#and Gil is like okay I might have gone a little bit overboard
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
How about soft Thenamesh and the language of flowers? I think there is a potential for a great little story with them and flowers and their own special meaning :)
You can choose the AU!
Rose colours all have different meanings in the world of flower symbolism. Many of them overlap, such as yellow roses, which can express both friendship, but also the beginnings of developing feelings. White roses express a purity of feelings and honest intentions. Pink roses express friendship, while red roses express the most classic form of romantic love.
The hospital is often full of them, for various people and purposes. But today especially, there are roses positively everywhere.
Gil has been giving them out all day.
It essentially all started with his first call of the day. He picked up a woman who had called her own ambulance, having gone into early labour while she was out alone.
The poor woman was rightfully distressed, for her child, herself, the fact that her partner wasn't anywhere near enough to be there if she suddenly gave birth. Gil was still the best one to comfort her, but he couldn't help but feel for the woman alone in OB waiting to be moved to a room.
So, he had gone out and gotten her flowers on his break. Lovely yellow roses with baby's breath in them, for the new beginning about to take place in her life. The woman was moved to tears (and her partner, who did in fact make it in time, was also touched).
He had just gotten the one bouquet, but then he heard another woman giving birth admiring them. Then another--a young lady not even out of her teens. And of course, who was Gil to leave a poor girl wanting?
Now, it seems he has bought out an entire florist's supply of roses and is giving them away by the handful. First was every woman in OB who could stand the pollen. Then there were a few patients in the NICU who had also heard of the handsome paramedic giving out roses to anyone who asked.
Then the nurses asked about it, and Gil believes very strongly in the unsung heroes of medicine--the nurses, the medical assistants, scrub techs, peri-op assistants, even paramedics like himself. So any time someone asked what the flowers were for, he would hand one over with a grin and say they were just to improve people's day.
It's very Gilgamesh--it's very sweet and amazingly thoughtful.
"How does he still have flowers to give out?"
Ajak looks up from her charts. She eyes the vase of a few pink and white roses left by one Mister Gilgamesh himself, and then at the attending head of ER. "I guess so."
"Hm," Thena murmurs to herself as she flips through her own charts. She's leaning against the counter with her back to Ajak.
Ajak puts down her work, leaning back in her chair. Thena might be facing away from her, but she can read all of her kids from a mile away. "It's sweet, isn't it?"
"Of course it is," Thena murmurs with her eyes on her work. "It's Gilgamesh."
"Well, not just that," Ajak probes further, but not without caution. She's pretty sure she's got an idea of how Thena is feeling, but that doesn't mean she's out to provoke the doctor. "You heard how it started out, right?"
"Yes, a woman in early labour, wasn't it?" Thena turns, leaning on her elbows on the counter and toying with her stethoscope. "I heard she and her partner were very thankful for the kind gesture."
"Hm," Ajak replies in Thena's usual way. "I haven't seen him since earlier today."
"He and Kingo got called on a few more runs." Thena sets down her tablet and runs her finger along the edge of the case. "I haven't seen him since this morning, though."
Ajak raises her brows. It's a plain enough statement, but she can hear the slight edge to that tone--the frustration in it. Obviously he's been in and around the hospital, with the amount of floral evidence there is. Ajak tilts her head, "no?"
Thena purses her lips and shakes her head, the way one would when they think nothing of something. Or maybe when they think quite a lot about something but don't want anyone to know.
Ajak gives Thena one more chance to simply come out and say what she's thinking. But unsurprisingly, she has to drag it out of her. "If you want one, I'm sure-"
"They're for patients, Ajak," Thena responds a little too quickly. "Patients and nurses like you, who keep things running. And I'm not sure it's even a good idea for him to be handing out flowers to everyone who asks."
Ajak just nods. Thena does not wear jealousy well.
"Man, that last run took forever!"
Thena and Ajak both look over as Kingo - very loudly - announces their arrival back in the hospital. He has their equipment bags over his shoulder for inventory check. "Not bad, though?"
