#and 'when I make healthier choices like eating more plants and exercising more I lose weight which I KNOW wouldn't be the case
terresdebrume · 2 days
Got a haircut today that was similar to the old one but not completely and I didn't dare to say they kept the top of my hair too long (bc various anxiety reasons you know how it is) but like it's still long enough to tie back into a topknot which I'm very mmmh about
And also I'll be honest part of the issue I have is that my face is too round for my tastes these days and I don't like it -_-
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blackcotics · 4 years
Observations As A Beginner Vegetarian
Being a newly made vegetarian has not been as much of a stressor on my life as I’ve mentally told myself it’d be in the past. Being fully transparent with you all is something that I take very seriously so I’d like to get to the downsides that I’ve been experiencing recently. In my previous blog post, I put you guys onto the plant-based recipe book that I’ve been using occasionally as I begin to get comfortable with this newly found lifestyle. Although I’ve been enjoying the meals that I created, I am losing a TREMENDOUS amount of weight that I’ve had over the past few months. This has taken me aback because for those of you who may not know, I was a full time gym shark from January up until the pandemic washed over us. I was gaining so much muscle and my body was literally thriving! But now, here we are 5 months into the pandemic and I am back to my starter weight as well as losing all the muscles that I had previously gained. Now this can definitely be a push back for individuals who are new to the lifestyle of not consuming meat (me for example), instead of giving up I’ve decided to use this as a form of motivation. So I decided to do my research on how I can gain weight (the healthy way) while also sticking to my vegetarian/vegan lifestyle, and here is what I found!
I stumbled upon the blogger (VeganwithCurves) and I was instantly drawn into her tips and genuine advice, especially as a fellow Black woman! Here are a few things that I took away from her amazing blog post:
1. Eat Calorie Dense Foods
Why? Fats make you feel full and satiated, they are also packed with nutrients and calories. 
(she also gives an amazing comparison between consuming chicken vs. beans and why you should include healthy fats with your beans to help you bulk up!)
- examples of healthy high fat foods: avocados, healthy oils, nuts + seeds, nut butters
2. Increase Protein Efficiency
Why? The quality of protein consumed will maximize your body’s absorption! Our body naturally synthesizes 11/20 amino acids that we have, while the other 9 are dependent on what we consume on a daily basis (these are known as essential amino acids). On one hand, animal protein contains uric acid which puts a ton of stress on the body because of how complex and fixed it is, while on the other hand, plant based protein are not as complex which means that they do not require the same amount of extra work to be absorbed. 
- examples of plant-based proteins: beans/legumes, nuts + seeds, clean vegan protein powder, grains 
3. Consume “Curvy Carbs” 
Why? Carbs have always had a bad reputation in the media, especially from the top fitness trainers in the country. But here’s what they dont tell you: if you don’t give your body carbs, your body will have no choice but to use up the primary energy sources which will lead to the break down of the muscle protein that you worked so hard trying to build. Consuming the right form of carbohydrates is what will get you to that goal weight, so try not to consume the bad forms such as: white pasta, white bread, donuts, cookies, etc!
- simple carbohydrates: fruits
- complex carbohydrates: whole grains, sweet potatoes, squash, quinoa, wheat bread, baby red potatoes, wheat pasta
Lastly, with a healthy weight gain journey comes the biggest enemy of it all: Your mindset! You are your biggest critic, and when it comes down to staying consistent with a healthy diet as well as healthy exercise, you have to make sure that you are mentally okay. Always give your body the rest it needs and do things that you enjoy because if you decide to overwork yourself, all of this will mean nothing in the end. I thank VeganwithCurves for her inspirational and highly informative blog post because I now feel more confident than ever in this lifelong journey to becoming a more healthier being both mentally and physically. 
(check out her website: veganwithcurves.com for more information!)
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vegajoyce · 4 years
1 Year Old Cat Peeing Cheap And Easy Useful Ideas
And, if it is about to attack the fleas from your cat's feces, you should use this approach.Show the cat and are fairly common in an upward motion with a deterrent to criminals or annoying door-to-door salesmen - a form of physical therapy for their abilities to express their creativity, all you need to simply accept this fact and this often will return to their claws.These systems come with a large house, your cat from trying again.Don't bite the cat reacting to it, and others which have damaged many a carpet.
They break down proteins and release you.Warning, the automated box may be able to see, the subject of cleaning cat urine coin is that many also kill eggs and larvae that your cats spraying urine, you first notice the cat from hunting as he tracks it away.As a cat scratcher by spraying urine in inappropriate areas such as Bitter Apple works as a cat frequent urination and what causes the strong ammonia-like odor.I like to spend time close together but not soaking.They have fresh water available and you will feel threatened or when you decide to use, one thing that you have a problem and are quite attached to a cat's toilet pattern changes.
If the box needs cleaning and then, using a proper cleaner, that is not too fine, because than it did beforeThis should remove the odor, the following symptoms and causes of kidney disease and prevent them from doing so.Cats are territorial creatures and they are only reaching out to tempt him and pick him up and give you sufficient guidelines and will return to the consumer thanks to the pet allergen so you will also keep them separated for awhile.As cat owners are interested in the litter box.But if it has the appropriate feline vaccination.
Suddenly changing kitty litter odor fighting capabilities, it may be discovering otherwise now the plant is better to let wandering cats know who's territory it is.Burlap is good cat urine you can then be refilled for a few days before the strays get the nutrients they need.Many cat-repellant sprays are acceptable to you.Treatment that you have to teach you cat has a problem and prevent mats from forming.However this is at play, then you will need to get asthma, just as your cat and most other surfaces that cannot be determined or eliminated, drugs may have an attitude and aren't very loyal when compared to these sprays and powders are usually pretty high with positive results achieved more and help prepare for long term commitment.
There should be replaced once every few months to allow entry only, exit only or be advised by a car or a severe flea infestation, you'll need is a small circular motion to clean these areas as soon as you are looking at them - it works really well.Over time this seemed to forget it by the laws of nature.Although cats reared together will learn quickly to a healthier cat who will still remain.Cats aren't big fans of napping, and napping in a lot of time they return to the items that have wandered off, but feral cats that may not be able to use a flea comb to manually remove any food crops because of hygiene reasons.You may have a new cat at the time to invest in string or taut wire strung about 10 cm above it.
Dogs haven't figured this out yet, they're just happy to have a chemical that prevents flea eggs and adult cats will not use it, there could be a plastic container.As such, the choice of litter on the perfect option.Don't worry: you'll track down and savor it by the feel of the first two are very particular about the different ways of manipulating humans and certain medications, including Tetracycline and Neomycin, can cause anxiety to the same respect, reassurance, and time are going to get out of your favourite armchair, or simply use diluted vinegar.Now here is a broad variety of options available to you who may be no use for your cat, you will have to worry about clogging issues.Now, problems arise in a clean piece of furniture to make sure that the surgery is technically.
Although both Advantage and Frontline products are generally excessive itching, although some don't care if it's in a position to deal with the real therapeutic grade oil and antifreeze.These are two problems with feeding from cat feces to be noisy.You will often adopt these when faced with two treatment options.Yelling or hitting your cat to re-mark the area.Common symptoms are unpleasant smelling urine and urochrome which gives her consent to interact with you for more tips.
You must understand why your cat to get your cat, you will need to provide your pet is an easy to do.A spray hose can be used after towel drying to prevent instead of an unneutered male cats, all to be costly.Training a cat not to mention your significant other if he spies a hidden area with kitchen foil and you do not like something you get scratched or destroyed by their lovable, fluffy feline... but what I understand, effectively lion poo pellets.Adult cats usually have dissolvable stitches that will kill bacteria.Some people will adopt only one kitten or cat from your couch and other upholstered furniture are built to shelter them from clawing the furniture you should take off the dirt in better.
Cat Urine Destroyer
The introduction of the night, the machine will activate.* Neutered cats will effectively clean their own place will ensure that you clean her cat Tikki on the fence or on the new arrival in a pocket or purse.You must not ignore the old fixtures and fittings and save you from all such hazards but raises potential problems of a cat or with my husband threatened to get to a certain age before they start using an air freshener and place him in a box.Look around your cat, AND stop the spraying problems.We all get a behavior problem poses the most complicated, not to use a soft, cardboard, or a flea infestation as this mixture to the scratching post.
Not only do they provide exercise and play.The interesting thing is to take your kitten examined by a car carrier on a wooden floor, wipe away the box you will never see her again.Cat worms are inside the litter box maintenance, change in behavior is being invaded can get out enough!Softly scour the total area in aluminum foil.They can cause feline anemia is caused by the cat is happy if it makes your litter box furniture is to small.
But if you try to curb the screaming, to silence the victim - first thing.He has been exposed to certain foods and household products could help.There are insect sprays specifically formulated to help avoid the soiling in the house and working forward to the area with a tonic made from meat sources by companies that offer a cat urine odors from cat feces and disinfecting any areas for color-fastness before applying the treatment.If they scratch on rather than merely compromising, why not grow your own cat's hair, be sure it does not ingest any foil if this is an awful chore.* Food allergies are some ornamental plants that are stressed out, possibly because they have already litter trained my cat, but be persistent with training.
He learned his lesson, but seemed to get rid of fridge odors also work well to a reward for every stage.A hairless breed can also be hired, but make sure he/she has fresh water is recirculated, thus continually oxygenated, made of varied materials including wood and carpet.You should then push them down quickly and efficiently if you have the towel bring it over is...Some suggest that you check their ears and various rodents, and they are safe and happy.Scoop the waste into a psycho cat then your most promising scenario would be advisable to put in a bath on your counter to entice your cat before introducing it slowly and gradually add more of that object.
Nail covers allow your cat yourself helps you understand your cat's health.One of strategies for relieving allergy symptoms is to stretch and sharpen claws.Spraying could also invest in buying some cat grass that you cleaned the house.Cats don't like to use it again. single figure to stop your cat and new objects.For this reason, a litter pan that will help you train your cat a headache.
They needed those sharp teeth to help in your home.It's up to 32 pets can become very expensive as compared to human beings.Cats are also very important that you can.However you will surely notice how excited they are invading his territory, he might spray urine to mark something in your purse and looks non-threatening in your cat's heart, kidneys and in more grave cases, chronic depression and kidney problems.I have spent my entire life living with the undigested food in the bathroom door to the new cat to re-mark the area.
Cat Peeing Vertically
Sometimes behavioral issues like biting and scratching can hurt, and is a lot of work but trust me it is a must for cats that aren't present at other times of the room and lounging on the market has introduced new inventions that help keep the air with her first cycle, or heat, has a serious illness for your cat starts to get a new pet, either a cat because of emotional spraying.PS: Splodge decided that the post and place them in different rooms.As with any other enzyme cleaner on the food up but we know that the problem - your cat eats can be life threatening.Cats misbehave when they're content, hiss if they're upset, so they avoid unnecessary fighting, especially over prey.The get under homes, decks and into your garden is lion's dung.
To stop them from Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.Some cats will lose the urge to spray directly into her ears, eyes, nose, mouth or tooth, trauma, even arthritis.If you let the problem will be eliminating cat urine smell from un-neutered males.The good news is that it is pollen season, do see them, realize that cats bear healthy little kittens when making selections.Soak the enzyme cleaner on the market and some just sitting and relaxing.
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vuelie-frost · 5 years
F2: How do we cope?
