#and I am projecting but shut the hell up shUT UP-- /j
suncakeartcive · 2 years
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this art is so old and you can tell but -holds out- them...
4 notes · View notes
mochidoie · 1 year
boyfriend material.
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jung jaehyun x gn!reader genre: fluff, fake dating cliche, strangers to lovers, slight angst wc: 6.2k warnings: sensual tension/implications, sfw kiss scene
Although you and Jaehyun had never spoken a word to each other before this class project, he asks you to be in a fake relationship in order to prove to his longtime crush that he is boyfriend material.
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“What if we fake dated?” Nearly choking on your spit, you peer up at the dimpled boy in mostly shock, but also curiosity at why the hell he would be desperate enough to ask such a bizarre request from you, his project partner.
The maximum amount of time you have known this man is probably less than 48 hours and despite being in the same class for the past semester, yesterday is the first time you two have actually exchanged words.
“You have to be out of your mind.” The question was a follow up to the story of his unrequited love, which you had been way too interested in from the start because anything is better than working on school work.
Being paired with Jaehyun for one of the biggest group projects of the year had not been your first pick, but you didn’t have much of a choice since your professor used a random generator to assign partners. 
Jaehyun barely knew of your existence two days ago, though, you really can’t blame him for your lack of attendance and participation. All you knew of him was that he was the guy with dimples and his name started with a J. But, that’s college. You don’t get to know much of anyone in your lectures or discussion classes. 
This is one of the only classes small enough for a partner project, being that it is a seminar class counted toward your major in order to graduate. You really could have gone through all of college without a single group project on your loop, but the universe tested you.
“Think about it, we could be killing two birds with one stone.” Jaehyun gleams, trying to close your heavy textbook to garner your attention. “I can prove to Rose that I am boyfriend material and you can prove to your friends that you’re not chronically single.”
“I really shouldn’t have confessed that I was chronically single. It gives you leverage to use it against me.” Sighing deeply, you narrow your eyes at this man that wears an innocent smile on his face. 
The chance to shut your friends’ chatter about your love life is incredibly tempting and Jaehyun is the perfect visual to introduce: charming smile, glossy eyes, deep dimples, tall, nice build. You just know all your friends would be smitten over a man like him.
“Say I agree to this ridiculous idea, how would we break up?” Your interest is captivated now, as you set your pen in the middle crease of the textbook and cross your arms over the table. 
“It could be a mutual split. If you want to spice it up, you can dump me or I can break up with you and I’ll cry about it to Rose. She’ll comfort me, realize I’m so boyfriend material and grow feelings for me.”  Jaehyun claps his hands together as if he made the most brilliant idea ever. 
Scoffing, you roll your eyes at how silly it sounded. Though, a part of you really wanted to show someone off so that your friends would stop trying to set you up with their weird coworkers or their desperate mutuals. 
As if you never thought you’d agreed to something as absurd as fake dating someone, you lean back in your seat and ask the one question that causes the moon crescents to appear on this handsome man’s fluffy cheeks:
“So, what’s the game plan?” 
Meet Cute: Jaehyun asked to borrow a charger and never gave it back. Professor does a random name generator for a partner project. You and Jaehyun are paired. The charger made its way back to its original owner in a fateful way. 
Who liked who first: you fell for that sexy baritone voice.
How he asked you out: A dozen roses and a candlelit dinner.
How long have you been dating: three weeks.
Favorite thing about one another: 
Y/N: cute stationary
Jaehyun: dimples
“Cute stationary?” You squint at his answer with disgust at how lame it is. “That is the best answer you could think of? People are really going to think we’re head over heels for each other.” The sarcasm in your tone is distinct, not going unnoticed by Jaehyun.
“Says the one that said dimples. How original.” Jaehyun fakely yawns, rolling his eyes at the hypocrisy. 
“I’m not going for uniqueness. I’m just making these answers easy enough for me to remember if asked.” 
“And we’re making me the forgetful one in the meet cute?” Jaehyun pretends to be offended. His hand rests on his chest, followed by a scoff. 
You’re growing to understand Jaehyun’s banter, finding that his question does hold some amount of irony. “Whatever, I have class in 15 minutes. Let’s quickly establish the rules and go on with our day.” 
No kissing on the lips.
Don’t tell anyone about the fake relationship.
Sunday Recaps. 
Go to one social event with friends for each person. 
“That should be good for now.” You electronically sign your name on the document, sharing access rights to Jaehyun’s email. “We’ll add to it if needed.”
“Do you think it’ll work?” As you rush to pack your things into your backpack, you’re quizzically staring at how concerned Jaehyun looks asking his question. “Like, is it going to convince Rose how good of a boyfriend I’d be?”
“Well, you have to convince me first if you’d even be a good boyfriend before you start thinking about impressing your crush.” Zipping up, you wait for Jaehyun to make a move. Anything, this was essentially a cue. Nonetheless, he remains kicking his feet underneath the table and drifting off into space.
“Seriously?” You ask, arms crossed and weight barred on your left leg. Jaehyun’s eyebrows knit together in confusion, unable to read the bewilderness of your expression. 
This is going to be harder than you expected. What the hell did you just get yourself into?
“This is your cue to say you’re going to walk me to my class.” Your palm lands on your cheek, rubbing away the forming frustration you have for this man. He is far, far, far from boyfriend material. “Forget it.”
“No, wait-” Jaehyun clears the table of his things, shoving them carelessly into his backpack and hurrying to catch up to you. “I guess I forgot to mention that I don’t know the first thing about impressing someone.” 
You can’t help the laugh that slips from your lips, “oh, you clueless handsome man. It is such a good thing you’re attractive or else, it would be much harder for you.”
“That is a very backhanded compliment.” Jaehyun’s laugh is so robust that it rumbles your chest. It is your first time genuinely hearing it, as he has been stoic the whole day you two worked on your project. 
“We’ll get there,” you pat his shoulder and head toward the lecture doors, “I’ll send you a calendar invite for your first social event next week.” 
Jaehyun stands still, eyes scanning the floor and then back up at your fading figure. “Why are you so willing to help me?”
You stop, hand holding the handle to the door. Looking back at him, the smile on your face shocks him. “Because now I feel responsible for making you a good boyfriend.” With a wave goodbye, you disappear into the building.
Jaehyun puts his hands into his pocket and the white clouds float above him in the blue sky. A small smile creeps on his lips as a simple thought causes it to arise. “Favorite thing about y/n is that smile.” 
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“I feel like this is so abrupt. When did you two even start talking?” Your friend starts with the questioning. You had warned Jaehyun previously about the million questions you two were going to get tonight and told him to be prepared. Remember the game plan. 
“A little over a month ago. Jaehyun and I talked in class for the most part.” Stirring the straw in your drink, you’re wondering if your friends can see past your facade. 
“Y/N really likes to play hard to get.” Jaehyun takes control of the narrative, you’re perked up to hear what he has up his sleeve. “I asked for their number three separate times. The first being when I asked to borrow the charger, twice before the midterm, and the third when we were assigned as partners.”
“No wonder why you didn’t get your charger back for the longest time.” Another friend jokes and Jaehyun agrees so naturally. Your eyes scan his whole demeanor and he looks completely relaxed. A part of you had expected that he would flounder and be a nervous wreck in front of your friends. Nonetheless, he is doing great at his first social event. 
It is your good friend’s birthday celebration at a more upscale bar downtown. The formal attire was mandatory and you had spent the last hour picking up a last minute outfit for Jaehyun at his apartment. 
The two of you had already begun planting the social media seeds over the week. Random roses on a Tuesday afternoon. Dinner with a man’s hand holding the glass near the right side of the picture. Your scrunchie around his wrist as he takes his daily gym selfie. 
Your friends bombarded you with eye emojis, acting like detectives to figure out if you were seeing someone. Before you knew it, they were all telling you to invite him to the birthday celebration, which you already knew he’d get the invite for. Your friends were dying to meet him.
The moment you two had stepped in, eyes were instantly on you and watching your every step with Jaehyun in your arms. The attention made you sweat, mostly because you didn’t know how tonight would play out and because you’ve never been seen with a partner. 
However, as the night went on, Jaehyun was a real crowd pleaser. Truthfully, you had no idea how Jaehyun is as a person. You two barely know each other’s last names, but the impression you had of him was of a more shy and reserved man. Maybe it was the lack of talking you two shared in the first hour of your group project, but he was so enjoyable to be around.
“Hey, you doing alright?” Jaehyun wraps his arm around your waist, causing you to slightly cease action. He notices, leaning down to whisper into your ear. “Is it okay for me to touch you?”
His hot breath and deep raspy whisper against the shell of your ear actually made your knees weak. Your mind takes you to unimaginable places, scenes that you shouldn’t be thinking about with Jaehyun. The grip on your glass tightens and you’re nodding subtly. “Social battery is depleting. I think we should leave soon.”
“Yeah, it’s getting pretty chaotic over there. We should flee the scene before we get trapped in it.” He points to the small crowd forming near the barstools.
One of the mutuals of another friend is hunched over, gripping his stomach and practically dry heaving in the middle of the area. His face goes completely pale and you just knew he was going to projectile vomit in nearly ten seconds.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Your hand finds his out of instinct, maneuvering the both of you through incoming flocks of friends trying to get another word in. You’re saying your goodbyes while rushing out as fast as you can.
“It was lovely meeting you, Jaehyun!” Some call out and he is waving, bidding his goodbyes as if he is a celebrity to his fans.
One push and you’re out the door, into the chilly night that brushes a breeze on your arms. Finally, there is no one else around and no more small talk, you can breathe. “Wow, that was incredible.”
“I’m used to getting out of situations as fast as I can.” There goes that smile that Jaehyun likes, heart racing and all just by looking at you. “Especially with my friends. They’ll talk your ear off if you let them.” 
You’re fully aware that your fingers are still intertwined after escaping. Jaehyun’s hand is a bit rough due to the calluses on his palms from heavy weight lifting, but it feels nice. To be held, to be felt, to share warmth – your heart is running a marathon all on its own. 
“Sorry.” Mumbling, your hands separate in seconds. Jaehyun sheepishly puts them in his pockets and averts his gaze awkwardly. For a moment, you forgot where your boundaries lie. 
“Can I drive you home?” Jaehyun kindly asks. He beckons over at his car parked on the curb and hopes for you to follow.
“But I live the opposite way.” The reluctance causes your body to freeze up, standing in place. At the end of it all, Jaehyun and you were barely friends. Possibly, your mind is still very much aware of that.
Jaehyun almost starts with a whole thing about it being dangerous at night, but he realizes you really didn’t need to hear all of that. It would’ve been an earful anyway and he just needed you to get into the car without feeling bad. 
“I know, but I don’t mind.” He says, opening the door to the passenger side for you. Taken aback, you’re wondering if something happened to Jaehyun overnight for this sudden charm he is exuding.
Perhaps the stars in the night sky are playing tricks on you, but you’re beginning to see Jaehyun in a new light.
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“So, you’re completely over Rosie?”  There seems to be a pattern amongst yours and Jaehyun’s group of friends. Both sides seem skeptical about the two of you dating, often questioning details about how legit this relationship is.
It’s going to be the 4th week mark – one month of keeping up these charades, but making your very fake relationship just shy of two months. No rules have been broken and you’re building your friendship very well with all the time you two spend together.
You’re at the first social event for Jaehyun. Unlike him, you aren’t one to control a crowd and his friends aren’t like yours where they’d talk endlessly. The anticipation of finally meeting Jaehyun’s crush also dawned on you, her name being mentioned very frequently.
“It would be really weird if I wasn’t.” Laughing dryly, he brings you closer by the waist and into his side. To any outsider perspective, it would look as though Jaehyun is trying to non-verbally reassure you like a good boyfriend would. It doesn’t draw much attention, it’s a light-hearted response to an awkward question. He is learning very well.
To you, it feels very staged and you’re trying your best to hide the warmth you’re feeling from how intimate you two look together. “I don’t mean to offend you. Rosie was Jaehyun’s previous fling and it felt very unfinished.” 
The way that Jaehyun had described their relationship didn’t seem like a fling, though you know how people use that word quite loosely nowadays. “It’s hard when you’re each other’s firsts.”
Suddenly, a chill runs down your spine and your heart drops to your stomach. This feeling washing over you is foreign, but familiar all at once. The grip on your waist retreats and Jaehyun looks like a deer caught in headlights. A crucial detail seems to be left out and the way your body reacts to it is a surprise to you.
His friends seem to understand the situation, without any exchange of words. They clear their throats and Jaehyun looks about ready to kill someone. “It was a while ago though!”
“Yeah, they barely ever see each other anymore.” His other friend tries to put a bandage on the situation, chuckling nervously at the shift in atmosphere.
Jaehyun's social event is turning out quite terribly.
“Jae?” A voice calls for everyone’s attention. It’s a sweet and delicate cadence, you would believe it if it came from a princess or fairy of sorts. When you all turn to face the owner of that gentle voice, you’re met with someone even more beautiful. 
Something deep inside told you that she had to be Rosie and Jaehyun affirmed it with the look in his eyes. “It’s been awhile.” He gravitates toward her, tunnel vision where she stands at the end of it. Jaehyun speaks to her as if there is no one else in the room, including you.
And although you two aren’t actually dating, the needles in your chest are causing you great distress. Watching him walk toward another person with hearts in his eyes doesn’t exactly make you feel joyous. It is even worse knowing that you’re supposed to be his pretend partner and you’re too stunned to make a move.
Having to remind yourself that she is the sole reason this arrangement exists in the first place, you collect your emotions and breathe deeply. You follow behind Jaehyun, strutting up and wrapping your arm around his. However, Rose doesn’t notice and her wide eyes look at you in excitement.
“We haven’t met, I’m Rose.” She is quick to pull you into a hug. It startles you, patting her shoulder lightly at how harmonious she is.  You didn’t have much of an image of how she was like, but it wasn’t this. 
Starting with your introductions, her facial expressions are incredibly expressive: a mixture of  enthusiasm and surprise. “Jaehyun mentioned that he was bringing a special someone.” Dang it, even her attitude is super cheery. “You are absolutely stunning, I hope Jaehyun is treating you well.”
Here is your cue. “Jaehyun has been the best. I feel like I can’t live my life without him now.” Look over. Loving eye contact. Smile. “I feel like I got really lucky with him.”
Jaehyun knows you’re playing your part, but the churning in his stomach has to be butterflies making their rounds. He hasn’t felt much affection in a while and so he can’t tell if these feelings stem from lack of affirmations or because it's coming from you.
“Aw, you’re the cutest.” Rose gives you the lightest touch on your wrist, an electrifying buzz that you want more of. A fleeting feeling. “I’ll leave you two lovebirds to chat because I am totally being a third wheel right now.”
Rose makes her exit before you two could protest. Turning toward Jaehyun, you’re mumbling underneath your breath, “I can see why you’re absolutely in love with her.”
“More of a mild infatuation, I would say.” He leans up against the wall, pulling you into him so he can hear you better. Your hips touch as he lazily wraps his arm around your back. 
“Way out of your league, I would say.” You cross your arms, scoffing. “We have our work cut out for us. It’s probably going to be harder than we thought to convince her you’re the perfect boyfriend.”
Somehow Jaehyun looks even hotter rolling his eyes, paired with a small smirk on his lips and a dimple on his right cheek. “I just love chasing people out of my league.”
There is a brief moment of silence between the both of you, staring into each other’s eyes with an unknowing gaze of understanding. In this suffocating intimacy, you could kiss him, open mouth and completely devour him. He could do the same, tasting your hot lips coated in your expensive lip gloss.
So why don’t you? 
Why doesn’t he? 
No kissing on the lips. 
Nonetheless, you break the intense gaze and ignore all the pent up lust you’re feeling in your chest. Bringing your hand to lightly brush away Jaehyun’s loose strands, he catches your wrist mid way.
You watch as he does the unpredictable: soft lips puckered up against the inside of your wrist. Your heart is pounding in your ears, unable to pull away from how much you’re craving him.
All these impure sensual feelings for Jaehyun came to the surface. It’s easy to admit that he is very attractive and if only he knew how to use his charm, he could have anyone in the palm of his hands. The only thing keeping you from falling for him is the sheer fact that he wouldn’t like you back. 
No rules against developing feelings for one another, but that doesn’t mean that you should. It was a mental note you kept for yourself to save you a chance at heartache. 
“There aren’t any rules against kissing you anywhere else.” Jaehyun whispers against your skin and slowly drops your hand back to your side.
You can’t let it show how much that affected you, how it practically almost caused you to backtrack on this fake dating situation and to jump into his arms. “I didn’t think there was another part of me you’d kiss.” 
“Trust me, there is.” His words could have a million different implications, but somehow you knew just what he was referring to. It shakes your core, bubbles your insides. You’re left without any response and no other thoughts in your head besides ripping his clean linen shirt off of his body.
“Hey lovebirds, come and join us for a toast.” Saved by the bell. Jaehyun takes you by your hand, intertwining your fingers. 
You send him a quick glare, “we will be talking about this during Sunday Recap.”
