#and Darryl was like ‘oh I’ll show you a REAL burger buddy’ and tried to teach him how to grill
cha1cedony · 1 year
One of the (S1) Grant things I find hardest to write is that he’s kind of spoiled??? LMAO maybe it’s because I was always scared to ask for stuff as a kid, but I struggle to remember and accurately write that Grant begs his parents for stuff all the time (and Darryl always caves without fail).
Grant wants an expensive gaming PC? Sure. Grant wants Darryl’s phone just because it has better graphics for Fortnite? Of course, buddy! Grant wants to watch 300 because it has hot dudes cool violence? Hell yeah; Darryl will convince Carol it’s historically relevant. Grant wants to play soccer? Darryl will basically live a double life as a British soccer fan just to learn about it 😭😭 He gets everything he asks for and THEN some fr
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