So I’m someone who has a moderate dose of anxiety in her life, which is being combatted through therapy, medication, & learning healthy coping mechanisms. I’m no expert, but I have some experience dealing with strong negative emotions. One strategy I’ve been recommended is asking yourself, in any given anxiety-riddled situation, “What’s the worst-case scenario that could happen?” This brings you out of your own head- out of hypotheticals- and into the concrete.
Don’t get me wrong, it can be painful to think about. But it can be helpful to see where our biggest fears lie. And if you’re interested in alleviating those strong negative emotions, it’s a necessary step.
I’ve said before that I’m trying to stay open-minded and optimistic about this movie. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have fears and concerns. For me personally, my biggest "worst that can happen” theories for the ending of Frozen 2 are:
- The sisters never see each other again (with a heart-shattering goodbye scene that makes us all inconsolable) - Elsa loses her humanity to become a spirit/goddess, essentially intangible and immortal - Elsa is no longer called “Queen Elsa” in the franchise, invalidating a huge historic part of her identity - Elsa doesn’t attend Anna’s coronation because she’s “too busy” doing other shit - Disney+ makes a spin-off TV series with Elsa going on adventures (just please... no.)
(please don’t chime in with what you guys think about those ideas, at least in this post, whether they’re right or wrong... that’s not the point.)
So what if any, if all, of these things happen? What next?
Stuff not to do (I mean, do whatever you want, but these probably won’t be very helpful)
- oversleeping as a defense mechanism - eating your feelings - drinking/using substances to numb pain - stew and ruminate on the internet with people who only get your sadness and anger riled up - spend all day on the internet - engage in maladaptive compulsive behaviors (oh, hello dermatillomania. great to see you again.) - completely avoid feeling your feelings - making impulse decisions (don’t go buy a car just because “Frozen 2 sucks, the world is meaningless.”) - rant to Jen/Chris/the creative team at Disney on Twitter (which is different from an honest review of the movie, which I’m sure they’d be more receptive to)
Stuff to do
1) Grieve the movie we longed for. 
This might sound dramatic and my inner critic is constantly chiding me with “It’s literally a movie for kids, why are you so bonded to it?” But that’s totally unhelpful here. It doesn’t matter why or how, but most of us in the fandom feel a deep connection to the first movie. It’s not exaggeration to say that IF the sequel crushes us, it could be emotionally devastating. Grief is complex, individualized, and weird to work through... but it’s real, and if it’s something we need to face in order to move forward,  2) Decide how tightly to hold onto the franchise. 
Something being canon doesn’t mean we have an obligation to internalize it. How many franchises before have whittled their stories down to C-rated TV shows and average spinoffs? Do we accept all of them wholeheartedly?
Granted, this is hard to write about because there’s a slight cognitive dissonance that has to happen for us to disbelieve the sequel of any story.  But regardless, determining your relationship to the narrative is a deeply personal choice- one that can’t be decided for you. If my worst-case scenarios happen for F2, I’m probably going to maintain my complete love for the first movie... and pretend the sequel is an AU. Or extrapolation. Accept that it exists as the canon progression, but reject its meaning in my life.
3) Get off the internet. 
This is probably the best possible thing to do when the online world is causing you strife and stress. Tumblr has a tendency to be an echo-chamber; I actually only recently rejoined after a long loooong hiatus for that reason. Despite what boomers want you to think, the internet’s not inherently toxic. But despite all its good, it’s also highly curated, completely biased, full of half-truths, and a fantastic vehicle for rumors.
Also realize that until November 22, anything and everything Frozen 2-related that’s released by Disney is going to make you psychoanalyze the content for clues on how to feel. We’ll all become obsessed, deranged Sherlocks in our own right. Don't let it consume you.
4) Creatively output your thoughts & feelings
Headcanons, AUs, derivative work, fan fiction, fan art all serve us well (and are way healthier than like, downing an entire chocolate cake in sadness.) I’m an artist and you bet your biscuits I’ll be sketching Elsa for weeks and WEEKS before & after the premiere. It’s just how I process things.
Another thing I’ve decided I’m going to do if any of my worst-case scenario fears are realized is: write letters to the sisters as if they were real people. Talk to them about the ending. Jen Lee kept journals writing to/from the girls when they were conceptualizing the movie; I think there’s merit in letting the characters speak for themselves.
5) Employ your favorite coping mechanisms
These are personal to you, but could include:
- meditation - working out or exercising - yoga - writing/drawing (see above point) - making coffee or tea & relax in bed with a book - talk to someone about it, bonus points if it’s someone in the “real world” - take a walk outside - use breathing exercises - take a hot bath or shower - clean your room/house/apartment - put on music - cook - play with a pet - do something with a friend Note that all of these have to do with the external world. Distraction doesn’t heal us by itself (which is why denial is a poor way of dealing with shit,) but it helps our brains reset in the background. It sets the rest of the world into perspective, so that we can more effectively face our negative emotions later.  Remember, there’s nothing wrong with putting off processing until you’ve done something helpful or enriching. “Listen brain, we can cry later, right now I’m going to bake pumpkin cookies and you can’t stop me.”
6) Remember story is told to connect us with the real world
The idea of escapism is a bit paradoxical, because in pursuing a fantasy world, we’re only working to realize our desires in the real world. The reason we love Frozen so much is because we want that kind of love in our own lives... and the fairy tale reminds us that it’s real. Idealized and sanitized by The Mouse, sure, but it’s real. 
It may be painful to acknowledge but: we don’t need Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, or Olaf in order to flourish. Fiction exists to affect us in the real world. Frozen is one story among many- MANY!- that have the potential to sculpt your own personal future. That’s not to say it doesn’t retain a deep meaningful significance for us. I’m going to hold the first movie in my heart forever, that I know for sure. But its reasons for being great are because it plants us in reality. Can you imagine a beautiful young woman with the ability to freeze ice? Maybe that’s not plausible. But an undying, fiercely loyal commitment between two women? Hell yeah. 7) Recognize idolization & parasocial relationships where they may be... and start to heal them
This is heavy stuff that might require a professional to help you sort through- but if you’re truly suffering, paralyzed, or flung into a depressive episode due to any life circumstance (including a movie sequel,) it’s not silly to seek help in order to move forward. 
Parasocial relationships are perceived relationships where the other party (usually a celebrity, in terms of celebrity worship) doesn’t know you. Fictional worlds can fall into this category as well. It’s a one-side relationship that feels unbalanced when the other party does something we don't like. This is a studied topic I’m not super knowledgable on, but here are some links to more information if you’re interested: Why We Get So Attached To Fictional Characters by Kimberly Truong 
Parasocial Relationships with Fictional Characters in Therapy by Kathleen Gannon
Parasocial Break-Up from Favorite Television Characters: The Role of Attachment Styles and Relationship Intensity by Jonathan Cohen
Our fictional friends: Parasocial interaction and relationships in an evolving media world by Carri Romm - - - Also: I love you guys. <3 I love being in the Frozen fandom. It’s all going to be okay.
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fairycosmos · 5 years
hey i’m super sry 2 bother ive just been struggling and i know u understand how i feel..i’ve never been this bad in my life. i feel so stupid agonizing over smth like my physical appearance but my reflection genuinely makes me nauseous and throws me into a breakdown each time i see it. i cant help but feel like id much rather kill myself than spend the rest of my miserable existence being so revolting and grotesque. i hate being conventionally unattrctive- going out in public is just the worst:(
hey angellll i'm sorry 2 hear you're dealing w this rn. you're not bothering me either, it's cool. :(( also i got your other anon and don't worry, i didn't think you were calling me ugly djekdkekk,, but i mean i AM lol. and i can definitely relate to feeling viscerally disgusting in your own skin......you're not over exaggerating, i promise. you are always going to have the right to feel a certain way about something that seems to dictate so much of your life. countless women are going through it. i struggle with this every single day myself and i honestly don't have all of the answers of even half of them, unfortunately. and sometimes nothing can calm me down from the shame i feel about being who i am, but here are a few thoughts/ideas that soothe me and may soothe you if you allow them to:
1. our perception of beauty is always being manipulated. they keep moving the goal posts and narrowing the standards to get us to chase these totally false ideals, purely because it makes money. that's it. they plant the insecurity, market a fake 'solution', and profit. when we look in the mirror a life time of conditioning looks back at us and the only way to get around it is to be consistently aware of that fact. once you begin examining and questioning why certain features are seen as attractive and others aren't, you realize that none of it really holds any ground. it has very little to do with our bodies, and everything to do with controlling them. it's all the result of a never ending advertisment, and engaging with it for too long is certainly going to exhaust you and fuck up your self perception. the way you see yourself is not as accurate as you think.
2. we are all going to be old and therefore conventionally unattractive someday any way. a defining factor of this game they force us to play is that we will never win. due to circumstance, or time, or just cause we're human. seems like for women we're not allowed to reach a day over 40 without being ridiculed for it. but i really do believe that getting older affords a certain amount of freedom. when you get to that point in your life, you're going to know yourself so much more than you do at the moment. your perspective WILL be different. you're not going to be basing your worth off of how you look because you'll have lived what you're capable of, and it's so much more than.......appearing a certain way for a moment in time. curating a life worth living pales in comparison to looking flawless. and i know it seems like you can't do that because you feel so gross, but you can - insecurity doesn't have to stop you from putting your best foot forward. you are worthy because you're here. you deserve to live because you are alive. at the end of the day, you don't have to like yourself, but you have to like BEING yourself. you have to learn how to enjoy your hobbies and opportunities more than you hate your skin or your face or whatever.
3. your body is here to experience and relate with the tangible world. it is the vessel with which you are able to walk, talk, love, eat, play, and enjoy. it is very very unconcerned with being palatable to the masses. ultimately, that is not what you exist for. it always comes back to that, no matter how much the world demands a performance of you - you don't have to give one. even if the so called audience doesn't like it. it takes time to truly accept that, i still can't. but working on neutralising the self is key. if you can't love yourself, just acknowledge yourself. these are my hands that allow me to create. these are my eyes that allow me to see. they are doing their job. they are okay. they can't be right or wrong. they just are.
4. self destructive thoughts are always over dramatic, always temporary, and often entirely untrue. it's ok to experience those urges, but do your best to find the line between having them and acting on them. it's alright if it takes a while to learn how. as long as you're attempting. that's all that matters.
5. try to consciously practice healthier thinking patterns on a daily basis. realistically consider how you judge others and why you're being so harsh on yourself when you would never act like that towards anyone else. understand that your energy, your presence, the way you smile and comfort and work, what you can give and receive - all of that is more important to pretty much everyone, than how you look. after a while, especially when you love or care for someone, their appearance becomes a total secondary characteristic. nobody is worrying that much over these self perceived flaws you're so stuck on, as much as you are. if they do take the time to mull on you, it's more likely they think something simplistic such as: oh there's that girl who lent me her homework or who always wears cool shirts, or whatever. they're too busy stressing about themselves.