“Oh, I plan to.” Jaehyun chuckles, full of soul and banter. As he leads you to join the rest of the crowd, you’re bewildered at the heightened emotions that stick to your chest.
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“I think it’s working. Rose asked me if I was free to hang out with her sometime next week.” Jaehyun ever so nonchalantly plants himself on your plush couch. “She never asks me to hang out first.”
“Mhm, that’s great.” You’re partially listening, as you’re fixing up a story to post on your social media of the flower bouquet that Jaehyun bought on his way to your place. “Have fun.”
“Are you actually listening?” He scoffs. Watching your figure walk toward him, you lean down to show him your phone. The image of flowers displayed on your marble countertop with the note very visibly showing who they’re from. Jaehyun nods in approval, hitting the post button before you could triple check yourself.
“Yeah, I’m listening. You and Rose are hanging out next week, I’m glad this charade is working out for you.” There is a small edge in your tone that doesn’t go unnoticed by Jaehyun. He eyes you from the side, trying to decipher the attitude that laces your words.
Something about your demeanor feels off and he’s gotten to know you enough to know that something is bothering you for your lips to turn into a frown. “What are we recapping this Sunday?” He finds that it’s probably best to move on to another topic. 
“Why didn’t you tell me that you guys were each other’s firsts?” Sitting next to him, you face him with frustrated furrowed brows and an annoyed expression. 
“I didn’t think it was important to mention.” You hated how carefree Jaehyun could be. It makes you feel like you’re overreacting, and in this instance, you could be.
“It’s a bit important. This entire time I thought Rose didn’t like you because you were some lame loser that couldn’t pull someone like her.” Your honesty doesn’t fall short today. It’s as if the more you think about the issue, the more annoyed you get.
Jaehyun, quite offended by that statement, sits up from his normally relaxed position as he is ready to defend himself. “You thought that lowly of me?” 
“You made it seem that way.” Throwing your hands in the air, you try to control how loud your voice is growing.
“Or maybe that is just how you perceived me.” He pauses, “Rose and I dated very briefly, three months at most. She broke up with me because I was a bad boyfriend.”
The news of them dating seems to piece all the clues together. The way that Jaehyun looks at Rose makes more sense, it was a look of longing and regret. Rose approached him with full control of the situation, affirming that her decision to break up with him is justified. 
“I didn’t buy her flowers, even when she asked. There was a night when it rained and I knew she was on campus without an umbrella, I left her out there because I fell asleep. When we hung out with our friends, I would ignore her.” 
You’re taken aback at how negligent Jaehyun had been. “So why did you act that way if you like her so much?”
“I took her for granted and I didn’t know how to be someone’s boyfriend.” It is obvious how long Jaehyun had thought about this. He is too self aware to not have. “She wasn’t going to take me back after I fucked up like that, so I thought it would be good to show her through someone else. How I’ve changed.” 
“How do I know it’s not all for show? As if you’re only doing these things to convince everyone you’re boyfriend material until she takes you back and you revert back to your ways.” Your eyes dart to the vase of flowers on your kitchen counter. “There’s no heart in what you do.”
“Are we talking about me and Rose or me and you now?” Jaehyun hits you where it hurts – right in your chest. You’re too stunned to speak, the realization falling on you like heavy bricks. 
“Why don’t we talk about us?” You clear your throat, flashback of Jaehyun kissing your wrist entering your thoughts. “What was that the other night?” 
Jaehyun doesn’t bother playing dumb. “I was really in the moment.” He rests his elbows on his knees, leaning forward and rubbing his hands together. “Looking into your eyes… they’re so mesmerizing, like you understand me with just one look. It causes my heart to swell for you.” 
“You like Rose.” 
“I do, but I’m not blind.” He shoots you a glare. “You’re really going to think that I don’t find you attractive the entire time we've spent together, being intimate with you even if it's fake.” 
“It’s not that, Jaehyun.” You sigh, “I find you attractive too, but you have to remember the original reason we’re doing this.”
“And I do. But I can’t help the feelings that surface when I’m with you.” Visibly frustrated, you both take a second to pause in the conversation to recollect yourselves. His chest heaves up and down, trying to process these feelings now that he has finally admitted them out loud. 
You are trying to keep your composure cool, but it’s hard to bite your tongue from every tight restriction in your heart. You might actually like Jaehyun and it’s not something you are prepared to face.
“I think we dug our heels a little too deep.” Breaking the silence, you look up at Jaehyun with a kinder and more empathetic expression. The heat in the room is suffocating, all the tension filling the crevices in the walls.
“Perhaps, but I wouldn’t have done this with anyone else.” Jaehyun sits up, facing you with a marvel in his eyes and adoration flooding his pupils. “You’re absolutely incredible, in every way.” 
It’s your turn to hold his wrist when he reaches to brush your cheek, “Jae, I think we might have to call it quits.”
“What? But we didn’t break any of the rules.” The sheer sadness in his eyes is painful to witness. It’s like watching a young boy learn how to sacrifice something for the greater good. Jaehyun didn’t want to lose you.
“I broke the one rule I kept to myself and it was not to develop feelings for you.” His wrist drops from your grasp. “I can’t do it anymore, Jaehyun.” 
“You fell for me?”
“How could I not? You’re such a great boyfriend to me, even if it was fake.” Sighing, you ponder if you should continue. “I’m irritated at how you’d buy me flowers, but it’s a bouquet of my favorite ones. I can’t take it every time you’re so insistent about driving me home to ensure I make it back safe. You get along with my friends like you’ve known them forever. When you look at me in the midst of a crowd and it’s just us two.” 
You’re biting back tears that threaten to form at the rim and gripping tightly at the end of your shirt. This is all a tough pill for the both of you to swallow. It’s almost as if Jaehyun didn’t consider this a possibility when he had asked you to fake date. He thought that since he was so infatuated with Rose, he wouldn’t feel anything for anyone else. On top of that, he knew you saw him as some loser. 
“I think we need to just step back from this for a second and take some time to ourselves. I’ve been seeing you every week–”
“But I want to see you every week.” Jaehyun doesn’t mean to be so difficult and in fact, he is usually one to just agree and follow through another person’s decision. However, something within him wants to fight for you. 
“I can’t keep ignoring how I feel for you and it’s unfair to all three of us moving forward.” The hope and joy in your face is evidently depleting. Jaehyun can’t do anything to fix it.
“What does this mean for our project then?” 
“Well, there isn’t any more group work for us to need to see each other. We can complete our individual parts and upload it to the sheet.” It’s like you’ve already thought this through all on your own and prepared for all the counterarguments he was going to have.
Jaehyun scoffs in disbelief and starts grabbing his jacket. “I understand where you’re coming from, I’ll give you the space you need.” 
You can’t even look at him, knowing that you’re not brave enough to face the hurt and pain on his expression. It’s all already in his voice. “Thank you, Jaehyun. I hope you have fun with Rose.” 
With that, he makes his exit from your apartment. The weight on your shoulders is lifted and despite the hole in your chest, you feel like this was one of the better options. The other being that you just suppressed the feelings until they finally got together, but you realized it may have caused you more harm than ease.
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In the midst of Rose talking, Jaehyun finds himself wondering about how you were doing. He hasn’t been able to stop this sinking feeling in his chest since he left your apartment. The lingering thought of you remains well intact, every little thing makes him want to reach out.
“Jae, are you here or did I lose you somewhere else?” Rose chuckles at the stunned boy.
Perking up, he focuses back on the conversation that he had tuned out of a while ago. If you had asked him two weeks ago how excited he was about this hang out with Rose, he would’ve said that he was through the roof. Now, he isn’t sure how he’s feeling.
“I’m sorry, Rosie.” That’s all he could do, Jaehyun knows this too well. “I’ve just got other things on my mind lately.”
“Are things not going well between you and y/n?” She tilts her head and her eyebrows furrowed together, lending a friendly ear. 
Jaehyun shrugs, completely unsure how he could explain the situation with you. “We got into a fight. A lot of feelings became involved that I didn’t know how to handle or react to.” 
Rose sighs, “we used to fight a lot and one thing I hated was that you never came back for me.” Her fingers lightly dance around the rim of her glass. “I know you take time to process your emotions, but the other person will never know how you’re feeling or how you felt if you don’t tell them.” 
He remains quiet, absorbing the advice that Rose is giving. This hangout was supposed to be one where he got her back with him, not one where she consoles him on his current fake relationship with you.
“I think y/n brings out a side of you that I didn’t get when we were together.” Rose admits, giving a soft and knowing smile. “However, I feel like they’re the only person that gets to have that side of you. I don’t want you to lose that shine that they bring out of you. You’re absolutely radiant together.” 
Jaehyun seriously cannot believe what he is hearing. She asks the waiter for the bill and is packing up her things. “Wait, Rose. We’re done here?” 
“Jaehyun, you and I both know that we were done a long time ago.” Rose gives Jaehyun a light squeeze on the wrist. “You should see the way you look at y/n, it’s full of want and excitement.” 
There is a brief moment of realization for Jaehyun. The overwhelming emotions overtake him and before he knows it, he’s running out the door of the restaurant and on his way to the one place he’s been holding back from heading to: the flower shop below your apartment. 
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You’re typing the last bit of your part of the project, nearly trying every way to not engage with the thought of Jaehyun. The take out boxes of dinner scatter your counter as you speedily work your way through long paragraphs. 
The one thing you knew was that Jaehyun had been out with Rose and the pain from that discovery stuck to your heart like glue. You were better off with numerous distractions than thinking about how heavenly of a time he must be having with the literal love of his life.
The sound of your doorbell halts your ruthless typing. With curiosity, you approach the door. You weren’t expecting anyone tonight, so it was strange that there would be someone looking for you. Through the peephole, Jaehyun stands there in all of his glory.
You’re practically tearing down your door at the sight of him, bewildered and slightly annoyed at the sight of him. “What are you doing here?” 
“Something I should’ve done that night at the party.” Before you could fully process his presence, Jaehyun dives into you with lips firmly pressed against yours.
His hot hands cup both of your cheeks, dropping the bouquet of your favorite flowers he had picked up on his way here. But none of that truly mattered more than finally kissing you. 
Your heart swells at the passion that Jaehyun kisses with, it’s loving and strong. Something about it suits him perfectly, like a puzzle piece that completes the picture. Kissing you confirmed everything that Jaehyun had been feeling up to this point.
Fireworks exploding in his chest, he feels an abundance of endorphins lighting his system. Jaehyun has been into you all along. He couldn’t pinpoint why it had been so easy with you, like there were no expectations held against him to be someone extraordinary.
He found himself buying you flowers, but not just anything simple or generic. It had to be your favorite, just so he could see the way your eyes light up at the sight of them. He had to be the one to take you home, making sure he got to spend every second he could with you and that he was the one that got you there safely. 
He wanted to impress your friends, knowing how much they meant to you. And when he looks in the midst of a crowd, all he sees is you.  
Your grip on his shirt almost makes him not want to let go, like you’re so afraid of him going away again. Nonetheless, he takes your hands into his and pulls away. The look of pure shock on your face makes him chuckle, a full robust laugh from the chest. He could kiss you again right then and there.
“You’re so cute when you do that.” Jaehyun smiles gently, holding you in his arms so lovingly like he has done so before. This feels incredibly familiar to him, but it no longer feels like a show. This feeling is very real and the swelling in his chest is very much aching at the sight of you. He wants to give you the world.
“We broke our first rule.” Your mind draws a blank after the kiss and Jaehyun smiling before you as if you two hadn’t ended things a week ago. He picks up the bouquet of your favorite flowers, handing them toward you with inviting eyes.
“No more rules, no more fake dating. I want the real thing.” Jaehyun swallows his spit, noticing how dry his throat had gotten at his confession. You’re staring at him as if he was seriously out of his mind. “With you.” 
And you didn’t think that at the end of all of this, Jaehyun would be at your door with a bouquet of flowers asking you to be his. You proved to Jaehyun that he could love another, while being a better person for them. You truly brought out his boyfriend material, proving to the whole world that Jung Jaehyun is only boyfriend material for you.
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words-4u · 11 months
down to their bones
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pairing: jordan li x f!reader
wc: 875
warnings: none, a bit angsty, minor jealousy, lots of fluff
a/n: listened to your bones by clesea culter while writing this and kind of used it as an inspo - don't have to listen to it but you should for vibes especially near the end
hero ethics was once a class you were excited for but now that you were a month into the course, you realize it's not at all what you expected.
all you do is watch a shit ton of videos and theorize hypotheticals, there's nothing even remotely physical involved which is what you really wanted the most.
instead here you were with lia, your partner for an upcoming presentation that dean shetty insisted the class do after she took over for brink. 
“you know i still can’t believe shetty wants us to speak for 20 full minutes on ‘aero dynamics of human flight’” you said looking at the late professor brink’s book before tossing it to the side. “i can’t even fly!”
“well, i can and it doesn’t take a rocket science to figure out how,” lia laughed. she was sprawled on your double bed that was littered with two copies of the book, laptops, pens and little stickies. “i’m a hands on learner, i need to be out there in the open skies.”
she fell back on your bed and in to a fake daydream. 
“i think someone needs to get their head out of the clouds and help me with this presentation or else we’ll fail,” you leaned in playfully tapping her forehead with a highlighter. of course this is the exact most your significant other, jordan, walks in to your room.
“uuuh…hello?” jordan said. they walked in clearly having come back from the gym, in their baggy shorts, cropped blue sweater and their short bob in a ponytail.
they were expecting to find you on your own, wanting to spend the rest of the evening with you, not to find you on your bed with another girl.
“hi babe,” you raced to jordan and placed your hands on their shoulders as you kissed them. you knew something was off the second they didn’t kiss back and you were right because as you pulled back, their eyes were glued to your bed. where lia was. 
“i’m sorry, and who are you?” jordan snapped. you were slightly taken aback because this was a side of jordan you haven't seen.
“jordan, that’s lia, my partner for hero ethics and lia this is jordan, my partner outside of hero ethics and everything else,” you smiled between the two people in your room.
“yeah, they are ranked number 5 in the whole school, y/n, i know who they are. i just didn’t know you were dating a star student,” lia said looking impressed. 
“you didn’t know?” jordan parroted. “she didn’t know?”
“we got paired up like 4 hours ago on this project. it wasn’t exactly at the top of my list of things to speak to her about.”  you whispered. 
you turned to lia. “um, i’m just gonna talk to jordan outside for like 5 minutes, you can take a break if you want.”
lia gave two thumps up before pulling out her vphone.
you grabbed jordan by the wrist and dragged them out of your dorm and into the hall way. there were a couple students walking up and down the hall and some more in a corner chatting about the latest viral video from the Seven but overall it was empty enough to have this much needed conversation.
by the time you shut your door, jordan had shifted to their male form.
“what the hell is wrong you?” you asked poking their shoulder. 
jordan clenched their jaw. “what are you talking about?”
“w-what am i talking about?” you asked back. “i’m talking about the fact that lia is lucky you don’t have laser eyes or she’d fucking toast. literally!”
“i walk into your room and you have another girl on your bed, y/n, how am i supposed to feel?”
the look on their face was suddenly transparent and it dawned on you.
“you’re jealous? over a classmate? is that it?” you asked, this time your voice carrying a softer tone. 
jordan didn’t look too pleased with the fact that they let something so trivial get to them.
“j, use your words,”
“you guys just looked so close,” they said looking at you with their big brown eyes.
you sighed. “well, we’re not. but we do need to get along cause this project is worth 30% and you know your girl can’t and won’t fail,” you said which caused them to smile a bit.
“besides,” you continued pushing their back against the wall and wrapping your hands around their neck. “i’m sort of already in love with someone, like right down to their bones, and as long as they are in my life no one else stands a chance.”
jordan leaned their forehead against yours. “i’m sorry for how i reacted. it was shitty.”
“apology accepted,” you whispered. “now give me a kiss. a proper one this time,”
jordan brushed their lips against your before kissing the air out of you. it was getting a little too hot for two people standing in a hallway and you were never one for major pda so you pulled away smiling.
“okay now you're just being a distraction,” you grinned up at them.
“okay, fine i’ll go but just to make sure, it was me who you were talking about, right?”
you chuckled playfully shoving them down the hall. “yes, you big idiot. now go and come back in 2 hours when you can really make it up to me.”
jordan smirked. “i’ll be counting down the seconds."
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if you want to request something, there's a link in my bio (the more detailed the better <3)
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"I know someone who can"
(Part 5)
1610!Miles x Jaleel (ooh shiiit)
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Cursing, Use of N-word, Tumblr took away the yellow writing so now Jaleel is just the same as reader 😭, google translated Spanish, That's it I think lemme know if I missed sum 🤷🏾‍♀️
Songs that it's based on: 'NEW MAGIC WAND' By Tyler, The Creator
Summary: You left your jacket at your ex-boyfriend's apartment, and after a conversation that let him know he needed to, Miles grabs it for you. But just how smoothly can it go when your ex is still trying to reconcile with you?
