#and Apollo is coming for Thailand
respectthepetty · 11 months
Naughty Babe, who is Le Ling?!
I watched the Naughty Babe finale and had no idea who Le Ling was; therefore, I have to be annoyingly cringe about it, but before I begin, let me just say that Max looked delicious the entire eight episodes.
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But also, this Daddy did too! And I'm not talking about Aon. No! Yi's father has been looking like an entire five-course meal every single time he appeared on the screen. This is the type of father that if your partner was acting up, forget about effing the friends. EFF THE DADDY! Sir, why are you looking so scrumdiliumcious? Is it all that money? Or is it the power? Perhaps it's you in red. Rawr!
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Hand over heart, this entire family could get it. Mom included.
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I gotta focus! The kids were in the playroom planning shenanigans.
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This is a boy who gets it. I've always loved that his name is Syn because he sins but prays about it. Repents while he is doing it but still does it. Makes his sinful peeps pray too for good measure. We're not going to hell on his watch!
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Lian not stopping Diao is funny because all throughout Cutie Pie, Yi would call Lian and be like, "your boy's at the club, but I'm only here to collect my man who I have 24-hour surveillance on, so sucks to be your trusting ass, but I'm built different, so I hope you get to your man on time before some serious shit goes down. Toodles!" These two are the pettiest friends, and I love my ghost ship.
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POPPY! Where were you all season?! Hopefully filming Love Puzzle, so I can see you kiss a homie, but I was glad to see the secretaries in love and as chaotic as ever . . . in red.
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Look at that face! That is a man trying to get all these heathens into the next life, YET THEY WON'T WORK WITH HIM! I guess the honeymoon will be in hell, Nuer!
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This dog looked adorable, in red. So glad Domundi switched it out from the Cutie Pie dog. A+ casting choice.
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This boat showing up was unnecessary! Was this supposed to be a rainbow moment because a high speed boat thingy coming out of nowhere was not the move?!
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This blue color was even depressing Diao out. Get some yellow or orange back on my boy's body, NOW!
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Look how vibrant that red ring box looked! LOOK AT IT! The ring looked really pretty with that red watch Diao was sporting too.
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Red and white rose petals? They wasn't even married yet. Save them for the actual ceremony. Wasting expensive confetti. And the kissing too. Didn't have sex all this time, now they can't stop. Geesh!
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I know this is tied into Chinese tradition and Yi's family being Chinese, but YI IS A RED RASCAL!
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And leading up to this wedding, there had been so much blue to represent Diao's family being the hindrance to their love, and now this entire wedding was red to represent Yi and his family and Diao becoming a part of his family, and
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Then to have the gold dragons which represent Yi's family but are also Diao's color.
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I'm in heaven. I do not care what the plot was. I do not care about the fake amnesia. I do not care about how the dog attack turned into a tiger attack. NO ME IMPORTA! Diao called out his father in front of all those rich ass people and God while wearing his man's color, and I'm living for it!
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Kuea is a Red Rascal too, and I appreciated this public service announcement.
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Diao sucked his thumb (😑), then they fucked, yet my color demon eyes only saw red candles. Thank you, props department!
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Makorn asking if Diao wants a new husband (yes, sir. YOU!) while Yi wore red with that product placement red drink . . . *Mwah!* This blue table cloth gotta go though!
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Red over Diao's heart, but that damn blue is still there! Diao, where is your yellow and orange, my man?! DONDE?! Oh yeah, they have kids with little rainbow toys. Good for them.
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Hold on, was I supposed to remember this little girl? Diao was talking about her like I should know her. Who dafuq Le Ling?
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Even this baby was confused. Who is this chick? Girl, for reals, who is you?! This feels like Buffy the Vampire Slayer's fifth season when Dawn was introduced. Like I KNOW I ain't seen this chica before.
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Well . . . she's part of the family now, so good for her.
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All in all, YI IS A RED RASCAL, and marriage equality will come to Thailand no later than 2026.
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And same-sex partners will legally be able to adopt by 2029.
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Naughty Babe, Cutie Pie, and Domundi said it with their full chest, and Apollo is gonna cosign it with his bouncy red ball because Red Rascals may not like each other, but they love to cause havoc when least expected, so . . . fuck it up, sis!
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nasa · 2 months
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One Giant Leap for Mankind
Millions of people around the globe will come together for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games later this month to witness a grand event—the culmination of years of training and preparation.
Fifty-five years ago this July, the world was watching as a different history-changing event was unfolding: the Apollo 11 mission was landing humans on the surface of another world for the first time. An estimated 650 million people watched on TV as Neil Armstrong reached the bottom of the ladder of the lunar module on July 20, 1969, and spoke the words, “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”
While the quest to land astronauts on the Moon was born from the space race with the Soviet Union during the Cold War, this moment was an achievement for the whole of humanity. To mark the world-embracing nature of the Moon landing, several tokens of world peace were left on the Moon during the astronauts’ moonwalk.
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“We came in peace for all mankind”
These words, as well as drawings of Earth’s western and eastern hemispheres, are etched on a metal plaque affixed to a leg of the Apollo 11 lunar lander. Because the base of the lander remained on the Moon after the astronauts returned, it is still there today as a permanent memorial of the historic landing.
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Microscopic messages from kings, queens, and presidents
Another artifact left on the Moon by the Apollo 11 astronauts is a small silicon disc etched with goodwill messages from leaders of 74 countries around the world. Each message was reduced to be smaller than the head of a pin and micro-etched on a disc roughly 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) in diameter. Thailand’s message, translated into English, reads: "The Thai people rejoice in and support this historic achievement of Earth men, as a step towards Universal peace."
Curious to read what else was inscribed on the disk? Read the messages.
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An ancient symbol
The olive branch, a symbol of peace and conciliation in ancient Greek mythology, also found its way to the Moon in July 1969. This small olive branch made of gold was left on the lunar surface during Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s 2.5-hour moonwalk. The olive branch also featured on the Apollo 11 mission patches sewed on the crew’s spacesuits. Designed in part by command module pilot Michael Collins, the insignia shows a bald eagle landing on the Moon holding an olive branch in its talons.
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We go together
As NASA’s Artemis program prepares to again land astronauts on the Moon, including the first woman and the first person of color, this time we’re collaborating with commercial and international partners. Together we will make new scientific discoveries, establish the first long-term presence on the Moon, and inspire a new generation of explorers.
Is aerospace history your cup of tea? Be sure to check out more from NASA’s past at www.nasa.gov/history.
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space!