"No, just long," he sighs. "It was mostly making sure everyone was good on the scene. Things cleaned up well, but someone drove at a snail's pace all day."
"Sorry, sorry!" Ajak leans out of her seat to see Gilgamesh walking up the hall behind his partner.
She smiles, "precious cargo?"
"Very!" he beams.
"What was-" Thena blinks, in the middle of standing from helping Kingo unpack the supplies. She finds herself presented with a bursting full bouquet of red roses. Her hands come up reflexively, her fingers flirting with his in the transfer.
Kingo rolls his eyes and whispers to Ajak, "he's been driving around with them in water until he could give them to her."
"It's sweet," Ajak coos.
"Th-Thank you," Thena mutters out, still stunned. They're even wrapped nicely in sparkly white paper. She looks up at Gil, who's still grinning from ear to ear. "What are these for?"
Gil is the one surprised now. He looks at Ajak, who's smirking at him.
"She was starting to think you forgot her," the nurse supplies, much to Thena's horror.
"Ajak!" Thena hisses at her, although focuses on Gil again when he leans closer to her. Her breath gets caught high up in her chest.
"Forget my Thena?" Gil actually laughs at the thought, leaning over the bulk of the bouquet between them so he can get closer to her. "Never."
Thena can only hear the rustling of the bouquet and the pounding of her heart. Gil leans in to give her a light kiss, right on the line between her lips and her cheek. "Hm."
"I'll get the bus cleaned out for the next guys and meet you in the break room with lunch?" he asks over his shoulder. She nods at him and he winks back at her.
Ajak keeps her smugness to herself, letting Thena bury her nose - and her pink cheeks - in the bountiful bouquet.
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Carved in the Cradle Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Malcolm shook his head. Of course his mother had to show up now. He looked down at Isabella then to Dani. The detective nodded her head, letting him pass the baby to her.
However, the moment Isabella left Malcolm’s arms; she started to let out whining noises. First Malcolm tried handing her the stuffed pink owl that had been with her in her crib which seemed to work for a few moments until her little arms reached out to him again as she kicked her legs. Malcolm sighed as he took her back from Dani. Isabella gurgled with glee as she hugged his neck with one arm and held her plushie with the other. He gave a tiny smile before walking out to find his mother standing by one of the desks, impatiently tapping her foot.
Jessica gave a forced smile, “Malcolm. I-” She noticed the baby in her son’s arms, “What is this?”
“Well, I think you would know but this is a baby.” Malcolm smirked.
Jessica rolled her eyes, “Don’t get smart with me.”
The little girl looked turned her head and blinked her bright blue eyes at Malcolm’s mother, “This is Isabella.”
Before he could continue, Jessica let out a tiny gasp, “Malcolm!” She said in scandalized whisper, “She’s not… yours, is she?”
Malcolm furrowed his brows and let out an exasperated chuckle, “No.”
“Malcolm, if you have been hiding-”
“Mother, I swear to you that this isn’t my child.” He adjusted the way he held Isabella when she started fidgeting, “She’s the child of one of our latest victims.”
While her expression didn’t change, Malcolm did see his mother’s eyes soften slightly, “I see.”
“We’re only watching her until a social worker gets here.”
“Of course.”
“So, what is it that you need to come here to tell me?”
“There is going to be a gala next week and I expect you to attend this one.”
Malcolm sighed. These galas were always his least favourite thing to do and considering that there is a lot of things he doesn’t like to do, that was saying something. “Is that all?”
“Not quite.” Malcolm raised an eyebrow at Jessica’s response, “Since you won’t take any of my suggestions, I also expect you to bring a date.”
“A date?”
“Yes, a date.”
“Couldn’t you think of something easier for me to do like… taking a bear cub from its mother?”
Jessica scoffed, “Don’t be a child Malcolm. I’m sure you can find someone suitable in time.”
Malcolm’s eyes narrowed, “What’s your angle?”
“No angle. I would just like for people to know that my son does enjoy the company of other people.” Isabella happened to giggle in that moment and clap her hands. Jessica couldn’t help but give a tiny smile, “See, even the child agrees with me.”
