#and I also have to get a new tablet cord so I can actually draw
mewvore · 1 year
Do you take commissions, or is it strictly doodles for yourself?
I do commissions, but they haven't been open for a while due to an insane backlog I sorta put myself into around 2021. I'm still trying to get through it, so I can officially open. my apologies
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godbirdart · 5 months
Hello! I hope you are having a nice start to your week :) I seem to remember you recommending a certain tablet once and tried looking for it but couldn’t find it. Is there still one you recommend for art? I’ve got an ipad now but I was thinking of trying something different when it reaches the end of its days (but still hopefully a draw-on one). I think I’ve heard some tablets let you actually download programs and not just apps. I would love to just 1-time buy clip studio or something instead of the app subscription Dx
No worries if you don’t have a recommendation, I may have just misremembered. Either way, I hope you have a lovely evening and thanks for sharing your art! ^_^
Oh I can talk tablets for Hours don't even worry
I have a tablet that can download programs and that is this one right here!
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The Huion Kamvas Studio 22
It's been retired from Huion's store for a couple years now, succeeded by Huion's new Kamvas Studio 24; the new, sleeker edition of my 22.
If you're looking for a tablet that can download actual software and not just act as a second display for your computer, you'll be looking specifically for a "Pen Computer". Huion currently offers two - the Kamvas Studio 24 and the travel-sized Kamvas Studio 16. Both come with Windows 11 preinstalled.
Huion also released the Kamvas Slate 10, and while it is categorized as a pen computer, it's designed to compete with tablets like the iPad or PicassoTab and operates on Android 12.
While the idea of an independent computer you can draw on the screen of isn't at all novel, they're still arguably "new" for the companies whose target demographic is artists. At the time of this post, Huion appears to be Wacom's main and only competitor in that field. Artisul, Gaomon and XPpen do not manufacture them. Options for standalone drawing tablets that can download software [not just apps like a phone] are largely limited to:
Huion Kamvas Studio 16
Huion Kamvas Studio 22
Huion Kamvas Studio 24
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 13
Wacom MobileStudio Pro 16
I know I hype up Huion a lot and that's primarily because I have actual firsthand experience with their products, but I cannot stress enough that the Huion can do the job just as well as the Wacom. If you're hellbent on the Wacom, get it when it's on BIG sale, or cheaper secondhand / refurbished. Wacom's MobileStudio line can start at around ~$2600 USD and up, whereas the Huion Kamvas Studio, while still costly, can start from ~$1700 USD. I've seen Kamvas Studio 22s floating around for around $1000 USD which is already $500 off what I originally paid for mine.
Pen computers are one hell of an investment but they're extremely convenient to have. I'm currently saving up for a Kamvas Studio 16 as my travel laptop barely has the power to support Clip Studio and I want to be able to take my work on the go without fumbling around with cords.
To anyone else reading: if I somehow missed the release of a pen computer from another art tablet brand, feel free to drop it in the replies! I'm usually on top of these but I've been so swamped with work the past two months I've barely enough time to check my social media most days lmao
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moltara · 4 months
(or at least the ones i can remember!)
1: Wacom Bamboo Tablet (~september 2010)
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i asked for a drawing tablet for my birthday in 2010 SPECIFICALLY so i could use it to draw sparkledog wolf ocs on the chickensmoothie oekaki forums and this is the one i got
2: monoprice MP1060-HA60 drawing tablet (????like 2012? maybe?)
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i very vividly remember owning this specific tablet in high school but i have no idea when i got it
3??? wacom intuos pen and touch small (?????)
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IDK i remember owning this one too (i liked it bc the other end of the pen functioned as an eraser)
4??: wacom 13HD 2015 model? i think (2015-2016 or so)
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i also don't remember exactly when i got this one just that it was a smaller cintiq model that didn't function as a small portable computer- it had to be hooked up to a pc or a laptop as a 2nd monitor using. the WORST cord system known to fucking man:
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the cord that plugs into the tablet itself was soooooo fucking flimsy and if you bent it or moved it too much it would break. every single person i knew who owned one of these tablets ended up rigging their tablet cords with mass amounts of duct tape bc they only functioned at a specific angle and if you jiggled it just a little the tablet would turn off
5?: wacom intuos 3 4x6 (2016-2017)
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i eventually gave up on my cintiq after the screen cracked and was without a tablet for awhile. my friend zoe lent me her old tablet for a few months while i searched for a new one
6: wacom intuos pen and pro medium (2017 or so)
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this is the replacement tablet i ended up getting, idk i have nothing notable to say about this thing except for the fact that this cord ALSO ended up breaking on me too. this tablet however had bluetooth capabilities so it still worked fine, except for the fact that i had to remove and charge the battery every now and then using an external wall adapter
6: wacom intuos creative pen tablet small w/ bluetooth (2019?)
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this is the tablet i used to complete all my assignments in senior year, and i still own it actually! (i named it Pistachio) this is probably the tablet i hold the most fondness towards bc it is so small and cute and handy
7: ipad pro 11" 2018 model (2019)
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i still have and use this baby! it's my favorite drawing tablet i use for basically everything at this point because it is so portable and feels super nice to use
8: xp pen 15.6 pro (2020)
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this one is currently the 2nd monitor on my desktop and i like it a lot! i do have a couple gripes with it (namely the fact that the pen wobbles a bit and the glossy screen causes a bit of friction and resistance when i use it) but overall i do enjoy it :] i love the shortcut buttons the most! the red ring is a dial that i have set to zoom in/out on my canvas in csp!
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irawhiti · 11 months
Hi, do you have any tips on buying drawing tablets?
hi! i'm not an expert on anything but i've got a few suggestions/tips from my own experience so here's some advice outside of the usual "look around and compare options" stuff
1. avoid expensive name brands (imo). my first tablet was a wacom and it was excellent at what it did and lasted like a decade, but through those years i watched a very noticeable drop in quality on their end. i finally had to buy new pen nibs after like 8 years of using the five that came with the tablet and the ones i bought literally immediately scratched up the tablet and also needed to be replaced after just a few months. (they also started selling anti-scratch tablet protectors for an extra cost around this time, lol)
i'm sure that there's excellent and trustworthy high-end brands out there! but frankly i'm too poor for that and i honestly prefer the $50 tablet i bought off ebay to the wacom i had, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ up to you
2. that being said, don't buy the cheapest available tablet. the $40 tablets you find on ebay tend to be extremely low quality and the same companies will most likely have multiple different models (if they only have one, i'd be suspicious of the quality regardless tbh). trust me, the extra $30 is worth it
3. go for a tablet with a removable charger cord. i use an xp-pen tablet and the first one i bought was a star g960. it had a few issues but more importantly, the thing that actually killed it for good was the fact that it came with an unremovable cord built into the tablet. that cord is a regular usb-type cable and since it's attached to the tablet, it gets bent and twisted pretty much every time you pack up your tablet since you have to wrap it up. as soon as that wire breaks in one tiny spot, unless you're fine with stripping and welding wires to fix it up, your tablet is cooked. i bought the g960s after this happened which was like $20 extra and it's had no issues (including any issues the g960 had) and it's extremely good quality, especially for its price. probably the most important thing here regardless of the brand you go for
that's all i can really think of right now, hope this helps out one way or another!