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aurora-daily · 6 months
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auroramusic HELLO WORLD I'M COMING FOR YOU 🦷🫀🗡️ 💙 Anyone who pre-orders "What Happened To The Heart?" from my official store by 3pm GMT on Tuesday 2nd April will gain access to my tour pre-sale, starting next week. So excited to see you all there!!!
June 21 Tbilisi Open Air, Tbilisi, Georgia [link] June 26-30 Glastonbury Festival, Pilton, England [link]
July 5 Roskilde Festival, Roskilde, Denmark [link] July 6 Down The Rabbit Hole, Ewijk, The Netherlands [link] July 10 Slottsfjell Festival, Tønsberg, Norway [link] July 12 NOS Alive, Lisbon, Portugal [link] July 13 Cruilla Festival, Barcelona, Spain [link] July 18 Ravnedalen, Kristiansand, Norway [link] July 19 Malakoff Festival, Nordfjordeid, Norway [link] July 24 Paleo Festival, Nyon, Switzerland [link]
August 17-18 Summer Sonic, Osaka/Tokyo Japan [link]/[link] August 23 LaLaLa Festival, Jakarta, Indonesia [link] August 25 Summer Sonic, Bangkok, Thailand August 31 Zurich Open Air, Zurich, Switzerland [link]
September 18 Alcatraz, Milan, Italy September 20 Gasometer, Vienna, Austria September 21 Sportovní hala Fortuna, Prague, Czechia September 23 Tauron Arena, Krakow, Poland September 24 COS Torwar, Warsaw, Poland September 25 UFO, Berlin, Germany September 27 Forest National, Brussels, Belgium September 28 AFAS Live, Amsterdam, Netherlands September 30 L’Olympia, Paris, France
October 2 Royal Albert Hall, London, UK
October 4 O2 Apollo, Manchester, UK
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hongtiddiez · 10 months
Not Me Episode 4 Music
Flares - Life in Colour
We immediately jump in with Flares as Sean is experiencing a nightmare. Stretch time but I guess if you wanted you could read this as Sean subconsciously sending up a signal flare for help.
Last Night, Last Night, Last Night - Well Then, Goodbye
This kicks in as Black is leaving Sean in the flashback; this could be a tie in with the 'Last Night' title as in it's a memory Sean is recalling that might feel like they just happened OR there could be a tie with the band name being 'Well Then, Goodbye' as Black very unceremoniously leaves Sean to his fate. (Either way, my ears don't particularly like this song, the reverb gives me ickies. Thank you misophonia.)
To Whom It May Concern - Rap Against Dictatorship (ft. Liberate P, Nazesus, and GSUS2)
The first time I saw the dance scene I got goosebumps and I could tell the show had done something big here. Allow me to infodump a bit. Rap Against Dictatorship uses their platform and their music to bring attention to the ongoing state of Thailand under military rule, especially during election time. They were founded in 2017 and released their first single in 2018. After the release of their single the members were threatened with arrest by police who later backpedaled after the music went viral and the group gained the support of the public. In 2019 they were awarded with the Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent* at the Oslo Freedom Forum. During the 2020-2021 Thai protests one member was arrested with other pro-democracy activists and later charged with sedition. Their music is often censored in Thailand due to it's anti-goverment and anti-monarchy message. (I love them so much, your honor.)
*Václav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent is an award established in 2012 by the New York City-based Human Rights Foundation (HRF). According to HRF President Thor Halvorssen, the prize recognizes individuals "who engage in creative dissent, exhibiting courage and creativity to challenge injustice and live in truth"
Downloaded Truth - Marten Moses
As White and Todd are discussing Eugene and Todd is persuading White to reach out to her this song comes in. It could be just a neat song, it could be that White found this downloaded little piece of truth in the video on Black's phone.
Crushed by A P O L L O
I'm fairly certain this, or a remix of it, is what is playing as White is on his phone texting Eugene? I know I've heard the song before and I have it stashed somewhere, Crushed sounds very close but I can't tell if it's quite right? Sometimes they put a little filter over the song or play an arrangement that's midway through the song and it trips me up a bit. If it isn't Crushed then it's very likely another Apollo piece (though none of the ones on that album, I checked.)
As Gram and White discuss the aftermath of the fire we get a little more Downloaded Truth.
As Nuch, Gram, and White all meet in the garage a bit more of Crushed's beat plays in the background.
3 (Instrumental Version) - Bambi Haze (ft. Lu Ni)
Just as White is hugging Eugene and trying to placate her this song comes in. There are truly no connections to be made here, no leaps or stretches to be found. (Though both this and several of Marc Torch's songs are on Epidemic Sound, a host for a lot of royalty free music, so this could be where GMMTV sources a good chunk of their music.)
Closer - Morphlexis
As Eugene climbs in White's lap this song plays and it could be a nod to Eugene wanting to be closer to Black or that she is physically closer to White, again, if we want to make some big stretchies.
When Eugene wakes up we're gifted with another appearance from Tripping over Danger which also wraps up the episode.
thank you so much to everyone who reads these! i recommend checking back at some older posts as i have made some updates (sometimes i miss songs and realize it later.) i promise to make a masterpost of these once we're done and i'll put together a little list of my favorites!
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beautifulgiants · 2 years
Watch "Colin Farrell, Tom Bateman & Sahajak Poo Boonthankit Interview: Thirteen Lives" on YouTube
Colin Farrell, Tom Bateman & Sahajak Poo Boonthankit Interview: Thirteen Lives
Thirteen Lives stars Colin Farrell, Tom Bateman & Sahajak "Poo" Boonthankit share the emotions they experienced during the rescue in real-time.
Ron Howard's penchant for bringing history to the film screen is in full effect in Thirteen Lives, which is now available to stream on Prime Video. In it, the Apollo 13 director recreates the events of the 2018 Tham Luang cave rescue, allowing audiences to understand why it was so dangerous for the boys trapped in a flooded cave - and how exactly the brave divers were able to get them out.
The stars of Thirteen Lives were just as affected by the gripping true story when it went down as viewers around the world were, so reliving the tense times from another perspective was a unique experience. Colin Farrell and Tom Bateman play two of the divers who traveled to help, while Thai actor Sahajak "Poo" Boonthankit (Fistful of Vengeance) plays Governor Narongsak.
Screen Rant spoke to Bateman, Farrell and Boonthankit about how they experienced the events of Thirteen Lives in real-time before reliving them on the set of the film.
Screen Rant: What a movie; what a story. I remember this happening, but I feel like the movie just elicited so many positive feelings for me of selflessness. Do you remember when this happened? And what stuck out to you most about this story?