“I’ll do best.”
“See that you do.”
(~**~)                  (~**~)                  (~**~)                  (~**~)
“Social worker just said that all nearby foster homes are full at the moment.” Gil said with a frustrated tone as he walked into the room.
“So, where will Isabella go?” Malcolm asked as he felt the baby’s head rest on his shoulder, her eyelids growing heavy. “We can’t just abandon her.”
“Are we sure that there’s no next of kin?” Dani asked.
Gil shook his head, “None at all, not even a family friend.”
“Well, she seems fond of you Bright.” JT tried to joke, “Why don’t you take her?”
Gil smiled, “Actually, that might not be a bad idea. She is already comfortable with you and until we can find someone to take her in, it’d be good for her to be with someone she likes.”
Dani noticed the way Malcolm tensed up at the thought. He quickly covered it up by chuckling, “I don’t know. I don’t think my apartment’s baby proofed enough. I wouldn’t even have somewhere for her to sleep.”
“We could find a crib.” JT suggested, “And some toys, babies aren’t that picky. They find paper ripping hilarious.”
Malcolm was about to protest when Isabella yawned and snuggled against his shoulder as her eyelids grew heavy. He looked down at the little girl. It pained him to think of what could have happened to her if the killer had been aware she had been there… but how could he be able to take care of her? Should babies even be allowed near him? He had to sleep with restraints and a mouth guard, would he even notice if she started crying in the middle of the night?
“Bright?” Dani’s voice broke his train of thought.
“Sorry, I just…” He looked down at Isabella, her eyes now fully shut as she breathed deeply in peaceful sleep. He gave a small sad smile, “I don’t know if that’s the best idea.”
“I can help.” Dani said without thinking.
They all turned to look at her in surprise. Gil smirked, “Powell?”
Dani cleared her throat, “I just mean if I can babysit Bright while he’s high as a kite, I can help him actually babysit a baby.”
“I was higher than a kite.” Dani and Gil gave him a look, “You’d do that for me?” Malcolm asked.
She shrugged, “What are friends for?”
His eyes lit up at her response.
(~**~)                  (~**~)                  (~**~)                  (~**~)
Malcolm and Dani entered Malcolm’s apartment with Isabella and plenty of baby supplies in hand. From a crib to baby proofing supplies to new clothes and toys to baby food to even a stroller, it was all there. Sunshine’s chirps could be heard as they brought the supplies.
“Bright, I think you may have gone a bit overboard for a temporary situation.” Dani grinned as she closed the door behind them.
Malcolm scoffed, “I only got the essentials.”
“You almost bought a printer because she pointed at it and laughed.”
“So I don’t have good spending habits, sue me.” He grinned.
Dani placed some bags on the ground before raising her eyebrows, “Bright?”
“Where’s the baby?”
Malcolm smirked as he turned a stroller around with Isabella napping peacefully inside, “You didn’t think I’d actually forget about the baby, did you?”
Dani chuckled, “You did almost forget her in the shopping cart.”
Malcolm looked away as his ears turned a bit red, “Well, I didn’t forget her this time.” He knelt down to check on Isabella. She was clutching her pink owl tightly and was wrapped in her fluffy blanket. She was so tiny. Her black-brown curls being clipped back by butterfly clips. Malcolm gave a sorrowful look. This little girl really had no idea what was going on, she had no idea that she would never see her mother again, she had no idea that-
“Bright?” Malcolm’s train of thought had been broken. “What’s wrong?”
“She’s so small…”
She knelt down next to him, “Babies usually are.”
“What happens to kids in foster care?” Dani blinked her eyes and furrowed her brows. Malcolm turned his head to look at Dani, “They don’t all… get lost in system, do they?”
“I-I…” She stammered, “I honestly don’t know…” She saw the way Malcolm’s face fall as he looked back to Isabella. “I do know that babies like Isabella do have a better chance at getting adopted.” Isabella let out a noise in her sleep before calming down once again. Dani felt her heartstrings being pulled. It wasn’t that she hadn’t dealt with kids during cases before but there was just something different about this. Maybe it was because she had always kept her distance or that the kids had usually been much older than an eight-month-old.
