#and 1 is named after Johnny Silverhand 🤣
kimarisgundam · 13 days
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I'm kinda proud that this setup turned out well! It's my first time doing a backwater tank 😃!
It's been around 3.5 months (cycle, seasoning, and monitoring after adding my juvenile betta in) and I think everything is going great so far!
I think he's maturing well too cos his adult pattern is appearing/darkening 😃
(*coughs* I had issues at first cos I used the filter cartridge from my other betta tank to get the cycle going... not realising that there's activated carbon in it 😐
I kept adding almond leaves and wondering where my tannins were dissappearing to until I cut the cartridge open and was like "ooh..")
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^ he's always begging for food 😅
He's a Betta macrostoma, a wild betta fish native to the region I live in (He's not wild caught, his parents were bred in captivity)
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