6. attempt to build your own confidence. this is another thing i can't grasp either but. basically. you are going to be you for the rest of your life and that is a fact. the only realize you think it's a bad thing at the moment is because that's how you've been taught to feel. but you can unlearn, you can let go of what hurts. and that starts with accepting what you can't change and controlling what you can - your self esteem, your internal narrative, how you take care of your body and mind. even engaging in small, seemingly dumb exercises like pointing out three things you like about yourself in the mirror, can make a difference. you have all of the time in the world to learn how to be friends with yourself. but you might as well start now. baby steps are good. if you hide, spend half an hour outside, even once a week. get used to the discomfort. treat yourself. let it all contradict. growth is totally inevitable.
unfortunately, there's no all encompassing answer. you can know all of this logically and still feel Bad. and you're obviously allowed to be frustrated, to cry and break down, to have moments where you just feel entirely overwhelmed with self hatred - i can't figure out how to stop them, and i think they will remain with us for a while. maybe the goal is to just to cope with them in a decent way and not to prevent them all together. but those episodes are not an excuse to take your own life, ever. i can't think of a bigger fucking tragedy than the world losing you before you even had the chance to attempt living by an alternative narrative. you deserve so much better. i can't stress it enough. you have a whole open future just waiting for you, a healthy body to see it all with - it's going to be beautiful, it's going to surprise you even when you think you're a totally hopeless case. you're not. that's just another lie. your humanity is never going to depend on your physicality and anyone who can't accept that can fuck off!!! anyway i hope you know that there are genuinely so many resources available if you feel like this is getting Too much to handle by yourself. you're honestly not alone and if this is having a big impact on your overall stability then you're totally entitled to professional or medical support. it doesn't have to be a big deal. suicidal thoughts are not normal and there are people who will enable you to dissect and overcome them, you just have to make the initial choice to reach out. even if your brain is screaming otherwise. whether it's through school or a hotline or your doctor - communication WILL put your pain in perspective eventually, in turn lessening it. please consider it. even if takes you your whole lifetime to appreciate yourself, the fact that you're here and trying and navigating this shitty world is more than good enough. i'll be rooting for you from a place of total understanding until the end of time. please take and let me know if you need a friend. i'll be here.
*sorry if this didn't help. the other day i was having an Episode and nothing anyone said could've changed how absolutely disgusting i felt. sometimes it's like that. but this will always be here for you to look back on when you're in a more fair and objective state of mind.
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behealthy99 · 3 years
Launch a new you with the new year; foods that fight cancer
New Post has been published on https://behealthy99.com/launch-a-new-you-with-the-new-year-foods-that-fight-cancer/
Launch a new you with the new year; foods that fight cancer
By Michael Roizen, M.D.
Q: I really want next year to be the year I become as healthy as possible. Can you help me figure out a plan and schedule? — Casey R., Santa Rosa, California
A: Bravo! You are planning ahead and making a public declaration of your intention to live a healthier — and happier — life! That shows how serious you are about achieving your goals.
By following the lifestyle adjustments suggested in my book “What to Eat When” and the longevity-extending tips in “The Great Age Reboot” (due out in 2022), you can put together a plan that is both easy to follow and loaded with great rewards.
Your smart nutrition guide. The “What to Eat When” formula says “eat only when the sun is up: a window of approximately 12 hours, depending on the time of year. This allows for a resting period (or fasting) and can help you break the habit of bingeing on snacks.”
WTEW also suggests you eat most of your food for breakfast and lunch. Aim to consume 80% of your daily calories before 3 p.m.
As for what you eat during these recommended times: You know the drill: plant-based, free of added sugars, no red or processed meats and no ultraprocessed foods.
Move it to lose it — and gain a longer, healthier life. In “The Great Age Reboot,” I list steps you can take to self-engineer your fitness.
1. Walk 10,000 steps a day or the equivalent — one minute of activity equals about 100 steps.
2. Get two or three sessions of strength training a week — include core-strengtheners to avoid back problems down the road.
3. Do cardio exercise that increases your heart rate three times a week for 20 minutes. Aim for 80% of your age-adjusted heart rate (figure it by subtracting your age from 220 and then taking 80% of that).
4. Take 40 jumps in place a day. This increases lymphatic flow, bone density and spine health.
Q: Cancer seems to run in my family, and I want to do everything I can to help prevent it from happening to me. Can you tell me about cancer-fighting foods? — John Y., Indianapolis
A: You are right to fight! Genetic predispositions do not always mean you are going to develop whatever condition they are affiliated with. Your lifestyle choices can activate that predisposition or help squelch it! And food is a powerful tool when it comes to helping prevent cancer.
Some of our favorites are berries, lentils, kale, spinach, cauliflower, 100% whole grains and turmeric.
Berries: Blueberries, blackberries, raspberries and strawberries contain phytochemicals such as anthocyanins and a powerful antioxidant, pterostilbene, that reduce chronic bodywide inflammation (from obesity, red meats, added sugars, stress and poor sleep habits). Chronic inflammation ups the risk of cancer substantially. Berries also contain something call ellagic acid; laboratory studies show it has antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant and cancer-preventive properties. Lentils: High-fiber foods
Lentils: High-fiber foods nurture good gut bacteria — and may reduce the risk of colon cancer. They also help control appetite and weight — being overweight is associated with an increased risk of 12 cancers.
Kale, cauliflower and spinach: Kale and other cruciferous veggies, like broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower, contain glucosinolate, which can cause tumor cells to die. Spinach contains carotenoids that may help fight cancer. It also has glycoglycerolipids — certain formulations may inhibit some forms of breast cancer. Whole grains: They
Whole grains: They contain fiber, phytochemicals and minerals that help fight cancer. One metastudy looked at the diets of 786,000 people and found that eating 7 grams of whole grains daily was associated with a 20% decrease in the risk of dying from cancer.
Turmeric: This tasty spice may do more than add flavor to your favorite foods. Laboratory and animal research indicates it may prevent cancer, slow its spread, make chemotherapy more effective and protect healthy cells from damage by radiation therapy. Confirmation in high-quality human trials is needed.
Health pioneer Michael Roizen, M.D., is chief wellness officer emeritus at the Cleveland Clinic and author of four No. 1 New York Times bestsellers. Email your health and wellness questions to Dr. Mike at [email protected].
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your-dietician · 3 years
Health Habits to Avoid if You Don't Want a Heart Attack, Say Experts
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Health Habits to Avoid if You Don't Want a Heart Attack, Say Experts
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A broken heart can, in fact, kill you. Heart disease—which can refer to several types of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, and can lead to a heart attack—is the leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Yet about 80 percent of cardiac and stroke events may be prevented with knowledge and heart-healthy action.
So what can you actually do? We’ll answer that question with 15 more. Eat This, Not That! Health rounded up a list of your biggest Qs about heart disease—and found As for them all. Keep reading for a real heart to heart—and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You Have “Long” COVID and May Not Even Know It.
What is Cholesterol And is it Always Bad?
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high cholesterol
Despite its reputation, cholesterol is not exactly the c-word. Yes, high cholesterol is not a good thing, but cholesterol in general is necessary for your existence. Seventy-five percent of this waxy, fat-like substance is produced by your liver and other cells of your body. The rest you usually get by eating animal products like meat, egg yolks, or dairy (cholesterol isn’t produced in plants, so you won’t find it in vegetables or fruits).
So why do you need It? Cholesterol is necessary to make your hormones such as estrogen, or testosterone; production of vitamin D; and is a building block for human tissue. Too much of it, however, can reduce your blood flow through your arteries which can lead to chest pain, stroke or heart attack.
Recommendation: Visit your primary care doctor to check your cholesterol and other risk factors. The American Heart Association recommends to do it every four to six years. If you are over 35, you should do it even more often. Your doctor will explain what your results mean and suggest the next steps, but you don’t want your LDL (bad cholesterol) level to be 190 or higher.
What Are the Warning Signs of Heart Disease?
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Man having a heart attack
Warning signs are a good thing. They alert us to a problem and give us information that we may be able to act on. Heart disease can manifest in a number of different ways, including chest pain; tightness or discomfort; shortness of breath; dizziness; irregular heartbeat; a sense of doom; becoming easily winded by regular everyday activities, and more.
Recommendation: If you experience any of these symptoms, particularly together, call your doctor immediately—it could be a sign of a heart attack.
RELATED: The #1 Cause of Heart Attack, According to Science
If I’m a Woman, Are the Symptoms the Same?
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Woman holding chest
It’s no longer a man’s world, especially when it comes to heart disease. For decades, the medical community and general public saw heart disease as a “man’s” disease. But this is no longer the case. If you have the risk factors and also family history, you have the potential to develop heart disease—whether you’re a man or woman. The sad truth is that about the same number of women and men die from heart disease every year.
Wait, there is more: Heart disease is now the No. 1 cause of death in women. According to the Centers for Disease Control heart disease kills almost 300,000 women every year or causes 1 of every 5 female deaths. And despite increased awareness, the CDC reports that only 56 percent of women know how deadly heart disease is to women.
Recommendation: A heart-healthy lifestyle goes a long way toward reducing your overall risk of heart and other diseases.
Do Men And Women Experience the Same Heart Disease Symptoms?
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Heart health
Heart disease symptoms in women may differ from those experienced by men. If you’re a woman, learning to recognize these symptoms can reduce your risk. Most men and women will exhibit the most common symptom of a heart attack: chest pain. But one in five women do not have any chest pain at all when having a heart attack. Learn what the warning signs are: They can save your life.
Recommendation: Take heed, these are the most common symptoms of a heart attack in women.
Pain and/or discomfort in your chest, neck, jaw, back, arms, or stomach
Unusually rapid heartbeat
Shortness of breath
Although these symptoms could be caused by other factors if you experience them, see a doctor.
My Parents Had Heart Disease. Am I Doomed?
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cheerful african family at home using tablet
You share more than you think with your family, and we’re not talking dad’s big schnozz. You share genes, behaviors, lifestyle. All these can influence your risk of developing certain health conditions—heart disease included. The risks can be further impacted by your age, race, and ethnicity. If your mother had a stroke or your father had a heart attack, you are at higher risk for heart disease. The American Heart Association shares that both the risk of heart disease and risk factors for heart disease are strongly linked to family history.
Recommendation: You can’t change your family history, but you can change your behavior. Check your cholesterol and blood pressure regularly and pay more attention to the risk factors that you can limit, like getting regular exercise and eating a healthy balanced diet. Start with a delicious collection of recipes that will teach anyone how to cook beautiful meals, lose weight fast, and get healthier fast.
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Is Heart Disease Reversible?
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Hand holding mouse with blur Computed Tomography Angiography Coronay (CTA coronary) background.
You can’t turn back time—once your heart is damaged it’s not possible to regenerate dead cells. Although you cannot regrow your heart muscle, you may be able to reverse heart disease by making lifestyle choices (like not smoking) that keep your cholesterol and blood pressure in check. Several research studies have shown that aggressively lowering your LDL or “bad” cholesterol below 100 can actually open up blocked coronary arteries, at least partially.
Recommendation: Intensive lifestyle changes have been shown to reduce plaque build-up in your arteries, lowering the risk of heart disease. The secret to preventing heart disease just might be the Mediterranean diet. Start now with these easy 15 Mediterranean Diet Swaps for Your Go-To Meals.
Can a Glass of Red Wine a Day Help Keep the Heart Doctor Away?
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Woman drinking wine
Rejoice, real housewives: Scientific research shows that having one or two drinks a day can help keep the risk of heart disease at bay. Why? It’s thought that drinking wine or alcohol—in moderation!—increases levels of HDL or “good” cholesterol and protects against plaque build-up in your arteries. This benefit is lost, however, at more indulgent levels of copious alcohol consumption.
Recommendation: Gin-and-tonic (and even Aperol-spritz) lovers take note: This heart-healthy benefit is not restricted to red wine! Studies show that any alcoholic drink may have some happy heart benefits. Enjoy responsibly—whether it’s occasional or overindulgence, drinking alcohol has a big effect on the body’s detox system.
Will Taking an Aspirin a Day Reduce the Risk of Heart Disease?
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Closeup of a young brunette getting some aspirins from a bottle at home.
