#anchor ravi
alchemistc · 2 months
goon | bucktommy | chapter three
check out the hockey glossary here (updated for chapter two)
Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two
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read Chapter Three on ao3
Tommy's got a plan for the break. It's the same plan as he has every year: spend six days losing every bit of conditioning he's managed to gain over the course of the season by slowly becoming one with his couch, catch up on all the shitty shows he's been neglecting, eat his weight in potato chips and ice cream. Then he'll have one day before practice starts up again where he does weight training so long he wants to throw up, and back to the grind. The usual.
He gets the text as he's rebuilding his nest on the couch, three quarters of the way through day three, and for a long long moment he considers ignoring it.
His phone vibrates on the table again, and Tommy stares apologetically at the movie already queued up to play.
Drinks at Rare Bird tonight. says the text from Chimney, and then, below it, See you at eight. Love Actually can wait
Not a question mark to be found, and he's about to point that out when another text comes in, this time from Ravi.
You have to come tonight
No additional context, again. He's - not exactly unfamiliar with becoming the anchor for an anxious kid trying to find his place - a little mentorship, a little wing-manning, a lot like the guy who'll sit there and just be steady and quiet when someone is overwhelmed and needs a focus point. Panikkar is calm on the surface and an absolute nightmare right under it, a stunning swan with little webbed feet kicking up a storm underneath where all his vulnerabilities are laid bare. Tommy's used to cracking a terrible joke just to force someone so breathless with laughter they forget they'd been holding it, and he's used to that person immediately finding themselves at ease around him.
He has no fucking clue how the front office had known to look for someone to fill that role on the team, but it's become very clear over the course of the last month or so that this in one of the hand-wavey intangibles he's been brought in for.
And Greenway getting traded two days before the All-Star break had fundamentally changed something in the locker room.
There’s always a clique situation in a league like this — D-Pairs like Buckley and Diaz spending so much time together they have their own language that’s incomprehensible to anyone who hasn’t known them as long as they’ve known each other; stars like McKinley and all the guys he’s convinced the front office to sign because he can make them fit the play style they’re going for; the group of guys that jump between third and fourth lines with their heads on a swivel for the first opportunity to take a stab at more minutes; the boys living in their buddies basement apartment and the ones who own a McMansion somewhere in a gated community half an hour away from the rink.
Greenway had made the cliques circle in, shore up for the storm. And Tommy’s an easy-going guy, gets along well with everyone, but — something had lifted, the day they got the news, some tension easing, the groups getting a little less exclusive even just in the single game they’d played after he was gone. There’s no one for Tommy to say “I told you so” to, but he’d patted himself on the back for knowing it, anyway.
Tommy's trying to convince himself not to cave to Ravi and Chim when another text comes in, this one from Diaz.
We're taking bets on which turn Buck's gonna eat shit on this year, you in?
Christ, they live eat and breathe the game.
Tommy's not any better.
Twenty bucks says he beefs it on the third turn, Tommy sends back, before turning off the television and heading towards the shower.
There’s a certain artistry to meeting up for drinks with teammates. The dynamics of running into fans has changed, over the years. The social media boom had made it a nightmare for a few years, and Tommy’d spent about five of them walking and talking the faces of the league through panic attacks and generalized anxiety like he was a damn therapist, before he’d discovered that just telling them to go to fucking therapy was enough.
He’d seen a switch after finally escaping the Edmonton bubble, in a world that had spent eight months dialed in to social issues and gained a startling awareness of personal space, so it was a little easier, now, to roll into a bar and meet up with three or four guys without crowds of people demanding selfies. Tommy wasn’t likely to be on anyone’s radar, but he tended to be noticed out in public when he was out with everyone’s favorite.
Today he rolls up with Eddie Diaz in the passenger seat of his truck and hands his keys to the valet. The kid is still sporting a face full of acne, a foot shorter than Tommy and eyeing Diaz curiously as he swivels out of his seat, and Tommy has a moment where he’s sure the kid is gonna forget himself and gush about everyone’s second-favorite d-man in this town, but when his eyes go wide his gaze flicks from Diaz back to Tommy, and Tommy feels completely out of his depth.
“I — sorry, this is so rude, dude, but — you’re my sisters favorite player, man. She’s like, obsessed with you.”
Tommy’s brows go up, and he can feel Eddie’s eyes on the back of his neck as he points at his own chest. “Me?”
“Yeah, man — I mean she sorta hated you when you were with the Kings, but in a weird, like, ero —.” He pauses, and Tommy is grateful for the both of them. “Anyway. She was super excited when we signed you. We were at the St. Louis game. Fucking epic, man.”
Tommy — flounders. It’s been years since he’s gotten anything more than a look of recognition and a glance behind him to see if anyone else has tagged along with him. When Diaz rounds the hood of the truck and smacks a hand firmly down on Tommy’s shoulder, the kid smiles and redirects his gaze straight to Tommy. Which is weird as fuck. What the hell is in the water in this state?
“Thanks,” Tommy says, and Eddie grins charmingly at the kid.
“That’s Kinard, for you. Fuckin’ epic.”
The kid does something complicated with his face, like he’s realized some sort of gaffe, and turns an apologetic look on Eddie. “You’re also, like — I mean you’re great, Mr. Diaz.”
Tommy can’t hide the snort that escapes when Diaz’s face twitches, like he’s trying his very hardest not to react to the name. The kid looks like he’d like the ground to open him up and swallow him whole, so Tommy reaches into his back pocket, pulls a twenty from his wallet, and slaps it in the kids hand before he can say anything else. “Just in case your shift ends before we’re back,” he says, when the kid opens his mouth like he’s going to protest, and Tommy makes a mental note to ask the manager for his name, maybe send the kid a couple tickets to their next home game. Not that the seats need filling, in Denver, but — yeah, he’s a little flattered and it’s always fun to make someone’s day with shit like that.
Tommy shoots the kid finger guns as they say their goodbyes, about half to make the kid feel less self-conscious and half because he’s never been able to break the habit when he’s feeling a little overwhelmed himself. “Tell your sister I said hi,” Tommy says, and it’s Eddie’s turn to snort as they swing through the doors in search of the rest of their party.