Tom Bateman: I think the first [time] that I got really into it was when they found the boys. I remember thinking, "Those boys were being stuck in the cave, and when they found them." And then it just became this every day, checking in on the news on how they were doing. And I just remember the beauty of when they said, "They've got them out." Everyone was running around, and it's all anyone was talking about at the time. It was a beautiful, very special time.
Because, usually with the news, you're not really bonded by joy. You're bonded by bad things. "Oh, my God, have you seen this awful thing? This awful thing." I think I can count on maybe one hand the amount of times you have a news story like this, that just makes you happy and full of joy and hopeful and want to be a better person.
Colin Farrell: And that was the thing about it, though, wasn't it? That you were caught between catastrophe and the potential of what actually came to pass, because we saw it in real-time.
So, it was actually a horrible thing that was going on. And we were stuck in the fear of the present, where we believed globally that the children were still alive. But we didn't know if, while we were talking about them being still alive, they were actually dying. Nobody knew until the guys got to them, and then there was some confirmation that they were there. And then there was back and forth; there were certain dives happening. But, as Tom said, when the moment came that they started coming out and the ambulance started disappearing and airlifting them and airlifting them. And the information wasn't shared of who was out,; how many were out.
And even when the mission started, it was all very cloak and dagger. All of a sudden, all the press were pushed back and nobody knew exactly what the means were [by which] they were going to be extracted.
Poo, I want to hear, because I can't believe we worked together and I never heard from you. I never asked you, because we were all just working, so we were involved in the present together of making the film. What was it like for you, man? You were in the country?
Sahajak Poo Boonthankit: Yes, I was. I was in Thailand at the time. But I think it's very different for me, personally. I always say I heard about the boys getting stuck, and... At first, I was actually angry at the boys. "Why did they even go in there? What drove you? What took you in there?"
And then, you found out, "Okay, they didn't intend to go in when it was raining. It rained after they went in." Okay. Five days, six days go on. I'm saying, "Okay, maybe they're dead." And now, being Thai, you start to sit in front of your mantle and you pray. You light your [prayer sticks] and everything, and hope that they come out well and alive.
Colin Farrell: Was the whole country doing that, you think? The majority?
Sahajak Boonthankit: Yes, I do believe so. I do believe so. It's a cultural thing.
And then, on the seventh, eighth, ninth day, I'm saying, "Wait, I have four children. What if one of them was in there?" Now, it gets really intense. Then you hear people are coming from all over the world to help, and I can't even do anything. I don't know how to dive. I can't do anything. So, I'm just sitting there, shaking, praying, hoping. And once they came out, once we heard that the kids were all well, it was a big relief.
But it wasn't until I read the script that I understood the inner workings of everything, and all the hair stood on end. It was amazing.
Screen Rant: Because I'm a diver, I'm like, "Why can't they just dive and get them out?" I did not understand. And then, when you watch the movie, you're like, "Okay."
Colin Farrell: It's not safe.
Tom Bateman: Is it normal diving, or cave diving you do?
I've done some cave diving - not like that. Colin, I take it you're not going to keep your certification going?
Colin Farrell: Ash, it's a certified fact that your balls are bigger than mine. Because I was asked by a couple of the lads, "When you finish the film, are you going to do some cave diving?" And I said, "Absolutely not."
I mean, they did build these extravagant cave systems. There was four or five different networks that were based on the ordinance of the Tham Luang cave system. There was pinch points and bits that went down and stalactites and stuff. It was tight in there, and we had safety divers and all that stuff, but you're still in water and still looking up, and there's a roof on top of your head.
Tom, you found it uncomfortable at times, didn't you? I mean, I really did.
Tom Bateman: Thank you so much for that. One of my favorite memories, though, is I remember you and me both - I think it was Viggo, you, me, Joel and Paul. And we all got stuck in the middle. The camera-
Colin Farrell: Disaster. And I have Viggo's fin in my f**king face, and someone pushing me from behind.
Tom Bateman: Exactly. I got Paul falling asleep on my leg. But I remember coming out of it and this beautiful moment [where] I think we grabbed each other, like, "You good? You good?" I'm like, "Yeah, I'm good. I don't want to go back down there again." They're like, "Okay guys, resetting, you're going again." No, I don't want to do it.
Colin Farrell: And it was a 4-foot dive with 20 safety guys in 2.5 feet of water. I did find it nerve-wracking.
The difference between... I'd done a little bit of open water scuba diving, but it's night and day from anything that has a seal on it. I don't know how they do it. It's just a very different mentality that I don't really have. I have a little bit of - don't want to diagnose myself with panic syndrome, but the head can get away from me pretty quickly
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narwatharsh01 · 7 months
Exploring the Dynamics of the Medical Tourism Market
The global medical tourism market has experienced significant growth in recent years, with a surge in demand for healthcare services across borders. The market size, share, and revenue have witnessed substantial expansion, driven by various factors such as cost-effective treatments, advanced medical facilities, and a desire for a wider range of treatment options. In this article, we will delve into the current trends, market players, and growth prospects of the medical tourism industry.
Medical Tourism Market Size, Share, and Growth
As of the latest available data, the medical tourism market is estimated to be valued at USD 44.68 billion in 2022, with a projected CAGR of 19.8% from 2022 to 2028. The market's robust growth can be attributed to the increasing number of patients seeking cost-effective treatments, particularly in emerging economies with advanced medical facilities.
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One of the key driving factors for the market expansion is the rising awareness among patients about the availability of high-quality healthcare services at competitive prices in different countries. The trend of traveling abroad for medical treatments has gained momentum, especially for procedures such as cosmetic surgery, dental treatments, and elective surgeries.
Medical Tourism Market Trends
Several notable trends are shaping the medical tourism industry. Telemedicine and virtual consultations have become integral parts of pre- and post-treatment phases, enhancing patient experience and reducing the need for physical travel. Additionally, personalized healthcare packages, including accommodation and travel arrangements, are being offered by medical tourism facilitators to attract international patients.
Another emerging trend is the focus on niche medical tourism segments, such as wellness tourism and fertility treatments. Countries like Thailand, India, and Mexico are becoming sought-after destinations for medical tourists due to their comprehensive healthcare offerings and well-established medical infrastructure.
Medical Tourism Industry Players
The medical tourism sector is characterized by the participation of key industry players that contribute significantly to its growth. Leading healthcare providers and hospitals in countries like India, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand have established themselves as prominent destinations for medical tourists. Key players in medical tourism include Bumrungrad International Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, and Prince Court Medical Centre.