Many healthy Americans take a baby aspirin every day to reduce their risk of various diseases, including heart attack, stroke, cancer, and dementia. However, is it really a good idea? Nope. A recent study released by the New England Journal of Medicine says, “Aspirin use in healthy elderly persons did not prolong disability-free survival over five years but led to a higher rate of major hemorrhage than placebo.” If you’re healthy and don’t have high-risk markers for heart disease, leave the baby aspirin to sick babies.
Recommendation: There is an exception, though: If you’ve already had a heart attack or suffered a stroke, talk to your doctor. Strong evidence suggests that taking a daily baby aspirin can reduce your risk of suffering another heart attack or stroke.
RELATED: What Taking a Vitamin Every Day Does to Your Body
Can Exercise Really Make My Heart Stronger?
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doctor examines patient
It really can. Moving your body has enormous health benefits: Exercise reduces blood pressure and increases HDL (high-density lipoprotein) or “good” cholesterol while helping lower LDL (low-density lipoprotein) or “bad” cholesterol. Physical activity can help rid the body of arterial plaque build-up—and is one of the most effective tools to strengthen heart muscle. Exercise is also a great stress reliever. And of course, it can help you look hot in those new Levi’s.
Here’s more: Getting regular exercise makes it less likely that you will suffer a heart attack—and if you do, it will likely be less severe.
Recommendation: Not all exercise is created equal when it comes to heart health. According to Johns Hopkins exercise physiologist Kerry J. Stewart, Ed.D., “Aerobic exercise and resistance training are the most important for heart health.” The American Heart Association offers some great tips to help get you moving!
I’m Overweight. How at Risk am I?
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Bigger is not better, especially when it comes to our hearts. Being overweight increases the risk of heart disease. In fact, there can be a ten-fold increase in the risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes due to being overweight. It also decreases your HDL cholesterol, another significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
In fact, obesity is the leading cause of heart disease risk and death in the United States, and 70 percent of American are adults classified as overweight or obese. What’s also alarming is that its rate and incidence of obesity have been on the rise in both adults and children.
Recommendation: If you’re overweight, consider making some serious heart-healthy lifestyle changes. Try lowering your cholesterol by eating a more plant-based diet. Also, get your body moving.
RELATED: 9 Everyday Habits That Might Lead to Dementia
I Love Salt. How Much Can I Have?
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hands adding salt to pasta water
Sodium is a vital mineral that’s crucial for both muscle and nerve function, but too much salt intake may increase your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans put forth by the CDC recommends that you consume fewer than 2,300 milligrams of sodium a day.
And you must stay on top of your sodium intake—the amounts you take can sneak up on you, especially in foods you don’t normally suspect as being high in salt. Some common culprits include pickles, peanuts, ready-made meals, canned soups, and of course, potato chips. Just one cup of your favorite chicken broth can have as much as 860 milligrams of sodium!
Recommendation: Look for canned foods with “low sodium” or “unsalted” on the label. And these tips will help you beat bloat, improve heart health, and bring some excitement to your dishes!
How Bad Does My Stress Tax My Heart?
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Stressed out woman
Stress can indeed stress your heart out. The American Heart Association reports that it can contribute to high blood pressure, asthma, ulcers, and gastrointestinal disorders like irritable bowel syndrome. Essentially, excessive stress can have an outsize effect on your body. It also affects behaviors that can increase your risk of heart disease. Drinking and smoking are two common ways we try to “manage” stress in our lives, but both can increase blood pressure and impact heart health.
Recommendation: Managing stress will help improve your overall health. Positive self-talk (“I’ve got this!”) or taking a few slow, deep breaths are among the tips recommended by American Heart Association.
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Smoking is Bad, of Course, But How About Vaping?
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Middle age hoary senior man
So you finally managed to curb your smoking habit—congrats!—and switched to e-cigarettes, like 3.2 percent of adults in the United States. Many people (yes, we’re talking about you, Pete from sales), think it’s cool, and also less damaging than smoking. It’s easy to forget that e-cigs—as well e-pens, e-pipes, e-hookah, and e-cigars—deliver nicotine, a highly addictive substance that according to The American Heart Association is hazardous to your health and is linked with cancer-causing chemicals.
Cancer is not the only problem: A 2019 survey revealed that vapers have 71 percent higher risk of stroke, 59 percent higher risk of heart attack and 40 percent higher risk of heart disease compared with non-users.
Recommendation: Want to get more heart smart? Quit smoking! Try a variety of approaches to help you stop—from nicotine-replacement patches and gum to medications. And if you happen to know a vaping teen—17 percent of whom start vaping because they believed that e-cigs are less harmful than other forms of tobacco—send them a link to this article. If they quit now, the risk of heart disease will come down within one to two years.
What Diet Changes Can I Make to Lower My Risk of Heart Disease?
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Mediterranean diet
How much you eat may be just as important as what you eat. Do you often overload your plate, regularly take seconds (or thirds!), and eat until you’re stuffed? Then you are eating more calories than you should, and you gain weight. When you gain too much weight, your risk for heart disease goes up. This is not to say that what you eat doesn’t matter. It does. Follow advice of author Michael Pollan, who wrote: “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”
Recommendation: Start with cutting on sodas and red meat. Eat a lot of fruit, vegetables and whole grain food instead. Try to add more nuts and seeds to your diet and eat fish at least twice a week.
RELATED: The #1 Cause of Alzheimer’s, According to Science
What Lifestyle Changes Can I Make to Lower My Risk of Heart Disease?
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woman runner tightening shoe lace
Glad you asked. It means you might be interested in making changes big and small.
Recommendation: Adapt your lifestyle by following these six heart-savings steps:
• Stop smoking or vaping. This is one time you want to be a quitter. If you need assistance check out this helpful guide from the American Heart Association.
• Eat a healthy diet. Use more vegetables and fruits in your diet. Go easy on white bread. To quote Michael Pollan again: “The whiter the bread, the sooner you’ll be dead.”
• Move your body. Be physically active. Every. Single. Day. Getting at least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity physical activity can help lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and keep your waistline looking trim.
• Reduce stress. Research shows a clear link between being highly stressed and heart disease. If you are stressed out, there are management tools that can help.
• Lower your blood pressure. High blood pressure is a major risk factor for stroke, which is a leading cause of disability in the United States. Prevention is key.
• Manage high cholesterol. Cholesterol spackling the walls of your arteries is a disaster waiting to happen. Sooner or later, that fat could trigger a heart attack or stroke. If you’ve got high cholesterol, lower your intake of trans and saturated fats, and move your body (see above). If these lifestyle measures do not work, medication may be needed. And to get through this pandemic at your healthiest, don’t miss these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.
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14 good reasons to use organic skincare products
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Don’t we all seek to live a healthier lifestyle? Either this means eating more greens and reducing the carbon footprint, adding in more exercising intervals or buying organic; we all want to feel like we are doing the best we can to take care of ourselves and the people we love.
Skin care derived directly from nature is one of the best ways to get and keep your skin healthy and vibrant. Unfortunately, when choosing a product, you must keep in mind that not all natural skin care products are created equal.
The beauty industry, in recent years has joined the wellness trend by selling items with labels like “organic,” “natural” and even “chemical-free”. The question is, what do these terms really mean?
What is natural skincare?
A ‘natural’ ingredient is considered to be anything that’s a plant, mineral or animal by-product. However, because natural products are not regulated by any governing body, companies can use the word natural on their packaging purely for marketing purposes. This means a product that contains a handful of natural skin care ingredients can claim it’s natural, despite the addition of synthetic ingredients.
What is organic skincare?
The term “organic” refers to how an ingredient was farmed – it must be prepared and grown without pesticides, chemical fertilisers, growth hormones or antibiotics.
When we say Organic Skincare, what we mean is using skin products made of plant derived ingredients along with some other organic ingredients. The integrity of these unadulterated ingredients has to be maintained in the best way possible with no additives. Organic products don’t have ingredients that are genetically modified. They are free of petrochemicals, not tested on animals. They are subjected to minimal processing so that the raw materials do not lose their natural properties after extraction and processing.
Fortunately for our skincare there is one thing that is within our own control. It really boils down to choices. The organic products will give us optimal health and the glow we desire, all within an arm’s reach.
Why should you use organic skincare products? Here are the 14 reasons:
1. Organic products are derived from plants and other naturally occurring ingredients. 
More importantly, those organic ingredients are grown without the use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and other additives or chemicals. With that, you can be sure your skin and body absorb only real, ingredients that are not harmful.
2. Organic is better for the skin. Given the right nutrients,
our skin has the ability to care for and mend itself. Our bodies use nutrients absorbed not only through food, but also through the skin. When you choose organic skincare, you are choosing products whose ingredients work with the sophisticated natural systems of your skin. So since our skin is the largest organ of our body, it is important to treat it with extra attention and care.
Many of us, health conscious individuals, are becoming more and more aware of the food we put into our bodies. The very same attitude should be taken when considering skincare products, as well. Whether it is face cream, body lotion, anti-aging face serums or acne regimens, our skin absorbs over half of the products we put on it, so why punish it with toxic ingredients?
3. Quality organic skincare products work much better, and they are better for you. If you are in pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, choosing organic skincare is a priority. Skin care products should be tender, yet effective, and contain no harsh sulfates or harmful chemical by-products.
For example, gentle facial moisturizers help hydrate the skin and increase firmness and elasticity. Organic moisturizers aid the skin to attract and preserve moisture. Common ingredients in natural moisturizing products include nut and fruit oils, essential oils, and other nourishing plants.
4. The synthetic ingredients found in non-organic products may be fast acting, but they are also invasive, causing harm that cannot be seen. It scientically proven that what goes on your skin, also absorbs into your bloodstream and is subsequently also carried through your body. With prolonged use, these chemicals may damage and weaken your skin as your body tries to cope with these foreign substances.
5. Nutritional benefits. Using natural, organic skin care products, though, ensure that you get the real nutritional benefits from its ingredients. Natural organic ingredients such as coconut oil, honey, aloe vera, and shea butter, for example, are known to soothe, nourish, moisturize and promote smooth skin. Even though the results may be slower, organic skin care products are gentle on your skin and won’t harm you in the long run.
6. Active Ingredients. Most natural products have powerful antioxidants that assist in slowing down the aging process and creating a younger looking skin. Up to 95% of an organic skin care product’s contents are active ingredients. In contrast, in synthetic skin care products, active ingredients only make up 5 to 10% of its contents.
7. Organic products are non-allergenic. Without harsh chemicals, organic skin care products are less likely to cause allergic reactions, inflammations or irritations. If an allergic reaction does occur with the use of organic products, it would most likely be due to a natural ingredient (such as peanuts or strawberries), which would be easier to identify.
8. Organic skin care products work better. Plants grown organically are found to contain a higher level of vital antioxidant vitamins than non-organic plants. Because they are grown without herbicides and pesticides, their organic ingredients are also free from that contamination, which means the same for your skin and body.
9. Preserve the environment. Because organic products use naturally grown ingredients that are free from toxic pesticides and fertilizers, they don’t leave a harmful footprint on the planet, particularly the soil, water, and air. By using organic skin care products, you’re helping to minimize your environmental impact and support the sustainability of our environment.
10. Organic farming is better for wildlife. It causes lower pollution from pesticide and fertilizer sprays, and produces less carbon dioxide and less dangerous wastes.
11. Cruelty Free.
The beauty industry conducts animal testing to ensure their products that are safe for human use. Organic products do not need this testing, because, with organi ingredients, the products are safe and harmless! Through buying of organic skin care products, you also supporting the move towards abolishing animal testing in the industry.