Ravi’s hands go up the moment he spots them being led through the crowd by the hostess, and he does a celebratory little dance in his seat before he seems to realize his fingers are covered in nacho cheese. Chimney rolls his eyes from Ravi’s left as he reaches for one of the linen napkins on the table, and the woman sitting next to Chimney smiles.
He’d forgotten Chimney was engaged. The last time he’d spent any length of time with Chim, he’d been seeing a girl who didn’t know a single true thing about him.
She’s pretty — long dark hair and deep brown eyes, a quirk to her lips as she smiles at him that feels vaguely familiar, though he can’t quite place it. When he leans in to shake her hand, she introduces herself as Maddie Buckley.
Which he’d known, in the abstract. Of course he’d known, he’s heard Chim and Buck chirping at each other good naturedly for weeks now, really leaning into the idea that they’re soon to be brothers.
She tilts her head to the side, eyes on him as he settles in next to Ravi, Eddie pulling out the chair to his left, and Tommy recognizes that mannerism too — sitting in the locker room after optionals, Buckley already done with his after-practice workout and parked on the bench a few feet away from Tommy (who’d spent the same half hour on the ice taking passes on the move, trying like hell to find a rhythm that could help him keep up with Panikkar) plying him for stories about the year he’d played for the Hershey Bears.
They’re well situated to watch the skills competition, tucked into a corner with a television hanging overhead in every direction, all of them tuned into the pre-show, and as a server comes by to grab their drink orders Tommy stares around the table at the piles and piles of starters laid out and covering most of the available surface area. Chimney clocks his raised brow.
“Listen, there are only so many times a year I’m not under constant threat of death and dismemberment from my future brother-in-law if I so much as think of junk food. Ravi and I are going to enjoy this while we can.”
Maddie tsks. “He’s not that bad,” she intones, although she’s smiling like she’s conjuring a fond memory of her brother being an absolute terror. And it’s not that he hasn’t heard these stories before — Buckley’s sort of renowned for the health-nut thing around the league — but Tommy had also downed three cream cheese pastries with his coffee on the walk back to their hotel rooms, back in Utah, and Buckley hadn’t said a word.
“It’s the silent judging that really gets to you,” Eddie throws in, head tilted up towards one of the TV’s, where they’re showing highlights from the last few All Star competitions.
“He’s never silently judged me in his life,” Ravi contradicts, digging deep into the nachos in search of the strip of chicken buried under the pile. “He’s very loud about it. Whoever gave that man an iPad and Karen Wilson’s spreadsheets should be drawn and quartered.”
“Oooh, are we talking shit about Buckley?” comes a voice from his left, and Lucy Donato sneaks past him to snag a chip from Ravi’s plate.
Donato is technically the most decorated athlete of the lot of them — three golds and a bronze in women’s hockey, Tommy doesn’t have a fucking clue why she’s been an equipment manager for the team for going on four years now but the team loves her, and she seems to enjoy the work. Maybe it’s the roar of the crowd, maybe it’s the camaraderie, maybe the fact that she’d grown up with four brothers factors into it and she’s just happy to have that lovingly antagonistic relationship with the boys again.
“Is this is a safe space to remind everyone that it is not my fault Taylor Kelly wrote that tell-all article for the Athletic?”
At Tommy’s side, Eddie makes a face. “We don’t have to talk about her.”
He’s used to being a little out of the loop, when it comes to the intricacies of team dynamics — every team has groupings of people who live in each others pockets for eight to ten months out of the year, and know a little too much about one another. Tommy’s used to being a witness to it from the outside, to being the aloof mysterious one someone is always bound and determined to crack.
“We could talk about Marisol, if you want,” Lucy says, licking cheese off her finger as she settles into the seat to Ravi’s right, and Eddie shoots her a warning look. “How about Kim?”
“Okay,” Chim interrupts when Eddie opens his mouth to retort. “Hen’s late, but we are still taking bets. Tommy’s got the third turn, my lovely future wife and Eddie are both naïve optimists who think he’s going to learn from last years embarrassment and make it all the way to the end without letting the pressure get to him, I’m going first turn when he tries to build momentum. Ravi, Donato?”
Tommy lets the conversation wash over him. When his drink comes, he doesn’t even get a chance to sip at it before Donato is leaning over the table to steal his spear of cherries. Hen gives the bar-food laden table a raised brow when she arrives with her wife and jumps right into giving Panikkar shit about the condo he’s trying to purchase in one of the nearly-gentrified neighborhoods downtown. When the pre-show ends fifteen minutes later they all turn their attention to the televisions overhead, and Tommy sips at his Old Fashioned, wishing he’d ordered a beer instead.
There’s an element to nights like these that always make Tommy a little wistful. There’s so much history between them all, so much love. Tommy’s not lacking for friends, but he’s never really been a part of something like this. Like family.
When the server comes around to check in about another round, Tommy asks for the beer menu and orders himself an IPA. Anything to keep him from getting too loose-lipped as they cheer on Buckley and McKinley in their skills events.
Buckley eats shit around the third turn in the speed skate, and in his pocket Tommy’s phone buzzes with Venmo notifications as rest of the table grumbles and pays up.
He’s halfway through his second beer, two rounds into the precision shot competition, when Donato rounds on him.
“So. Kinard.”
Her gaze is assessing, like she’s trying to pin him down, and Tommy has played this game for too many years to do anything but take a steady sip of his beer. “Thoughts on upcoming theme nights?”
Tommy doesn’t particularly pay attention to those. After the shitstorm of the commissioner banning Pride gear, confirming to Tommy that he’d been right, all those years ago, to lean into the toxicity, he’d stopped caring what sweater the equipment team left in his locker for warmups and just tried his best to keep his head down. He spends a long moment holding eye contact, unsure what exactly the line of questioning is about, before Eddie chimes in on his left.
“You do this every time,” he says, finger out, head tipped warningly, and Lucy shrugs, arms up in a gesture of surrender.
“Just trying to take the pulse of things, Jesus. I’m the one that has to deal with it if one of you fucknuts gets too enthusiastic and tapes his stick up in rainbow colors and he throws a tantrum about it.”