Medical Tourism Market Outlook:
Looking ahead, the medical tourism market is poised for continuous growth, with a positive outlook in the coming years. The industry is expected to benefit from ongoing advancements in healthcare services and the increasing globalization of medical facilities. As patients continue to explore cross-border healthcare options, the market is likely to see sustained expansion, providing opportunities for both healthcare providers and patients seeking quality treatments at competitive prices. The integration of innovative technologies and the adaptation to changing consumer preferences will further contribute to the industry's positive outlook.
In conclusion, the global medical tourism market is thriving, propelled by cost-effective treatments, advanced facilities, and evolving trends. With a valuation of USD 44.68 billion in 2022 and a projected 19.8% CAGR until 2028, the industry's future looks promising. Innovations like telemedicine and personalized packages, alongside the rise of niche segments, contribute to its dynamism. Key players, including Bumrungrad International Hospital and Apollo Hospitals, play pivotal roles. As the industry embraces technological advancements and adapts to changing preferences, sustained growth is expected, making medical tourism a significant player in the global healthcare landscape.
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kneehoming-knee · 7 months
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catbreedstips · 9 months
Exploring the Mekong Bobtail Cat Breed: A Unique Addition to Your Family
Introduction to Mekong Bobtail Cat Breeds
Originating from the ancient temple cats of Thailand, the Mekong bobtail is a recently developed breed with a rich history. Initially bred by Buddhist monks, these cats resided in temples, where they were cared for by pilgrims and monks. Through generations, a distinctive genetic mutation led to the development of a naturally shortened tail. In the 1980s, breeders introduced the Mekong bobtail by crossing these temple cats with existing bobtail breeds, resulting in a captivating fusion of Siamese elegance and bobtailed charm.
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Characteristics and Appearance of the Mekong Bobtail
Mekong bobtails are medium-sized shorthaired cats, weighing between 6-10 lbs. With a wedge-shaped head, large ears, and slanted blue eyes, their appearance exudes grace. The short, soft, and silky coat comes in various colors such as seal, blue, lilac, and fawn. The most distinguishing feature is their stubby tail, approximately 1/3 the length of a normal cat's tail. Despite this, Mekong bobtails maintain excellent balance and agility.
Temperament and Popularity
These cats possess an energetic and friendly personality, forming deep bonds with their human families. Their high energy levels are complemented by a gentle nature, making them patient companions for children. Mekong bobtails thrive on human interaction, displaying moderate vocalization through soft chirps and meows. Intelligent yet occasionally stubborn during training, they make affectionate and entertaining family pets.
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Coat Colors: Seal, blue, lilac, fawn
Mixed Breed: Developed by crossing native temple cats with Western bobtail breeds like the Japanese Bobtail and Kurilian Bobtail.
Caring for a Mekong Bobtail Cat Breed
High-quality canned or dry cat food with animal-based protein.
Wet food for added moisture and urinary tract health.
Occasional treats of cooked meat, fish, or eggs.
Provide safe outdoor access or a stimulating indoor environment.
Include cat towers, scratching posts, and interactive toys.
Weekly brushing to remove loose hair.
Regular nail trimming, ear and teeth checks.
Care Methods:
Engage in daily interactive play and training sessions.
Consider an enclosed outdoor space or leashed walks.
Adopting a Mekong Bobtail Cat
Popular Regions:
Europe, North America, Japan
Average Price:
$400 – $600 USD
Mekong Bobtail Rescue (USA), Bobtailed Cat Rescue (UK), Bobtail Cat Adoptions (Canada)
What to Check Before Adoption:
General health and weight
Current vaccination records
Prior medical conditions
Preparing for a Mekong Bobtail Cat
Home Preparation:
Allow time for adjustment to the new environment.
Cat-proof the home by removing potential hazards.
Stock up on food, litter, scratching posts, treats, and grooming tools.
Find a trusted vet and schedule a wellness exam within the first week.
Playtime and Training:
Spend quality playtime using interactive toys.
Be patient with training and expect initial stubbornness.
Essentials for Mekong Bobtail Cat Care Include:
Premium cat food, auto-feeder, and water fountain
Litter box, cat scratching posts, and toys
Grooming tools like nail clippers, brush, toothbrush
Cat carrier for safe travel
Common Health Issues to Watch For:
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
Dental disease
Urinary crystals
Core Vaccines:
Kitten series (FVRCP)
Feline leukemia (FeLV)
Annual boosters
Choosing a Name for Your Mekong Bobtail:
Thai-inspired names (Rama, Siam, Songkhla, Phuket)
Mythological names (Loki, Athena, Apollo)
Food-inspired names (Mango, Papaya, Boba)
Nature names (River, Forest, Willow)
Traditional cat names (Felix, Luna, Oscar)
Human names (Charlie, Lucy, Oliver)
Welcoming a Mekong bobtail into your family promises years of devoted companionship and joy.
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indiamedicaltourism · 10 months
Best VSD Surgery doctors in India
A congenital heart defect describes a condition that is present from birth, such as a ventricular septal defect (VSD). A VSD is a gap or irregularity in the septum, a membrane between the two ventricles in the lower chambers of the heart. The ventricular septum can be completely absent, leading to the formation of a single ventricle, which may be somewhat damaged.
Normally, the right portion of the heart primarily pumps blood to the lungs, whereas the other side of the heart primarily pumps blood to the rest of the body. Blood can flow through the left pumped chamber (left ventricle) to the right pumped chamber (right ventricle) before flowing into the pulmonary arteries in a kid with VSD by entering the hole. The more blood that enters into the pulmonary arteries as a consequence of major VSD, the more it leads the heart and lungs to operate tougher and can result in obstruction in the lungs. To prevent oxygen-rich blood from merging with oxygen-poor blood following delivery, the wall between the chambers generally blocks before the foetus comes out. Higher cardiac pressure or less oxygen to the body could result from the hole not closing.
Treatment for this kind of problem includes performing VSD Surgery to close the hole. To access the heart during the procedure, an opening is made in the outer edge of the chest, and the vertebral column is divided. During the procedure, the lungs are substituted with a heart-lung machine, which also pumps blood. The surgeon then closes the gap between the ventricles. As the infant grows, his or her own cells cover the patch, further stabilizing it in place.
VSD Surgery Cost in India
India is one of the most populous countries in Southeast Asia and competes with Thailand, a recognized healthcare location, when it comes to offering low-cost, excellent medical care. Along with the expense of medical care, the bill also covers a number of free extras, including top-notch facilities, foreign exchange services, a continuous hotline, and interpreting services.
The starting price of VSD Surgery in India is Rs. 1,98,000
About Rs. 2,60,000 is the average cost of VSD Surgery in India.