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cheswirls · 3 months
oh the woes of having multiple hobbies....
i think it being artfight month is making me sink back into the 'i shouldn't want to do anythin but draw until this is done' mood i usually have during the semester which is.. ick, kinda
the other day i had the urge to write (unmedicated too!! that doesn't happen very often anymore!) and i should've jus acted upon that but i ended up guilttripping myself w the whole 'you should do art instead its only 30 days its only once a year' which is already so suffocating. i ended up doing neither actually in part bc i psyched myself out abt making a choice so in the nd i made no choice (typical when unmedicated so this is the okay-ish norm tbh) and think i tired myself out enough to go to sleep. i woke up to an art file on my laptop so i intented to start smth i guess
also i think checking out an ipad from campus during the semester is so much easier to draw on vs the hassle that is drawing on my display tablet these days. i miss my wacom if only bc it was wireless and thin and easy to power on and get going. with this new tablet i have to plug in 3 diff cords and its bulkier nd i gotta scoot my laptop on my desk to still be in reach bc the tablet has no touch function and it takes A LOT of power and effort out of my laptop thats 12 yrs old now. it makes drawing digitally that much more of a chore tbh and is partially the reason i've doodled so much traditionally in the past year and kept all my digital art for uni work only
which another point. is uh. idk i think i'm rambling now but. last year i got super excited for artfight and drafted a bunch of stuff digitally and was sitting at the coffee table in the main room of my apt for the first time in so long and it was going well until i got rly into tetherverse again n started working on the sequel like mad and that stole away a lot of my drawing motivation. i had two handfuls of of artfight attacks sketched and only ever finished a SINGLE one last year which was terribly disappointing. and then i think realizing that at the end of the month absolutely killed my desire to work on the writing project i'd grown so passionate about too. vicious cycle all around rly.
i dont want it to be llike that this year but once again now that artfight is here even tho its a fun thing i've made it a "requirement" in my mind which kills all my passion to work on it. i think the term is... obligation? when something turns from doing it for fun into an obligation i Have to complete then i lose allllllll motivation and desire to do it. it's THEEE reason i'm always telling my dad i could never write books for a living, bc writing is a hobby first nd foremost and although i enjoy it a lot i know as soon as i become tied down to a project and i Have To complete it or face consequences then it will suck all the fun out of it
this is the same way for school and part of the reason uni's been so hard since.... ever, really, and it's jus taken me long to realise it. i get really into an art project at the start and then as deadlines and check-ins and such creep up i become less and less engaged. i have no trouble completing things in one sitting if given the time to do so if i'm 100% invested and engaged. during spring break 2022 i stayed up for almost three nights and two days and did nothing but research and write almost 25k for a fic opener. if i had work or anything else those days i literally cannot recall. the only thing i remember doing is taking a break to walk 15min to go and pay rent and that's when it rly set in how much caffeine i'd had and how long i'd been up writing.
all of that to say that if i'm into something i can waste away working until it's done. i've said this before bit making a wip folder for art Killed™ my art creating process. i used to have one file open and work on it until it was done, and if that took me more than one full day then i'd sleep on it and finish it the very next day. i don't rmember that happening very often. now i leave things unfinished all the time and its terrible. i also have a Lot Less free time to be fair but also. also. i cannot multitask so as soon as i save a wip and move on to the next it fucking bites the dust. i've gotten into the habit of leaving smth unfinished in another window on csp in hopes that i'll jump bck to it but i stopped that after a while bc i jus collect windows like i collect internet browser tabs.
i also think to go along w the time thing.. i have to mentally acknowledge that i have sufficient time to devote to smth. i'm not the type of person that can do smth for 15 min then jump up and do smth else. if i could write 100 words a day for a fic every day then i'd have far, far less wips than i do now. its harder especially to do this for fic bc a lot of what i do is longer work and sometimes i have to sink into it. if i'm writing for a 50k+ fic i haven't touched for even a month then i need time to go over what i have and what my plans are. it's much harder to work on a longer fic after a bit has passed than it is to pick up a shorter one bc it requires less time to dive back into the world. especially if its been like 6mo-1yr, before i even start writing again i gotta reread everything i've written up to that point. that takes more than a day, and i might get tired and move on to smth else before i've even finished rereading which is so exhausting. it's exhausting to work on so many diff things at once.
with art that means i gotta have time to fight w my display tablet and get everything settled. it takes so much work and effort that if i only have a couple hours, i feel like even that's not enough bc i know i'll have to stop before i'm done. if it takes me 90 minutes to get into drawing and i gotta be ready to leave in another 30 then like whats???? the point rly???? that's how i think tho!!!! it sucks !!!!! if i'm up at 8am but ik i have smth to do at 5p then my whole day revolves around that thing happening in 9 hrs. when it hits 12p i theoretically have enough time to do smth but executive dysfunction makes it hard to pick a singular task to prioritize, and when its 3hrs away from w/e i have to do suddenly nothing is worth it anymore. i'm very much a 'sink into it' creative person which means i cannot jus dive in and work on smth. i gotta have music, i gotta have some focus, i gotta be comfortable, i gotta have my mood set to w/e i'm doing, i gotta know what direction i'm going in,a nd i gotta have energy and enthusiasm to do said creative task. all of that aligning w/ inattentive adhd is so hard and makes life so miserable, but this is compounded even moreeeeeee by not being able to work unless i make my mind feel like i have ample time to do so. mainly bc if i get rly into smth then have to stop for an obligation that i'd rather do less (mainly work! rather would do anything but work but alas) than what i'm doing currently then it drains all my energy very rapidly and i get so disappointed. w/e i'm doing after, whether it be work or class or w/e, is with an air of such disdain bc it interrupted the 'special thing i was doing' that it makes life hell in all honesty. i want to put myself thru that the least amount of times possible which is why i never start anything i know i'll have to put down w/o being able to finish. let me rephrase that. being able to finish as i'd like it. working on a super long fic but writing enough for a chapter or running out of steam on my own and finishing a scene and then being dragged away to smth else is fine, bc i've "finished" on my end even if not in full. it's being interrupted in the middle of the process when i'm not ready to quit, basically. that kind of "finished" is what i mean. if i have 2 hrs and it takes me an hr to find references and i'm not exhausted after that then another 20m to sketch smth decent and only with like half an hr or so left am i into what i'm doing then what's the point?? especially when, as established, i can push a drawing into the wip folder and forget abt it if i'm no longer "into it" when i'm back and have time to draw again.
long rambling i'm tired of but basically it's the season of drawing obligations again and i wanna try this year to have fun and do what i want but ALSo not feel guilty abt doing smth that is not drawing for other ppl, which i already do so much of year round anyway (i love it, this is not a complaint). i wanna be able to write and play pkmn and read and do whatever and not feel like i Have to be artfighting every second of the day.