Hen and Karen both swivel their eyes to meet his, and the table goes uncomfortably still. He’d been leaning into the misogyny, the last time he’d played for a team Hen worked for, and he’s still not sure if she’d ever noticed how lackluster the comments had been, how close he’d been to finally breaking free of a truly mindbogglingly shitty coaching staff. They’d ended on friendly terms, but other than a few polite questions about her wife, they’ve never really talked about any of that.
Maddie, shockingly, is the one who breaks through the tension. “You went to the Pride parade in Nashville last summer, didn’t you? Buck always makes a note of the guys that do.”
He’d been terrified out of his fucking mind that someone would come to the outlandish (correct) conclusion that he was there as more than an ally, but Tommy didn’t shit where he ate, and Josi drew plenty more attention than he did, anyway.
Tommy nods. “I can tape my own stick and everything,” he says to Donato, brow raised, and she just nods back, apparently satisfied. It’s a relief, even if Karen Wilson has a curious eye on the finger he’s been nervously tapping against his beer since the original question had been posed. He keeps up the tapping for a few more beats.
“Always good to have another ally in the mix,” Hen says, doing something under the table that makes Karen glance away, and Tommy shifts the nerves into pressing his heel firmly into the floor beneath him. He feels like they’re all talking in riddles, trying to piece him together with faulty information, and for a moment, in this little bubble with people who seem to genuinely care for each other, he thinks it’d be easy to just let the cat out of the bag, say the words he’s had on the tip of his tongue for a decade, and in his heart for at least three.
Beside him, Eddie takes another pull off his beer, leans in to Tommy’s side. “Come watch the game at my place tomorrow? Just me and Chris, the rest of these idiots are doing brunch before coaches shindig.”
Tommy sort of desperately wants to tell him that he has a date with his television that he’s already skipped once, but — well, he likes Eddie, and it’d be nice to finally meet his kid. “Will Christopher snitch on us if I bring pizza?”
Eddie grins. “He absolutely will, but Buck’s wrath isn’t enough to stop me. Is it enough to stop you?”
Possibly, Tommy thinks, but instead of admitting that he just asks Eddie to text him his son’s toppings preferences.
On the bedside table, his phone lights up, and Tommy turns to grab it, keying in his passcode and frowning at the name on his notifications.
He swipes into his messages and stares at the text for a long, long minute.
Tommy’s never actually come out to anyone in his life. Never said the words, never had them asked — but there are a few people that have figured it out on their own, a few people who have done the work of supporting him while keeping it under wraps.
Sid’s sent him a picture. Not the usual one where it’s mostly his ass in a mirror followed by the number of squats he’s been doing daily. This is a terrible quality photo, shitty lighting in a dark bar, half the screen taken over by a hairy arm because of the angle the camera is tipped at. It’s four in the morning in Tampa, and Sidney motherfucking Crosby has just sent him a selfie of himself with his arm tossed over Evan Buckley’s shoulders.
Both of them are grinning, faces cast in shadow, eyes towards the camera, and Tommy taps into the picture so he can zoom in, stare at the smile lines around his eyes, the edges of a grin — Sid’s smug look like he knows exactly what Tommy had been thinking when he’d asked him to reach out to Buck.
He stares at it until another text comes in.
You should reconsider how off-limits this one is, he won’t shut up about you. Your name has lost all meaning to me.
Tommy swallows. Breathes through his nose, in-out-in-out. Slides his gaze back to the wide smile and rosy cheeks of Evan Buckley, one more time.
Go to bed, old man, he shoots back and closes out the thread.
He stares at the background on his phone: the crest of the hiking trail he’d found, two weeks ago, on a recommendation from Diaz, which he’d hit right at sunset, pinks and oranges and purples bleeding in to the chilly grey-blue sky.
His phone buzzes with another notification, this time from Buck. Tommy considers ignoring it, letting it sit unread at the very least until the morning. His phone buzzes a second time, and then a third.
The first is another picture — better angle, better lighting, better quality in general, exact same pose, including Sid’s knowing eyebrow and the soft sparkle of Buck’s eyes.
You can fly a helicopter? the first text reads, and then, all caps, YOU FLEW CROSBY IN A HELICOPTER ONCE????
Like an idiot, Tommy taps into the picture, presses down, saves it to his phone, and flips back into the thread just in time for another text.
You bet on me falling :(
You WON on me falling :( :(
He should absolutely put his phone down and go the fuck to sleep, but on the off chance that Buckley is stlll hanging out with Crosby, he doesn’t want to ignore Buck. That’d just be rude.
Used the winnings to buy a kid and his sister a suite for the next home game, he shoots back, and ignores the little thrill that shoots down his spine when three dots immediately appear right beneath his text.
That’s annoyingly sweet
Tommy breathes deep. Four-o-nine AM in Tampa. They’ve got a game that starts in less than twelve hours, there. He sends back: Selfish. The sister is apparently my biggest fan.
I’M your biggest fan, comes the text, followed by typing dots. They disappear, then reappear, then disappear again. Tommy doesn’t mean to time it, but thirty seven seconds later they appear again.
Let me know where they’re sitting. I’ll have someone send them your sweater.
You wanna sign it first?
Tommy takes a deep breath, and presses the call button.
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incorrect-pipravi · 7 months
Heyy this might be a morbid request but can u pls write some hcs of how it would be like for Ravi and Cara if pip did get killed by dt? It’s been on my mind all week lol
Hello! I really like your request. It’s so fun exploring different scenarios, so here’s what I think would have happened if Pip was killed by DT:
RAVI: he would definitely go into rageful anger and demand justice for Pip. And, of course, he doesn’t trust the police, who had already failed him and his family, so he takes it upon himself to give Pip her justice. I think he wouldn’t allow himself to mourn not until DT is behind bars, only then does he start the mourning process. He falls into the pits of depression and would cry a lot at first, but then he runs out of tears, so he’s just there. Numb and unfeeling and empty. It takes a lot of time, but he forces himself to be strong for Pip, because that’s what she would’ve wanted. He still visits the Fitz-Amobi family. He still tries to be the older sibling that Josh had lost. He still hangs out with their friends. He does get better, but there will always be a hollow space where Pip used to be.