Prev: Miles walks away from the you, smirking slightly from the exciting news he received. But, there was still something plaguing his mind. He couldn't have his girl's jacket at another man's house! You wanted the jacket back, and with God as his witness, he was gonna get you everything you wanted.
''I guess I'm paying Jaleel a visit"
Miles finally arrived at his dorm after walking you to yours. As he walked in he saw Ganke, sitting on his bunk bed. He was eating a bag of Ruffles with airpods in, some show captivating his attention. He finally turned his head as he saw Miles sit in the gaming chair, sighing. Ganke took notice of Miles' sour attitude and decided to question it.
"What's got you in a mood? And please, for the love of god, don't say 'I miss her'. I don't think I can hear that again."
He said rolling his eyes as he puts his airpods away, giving his friend all his attention. Miles slightly smiles from the mention of you and goes back to a slight frown.
"No, it's not that."
"Then, what's up? Dude, don't make me beat it out of you. Even though I doubt I'd win, you'd probably Venom Strike the hell outta me."
Ganke jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Miles slightly smirks before replying.
"It's about Y/n, BUT not what you think."
"Ok, go on..."
"So, basically when she broke up with Jaleel, she left her jacket over there. And now that we're dating, I dunno how to feel about it. I mean, I don't wanna be possessive or nun', but the girl did say she wanted it back, and being the great boyfriend I am, I mean I should go get it for her, right? The only issue is her dumb ex, I don't wanna talk to that guy! And you know how much I hate confrontation, let alone starting it! I just...what do you think I should do?"
Ganke was staring at Miles, wide-eyed from how long Miles had been ranting. ‘Miles must really like her’ he thought.
"Well, the only thing I can tell you is to talk to Jaleel. I know he's not the most ideal person to converse with. Believe me, I've had a project with him. But still, you gotta go get what Y/n wants, right? I mean I think it's a gentlemanly gesture."
He says, waiting for a response from Miles. Miles looks at him, taking a deep breath. He then walks over to Ganke and daps him up.
"Thanks, man. I'll see you in a bit."
Ganke smiled and pat Miles on the back as he watched him grab his belongings and jacket.
"No problem! Do you think you could repay me by letting me borrow your Jordans? I mean, I can't help that we're the same size."
Ganke shrugs. Miles just rolled his eyes and slammed the door shut. He put his headphones on and let the soft lull of James Blake's voice on the song 'Hummingbird' (can you tell i just rewatched the movie?) calm his nerves.
After a good 10 mins of him walking, he made it to Jaleel's apartment complex. Miles takes a deep breath as he walked in. He was greeted by a front desk employee and a security guard.
“Hello! Who are you here to see?”
The employee asks.
“Jaleel Barker. What apartment is he in?”
The security guard asks for a form of identification and Miles shows his student ID. They then tell him Jaleel’s apartment number and Miles walks up to the apartment. Once he gets to Jaleel’s door he takes a deep breath.
“It’s fine. You can do this, Man. It’s a leap of faith… “
Miles thinks to himself before he finally knocks on the door. Within a matter of seconds Jaleel opens the door. This stuns Miles for a bit since he expected a parent of some sort to be at the door, but this was it. He had to jump right into the confrontation.
“What are you doing at my door, Morales?”
Jaleel asks, clearly annoyed by the boy’s presence. Miles rolls his eyes before looking down at Jaleel. (He’s 2 inches shorter than Miles, you’re welcome ☺️)
“I’m here because my girlfriend left her jacket here and I wanna get it for her.”
Miles says before shoving past Jaleel and inspecting the apartment for the sight of a blue jacket.
“Bro, what do you think you’re doing? You can’t just run up in my house like that. You better watch yourself, I’ll send you back to ol’ girl looking like you don’t know how to fight.”
Jaleel said before grabbing Miles by the collar of his jacket. Miles almost wants to burst out laughing. Does this microscopic, idiot of a man actually think he can beat Spider-Man in a fight? Miles started to challenge him, feeling his hands fill with electricity due to the rage he felt. But, he wasn’t Spider-Man right now, and Jaleel wasn’t a super-villain. He didn’t want to do anything to seriously injure a civilian, and more importantly he didn’t wanna hurt you. So he composed himself, feeling the venomous electricity trickle out of his body, before saying…
“Look, man. That’s not what I came here for. But, as much as I’d like to beat the shit out of you, I don’t wanna hurt Y/n.”
Jaleel releases the grasp he has on Miles’ collar when he says he doesn’t want to hurt you. Jaleel wonders why you would care about Miles beating you up and lets his curiosity (stupidity) get the best of him.
“You think she still cares if something bad happens to me?”
Jaleel asks with a glint of hope in his eyes. Miles sees this and shuts it down immediately.
“No, I think she cares about me coming home in handcuffs.”
Miles scoffs before walking to the center of the apartment and grabbing your jacket off the coat rack. Jaleel eyes him carefully, still suspicious of Miles’ intentions. Once he sees Miles holding your jacket he feels a pang in his heart. Jaleel knows he could’ve been better to you. He doesn’t know why he wasn’t better to you! You treated him with nothing but kindness and respect and he treated you like some trophy to show off. Something that he deceptively showed off in public, but brushed off like it was nothing behind closed doors.
“Yo, Miles.”
Jaleel exclaimed to Miles before he walked out of the apartment.
“Do you think I have another chance with her?”
Miles clutched the jacket harder as he turned around and faced Jaleel. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips turned up in disgust.
“How dare you ask me something like tha-“
“I can’t just watch her walk away.”
Miles’ face goes blank as he stares at Jaleel. He feels like he’s being punked right now. Jaleel’s face was filled with pain and distraught. His voice was so gentle, yet so hurt. Miles was taken aback by the sudden confession. He could’ve never imagined someone he dislikes so much to be so vulnerable right in front of him. Miles sighs, throwing the jacket over his shoulder. Deciding to give into the vulnerability.
“You want the truth?”
Jaleel looks up at Miles, nodding.
“No, you don’t have another chance. Once you hurt a girl like her that badly, after repeated chances, you can’t bounce back. She was willing to put the time and effort in for you. I saw it, and it pained me every time I saw her crying because you pulled another dickhead move on her. You don’t deserve her…shit I might not even deserve her, but at least I treat her like I do.”
Jaleel stays silent for a bit, letting Miles’ harsh, but honest words sink in. He feels like punching something right now, maybe himself, maybe Miles. But he knows he can’t do that, it feels like someone gutted him. The emotion he feels right now is regret, maybe even agony. Somewhere in the midst of the relationship he had with you, he forgot to treat you like you had 100 of his time…his mind. But, now it’s too late and he knew what he had to do.
“Tell her I’m sorry, and I’ll stay out of y’all’s way. But not for you…for her.”
Miles sincerely nods.
“I appreciate that, man.”
He says before opening the door and walking off. That was quite the experience he just had. Something about that made him feel even closer to you somehow. He really realized in that moment he couldn’t let you go.
Miles finally made it back to the school and walked over to your dorm. He knocked on the door and was graced with you opening it, pink bonnet on your head, and hello kitty pajamas on. He waved to your roommate K’Nyah before you closed the door of your dorm room, and stood in the hallway with Miles to give the two of you more privacy.
“Here you are, Princesa”
Miles said before bowing like a dork and handing you your jacket. You giggled at him before showing your gratitude.
“My jacket! Thank you, baby.”
Miles felt his face flush since he hadn’t heard you call him any sorts of nicknames yet. This whole relationship was new and Miles kind of forgot that the two of you had a bunch of firsts to go through with each other.
“Woah, ‘Baby’? That’s new.”
You grinned, poking his shoulder.
“Well, I just wanted to try it out! I think it suits you, but if you don’t like it-“
“It’s perfect.”
Just then Miles got a notification on his phone from Ganke telling him to ‘hop on roblox, the gc is gonna play dress 2 impress and we’re doing duos.’
“Alright, well I gotta go, mi preciosa. See you tomorrow?”
“You know it.”
You say before kissing Miles on his cheek. He continued walking to the other side of the Campus Dorms until he saw the male section. He walked into his shared dorm to be greeted by Ganke yelling at his tablet.
“Whatever, my outfit ate yall up! Plus my body is tea!”
Ganke said in a faux feminine tone before Miles decided to join in on the antics.
“Clock it.”
Miles said in a faux feminine voice as well, slightly shocking Ganke since he didn’t know that Miles opened the door. The two exchanged a giggle and Ganke told their friends to hold on for a sec as he greeted Miles.
“So, how’d it go?”
Miles gives a look of content and clarity on his face before answering.
“Better than I expected.”
yall I had fun with this!!!! I think I’m back in my writer era 😼😼
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Puppeteering My Slave
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Four best friends live in this beautiful plush ole fashion mansion pervading with modern technology they invite me to their home for a Hypnosis session.
Apparently, they all have anger issues that have them dealing with the results of their actions actually and it is so fucking weird I mean.
My cab arrives at the gates they open up in a big huff shaking as the driver parks by the front pond, I pay the guy off then exit the car and head for the door.
The door swings open up with a whoosh of air flowing through the air conditioner is on extremely loud and the mansion is fucking cold.
He guides me to the living room offering me a drink then sits down with this evil glare aimed at me like a laser ready to shoot if j move.
He sighs slamming his fist he demands for us to commence then crosses his arms in an annoyance facial expression on his face it to idiotic.
Rolling my eyes I place a giant black back pack the unzip it reaching for the interesting looking objects and place it on the glass table.
James is having a what the fuck moment at the sight of this strange object that he gives a slowly flick as the pendulum rotates side to side.
Instantly his eyes fall from mine focusing on to the pendulum going back and forth the light hits the glass casting a strange shadow over him.
I enjoy all of this yawning a bit my arms are on full strength outstretching into the air in a row of succession and he is sock swept into the darkness.
I rise to my feet standing over him letting the trance be induced I help him to visualize his own submissive plane an exact copy of his living room.
Upon my instructions James stands on top of the staircase as he takes a few steps down counting away to his own self destructive demise.
The projection of his mind swirls from his eyes on to the walls emitting a black and white spiral spinning widely out of control before him.
He is soon fraught in a sea of trouble that holds him back as he struggles to even try to escape and calling him to relinquish all control.
A door fall from the ceiling landing in front of him he steps down grabbing the handle in his palms he twist the knob then walks in to the room.
The door closes behind him ceiling shut in his own mind I can see transformation upon him and I snap my fingers as his body falls in.
Falling forward his body laying on his lap his head and legs drips down hitting the floor as I consume him completely and I am in charge.
Laughing bit I let my echoes go through the air swirling as it hit the wall bouncing across the world and it hits his head hard as he is screaming.
“How can I help you? What is your issue?”
“You know the deal anger management”
“Ok then! So Sam take a gander at this.”
“What in the sweet Jesus is that?”
“It’s called a metronome now shut the fuck.”
“Excuse me!”
“Your attention span is fading and all you can see is the pendulum.”
“The room vanishes”
“Your mind goes blank”
“Nothing else matters”
“I am your life “
“I am your everything “
“You are lost in sweet surrender “
“Give me all else “
“I am your world and existence “
“Your body collapses “
“Eyes hyper focused “
“Mind open only to me”
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“What do you want?”
“Look in the mirror”
“Who the hell is that?”
“You are evolving”
“Changing a true transformation “
“You have no will of your own “
“You can hear me”
“My voice is strong”
“Resonating deep”
“Deeper then ever”
“Fuck the old you”
“The old me”
“Fuck the old me”
“You love your Master”
“I love your Master”
“Stare into the mirror”
“Hold onto the mirror”
“Take a deep dive”
“Fall into the mirror”
“Drop in to the pit of no return”
“It’s a torment of circus”
“He breakthrough “
“Shattering glass”
“Shards sparkling”
“Crashing on him”
“All disappears”
“A new man will be born”
“How do you feel?”
“At peace “
“Succumb to me”
“I am all yours “
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“Master Lawrence is that you ?”
“I am here “
“May I sit with you?”
“You are different “
“All due to you “
“Obviously! I am King”
“Address me as Master”
“Sir Yes Master Sir”
“Kneel at my feet”
“Get in between my legs “
“I love your touch”
“The ultimate caress”
“My touch is eternal”
“I am your light”
“I burn eternally”
“Inside your mind”
“You are buried under it all”
“Mwahahahahaha! No escape “
“I desire your life”
“Your body “
“My will is your will”
“You are my puppet “
“I am under your thrall “
“Swoop me up in your arms”
“Tell me “
“Tell you what?”
“How you feel?”
“Do you love me?”
“I feel wonderful “
“I love you “
“How much?”
“With all my soul?”
“Yes “
“I love you too”
“Thank you “
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“Master come on”
“Take a break”
“Get over here”
The end
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twinkatron1997 · 7 months
Hi guys. My splatoon agent headcanons if you even care ALL OF THEM ARE AROACE FOREVER
Captain / Agent 3 - they/he/she aroace genderfluid, 19yo
5'10" Inkling
He's not mute she just. Prefers to not speak because their voice is very quiet and they don't like raising it so they prefer to use sign language
They like to keep to themself and she avoids talking to others unless he Has To. He is awkward as all hell and she dreads the idea of Interacting With Other Beings oooohhh the googlies
SHE'S TRYINF HER BEST. AS CAPTAIN. He has never done this in their life they're NEW TO THIS guys
Still feels guilty as hell about the fact they almost beat Eight to death and they apologize for it as much as he possibly can
Caffeine drinker 4000
People look at her and go like "Girl what happened to your face" and he shoots them a death glare and they shut up
Agent 4 - they/she aroace demigirl, 16yo
Shortest of the agents. Like 4'11". Pipsqueak Inkling
Im going to be honest she doesn't know what she's doing but they try their best so it's ok we forgive them
AUDHD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
They have a loud voice and people have to tell them to be quiet and it makes her sad
Her favorite activity is frolicking /j unless
They tried to smuggle an Octarian (specificslly an Octoball, which they heard about from Captain then promptly ran off to find) to keep as a pet and moped for like weeks when they were told that they can't do that and it isn't legal
She really really likes talking to people and goes on for hours about the randomest shit ever and people love her for thst
SLEEPS LIKE A DEAD PERSON like. In the family guy death pose too. It's ok guys they're alive
Has vocal stims like "YOU USED TO CALL ME ON YOUR CELLPHONE 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥" and "I'm 1! Boioioing" (I am projecting)
Full of childish whimsy and wonder
She's surprisingly tough for someone so small
Agent 8 - they/them aroace nonbinary, 16yo
5'7" Octoling
Selective mutism. Sometimes they talk sometimes they're like ☝️☝️☝️☝️👂👂
Inklings SCARE THEM. The googlies. They arent scared scared but very intimidated
OTH #2 fan only second to Agent 4 who is the world's biggest fangirl
AUTISM ✌️✌️✌️😇😅😀😃😆😀😅😀🤣🤣🤣🫠 And anxiety and ptsd too I think
Shy as all hell I think they'd rather get crucified than make a phone call (4 usually helps them with that since theyre like. Roommates or something isnt that canon I forget)
They really like gardening even though theyre kind of bad at it there's just like a bunch of dead plants all over their house (they don't know they're dead)
They can't play piano. At all. Theyve tried so many times they can't do it
After the events of Side Order they have gained a strong dislike of gelatin
They keep insisting it's fine and they're not mad at Captain but he does NOT listen and keeps apologizing
Neo Agent 3 - they/it agender aroace, 14yo
5'4" Octoling
AuDHD 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Completely mute. Doesn't really know sign language either and doesn't show any interest in wanting to learn because apparently everyone understands them just fine
It zones out really often and kind of just. 😐😐😐😐
It is SCARILY flexible. Them after contorting their body in ways not even squid jesus could imagine (it thinks it's funny)
Smuggled a Smallfry out of Salmon Run and is banned from Salmon Run (Also for beating the shit out of Mr. Grizz and squidbagging him after)
They draw pictures of their friends a lot and everyone's (especially Captain's) walls are covered in little doodles of them
It looks up to Captain a lot. They think 4 is nice and they think 8 is just. Really badass they also want to save the world not once but twice
It squidbags people it doesn't like COUGH MR GRIZZ COUGH
Introvert (as far as everyone is aware)
The end 😝😝
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What’s your new Anger? (this is the inaction to tell me I am a big fan of your crit posts. You make them consider and understandable while not being condescending to the reader (so so affectionate :) ))
OHOH BOY Heres the thing, I dont really post crit for much. Usually I will like and reblog some valid posts that come up naturally and if its really a problem for me I tend to leave easy. But Thomas Sanders is killing me and takeover is a bad influence /j
But basically he reminds me of the worst coworkers you've had and he's just. Terrible at the job he ASSIGNED HIMSELF. He brands himself as a youtuber. He promises videos for one of his most popular endeavors which was lowkey a rebranding after vine was shut down and he was no longer a popular comedian on vine. And then he abandoned his largest project. And that wouldn't be a problem! If he did what majority of other cc's do. So many youtubers leave behind what made them popular, the move on the other things because it makes them happy and allows them to continue to bring content. There's usually some fans who are angry at this move but atleast most of those youtubers are transparent about this change. They communicate with their community setting the expectations going forward and they stick with them! Thomas has not done this.