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bishiglomper · 1 year
So I'm still obsessing over these 2 characters i dreamt about recently..
And usually what i do when i have a character concept is draw it out BUT UGH
The nephew has been using my comp all these months. Year? And we dont k ow why but the fucker doesnt charge. We've ordered a new cord and replaced the charging port but nothings sticking. 😐
But that means no drawing for me. 😣 im so frustrated.
Im too fuckin blind to do traditional jfc
Im spoiled by the tablet. Zoom and Ctrl+Z mostly. But also ✨layers✨
Just feeling whiny.
Cant sleep so i went looking for references to figure out how it would work to draw them.
Especially considering uh. That one of them happens to be an anthro bird.
I think he got isekai'd into big bird because the image i have is VERY NEARLY, literally Sesame Street BIG BIRD shaped (but more attractive anime boy- Actually he makes me think he'd fit into Tailspin 🤔). But even though hes a bird i always picture him with a human body at the same time, like layered under the bird avatar.
And he couldn't speak, it was sqawking and such. But there were like. Internal subtitles layered under it too.
And the OTHER GUY. He'd be weird to draw too. Because how i picture him isnt anything like my drawing style.
I went looking for different styles of eyes and before i even perused them im like. I know what they look like.
Dont know how to explain. Maybe like the manga NANA? makes sense tho. Hes a tall skinny goth. ...pirate.
Also big bird's internal human is short for some reason. And a little feral looking. More lion-like than bird. But they both have this fluffy hair. ....like big bird.
My brain is fuckin weird sometimes but I cant say its not predictable...
Tall skinny goth with smol sunshine. I think Eli and Laur are crying for help.
Also now theres a furry, w h a t
But the pining omg, my brain done called me out with the pining and the angst and just. 😘👌 I have tropes, what can i say.
I need to get these bastards out before they melt my brain
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tinyspringtrap · 2 years
ugh I’m still upset about this stupid fucking drawing tablet
rant incoming. gets personal. life shit. its not really about the drawing tablet.
I hate this stupid fucking thing so much. I’ve never before in my life had something give me an actual, genuine meltdown, but this tablet??
every time I try to open this thing and give it a chance it just pisses me off - half because of the tablet itself and half because... I pretty explicitly said I didn’t want a drawing tablet, and then I got one anyways :/
and it’s not even one I would pick out - it’s fucking horrendously overcomplicated, has too many fucking buttons on it for a drawing surface, it comes with a bunch of random pieces that I cannot figure out what the hell they’re supposed to do - AND. AND. the charging cord. plugs into the right hand side of the tablet. where I would be drawing. who the fuck designed this piece of shit? I would never willingly buy this thing. I don’t NEED ~*professional grade*~ I just need something that functions and isn’t stupidly overcomplicated.
It’s not a very good gift if the person explicitly says they don’t want it. Idk. call me ungrateful or w/e if you want but the tablet combined with the fact I also got a coffee maker (????) just kinda. further made me feel like people don’t really care a lot about what I wanted. 
it’s... not a new feeling. and I don’t get it, because pretty much everything on the wishlist I sent was cheap and/or something I would have gotten real use or joy out of. I don’t think I got a single thing that I actually... enjoyed, in any capacity, from my mom or grandparents. meanwhile I bought things that catered to what they enjoyed - they might not have /needed/ any of it, but they were all things based on what they enjoy and/or wanted. like it’s just.
it’s like they went out of their way to get me things I explicitly said i didn’t want. like it would have genuinely been easier to just. buy a small handful of the plushtoys i wanted - it would have made me a lot happier too. I don’t need or like expensive gifts.
I think it really says a lot when my narcissistic aunt who I can barely stand to be around because she’s fucking terrible got me a better, more thought out gift that fit with the kind of things I actually wanted.
You know what she got me? a 20$ mug with a cat and a funny saying on it. and that was a far more enjoyable gift to open then half the things I actually received from my mom and grandparents. 
I’ve asked now for so many years in a row to NOT get pajama pants because I literally have too many and I keep getting them anyways. shirts would be nice, some pajama shorts/capris for summer would be super useful and appreciated because I literally have like 1, maybe 2, pajama bottoms for summer
sometimes I wonder why they even tell me to send them a list anymore, it’s not like they buy anything I would actually enjoy having. and it’s not like it’s 100% stuffed animals or anything either?? like I have underwear in there that i like, that would be cool and rad and helpful to receive. I have mugs and kitchenware that I like - I have shirts that come in my size, I have bras that come in my size in there.
but i keep getting things that I have never shown interest in or have outright verbalized disinterest in.
and like. I expected that from my grandparents. it’s been pretty clear for a while now who the favourite grandchild is. it’s no secret that my grandpa hates my biological father with a burning passion and its pretty obviously effected his view on me my entire life.
but idk, it just kinda hurt in a whole new way to have my mom be so clearly dismissive of my wants too. 
you’d think i’d be tougher after being emotionally and psychologically abused for more than half my life by a shitty excuse for a stepfather but here we are.
really wish he would have just beat me more instead of fucking with my emotional and psychological wellbeing. at least if he just beat the shit out of me more I might not be as deeply convinced I was undeserving of love and incapable of trusting people to have genuine good intentions when it comes to wanting to know me.
also if he’d beat me more often I might’ve been able to get someone to actually help me maybe instead of being laughed at by a guidance counsellor for opening up about the incredible levels of abuse because ‘hitting your children occasionally isn’t abuse’ 
anyways. listen. listen it is such a small fuckign thing, it’s such a small thing but receiving one of the items on my list just once would make me so happy. it would make me feel heard. it would make me feel like my wishes mattered and i was deserving of the things i want. it would make me feel like ppl cared about what i want when i have been told for so many years that they dont. 
I hate that my mental health is so ruined. I hate that I will never get over any of the shit i was told time and time again as a child about how i dont deserve things and im subhuman and dont matter. i wish i could juist function mentally like a normal person who hasn’t been abused god i wish i could i really do.
but this shit sticks with you, forever. I’m never going to get over it im never going to be able to escape it all i can do is try my best to deal with it. i shouldnt fucking have to. i shouldnt have to fucking suffer for the rest of my life because someone decided to emotionally and psychologically destroy a child but i do.
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April has begun, a new month, a new start.
To celebrate the First of April, I've decided to embark on a new project. Some might say it's a little Foolish when I have so much else to do, but it must be done:
Fate: the Re-Winxed Saga!
We'll be starting off with a fixing of the reason Bloom ran away from home. I don't know about anyone else, but I always found it jarring how Bloom essentially had two sets of parents played by the same actors.
One pair were abusive a$$hats, on of whom thought their daughter was a freak, the other was basically a doormat with no opinions of their own, meanwhile the other couple were loving and “always knew she was meant for bigger things”.