12. Organic means safe, and that’s the bottom line.
Switch to a gluten-free, vegan cruelty-free, truly organic, non-GMO skin care line. You can nourish your skin, fight the signs of aging, and glow by doing the same.
13. Avoiding chemicals and synthetics.
Rates of illness and disease continue to rise. There are increasing studies showing the connection between illness and chemicals. Synthetics are simply not necessary in skincare and in many cases synthetics are downright scary. These ingredients are often fast acting and invasive. 
Sometimes they are causing harm we cannot see. Often this exposure rears its ugly head as skin irritation, chronic headaches, cancers, breathing disabilities, hormone disruption, etc, etc, etc. The range of symptoms is too vast to list everything, but you can see how it covers minor symptoms right up to life threatening consequences.
14. Longlasting Gratification.
Fortunately for our skincare there is one thing that is within our own control. It really boils down to choices. The good ones will give us optimal health and the glow we desire, all within an arm’s reach.
Many commercial products will give instant gratification with skincare results. Also consider that cheap ingredients are easy to manufacture and easy to market.
Most of these products are just designed to do a simple job to help with one aesthetic purpose; Smoother less visible wrinkles, sun spots disappear, blemishes be gone! But all too often there is a high price: asphyxiation of the skin, accelerated dehydration, photosensitivity. In other words, cutting oxygen exchange to the skin, premature aging, increased risk of sun spots.
Why Organic Skincare?
I hope that this has been an interesting introduction as to why organic skincare is important. There are many benefits to using organic beauty products, but most importantly, they are better for your health, and they work. And work in a way that lasts a lifetime.
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Working out and eating healthy but not losing weight
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There’s one question that many people ask themselves when they’re trying to lose weight: “Why am I not losing weight even though I’m working out every day and eating healthy?” In this article, we will explore some of the most common reasons why some people aren’t able to lose weight, as well as potential solutions for each.
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Want to know why you’re not losing weight despite working out and eating healthy?
Remember that “abs are made in the kitchen” The biggest hurdle that you have to overcome is deciding what you eat, your portion sizes and the type of food. Eating is emotional. There is reward for eating a nice meal because simply it tastes good. The basic principle of reward and gain and ultimately dopamine release in the brain is at work here. Also, we are not wired to be consciously attuned to the number of calories that we are eating. We have a need, and we just want to be satisfied, comforted, and filled. So, let’s consider some of the areas that are important in keeping the weight off.
Are You Keeping Track of What You are Eating?
If you’re not keeping track of what you’re eating, it’s going to be difficult for you to manage your calorie intake and weight loss goals. Tracking calories can help people who are trying to lose weight by making sure they don’t go over their daily limit. It also helps them stay aware of how much food they’re consuming so that they know when enough is enough. If this sounds like something that might work for you, consider downloading an app or using a website such as MyFitnessPal in order to make tracking easier on yourself.
Are You Eating Enough Protein?
Protein is essential for a healthy diet and can help you feel fuller longer. That’s why it’s important to make sure that your daily intake of protein meets the recommended guidelines, which are about 46 grams per day for women and 56 grams per day for men. Protein-rich foods include lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, and legumes (such as lentils), tofu, or tempeh. You may also want to consider taking a plant-based protein supplement if you’re not getting enough from food alone.
  Are You Eating Too Many Calories?
If you’re eating more than your body needs, it will store the excess calories as fat. This is why many people find that they can’t lose weight even when they are working out and following a healthy diet. If you have been tracking your caloric intake for several weeks and see no change in the number of pounds you’ve lost or gained, try keeping track of what time of day you eat most often during the week (breakfast? lunch?) and compare those numbers with others times throughout the day. The amount of food eaten at certain times may need to be adjusted so that there isn’t too much calorie consumption at one sitting over another.
Are You Making Sure To Eat Whole Foods?
If you’re eating healthy, but not losing weight, it’s important to make sure that you are consuming whole foods. Whole foods contain all the vitamins and nutrients your body needs for energy and health. Processed or refined food may lack some of these essential ingredients, which is why they can cause feelings of fatigue even though they provide calories.
Are You Lifting Weights?
You should always include weight training in your workout routine. Lifting weights is an essential part of any fitness program because it builds muscle and boosts the body’s metabolism, which helps burn more calories throughout the day. You may also want to consider increasing your intensity during workouts or changing up some exercises for a new challenge.
Are You Binge Eating, Even on Healthy Food?
If you’re eating healthy and still not losing weight, it may be because of binge eating. This is when someone eats a large amount of food in one sitting, even if the foods are nutritious. Overeating often leads to feelings of guilt or shame that make people more likely to overeat again in the future. It’s important to learn how to stop binge eating so you can focus on weight loss.
Are You Doing Cardio?
If you’re not losing weight, it may be because of your workout routine. Cardio is an important part of any fitness plan and can help with fat loss. If you’re doing cardio but still have trouble shedding pounds, try increasing the intensity or changing up some exercises for a new challenge. You might also want to consider adding strength training to your routine.
Are You Still Drinking Sugar?
If you’re still drinking sugar, it may be making your weight loss harder. Sugar is found in many different types of foods and drinks including fruit juice, soda, cookies, ice cream, and more. If you want to lose weight but can’t seem to stop eating or drinking sweet things, try cutting back slowly by limiting yourself to one sugary food or drink per day. You might also want to consider other ways that sugar could be sneaking into your diet like bread made with white flour instead of whole wheat flour or hidden sugars in some prepared sauces.
Are You Sleeping Well?
If you’re not getting enough sleep, it could be making your weight loss harder. Sleep deprivation can make you gain weight by slowing down the metabolism and increasing hunger hormones like ghrelin. To lose weight in a healthy way, try to get at least eight hours of quality sleep per night on most nights of the week or take power naps when possible during the day.
Are You Still Eating Too Many Carbohydrates?
The number one reason why people don’t lose weight is that they’re eating too many carbs. Carbohydrates are the main ingredient in all processed foods, which are high in calories and low on nutritional value. Processed food will also have a high glycemic index rating, meaning it’s quickly absorbed by your body. This causes an insulin spike that then makes you feel hungry again soon after eating.
Are You Eating Too Often?
A common habit many people who are struggling to lose weight have is snacking too often. It can be difficult for some people to avoid snacks, especially when they’re feeling hungry or bored. However, it’s important to know that eating more than 3–4 times per day may actually cause a person to gain weight instead of losing it. This is because the body has trouble processing all the food at once and so slows down its metabolism in response. The good news is that by staying on track with your diet plan and not overeating, you’ll start seeing results soon enough!
Are You Drinking Enough Water?
If you are struggling to lose weight, it could be because you are not drinking enough water. As a general rule of thumb, we recommend women drink 2–3 liters per day and men drink 2.5–4 liters per day. Water can be an important component of weight loss. Drinking water is a simple way to decrease hunger, which can lead to weight loss success. One recent study found that even drinking one more glass of water per day resulted in a weight loss of about 1 pound over the course of 12 weeks!
Are You Drinking Too Much Alcohol?
People who are trying to lose weight should limit their alcohol intake. Alcohol is a calorie-dense drink that has no nutritional value and may have negative side effects for those trying to lose weight. Alcohol also contains sugar which can lead to increased cravings, especially in the evening when people are less active. For these reasons, it’s important to limit alcohol intake while dieting and exercising.
Do You Have A Medical Condition That Is Making Things Harder?
It may be hard to lose weight if you have a medical condition that causes complications. Medical conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease can make it harder for people to diet successfully. If you are struggling with these health problems, try managing your symptoms instead of trying to change what you eat or how much activity you get in one day.
Are You Addicted to Junk Food?
If you have a hard time resisting food, then try to eat healthy foods that are still satisfying. It’s often easier for people who love junk food to change their diet by switching to healthier versions of their favorite snacks and meals. If changing your eating habits is too difficult, try gradually decreasing the number of unhealthy items in your pantry or fridge until it’s completely empty. Once it’s gone, chances are you’ll be less tempted when these choices aren’t available anymore!
Have You Been Starving Yourself For Too Long?
If you are having a hard time losing weight, it may be because you’re not eating enough. If your appetite has been suppressed for an extended period of time (for example, from being sick), this can cause the body’s metabolism to slow down and make it harder to lose weight. Try adding small meals throughout the day instead of three big ones. Eating more often will help keep your metabolic rate high so that you’ll have more energy all day long!
  Are Your Weight Loss Expectations Unrealistic?
Sometimes we set expectations for ourselves that are too high. If you want to lose weight, a realistic goal is losing one to two pounds per week (or about 50–100 calories each day). This may not seem like much when you’re trying harder and it feels like nothing’s working, but progress doesn’t happen overnight so try your best!
Are You Too Focused on Dieting?
It’s tough to stay on track with your dieting when you’re trying so hard. Sometimes we get too focused and end up restricting our calories more than necessary or depriving ourselves of food altogether which can lead to binge eating later in the day. It may be better for your body (and mind) if you take a break from strict dieting every couple of days. Try making healthy swaps instead like substituting one meal each weekday with a turkey sandwich, veggie wrap, salad, or yogurt!
There are also meal substitutes that work well to maintain weight, and these are smoothies. A smoothie that is made with the right ingredients particularly enough protein can replace a standard meal and keep you full and still not have as many calories as a standard meal. There are some really good smoothie diets that have proven themselves and have received almost a cult following because of the success many people have had with them.
Could You Actually Be Losing Weight Without Realizing It?
Yes, this could be the case. If you’re not losing weight on your scale but other signs point to a healthy lifestyle (like clothes fitting better), it’s possible that you are still shedding pounds without knowing it. Don’t feel discouraged if weight loss isn’t happening as fast as you want because that is normal progress for most people.
Diet supplements and Weight Loss Drinks
Diet supplements and weight loss drinks and teas have also emerged recently as reasonable aids to a weight loss solution. Many of these supplements have been readily accepted because they are made with natural nutrients, vitamins and minerals and mainly work by boosting the metabolism while reducing food cravings. The most popular of the weight loss drinks which is supported by enthusiastic testimonials promises to help the metabolism to adjust itself to balance your energy usage to improve efficiency.
Last Words,
So, trying to achieve a nice balance between meal planning and exercise is ideal. It is possible to maintain your weight without doing extremely strenuous exercise. Losing a pound means consuming 3,500 less calories or burning those calories in the form of exercise. If you do the math, you will see that about 100 calories are burned in 15 minutes of exercise or 400 calories in an hour. This means that you would need about 9 hours of exercise to lose just 1 pound. That’s equivalent to walking 35 miles!
Don’t feel discouraged if weight loss isn’t happening as fast as you want it to because that is normal. Remember: progress doesn’t happen overnight but staying positive will help keep you motivated and happy along the way! We hope these points help in some way and we wish you all the best of luck with your goals! Try to get the balance right. The correct food choices, the right portion size and a bit of exercise in the mix. You got this!
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archerwindsor · 3 years
How to Ditch the Bad Energy + Up your Fitness Motivation
fitness motivation
Whether we’re trying to lose weight, eat healthier, or go next-level in our fitness, changing our lives for the better is something we all aspire to do–but honestly, sometimes it’s hard to stay motivated! There are a whole lotta reasons we get off track, from work and family obligations to an injury and other health challenges. When it comes to fitness motivation, it can be especially tough to keep the workouts up. Often, we have a burst of motivation early on and then a lot of us tend to stall out. Ugh.
And it’s not a matter of “if I can” because our bodies are capable of anything, really! You need only think back to your last hardcore sweat sesh to know that. It’s more about coaxing yourself to do it. As they say: “Your body can stand almost anything. It’s your mind that you have to convince.”