He promised us a large amount of work going into making a season finale, and then making another season and he might not be able to push out content at the rate he has done before but thats because he's putting everything into the finale
But we've had very little sander sides content since then. And these have their own problems as being short and "not being part of the main storyline" or being blatant ads. But Thomas is still cranking out other content, he took up tiktok where he is reliving his vine era, he plays games on a side channel. He streams but only for people that pay him. We took the long wait and said fine. Its nothing these fans haven't done before. But then he goes and months and months after he promised us the finale, he tells us he has began working on the script. What was he doing in those months? How is he only just starting bare basics of this thing we have been waiting on forever. Can you imagine this in a professional setting? You're coworker hell your boss has major procrastination on important projects and refuses to give you a timeline? But they still expect to be paid and continue their job while they are doodling in their office.
He attempts to reason this away with not having a lot of people and the pandemic inhibiting the team from filming. First of all they haven't hadnt had anything to film with the finale because they are still working on the script. The pandemic is no longer a major world problem right now. And when it was that wouldn't of had to stopped planning or filming, it might be harder to do with only one person there but it is possible and manageable!
When he does have his team it boggles my mind! I was in schools news in middle school, we worked in teams of 5-7. Each team was pushing out a video every week/every two weeks. Each video had an original hand crafted intro that was never done before on another episode in our show. We had multiple skits. We had announcements and weather and what we were having thst day. We had news anchors thst led us into each segment. This was all planned, filmed and edited by the team. Was it perfect? No but we had content constantly coming out with completely original ideas everytime while we were still learning how to edit videos. We spent an hour every school day on these, we also split those hours with assignments we had due. We cranked this stuff out in a max total of 14 hours. These tiny 6th graders did amazing work despite being children who are using Adobe for the first time and having such little time. This experience has made me more understanding of what exactly these youtubers do, its hard time consuming work. And this understanding is what makes me so angry about Thomas not having any progress in the finale. This absolutely could have been done by now. This absolutely could have been done months ago.
Tldr: Thomas sanders refuses to communicate effectively with his fans and to work efficiently on this project. The fact that this has been going on for over 900 days is absolutely atrocious. This is his job, one that he signed up for. If he was working for anyone in any field including this one he would have been fired. We deserved better than this and deserve better than him continuing to drag this out.
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thefangirlthatwaited · 3 months
Eden (Chapter 16) - An Assassin's Creed Syndicate Story
Jacob Frye x OC
 I engaged my hidden blade, ready to attack, when I discovered my assailant was Jacob, who looked betrayed and angry.
“What the hell are you doing here!?” Jacob hissed.
I scoffed. “Gathering very useful intel,” 
Jacob shook his head. “Where is your guard?” 
I shrugged my shoulders. “They don’t know I left.”
Jacob’s eyes narrowed as his anger rose. “You’re supposed to be laying low.  This place is crawling with Templars and assassins alike. What would you have done if you got caught.” 
“I was fine until you showed up.” I was starting to get angry myself. 
“I’m an assassin as well, Jacob. I can take care of myself.” I reminded him. “You were busy, so I went and gathered intel.”
“No, you are not an assassin anymore; you are just someone who plays one.” 
Tears started building, and I took a step back, Jacob’s words like daggers. “I’m a master assassin, Jacob, just as you are. I was trained by one of the best, and then you also trained me.” 
“No,” Jacob replied, his tone solemn.
“J-Jacob...” He didn’t think of me as an assassin.
“We will discuss this later. Go back home, not to the hotel home. The assassins are leaving after this, and we can discuss it then.”
“Fine,” I growled before disappearing into the streets below. The tears started falling as I ran to the hotel to grab my bag before going home. I’d never felt so betrayed by someone I loved. For Jacob to say I wasn’t an assassin after everything. I didn’t know if that wound could heal.
When I arrived home, I disappeared into my office to compile my findings and start planning my attack. If what was written here was to be believed, Edward found a way to shypen my powers. That would explain why he hasn’t died each time we came across him. He was still ageing, but so was I. Where did that part of my powers go? Edward believed I had them, and that made me a target. I ran my fingers through my hair and leaned back in my chair. Somehow, knowing this information didn’t make me feel better.
A bit later, I heard Samuel babbling, meaning that he and Clara had returned from their evening walk. 
“Miss Eden?” I looked up from my work as she poked her head in. “Did you want dinner?”
I looked over at the clock and saw it was late. “If you don’t mind making it. I have a few things left to do, and I don’t know when J-” The front door slammed closed, signalling Jacob’s return. “On second thought. Why don’t you go home? I’ll handle dinner. Okay?”
Clara looked back as Jacob stormed up the stairs. “Are you sure?”
“I am. Goodnight, Clara.” 
Clara nodded before shutting the door and leaving. Jacob continued slamming this downstairs before I heard him speak to Clara.
“Where is she?” Jacob growled, and I wanted to storm down there and yell at him for snapping at Clara.
“In the office upstairs,” Clara replied, unfazed by his anger.
“And Samuel?”
“In his crib with some toys.”
“Thank you, Clara.” I heard the front door close again, this time softer, as Clara left, followed by Jacob’s heavy footsteps as he made his way to me.
I continued writing in my journal, but my heart was racing as I braced for the storm Jacob was about to unleash. The office door swung open, and Jacob stood there, anger radiating as he stared me down. I didn’t acknowledge his arrival, wanting to finish my work before we had this argument. I finished what I was writing and put everything away, afraid of it getting damaged before I finally turned to him.
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rosetheex-editor · 1 year
[Video transcript begin.]
[The transcript begins with the camera facing the ceiling, footsteps and metal on tile are heard before a microwave beep. The footsteps stop as the person can be heard getting a plate out of the microwave, picking up the phone. The camera faces the person, revealing them to be Rose. She sits down before finally talking.]
Rose: OW! HOT HOT HOT! DAMNIT! ugh of course i have the pain receptors in one leg but not my fucking fingers.
[Rose sets the plate and phone on the table before eating, she can be heard singing "good day" by tally hall in between eating the chicken nuggets on her plate. She stops doing both, a sad look appears on her face.]
R: what the hell am i doing! i'm sitting here like a little kid acting like there isn't shit i could be doing! i could be helping people! not… jesus i'm venting to myself now… i really have lost it.
[Rose slowly stands up, using her crutches instead of the wheelchair. Before pacing back and forth only stopping to hit the couch with a crutch, arguing with herself to the sound of no one.]
R: ruby… what would you say… god! you'd probably hate me for lying to your kid… i'm really sorry…
[Rose almost falls trying not to cry heavy breathing heard in-between the crutches scratching on the tile, Rose finally stands back up wiping a tear from her eye and catching her breath.]
R: i'm gonna help your kid… promise… GOD, i'm fucking talking to myself ag-
[Before Rose can finish rushed knocking can be heard on the door, she jumps up before falling on the ground using the table to catch herself. Before she walks to the door she shouts.]
[Rose picks up her phone, rushing on one crutch to the door. Before opening it she takes a moment to breathe, the knocking continues, As she gently opens the door.]
R: who the hell is it?
[Behind the door stands a shorter woman with busted up blue-framed glasses, her dark red hair tied back in a ponytail, but it looks to be coming loose, her light pink flannel, pastel green t-shirt and dark blue jeans coated in mud, sticks and blood, her expression is one of desperation and fear, tears stream down her freckled cheeks from her brilliant emerald green eyes. Her expression gains a slight bit of hope, and she begins speaking incomprehensibly, attempting to get all of her thoughts out at once.]
[The woman stumbles, leaning against the doorframe, taking a few deep breaths before trying to speak again.]
?: I– can you– they’re– they’re after me! Please!
R: WHO? who's after you?
?: The– masks, I don’t– please let me in!
R: come in!
[The woman moves forward, tripping over her own feet on her way in, falling forward. She quickly turns around to face Rose.]
R: oh yeah the door!
[Rose shuts the door before turning back to the woman, pointing at the couch to signal the woman to sit down. She stands up shakily, and makes her way to the couch.]
R: ok! so, what happened to you? what's wrong?
[The woman shudders, looking Rose dead in the eyes, before shakily looking at her hands.]
?: So– I– I was j– just at my job, w– working on a– a– a project and I looked down and saw– saw blood, and before I c– could even pro– process it, I was being chased and… I ran here and knocked on the– the first apartment I could th– think of!
R: i… i see… god, i'm sorry that happened, really. um… water?
?: Y– yes, please.
[Rose walks into the kitchen grabbing a cup of water, moving slowly so as to not drop it or a crutch. Before just getting in a wheelchair, rolling over before handing the women the cup.]
R: do you have a name?
?: I… Yes. I’m– I’m Evelyn. I think.
R: nice to meet you evelyn. my name is rose. um, hold on, do you need first aid?
[Evelyn nods, taking a few sips of the water she was just handed. Rose begins rolling over to find the first aid kit, grabbing it before rolling back.]
R: do you think you'll need stitches?
Ev: I– maybe. I don’t– I don’t know how bad the cuts are. I…
R: shit… ok, we'll cross that bridge when we get to it then… first, let’s get the dirt out of those cuts.
[Rose begins grabbing wipes out of the kit, holding it to Evelyn's face. Evelyn winces as Rose begins removing the dirt.]
R: sorry, it's gonna sting.
Ev: That’s fine, it– it’ll be better for me in the long run.
R: yeah… true.
[Rose continues to clean the wounds, and Evelyn clenches her jaw, fighting through the stinging of the disinfectant. Tears welling up in her eyes.]
R: just breathe. i know it hurts, mate, but… well, yeah.
Ev: I know, I– I know, I… I don’t remember where I was before this, and it’s– I’m getting a bit scared that I never will.
R: listen. you'll remember… don't worry, ok? i promise you'll remember.
Ev: … Thank you, I’m sorry that I just… sprang that on y– you out of nowhere.
R: don't worry about it! i don't mind helping someone when they need it.
[Rose throws the final wipe away before looking at the cuts, nodding before pulling out some bandaids. Looking at Evelyn shaking her head.]
R: good news! no stitches needed.
[Evelyn’s shoulders loosen, and she sighs in relief. Before smiling gratefully at Rose.]
R: yeah, it's just gonna be a lot of bandaids.
Ev: Thank you so much for this, Rose. I don’t know how I could ever repay you.
R: no need! like i said, i'm just glad to help.
Ev: Can you tell me a little about yourself? I’d like to get to know you better.
R: oh, um… sure! i'm 19. i… had a older sister who passed away. she had a kid… before she died. i live here with my dad. anything else?
Ev: I’m so sorry to hear that. About your sister, I mean.
R: yeah… thanks.
[Rose looks at Evelyn before looking down to shut the first-aid kit, rolling to return the first-aid kit before noticing the transcript light. Looking back at Evelyn before rolling over to the phone to shut it off, the camera cuts out but the mic picks up one last thing.]
[End transcript.]
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thegreatcrossbones · 1 year
U r the supid?!??!
Jkjk ily /p bbg
Second favorite AU?
What's your favorite thing about Kitty @highonglasspowder ?
Favorite OC/character of Kitty?
Would you smooch a ghost?
Favorite place in the underground?
Do you like eggrolls....
Are your inner demons also horny for no reason?
Favorite character you've made?
Favorite things about Crossbones, why do you like him so much?
If given the chance would you trip MD or Cold down the stairs.
That is all, a-thank-you a-thank-a-you
Question 1: Would have to be Split and the other goofballs. They are basically alternations of Swap, The main one being Split. Its like his inner demon that arrived when Swap was forced to eat a black apple. Pretty cool guy tbh...
question 2: It would be OUTERTALE. I really like the concept of the au and its really cool in general. And its also how me and Kitkat grew to be friends. Swap and Outer Papyrus were something called "the wholesome duo."
Question 3: Not thick enough, The ghost couldn't text me later and Ghost cant get fat. But if it was Napstablook... Then maybe. 😚
Question 4: Favorite place? well it'd be Snowdin but I hate the freezing cold so instead my favorite place would have to be THE CORE. It's got some stupidly underrated monsters there that'd be cool to hang around. And if somebody's kid won't shut the hell up, I can just punt the kid into the core since there is no railing preventing you from falling in. Picked up the adaption from Crossbones... /J
Question 5: No! Also now I am thinking of SML. Thanks asshole (this is a joke btw dw dw)
Question 6: They get horny from seeing Crossbones punt children and they also like trying to convince me I like boys. So yeah I think. (This is also a joke.)
Question 7: I don't like any of my projects. Alot of them contain mistakes, Confusing mess, And no simple premise to go off of. But if you want to really know my unhonest opinion then "red mist Phantom Papyrus" ig....
Question 8: My favorite thing about Crossbones is that bro has the funniest canon lines ever, And hes also literally batman but Sans. Its phenomenal. But favorite thing would probably have to be the way he speaks. Its so dramatic and epic. It makes me cream. asdsdasds (This is also a joke to all of the people who are outsiders to my post...)
Question 9: HELL YEAH! What's worst than decrippling depression? Some random loser tripping you down the stairs. I will make Cold paralyzed from the straight neck down. Then he'll be stuck feeding bread to ducks at the pond. Along with his stupid murder friend buddy or whatever too.
Tysm for sending the ask... I really appreciate it >3 And I was more than happy to ask these questions, Anyways, Your questions have been answered. Bye bye!
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enricocavillo · 13 hours
So, Enrico and Kat were really into fake. Fake date, fake looks, fake profiles, a fake baby belly and a fake paternity plot. All to promote each other, his movies and projects after the circus this fake date became: Cheap, covert, underhanded, dishonest and immoral. Enrico went too low for the spotlight. But, the plan was making him sick and it was a strike in his Ego.
Enrico: (With his hands on his head in despair, while crying and walking back and forth): I had enough! This is the worst moment of my life. This could never have happened! What am I going to do?
Capone: (While J just observed) Enrico, calm down.
Enrico: (Very nervous and crying like a baby) Don't tell me to calm down! It's my butt on the line, here. And there's shit everywhere!
J: Don't worry! We are going to reverse this situation.
Enrico: (Desperate and screaming) Reverse?! How? The mess is done! (Still walking back and forth and crying). I'm screwed. I'm screwed! (Sitting with elbows on his knees and head between his hands).
Capone: (Following Enrico, sitting next to him and speaking softly, while touching one of his hands). It's not the moment to lose it. Now, it's time to make amends.
Enrico: (Looking at Capone, with his arms open and shrugged shoulders, as he did before with J.) How? We did everything to stop people from talking and forget about this. We posted the ScrewYou letter, we deleted comments, blocked spectators, gaslighted them and even shut some pages down. We have been spending a lot with cheap tabloids so they publish lies. I went through hell, I had to go on legal drugs and was almost admitted to a psychiatric facility. (And, looking at J) The more we use your methods, the more I bury myself and the more people talk. Please, stop! I can't stand it anymore (Asked Enrico in desperation).
J: (Standing with his arms crossed, exchanging looks with Capone, taking a deep breath and letting it out abruptly): It's too late for that, now. I'm sorry, kid. But, we have to continue following the plot. There's a deal involving Screwdriver and Ladyzone. And we still have to come up with the baby plot at the end of it. It's the deal! (Says J as if telling Enrico to grow, suck it up and be a man).
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OFMD Arranged Marriage AU, Getting Acquainted
The carriage ride home was suffered in a strained silence. Stede's father staring at his son and his soon to be husband, not so quietly judging the pair with his eyes. Blackbeard...well Ed, Stede supposed seemed oblivious to this. Instead he was excitedly taking in the carriage, feeling along the border of the seats and it's fabric. Glancing out the carriage's window with an almost child like glee as they passed the town by.
"Fucking hell, never been in one of these before. Always wondered what they looked like on the inside."
Both Stede and his father were visibly taken aback by the casual coarse language. Stede supposed he shouldn't be surprised, being a man of the seas and all.
"I know you're not used to such company Mr. Teach but I Will ask you to refrain from such talk." Stede's father bristled. Ed snorted, elbowing Stede in the side as he pointed a thumb at the other man's father.
"What crawled up his ass and died?" Stede had to admit, he found himself holding in a laugh as he saw the face his father made. "So which one of you poor bastards am I supposed to marry?"
"That would be me." Stede rose his hand slightly. "I'm sorry we didn't have time to properly introduce ourselves back there. My name is Stede Bonnet."
"Sounds like the name of a horse. Hey if I'm getting married to you, am I taking your last name? Edward Bonnet. Kind of has a nice ring to it don't you think?" The carriage pulled a stop and Stede's father spoke.
"I think you two should get settled with your estate while we figure out the paperwork." The footman came around and opened the door allowing Stede and Ed to exit. "Stede, please train your little...pet project before the official ceremony. I'd prefer you not make a fool of us. Do you understand?"
"Yes father."
Stede answered obediently and the carriage door slammed shut before taking off. There was a pause before Ed raised his hand to flip the carriage off.