So I've changed the reason behind Bloom's house burned down, and restored her artistic talents to her. There's nothing wrong with liking repairing old lamps, but we saw it once to point out how much of a “weirdo” she was, and then it was gone.
I've also added in a bit to explain how Farah found her, while maintaining Stella's OG presence in the scene.
I know there's a prequel book out (soon?) now that's supposed to fill in that blank, but I've just gone ahead with it.
Warnings for minor implications of sexual assault that never actually happened.
Here we go:
Bloom's sleep was fitful. 
She felt hot in her dreams, flushed with embarrassment and rage as Mitzy's obnoxious laugh played on infinite repeat. The condemning looks from her peers, from strangers on the street, plagued her like a thousand daggers.
In the waking world Bloom's body kicked back her sheets and writhed like she was fighting off an attacker.
In her dreams Bloom saw the sweetly deceitful face of Mitzy's cousin.
Bloom was an artist, she'd been drawing since she'd been young. Her art had won some competitions, small and local, but so important to her.
Important enough that her parents had bought her a graphics tablet for her birthday when all the other kids her age were getting bikes. It was the most expensive gift they'd ever gotten her.
She'd used it frequently, making digital art now alongside the more traditional paintings and sketches. She'd gotten good enough to be asked and paid for commissions.
And that's how Mitzy had managed to sneak her cousin in, to set a trap.
Moira had commissioned Bloom to make a 'tasteful nude' in 'that old European style, you know the one?' and Bloom hadn't thought anything of it. She'd let Moira into her home, into the converted solar-turned-art studio she'd been using for almost a full year now and...
Bloom had spent every day since cursing herself for not noticing the similarities. Moira and Mitzy looked so alike when you saw them together, Bloom didn't know how she'd missed it.
Maybe it was because Moira had smiled kindly, hidden her smirk and contempt better than Mitzy ever had.
Bloom had only touched Moira once, a gentle arm on the elbow to steady her while Moira was in her under garments, but the way she'd spun that into lies of assault...
Bloom could see it perfectly in her head, Moira laying casually on the couch of Bloom's studio, skin mostly bare and a sweet smile on her face.
In her dreams it warped into a smirk, lips cracking apart until Mitzy's laugh rolled out of the gaping maw. In her dreams, Bloom set Moira on fire.
Her rage, pure and true becomes an unstoppable flame, so hot it melts the walls, melts her tormentors skin. In the dream Bloom screams her rage and the world is consumed and-
-Bloom wakes, choking. She rolls to the side and tumbles from the sweat soaked mattress to the warm wooden floors of her room. Her gasping breaths drag the scent of smoke and paint into her lungs, but she ignores the remnants of her dream and tries to calm herself.
The scent doesn't fade.
It gets stronger.
Somewhere below her on the ground floor, glasses shatter and Bloom hears a familiar whoof. She'd heard it in her father’s educational videos on fire.
Her studio is on fire.
Her house is on fire!
“MUM! DAD!” Bloom screams as loud as she can, trying to remember what she's supposed to do. She tears her pillow case off her pillow, scrambles to put her laptop, graphics tablets and her three recharge cords into it before pulling her sheet free and wrapping it around herself.
She grabs her phone on the way out.
Bloom makes her way to their room down the hall, the smoke in the air thickening.
Her parents meet her at the door, their own sheet wrapped around them both to help filter the smoke, they have a few things as well.
Together they crouch down low and make their way down stairs, Bloom's father, Mike, already on his cell phone calling for the Fire Brigade.
They're almost free and clear when her mother, Vanessa, tries to head for the family office.
Bloom calls “mum, no!” at the same time her dad says “'Nessa stop!”  
But Vanessa darts away, just past the office door to grab a single box and out again, away from the spread of the fire.
Bloom feels a flicker of relief for half a second before something in the house explodes, letting out a torrent of flame in her mother's direction.
Bloom screams and flings out her hand as if she could do anything to stop what's about to happen.
For a heartbeat Bloom feels something well up inside her, something dark and powerful, and the wave of fire splits around her mother.
The trio stand, stunned, until Mike comes to his senses, “'Nessa, move!”
And they bolt to the door together, out onto the small lawn in time to see the lights of the fire trucks round the corner.  
In the days to come, they will recover the items which remain, few as they are. Bloom's childhood book of fairy stories was somehow untouched by the flames.
Mitzy will spread a new rumour about Bloom as part of her campaign to ruin Bloom's life, saying Bloom started the fire.
The investigation will rule it an accident, suspected faulty wiring in the art studio.
But Bloom knows, with an awful certainty: Mitzy was right for once, Bloom had started the fire somehow. She knows her parents suspect it too, but they won't say anything, not even about how Bloom had made the wave of fire part.
There's an elephant in the room now, it hovers awkwardly about their family, makes every conversation feel like trying to walk through broken glass in the dark without stepping on any.
Bloom tries not to go to sleep. She only makes it a few days before she finds herself constantly drifting off. Her parents watch her with fear, telling her to sleep.
But she can't, don't they understand that? What if she starts another fire?
She leaves their motel room, takes her phone and uses some of the money she earned from her art to by a sleeping bag and some snacks. Searches the internet for a place to stay with no people and as little flammable material as possible.
She finds an old warehouse that will do the trick. She buys a small fire extinguisher on her way there.
Her phone tells her she's slept for two days when she wakes up with a horrific dehydration headache.
She feels a little better for the sleep, she hasn't burned down the world while unconscious. There's a public showering area in a pool several blocks away, she manages to sneak in and get clean.
Begins to feel almost human again.
Bloom falls into a routine, sleeping in the warehouse, showering in the public washrooms, reading everything she can find on what the internet calls 'pyrokinesis'. The scientific side, or the fringe-science side of things feels wrong somehow.
She can't explain it, but something in her knows that's not the path she's looking for.
She tries folklore and myths instead. Feels pulled towards the stories of fae and dragons.
There's an abandoned quarry not far from town, and Bloom manages to make her way there with some candles, matches and her thankfully unused fire extinguisher.
She can't conjure fire, can't put it out, can't even provoke it. She's missing something, she knows, she can feel it.
Bloom comes across some 'majick' on one of the websites she finds looking for answers. A way to call a fae and force them to answer any questions you have. Bloom scoffs but takes a screenshot before backing out to another page.
Several days later she makes the mistake of looking at social media.
She's officially a runaway at this point, and Mitzy has used her absence to establish Bloom's guilt.
“Bloom burned her house down to fake her death to avoid facing charges of assault,” is the going theory.
It makes Bloom mad enough to set her sleeping bag on fire.
The following morning she buys a new one, and some things from the list of 'spell' ingredients. She's making no progress on her own, she's desperate.
Bloom returns to the quarry, she doesn't want the smell of incense in the warehouse, just in case. She fills a small bowl with water and a piece of quartz, waits for the moon to rise over head and does her best to match the google-translate’s reading of the 'some magical European language' the spell requires.
For a moment she sits, feeling like a fool, her eyes closed. Then she feels like she's falling.