The maximum VSD Surgery price in India has gone up to Rs. 4,36,700.
When compare with the US, where a typical cost of VSD closure surgery is reduced by less than 25%.
Best VSD Surgery Hospitals in India
The top cardiologists and innovative medical technology are available at the best VSD Surgery hospital in India and has an unparalleled success rate.Jaslok Hospital, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, B. M. Birla Heart Research Centre are some of the best hospital for VSD Surgery in India.
Best VSD Surgery Doctors in India
The Best Doctors for VSD Surgery in India have reputation all over the world. They are highly skilled and are highly experienced with high surgery success rate. Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Dr. Naresh Trehan andDr. Suresh Rao are some of the Best VSD Surgery doctors in India.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading medical and healthcare tourism company in India.  We are offer medical tourism services in India foreign patients. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Nigeria and so on. We provide free assistance for TURP surgery cost in India, lung cancer treatment, breast cancer surgery cost, stomach cancer treatment in India, liver transplant cost, best hospital for heart valve replacement, bone marrow transplant cost, arthroscopic surgery, best liver transplant hospital, brain tumor surgery cost in India, kidney transplant cost, liver cancer treatment, best bone marrow hospital etc.  If you are searching for free medical and healthcare consulting to find the best hospitals and top doctors and surgeons in India for any treatment then contact us- Alafiyameditour.com.
Source: https://alafiyameditour1.blogspot.com/2023/11/best-vsd-surgery-doctors-in-india.html
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The beauty of Sapphire & Ruby
Sapphire and ruby are two of the world's most valuable gemstones, prized for their striking beauty, durability, and rarity. These precious stones have captivated people's imaginations for centuries, and their history is as fascinating as their allure. In this article, we will explore the discovery of sapphire and ruby and their importance to human civilization.
The Discovery of Sapphire
Sapphire has a long and storied history. The ancient Greeks believed that sapphires were the tears of the god Apollo, while the Persians thought that the earth rested on a giant sapphire. The stone's blue color has been associated with royalty, wisdom, and faith for centuries.
The word sapphire comes from the Latin word "sapphirus," which means blue. The stone was first discovered in the ancient kingdom of Ceylon, now known as Sri Lanka. Ceylon is still a major source of sapphires today, along with other countries such as Burma, Madagascar, and Australia.
Sapphires are a form of corundum, a mineral composed of aluminum and oxygen. The blue color comes from the presence of small amounts of titanium and iron. While blue is the most popular color for sapphires, they can also be found in pink, yellow, green, and even colorless.
The Discovery of Ruby
Ruby is another type of corundum and is known for its deep red color. The word ruby comes from the Latin word "ruber," which means red. Like sapphires, rubies have been prized for their beauty and rarity for centuries.
The first rubies were discovered in the ancient kingdom of Mogok, in what is now Burma. The Burmese believed that rubies had the power to protect their wearers from harm, and they were often buried with their dead. Burma is still one of the most important sources of rubies today, along with other countries such as Thailand, Sri Lanka, and Madagascar.
Why are Sapphire and Ruby Precious?
Sapphire and ruby are precious stones for several reasons. First, they are extremely rare. The conditions needed for corundum to form are very specific, and even when those conditions are met, the likelihood of finding gem-quality stones is low. This rarity makes sapphire and ruby highly valued and sought after.
Second, sapphire and ruby are extremely durable. They are both very hard and resistant to scratching, making them ideal for use in jewelry. This durability means that sapphire and ruby jewelry can be passed down from generation to generation, becoming family heirlooms.
Finally, sapphire and ruby are precious because of their beauty. The deep, rich colors of sapphire and ruby are unmatched by any other gemstone, and they have captivated people's imaginations for centuries. Whether set in a simple ring or a complex necklace, sapphire and ruby jewelry is sure to turn heads and evoke feelings of awe and wonder.
In conclusion, sapphire and ruby are two of the world's most precious gemstones, prized for their rarity, durability, and beauty. Their history is rich and fascinating, and they continue to capture our imaginations today. Whether you're a collector, a jewelry lover, or simply appreciate the finer things in life, sapphire and ruby are truly a treasure worth cherishing.
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Opening this weekend:
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Bullet Train--Brad Pitt plays one of several professional assassins riding the title vehicle on an overnight zip from Tokyo to Kyoto. Dubbed "Ladybug" by his dispatcher (Sandra Bullock), he's a lethal fellow with mad fighting and weapons skills, but he regards himself as a magnet for bad luck, and he's weary of his career and wants more positivity in his life.
This is Pitt in frumpy, glamor-debunking mode, decked out in a bucket hat, drab jacket and sneakers, with horn-rimmed nerd glasses. His manner is pleasant and unassuming; a central joke of the movie is that Ladybug clearly has no wish to hurt anyone. Pitt is very good company here, in the way that only a veteran movie star can be, and as a model for action movie heroes to come I heartily approve.
There are other strong actors here--Aaron Taylor-Young and Brian Tyree Henry as a team of bickering Brit killers, Hiroyuki Sanada and Andrew Koji as father-and-son assassins, Benito A Martinez Ocasio as a vengeful Mexican hit man, Zazie Beetz as a deadly concessions peddler, Joey King as a schoolgirl type with secrets, all chasing a briefcase McGuffin and trying to avoid the wrath of a shadowy Russian gangster known as "The White Death," not mention a pesky (if rather sweet-faced) boomslang snake on the loose. A few big names turn up in amusing cameos.
Yet all of this creditable work doesn't quite add up to a satisfying movie. Directed by David Leitch from a script by Zak Olkewicz adapted from a Japanese novel by Kotaro Isaka, Bullet Train feels like an exercise in nostalgia; it's like one of the innumerable '90s-era knockoffs of Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez or (especially) Guy Ritchie, full of savage yet "ironic" facetious violence and whip pans and cute but bloody flashbacks and characters engaging in detailed discussions of pop culture (Thomas the Tank Engine in this case).
It's well-crafted and perfectly watchable, as long as you aren't too squeamish. But for me, it lacked any real emotional stakes, and the homestretch grows overblown and tediously overextended. Compare it to 2018's underrated Bad Times at the El Royale, another faux-Tarantino throwback that had the same tongue in cheek, but a bit of heart in its chest as well.
Now on Prime  Video:
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Thirteen Lives--It's the story of a rescue mission with the number thirteen in the title, and it's directed by Ron Howard. That's a pretty solid recipe for success.