“It’s not fair.”
“For all the things I say against my mother… there’s part of me that’s grateful for her.” Dani didn’t say anything. Instead, she just waited for him to continue. “I remember… after Ainsley was born, Mother got sick… really sick.” He felt his hand tremble a bit, “I remember that we brought Ains home but Mother was still under surveillance in the hospital.” He took a deep breath, “When she did come home… she seemed stronger than ever.” He gave a watery smile, “Even though, a lot of the time, she tends to go overboard, she has tried her best. Part of me wonders if I would have even had the guts to call the cops about the Surgeon if I hadn’t had my mother to fall back on.” He takes a deep breath, “Isabella’s got no one to fall back on.”
“She has you.” Dani said before she could stop herself.
He gave the detective a sad smile, “For now but…”
“She’ll be okay.” Dani said, placing a hand on Malcolm’s shoulder as if she was promising him.
His smile grew slightly and he nodded his head, “Let’s get this crib built.”
After a while and a lot of cursing, Malcolm and Dani got a handle on building Isabella’s crib. They had gotten the base done and as they began to move crib somewhere suitable for Isabella to sleep. As they started putting the mattress in, they didn’t notice Isabella wake up until she started letting out little grunts and whines. Malcolm turned around and saw Isabella with her eyes tightly pressed shut and face was twisted with discomfort.
He walked over and started to detangle her from her blanket as she started squirming, “Hey… hey, it’s okay… it’s okay.” He took her out of the stroller and started to adjust her to rest in his arms, “You’re okay… you’re alright, you’re-” His nose caught something, “That doesn’t seem right.”
“What’s up?” Dani asked as she walked over. She scrunched her nose when she too caught a whiff of what had Malcolm so confused, “You did get diapers, right?”
Malcolm chuckled, “Of course I did…” His grin slowly turned sheepish.
Dani raised an eyebrow, “But…”
“I never said I knew how to change a diaper.”
I thought I’d end this on a bit of a humorous note seeing as the next few chapters are gonna get a little heavy… or they might not, I don’t know, it’ll depend on my mood XD
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you thought, tell me if you have any guesses about where the story is gonna go, I’d love to hear it!
Hope I can get the next chapter out faster but I also hope you’ve enjoyed what I have so far.
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The Pirates Fairy Love
First of several Harry Hook Installments. Warning there will be some Scottish slang and phrases in this. There will be translations at the end! HarryxTinkerbells’ daughter. 
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If anyone had told Harry Hook that he would one day be in love with the daughter of Tinkerbell, he would have laughed and thrown them overboard. Yet, here he was, walking through the market with his little fairy love hiding in his shirt. Her wings tickled his skin lovingly as she watched him be the big bad pirate he was. But the story of how they met was a different affair.
Wispa Cloudyfalls was the youngest of Tinkerbell’s children. Her older brother was the apple of her mother’s eye. While she was just simply shoved aside. So one day she left Neverland and found herself on the Isle of the Lost, she was fascinated by everything around her. The way some of these people behaved wasn't’ a far cry from the lost boys. Then she found her way to Ursula’s fish and chips one night to get out of the rain. She hid in the rafters and watched all that unfolded before her. When the shop closed she saw her chance to grab food. Yet come morning, Harry Hook would always find the food she couldn’t finish.
Harry was now determined to find the food thief.  So he hid in the shop and waited. He was taken aback when he saw the light of a fairy flying down from the rafters. He waited till she was eating before he slowly crept up behind her. “HA!” He exclaimed as he slammed his hat down. “I’ve git ye! --” Suddenly the had flown up causing his fists to slam into his face. He fell backward onto the floor but that only gave him more adrenaline. “Why ye little!!” Harry quickly jumped up and started to chase the fairy around the shop. He fell into the table growling as his hands curled into tight fists. “Och ye wee...” Finally, after several more minutes he slammed a large glass bottle down around her, she was now trapped inside.