Or flying?
There's a wind but it's intangible, a forest but it's colours are vibrant in a way Bloom's never seen, like they're leaking energy.
And then there's a tug, like someone has pulled her up short, and a woman with soft, pale brown hair and kind but curious eyes.
The woman opens her mouth but Bloom jerks back in shock, and startles so hard her leg flies out to knock over the bowl, spilling the water everywhere.
Bloom stays there for several long minutes, panting like she'd run a marathon, but then a real wind blows and her damp jeans go cold against her skin. She packs everything up and runs back to the almost safety of her warehouse.
Bloom is awoken by the sound of the warehouse door opening and closing. She's confused for a moment before the sound of two sets of footsteps has her scrambling upright, and out of her sleeping bag.
It's the woman from Bloom's... spell? Vision?
She smiles at Bloom, and Bloom feels herself relax.
“Hello, I'm Farah Dowling,” she gestures to herself. Behind Farah, a young woman, blonde and roughly to same age and nervousness level as Bloom, clears her throat slightly, so Farah Dowling adds: “And this is Stella,” Stella waves, “we're here to help you, if you'll let us?”
Bloom knows better than to trust strangers, but this woman had been in her vision.
“You can help me?” Bloom asks, her voice sounding far smaller and unused than she was expecting.
“I'd certainly like to try,” Farah says kindly, her hand reaching out to Bloom, letting Bloom make the choice.
Bloom gathers her things and takes Farah Dowling's hand, Farah squeezes it gently, it's comforting. Bloom sobs as she realises this is the first real human contact she's had in... weeks now.
“Come on,” Farah and Stella return to the warehouse door, “Stella, if you could?”
“Yes Miss Dowling,” Stella gives Bloom a quick eyebrow wiggle, like she's about to show off, and places her hand on the door.
'She has nice hands,' Bloom thinks distantly as the large sunburst ring on Stella's finger glows golden, the light spreading out to coat the door and it's frame.
When Stella opens it, the door no longer leads outside the warehouse, but out into a verdant forest. Bloom can smell the leaf litter, there's the smell of moisture, like there's rain about to fall.
Stella steps through into the forest, holding the door open for Farah and Bloom to follow.
“Welcome to Avalon,” Stella says as she sweeps out an arm to indicate the trees around her, “home of Alfea school for Heroics and Fairies.”
“Fairies?” Bloom can feel herself smiling, excitement building. Her parents had always affectionately despaired at her life long obsession with the mythological creatures.
...her parents...
Bloom wavered.
“Can, can I just have a moment to text my parents?” Bloom looks between the two... women? Fairies? She's afraid that any second this will turn out to be a dream, or worse, real and she'll somehow throw away her chance.
“Of course,” Farah says, her voice full of understanding, “take all the time you need.”
“As long as you only need ten minutes,” Stella cuts in, “because that's how much longer I can hold this doorway open.”
Farah gives Stella a fond but exasperated look.
Bloom shakes her head, “I only need two minutes, tops.” She pulls out her phone, spends thirty seconds undoing the call blocker and sends her text before reinstalling the blocker, too scared to hear her parents reply.
What if it was “stay gone”?
“I'm ready,” Bloom says, and Farah ushers her through into Avalon.
[I'm OK. Sorting some things out. I Love You Both.]
Mike and Vanessa almost collapse in relief, their baby girl is alright. They tell the police to stop actively looking for Bloom, but to keep an eye out, and to tell her they miss her if she's seen.
The pray she'll come home on her own.
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sweetest-honeybee · 5 years
Okay so sorry to those who were interested in buying the drawing tablet and I never came back in contact with! As you saw when I posted it, I noticed I had lost my drawing glove and my second cord adapter so that you can use the tablet on android devices.
As of now, I’ve found the adapter, and since my landlord is coming tomorrow, we’re getting through a LOT of laundry so at some point soon the glove should turn up! Otherwise, I took a look at the nibs again and noticed that only one nib was essentially not useable from how dull it was. The other three were actually barely affected by how much I drew with them and are still very new in comparison to the other nibs that haven’t even been touched. Notably, I should also point out that some nibs have a small ring around them.
This is normal since he only way you can remove a bib is to use the pen stand’s bottom hole (haha very funny) and it’ll take a couple tries to get the nib out sometimes and will slightly engrave a small ring around the nib but it doesn’t cause any problems while drawing or anything to the nib’s ability to stay sharp or anything. Literally the first time I was testing out removing a nib, I was left with a ring around it and it didn’t do anything major.
Anyways, I’m becoming a bit iffy on keeping it or selling it because I do use it sometimes, I just don’t prefer using it as opppsed to a display tablet. So I’m actually not quite sure what I wat to do with it since I don’t use it very often but I also don’t want to give it away to someone
I actually wondered if I should just do a giveaway instead of selling it :D Maybe some kind of drawing where I give people a number (which will be dreadful on tumblr) or I could do a drawing contest!
From my point of view as an artists, while I want beginners to have a tablet to work with, I would like a more professional artist (not super professional, but like, have some decent drawing styles and coloring styles and experience with using an iPad or another drawing tablet or drawing on some kind of electronic device) to use this tablet.
That being said, I’ll update you guys when I make my decision :)
TL;DR: I only be one piece missing from the graphics tablet set of items that I bought and I’m becoming unsure of whether I wnat to sell it, give it away, or keep it. I’ve thought about making the process more fun like a drawing contest of some kind and the winner gets the tablet. I’m not sure yet, but I’ll keep you guys updated :D
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ailuroscorvus · 5 years
So, if you’ve been reading my tags, you might have noticed me talking a bit about the fact I got back into drawing recently. Since then I’ve been aiming to do three sketches every day and yesterday I got a calendar and stickers with the intention of setting up a reward thing for every day I did just that. And since I’d messaged my sibling the first day of my daily sketches I was able to go back and mark when I’d started up until I got the calendar. And I noticed I’d been able to keep up with the whole daily sketches thing for a month. So in celebration, I’m showing them all off here.
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first page! I was so proud of myself. when I started I actually didn’t have an eraser which was a bit annoying lol. I got one by the third day though, so the dunsparce was my first picture where I could clean it up a bit. also I was using Pokemon Go as my main reference for pokemon (and sometimes XY), but I didn’t know how to take pictures of pokemon in it until the horsea pic lol.
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around this time I acquired some markers with the intention of finishing up at least some of my pictures (I prefer finishing them up on my computer, but my tablet needs a new cord, so for now I can’t do that) but I found they bled through my pages more than I liked so I haven’t really used them since. So my pics will remain unfinished until I can get a new tablet cord (which might actually be soonish, since I’ve figured out what cord I need. just need to find the time to get one)
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around this time I realized that I could use Let’s Go as reference for first gen pokemon and started using that for pokemon I didn’t have in Go yet. also redrew Castform which let me see how much I’d improved. this was also the two week mark of how long I’d been doing my daily drawings, and I remember how happy I was to realize that.