CARA: she would be devastated. Pip, who had been there for her when she lost her mother and her father (figuratively), was now gone. How do you even grieve the person who took you through the worst of your griefs? There would be moments when she picks up her phone to call Pip, to ask her what to do, and then she gets hit with the fact that Pip no longer exists. She’d try her best to help Ravi get Pip her justice, but I think she’d be too lost to do anything. Of course, she clings to Naomi, Ravi and the rest of their friends. They will be her anchor. It still won’t take away the fact that her safe person, her home is now gone.
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raviposting · 1 year
I am!! So obsessed with how it was Buck & Ravi who were the ones who were needed to save the firefam this finale. Like it needs to be both of them they're both paying it forward. Ravi saw the car go over the bridge and jumped into action, he had it stuck in his head and Chimney told him to hand it off because he was still needed, he could still do good. Buck was the only one in physical harm in the lightning strike, where the firefam tried so desperately to make sure he was okay. 
And then it’s Ravi holding the anchor, being the rope for Buck to get to the firefam. It’s Buck getting to hold onto Chimney and making sure he’s got him. It’s the way the firefam dragged Ravi back emotionally and Buck back physically and the two of them then pay it forward on the bridge and work together to bring their family back!!
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matan4il · 2 years
You know what's interesting and please correct me if I'm wrong because I'm trying to remember the pattern..
But Eddie's first panic attack (though not obvious) was with a Buck look alike next to Buck then he like grabs his shoulder and grounds himself.
Then full on goes down when someone assumes Anna is his wife in the suit store.
Then the third time is in front of Buck.
I really hope they address this if/when they go Canon because if he's working through repressed feelings that's like tragic sad. The first was related to Buck but pulled himself together because of Buck. The second his anchor isn't there (and he can't see Chris) so he just looses it. But the third if this is a repressed man he must have felt so much sadness but also guilt because it was in front of Buck whom he loves.
Because it's clear in that moment Anna and Buck don't have alot interaction. She's never even been there. Buck says thought it was going great meaning Eddie was probably like oh fine after he picks Chris up after a date ext. He probably doesn't really ever confront the 2 of them together in one place
I just hope we get more of Eddie's trauma therapy next season because I always felt like he was walking 2 different therapy paths. His PTSD side vs his sexuality side.
Hi Nonnie! :D You’re very close! The first one was in the store with Ana. No Buck around, full panic attack. Second one was on the call, Eddie started to go into an attack, but managed to snap out of it, when Buck was in his vicinity but not in his direct line of sight, and he touches Buck’s shoulder after the worst of it is over, then the last one is when they’re having a personal conversation with Ana, Chris and Ravi being there, being off call Buck is fully present and Eddie runs away from Ana before he really starts having the attack, he just has the preliminary signs and he flees.
My personal guess would be that the pattern is Buck being a calming influence on Eddie. I’m not sure they will address the panic attacks specifically if Buddie goes canon, but I do think that if they do, then no matter what, the show will acknowledge that Buck does have this effect on Eddie, it’s especially undeniable after 513 and 514, when Buck is the one who helps Eddie calm down after his breakdown, gets him to properly talk (even with the breakdown, Eddie could have shut down and not shared anything with Buck) and of course showing him Charlie at the equine therapy session, where you can clearly see that for the first time since the start of the season, Eddie feels real hope that things can be better for him. That’s Buck’s doing.
There’s more than one way to write Buddie going canon. I do think the ‘repressed Eddie’ storyline can make a lot of sense and be wonderful to explore. There’s also other possibilities, like ‘I never fell for anyone before you, I wasn’t repressing my feelings, I fully felt then, I just didn’t understand what they meant.’ And I might be a bit partial to that one ‘coz that was my own story as a young queer, falling in love for the first time. But whatever path the show takes, I’m here for it, and I know 911 will Buddie going canon justice! ;)
I hope I managed to answer this, and that you have a great day, lovely! And here is my ask tag! xoxox
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siriuslymckinnon · 2 years
some of my book boyfriends/girlfriends as chase atlantic songs cuz i feel like it (my opinion)
jameson hawthorne - devilish / ohmami
ravi singh - vibes / obsessive
annabeth chase - phases / wasted
piper mclean - paranoid / slow down
jp cane - lust / call me back
sirius black - slide / triggered
fred weasley - stranger things / anchor tattoo
marlene mckinnon - out the roof / molly
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talltalez12 · 28 days
Anchor Ravi About Local Celebrity Webseries #short #shorts #trending @Ta...
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oppvenuz · 1 month
 Top Anchors in Pune: The Best Hosts for Your Event
When it comes to making an event memorable, the role of an ancho
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Click Here For More Deatils:https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/anchor/?city=pune
 Why Choose a Professional Anchor?
A professional anchor can significantly enhance your event in several ways:
- Engagement: Keeps the audience engaged with lively and interactive presentations.
- Organization: Manages the flow of the event, ensuring that each segment runs on time.
- Entertainment: Adds an element of fun and excitement, making the event memorable.
- Versatility: Adapts to various types of events, from corporate functions to weddings and private parties.
 Top Anchors in Pune
 1. Ravi Prakash
Ravi Prakash is a seasoned anchor known for his dynamic presence and versatility. With experience in hosting a wide range of events, from corporate seminars to wedding receptions, Ravi brings a perfect blend of professionalism and entertainment.
- Corporate events and conferences
- Weddings and social gatherings
- Stage performances and live shows
Why Choose Ravi Prakash:
His ability to adapt his hosting style to fit different types of events and his engaging personality make him a top choice for a variety of occasions.
 2. Ankita Sharma
Ankita Sharma is celebrated for her vibrant and energetic anchoring style. With a background in media and entertainment, she brings a high level of creativity and enthusiasm to every event she hosts.
- Wedding receptions and pre-wedding functions
- Fashion shows and cultural events
- Corporate events and product launches
Why Choose Ankita Sharma:
Her lively and engaging approach ensures that guests remain entertained and involved throughout the event.
 3. Rajesh Mehta
Rajesh Mehta is known for his polished and professional hosting style. With extensive experience in both corporate and social events, Rajesh is skilled at handling large audiences and ensuring smooth event management.
- Corporate functions and seminars
- Product launches and conferences
- Weddings and milestone celebrations
Why Choose Rajesh Mehta:
His professional demeanor and ability to manage complex events make him an ideal choice for high-profile and corporate gatherings.
