#and *hopefully* I will be able to enjoy the fandom in peace fhfhhf
pinkydude · 3 years
Alright, so it’s been some days now since the recent Mitch related drama with that stupid hashtag, and I decided to re-write that segment in my About Me page.
Hopefully it will make it clear for some people. I would like to add : Do not accuse me of Gatekeeping because of other people actions or inactions. I do not control what other people think or do. And I hope y’all will grow to realise how stupid those accusations are.
I'll try to make it as simple and understandable as possible, I keep on getting into all kind of unecessary drama because of people's unability to read.
I grew really attached to Mitch for a lot of personal reasons, with that came what I call the "freak brain" - If I see Mitch in any other content, ESPECIALLY romantic/shippy, I get huge panic attacks and get physically ill. And yes as stupid as it is, it also includes just pics of him just Standing there alone. I get triggered by all kind of content, screenshots fanfics mods fanart, Mitch alone, Mitch with others NPCs, Mitch with any V or any OC, anything.
To avoid that, I block people who are main Mitch content creators, I also got the "Mitch Anderson" tag blocked, and text hidden. I will NOT see your content featuring Mitch in anyway possible even if my mutuals reblogs it! I won't interact with anything Mitch related except if it was made for me specifically and that I've been told about it.
With that out of the way, no I do not gatekeep. Every Mitch content is valid, every version of Mitch is valid, every headcanons surrounding Mitch is valid. I simply can't get exposed to other's content without putting my health, mental and physical, at risk and I refuse to do that.
If you enjoy my pics, I'm glad! You are totally free to save them and use them as wallpapers, but don't tell me about it, please. If you use my Mitch fixes mods, great! But do not tag me for any credit. If I somehow made you love the character, that's AWESOME! But please do not tag me in your ship post with how "I made you love the character".
I appreciate y'all but I can't deal with it. Let's all love Mitch in our own way! Mine is sitting in my corner with the character I love and not bothering anyone, so please don't come bothering me with things that will potentially send me in a really bad place.
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