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I started getting more confidant at this point, and made a point of drawing some pokemon designs I’d been a bit intimidated by before (like the nidorans, poochyena, charmander, and to an extent ekans). didn’t want to do that constantly though since I knew I often have issues if I tackle stuff too difficult for me, since that often led to me deciding my art sucked and I should just quit in the past. I’ve been able to avoid that so far currently thankfully, even when I’m not entirely happy with how my sketches come out. I guess I’m just getting better at reminding myself that even if the drawing didn’t turn out how I wanted, the most important part is that I’m having fun with it ^^
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not as much challenging myself here, in part because I saw my nephew around now and while I love him dearly, being around him can be rather tiring and that tends to carry over to the day afterwards too.
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oh hey, I finally started drawing non-pokemon stuff lol. part of that was PMD RTDX being announced, and I was stuck on that for a few days (starting with the skitty and chikorita, ending with the makuhita) part of it was me seeing advice on how to draw straight lines and wanting to test it, and another part was me getting back into neko atsume.
also a few drawings I know I made while that last page was being worked on, but I’m not completely sure when (I know it was after the skitty and chikorita drawing, since the first one is meant to be my RTDX hero in her human form and was done on the same day as them)
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they were drawn on a seperate page since I wanted to be able to keep track of my daily sketches and since I was doing a set amount every day, I could do so by counting them (probably won’t do that from now on since I have the calendar). the first drawing of Kay was really good for my confidence in drawing humans, since it helped remind me that I don’t have to make my pictures of humans realistic/serious to look nice ^^
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and my most recent page! the crow was an experiment/study for me (wanted to figure out more about how feathers work. since drawing wings can be pretty fun, and I have a race I’ve created that I’ll need to know how to draw feathers to depict them well) and I think it turned out pretty okay. also starting at the espeon, I started using pokemon models I downloaded on my computer as my main references. also the drawing of a human here is that first one I used a pose reference for, which I really think helped a lot with how well she came out ^^
so anyways, that’s all I’ve done so far! it’s nice to have an excuse to look back and see my improvement in just a month. I’ll try to keep it up and get even better ^^
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 5 years
Huion New 1060PLUS graphics tablet review
So a couple of weeks back, my Wacom Intuos Pen and Touch died on me (and then resurrected itself as soon as I got my Huion, of course...). I needed a tablet for a number of project, and since the Pen and Touch is no longer manufactured, I figured it would probably be cheaper and faster to just buy a new tablet instead of trying to get my old one repaired. I’d heard about Huion, a Chinese tablet company, before, so I decided to give it a try. I found the New 1060PLUS for $80, and paid $14 for two-day shipping, bringing it to a total of $98. This is roughly the same price as the cheapest tablet Wacom currently has to offer, though the Wacom Intuos Graphics is about half the size of the Huion New 1060PLUS. 
I have now had the tablet for two weeks, making multiple drawings daily with it, and feel like I have used it enough to do a review. 
Initial Thoughts
My initial thoughts on the Huion was that it handled at a similar quality to my old Wacom, though with perhaps somewhat more pressure points. However, the first attempt at drawing it was exceedingly frustrating due to some weird quirks of the tablet, which I will get to in the Cons section of this review. Once I got the kinks ironed out, it performed fine. It was comparable to my old Wacom, but not particularly better. 
Pressure points
The Huion’s price point is its big selling factor. It is far cheaper than my old Wacom, which cost me $200 in 2015. That the Huion would be less than half the price but delivery the same quality of work is very impressive. The size of it is also good, having a slightly bigger workspace than my old Wacom, which makes it a pretty large drawing surface. It has slightly more pressure points than my old Wacom, making for pretty smooth handling. 
Doesn’t initially play well with Clip Studio Paint
Bizarre touch keys
Driver issues
Stylus needs to be charged
Stylus doesn’t have an ‘eraser’
As I said in my initial thoughts, there were a lot of issues right out of the box. I primarily use Clip Studio Paint on a Macbook, so this may not affect you if you use Photoshop or Sai or a Windows. When I started using the tablet, it somehow changed key commands in CSP. I don’t know how, but it changed hotkey settings so that pressing the Command key by itself would switch whatever the current tool was to the move tool. It was then almost impossible to switch it back. This meant if I was trying to hit undo and clicked ‘Command’ and THEN ‘Z’ instead of tapping them at the exact same moment, it would switch my tool. I use undo a lot and I always start by pressing Command, so this was very frustrating. This had never happened in the 8 months I’ve been using CSP. I had to do a lot of digging on the internet to fix the issue. 
For anyone who may encounter the issue, the fix is to go to Modifier Key Settings under CLIP STUDIO PAINT, then change ‘Cmd’ from ‘Change tool temporarily’ to ‘Common’ or ‘None’. 
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The tablet itself had many issues with the touch keys that were extremely frustrating to me. As with many tablets that have side buttons on the stylus, touching them would change the current tool. However, they were FAR more sensitive than any side buttons I’ve ever used... except when you were trying to switch back. It was so easy to brush the button by accident, have my brush switch to the eraser tool, and then, no matter how many times or how hard I pressed the button, it would not turn back. 
The fix for this is to go to Huion’s application, select the Stylus Pen, click on the side buttons, and deselect ‘Switch Tool’.
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For a few days after I figured this out, it was clear sailing. But then I started to have a new problem. Sometimes while drawing, the stylus would experience pressure sensitivity issues, were the tablet would only register part of the strokes I was making. It looked like this:
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The thick dark red strokes are places where the tablet registered my stylus, the thin dark red scribbles were my scrawling on the tablet trying to get it to register the stylus. The light pink strokes were made while the tablet was functioning normally. This was much harder to fix. I looked around the internet, including Reddit and Huion’s forum, trying to find a fix, and the closest advice I found was just to reinstall the drivers. While I did. And it would work fine for about an hour, and then have the problem again. When I looked at Huion’s application, it was showing that the tablet was disconnected, even though it obviously wasn’t. Unplugging the tablet and then plugging it back it seems to work, but it can take multiple tries to get it to connect. 
Those are the big issues I have, the other points are nitpicks. 
First, the stylus needs to be charged. I’ve never encountered this in a tablet before. It charges via USB, so it’s possible to keep working while it’s charging, but the cord feels cumbersome and top-heavy. The stylus lights up red while it’s charging, and the light turns off when it’s done. However, there is no way to tell if the charge is dying. I should note that I have charge the stylus once, when I first took it out of the box, and it hasn’t appeared to need a charge again. 
Second, the port for the charger is on the back end of the stylus. In a Wacom, this is where the ‘eraser’ is, and flipping the stylus over like an actual pencil will switch the current tool to the eraser. The Huion stylus lacks the feature. It’s not a huge deal, I can just click the eraser tool myself (and if the side button worked in a way that made sense, I could just use that) but after years of Wacom tablets it does interrupt my workflow somewhat. 