 4. Sanya Kapoor
Sanya Kapoor stands out for her elegant and articulate hosting style. With a flair for presenting and a keen eye for detail, Sanya excels at creating a sophisticated and enjoyable atmosphere for her audience.
- High-end weddings and gala dinners
- Charity events and fundraisers
- Corporate events and award ceremonies
Why Choose Sanya Kapoor:
Her refined hosting skills and ability to create a classy and engaging environment make her a great choice for formal and upscale events.
 5. Karan Deshmukh
Karan Deshmukh is renowned for his charismatic and interactive anchoring. His ability to connect with the audience and keep them engaged makes him a popular choice for a wide range of events.
- College events and youth gatherings
- Weddings and social parties
- Corporate events and team-building activities
Why Choose Karan Deshmukh:
His energetic and personable style ensures a fun and interactive experience, making him a hit at lively and dynamic events.
 How to Choose the Right Anchor for Your Event
When selecting an anchor for your event, consider the following factors:
 1. Experience and Expertise
Review the anchor’s experience and expertise in hosting similar events. An experienced anchor will be able to handle various scenarios and ensure a smooth event.
 2. Style and Personality
Choose an anchor whose style and personality align with the theme and tone of your event. Whether you need a formal host or a lively entertainer, make sure their approach fits your vision.
 3. References and Reviews
Check references and online reviews to gauge the anchor’s reliability and performance. Positive feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into their capabilities.
 4. Availability and Flexibility
Confirm the anchor’s availability for your event date and discuss any specific requirements or preferences you have. Flexibility in handling different types of events is also important.
 5. Budget Considerations
Discuss the anchor’s fees and ensure they fit within your budget. Clear communication about costs and services will help avoid any misunderstandings.
Choosing the right anchor can make a significant difference in the success of your event. Pune offers a range of talented and professional anchors who can bring charm, energy, and organization to your gathering. By selecting one of the top anchors in Pune, you ensure that your event is engaging, well-managed, and truly memorable.
For more information about these anchors and to book their services, visit their websites or contact them directly. Here’s to a fantastic event with the perfect anchor to make it extraordinary!
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oppvenuz7 · 1 month
 Top Anchors in Pune: The Best Hosts for Your Event
When it comes to making an event memorable, the role of an ancho
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Click Here For More Deatils:https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/anchor/?city=pune
 Why Choose a Professional Anchor?
A professional anchor can significantly enhance your event in several ways:
- Engagement: Keeps the audience engaged with lively and interactive presentations.
- Organization: Manages the flow of the event, ensuring that each segment runs on time.
- Entertainment: Adds an element of fun and excitement, making the event memorable.
- Versatility: Adapts to various types of events, from corporate functions to weddings and private parties.
 Top Anchors in Pune
 1. Ravi Prakash
Ravi Prakash is a seasoned anchor known for his dynamic presence and versatility. With experience in hosting a wide range of events, from corporate seminars to wedding receptions, Ravi brings a perfect blend of professionalism and entertainment.
- Corporate events and conferences
- Weddings and social gatherings
- Stage performances and live shows
Why Choose Ravi Prakash:
His ability to adapt his hosting style to fit different types of events and his engaging personality make him a top choice for a variety of occasions.
 2. Ankita Sharma
Ankita Sharma is celebrated for her vibrant and energetic anchoring style. With a background in media and entertainment, she brings a high level of creativity and enthusiasm to every event she hosts.
- Wedding receptions and pre-wedding functions
- Fashion shows and cultural events
- Corporate events and product launches
Why Choose Ankita Sharma:
Her lively and engaging approach ensures that guests remain entertained and involved throughout the event.
 3. Rajesh Mehta
Rajesh Mehta is known for his polished and professional hosting style. With extensive experience in both corporate and social events, Rajesh is skilled at handling large audiences and ensuring smooth event management.
- Corporate functions and seminars
- Product launches and conferences
- Weddings and milestone celebrations
Why Choose Rajesh Mehta:
His professional demeanor and ability to manage complex events make him an ideal choice for high-profile and corporate gatherings.
 4. Sanya Kapoor
Sanya Kapoor stands out for her elegant and articulate hosting style. With a flair for presenting and a keen eye for detail, Sanya excels at creating a sophisticated and enjoyable atmosphere for her audience.
- High-end weddings and gala dinners
- Charity events and fundraisers
- Corporate events and award ceremonies
Why Choose Sanya Kapoor:
Her refined hosting skills and ability to create a classy and engaging environment make her a great choice for formal and upscale events.
 5. Karan Deshmukh
Karan Deshmukh is renowned for his charismatic and interactive anchoring. His ability to connect with the audience and keep them engaged makes him a popular choice for a wide range of events.
- College events and youth gatherings
- Weddings and social parties
- Corporate events and team-building activities
Why Choose Karan Deshmukh:
His energetic and personable style ensures a fun and interactive experience, making him a hit at lively and dynamic events.
 How to Choose the Right Anchor for Your Event
When selecting an anchor for your event, consider the following factors:
 1. Experience and Expertise
Review the anchor’s experience and expertise in hosting similar events. An experienced anchor will be able to handle various scenarios and ensure a smooth event.
 2. Style and Personality
Choose an anchor whose style and personality align with the theme and tone of your event. Whether you need a formal host or a lively entertainer, make sure their approach fits your vision.
 3. References and Reviews
Check references and online reviews to gauge the anchor’s reliability and performance. Positive feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into their capabilities.
 4. Availability and Flexibility
Confirm the anchor’s availability for your event date and discuss any specific requirements or preferences you have. Flexibility in handling different types of events is also important.
 5. Budget Considerations
Discuss the anchor’s fees and ensure they fit within your budget. Clear communication about costs and services will help avoid any misunderstandings.
Choosing the right anchor can make a significant difference in the success of your event. Pune offers a range of talented and professional anchors who can bring charm, energy, and organization to your gathering. By selecting one of the top anchors in Pune, you ensure that your event is engaging, well-managed, and truly memorable.
For more information about these anchors and to book their services, visit their websites or contact them directly. Here’s to a fantastic event with the perfect anchor to make it extraordinary!