In June of 2018 twelve members of a youth soccer team and their coach went on an outing into a cave in a provincial mountain park in northern Thailand. An unexpected early monsoon hit after they went in, the paths quickly filled up with water, and the boys were trapped, more than two miles into the narrow, twisty passages. The rescue efforts that followed over the next three weeks included participants ranging from Thai Navy Seals to U.S. Military to Brit rescue divers to a Bangkok-based engineer who figured out how to divert rainwater from sinkholes on the mountain, into the agricultural fields below. The movie asserts that more than 5,000 people from 17 countries pitched in.
Howard focuses on the Brits, nicely underplayed played by Colin Farrell, Viggo Mortensen and Tom Bateman, and an Australian diver, played by Joel Edgerton, who was called in because of the specifics of his medical background. Like Howard's best film, Apollo 13, this is a fairly deep dive (sorry about that) into the technical difficulties of the operation, and this attention to detail adds to the suspense rather than dragging on the pace.
The movie's a bit of a harrowing ordeal at times, especially for those of us with a claustrophobic streak, but it's just about impossible not to invest in it emotionally. And while it's inspiring, it may also leave you a little exasperated with our seeming inability to work together for the common good when it's not such an obviously urgent crisis. What a pity it's so hard for us to remember that, in the end, all humankind is one big Thai soccer team, hoping to get out of our respective caves.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
petty your big dragon agenda is the only reason i’m even alive. when is season 2 and why hasn’t it aired seven months ago already?!?!?!
@ciaraloves, I'm making up every excuse why Big Dragon 2 hasn't come out yet like Star Hunter waiting for the Year of the Dragon to release it, but now part of me is thinking Star Hunter is waiting until Thailand legalizes marriage equality (It's fucking happening. Naughty Babe and Apollo said it) to release it, so we can get a MosBank Mangkorn and Yai wedding like the pilot suggested.
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I know this is crazy behavior, but MaxTul ended their partnership, yet I still believe Transplant could happen, with them. I'm too optimistic for my own good. I don't know when to give up. MosBank are already uploading photos from their reading of SunsetxVibes, yet I still fully believe Big Dragon 2 will happen solely because City of Stars keeps giving me the Big Dragon side crumbs.
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So know that if my hope is keeping you alive, you will live forever because I'm never giving up. Even if I have dress up two Ken dolls and fire up my 2014 version of Microsoft's Movie Maker, I'm getting Big Dragon 2!
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fallsblue · 2 years
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WIN METAWIN, 21, CISGENDER MALE, HE/HIM. — is that MICHAEL HUANG? a SENIOR originally from FRESNO, CALIFORNIA, they decided to come to ogden college to study PRE-MED on an ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. they’re THE NERD on campus, but even they could get blamed for greer’s disappearance.
graphic credit.
HI, LOVES !!! i’m so very uber excited to be here and get started. mikey is a new child of mine, based off an old child of mine, so hopefully everything doesn’t fall apart ??? i’m LENNY ( 23, est, they/them ) and you will simply never hear me shut up about horror and comic books. drop a LIKE and i’ll reach out to you through the server !! ♡ MORE UNDER THE CUT ...
ben wyatt (parks and recreation), chidi anagonye (the good place), brian johnson (the breakfast club), cameron frye (ferris bueller’s day off), nam do san (start up), evan (superbad), burton guster (psych).
shy smiles, color coordinated binders, old vinyls playing on a new turntable, iced coffee on a winter day, denim jackets, comic books beside medical journals, fingernails bitten into nubs, the blue glow of a computer monitor, freshly ironed sweatshirts, mixtapes, white converse, vanilla candles, multitasking.
billy joel, vienna.
taylor swift, exile (feat. bon iver).
japanese breakfast, be sweet.
the proclaimers, 500 miles.
the strokes, the adults are talking.
rex orange county, the shade.
rachel chinouriri, all i ever asked.
i don’t want to talk, wallows.
omar apollo, killing me.
greer appropriately called mikey her tutor, if anyone even found out in the first place, but he liked to claim they were friends. in his mind, they easily were. though, they didn’t exactly speak outside of their scheduled study sessions, hidden in the farthest corner of the library. he was never very good at taking hints.
mikey’s parents stayed in california after their education to offer him the best possible life, and they never let him forget it.
he was born to two immigrant parents from thailand, his mother of chinese descent, his father a successful surgeon and his mom a basic receptionist. their marriage was never one of true love, not past the first few years, anyway. instead, it’s one of transaction; his father covers the finances, while his mother provides him a clean and happy home to raise their american son.
mikey is an only child in every meaning of the word, from his coddling parents to the inherited loneliness to his aversion towards roommates. every resource possible was given to michael to succeed; flash cards, tutors, training books. 
growing up, his mom was the one poking her head into his bedroom door, leaving snacks at his desk and preparing dinner for her very important husband. mikey still wonders if she feels as lonely as he does. even now, she calls him every other day.
the dreams of his family sit on his shoulders and his shoulders alone, and boy, does he feel the pressure. he’s always remained the top of his classes in high school, graduating valedictorian and given a full academic scholarship to ogden. 
still, he sits at the top of the pre-med program at the college, and there is a cost. most nights, instead of experiencing college life, he’s cramming at the library or filling obligations for all the clubs he’s joined. his programming is to hold a scalpel and forceps, not beer bottles and footballs. but he still tries his best.
he’s independent and studious, but he’s also awkward and shy. his list of true friends is short, and the hours spent sleeping are even shorter. he’s pledged to experience something exciting this year at the very least. anything. although, he didn’t account for a peer’s disappearance to spice up campus life. 
friends! he’s not a complete idiot when it comes to other people, and i wouldn’t mind a few close friends of his, maybe even a friend group of ‘outsiders’ or something cliche like that. perhaps a trio friendship dynamic. anything!
mikey is in a pile of clubs (on his file page), so any fellow club members! positive or negative feelings welcomed. he takes them very seriously.
anyone who is willing to make mike’s life harder. please. he can be really annoying.
he wants to be someone’s friend, but they’re too nice to turn him away.
more students to tutor! he’s got the hottest study techniques on campus.
a crush or classic unrequited love so he can make an idiot of himself. carrying their books around, fogged up glasses, the whole nine yards.
or an ex so he can also make an idiot of himself. lots of fun backstory plotting involved.
a fan of cliches. i.e. opposites attract, unlikely friends, bad influences, good influences, one night stands, ride or die. i love it all.
if none of these tickle your pickle, i love a good brainstorming!
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goldenfree323 · 2 years
Mylene klass pokies
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Evilsayer - Sexy Celebs - myleene klass nipples - Jigsaw Planet.
Myleene Klass strips topless to show off boob after.
Myleene Klass, 39, turns human peach emoji in ass-tounding booty reveal.