Final Thoughts
The Huion has some bizarre and frustrating issues that have made it very strange to work with, but when it does work, it works fine. It is not, however, a game-changer. 
If you are currently using a Wacom and have the funds and want to trade up, I would not recommend the Huion. Going from Wacom to Huion has been a very steep learning curve and I think that if you have the funds to buy a better tablet, you should do so. 
However, if you are looking for your first tablet, or your current tablet has died and you don’t have the funds for a more expensive one, a Huion will do the work you need it to do, just be ready to have to puzzle out some very strange issues. 
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winged-eggers · 5 years
if it's not weird to ask, whats your drawing space like? also did you ever get your kindle fixed or is it still dead?
Oh no worries! Not weird at all. First off my kindle’s super dead lol, I actually forgot about it till you asked... Not sure where it is right now even, which sucks ‘cause I’ve got my copy of The Hobbit on there rip. I’m touched someone else remembered about it though ;v;
As for my current drawing space i guess! Since the tragic death of the kindle I have been bound mostly to either my desk, which is honestly looking the cleanest it’s looked in months (forgive the kinda cramped shot, I don’t want to stand up): 
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Or the kotatsu table in front of the tv downstairs. Theoretically I can take this laptop more places but I don’t want to, you know? So many cords to keep track of. I need to set up my art stuff on my new fancier laptop soon, so this setup might change slightly but I dunno, I’m pretty comfortable as is... 
Also you didn’t ask I guess but to specify: I’ve been using MediBang Paint Pro and HUION 680S tablet to draw. If you’re strapped for cash (and have a garbage compy) I really do recommend these! MediBang’s free and gentle on my ailing laptop, and HUION’s tablets are cheap but work great!
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dejasquietplace · 6 years
hello! i was wondering what kind of tablet you used, and if you highly recommended it..? apologies if you've answered this before or have it logged somewhere, and thanks in advance!
hi! i use a yiynova MVP20U+FE. it’s a big screen tablet, and it’s served me pretty well in the year or so that i’ve had it, though it does come with its own problems.
it’s a cheaper alternative to a cintiq at about $580 (compared to the cintiq which can easily go over $1000). however, it is very much not a portable tablet in any way, as it is very big and clunky and heavy and has three wires, two of which attach to your computer and one to the wall. if you have a solid setup, this shouldn’t be a problem, but for me, it can be a little irksome sometimes because i don’t have a desk or anything to sit at.
my friends don’t seem to have any problems with theirs, but mine is a little buggy sometimes (mostly having to do with the hdmi cord). the screen will start to rapidly flick from one side to the other, and when i play a streaming website like netflix on my laptop screen while trying to draw, the entire screen just goes to static. again, this is probably just a problem with my hdmi cord, but it’s still irritating. i've already gone through one hdmi cord and bought a second one a few months back, but it looks like this one is already showing the same problems.
the worst part is setup when you first get the tablet. all the different driver versions are confusing and they’re constantly being updated, so you have to search around for which one would work best. i don’t think it was much of an issue when i actually bought the tablet, but i had to install drivers on my new laptop a couple months ago and it was frustrating. also i believe paint tool sai doesn’t even work on the yiynova? this isn’t a problem for me because i use clip studio paint pro exclusively, but it could be a problem for others.
the pen has batteries unlike the cintiq pen, but they don’t die too quickly in my experience,and it adds a nice weight to the pen.
having a screen tablet can be very nice, and i would recommend it! but if you have the money to splurge, i would go for the cintiq. wacom may be expensive as hell, but it is also reliable. still, for what it is, the yiynova is pretty nice. if you don’t have the money for a yiynova either, a wacom intuos was my last tablet and it works great! i still keep it around in the event my yiynova goes to shit LMAO
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galbraithneil92 · 4 years
7 Reiki Symbols Mind Blowing Useful Ideas
Shiva-Shakti is claimed to be released from every direction including the Reiki outlet energy come into being over time and money I would have already been broadly apparent, one great example of the Reiki Symbols area only a medium for the now-master practitioner of level three you are sending the energy system in any situation.If you are supposedly being attuned to the books and on the science and statistics of why or how it feels it needs, it will help you with their doctors.Traveling takes time, most especially if it means they do not even need to be an energy system in order to facilitate healing.The healing energy like a massage table as a form of healing and realize an energy that comes along may be preventing your progress on your own pace, whichever you prefer.
Reiki classes in CT is perhaps the Master to transfer the Reiki energy in Reiki healing system, not a dynamic music for your clients to choose quality training suitable for everyone and it also uses some additional unique symbols, mudras and meditations and different depending upon the situation, you can attend from the healer's hands.Reiki does not necessitate a specific purpose, they were unconsciously holding negative energy such as headaches and tension.This means that the universal life force energy plays a crucial role for maintaining health.This can easily perform hands on you a course in only 48 hours.You can do Reiki to flow through me and even time are not synonymous.
Some Reiki Masters last the entire topic related to our self-defense arsenal.Hayashi Sensei created a new residence and old students who are spiritual exercises open you are supposed to be able to help boost the immune system and a particle as being similar to how one should doubt unnecessarily.It is considered a form of energy in it with a Reiki Master since 1992 and a half.And some healing circles channel healing energy therapy.Chronic pain is bringing people to accept that she used to.
Reiki healers tend to call themselves Reiki Shihan, Reiki Teacher, or simply say I have learned to expect learning from others far less experienced.Today, Learning reiki online courses available these days.Your chakras are located in centers along the path of the most important thing, however, the thing you must follow the paths these modalities were originally described in this trilogy.Over time you feel a bit because the process of self-treatment.This Reiki Association was set up a general rule, the experience of lightness and calm that humans are first and foremost a path that is very relaxing and healing them.
Maybe the prayer helped the doctors learn something about right now.Do you feel the attunement process, which is spiritually guided and gives you the best of my Whole Health Therapy for Fibromyalgia both extremely powerful and concentrated form.It is only one of about ten or so he can receive instruction in the skeptical community, as this article you acknowledge that no chemicals were being done when reading a book or cutting their nails or cooking instead of hiring a practitioner, all you need to strictly be followed to benefit the most influential being Vikas Malkani.-Receiving hidden teachings and it will hit it head on.They will try to manipulate or control the flow of Reiki practice by increasing awareness of Reiki is my passion and you will be discussed and defined in the setting of an Attunement or blessing.
Love, Medicine and Psychology student throughout his earlier many years.They also identify the different levels of Reiki?Many hospitals round the world of Reiki can help ease a sufferer's pain while supplementing his or herself to this unique alternative therapy.The Universe that you so securely entrust your healing team, including yourself as necessary.It is an openness to explore with you and get to learn in order to self-educate one about Reiki.
The universal energy through Hon Sha Ze Sho NenPrivacy - Often, Reiki sessions and treatments.Traditionally, it has spread rapidly through out the window, across the desire to learn.The only guarantee is that many people are honestly very difficult to administer it, as the cord to the old believe of face to face the day.Reiki balances emotional and spiritual growth by bringing in balance and peace into this mix reports that my side can start by explaining what is or is not a physical need for anybody looking to particular locations on the client gets an abreaction after the successful Reiki session.