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starfriday · 4 months
*Watch ‘Hamare Baarah' New Teaser Unveiling a Gripping Narrative of Women's pain*
Radhika G Films, known for its thought-provoking and impactful cinema, is set to stir audiences once again with its upcoming release, "Hamare Baarah." Starring veterans like Annu Kapoor, Manoj Joshi, and Paritosh Tripathi, along with a talented ensemble cast, the film has already been generating buzz since its announcement.
Following the recent unveiling of striking posters from the film, anticipation has been building for the teaser and trailer releases. Responding to the eager demand, Radhika G Films has now dropped a hard-hitting teaser that promises to leave a lasting impact.
Set against the backdrop of Uttar Pradesh, "Hamare Baarah" delves into the pressing issue of population rise in the nation, presenting a narrative that challenges societal norms. Anchored by Annu Kapoor's stellar performance, supported by Ashwini Kalsekar, Abhimanyu Singh, and others, the teaser delivers a powerful message through its compelling narration and execution.
In a bold and unprecedented move, "Hamare Baarah" tackles a sensitive and significant subject that resonates with every section of society. The film sheds light on the struggles faced by women, highlighting their resilience in the face of adversity.
With its gripping teaser, "Hamare Baarah" is poised to capture attention nationwide, leading up to its theatrical release on June 7th, 2024. Adding to the excitement, the film is set to premiere at the prestigious 77th Cannes Film Festival, marking a momentous milestone for Indian cinema.
Jointly produced by Birender Bhagat,
Ravi S Gupta, Sheo Balak Singh and Sanjay Nagpal, with Trilok Nath Prasad as Co-producer and Kamal Chandra at the helm of direction, "Hamare Baarah" promises to be a cinematic masterpiece. The story, penned by Rajan Agarwal, addresses pertinent societal issues with depth and authenticity.
The film will be released by Viacom 18 Studios in India while Rising Star Entertainment UK is at the helm for the global release.
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christianlanden · 5 months
ADIA boosts investment in private credit with fresh commitment to Cheyne Capital
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Abu Dhabi Investment Authority will increase its commitment to Cheyne Capital's capital solutions fund to GBP 650 mn
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) will up its commitment to London-based alternative asset manager Cheyne Capital’s capital solutions strategy to GBP 650 mn (USD 831 mn), Bloomberg reports, citing a statement. The exact size of the new investment was not disclosed.
About the strategy: Cheyne’s capital solutions fund offers senior loans against European real estate, intending to transition Europe’s property market “away from increasingly obsolete assets supported by low interest rates,” says Ravi Stickney, managing partner and chief investment officer of Cheyne's real estate arm. The strategy also grants borrowers subordinated debt, hybrid credit, and commercial mortgage-backed securities.
What they said: “We have invested with Cheyne for a number of years and welcome the opportunity to grow our relationship. We see this as a compelling investment proposition in a market that is looking to private credit lenders for capital,” ADIA real estate department’s executive director, Mohamed Al Qubaisi, said.
ADIA ❤️ private credit: ADIA previously ventured into private credit in September, backing a USD 5 bn fund launched by Wells Fargo alongside asset manager Centerbridge and making a USD 932 mn investment in Australian real estate private credit company Qualitas Diversified Credit Investments.
And it’s not just ADIA: In February, sovereign wealth fund Mubadala agreed with Goldman Sachs to co-invest USD 1 bn in private credit in the Asia-Pacific region, with a particular focus on India. The wealth fund also took on the role of anchor investor for a private credit fund set up by Starz Real Estate and targeting European property in November 2023.
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incorrect-pipravi · 1 year
Can you do head cannons of pip and caras friendship 💜❤️
Of course I can!!!!
Pip and Cara have been inseparable ever since they met. Where there’s Cara there’s Pip.
Cara and Pip had went as Sherlock and John at least once for halloween.
One of Pip’s biggest fears is losing Cara. Not only in the literal sense, but metaphorically too. Like losing Cara’s bubbly happy personality which is why she was so scared of theorizing anything about Elliot and dismissed it immediately.
I hc that Cara has ADHD which is why she can’t get anything done unless she has someone else in the room with her. And ever since her diagnosis, Pip would make sure to always go over to Cara’s whenever they have an important exam/assignment to help Cara focus.
Pip always drives Cara everywhere she wants.
They’re physically affectionate with one another, so it’s not a strange sight to see them cuddling on the couch or holding hands in public.
Cara always teased Pip about her feelings for Ravi and I bet that she knew about them way before Pip realized her feelings.
We know that Pip is over at the Ward’s house a lot that she’s basically an honorary member of the family, but I think that so is the case with Cara and Amobi’s.
Cara would so challenge Ravi to a “who knows Pip better” competition and she would win!
Cara would send Pip quotes of the book she’s currently reading just because it makes her think of Pip.
They declared that they were each other’s platonic soulmate by the end of their first meeting!
They have a very similar taste in books, music and tv shows/movies.
They talk every day over the phone (their phone calls last for at least an hour)!
Pip was the first person Cara came out to.
Cara was so terrified of losing Pip -when she was drugged- and she refused to leave her side and had to be dragged out of the hospital by Naomi.
Pip had always been Cara’s anchor in the hardest times of her life and she would absolutely do ANYTHING for her.
We know that they watched “Stranger Things” together and I hc their favorite characters were El and Max because their friendship reminded them of their own.
Hope you liked these!
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lindaboggers · 5 months
ADIA boosts investment in private credit with fresh commitment to Cheyne Capital
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Abu Dhabi Investment Authority will increase its commitment to Cheyne Capital's capital solutions fund to GBP 650 mn
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) will up its commitment to London-based alternative asset manager Cheyne Capital’s capital solutions strategy to GBP 650 mn (USD 831 mn), Bloomberg reports, citing a statement. The exact size of the new investment was not disclosed.
About the strategy: Cheyne’s capital solutions fund offers senior loans against European real estate, intending to transition Europe’s property market “away from increasingly obsolete assets supported by low interest rates,” says Ravi Stickney, managing partner and chief investment officer of Cheyne's real estate arm. The strategy also grants borrowers subordinated debt, hybrid credit, and commercial mortgage-backed securities.