"Your dad's a fucking dick."
Stede couldn't help but agree.
It was dinner when Edward saw his husband to be again. The man quickly retreating into his study as soon as they entered the massive mansion. Edward had been presented with many oddities in his exploration of the place but the spread before him was by far one of the most confusing.
Forks, as it turned out, were for eating, not brushing your hair. And there were at least four of them set out. All different sizes and and colors. When the servant brought a plate of something he couldn't identify, Edward was deftly aware that in this kind of space he probably wasn't supposed to eat with his hands. Turning to his soon to be husband at the opposite end of the table he observed the man using one of these forks to pick up the food. Grabbing the one closest to him, Edward skewered the serving and brought it up to his mouth. He noticed the face Stede made when he did this.
"What? I do something wrong?"
"No it's just, that's the salad fork."
"The fork for salads. That won't come until after dessert."
"Wait there's more after this?" Damn this guy really was fancy of he could afford this shit. "Okay then, where do I start?"
"Ugh, well it's rather simple actually. There's seven courses and we start from the outside and go in. Right now we're on our appetizer. That's the smallest fork closest to your left hand." Edward looked over at the other fork before shrugging.
"Fork's a fork." He ate the food, fork be damned.
"We can work on your table manners later." Edward nodded as he chewed. Actually tasted pretty good.
"What's this anyway?"
"Oh! A French delicacy, frog legs. It's all the rage in Paris."
"Mmm, never had frog before." Ed reached over and grabbed the goblet of wine he was provided, chugging the drink before letting out a loud belch. Stede recoiled at this. "So how we gonna do this then?"
"Do what?"
"This whole marriage bullshit. What do you actually want? I mean I could bugger you if you want but-"
"No, oh wow, no. I mean we just met!" Stede's face flushed red at the implication. "Besides you're a, I mean you're well, you and I'm-I mean we're both men." Edward shrugged.
"So? We're getting hitched, wouldn't be out of the question. Wouldn't be the first man I've been with."
"No. It's nothing like that. I had to be married anyway. I just figured when I heard about your predicament it would be as convenient solution for the both of us." Stede was far too quick to explain and Edward stared at him. "I mean that and I've heard so much about you."
"Really? And what exactly have you heard about me?" Edward was genuinely interested in what this strange little man thought about him. Watching as Stede pauser before standing up and coming around the table towards him with an almost giddy look in his eyes.
"There's something I want to show you."
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softyoongiionly · 4 years
Fear and Dumplings: Chapter Seventeen
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Confronting your fears for a final grade sounds unappealing but, with Yoongi as your partner, things might not be so bad.
Summary: You’re in your final semester at University when your Abnormal Psychology professor assigns you a partnered project surrounding your greatest fears. Lucky for you, your partner just so happens to be a cute boy named Min Yoongi.
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Underground Rapper! Yoongi, Soft!!! Yoongi, Fluff!!!, College! Yoongi, Sub! Yoongi
Word Count: 9.1k
A/N: Hi friends! Here is a new chapter for you. I know it’s been a super duper long time since I’ve updated this series but, I plan on wrapping up the current timeline (wink wink) within the first half of the year! Special shoutout to my amazing friend @bulletproofbirdy​ who I love so so much. Without her big genius brain, I would literally not be able to get through any of my wip. Another huge shoutout to @gldnrecs​ @kithtaehyung​ @yoonia​ and @randombtsprincessa​ for being my lil hype team. I love you! Also, thank you to everyone over at @bangtansorciere​. I am so grateful to have met so many lovely new friends this year! okiii bye. I hope you like it!
NOTE: all bolded words indicate when characters are speaking Korean
Warnings for this Chapter: ok here we go…(TRIGGER WARNING)
moderate angst, drug use (marijuana), mentions of anxiety, brief allusions to physical abuse, very brief allusions to drug addiction, alcohol 
Chapter Seventeen: Daegu and Dirty Laundry
No thoughts, head empty (and in Yoongi’s lap)
The two of you are in his living room, bags packed by the front door, awaiting the cab to take you to the airport.  
In a few short hours, you were leaving on a plane to Daegu to visit Yoongi’s older brother and, you can tell by the way he’s shuffled around all morning that he’s anxious.  
Thankfully, Hoseok and Namjoon woke up with him, knowing that emotions would be high and well- offered to get him high.
“This is a really good indica strain hyung,” Hoseok assures him as he hands over a zip-lock bag, “I rolled a joint with this last night and passed out in like 30 minutes.”
Yoongi, dressed in an all-black sweat outfit, accepts the bag into the palm of his hand, before grabbing the pipe that’s resting on the couch cushion beside him.
“Did you get it from that same guy?” Yoongi asks, his voice heavy beneath the obvious tension he’s feeling.
Despite his attempts to remain casual, you know him well enough to feel how nervous he is. He’s practically vibrating beneath you but, you know that pointing this out will only make it worse so instead, you merely rub the outside of his thigh whilst he packs his pipe. 
“Yeah, Jin’s friend-” Hoseok responds before nodding to Namjoon, “He’s honestly killing it right now. Jin told me he’s made like 5 grand already.”
Namjoon raises his brows, “Really? Damn, that’s impressive, I’ve never heard of anyone taking off that fast.”
“Jin has a lot of contacts-” Yoongi offers, adjusting the bud once more before grabbing his lighter, “it probably helped him get started. Plus, I think a lot of people around here have been looking for a good plug. Whatever he’s doing is working though, the high from last night was pretty good.”
At Yoongi’s comment, Hoseok’s lip melt into a salacious smirk as he raises his brows and jerks his chin towards you, “Are you sure it had nothing to do with that one over there?” He teases, “Yah, what are you so quiet for? You haven’t given me shit all morning...”
His comment makes you giggle but Yoongi cuts in before you’re able to respond.
“She’s tired, leave her alone.” He scolds but his lips twitch at the sound of your laughter.
Hoseok snickers as you finally decide to sit up. You can feel Yoongi’s eyes on you even as he lifts the pipe to his mouth. Tucking yourself into the side of the couch, you finally decide to add to the conversation.
“Is the guy you pick up named Yugyeom by chance?” The sleepiness in your tone is more obvious than you were expecting and, it makes Yoongi smile to himself whilst he lights his pipe.
Namjoon nods, “Yeah, it is. Do you know him?”
Yoongi’s attention is on you even as he inhales his first hit, the nerves in his body standing at attention, waiting to be soothed.  
“He was in my human sexuality class.” You remember, with a grin on your lips, “That’s actually where I met Jin too. I just had a feeling that it was him because, he literally always came to class high. Plus, him and Jin were like inseparable.”
Namjoon winces, “Of all the people to get stuck learning about sex with. I’m sorry...”
This makes you laugh, as your mind journey’s back to all the days you spent trying not to make a scene as Jin made sexual puns in the middle of a serious lecture.  
“It definitely kept things interesting...” You offer, “I’m glad to hear that Yugyeom is thriving on his own. He mentioned his dad wanted him to join the family business but, I could never picture that man in a suit.”
Hoseok chuckles before his face tightens with intrigue, “Oof that makes one of us. He would look fine as hell in a suit.”
Namjoon grins, nudging Hoseok with his foot, “You got a thing for him?”
For the first time, you see a hint of shyness overcoming Hoseok’s demeanor but he shrugs it off, trying to appear casual, “I mean- I don’t know about all that. I’m just saying that he would look good in a suit.”
“You’d both look good in suits- together...” You offer, grinning at him, “Maybe in a private venue somewhere...”
Hoseok rolls his eyes but the smile creeping onto his lips is unmistakable, “Shut up- you guys are fucking wild. All I said is that he was hot...”
Giggling, you shrug your shoulders before nodding over to Yoongi, “Yeah well that’s how it starts-” You warn, “Then the next thing you know, you’re sitting on the subway, simping over a selfie he sends you.”
Yoongi’s soft lips immediately turn up in a small smile, the shy boy in him peeking out. At first, he says nothing as he merely passes the pipe to Namjoon, who mirrors a similar expression.
Hoseok is back to his normal mischief, feeling relieved that the heat is off him for the time being.  
“Are you saying you’d marry Yoongi then?”
He expects you to be flustered by this question but, the answer is simple.  
“This man?” You raise your brows as you point to Yoongi, “You’re asking me if I would marry this man right here? Hoseok- I would wife this man up so quickly, it would give you whiplash.”
Your comment causes the three of them to laugh and, to add to the shifting vibe of the room, you feel Yoongi wrap his arm around you in an effort to pull you into his side.
“You can’t say shit like that right in front of them, they don’t need to see me soft...” He mumbles shyly in your ear before kissing your cheek, his heart singing with validation.
“Hyung, you act like we don’t already know who whipped you are for this girl.” Hoseok laughs, eagerly accepting the pipe from a coughing Namjoon.
Yoongi ignores him with his arm still around you, checking his phone with the other hand, “The cab should be here soon, do you need anything before we go?”
“Hyung, you’re gonna leave your piece here right? Cause we kinda need it-”  
Namjoon eyes him suspiciously, “What happened to your bong?”
Hoseok cringes, “I may have accidentally dropped it off the rooftop...”
Namjoon’s eyes blow wide open, “What the fuck were you doing on the rooftop to begin with?”
“I wanted to vibe! The bud was good and, I wanted to listen to the J. Cole album and get in my feelings hyung, get off my dick-” He laughs, playfully defensive.
“Hey that’s J Cole song-” You point out giggling at the double meaning, the exhaustion from earlier finding you once again.
“Exactly, I’m glad you caught that-” Hoseok winks at you before Yoongi finally responds.
“I’m not going to take my pipe through international security. Pot isn’t legal in Korea so, I wouldn’t be smoking while we were there anyway.”  
“Oh shit that’s right-” Namjoon remembers, “I really need to keep up with what’s been going on back home, I heard they were opening the discussion about it recently but, I haven’t kept up with it.”
Hoseok interjects, “What about your brother? He probably has connections.”
Yoongi shrugs, “He might but, I'm not going to worry about it.” He glances at his phone again before turning it towards you, “Our car is here, you ready to go?”
You offer him a small smile as you nod, your cheek tingling still as he places another kiss to it.
He stands up first before holding his hand out to you. Eagerly, you lace your fingers with his and, hoist yourself off the couch.
“Alright you two-” Namjoon stands too, brushing his hands over the front of his hoodie, “Try and send us updates when you can yeah?” He shoots a look towards Yoongi that is filled with an emotion that breaches casual concern.  
Yoongi understands perfectly, offering Namjoon a solemn nod in return as he pats his shoulder, “Yeah I will. I’ll text you when we land...”
Moments later, the two of you are in the back of the cab. Yoongi takes the middle seat so he can be close to you, his fingers are interlaced tightly with your own despite the fact that his hand is already sweating.  
He’s anxious.  
You can feel it and, you’re faced with two options.
Address it
Distract him  
It’s not an easy choice but, you figure this weekend will already be filled with heightened emotions so, you’re not sure if you should breach this topic so early. At the same time though, you don’t want to act like nothing’s wrong and dismiss what he’s clearly feeling.  
So, you land somewhere in the middle.  
Yoongi’s jaw is loaded with tension as you reach over and turn his face towards yours. He doesn’t register what you’re doing at first but he is in tune with your touch as always so, he doesn’t question it.    
Leaning in, you tuck your lips between his own, whilst your free hand comes up to encase the side of his face. You feel him relax beneath your kiss, a sigh leaving his nose as he kisses you back slowly.  
You pull away, pecking at his lips a few times, your thumb rubbing over his cheek.
“It’s going to be ok.” You murmur softly for the sake of his privacy, “We’re going to get through this.”
Yoongi’s eyes open just enough to show you the sheer amount of trust present in them.  
He believes everything that comes out of your mouth and, despite the anxiety that’s raging inside of him, he knows you’re right.  
Pressing his cheek against your hand, a soft smirk graces his lips as he resists the urge to pour his heart out to you for the millionth time.
“I wish it was socially acceptable for you to kiss me like that every time I feel like this...”
You giggle, pecking his lips again for good measure, “It would make our psych presentation really interesting that’s for sure.”
He chuckles, his face adorably smushed against your hand, “I keep forgetting that we have to do that. I don’t even remember the last time we worked on it...”
“Me neither.” You say at first before your eyes light up with realization, “Oh my god wait- the last time was when we watched that horrible spider movie at my apartment! Ugh no wonder I couldn’t remember, I’m pretty sure I've blocked those images from my mind as a coping mechanism.”
Yoongi’s face lights up along with you, “Oh shit, that’s right-” He laughs, “Did we even finish our lists?”
The two of you share another round of laughter, caught up in the ridiculous realization that you had lowkey abandoned your final project.  
You lean over to pull your phone out of your purse, “Here let me check-” Scrolling through your notes app, you find the project tab before allowing your eyes to wander over it, “It looks like I still have deep water and you technically still have night clubs and horror movies. But I mean- you did perform in a night club recently so I feel like that should count.”  
He nods thoughtfully before his face lights up with realization once more, “Oh yeah, I already wrote about that in the research journal, I forget to tell you. That was definitely more of a direct confrontation than I was planning.” He chuckles, “We did sit on the beach and read terrifying facts about the depth of the ocean for mine, would that be enough for you to write about?”  
The two of you have maneuvered so that you’re tucked into Yoongi’s side again, his arm draping comfortably around your shoulders.
“You still have horror movies left though so, I feel like I should maybe confront one more directly too. Besides, I have a feeling that I’ll be able to distract myself in the water if you’re there-” You mumble suggestively, which causes him to smirk as he leans his head back against the seat.
“Oh yeah?” He jerks his head towards you “How so?”
Resting your face on his chest, you smile to yourself and think of a response that’s appropriate for a perfect stranger aka your cab driver, to hear.
“Cause if something touches my feet in the water, I could simply latch myself to your back for safety purposes.” You explain matter of factly.
“If something touched your foot while we were in the water, I’d swim away so fucking fast- I don’t think you’d have time to latch on.” He explains through his laughter
Scoffing, you smack your hand against his chest as you sit up fully, wiggling out of his grip, “So you’d just leave me to die???” You accuse, “Also, last time I checked- you weren’t an Olympic swimmer, what makes you think you’d just zoom out of there???”
Yoongi’s cackling at this point, his hand on his stomach, his previously tense features now smoothed out beneath his amusement, “I’m not saying I would leave you necessarily-”
“Necessarily!” You point out, laughter erupting from your lips as you pinch his side, “After everything we’ve been through, you’re really just gonna let a sea monster eat me!?”
His eyes widen, as his laughter increases, “A sea monster?! Who said anything about a sea monster? Where did they come in????”
“I said something touched my foot???? Obviously that means there is a sea monster, lurking in the depths, trying to eat me and you-” You poke his sternum, “You just said you would leave me to die!”
Yoongi’s face is reddened with the force of his own laughter, his hand subconsciously coming up to cover your own. With his eyes tearing up and his mouth parted to make way for his giggling, you can’t help but admire how beautiful he is.  
Especially when he’s laughing...
He wipes his eyes with his free hand, still chuckling lightly to himself even as he brings your hand to his mouth, “Alright, alright- let's be clear- I would never leave you to die.” He promises, still smirking as he kisses the back of your hand, “Realistically, I’d probably panic and jump on YOUR back.”
With narrowed eyes, you wiggle the fingers he has pressed to his lips, “Well I don’t know how that would work out because, I’d probably you know- swim away so fucking fast that I don’t know if you’d have time to latch on...”
Yoongi snickers as you imitate his voice but, rather than retaliate he simply tugs you by the hand his currently holding and, kisses you.  
It’s soft and sweet- lasting only for a few seconds until he’s pulling away.
“Thank you for coming with me.” He says suddenly, the volume of his voice decreasing significantly.
And as usual, you know that he wants to say way more than he does. But you’re perfectly fine with that.
Yoongi’s subtly is a specific brand and, you’ve grown to love how the little things he does allows him to pack so much emotion into a simple phrase.  
You feel lucky to love such a special person.  
“Of course.” You return his simplicity, pecking his lips once more before settling back in your original position.  
The airport was a blur.  
You’re thankful it passes quickly because, the process of getting through security makes you anxious.  
Yoongi ushers you into your seat before taking both of your bags and, storing them in the overhead compartment. You can’t help but smile as he turns to help an older woman with her luggage as well.
He smiles ( :] ) at her, bowing his head slightly as she thanks him. Yoongi offers her a tiny wave and takes his seat beside you, not noticing the way you smile fondly at him.  
When he takes his seat beside you, the two of you settle into a comfortable silence. Once the flight crew permits it, Yoongi takes his laptop out and begins toying around with one of his songs. You pull your headphones out as well and find one of your favorite playlists. Leaning back against the seat, your eyes eventually begin to droop until you can no longer keep them open.  
The next thing you know, you’re being woken up by someone gently patting your thigh.  
“Sleepy girl...” Yoongi croons in Korean, the sound of his voice alone making you smile, “We’re landing soon.”
Slightly disoriented, you blink your eyes a few times before you’re finally able to focus on your boyfriend’s face.  
