#and 2. this issue is NOT an acceptable excuse to play fucking Oppression Olympics like everyone has turned it into
foxxsong · 1 year
Reminder that hypermobility is not just being a bit more flexible than normal and that if you use someone "just" being hypermobile as a reason to claim they don't count as chronically ill/physically disabled you're an uneducated ableist POS! :)
Did you know that if someone is hypermobile, it actually LIMITS their mobility in some ways? Did you know it frequently causes chronic pain? Did you know that hypermobile people are both more likely to dislocate joints than non-hypermobile people AND are less likely to seek professional medical care when it happens? Did you know that some hypermobile people have to use mobility aids because of their hypermobility? Actually, did you even know that hypermobile people can also be extremely inflexible? Turns out that when your muscles are having to constantly over-compensate to prevent your joints from popping out, they tend to get a bit tense and uncooperative!
Hypermobility is a physical disability and can be a severely limiting one, and it is SHITTY to imply that people with it are just using it as an easy way to claim a "physical disability card". If I catch you saying this shit IRL, I'm gonna hit you with my forearm crutches that I use so my hips don't dislocate in public.
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