What they said: “We have invested with Cheyne for a number of years and welcome the opportunity to grow our relationship. We see this as a compelling investment proposition in a market that is looking to private credit lenders for capital,” ADIA real estate department’s executive director, Mohamed Al Qubaisi, said.
ADIA ❤️ private credit: ADIA previously ventured into private credit in September, backing a USD 5 bn fund launched by Wells Fargo alongside asset manager Centerbridge and making a USD 932 mn investment in Australian real estate private credit company Qualitas Diversified Credit Investments.
And it’s not just ADIA: In February, sovereign wealth fund Mubadala agreed with Goldman Sachs to co-invest USD 1 bn in private credit in the Asia-Pacific region, with a particular focus on India. The wealth fund also took on the role of anchor investor for a private credit fund set up by Starz Real Estate and targeting European property in November 2023.
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georgeschuylerfinance · 5 months
ADIA boosts investment in private credit with fresh commitment to Cheyne Capital
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Abu Dhabi Investment Authority will increase its commitment to Cheyne Capital's capital solutions fund to GBP 650 mn
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) will up its commitment to London-based alternative asset manager Cheyne Capital’s capital solutions strategy to GBP 650 mn (USD 831 mn), Bloomberg reports, citing a statement. The exact size of the new investment was not disclosed.
About the strategy: Cheyne’s capital solutions fund offers senior loans against European real estate, intending to transition Europe’s property market “away from increasingly obsolete assets supported by low interest rates,” says Ravi Stickney, managing partner and chief investment officer of Cheyne's real estate arm. The strategy also grants borrowers subordinated debt, hybrid credit, and commercial mortgage-backed securities.
What they said: “We have invested with Cheyne for a number of years and welcome the opportunity to grow our relationship. We see this as a compelling investment proposition in a market that is looking to private credit lenders for capital,” ADIA real estate department’s executive director, Mohamed Al Qubaisi, said.
ADIA ❤️ private credit: ADIA previously ventured into private credit in September, backing a USD 5 bn fund launched by Wells Fargo alongside asset manager Centerbridge and making a USD 932 mn investment in Australian real estate private credit company Qualitas Diversified Credit Investments.
And it’s not just ADIA: In February, sovereign wealth fund Mubadala agreed with Goldman Sachs to co-invest USD 1 bn in private credit in the Asia-Pacific region, with a particular focus on India. The wealth fund also took on the role of anchor investor for a private credit fund set up by Starz Real Estate and targeting European property in November 2023.
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oppvenuz · 2 months
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When it comes to making an event memorable, the role of an ancho
r—or host—is crucial. An engaging anchor brings charisma, energy, and organization to an event, ensuring that everything runs smoothly while keeping the audience entertained. Pune, with its thriving event scene, boasts several exceptional anchors who can elevate your event to new heights. Here’s a guide to the top anchors in Pune who can bring their unique flair and professionalism to your next gathering.
Click Here For More Deatils:https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/anchor/?city=pune
 Why Choose a Professional Anchor?
A professional anchor can significantly enhance your event in several ways:
- Engagement: Keeps the audience engaged with lively and interactive presentations.
- Organization: Manages the flow of the event, ensuring that each segment runs on time.
- Entertainment: Adds an element of fun and excitement, making the event memorable.
- Versatility: Adapts to various types of events, from corporate functions to weddings and private parties.
 Top Anchors in Pune
 1. Ravi Prakash
Ravi Prakash is a seasoned anchor known for his dynamic presence and versatility. With experience in hosting a wide range of events, from corporate seminars to wedding receptions, Ravi brings a perfect blend of professionalism and entertainment.
- Corporate events and conferences
- Weddings and social gatherings
- Stage performances and live shows
Why Choose Ravi Prakash:
His ability to adapt his hosting style to fit different types of events and his engaging personality make him a top choice for a variety of occasions.
 2. Ankita Sharma
Ankita Sharma is celebrated for her vibrant and energetic anchoring style. With a background in media and entertainment, she brings a high level of creativity and enthusiasm to every event she hosts.
- Wedding receptions and pre-wedding functions
- Fashion shows and cultural events
- Corporate events and product launches
Why Choose Ankita Sharma:
Her lively and engaging approach ensures that guests remain entertained and involved throughout the event.
 3. Rajesh Mehta
Rajesh Mehta is known for his polished and professional hosting style. With extensive experience in both corporate and social events, Rajesh is skilled at handling large audiences and ensuring smooth event management.
- Corporate functions and seminars
- Product launches and conferences
- Weddings and milestone celebrations
Why Choose Rajesh Mehta:
His professional demeanor and ability to manage complex events make him an ideal choice for high-profile and corporate gatherings.
 4. Sanya Kapoor
Sanya Kapoor stands out for her elegant and articulate hosting style. With a flair for presenting and a keen eye for detail, Sanya excels at creating a sophisticated and enjoyable atmosphere for her audience.
- High-end weddings and gala dinners
- Charity events and fundraisers
- Corporate events and award ceremonies
Why Choose Sanya Kapoor:
Her refined hosting skills and ability to create a classy and engaging environment make her a great choice for formal and upscale events.
 5. Karan Deshmukh
Karan Deshmukh is renowned for his charismatic and interactive anchoring. His ability to connect with the audience and keep them engaged makes him a popular choice for a wide range of events.
- College events and youth gatherings
- Weddings and social parties
- Corporate events and team-building activities
Why Choose Karan Deshmukh:
His energetic and personable style ensures a fun and interactive experience, making him a hit at lively and dynamic events.
 How to Choose the Right Anchor for Your Event
When selecting an anchor for your event, consider the following factors:
 1. Experience and Expertise
Review the anchor’s experience and expertise in hosting similar events. An experienced anchor will be able to handle various scenarios and ensure a smooth event.
 2. Style and Personality
Choose an anchor whose style and personality align with the theme and tone of your event. Whether you need a formal host or a lively entertainer, make sure their approach fits your vision.
 3. References and Reviews
Check references and online reviews to gauge the anchor’s reliability and performance. Positive feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into their capabilities.
 4. Availability and Flexibility
Confirm the anchor’s availability for your event date and discuss any specific requirements or preferences you have. Flexibility in handling different types of events is also important.