Wispa freaked out, she was caught. Her eyes looked up into those of her captor “Please don’t hurt me.” Harry stood there panting as he looked down the fairy he just caught. She was a pretty little thing. Long dark blue hair that was in a tight braid. Piercing stormy eyes. She was dressed in a sleeveless top with a belted waist, trousers that went to her knees and ruffled out slightly. Then there were the striped stockings and boots. All in shades of blue. He knelt down to look at her closely through the class. Wispa backed into the glass praying he would hurt her.
“Wha’s yer name lass?” He asked in a huff of a breath. “You gave me quite the runaround.” His lips tugged into a smirk as he felt his adrenaline dying down.
“Wispa...Wispa Cloudyfalls. Youngest of Tinkerbell.”
Harry felt like laughing, oh the irony of this moment. Just like his father he had trapped a fairy in the glass. “Im Harry, Harry Hook,” he smirked again as he watched the realization come over the fairy. “I’m going to lift the jar now...but no flying away. Got it?” He watched Wispa nod rapidly before he started to raise the jar. Slowly she stood as she locked eyes with the pirate again. “Now what is a Fairy from Neverland doing here I wonder?” he asked as he laid his chin on the back of his hand as he cocked his head to the side. “Curious indeed.” 
“I ran away. My brother was the apple of my mother’s eye, not me. She didn’t even know I existed.” She shrugged as she stood there. Harry felt sympathy towards the fairy. Many children here on the Isle didn’t see even a drop of love from their parents. “I came here because I thought I might find a place I could belong.” Wispa was shocked to see Harry extend his hand out to her. 
“Don’t we all,” he said in a somber tone as he watched the fairy walked up his fingers to his palm. “Stick with me little one,” He stood as he grabbed his hat from the floor and placed it upon his head. “This place isn't’ safe for a Fairy. But, I will keep you safe. I give you my word as a pirate.” he said as he placed his hand on his chest. “I swear to ye.” 
“How do I know I can trust you Hook?” Wispa looked up at Harry curiously. Dare she take a chance with the son of her mother’s enemy? Fluttering her wings she flew to sit upon the brim of his hat. 
“Believe you me my fairy,” he chuckled “I am the least of your worries.” That was several months ago. Harry and Wispa fell in love like most do. He gave her shelter and food. She hid in the folds of his hat, or in his shirt. He liked the feeling of knowing she felt safe with him. 
However, Uma soon started to see Harry’s change in his demeanor. She didn’t like it one bit. She knew Harry was in love, but not with whom, and she needed to keep her first mate in check. So one night she set a trap for Harry. 
Harry had woken up to Gil telling him Uma needed to see him. It was very late, and Harry was tired and cranky. “Uma?” he called out upon arriving at the shop. “Bloody hell...” he yawned. “Uma?” 
“I know your secret.” He spun around and saw Uma on the stage. She slowly walked towards him. “Naughty boy keeping secrets from me.” 
“Secrets?” Harry asked playing dumb as he yawned again. “What secrets? I don’t know what you are on about Uma.” 
“You are in love.” She smiled wickedly as she got in his face. 
“Wha?” He backed away from her. “Ye be dunderheided wifie.” 
“Oh Harry, we’ve known each other a long time. You don’t need to lie to me. Not anymore.” 
“Uma wha--mmm!!!” He suddenly felt Uma wrap her arms around his neck and press her lips to his. His eyes went wide as he tried to push her off. But her arms were as strong as her tentacles. 
Little did Harry know that Wispa had followed him. The poor little fairy nearly fell down dead at the sight of the sea witch kissing her Pirate. Her wings drooped before she got mad. Her aura turned bright red as she flew off back home. She had things she needed to do. 
“Hells Bells Uma?!” He exclaimed as he finally pushed her off of him. He looked at his Captain as if she had gone insane. “Whit urr ye oan aboot?” He turned and walked out of the shop and headed straight home. What the hell was wrong with Uma? Harry sighed as he walked into his cabin on the ship. When he realized Wispa wasn’t there, he went to the small tiny one bedroom apartment that was ways off. It was on the warf so he was close to the ship.  