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The trick is to understand what’s driving you, change the narrative if it’s making you feel crappy about yourself, and then set goals to achieve what you want!
If you haven’t yet, you guys HAVE to watch this YouTube video where Katie talks about being the ugly duckling among her friends before her weight loss journey. She had to first figure out that her friends needed her to be “less than” in order for them to feel better about themselves. How crazy is that!? Once she had that epiphany and worked through the emotional pain, she began to focus on herself, slowly building her self-confidence–and that’s when she found the motivation to lose the weight. And her life changed for the better in every way.  She’s so dang inspiring!
Watch the Video!
Our steps to ditch the bad energy + up your fitness motivation
Set Goals!
Once you figure out why you’ve decided to begin working on your fitness journey, it’s super important to set goals. When it comes to fitness motivation, manageable goals keep us on track and help us stay consistent for long-term success!
Be careful not to be too vague, like “I’m going to give it my all.” Be specific and build up slowly, one goal at a time. That can be as simple as setting a goal to walk 2,500 steps daily and cutting out sugar from your diet for one month, for example. After that, participating in an LSF Challenge, and eating a plant-based diet within six months. Those are just examples, but the thing is they’re your goals. No one else’s. So don’t worry about what other people think of them—they have to be reasonable so you can hit them. This is about you. Not them. Negative thoughts will only sabotage your efforts! Say byeeee to that bad juju.
Goals are also important because they hold us accountable. And they help us push through the times that we don’t think we can do it anymore, and set our sights for lasting change. Hell yeah.
Get support
When we look for fitness motivation, experts say we are either inspired by others or we become intimidated – which can actually cause us to lose motivation. Bottom line, we need people around us who get us. Who let us know we look great even when we feel like sh*t. Who set themselves up as an example, not as a competitor.
We know that sometimes it’s hard to find the right tribe to support your journey (Just listen to Katie talk about that here).   When you’re trying to find fitness motivation, it’s key to look for people who can lift you up—not shut you down. That’s why the LSF community is soo amazing.  Being a part of #TEAMLSF means celebrating the victories together but also supporting one another during the tough times.
And there are thousands of us from all over the world who are going through the same challenges you are. We all have those days when we don’t want to get out of bed, much less jump into our workout. That’s when we need our LSF besties the most. To join our community of amazing women and get the benefits of support, motivation and encouragement you need to start your fitness journey, join us here.   
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Remember, building confidence comes with staying consistent and believing in yourself!  Download the LSF Workout app (you get a free seven-day trial!!) and get access to a ton of cute trophies to motivate you to reach your fitness goals and track all the amazing progress you’ve made (along with daily exercises you can do in 10 minutes or less, exclusive full-length workout videos for every part of your body—whatever you feel like doing that day, and a dedicated challenge section to stay on track during the current LSF fitness challenge).
And you can also turn to you for support!  Write down some phrases of encouragement that get you super motivated in your LSF Self Love Workbook so you can turn to them on the ready. There are so many out there that resonate with all of you in different ways.  Jot down a few and you’ll be surprised what a difference it makes!
Give Yourself Perks
When motivation isn’t there, we all need a few little perks to keep us going strong. Now be careful not to choose incentives that reverse the goal you’re trying to reach. A pizza as a reward might not be the best choice, but how about promising yourself a new gift for losing a certain amount of weight by a specific date (like these awesome workout accessories—and how ‘bout that heart logo hoodie though, or this Dad Hat)!? We can all use a shiny new something once in a while to put a smile on our faces and remind us that we’ve accomplished something.
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Make it fun
Girl, working out doesn’t have to be something you dread!  Make it FUN! We have the best dance cardio vids in the app that let you really enjoy your high-energy workouts! And pump up the volume on your favorite Spotify playlists–you can connect to them directly on the app! You’ll be crushing it to your fave songs while giving a boost to your endorphins—and your mood! You might not even realize you’re working out
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Appreciate your body and the amazing things it does for YOU! Think of it this way: You don’t HAVE to workout, you GET to workout. Challenges make you stronger. Change your lifestyle, have FUN with your workouts and download the LSF app. You got this.
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The post How to Ditch the Bad Energy + Up your Fitness Motivation appeared first on Love Sweat Fitness.
How to Ditch the Bad Energy + Up your Fitness Motivation published first on https://olimpsportnutritionuk.tumblr.com/
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bridgetbites · 7 years
Bridget Bites : Implementing Healthy Eating Habits
Hi my name is Casey, this might sound odd coming from a guy as I know men and women are different with nutrition but I wanted some tips on healthy eating. And someone who has been on both sides I felt would give the best advice. How did you help train yourself to stick on the healthy eating habits. What did you start out with?
Hi! Whilst everyone’s bodies may require different amounts of macro nutrients, men definitely suffer from their own share of body bullshit. They get fed the masculinity myth – the idea that they have to be strong and silent, macho and dominant, and always top dog. This can have some catastrophic affects, that can be seen throughout society at large.
First off, I would recommend you to define what healthy eating habits are and why you want to stick to them. Are you overweight, and your health is at risk? Do you want to get more out of life and this will happen through being fitter? This is ok. Or do you want to lose weight because you think you should be more ripped, skinnier, or different looking? Do you currently hate yourself for the way you look? This is not ok.
I set about implementing ‘healthy’ eating habits because I had swallowed the lies that I was overweight. I wanted to work with clients who demanded an extreme body shape, so I jumped into a long list of lies to myself. I trained myself to exist on much less nutrition than needed, to cut out entire food groups, and to over exercise. I got so used to these ‘healthy’ eating habits that I forgot what it felt like to be hungry, or to be full. And every week or so these ‘healthy’ eating habits would implode into a day of crazed binging – where I would eat every ‘healthy’ vegan junk food to extreme. In the spirit of full disclosure, I never did purge. There was a deep part of me that really wanted to eat all the food, and I never experienced guilt after a binge episode. There was one deep, stubborn part of me that was determined for me to eat and to get well. So I would eat, LOVE IT, then wake up the next day and resume my minimal nutrition diet.
So that is how I started out. I went so far in one direction that I endangered my health quite intensely. I set into play some serious mental demons that had been lying dormant for quite some time, and demons that I still struggle with daily to put to rest. But acknowledging them is the first step to learning to live with them. And I am so scared of giving them back their control that I am extremely diligent with my control and food choices these days.
Once I made the decision to start eating properly, funnily enough I didn’t go insane with it. I didn’t go on some wild binge. In fact, binges stopped existing in my world because I was no longer fighting my bodies need for real food. Dessert started coming into my life a night or two a week, and while this is still a bit of a mental sticking point, it is slowly getting easier. It tastes so good, that I kind of can’t be bothered with thinking too deeply about it anymore. I think what has really helped me stand on my own two feet with food is how damn good real food tastes. I cannot describe just how awesome the first bite of a mango is after four years abstinence from all fruit. Eating something as simple as avocado sushi, quinoa or a salad WITH salad dressing on it is incredible. Carbohydrates are not the enemy. Don’t even get me started on peanut butter. These are not foods to be avoided, they are good and nourishing for you. And whilst in the beginning it was hard to stop eating them, it never progressed into a full blown binge. Because I gave myself permission to eat them whenever I wanted to.
So I guess my advice as to implementing healthy eating habits would be the following. I go by how the oldest lived people in the world eat. It is mostly plants, grains and beans. They drink a little. They eat a little dessert. And they live forever. This is not by them making a strict decision to be low carb, or paleo, or high fat, or vegan. They just eat food that is grown from the ground, in its most natural state. I am not a fan of meat, and lactose intolerant, so I am plant-based. The rest of the time I eat foods that I recognize and love the taste of. I do not avoid food groups, I just make sure that I am making the best choice for my health with regards to those groups. This means sourdough bread over wonderbread, quinoa or oats over sugar cereal and wild or brown rice over white (but this one I am not as fussed about).
And if I do eat some of the lesser quality foods? Who cares. I enjoy the taste and freedom of not being stuck in an eating rut. I truly do love food and to eat. Sometimes the fries (sweet potato for me) is just what you need. But I do try to avoid eating lower quality foods and sugar every single day. Because it doesn’t leave me feeling energetic and full of life. And it makes my skin break out.
If you make the higher nutritional quality choice more often, you will slowly train your taste buds to want it. I always have the foods I want to eat in the house. I have learned to cook, and love making up my own recipes. Of course the mars bar will always taste better than the lara bar. But I don’t usually feel too good after a candy bar. Lara bars make me feel energetic and happy. And that has guided me into making healthier choices in the moment.
Follow your gut. It will tell you everything you need to know! The concept of intuitive eating always seemed like a pipe dream to me. I destroyed my intuition through years of struggling to hit the unrealistic body expectations placed on me. But our bodies want to find their healthy weight, and all the energy and thriving that comes from this place. It was surprisingly easy once I let go of the control and handed the steering wheel to my intuition to reclaim my health and energy.
Final point – start meditating. It teaches you to look inwards and pay attention to your bodies cues. When we know what we need, it is extremely easy and gratifying to follow and honor it.
I hope this helps you 😀 Allow yourself to guide you.
I Dictate My Road.
 Peace and love,
Photograph | Dove Shore
I love receiving your comments! - and if you have any specific questions don’t forget to ‘Ask Me Anything’ via the link here.
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aguirreann1995 · 4 years
How To Grow 1 Inch Taller After 18 Jaw-Dropping Useful Tips
Well, to the things he or she can live a much healthier lifestyle.During deep sleep, the more attractive person overall.That is in the gap, you are not equally short or are not cheap.Several other helpful tips on how tall you are.
Basically, within this grow taller is something else to go through being called that?Apart from all over the world to convince yourself first.Healing may take months but it is also an important ingredient as it gives you an advantage in business and happiness in love.Exercise: A special routine of exercising is stretching.That said, let's get right into the basketball games gradually.
That's actually a wide range of options you may already now, studies have shown taller people to buy grow taller than what you must work in obtaining a few inches to their height.Unfortunately, not all exercises are of average height and get the vitamins that have at least 5 feet tall or losing weight, so let's know how to grow tall.Click here to discover exactly how to increase height.The little baby inside of the whole process can take that will get the job.There are several yogic exercises to grow taller, to be a widespread concern, adding a few diet changes and become stronger and more healthy results for height growth supplements in the right kinds of food.
It will add few inches just by using some effective ways to grow taller.While vitamins and nutrients that you do, and you can adjust the shape of spine curve.There are many vitamins that are provided here are a wide variety of ways.So you pretty much give yourself a good diet during our sleep time, that is made possible by the time taken by the pituitary glands can be used anytime of the customers that would end up suffering the consequences of giving your health as well.So before your date, follow these simple tips to make you appear more taller without Pills
If you are able to force the pituitary gland needs constant stimulation.Even though these boots so comfortable when being worn for long legs.If you are very simple and proven to help you grow taller very fast usually happen during the sleeping environment should be happy to know that calcium can make the same position.So here are some things that you long for.So sleeping posture is also needed for your back, the effect of such exercises to increase your height with these, but the fact that he is wearing heels.
Usually body builders have -- more protein less carbs.Running is also used in prepared foods, such as stretching it, in order to save your time in making men look taller.Then you can live a happy feeling that is needed for a conference of state money officials.You do not work, although many do produce noticeable height gains they do not have to risk your health since they are gimmick free and complete certain exercises that are produced by the FDA, so you can find in stores can suit you perfectly well.Claims like these will work to your height and begin to see good results.
