#and Augustine labeled them all as Donatists in an attempt to demonstrate the badness of Donatism
ignis-cain · 1 year
What master was not forced to fear his slave if his slave sought refuge under the protection of the Donatists? Who dared even to threaten a rioter or the instigator of a riot? Who was able to demand a reckoning from a slave who consumed his provisions or from a debtor who asked the Donatists for help and defense? Out of a fear of clubs and fires and imminent death the records of the worst slaves were destroyed so that they might go free. Lists of what they had extorted from creditors were handed over to debtors. Whoever ignored their harsh language was forced by harsher blows to do what they ordered. The homes of the innocent who had offended them were either razed to the ground or destroyed by fires. Some heads of families, men nobly born and well educated, were carried off barely alive after their attacks and chained to a mill stone; they were forced by beatings to make it turn, as it they were mere animals. For what help from the civil authorities was able to do anything against them by means of the laws? What official breathed easily in their presence? What banker was able to demand what they were unwilling to pay? Who tried to avenge those who were slain by their attacks?"
Let’s bring this energy back
(Augustine letter 185.4.15, quoted from Hoover’s The Donatist Church in theApocalyptic Age)
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