“Wispa? Darlin‘?” He called out and son saw her light on the clock he had brought her to live in. “Darlin‘..” he walked closer so relieved to see her alright and safe. But as he stepped closer he saw a flashing light on the clock and stook took a few steps back. What was going on?! “Wispa?!” He cried out as the clock went up in a poof of smoke and fairy dust. 
“Oh! Oh dear me...I did it!” He heard Wispa exclaimed and there she was, standing before him...tall. 
“In the name of the wee man...” He said with wide eyes as he looked over Wispa. “How did you....” 
“I made a wish...and It worked...” She blushed as she looked at Harry nervously. “Do I look okay?” Harry’s expression softened. Okay? She wasn’t just okay oh no...to Harry Wispa was the most gorgeous woman on the face of the planet. And he wasted no time showing her so. Wispa gasped as Harry pulled her to him and kissed her hard on the lips. 
Their first kiss. 
Wispa’s wings fluttered behind her rapidly as she gave into Harry’s kiss. It felt so nice, and his lips were so soft. He held her as close to him as he possibly could get. “Oh Darlin’, you are beautiful no matter what size you are. I love you.” 
“I love you too Harry.” She smiled happily as they hugged one another tight. 
“Though, I will miss ye being in my shirt.” He chuckled as he rubbed his nose to hers. 
“Well, I could always wear your shirt.” She blushed as she heard Harry growl in response. 
“Teasing woman.” 
I’ve git ye -- I've got you 
Och ye wee -- oh you little
Hells Bells -- Bloody Hell 
Whit urr ye oan aboot  -- What are you on about
Ye be dunderheided wifie. -- you be a daft woman
In the name of the wee man ---oh my god.
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bright-molina · 7 years
*looking at the post of the stranger things boys in Nylon Magazine* ok, I’m not saying that Gil need a nerdy younger brother who is completely adorable and best friends with Dizzy Tremaine... I’m just saying Gaten Matarazzo could totally play him. Also Caleb, as the son of Facilier (ooooh or Diego De Vil. I’d say another Ursula descendant but I feel like if Uma had a sibling we’d know about it because the girl had no chill). (1/2)
I haven’t decided about the other boys yet (actually ooooh, it would be cool to split them across AK VK lines…. hmmm Facilier or Tiana for Caleb… so many options for everyone). Basically, I’ve been spending way too long in the descendants tag and it is infecting everything. (2/2) 
Oh my god okay so I looked at the pictures again and I looked up the interview (which is right here) and read it and I COULDN’T AGREE MORE OH MY GOD!!!!
You know I just had to do this and I may have gone a bit overboard whoops Imma put it all under the cut because it got longer than I thought (also all pictures are from that same interview): 
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Gaten is definitely Gil’s you get brother. You can absolutely bet that Gil is insanely protective of him.
Thankfully Gaston doesn’t pay either of them much attention. He had everything he wanted with the Gaston twins so most of the time he forgets that both Gil and Gaten even exist. When he does it’s never good. He’s always scolding them for not living up to his expectations and they learned to handle the criticism different ways.
He’s considered nerdy by nearly all of the other kids he goes to Dragon Hall with. He’s still one of Gaston’s kids so he’s very boisterous “That ‘insult’ is shit. You seriously can’t come up with anything better?” He does get along great with Carlos though who he convinced to teach him everything he knows about science and what little tech they can get their hands on.
He’s always been extremely outgoing. Sarcastic, always swears a lot, will always get into fights but rarely win them. No matter how much Gil and Harry try to teach him to fight he always blows them off and goes to hang out with Finn and Dizzy instead.
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Finn and Natalia were both taken in by Gothel. She really wanted an heir but didn’t want children of her own so when they were old enough (but not that old that they could remember) she snatched them. Natalia immediately took after her while Finn despised everything she tried to teach them.