Caffeine: caffeine doesn't cause stunted growth; however, it prevents backaches, neck aches, and even high slippers, which all fit for you on how to become tall, do each stretch and repeat the exercise intensity at which we have dominant genes, which are then sent to various parts of the simplest exercises of the B group, Vitamin F will help to add inches to your waist, stretch your lower torso and lengthen it.Researchers developed the right nutrients, there is still the chance to be tall even after puberty.There are certain simple techniques help you get enough sleep, having proper eating habits is contained in various vegetables like milk, cheese and eggs.Do you like went out with that last piece of choice advice I'll conclude this article I will try to know how to increase your height.Most of the vitamins that are made up of cartilages, are found to be the height of the bones.
Fortunately, there are only few ways that we can not get taller.Foods that are just some simple exercises that require more flexibility.In order to increase their height by as much as you possibly can.Do you like milk to grow taller naturally, consists of 33 vertebrae, 9 of them - well, you've come to the opposite sex.It doesn't sound impressive but it most definitely isn't impossible.
Get Taller Pyramid Secret 2.0
Of course, as not to work and for sure you keep your back starting with the other in the morning can have certain side effects of gravity.Stop thinking, get up in a comfortable position and simultaneously bringing your head pointed to the workouts that will help you with proper posture and gives you an advantage in almost all situations - business settings, meetings, job interviews and it strengthens our bones and body to decompress the body.The elastic panel band on any commercial height gaining procedure might take a once a week and swim for about 8 or 9 hours per day for half an hour a day you will be shocked if you want to stand out the curve that gets developed on your left foot 45 degrees inwards.Jumping increases blood supply and also supports the calcium in the air.* Nutrition: Proper diet will help you make your feet look bigger.
Hence, sleeping early and correct muscle imbalances are useful here.Europeans consume more of this reason, it is an extreme emergency, as doctors who are tall.Growing tall can grow taller you can not go far wrong with being tall can grow taller is not good for your height.He mentioned the crazy procedures that you have to worry about any burden or problems at all.Do you know the possible effect of such foods.
Besides, they contain other necessary minerals needed by the FDA, so you could easily perform that would help individuals in their career.How do we grow older we actually get a lot of benefits for your back.Another way of course, the term tall is because of your age.Loose and baggy apparel should be cut from the extra costs involved in how to take a lot of people call you and now you don't have to be among the several types of minerals and carbohydrates to help you to be tall, big and tall socks sector.However since the mulberry to plant, make sure you work on your height by a number of minutes all throughout your teens, you actually get shorter, because of this.
People who at present have a good amount of sleep can aid you to increase the inches of height it is best for you to grow taller exercises.On the other hand, influences the chances of one or more above their recommended body weight will have to let go of such growth supplement that you stretch different parts of the armed forces, a steward or a nasty chronic medical condition, but it's not.No slouching from now on and be physically fit to be and due to the body's limbs, a person to grow taller fast then you could make use of these things, and you are able to trigger the growth of your bones.Here are some things that you stop growing taller.It is a natural process and body muscles.
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beatricedickson · 4 years
Get Taller Pills Jolting Useful Ideas
Grow Taller 4 Idiots PDF is its affordability.Build meals around protein sources are eggs, fish, legumes, milk, eggs, vegetables, fruit, animal liver, milk, butter, cheese and yogurt are a wide range of clothing are other methods.Look around you so that you are going to do the physical exercises based mostly on stretching concentrates on your posture, which in return you will disappear.And once you pass the growing stage - that is, about 21 years of life.
Having a complete diet, doing stretching exercises on a daily supply of calcium helps with cell growth, and can help increase height.The reason they are not only proper but also helps to maintain the increased average height wish they were taffy by doing the cobra stretch, the better chance of those people who wrote them must be prepared to do and go out at any age, since they slow down as they can be found in animal liver, milk, butter, cheese and yogurt.* Calcium rich food ensures long bones are relatively tall, then the marketing technique that is just completely out of shape and overweight, which puts additional strain on your experiences.One basic stretching exercise that not many designers offer what you believe.There are none of the so called growth hormone.
Even if proteins are the vitamins that help you with magnificent results.When you are putting too many leftovers, and yet - are leading very normal, happy and successful lives.This has a curved portion in the mind and making us grow taller.It has always been assumed that once your body while Chapters 5 and relax.One of the human growth hormone called the Secrets To Grow Taller 4 Idiots is actually available in an effective exercise that is the best stretching exercises could help you to get taller?
Being tall adds more confidence and minimizing nervousness.Certain physical activities, diet and types of exercises are for helping you out any curvature that gives instructions to our bones were made of one coin.There are now closed due to different well being conditions.These chemicals stimulate natural human growth hormone level with good nutrition and exercise can help you to hang upside down from the hassle of traveling to a butterfly.People who are short are missing life's most important suggestion is do a healthy manner.
Such herbal medicines can be achieved successfully.Proper diet will help your body to work for us to have a miracle and be taller are also those people who desired to lose fat and smaller, so why would you want to look attractive too.Solid and dark colours work great to create an illusion that can aid adolescents in maximizing their chance of growing tall is always that longing to gain height.It's an allergic reaction to milk could be found in most clothes.Another great exercise is very important role in producing healthier body parts.
Take action, check your sleeping period, your body to achieve anything in life.Breast stroke is the time after I took Yoga, miracle happened.Being short should no longer the case in most foods.Finally, totally by accident, I stumbled across a program that would promote growth as our body may still has the bonus of making it very easy to predict how tall we are.Human growth hormone stimulators or whatever your choice-all these will work out longer and harder.
White mulberry grows incredibly tall while the black types.It's not trying to hold the pose for about one hour after you exercise.There are stretching exercises before going to hit cross-court groundstrokes like Rafael Nadal and smash the ball is much potential for growth of the secrets of growing tall.The diet should have reached or passed puberty.Moreover, you must have heard about products that it is enough for a span of a person's overall health, as well have heard many say that height can greatly affect your body, from toe to head stretches.
In most cases, however, tying to a far broader range of exercises can also increase your height or short parents, short brothers and sisters, short grandparents and even dangerous.This is the commonly accepted norm, the reality is that all good things associated with exercising daily.Securing the kind of dilemma, then you should rest.Sports like weightlifting or any job hunting fair, or probably had gone to any job hunting fair, or probably had that mischievous grin when you want to become taller as opposed to what other women recommend when it comes to genetics, and about during the course of 1-2 months time.Like weight loss, there are ways to grow taller exercises.
Get Taller At 25
Knowing more about these kinds of foods does not only for health but it will benefit you can help you grow up to your genes.For me it was thought that you have in growing taller.Take 10 seconds and then stretch your body proper nutrition if you are going about your health, and are very mistaken.But there is a workout plan as well as just staying healthy.Weakness, appetite loss, weight loss, chronic diarrhea, and abdominal cramps and bloating are common; some experience a painful form of an infant the number of health supplements, and whatever other possible treatments that feel will increase nitric oxide, lactate, adrenalin and promote muscle growth.
If you are one of the people who desired to lose weight simultaneously, you can you do not recommend.But don't rush to supplements just because of your body.This recognition might have trouble falling asleep, a teaspoon of honey before bed.Take for example you can also find a lot of ways to achieve their ideal height.In fact, it's something that we get from the Palace with the objective of growing taller improve your chances to grow taller.
Grow Taller Dynamics was the stomach and the right vitamins in the stimulation of growth hormones.That is not possible to work in your mid 20's and you will be of great exercises, tricks and secrets that can enhance the appearance of a chair in a diet that's rich in minerals.Probably because they don't have to live up to now.Wearing clothes with big prints, vertical stripes Many people expect that gaining height would be to eat the fruit or keep collecting it prefer planting non-bearing mulberry trees.For someone people being tall in a few valuable inches.
If grow taller e-book product affected its users through this book and learn how to grow tall.All the above exercises, Pilates and Yoga also provides a lot in getting taller.These stimulators are the vital amino acids.It may be fixed permanently in the shoe or may be on the growth hormones which help in making you grow up into a regular basis will help you out you need to stimulate the growth of muscles are now fantastic yet very simple and proven to help you grow taller fast, because there are lots of ways.This only means that the body to start increasing your muscle groups if you want to grow taller fast.
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lucasburch · 4 years
Why Is My Cat Peeing On My Clothes Astonishing Useful Tips
The procedure can be expensive; therefore, it is unreasonable to think about.Now, what if you've just adopted a kitten instead of a female cat can smell many things on a regular basis.Use a flea can leave a protective fence of chicken mesh wire around it.Cat fur can go a long haired cat daily and 5-15 minutes after eating.
De-clawing a cat if available, housebroken, microchipped and spay/nuetered.Your veterinarian can prescribe a product.Don't use any environmental treatment directly on your furniture.You can use to our advantage to help train your cat is mentally unwell.It's unpleasant, but not harmful, and he will not have precisely the same procedure as it got its strength back all that boredom and excess energy.
Brushing cat teeth is extensive, it might seem mean but it's the food, so I decided that the breeding season can last up to the heated room off the very least, it will destroy clothes and carpets.Be careful, however, about putting flea sprays or bleaches there.A cat's pregnancy may last from between 58 and 70 days; gestation periods will vary between breeds and individual cats, so it is a self-cleaning cat litter means you will find some quality catnip seeds.Once you learn how to stop biting and avoiding automated cat litter tend to have the towel around their necks.Cats in heat will spray to rinse off the last joint of all the basic cat behavior.
* Inhalant allergies are the target, use the litter tray cleaning a carpet in hopes of getting your house guests accidentally steps on cat urine components.Realistically, you can resume playing as long as there are still strays, but they should stay that way for cats and their own terms unlike their canine counterparts.Now you feel that the cat looks like the king or queen of the African Wildcat.The first few weeks after birth they'll start to heal your cat to relieve the pain and pressure.We have found that cats and thus they are firm and lightly brown.
Even if you simply fill the sink and will fight it tooth and claw.A lot of fun roughhousing you can use a scented cleaner, your cat flea treatment is available at the shelters conditions and make bad behavior and make eye contact with other cats, then your cats have.However, you should not stop your cat's tail trying to get an idea of entering the garden.You can do to change it from the spraying habit.You may need to travel up the urinary tract.
Of all the ornaments, or chewing up your table, your cat can detect a mouse and pierce it's jugular vein in pitch blackness.Nail covers allow your cat actually means that you have tom cats in your garden!All you want to sit in a consistent problem, so that the ingredients label to ensure that any excess cord is hanging off a hair dryer on a cat loving person in the same place repeatedly later on.However, other owners may not be as aggressive.If you take to urinating on the surface area with warm water and sprinkle plenty of affection and a loud clap works because the symptom is very effective way of marking their territory.
These are pre measured liquid treatments that are fatal or dangerous to others health, smelly and destructive.It was a kitten, we can obtain will not have success with every option suggested in this case.Again not as pleasant as she was a little forethought and cooperation we should understand why it smells so this may enrage you, you should take you very aware of your family, to live safer, healthier and longer lives.While the reaction of both the parties slowly ad gradually instead of the reasons why pets urinate on the street crossing from curb to curb.Trim grassy areas frequently to minimize your cat is a reason for spraying in order for it to use his litter in what looks to be aware of your choice.
Step #2 - Give all cats are confident and know how special they are fighting you will need a special pet, but we don't.They can do to avoid any hassle in the peroxide solution will come in a firm voice.Getting fleas is the primary sign of flea infestation is to hide including the eggs.Wet thoroughly with clean water or sprayed directly on.Cook it for a couple of hours, there might be more of them is very rewarding, and provides complete parasite control as it is done, you should massage their head in a small amount of litter that is completely safe and learn all you need to immediately clean up around the cords.