You slump against him, rubbing your cheek against the material of his hoodie. He chuckles softly, his arm sliding out from underneath you in order to drape across your shoulders.  
“I’m sorry I fell asleep.” You mumble
He chuckles again, nodding with a false sense of consideration, “Ah yes, you missed so much. Two hours ago, the flight attendant came by and asked if we wanted anything to drink. It was a wild ride...”
Giggling sleepily, you shake your head at his sarcasm before pointing at his laptop.  
“Were you working on your composition project?”
He bites his bottom lip and shakes his head, a bashful expression on his face “No, it was just a song I’ve been working on for a while now.”  
He leaves it at that and, due to the signal from the flight crew, Yoongi begins putting his stuff away as the rest of the cabin prepares for landing.  
“Are we taking the train?” You mumble, still fighting off the remnants of your nap.
Yoongi purses his lips, his eyes narrowed in concentration whilst he scrolls through his phone.
“No, I have a cab waiting for us.” He responds, “It says it’s already here. So, when you get out of customs, just meet me right outside. It should just be a straight shot from immigration.”
You nod and rest your head back against his shoulder, “Okay.”
He puts his phone away, allowing his hand to find yours. Intertwining your fingers, he takes a deep breath- his mind clearly elsewhere. You squeeze his hand to acknowledge this but, the two of you don’t comment on it.  
There is no need.  
With the tightening of your grip, so much has already been said.  
Less than a half hour later, the two of you are once again seated in the back of the cab.  
“It’s probably going to rain a lot while we’re here.” Yoongi explains, his voice low and slow, “This is Daegu’s rainy season. I’ve been checking the weather periodically and it looks like there might be a storm coming but, it doesn’t look too severe.”
You look at the window after his comment, noticing that the sky is overflowing with heavy clouds, swollen and gray with the promise of rain.  
“We’re approaching monsoon season, we call it uh- jangma.” He tells you and his explanation makes you smile.  
Despite the circumstances, you’re very honored and excited to be in Yoongi’s hometown. You know the memories he associates with this place are complex but, there is a shift in his tone now and, he sounds eager to teach you about this place: the place he called home for so long.  
And you’d gladly listen for hours.
“Jangma-” You repeat, trying to get the pronunciation right, causing him to refocus his attention back on you. He smiles softly and nods,
“Good job.”  
Your heart skips a beat at his approval as you return his smile, “Is there gonna be thunder?”  
Yoongi chuckles, “Do you want there to be thunder?”
You nod eagerly, “I love storms. When I was little, I would just sit at the window and watch them go by. I’m pretty sure our neighbors thought I was crazy. But I don’t know- I've always had a thing for bad weather...”
He smirks, glancing out the window and then back at you, “That explains a lot.”
Giggling, you cock your head, “What do you mean?”
Yoongi gestures to himself, his now playful gaze looking at you expectantly. You laugh at his insinuation,
“I see the resemblance.” You concede, gently patting his cheek, “You’re not nearly as gloomy as you think you are though.”
“To you-” He retorts, “You always forget that...”
“Pleaaaase.” You disagree, “You’re soft for other people too, don’t lie. I’ve seen the way you deal with Namjoon and Hobi...”
He shakes his head, “Yeah but things are still different with you, I don’t think you realize that.”
You nudge yourself underneath his arm once more, cuddling up with him as best as you can in the back of a cab.
“I know you’re especially-” You emphasize the word, “soft for me. I’m just saying that you come across more approachable than you think you do.”
Yoongi smirks to himself, seemingly understanding something that you don’t.  
“Soft is an understatement.” He retorts, turning to kiss the top of your head.
“Whateverrrr.” You tease him, your eyes trailing down to focus on his hands, “I’m still right.”
He chuckles, his figure shaking lightly beneath you, “You usually are.”
The cab pulls off of the highway, and it’s then that you begin to notice the way the scenery around you shifts from a middle class/ metropolitan vibe to something much much...fancier.  
Through the winding streets, the cab begins taking the two of you up a pretty steep hill before turning onto a street full of ridiculously nice houses.  
White marble, giant glass windows, and driveways filled to the brim with luxury vehicles zip by as the car turns down another street. Similar in theme but greater in size, the new street had much larger houses on more sizeable plots of land- likely designed to give the owners privacy amongst their neighbors.  
You can feel Yoongi’s eyes on you then and, you know very well that he’s observing your reaction.
He knows that even though he told you his brother was wealthy that, that phrase alone wouldn’t be enough to properly convey what that entailed.  
“This neighborhood is really beautiful,” You observe softly, eyes still glued to the window, “The architecture is so different than anything I’ve ever seen.”
And of course, this makes Yoongi smile.  
Because of course, you aren’t making a fuss about the degree of luxury before you. You’re finding the beauty in what otherwise is a very stressful situation.  
Finally, the cab pulls into a driveway right behind a black Tesla before putting the car in park.  
He and Yoongi exchange a few words in Korean as Yoongi hands him a small wad of money.  
“Thank you.” You murmur to the cab driver with a slight bow of your head to which he responds with a tight smile and a similar bow.  
You and Yoongi unload your bags from the trunk and as he is reaching for your hand, the front door of the house swings open.  
A man a few inches taller than Yoongi steps out. His black hair is neatly arranged in a middle part and he’s dressed in a beige turtleneck and white slacks. As he comes closer, the resemblance between the two of them is staggering.  
“Hello!” He calls with a warm smile, his voice bright, “Welcome! Come on in, the rain is supposed to pick back up soon.”
His expression only glows as he spots his younger brother. He looks excited to see him but, his movements are apprehensive.  
The unspoken tension is already present and, you can feel Yoongi almost freeze up as he draws near. Subtly, you coax him along offering his brother a warm smile as the two of you approach the landing just in front of his door.  
Normally, you don’t get nervous when meeting new people but, this situation is laced with so much complexity- you aren’t sure how to act.
Thankfully Yoongi finally speaks, “Good to see you hyung. Thank you for having us on such short notice.” His tone is almost unrecognizable as he gestures to you, “This is my girlfriend Y/N. Y/N-” He gestures back to his brother, “This is my older brother Geum-jae hyung.”
Bowing your head slightly, you smile once more, “It’s very nice to meet you, thank you for having me.”
Geum-jae nods, eyeing you softly as his lips press into a tight line, “It’s so nice to meet you Y/N. I promise you, the pleasure is all mine.”
Yoongi motions for you to step in front of him so, you follow his lead and trail behind his brother through the doorway.  
Geum-jae's home resembles a marble statue. It’s clean, beautiful and, elegant- but lifeless. Geum-jae has artwork of various styles all over his walls, crisp white couches, sleek granite countertops and, stainless-steel appliances however, there is not one bit of evidence that anyone even lives here. The house feels empty despite the amount of effort put into its appearance.  
It makes you sad.  
“You have a beautiful home.”  
Your voice echoes off the dead weight of the walls, the paintings themselves seeming to arch a brow at your comment. Geum-jae however, smiles and nods graciously,
“Thank you. I just moved in not too long ago so, there is a lot I want to do. I definitely could have used this one’s expertise-” He nods to Yoongi, “He was always really good at that kind of stuff...”
Your boyfriend smirks, his eyes taking in his surroundings but failing to really focus on anything; he was too wound up, “You could have. I would have charged you though...”
Geum-jae chuckles and you see him glance at Yoongi fondly for a split second before he quickly reverts to his casual demeanor.  
“I put you guys on the second floor facing the skyline-” He gestures to the ivory staircase, “I’m sure you want some time to freshen up and relax so, please take all the time you need. I’m having BBQ brought over tonight but, if you’re hungry- feel free to help yourself to whatever is in the kitchen.”
Yoongi allows you to step in front of him whilst taking the suitcase from your hands. The two men follow behind you as Geum-jae continues laying out the plans for the evening,  
“I have a few virtual meetings to attend that I wasn’t able to move around but, I will be free as of 7 this evening. Until then, please make yourselves at home. I am really-” He seems to take a deep breath for emphasis, “really happy to have you here.”
“Thank you hyung.” Yoongi smiles slightly once the three of you reach the outside of the guest room, “Good luck with your meetings. Let me know if you need help with dinner.”
Geum-jae responds with a tight nod, “Will do. I’ll be in my office so, feel free to explore.” As he pushes open the door for you, he allows his own pained expression to meet yours, “I’m honored to meet you Y/N. Thank you for coming all this way with my brother.”
“Well-” You squeeze Yoongi’s hand gently, “He’s lucky I like him so much...”
Cheeks flushed, Yoongi rolls his eyes and shakes his head, but his lips are practically puckered against the smile he’s trying to stifle.  
“That’s fair.” Geum-jae chuckles, “Let me know if you two need anything. I’ll just be downstairs...”
With that, Yoongi pushes open the door and allows you to step inside before following behind you.
“Wow.” You whisper to yourself as you take in the scene before you.
The walls are painted a soft gray and surrounding only three sides of the bedroom. The fourth wall is made entirely of glass and given that the house rests upon a hill, you’re able to make out the skyline of the inner city. A giant four poster bed sits in the middle of the room, covered completely in a white duvet and three rows of pillows. Dark gray curtains sit on either side of the massive window as various muted colors accent the room in the form of a dresser, two nightstands and, a set of couches at the end of the bed.  
Yoongi is silent behind you as he sets the bags down at the entrance of the room. He pushes the door shut and allows his eyes to move over the space for a moment.  
It's nice, he thinks, but he can’t find himself to be very impressed.  
He knows where this money comes from and, even though his brother is out of the crime sector now, it still feels strange to acknowledge his wealth.  
Noticing his silence, you turn towards him, eyes tracing over the features of his face to assess his mood.
With a slight and subconscious pout, he looks at you, his body seemingly full of a breath he wants to take.  
“Do you want to lay down for a bit? I know you didn’t sleep on the plane.”  
At your offer, he seems to deflate slightly, lips turning up at the corners, “I think I want to shower first...”
Immediately, you nod with an encouraging smile, “Yeah go shower babe, I’ll just-”
He interrupts you, sticking his hand out and flexing his fingers in a grabbing motion, “Come with me.”
His offer makes you giggle, “You want me to shower with you?”
Yoongi closes the distance between you, using his grabby hands to lock onto your hips, “No, I meant like come with me as in come watch me...yes I want you to shower with me.”
Your laughter heightens as you pinch his side, causing him to recoil before chuckling.
“You’re such a punk today...” You scold.
Yoongi simply chuckles warmly as he kisses the side of your head, the tone of his voice lowering significantly, “That usually means something to you doesn’t it?”
It does.  
It usually means he’s having trouble vocalizing his needs and, he’s in need of attention. And the type of attention is usually a specific brand.  
And it usually comes with a little bit of pain.  
However, you don’t think it’s a good idea to indulge that side of Yoongi’s desires at the moment because, his emotions aren’t fully organized. You know the talk with his brother is causing him a lot of stress and, as much as you liked to wreck his body right now- you know it’s best to wait until later.  
That doesn’t mean you can’t take care of him though...
“Come on-” You urge him, grabbing his hand and practically running towards the bathroom, “Let's get you clean, king.”
He laughs, stumbling into the bathroom which is just as nice and similarly colored as the room.
“I’m a king now?”
His question goes over your head as you notice the ridiculously oversized bathtub in the center of the room. Biting your lip, you turn towards him and point at it.
“Do you want to take a bath instead? The shower looks amazing and all but- this thing literally looks like a jacuzzi.”
Yoongi eyes it curiously, his teeth finding his bottom lip, looking a little apprehensive, “How would you want to sit in it though? I kinda uh- I kinda thought maybe we could stand under the water for a bit together, like last time...”
He wants you to hold him.
He’s not going to say it but, he needs it.  
Like really bad.
You can see his nerves creeping into his posture so, you decide to act quickly before he somehow convinces himself that he’s being too needy.  
Looking around the room, you spot a few things that could aid in his relaxation: candles, bubble bath, a neatly folded pile of fluffy gray towels...
“I’ll show you.” You assure him, “Close your eyes really quick- no peeking. I have a plan...”
Yoongi looks at you, suspicious all over his face, “I’m scared.”
Giggling, you raise your brows for emphasize, “Oh you should be-”
He can’t help but smirk at your tone despite the anticipation swimming in his gut. He trusts you though so, instead of arguing- he shuts his eyes.  
Shuffling around the bathroom, you set things up in record time, turning the water on, pouring the rose scented bubble bath beneath the stream, and lighting a few candles along the ivory counter. Yoongi maintains his smirk the entire time, folding his arms across his chest, stifling his desire to make a snarky comment.  
“Alright,” You sigh, dusting your hands off, “Ta daaaaa.”
Yoongi opens his eyes, blinking a few times before taking in the scene in front of him. It changes his smirk into a grin really quickly as his cat-like eyes flit over to you.
“Are you planning on sacrificing me?” He quips, nodding to the candles.
Snorting, you roll your eyes, “If you keep talking shit, I just might-” You threaten, laughter forming on the tail end of your sentence, “Get naked...”
Yoongi snickers, his face full of satisfaction as his finger tuck beneath his hoodie to tug it over his head. The two of you undress in a small bout of silence and attempt to sneak glances at one another’s naked form.  
“I’m going to get in first and then you’re going to sit in front of me, between my legs...” You explain, trying not to shiver as the cool air of the bathroom begins to grow uncomfortable.
His brows raise, “Between your legs?” He confirms, “Say no more...”
Once again, your eyes are rolling but this time, there is a smile on your lips as you move to take your spot beneath the warmth of the water. Yoongi has to take a deep breath as he watches you, his emotions brewing dangerously beneath the surface at the sight of the woman he loves.  
He still doesn’t fully understand it.  
He is still meet with endless confusion when he starts to think about why you’ve chosen to be with him but, he knows better now than to question it.  
You have your reasons, he thinks, and he has a million of his own.  
Looking up from beneath the mountain of bubbles, you pat the top of them, looking at him expectantly, “Come here.”
He grabs the hand that you extend towards him, balancing himself on it whilst he steps into the tub. Modestly, he turns his body away from you for a second so he’s able to bend down before pivoting beneath the water and settling against your chest. The bathtub is big enough for the water to go past his shoulders and, he feels his entire body relax once he feels your body against his.  
“Comfy?” You check, draping your arms across his chest.  
Yoongi nods, his head leaning back and resting against your left shoulder. Once it lands there, you turn and kiss his temple which then prompts one of his hands to reach up rest on yours. Silently, you place a few more kisses against his hairline, allowing him to decompress however he wants to, not wanting to pressure him into talking about anything.  
And he doesn’t, at least not for a while.  
The only sounds between the two of you are the dribbling of water from the faucet and the low whisper of breathing. Every so often, you kiss his temple, just so he knows that he isn’t alone.
“Seeing my brother is really difficult.” He mumbles, eyes still closed, hand still on top of yours, “Even just seeing his face- it brings back a lot of memories.”
You nod, “I can imagine- especially since it’s been so long.”
Yoongi sighs, his eyes fluttering open and honing in on the ceiling, “I haven’t seen him since I was 18. He came to Sejin’s place just before I moved in with Namjoon. He tried to talk to me to let me know that he was leaving the business but, I barely said anything. I was too angry at him.”
Using your free hand, you rub softly at his chest under the water, silently encouraging him to continue.  
“He never helped me when my father would-” He takes a deep breath through his nose, his throat bobbing as he swallows on the exhale, “the time I told you about, when my father hit me...that wasn’t the only time. It happened often towards the end.”
Your eyes shut momentarily, the pain of Yoongi being harmed stinging your heart like a shot.  
“I’m so sorry.” You whisper, kissing his temple again.
Yoongi’s face turns slightly into your lips, his hand squeezing over yours, “Don’t be. It was a long time ago. I held onto my disappointment in him for a while until I realized something: the only reason my father every laid his hands on me and not Geum-jae hyung was because, I stood up to him.”
“Geum-jae hyung never did and, I think he still carries that regret to this day. I can see it all over his face...” His voice is so low now that it barely makes it above a whisper, his eyes seemingly elsewhere. “Is it wrong that I feel like- like I didn’t just come here to save Sejin’s studio?”
You shake your head, “Not at all...”
He swallows again and takes another deep breath through his nose, “It’s hard you know- during winter break especially; everyone would leave campus and go home for the holidays...and I never knew where to go. For the first two years at school, I spent Christmas alone until Namjoon’s mom finally called me and told me that if I didn’t come back with him, that she was going to make him sleep outside.” He chuckles, smirking slightly at the memory.
Your heart fills with despair then. You didn’t piece it together that Yoongi would have stayed behind during the holiday season. There was so much to unpack from the tragedy that he’s endured; it didn’t even cross your mind.  
“Namjoon’s mom was right to threaten you-” You affirm but then you shake your head, “I don’t think there could be a wrong reason to come here. You deserve to have whatever kind of closure or healing that you need.”  
“I wish I knew what I needed...” He admits, licking his lips before turning towards you, his brown eyes holding all the emotions he can’t vocalize, “I wish everything was as easy as this.”