He always spent most of his time roaming the streets of the Isle. Him and Gaten both have the same tendency to start fights but not be able to finish them. He was laying in an alley after a particularly brutal one when Harry stepped out of the shadows. “Took a real beating there did ya?” “What was your first clue?”
Harry wouldn’t leave him alone after that. There was something about about the kid that he liked for some reason. Every time Finn started something with another person Harry seemed to appear out of nowhere and scare who ever it was off with lots of threats. “I don’t fucking need you, you know!” “Ya would be dead without me, Wolfhard. Don’t deny it”
Finn and Gaten are both honorary members of Uma’s crew. They secretly love it but always act like they hate it. “We don’t want to be in your shit gang” “Yeah we have our own shit gang” “Well this ‘shit gang’ keeps dozens of pissed off people off your asses so”
**Meanwhile in Auradon**
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Caleb is the son of Tiana. He is so much like his parents it’s not even funny. He is a total theater kid. He’s been in as many productions as he’s tried out for, both at Auradon Prep and during the summer. A lot of times he’s proven to be better than even the older kids, something which some of them don’t like.
When you look at him you wouldn’t expect him to be so into music and theater. He can sing, dance, act, the whole deal. But on top of that he’s one of the top students in his class. Everything just comes naturally really.
His absolute favorite person is Noah. A lot of that is that they’re exactly the same when it comes to a lot of things. The two of them are always sneaking into Tiana’s kitchen and snatching food out of the dozens of plates all around the kitchen while she just pretends not to notice.
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Noah is Ariel and Eric’s youngest son and takes after Eric so much more, personality and look wise. He loves people, anyone and everyone. He’s constantly making new friends with anyone who will listen to him. He’s so open about everything and has a tendency to rant at times.
He hates those royal events he has to go to and always ends up hiding out in one of the corners of the room where he can get away with messing with the other royal’s kids. Him and Caleb will stand at the edge of the room and end up drawing too much attention to them with all their laughing.
He loves messing with other people in his free time. His favorite people to bug are Chad and Audrey. They are such easy targets and he comes off as innocent enough for neither of them to ever suspect him. Ben knows his secret though, he finds it amusing so he never says anything.
**Once they’re all in Auradon**
Noah met Finn and Gaten first. He was sitting in their room when Ben first took them to the dorms. “Sorry, the door was open and I started exploring. You also might have to restock the mini fridge” They met Caleb later that night and the four of them became instant friends.
They stayed up until three am and still somehow showed up on time the next day. Noah and Caleb both got along with Gil easily. He was so excited and couldn’t stop asking the two of them questions. It was an amusing sight to say the least.
It wasn’t until Harry walked over that they felt intimidated by the VK’s at all. He was tall and the shining hook that was looped on his belt did nothing to ease their nerves. Noah still smiled at him and successfully won him over with his snarky but playful comments.
Caleb got along with Uma almost instantly. Mostly due to the fact that he called her ‘captain’ after hearing about the rest of her pirate crew. He was the first person in Auradon that she genuinely liked and little did he know what that meant for him.
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It took exactly three days for Noah to pick up on all of Gaten and Finn’s swearing. Caleb found it amusing because he used to barely ever before. Now he’s almost as bad as them, which is definitely saying something.
The four of them very quickly start getting into so much trouble. The combination of Noah’s pranks, Finn and Gaten’s recklessness, and Caleb’s quick thinking got them into a lot of situations. They quickly become the talk of the school.
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Caleb introduced Gaten to theater and surprisingly enough he really loved it. You can definitely bet that Finn, Noah, Harry, Uma, Gil, the rest of the crew, and Dizzy (who had become fast friends with Millie and Sadie) are in the front row at every single one of their performances.
A month or so later is when Finn gets an idea. “I can do that directing thing. All you have to do is boss people around. Plus I get one of those cool chairs” He ends up being really good at it and somehow is the one to direct the production of the end of the year play which he and Noah wrote.
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The four of them are absolutely inseparable. You never see one of them without the others. “We’re the fucking dream team”
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