Myleene Klass goes topless as she enjoys blissful swim.
Myleene Klass (@KlassMyleene) / Twitter.
Myleene Klass hits out at people 'chastising' mums for pumping.
Myleene Klass defends sharing breastfeeding photos and.
Myleene Klass Big Cleavage - YouTube.
Bel Diamond: Myleene Klass In Latest Littlewoods photos.
@myleeneklass is on Instagram • 410k people follow their account.
21 Celebrities With Windblown Skirts and Uplift Dresses.
Myleene Klass suffers minor nipple slip after teaming low-cut.
Evilsayer - Sexy Celebs - myleene klass nipples - Jigsaw Planet.
Jan 07, 2013 · Myleene Klass In Latest Littlewoods photos The ex-Hear’Say singer turned TV presenter, mum-of-two Myleene Klass, 34 was modelling a range of her own chic frocks in a photoshoot for L. However Myleene Klass may have regretted wearing a low-cut look today however, when she was spotted running errands in north London solo. The radio DJ flashed just a hint of her left nipple as well. Jun 07, 2017 · Taking the plunge: Braless Myleene Klass shows off extreme cleavage in a soft pink gown at Glamour Women Of The Year Awards She has become accustomed to stealing the show on screen. But Myleene Klass proved she's always centre stage on the red carpet as well when she attended the Glamour Women Of The Year Awards 2017 on Tuesday night.
Myleene Klass strips topless to show off boob after.
Myleene Klass has hit out at haters who are criticising the way she chooses to feed her son. The mum spoke out about the abuse women face when it comes. The account associated with this website has been disabled. If you are the site owner please contact us for more information.
Myleene Klass, 39, turns human peach emoji in ass-tounding booty reveal.
Aug 11, 2015 · But Myleene Klass didn't have a care in the world as she opted to show off her nipples in a black vest for a day presenting her radio show at Smooth FM. It looks as though it was a bit nippy! It. Jun 22, 2022 · Myleene Klass is Seen Braless in London (14 Photos) Willie Evans June 22, 2022 June 22, 2022 Full archive of her photos and videos from ICLOUD LEAKS 2022 Here Singer, model and radio host Myleene Klass is seen outside the Global Radio Studios in London, 06/17/2022.
Myleene Klass goes topless as she enjoys blissful swim.
Myleene Klass. The singer, who welcomed her baby boy Apollo last summer, shared the realities of breastfeeding while posting a carousel of photos on Instagram. She wrote: "Uh oh. Some of us mums. Myleene Klass flaunted her nipples as she stepped out in London today The 37-year-old confidently flaunted her nipples in a skimpy black vest.
Myleene Klass (@KlassMyleene) / Twitter.
Myleene Klass was forced to defend her breast-feeding photos again on Thursday. The mother-of-three, 42, admitted earlier this week that she felt 'chastised' by. Jun 26, 2013 · Myleene Klass – Bikini Photoshoot Candids in Thailand. By Bikini Booty. March 29, 2013. No Comments.
MYLEENE Klass has taken to social media to slam "baby" trolls for judging those who post breastfeeding photos. Myleene, 42, shared a series of snaps of herself in Instagram earlier today feeding. 4. Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer Aniston is a seasoned pro: she foresaw what the wind would do before anything damaging to her image could happen. Jennifer Aniston with a windblown skirt situation at the ‘We’re the Millers’ premiere held at the Odeon West End in London, England on August 14, 2013. 5. Free online jigsaw puzzle game.
Myleene Klass hits out at people 'chastising' mums for pumping.
Taking to Instagram, Myleene Klass shared a picture of herself rocking a teeny two-piece that hit all the right notes. Giving her 200,000 followers a glimpse at her luxury break to Turkey, the 39-year-old posed up a storm as she stood with her back to the camera.
Myleene Klass defends sharing breastfeeding photos and.
Jul 14, 2020 · MYLEENE Klass has taken to social media to slam “baby” trolls for judging those who post breastfeeding photos. Myleene, 42, shared a series of snaps of herself in Instagram earlier toda…. Jul 19, 2020 · Myleene Klass became famous for her bikini body during 'I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here' in 2006 Credit:... bras cutting into my shoulders, cracked nipples, leaking through my shirt at work.
Myleene Klass Big Cleavage - YouTube.
The way your body changes, the way your belly itches, your nipples get darker, your senses can rival a sniffer dogs…Also, how suddenly the world is full of people pushing buggies. They all suddenly materialised. May 09, 2017 · Myleene Klass went to Morocco to snap the new line, and she said the maxi dresses are her favourite style (Image: Littlewoods). The line included collection of maxi dresses, lace jumpsuits and.
Bel Diamond: Myleene Klass In Latest Littlewoods photos.
410K followers. 811 following. myleeneklass she/her. Entrepreneur. Doctor Klass 🎓 @uniofeastanglia. @myleeneklasskids @nextofficial. #myleenesmusicklass @mysupperhero. Tiktok@myleeneklass. DISCOVER: Myleene Klass reveals Graham Bell's heartbreaking reaction to injuring his partner. Last June, the 42-year-old star, who welcomed son Apollo in August 2019, wrote a lengthy post on the. In the fun picture, a bikini-clad Myleene wore a silver sparkly crown while Ava, Hero and Simon wore Santa hats with Apollo sweetly wearing a sparkly Reindeer headband. The mother-of-three also.
@myleeneklass is on Instagram • 410k people follow their account.
Myleene Klass pumps breasts backstage at the Global Awards. Myleene Klass, 42, has been left in agony after burning her boob while trying to get ready for work at the speed of light. The radio presenter was straightening her hair when she accidentally dropped the heated appliance on her bare chest. Taking to Instagram, the starlet showed off. Jul 17, 2020 · Myleene is proud of breastfeeding her son, it is part of their bond and something that they both love. “The photos of other women breastfeeding, pumping, normalise things for me and if mine, in turn, do the same for other mothers who feel embarrassed, judged or that they should need to stifle their baby under a Muslin lest they offend some wallflower with their life giving, breastfeeding.
21 Celebrities With Windblown Skirts and Uplift Dresses.
Oct 27, 2020 · LONDON, ENGLAND – OCTOBER 26: Myleene Klass sighting on October 26, 2020 in London, England. (Photo by HGL/GC Images)... Pregnant Emily Ratajkowski pokies, looks. Jul 15, 2020 · Klass concluded her post by calling on people to respect breastfeeding mothers and listed a series of struggles many women face, including cracked nipples, mastitis and blocked ducts.
Myleene Klass suffers minor nipple slip after teaming low-cut.
