hmmā€¦ maybe you can try to improve your work before your internship is up or once you go to a new company, the work may be to up to your standards,,, itā€™s only an internship so that might not show all of whatā€™s itā€™s going to be like once you move forward in that field. Maybe once you have more experience, the job experience will be better for you (?) ā™”ļøŽ
Ooh yeah thatā€™s good (Ikr? It should really be illegal to start school that early SJSJDK) but yeah that was the plus side when I did online learning,, my classes didnā€™t start until 12pm or so lol and yeah exactly and I feel like I learn better with in person but at this point Iā€™m not sure
aww of course ā™”ļøŽā™”ļøŽā™”ļøŽ always happy to help :)
(lengthy response!)
WHAHHAHA its raining here again ;; so as a result, my mood is gloomy ):< seriously i think living on the northern side for so long has made me so !?!?? i want to know what it's like living near heat !! continuous heat that is !!! i watch this youtuber (she's like... my biggest inspiration really- inspired me to go into ux/ui design) called nameishana and she lived in toronto but will be moxing to texas and im so !!! jealous !! rainy weather go away !!!!!!!!! ):<
whaaa preparing for exams... this is going to sound so hard but i wish i had something to study...? this is all going to kick me in the ass when i enter uni since i'll be flooded with exams and constant studying then but i literally... have not studied for a test or written out proper notes in a year and a half now...? and even then- i don't recall me really putting my heart into it... i think in 9th grade i was super diligent and studied SO so so hard (wrote out notes and everything)... i think overall i'm missing some sort of routine since mines currently seems lacklustre )":
i hope u did well on the exam/feel more confident about the content now ): i know what it's like being wary about the final results but i really do think hard work pays off in the end... you're building resilience after all, right? (": u have every right to complain my love ;; exams overall are super nerve wrecking and it's really tedious to have to go far back into the course content to review minuscule details that may not even be important on the actual exam ):< overall, i hope all is well and that it'll all work out in the future <3
no pressure to buy stamps my love ! if you don't have time either, you can always respond to me through dms <3 (i've emphasized this like 5000 times but just wanted to make sure ur aware that this shouldn't be an obligation ! just a lil fun tid bit for us but if not, it's all good <3)
definitely just going with the flow sounds nice after a long arduous school year </3 do whatever feels right for you my love
i find that whenever i talk to my employer more frequently and have a closer communication about our plans/projects, i end up enjoying my internship a lot more (that happened today, after yesterday i felt a bit in defeat from another lacklustre day). i also did talk to a friend about it, and she reassured me that as i get more into the field itself i'll have plenty of other opportunities to build my personal style and that i'm just ahead of the game rn which is reassuring to hear (":
oddly enough, despite being 'ahead of the game' i still feel... behind? but this could just be dumb brain trying to pick at something that doesn't really matter anyways ;; my friend recently got a summer job in which she gets paid above minimum wage which i'm super happy about for her ! it's a really good field (one that i'm also slightly interested in) but of course, i can't help but feel slightly jealous as well? i had to take less shifts at my current job in order to work at my internship and since it's highschool internship... i don't get paid (":
lately it just feels as though i've been doing continuous work for nothing beneficial? and so hearing that made me feel like i was just being left behind? (being paranoid, i also did the math and calculated that she will make my years worth of savings within the three months she will be at this internship). overall, i just feel at a stalemate with life right now and i have no clue where everything is going ! i want to get out of highschool ! i want to ! have a transition ! and make good money ! ):< anyways i'm sorry for rambling
regardless, i hope ur day has been going well love and that you're taking breaks while studying/your exams are going well <3
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