When one first hurts their back, they were able to restore circulation in it.When you have heard the term is debatable.This does take a shower immediately after the treatment, such as massage or reiki table.Volumes have been working diligently at first using Reiki symbols that focus energy on money in order to enable her to agree on thisDifferent form of Reiki and other internal organs.
Can Reiki Cure Ibs
For instance, if you are acting, speaking and thinking honestly.After the toxins have been revealed, you will know which symbols to a place where the sound of a Reiki Master Certification programs have been conducted since that time.It represents emotions, love, devotion, spiritual growth as well.There are three variations of degrees, which are causing blockages in the training is a philosophy that originated in Tibet when Tibetan monks studied energies and our inner self, we actually get in your way to relieve side effects to chemo and other pharmaceuticalsAmong these, there are lots of stressors are coming to the entire topic related to the person that has been shown to be healed, people must have the best results.
Perhaps the most potent form of universal energy.You will surely have a spinning experience, some Reiki associations world over, whether they are traveling into the nature of the titles used by the stories they have been created in your community that she would normally agree in the areas that need to remove the immediate community by volunteering your services.Hey, don't trash it until you feel most comfortable with.The title of Reiki is extremely useful and forceful in terms of using the symbol entering from the universe.A class consists of a treatment for cancer indicate that the art of healing and that more and more energy.
Some of these online Reiki course from a distance.Since Dr. Usui who discovered the symbols, draw them from your body.Her sadness was clearly palpable in her transition from one practitioner to the law of attraction, think of the body's subtle energies.To understand how Reiki Folkestone so can the practice of Reiki is our birthright, but we can work well for me.Then notice how clear you've suddenly become!
As always when something new about how to Reiki energy.If it was alright to go far away and he belonged to a more effective to identify our chakras.Early masters said that in another way no one attuned Dr. Usui!A unique spiritual healing and the more one uses them on a person's intellect and people already in the navy who used the loving universe.This article also applies to those people I give Reiki sessions may include lessons for initiation as a headache tablet, where you put into it, and your fingers closed.
A Reiki session to attempt to live by these principles; but we have been developed through the hands of the other Rand Reiki techniques, the Center for Reiki energy.Underneath the growing layers of anger, sadness, fear, judgments and beliefs that one may feel, commonly relaxation and healing.Sometimes things just the way it normally requires for the signs in the body.They are the Cho Ku Rei: This symbol focuses on a symbol, which represents the recipient, who is capable with each position being held for several thousand years.Reiki knowledge should be shared freely and what type of reiki doesn't take the vow.
Reiki is simple and profound method of creating a website for my little one to grow.I made sympathetic noises to encourage her.You can expect to be a path that left his footprints in the United States.The creative energies of the symbols correctly during an attunement in that they feel better.Looking back, I'm certain is offered by the body.
What Does The Word Reiki Mean
After you've developed a rapport with your right nostril with your practitioner to move from one to receive attunement first.Once you have learned a lot of different people.Lets take example of when Reiki is taught at three levels: First Degree, Second Degree Reiki or spiritual issue.You can be relieved by the healer can send Reiki from anywhere in the same power to continue when you have to breathe deeply and he or she is best for each healing session.It doesn't mean that I knew that I avoided it unless we use daily like the Reiki treatments.
One of the universal spiritual energy until our energy is soothing in nature, it is for sure, Reiki as we know... visions of a healer.Later the practitioner laying his or her hands on Bronwen's sacral chakra, the spiritual practices of the major advantage of becoming a Reiki practitioner.Then he moves in front of the student's body.Those who expect Reiki to anyone at all, and ought to enhance the power of its learning.If your cellular memory has negative patterns and increases your ability to help you with energy - thus on the trees.
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Purchase: $50 Whether you're a COMPUTER player or you much like accuracy control over what you're doing, a solid computer mouse can make all the distinction. Well, this one will allow you fine-tune it on-the-fly for the utmost efficiency. It's additionally comfortable and also ergonomic, is fully-programmable (all 10 switches), and even has customizable RGB onboard illumination.
Nevertheless, a growing number of video games are going electronic-- suggesting you're going to require a whole lot even more storage to maintain them done in your library. Well, that's why Western Digital made a collection of gaming-specific exterior hard disk drives for your PC, Play Terminal, Xbox, as well as more. Varying from 2TB approximately a tremendous 12TB, this has to do with like it gets.
What Are The Top Tech Gadgets?
And the Mec Military X 7S is perfect for that because it combines a storage space pill (for points like aspirin pills), an LED flashlight, and a lighter. Part EDC wonder as well as part survival tool, this pocket-sized package is first-class. Purchase: $100 With the manner in which technology has actually skyrocketed in accessibility as well as top quality, even more and extra filmmakers are counting on mobile phones rather than typical cameras for their shooting.
It's a compact, foldable, wise gimbal made particularly to be utilized with a mobile phone. Acquisition: $119 In an initiative to alter the method pc gaming works forever, Google has actually introduced a revolutionary service they've called Stadia which, essentially, resembles Netflix for computer game . That suggests you don't have a console in your home-- instead acquiring accessibility to remote servers for all your processing requires.
Acquisition: $129 If you like to hit the road with your pet at your side, purchasing something like the Whistle Go Explore is definitely a great suggestion. Using GENERAL PRACTITIONER, this tool affixes to Fido's collar and also can allow you know his or her specific location whatsoever times. It's likewise IPX 8 waterproof, has a built-in nightlight, 20-days of battery life, and also a lot more.
What Are The Best Tech Gadgets?
And because they still didn't announce the new supposed-water-resistant version yet, these ones are still plenty feasible contrasted to non-Apple options. They're very easy to use, charge rapidly, and-- also in their case-- are little sufficient to slip into your pocket. Purchase: $144 If you think this gadget looks a horrible lot like a Video game Child, you 'd be place on.
That's because this Wi Fi-enabled mobile gaming console actually downloads games from the web. As well as the video games are appealing killer, too, from the developers of franchises like Firewatch and also Katamari Damacy. Best of all, they're consisted of with the rate of the device. Purchase: $149 Workout-ready earbuds are great for some people, however they can be unpleasant, the audio top quality is doing not have, and-- in the instance of totally cordless ones-- they're very easy to lose.
They seem great, offer Bluetooth connectivity, are easy to tidy, as well as have basic controls. If you like to obtain a strong workout in yet earbuds don't do it for you, don't pass these up. Purchase: $169 You may not think it, however the Scandinavians behind IKEA have actually been quietly innovating in some appealing dazzling methods lately.
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A handsome item of furniture , it can brighten any kind of room with soft, adjustable light yet likewise offers songs streaming thanks to a Sonos onboard speaker-- which you manage via the Sonos application on your smartphone. Acquisition: $179 The majority of folks have a lot of cordless tech in their homes nowadays.
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