Following suit, you turn your head so that you’re facing him, “So do I. But I’ll always be here through all the not-so-easy stuff.”
Yoongi smiles then, soft and sweet, delivering a kiss to match. He relaxes into you, brushing his tongue along the inside of your lip just for a moment before pulling away.
“I love you Y/N.”  
“I love you too Yoongi.”  
Eventually, you both got out of the bathtub and into the shower so, that you were able to get clean properly. After a few hours of catching up on missed calls/texts and relaxing, Yoongi gets a text from his brother saying that dinner would be ready in 15 minutes.  
Geum-jae had the finest BBQ in the city delivered and prepared right in his dining room. Banchan lined the center of the table, slabs of meat were grilled one right after the other until the three of you tapped out.  
It passed easier than you thought it would. Yoongi and Geum-jae relaxed in the face of a meal, the conversation flowing effortlessly between them as if no time had passed. It was a touching sight to see and, you hoped that it meant their discussion would come out easier.  
You take your leave after you help clean up, thanking Geum-jae for the incredible food and, letting Yoongi know that you’d be up in the room checking on something for school if he needed anything.  
Which was a total lie but, you needed an excuse to leave them alone for a bit.  
Yoongi feels his heartbeat pick up a bit as he watches you leave the room, the realization of what was coming finally hitting him.  
“Hyung-” He wants to rip the band aid off. “Is it alright if we talk for a moment?”
Geum-jae raises his brows at the switch in languages and nods immediately, gesturing to the table, “Of course. Can we sit here? Or would you rather talk in the living room?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “Here is fine.” He sits back down in his original seat and, rubs his palms against his jeans.
Geum-jae takes a seat across from him, gazing expectantly at his younger brother, “What did you want to talk about?”
Despite Yoongi’s anxiety, he understands that being to the point would be the most effective way to communicate. He wasn’t sure if any past issues would come up but, right now his concern was on Sejin.  
“I know that I told you I needed your help with something but-” Yoongi begins, “It isn’t me who needs your help exactly...it’s Sejin.”
Geum-jae purses his lips, his hands coming out to clasp rest on the table, “Is he alright?”
“The landlord for the studio he runs is increasing his rent again and, he doesn’t have the money to keep it open...” Yoongi’s explanation gets a little rushed as he gets more and more nervous, “I have some money in savings to help out with rent for the next few months but, it’s not enough to keep it open long term and-”
Geum-jae cuts him off, “Tell Sejin to call me. I will send a team to his location to sort everything out. It wouldn’t be a bad building to purchase but if Sejin is willing- then maybe he can look at other properties and I’ll have the money wired over to him.”
Yoongi can’t hide the shock on his face, “Wait- are you serious?”
“Of course. Sejin is one of my dearest friends. I owe him a lot for what he’s done over the years.”
In this moment, regret washes over Geum-jae's face, his eyes reaching out to Yoongi’s in hopes that he understands what he’s alluding to.  
And obviously, he does.  
“Why didn’t you just call me?” Geum-jae continues, tilting his head to get a better look at Yoongi’s expression, trying to read him, “I’ve always told you that if you ever needed anything-”
“I haven’t talked to you in 8 years hyung, I wasn’t just going to call and ask you for a favor.”  
Geum-jae nods, his face tightening with solemnity, “I understand.” A brief moment of silence passes between the two of them before a sigh comes from Geum-jae, “There is so much I want to say to you Yoongi, I don’t even know where to begin...”
Yoongi stays quiet.  
He doesn’t know either.  
He just knows that the only way to get rid of the heaviness in his chest is to talk about it.  
“I suppose I could start with an apology.” Geum-jae concludes, shaking his head as a light scoff leaves his lips, “I could never find the words to express how much regret and shame I feel inside. I could never explain how sorry I am for not protecting you, for not being a better example, for not having a backbone, for being selfish...I was blinded by greed. I couldn’t see what was in front of me.”
Yoongi swallows back his emotion, dreading the way his eyes begin to sting.  
Geum-jae continues, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment, “I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness. I just want to apologize and tell you that, even though I played no part in the man you’ve become, I am incredibly honored to call you my brother.”
It isn’t easy but, Yoongi manages to contain the tears that desperately want to fall from his eyes. His chest tightens as he hears his brother’s words. He wades through all the bitterness he feels towards him, allowing himself to feel the full force of his approval.  
“I forgave you a long time ago.” Yoongi swallows, avoiding direct eye contact with him, “I just wish I understood your actions. You were my hyung, I thought you would have protected me and-” Yoongi blinks away the tears as quickly as he can, “and I still haven’t been able to accept the fact that you didn’t...”
Geum-jae shakes his head, “I wanted to protect you. I just didn’t know how- I was scared of him too. You had more courage than I did. It doesn’t excuse my actions but, it’s the truth.”
Suddenly, he reaches out and places his hand overtop of Yoongi’s, a pleading expression on his face, “That’s why you got out. That’s why you have a life. You have friends, you’re about to graduate university and, you have Y/N...” Geum-jae's voice breaks at the end, “Because of your strength, you finally found happiness.”
Yoongi looks at his hand, observing the evidence of his life present on his skin. Scars, burns, callouses, needle marks...
“Are you saying that you haven’t?” He asks, still not meeting his brother’s eyes.
“I’m not even close.”
Finally, the two meet each other's gaze. For a moment, they just stare, glistening eyes to glistening eyes. Overcome with years of repressed emotions, fueled by the desperate need to try and break the cycle, they wordlessly convey an unspoken emptiness.  
They have missed each other so much.  
“I am here now.” Geum-jae promises, the first tear dangerously close to falling, “Hyung is here if you’ll have him. I want to be in your life but, I understand if you want nothing to do with me.”
Yoongi blinks now, and the tears land upon his cheeks, “You’re my hyung...” And it really is a desperate proclamation, “...you’ll always be my hyung...”
The chair screeches against the tile, causing Yoongi to jump in his seat until he realizes what his brother is doing. Rounding the table, stands to the side of Yoongi with open arms and his own tears atop his cheeks.
He eyes him for only a few seconds before standing up suddenly and accepting Geum-jae into his arms. The two of them seem to collapse against one another. Yoongi breaks down and sobs in the arms of his older brother.  
Just as he would have when they were young.
When times were hard and he could take shelter behind the one person who made him feel safe, the first person who ever showed him love.  
“I’m so sorry Yoongi-ah.”  
His words cause Yoongi to squeeze his eyes shut as he nods against the expensive fabric of his brother’s dress shirt, “I know.” He sniffles and pats his back, “I know you are.”
You’ve been upstairs, straightening up the bedroom and trying to pass the time without worrying excessively about your boyfriend’s well-being.  
Which turns out to be impossible...
Cleaning around the room/bathroom only takes you about 20 minutes before your flopping onto the massive bed and, pulling out your phone. Scrolling through Tik Tok, you hope for a substantial distraction and, lucky for you- one arrives.  
But, it isn’t on Tik Tok...
Jungkook: So you know Jimin right...  
The text from Jungkook confuses you as you’re pretty sure it's like the middle of the night back home and, it’s not like him to text you outside of the group chat.
You: I have heard of him yes
You: Isn’t he like your boyfriend or something?
Jungkook: ha ha
Jungkook: about that
Jungkook: what if he wasn’t my boyfriend anymore?
Your eyes widen and, you immediately sit up in bed and hover anxiously over your phone.
Jungkook: shhhhhh don’t yell
Jungkook: my future fiance is sleeping...
You’re about ready to get on a flight back home to kick his ass before your vision focuses on the word he’s just sent.
You: excuse me  
You: YOU’RE WHAT ???????????
Jungkook: …
Jungkook: What did I just tell you smh
Jungkook: -____-
Jungkook: can I call  
You: ?????? Obviously!!!!
Seconds later, Jungkook’s name illuminates your screen.
“Good evening,” He begins calmly, “I’m having a panic attack...”
You giggle, “What’s going on????”
“Well you see- I am in love with Park Jimin and I fear it may be terminal.”
“Terminal huh? Is that how you describe a lifelong partnership with your one true love?”
“Jungkook,” You urge him through your laughter, “What is going on?”
You hear him sigh, “I think I’m going to ask Jimin to marry me.”
Squealing, you jump up on your knees, “Wait seriously?! Jungkook!”
“Yah! Don’t yell at me! This is all your fault!”  
“My fault??? How is this my fault?”
“Well technically I guess- it's Yoongi’s fault because, he’s the one that convinced me to get in touch with my feelings or whatever- either way, I am STILL the victim. And now I want to be with him forever and it’s disgusting...”
You flop back against the pillows and laugh again, “If Jimin knew this was how you were telling people you were proposing, he would kill you.”
He doesn’t hesitate, “He’s going to kill me either way Y/N...it’s bad- the other day, he sent me a selfie and, I had heart palpitations for like 15 minutes.”
“If your man doesn’t give you heart palpitations then, that isn’t your man.” You conclude.
“Y/N...” Jungkook whines now, sounding very much like the boy you met back in middle school.
“Jungkook...” You whine back causing him to finally chuckle on the other end of the line.
“I’m scared...”
“I know but, you and Jimin are so perfect for each other, there is no way that this wouldn’t work out.”
“More perfect than you and Yoongi?” He teases, reverting back to being a little shit.
And his question makes you scoff, “Oh sweetheart- obviously not. But second place isn’t bad!”
He laughs now and it’s the full bellied sound that you love hearing.  
“You really think we’re perfect together?”
Despite his inability to see you, you smile at his need for validation,
“Duh. You two are literally soulmates.”
Jungkook is quiet on the other line but when he speaks again, you can hear the giddiness in his voice, “Ok so...will you help me then???”
Back downstairs, Yoongi and Geum-jae are sat at the bar in front of the window that faces his backyard. As he predicted, the rain came back in full force and is now propelling itself against the clean glass. After their emotional encounter in the dining room, Geum-jae suggested that they have a drink together and relax for a moment.  
He had poured each of them a glass of wine, ensuring not to fill his glass up too much.  
“Your girlfriend is a wonderful woman; you made a good choice.”
At the mention of you, Yoongi’s lips twitch, his eyes watching the droplets of water chaotically race down the window, “Thank you. But, it was her who chose me, I’m still working out exactly why.”  
Geum-jae chuckles, “I see you’re still selling yourself short ah? Did you two meet at school?”
Yoongi smirks, “Yeah, we met 6 months ago in my psychology class. She was my partner on our final project.”
“Ah.” He nods, “Things blossomed that way then?”
Yoongi’s heart throbs a bit as his brain begins its recollection of his time with you.  
So much has happened during your relationship, he forgets that he hasn’t known you all his life.
It certainly feels like he has.  
Geum-jae chuckles, “You’re so reserved about her.”
Yoongi knows what he means. In the Min family, you always say things as they are. You don’t sugarcoat your sentiments and you definitely don’t play coy.  
“I can’t help it-” He admits, and he can feel the heat on his cheeks now, “I find it difficult to talk about her...”
His brother bites his bottom lip, unable to help how endeared he is, “Can I ask why?”
Yoongi leans his cheek against the palm of his hand, still focusing on the rain, “It’s overwhelming.”
Geum-jae seems to understand but he chuckles anyway, “Do you plan on marrying her?”
His question hangs in the air for a moment. Yoongi’s brain once again travels elsewhere, and he is bombarded with images of you walking down the aisle. He has to take a deep breath as he forces the thoughts out of his head; he’s cried enough this evening.
“I would marry her tomorrow.”  
Geum-jae's laughter increases now but now it bubbles over his lips in an excited fashion.
“Yahhhh! Look at that eh?” He congratulates him, “It’s safe to say you’re off the market for good then? Because I have a few of my friends who have been asking about you.”
This finally makes Yoongi laugh as he turns towards him, “That’s flattering.” He means it too but, he speaks the next set of words with all of the conviction he can muster, “There is no one else for me though.”  
Geum-jae grins proudly and with a raise to his brows, he lifts his glass, “Well, let’s drink to that then.”
The clinking of crystal signifies so much. For now though, Yoongi allows it to represent the future and, all of the possibilities it may bring.  
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deitysnips · 3 years
Regrettably Attached Pt. 1
Stark!Reader x Loki
Word Count: 2958
Authors Note: I wanna thank you guys in advance for reading this. I haven’t written anything in probably 6 years so it might be a little sloppy. I am open to suggestions and any fixes you guys can bring to my attention!
Summary:; You’re Tony Stark’s younger sister and you are somewhat part of the Avengers, but behind the scenes, not necessarily on the front lines unless you’re needed. This is an UA where Loki is living in the compound living under strict supervision and the reader slowly starts falling for the God of Mischief after hating him due to, yaknow, trying to kill her brother and some of her closest friends, but that quickly turns into lovers(obvi)
Growing up as Tony’s sister was and still is kind of terrifying. Tony has always been such a “smarty pants” for lack of a better phrase. Even with him being a child prodigy, you two have always been close and you would want it any other way. You grew up following in his and your fathers footsteps.
Years past and you have graduated with multiple engineering degrees and even though your mother and father weren’t here to see it, Tony always made sure you knew how proud they would be of you. No graduation, presentation or ceremony went unattended by the now Iron Man. So it was no surprise when Tony asked you to join him and the other Avengers at the compound to help with logistics and help Tony and Bruce create safer suits.
“Hey Kid! Get down here, we need your help!” 
It’s been 5 years that you’ve been living with Tony and still, nothing surprises you.
“Hold on! I just got out of the shower!” You shouted from your cracked bedroom door. You quickly put on some extremely worn jeans and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt that you MIGHT have stolen from your older brother. You cracked open the door once more and yelled to Tony
“Is this a no shoes project?!” You sat with your head out the door tapping your fingers along the door frame when someone threw what seemed to be a wad of paper at the back of your head. You groaned and sucked air through your teeth. “I swear to the gods, Rogers, if you don’t stop throwing shit, I’m gonna curb stomp you” You said as you turned your head to send a glare towards Steve. To your unpleasant surprise, it was not Steve, but the annoying, somewhat attractive God Of Mischief, Loki
“Oh, my dear, Mr. America isn’t the only one who likes to get under your skin” Loki said very nonchalantly while leaning against his own door frame. “Now if you don’t mind. Stop that obnoxious yelling. Some of us are actually trying to work and not be babied by their dear brother.” Loki glared at you from where he stood with his arms crossed over his chest. 
You and the god have never been on good terms, even after the pleading Thor gave you when he brought him back from Asgard after its destruction. You wanted to believe him when he said that his brother had changed and was working towards being a better ‘person’, but it still left an unpleasant taste in your mouth since, you know, he tried to kill your brother.
“Get fucked, Loki.” You stepped out of your room, body completely turned towards the man in front of you. “I have told you multiple times to leave me alone. Tony might be okay with you being here, but I certainly don’t give a shit what happens to you.” You spat at him with venom and malice in your voice. Tony told you time and time again to try to be civil with Loki, but you never listened. You just couldn’t. 
You continued to stare at the slimy, yet oddly handsome man-god thing in front of you and if looks could kill, he wouldn’t be breathing.
“Hey, kid, did you not hear the urgency in my voice or do you enjoy giving me a heart attack?” You jumped when you felt your brother out his hand on your shoulder. “I told you that yes, you did need shoes. Bruce and I really need your help on the Mark VII suit- wait, sis, are you alright?” Tony studied your face after turning your shoulder towards him with a worried expression
“Yeah, I’m fine Tony. Let me just grab my shoes and I’ll be down” You pulled away from your brother and ran into your room, slamming the door behind you. You sit with your back against your door and hide your face in your hands, groaning loudly.
“Why can’t he just leave me alone?” You whisper softly to yourself. You’ve been at such a crossroads when it comes to the trickster god. You hate him for what he did to Tony and your friends, but at the same time, you can’t help but have this… attraction to him. The sharpness of his jawline, the softness in his bright blue eyes, or the way his lips curl up into a cheeky little smirk when he does something that riles you up. It’s been a year and a half since Thor brought Loki back, and you still haven’t adjusted.
You let out a long sigh of frustration as you stand up and walk to your closet pulling out a loved pair boots. After you pull your shoes on, you finally find the strength to walk out of your room and start heading towards the workshop to find Tony and Bruce. You make a pitstop to the kitchen to grab some coffee and a small snack
“Hey FRIDAY, can you ask if Tony and Bruce want anything?” You call out into the empty room while making a PB&J sandwich”
“They both say nothing at the moment other than your presence, Miss. Stark. Mr. Stark said it is very urgent and they need you down there quickly” 
You groan as you toss the butter knife into the sink and start walking down the stairs to the workshop. Once you enter you see Bruce leaning over one of the tablets with his hands running through his hair.
“Alright, what did I miss?” you say as you take a bite of your sandwich, causing the men to look up at you, seemingly irritated. “Whoa whoa boys, what the hell?” You raise an eyebrow at your brother who’s sitting across from Bruce, impatiently tapping his fingers on the desk. Tony sighs and stands up to walk over to his computer, pulling up the internals of the suit
“For whatever reason, the suit keeps overheating after about 10 minutes and we cannot for the life of us figure out why” Bruce says while Tony is flipping through all the internals for you. You can’t help but smile and giggle a little bit.