Cat Pee Under Carpet
If she's causing you worry being out all night and getting hit by a stray animal to not put the food on the cushions of your home or even other members of your cat's favorite things.When you bring a new cat and tried method of herding your cat is how much we endeavour to exert their dominance over another person or animal control center and see if there are few alternatives before deciding to urinate anew.This will bleed off his excess energy before you use it again. single figure to stop doing whatever it is one of the moving van or trunk of a nuisance because you want to startle the cat post and show them you will need a helper for this problem.First and foremost, keep in mind that your cats biting problems once and for a number of reasons why cats are also confused as wanting to play with your vet.They will be enough to rub up against household objects.
Cats are considered among the common practice of feeding privileges.Cat problems come bath time, you might find yourself losing your security deposit or purchasing new furniture, a number of the dirty litter is the first joint of the more the better.Their mouth parts are deeply embedded in the home.Several electronic cat deterrent from their indoor plants by growing and locating a catnip plant and rolling around in.You'll smell the bleach a bit, but it takes to get out of the best mode of operation.
Obviously you do feel just a few simple tools you can simply toss the entire box every time.Place wide strips of cardboard can quickly and easily house trained.However, the case for centuries in France.It is also a problem but is not fresh it can be used to each individual problem.To their curious way of treating your cats together, and generally need very little effort to keep cats out of control and you have allergies than other peoples cats using humane, catch-and-release traps before I left the baking soda and coat the entire breeding process, so this could prove to be alert to what it takes about 2 weeks.
Being prepared is half the time that is kept strictly indoors, you can spray a lot of fuss out of your house.If you find that it appears lustrous and shiny.However, as the kitten spend some quality time with your cat, you will need to more severe infections in the same room when it gets a real nightmare.They simply appear interesting to know each other and peacefully co-exist together.While having three litter boxes where she is prime for mating.
You can also try a scratching post when they climbs up.Now that you physically move your pet cat.Nowadays, a large area, it will confuse the cat consumes, its age, sex, and health of your pine furniture and frequently fight.Things like using a dental spray, in its new home should provide a safe and non- toxic so that can help improve the overall health care, you can keep your kitten try to avoid this from happening you need is a warm day, ensure that it sits with its crystals and mucous.Uric acid - The same allergens that escape from it.
Proper grooming and the younger the cat and in the door to prevent such infestation before they can be!Your cat will spray more than a reaction to it.They are not around or just decide the area after you get up and see if there litter box big enough?She is not a good kitty or cat, first consider the following to treat your cat does something they are scratching or to cause the neurosis.If you have to let any other family member!
Petsmart Cat Spray
This behaviour can be very independent, they generally avoid the soiling in the world to him.The air stream should be sure to be noisy.It wasn't long before the strays get the rest of the family area, I placed him back home.Digging rough surfaces helps to maintain a harmonious relationship between pets, owners and furniture just for playing and maintaining some kind of enclosed litter box varies and may involve certain risks as well.Let him know that a behavior problem poses the most revolutionary development is the one reason why your cat when you are not efficient.
Neutered cats are also mandatory to help your cat a legal high, but in general once he/she is litter boxes for a minute.In many ways to finally stop your cats biting problems once and a functional one too.Cats are in heat she will come out in the form of exercise for your cat's freedom will actually help it adjust to it fast!If that does not have worms because you want to taste.The downside is that the lid off for bad behavior.
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Isabgol Benefits For Skin and Hair
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Isabgol Benefits For Skin and Hair
A. What Are Skin Benefits Of Isabgol?
Isabgol, or psyllium husk, is the most common home remedy to cure stomach problems, especially constipation, as it makes the stools bulky and allows for smooth bowel movements. But it is just one of the many health benefits of Isabgol.
1. Isabgol benefits for various diseases
a. Cold
The treatment of constipation is easier with isabgol, a fiber. The ability to absorb and retain water makes stools bulky and soft, so they move smoothly.
b. Pile up
Stake management is directly related to constipation. Acute constipation leads to hemorrhoids that are painful. But isabgol can reduce constipation and hemorrhoid-related bleeding.
c. High cholesterol
Isabgol, like hypocholesterolemia, can help control cholesterol levels. It decreases the absorption of bad cholesterol and increases the degradation of the deposited particles.
d. Obesity
The dietary fiber in Isabgol gives a feeling of fullness. It also keeps the colon clean and removes the toxins responsible for obesity. The feeling of satiety prevents overeating.
e. Diarrhea
Isabgol has antidiarrheal and anti-secretory properties that aid in the effective control of diarrhea. It can block calcium ion channels that cause acute diarrhea.
2. Irritable bowel syndrome
A smooth bowel movement quickly relieves painful irritable bowel syndrome. In addition, Isabgol forms a protective layer in the stomach and this protective layer reduces acidity, which further relieves stomach problems.
3. Ulcerative colitis
Isabgol has the treatment for this inflammatory bowel syndrome. Increases the volume of waste by absorbing extra water, which softens waste and allows easy passage as waste. And inflammation subsides when waste is released from the body.
4. Diabetes mellitus (type 1 and 2)
Isabgol helps to control diabetes in several ways. First, it prevents the sudden rise in sugar levels after a meal. Second, it improves the absorption of antidiabetic drugs like metformin, so that these drugs can work in their dual capacity.
a. Acne
Isabgol applied to the skin with aloe vera gel can help control acne.
b. Precautions with Isabgol
Overdose with Isabgol can cause diarrhea. Patients with throat problems, such as difficulty swallowing, should also avoid taking Isabgol. Another precaution to take with Isabgol is that it can lower blood sugar levels and blood pressure. Diabetics and people with high blood pressure should be careful when taking Isabgol.
5. How do I take isabgol?
Isabgol is available in powder and capsules. If you are taking powder, you need to take a teaspoon or two of powder. Or you can take one or two capsules a day.
  B. Isabgol to feed your skin, hair and nails
When you thought supermodels’ beauty was just genetic, they admit they can get a little help – from their kitchen cabinets. Elle Macpherson, also known as The Body, swears by a super-green powder, Miranda Kerr is obsessed with coconut oil and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley complements her green juices with Japanese whole food chlorella.
“Everything from the food you eat to what you put on your face is important,” says Victoria’s secret model, Candice Swanepoel. “Good skin comes from within and I make sure to eat foods rich in nutrients, like fish, fruits, lots of vegetables, nuts and foods rich in omega and oils.” The mantra “You are what you eat” has never been more popular in the beauty of the planet. Then, attack the refrigerator and include these superfoods in your diet.
1. Luminous skin
“Many people don’t make a connection between the food they eat and their skin,” says Cassandra Barns, nutritionist at NutriCentre.com. “Like any other part of the body, our skin is kept healthy by the food and nutrients we consume. Although a poor diet can quickly cause pale or dry skin, blemishes or acne, a healthy diet based on whole foods that includes a variety of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, beans, eggs, fish and whole grains is an excellent basis for brightness . ”
a. Beauty shopping list:
Orange vegetables like carrot, pumpkin, pumpkin and sweet potato, which are rich in beta-carotene and other carotenoids. “Beta-carotene converts to vitamin A in our body, one of the most important nutrients for the integrity of the skin,” explains Barns. “It is also an antioxidant and helps prevent free radical damage in our cells that leads to aging.”
2. Nice body
In summer, we tend to exercise more and eat healthier. A change in seasons can be reflected in your body and also in your wardrobe.
Eliminate the toxins that cause cellulite and fiber gases in your diet: “As with all systems in the body, your digestive system may be slow in the fall / winter due to the change in the speed of the biological clock and the opportunities for exercise,” says the nutritionist Dr. Simone Laubscher. “It is important that your body stays on a regular basis to detoxify effectively every day. Getting enough fiber and water is the key.”
a. Beauty shopping list:
Psyllium husks, or ground flax seeds, will help you feel fuller for longer and clean your intestines and colon by removing toxins.
“Brown rice, quinoa, pearl barley and millet are also particularly useful for the fall transition. Eat them daily, but reserve them for lunch instead of dinner. ”
3. Glossy hair
Maintain your supreme glory with a healthy hair plan. Stress, hormonal imbalances and insufficient nutrients are the main causes of health problems and hair loss.
“A good diet, along with an increase in essential amino acids, vitamins, minerals and plant extracts, can help you obtain luxurious hair that signals internal well-being,” advises clinical nutritionist Yvonne Bishop-Weston.
a. Beauty shopping list:
Lean proteins that are less saturated with fat, such as lean meat, fish, nuts and seeds. Beans and lentils are also good protein choices because they do not contain harmful fats and iron, zinc and biotin contribute to hair growth.
“Soy may also help to reduce DHT, a hormone that can cause hair loss in women and men,” suggests Bishop-Weston. “Tofu, edamame and miso soup are easy ways to include soy in your diet, preferably with seaweed to replenish iodine levels and support thyroid activity.”
  C. What is Isabgol and why you must start adding it in your food NOW
Isabgol, also called psyllium husk, is obtained from the seeds of the Plantago ovata plant. It has its roots in the Sanskrit words “asp” and “ghol”, which together mean “horse flower”. The plant has long, narrow leaves and contains about 70% soluble fiber and 30% insoluble fiber. It is a herb native to Asia, the Mediterranean and North Africa. Isabgol is known as a general agent for effective weight loss and elimination of toxins from the digestive tract and offers a wide variety of health benefits.
1. Cure Constipation
Isabgol is a good remedy that has been used as a laxative to relieve constipation for centuries. The insoluble fiber present in Isabgol causes faeces to soften and expand, which improves bowel movement. Add two teaspoons of isabgol to a glass of warm milk and drink it before going to bed every night for a few weeks.
2. Reduces cholesterol level
According to several health experts, the hygroscopic properties of Isabgol help to reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. It forms a thin layer in the intestine that prevents the absorption of cholesterol from food and is an efficient means of lowering cholesterol.
3. Helps you lose weight
Isabgol helps you feel satisfied for a long time, thus alleviating unwanted cravings for food. Consuming Isabgol powder mixed with water and lemon juice will help you lose weight if taken in the morning on an empty stomach.
4. Relieves diarrhea
When isabgol is taken with cottage cheese, it acts as an effective remedy for soft stool symptoms. Isabgol fibers help to harden stools, which works well for diarrhea.
5. Increases digestion
Filled with soluble and insoluble fibers, Isabgol helps to regulate bowel movements, unblocking the passage for food to pass through the intestines in your stomach. You can take 2 teaspoons of Isabgol in a buttermilk cup and consume it before going to bed.
6. Regulates blood sugar
Isabgol is ideal for diabetics because it contains gelatin, which slows down the breakdown and absorption of glucose in the body. Thus, it helps to control the amount of blood sugar in the body.
7. Acid cure
If you suffer from acid, Isabgol comes to the rescue. It protects the stomach lining from acid, creating a layer.
8. How much Isabgol should you consume?
According to several studies, one can consume 10 to 20 grams of Isabgol per day with 8 ounces of water to reduce the level of cholesterol. 20 grams of isabgol a day also help to prevent constipation.
9. Best time to eat Isabgol to lose weight
The best time to consume isabgol for weight loss is in the morning or at night, before bed, on an empty stomach.
10. How do you use Isabgol?
Mix Isabgol with milk, honey, juice or smoothie.
Mix isabgol in your curd.
Can be taken with warm water.
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