362k members in the pokies community. Female nipples being clearly and prominently poking through clothing. Press J to jump to the feed. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.... Myleene Klass. nsfw. Close. 25. Crossposted by. Myleene Klass big cleavage from. Feb 21, 2018 · And it did just that, with Myleene teasing an intimate flash in a barely-there blouse. Taking the low-cut neckline trend to new extremes, the 39-year-old rocked a top slashed to the navel. Having left her bra at home, the brunette babe allowed her perky assets to take the lead. Myleene Klass flaunts her sexy figure View gallery (Image: Getty).
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thedragonchilde · 3 years
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My self-indulgent bullshit G Gundam next gen cast that nobody asked for!
Yuliya Gulskii, 21
Fighter for Neo-Russia, pilots Blizzard Gundam
- unflappable
- natural dry wit
- has been used as inspiration porn due to her athletic career and medical issues, and is Tired of it; what's a girl gotta do to get some honest competition?
- unfortunately this means she's got a reputation to live up to, and cool, even-keeled, brains-and-brawn perfection isn't sustainable forever
- never quite learned how to engage or express her emotions and at this point is too afraid to ask
- is set on going into sports medicine, but should really consider a surgical residency
- don't bring a gun to a knife fight, bring her
- may have been Victor Frankenstein in another life
Apollo Kasshu-Crockett, 16
Not a professional fighter at all and is kind of feeling the pressure
- actually a hurricane; mess follows wherever this kid goes make sure there are no more national landmarks to be leveled
- easily frustrated; overload/meltdowns not uncommon
- can def be a rambling chatterbox, but as he gets older suspects that most people can't keep up or don't want to listen
- hella ADHD
- will Absolutely speak up when something is wrong, even (especially?) if it's coming from an adult
- this has 100% gotten him into fights before
- activism might be calling your name, kid; lord knows politics could use some help
- preferred method of nonverbal communication is art, actually, with paint/clay in hair/under nails to prove it
- not always happy, but definitely always energetic
- gimme ALL the physical affection, from headpats to full body hugging
Niran Tangprayet, 25
Fighter for Neo-Thailand, pilots Garuda Gundam
- tfw your nation is counting on you to help rehabilitate their image on the world stage
- sunshine personified, apparently
- easy to talk to
- radiates warm confidence and sometimes it can even be contagious; “believe in the me who believes in you!”
- is he friendly or flirtatious?
- has been burned by guys using him as their Illicit Gay Experience
- between that and fractured family, anything past casual interaction with new people is approached with trepidation
- but get past that and he's yours, friend
- will gush about his sisters
- will also gush about his antique weapons
- spine of steel when it matters, but can get wobbly when the past rears its head
Rosana Andalusia Duran, 24
Fighter for Neo-Spain, pilots Quixote Gundam
- can tend toward Honor Before Reason
- a certified Elegant Lady
- technically skilled fighter, but is searching for the spark that fueled her father's fighting spirit even in spite of what happened to him
- feels especially compelled to interrogate the motives of fellow legacy fighters
- if you are planning any shady business in this fight She Will Find You
- has an idealistic streak, in the sense that she secretly likes the idea of being a mysterious romantic hero
- ...in fact I'm actually playing with the idea of her being a masked fighter, shh
- her body is not an invitation, and the next gilipollas who takes it as one is getting a very unladylike, dishonorable shiv to the side
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narwatharsh01 · 9 months
Exploring the Global Medical Tourism Market: Dimensions, Trends, and Prospects Ahead
In recent years, the Medical Tourism market has witnessed substantial growth, becoming a significant player in the global healthcare industry. As international travel becomes more accessible and medical costs soar, patients are increasingly seeking medical treatments abroad. This article explores the current landscape of the Medical Tourism market, shedding light on its size, trends, and future outlook.
Medical Tourism Market Size and Share:
The Medical Tourism market has experienced a commendable surge in size and share, reaching unprecedented figures. According to recent data, the Medical Tourism market size was estimated at USD 19.7 billion in 2022, with a projected CAGR of 20.4% from 2023 to 2028. The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, coupled with the rising demand for cost-effective healthcare solutions, has fueled the expansion of this market.
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Medical Tourism Market Revenue and Growth:
The revenue generated by the Medical Tourism sector has witnessed robust growth, driven by factors such as advanced medical technologies, quality healthcare services, and affordable treatment options. In 2022, the market revenue exceeded USD 20 billion, reflecting a growth rate that outpaced many other segments of the healthcare industry. Emerging economies, in particular, are playing a pivotal role in propelling this growth, offering competitive medical services at a fraction of the cost compared to developed nations.
Healthcare Tourism Market Trends:
Several noteworthy trends are shaping the landscape of healthcare tourism industry. One prominent trend is the integration of technology into medical services. Telemedicine and virtual consultations have become prevalent, allowing patients to connect with healthcare providers globally. Additionally, destination countries are focusing on enhancing their healthcare infrastructure and services to attract medical tourists. Countries such as India, Thailand, and Mexico have emerged as leading destinations, offering a diverse range of medical treatments.
Global Medical Tourism Market Top Players:
The global Medical Tourism market is highly competitive, with key players dominating the industry. Prominent players include Bumrungrad International Hospital, Apollo Hospitals, Asklepios Kliniken GmbH, and Fortis Healthcare. These institutions have established themselves as leaders by providing high-quality medical care, state-of-the-art facilities, and a comprehensive range of medical services.
Medical Tourism Market Research Reports:
In-depth Medical Tourism Market Research Reports serve as valuable resources for stakeholders, providing insights into the Medical Tourism market's dynamics. According to Ken Research, the market is expected to witness exponential growth in the coming years, driven by factors such as the globalization of healthcare, increasing healthcare costs in developed countries, and a growing awareness of medical tourism options.
Medical Tourism Market Future Outlook:
The future outlook of Medical Tourism market appears promising, with continued growth expected in the coming years. The market is anticipated to surpass USD 40 billion by 2025, driven by factors such as the aging global population, increasing healthcare disparities, and advancements in medical technology. As more countries invest in healthcare infrastructure and international collaborations, the Medical Tourism market is likely to evolve, offering diverse and specialized medical services to a broader spectrum of patients.
The Medical Tourism market has evolved into a dynamic and influential sector within the global healthcare industry. With a substantial market size, impressive revenue, and a plethora of trends shaping its trajectory, medical tourism is set to redefine the way patients access healthcare services. As top players continue to innovate and countries invest in healthcare infrastructure, the future outlook for the Medical Tourism market is undoubtedly optimistic, promising a transformative impact on the global healthcare landscape.
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