“Alright kid, what's so funny? Tony asks, slightly glaring in your direction.
“Oh no, nothing. Nothing at all. But, uh, unrelated, how long have you guys been working on this?”
“A couple h-” Tony goes to speak but is interrupted by the suit powering up, seemingly without issues.
“Big brother, you’re a terrible liar. When I woke up yesterday morning, you both had already been down here working on it. It was a simply missing variable and a loose connection.” Tony and Bruce both keep switching between the suit and their respective computers trying to figure out how they missed such a small thing.
“How the fu-” “LANGUAGE!” Steve yells out as he stares coming down the stairs. Tony rolls his eyes and starts going through the internals again before smacking his palm to his forehead. “Thanks kid”
“No problem old man, now go get some rest.” You say, patting Tony on the back.
“Hey, can I talk to you really quick, Squeak?” You groan loudly at the nickname that the team gave you when you first showed up. You were so nervous about making a good impression, that when you started to speak, all of your words got stuck in your chest and all that came out was a little squeak.
“Yeah Cap, maybe if you stop calling me that god awful nickname, like I've told you to do multiple times!” You both start walking up the stairs and you playfully push Rogers shoulder, knowing it won’t do much. 
Once you make it up the stairs, Steve leads you to the living room and sits at the couch across from your favorite chair
“Alright, if this is an intervention, I’m leaving. I get I shouldn’t be smoking bu-” You stop talking when Steve lifts his hand up and just stares at you with a dumbfounded look “This isn’t an intervention, but maybe it should be- yo- what?!” Steve gets a little loud at the end of his sentence, catching the attention of Tony and Thor who are in the kitchen making some lunch
“STEVE SHUT UP” You blush slightly and hide your face in your hands again.
“Conversation for another time, anyways” Steve pulls your hands away from your face and makes you look at him and quietly says your name “What was going on earlier when Tony came up stairs? I was in the bathroom down the hall and I heard you yelling at someone? Was it Loki again?” You avoid eye contact but nod slightly. Steve lets out a small sigh and sits back
“What he did wasn’t even terrible, Cap. He threw a ball of paper at me and basically told me to shut up. I just get so irrationally angry at him for what he tried to do to my family. Tony is all I have left. I know that everyone has told me to make nice and just fake it for the sake of all of us being here almost all the time, but I can’t. I'm just so confused and..” You stop yourself and look up at Steve who is intently listening.
“What are you confused about, doll?” He raises an eyebrow and you start blushing again.
“I- I don’t wanna talk about it..” You whisper softly and glance over to where Tony and Thor are at. As much as Tony begs you to be nice and try to be civil, he would not hesitate to beat your ass if he found out that you were harboring a crush for the trickster. Steve leans in and whispers
“I think I know. I may be from a different time, but I know a crush when I see it.” He pulls back and smiles at you and for whatever reason, this makes you angry.
“WHAT?! You think I have a little schoolgirl crush on that fucking murderer?! HE TRIED TO KILL TONY MULTIPLE TIMES!” You yelled at Steve as you stood up, tears stinging your eyes “I would NEVER mess with the likes of Loki, whether he's a God or a prince of whatever the hell he is!”
“Squeak, now hold on-”
“No, Rogers- Leave me alone!” You storm away from him and go up the stairs leading to your bedroom. Once you get to your door, another wad of paper is thrown in your direction, but this time you catch it. Turning towards where the paper had come from, was he himself.
“Hello, darling. I heard you and Rogers speaking about me” He smirks ever so slightly and starts slowly sauntering over to you. Once he gets close to you, you pull a dagger out of the sheath around your thigh and press the tip to his chest
“I suggest you leave me the hell alone, you psychopath.” You grit your teeth as you finish your sentence and Loki puts his hands up in defeat and takes a few steps back
“My my, little one. I didn’t know you could be so feisty.” He chuckles slightly and crosses his arms over his chest. “I just wanted to have a civil conversation and see if we can come to an understanding about where my loyalties lie and try to get your tiny Midgardian brain to understand that I’m not the same person I was.. Before” 
You sheath your dagger and pinch the bridge of your nose hopeful to fight off your frustration.
“Look, Loki. You may not realize the severity of what you did, but that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna accept that you’re some righteous person-god- whatever the hell you are.”
“Oh, good heavens, no. I’m not righteous whatsoever, darling. Never have been, never will be. But” He points a finger at the ceiling and smiles “I can promise you that I do not plan to murder anyone… in this building” 
You smirk softly at the humor in the tricksters voice and cross your arms over your chest. 
“So how about that conversation?” You gester to him to come in your room but when you look back at his face he has a rather dumbfounded look on his face
“What a minute, 45 seconds ago you had a bloody dagger to my chest, ready to skin me alive, but now you want me to come into your room with you?” Loki walks closer to you slowly still with that dumb look on his face.
You place your hand back on your dagger and laugh “Just because I’m inviting you into my room, doesn’t mean I won’t hesitate to stab you if you give me a reason to.” You wink at him and walk into your room, where you kick off your shoes and lounge in the recliner at the far corner of your room. 
The rooms at the compound were not small by any means. Each room has a giant California king size bed, a double walk-in closet, its own little mini fridge, plus enough room to have 2 Hulks lay side by side on the floor.
You have yours decorated in your signature color, with white accents on the furniture as well as copious amount of liquor bottles on the top of your bookshelf.
Loki saunters in after a few seconds and takes a seat on your bed, directly in front of you. It seems like he’s… admiring you? He won’t look away and seems to be studying your face, how your wavy hair falls softly from the messy bun on the top of your head, how your eyes sparkle with the sun coming through the windows, how your lips are just a subtle rosy color, indicating that you either suck of chew on them when frustrated.
“Are you gonna say anything or are you just gonna sit here and stare at me all day?” You blush softly and stare right back at him
“My dear, if I may be rather brash, it just seems like something seems of worry to you, my apologies. But, yes, where would you like me to begin?”
You and Loki sat there for 3 or 4 hours talking about what really happened when Loki invaded New York, what happened to his mother and how Asgard was completely destroyed by his and Thor’s elder sister. Half way through the conversation, you had pulled down a rather nice bottle of Whiskey and two rocks glasses, pouring both of you a drink while Loki was reliving what he described to be the most painful part of his life. There you sat with the man you had sworn to hate until your last breath, actually feeling sorry for judging him so harshly. But who can blame you?
“Wow” You said after he had finally finished. You looked down at your glass and it was empty. While Loki was explaining everything to you, you had finished 4 or 5 full glasses of whiskey and were starting to feel a little tipsy
“Loki, I am so indecently sorry. All of the times Thor and I had talked about what happened, he never once told me how hard you took everything.”
Loki scoffed a little and looked at his glass “Well, my story really isn’t for my brother to tell, and he never really understood my feelings on the matter. I never really spoke to him about it. It was really only me on my own.” He shrugged softly and finished what liquor he still had in his glass “I really hope this changes your viewing of my, darling. I truly meant what I said. I have zero intentions of harming anyone in this compound.”
You shook your head a little and pushed the hair that had fallen into your face back “But why tell me all of this? Why tell the one person who probably hates you the most in the tower all of your worries and how at fault you feel?” You looked up from your glass when he chuckled.
“My dear, I know you don’t truly hate me. You hate what I did to your brother and the Avengers.” He leaned forward to be at eye level with you and spoke very softly “Do not forget, little one. I can read minds, you know” He winked at you and sat back in his chair
“I- you what now?!” You sat up straight and your face became very flushed. How could you have been so naive? Thor had mentioned it a couple of times that he believes his brother could read thoughts, but you never took it to heart.
“Miss. Stark, it seems as so Mr. Stark is worried about you. He has no idea where you are and I didn’t think to make him privy of your location.” FRIDAY interjected before you or Loki could say anything regarding the mind reading matter.
“Thanks, FRIDAY, can you tell him I’m up in my room? I don’t think I’ll be able to walk after the amount of alcohol I’ve drank” You chuckled slightly and rubbed your face with your hands.
“Right away Miss. Stark. Oh, it seems as if your brother is coming to see you.” 
You internally began slightly panicking because as much as Tony wanted you to be civil, I don’t think he would want you damn near wasted with the God Of Mischief in your room.
“I shall be on my way, darling” Loki stood up and walked over to you. He rests his hands on the back of your chair and soon your face to face.
“Conversation for another time” He quickly places a kiss to your cheek before disappearing in a green cloud.
What the fuck is happening?
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mossy-covered-bones · 4 years
TSUS challenge Day 1
Tw:swearing, alcohol, sexual comments, food
“Hey, Virgey, you busy?”
Virgil made a noncommittal noise, not looking up from their phone.
Remus frowned, leaning closer. “Hey, skulky, can you hear me?”
“Go away, Rei, I'm busy.”
“Busy doing what, watching porn?” Remus leans over Virgil’s shoulder to look at their phone screen, only for the other to clutch the phone to their chest and push Remus away.
Remus grinned, leaning back in. “I saw words, you’re reading it? Who knew you could be nerdy and horny at the same time.”
“I wasn’t reading anything bad!” Virgil hissed, pulling their headphones off and glaring at their roommate. “What do you want?”
“J-anus is out with his partner tonight.”
“Yeah, any what about it?”
“That means we’re unsupervised, Vee.”
They shot him a nervous look. “What are you planning?”
Remus pouted. “It’s nothing bad!” He slipped into a gollum voice. “We swears it, my precious.“
“Ew, don’t do that, it’s creepy!”
He snickered, holding his hand out for the other. “I won’t do it again… if you agree to have some fun with me tonight.”
Virgil frowned up at Remus, hesitating, before putting their hand in their roommate’s and letting him pull them to their feet.
“Where did you get all this stuff?”
Remus shrugged, tossing Virgil a packet of twizzlers. “So are you in more of a vodka mood or a wine mood? Because I think Janus left some decent stuff in the back of the fridge.”
“Um… are you sure that’s a good idea?”
He waved the question away, pulling out a bottle of liquor. “C’mon, I know you don’t work tomorrow, and Dee Dee won’t be home tonight, he and his cute piece of ass are gonna be fucking tonight, I guarantee you.”
Virgil bit their lip, then shrugged. “Sure, okay. Wine sounds good.”
Remus pulled a mostly-full bottle of red wine out of the fridge, grabbing the bag of candy he’d left on the counter.
“I’ll grab some glasses,” Virgil volunteered, opening the cabinets.
“Alright, meet me in the living room!”
Remus skipped into the other room, dumping the stuff he’d brought onto the couch and plopping himself in front of the CD player. “Are you alright with watching one of the amateur horror films the underclassmen asked me to look over?”
“Are you sure you can give any sort of good advice when you’re getting drunk?” Virgil asked, trailing into the living room.
“Yeah, I normally am when I look these over. Being drunk off my ass is the best way to watch these fuckers.”
They shrugged, dropping onto the couch. “Sure, then. You’re the film major here.”
They watched the hour-long project, shooting little comments and jokes back and forth about whether the blood splatter was realistic, or the lore was historically accurate, before it came to an end.
“It wasn’t as shitty as most first projects I’ve seen,” Remus mentioned, popping the disk out of the CD player. “You can actually tell what’s going on! Which is a fucking miracle.”
Virgil let out a small laugh. “Yeah, you’ve probably seen your fair share of shitty films, yeah? So what next?”
“Would it be cliche to say truth or dare? Because I’ve been saving up some good ideas for dates.”
“Yes, it would absolutely be cliche of you, how dare you suggest something after an entire hour of shitty horror cliches,” Virgil deadpanned, smirking at Remus and sipping at his glass. “I know better than to take one of your dares, and I am definitely not drunk enough to forget that yet. Truth.”
Remus pouted. “That’s no fun, you’re so boring. Do you think I could pull off a skirt?”
“Hell yes. Truth or dare?”
Virgil made a big show of tapping their chin and humming to themself. “I dare you… to… sneak into Jan’s room and steal some of his good dark chocolate for me.”
“Have a bobby pin I can borrow?” Remus asked, springing to his feet.
They nodded, passing him one of the Bobby pins they kept on their hoodie pocket—just in case—and Remus had the lock picked and a few pieces of chocolate tossed straight into Virgil’s face in a matter of minutes.
“It’s your turn, Virgin,” Remus sung, grinning in anticipation.
They rolled their eyes. “Truth.”
“Remember that party back in Highschool? Back when you were dating that Logan guy? You disappeared pretty fast, did you guys—“
“No, no! Dare!” Virgil screeched, cheeks burning.
“Oh, well if you insist—“
“Just give me the dare, Rei.”
Remus grinned. “How does chocolate, jalepeño, and ranch sound?”
Virgil made a gagging sound, but took another gulp of wine and strode into the kitchen. Remus trailed behind them, watching as they pulled one of the peppers, and the bottle of ranch in the door.
He watched with glee as his roommate squeezed a gold of ranch onto the pepper, swallowing before adding one of Remus’ peanut butter cups to the top.
Remus laughed as Virgil bit into it, visibly gagging. “Regretting that dare yet?”
“Oh shut it you—“ their words were cut off by another gagging noise.
“Okay, okay, but Jan is definitely the hottest one in our group, right?”
Virgil nodded solemnly, clutching at their empty glass. “You’re a solid second, though.”
Remus let out a loud laugh. “I’m sexy as hell, but nah, you’ve definitely got me beat there.”
“Shhh, your face is cute.”
“No, you.”
Virgil pouted, leaning against their roommate. “Well, I’m biased, but the whole reason I’m biased is because you’re cute.”
“Yeah, how’s that?”
They hiccuped, burying their face in Remus’ shoulder. “I only get crushes on cute guys, so you’re cute. That’s just… just facts, you know?”
Remus felt his heart jump in his chest, his face flushing. He was definitely too drunk to deal with this.
He opened his mouth, about to respond, when he heard Virgil’s soft snores, muffled against his shoulder.
That could be a problem for future him. Virgil had a good idea with the sleeping thing, Remus didn’t realize how tired he’d been until now.
He stood on unsteady feet, pulling Virgil off of the couch with him, and carried his roommate back to his bedroom.
Remus could figure out how to respond to his crush liking him back tomorrow.
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allyouzombies · 3 years
good omens
AHHHH!!!! I've been creeping back to that pit of emotions recently. Beautiful timing, really!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most)
Not to be too typical, but I have a soft spot the size of the universe for Crowley. It's definitely 95% that asking the wrong questions re: religion and faith is how I ended up *here* [vague gestures at general religious identity]. I project heavily! And I am also a tryhard and always attempting to show lots of devil-may-care swagger, but I CARE SO MUCH ABOUT EVERYTHING!!! Also? I have a thing for seeing detached/aloof/distant characters (whether they're truly like that or just putting on a show like dear Anthony J. here) put through the wringer, made to show vulnerability, forced to face emotional honesty, etc. and while we as the audience know all along that he's a very sensitive, caring soul, it's heartwrenchingly delightful to see it dragged out into the light. Beautiful and excruciating and cathartic all in one!!
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped)
Newt Pulsifer is so fucking pathetic and I adore him. My dude just stumbles into Sergeant Shadwell's Witchfinder Army™️ and rolls with it because like, he lost his big boy tech job and this hollering weird man sure is paying dear Newton a whole lot of attention. I think they both really blossom, weirdly, from each other's bizarro company. Newt has something to do and Shadwell has a new audience who seems to revere him just a tad? Whoa?!!?! God I just adore him I really do
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave)
I think Anathema Device is really quite popular and beloved and all, but I also think she always needs more worship and examination. I've read some fanfictions where her angst about no longer being a ~professional descendant~ sends her into a tailspin as she tried to be her own person, and it's wonderful!! There's so much digging to be done into her mentality.
Special shoutout to the other main angels Sandalphon, Michael, and Uriel - I adore their costumes, hair and makeup, and how their actors play their parts - just outrageously stunning visually and deeply deeply fascinating imo
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week)
I've read so much shit picking apart Harriet Dowling - Warlock's mother - as a character, having her leave Thaddeus with Warlock, befriending Nanny Ashtoreth, coming out as gay and proceeding to date women?? Just totally off the rails from canon and giving her this whole new life beyond vaguely unappreciated government man's wife with obnoxious son. It's made me care sooo much about following these threads others have chosen to unravel
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave)
Hastur is absolutely my poor little meow meow and I think he should get his Ligur back please and thanks they are the BEST OF FRIENDS in a demon way and ALSO MAYBE lovers depending on your reading idk I love every shade of relationship analyses between them. Also Hastur's actor follows me on Instagram and I'm a little bit in love with him so I'm extra biased. The actor is not a poor little meow meow
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason)
I think The Archangel Fucking Gabriel™️ getting put through it is a lot of fun. As the text posts say, I want to study him like a bug
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell)
Not that this fits the category, but I kind of want Sister Mary Loquacious to go to hell and melt Beelzebub's brain with inane chatter. Sent to superhell to commit annoyance crimes
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