 5. Budget Considerations
Discuss the anchor’s fees and ensure they fit within your budget. Clear communication about costs and services will help avoid any misunderstandings.
Choosing the right anchor can make a significant difference in the success of your event. Pune offers a range of talented and professional anchors who can bring charm, energy, and organization to your gathering. By selecting one of the top anchors in Pune, you ensure that your event is engaging, well-managed, and truly memorable.
For more information about these anchors and to book their services, visit their websites or contact them directly. Here’s to a fantastic event with the perfect anchor to make it extraordinary!
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oppvenuz7 · 2 months
 Top Anchors in Pune: The Best Hosts for Your Event
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When it comes to making an event memorable, the role of an ancho
r—or host—is crucial. An engaging anchor brings charisma, energy, and organization to an event, ensuring that everything runs smoothly while keeping the audience entertained. Pune, with its thriving event scene, boasts several exceptional anchors who can elevate your event to new heights. Here’s a guide to the top anchors in Pune who can bring their unique flair and professionalism to your next gathering.
Click Here For More Deatils:https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/anchor/?city=pune
 Why Choose a Professional Anchor?
A professional anchor can significantly enhance your event in several ways:
- Engagement: Keeps the audience engaged with lively and interactive presentations.
- Organization: Manages the flow of the event, ensuring that each segment runs on time.
- Entertainment: Adds an element of fun and excitement, making the event memorable.
- Versatility: Adapts to various types of events, from corporate functions to weddings and private parties.
 Top Anchors in Pune
 1. Ravi Prakash
Ravi Prakash is a seasoned anchor known for his dynamic presence and versatility. With experience in hosting a wide range of events, from corporate seminars to wedding receptions, Ravi brings a perfect blend of professionalism and entertainment.
- Corporate events and conferences
- Weddings and social gatherings
- Stage performances and live shows
Why Choose Ravi Prakash:
His ability to adapt his hosting style to fit different types of events and his engaging personality make him a top choice for a variety of occasions.
 2. Ankita Sharma
Ankita Sharma is celebrated for her vibrant and energetic anchoring style. With a background in media and entertainment, she brings a high level of creativity and enthusiasm to every event she hosts.
- Wedding receptions and pre-wedding functions
- Fashion shows and cultural events
- Corporate events and product launches
Why Choose Ankita Sharma:
Her lively and engaging approach ensures that guests remain entertained and involved throughout the event.
 3. Rajesh Mehta
Rajesh Mehta is known for his polished and professional hosting style. With extensive experience in both corporate and social events, Rajesh is skilled at handling large audiences and ensuring smooth event management.
- Corporate functions and seminars
- Product launches and conferences
- Weddings and milestone celebrations
Why Choose Rajesh Mehta:
His professional demeanor and ability to manage complex events make him an ideal choice for high-profile and corporate gatherings.
 4. Sanya Kapoor
Sanya Kapoor stands out for her elegant and articulate hosting style. With a flair for presenting and a keen eye for detail, Sanya excels at creating a sophisticated and enjoyable atmosphere for her audience.
- High-end weddings and gala dinners
- Charity events and fundraisers
- Corporate events and award ceremonies
Why Choose Sanya Kapoor:
Her refined hosting skills and ability to create a classy and engaging environment make her a great choice for formal and upscale events.
 5. Karan Deshmukh
Karan Deshmukh is renowned for his charismatic and interactive anchoring. His ability to connect with the audience and keep them engaged makes him a popular choice for a wide range of events.
- College events and youth gatherings
- Weddings and social parties
- Corporate events and team-building activities
Why Choose Karan Deshmukh:
His energetic and personable style ensures a fun and interactive experience, making him a hit at lively and dynamic events.
 How to Choose the Right Anchor for Your Event
When selecting an anchor for your event, consider the following factors:
 1. Experience and Expertise
Review the anchor’s experience and expertise in hosting similar events. An experienced anchor will be able to handle various scenarios and ensure a smooth event.
 2. Style and Personality
Choose an anchor whose style and personality align with the theme and tone of your event. Whether you need a formal host or a lively entertainer, make sure their approach fits your vision.
 3. References and Reviews
Check references and online reviews to gauge the anchor’s reliability and performance. Positive feedback from previous clients can provide valuable insights into their capabilities.
 4. Availability and Flexibility
Confirm the anchor’s availability for your event date and discuss any specific requirements or preferences you have. Flexibility in handling different types of events is also important.
 5. Budget Considerations
Discuss the anchor’s fees and ensure they fit within your budget. Clear communication about costs and services will help avoid any misunderstandings.
Choosing the right anchor can make a significant difference in the success of your event. Pune offers a range of talented and professional anchors who can bring charm, energy, and organization to your gathering. By selecting one of the top anchors in Pune, you ensure that your event is engaging, well-managed, and truly memorable.
For more information about these anchors and to book their services, visit their websites or contact them directly. Here’s to a fantastic event with the perfect anchor to make it extraordinary!
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saltygardenerlove · 5 months
ADIA boosts investment in private credit with fresh commitment to Cheyne Capital
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Abu Dhabi Investment Authority will increase its commitment to Cheyne Capital's capital solutions fund to GBP 650 mn
Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) will up its commitment to London-based alternative asset manager Cheyne Capital’s capital solutions strategy to GBP 650 mn (USD 831 mn), Bloomberg reports, citing a statement. The exact size of the new investment was not disclosed.
About the strategy: Cheyne’s capital solutions fund offers senior loans against European real estate, intending to transition Europe’s property market “away from increasingly obsolete assets supported by low interest rates,” says Ravi Stickney, managing partner and chief investment officer of Cheyne's real estate arm. The strategy also grants borrowers subordinated debt, hybrid credit, and commercial mortgage-backed securities.
What they said: “We have invested with Cheyne for a number of years and welcome the opportunity to grow our relationship. We see this as a compelling investment proposition in a market that is looking to private credit lenders for capital,” ADIA real estate department’s executive director, Mohamed Al Qubaisi, said.
ADIA ❤️ private credit: ADIA previously ventured into private credit in September, backing a USD 5 bn fund launched by Wells Fargo alongside asset manager Centerbridge and making a USD 932 mn investment in Australian real estate private credit company Qualitas Diversified Credit Investments.
And it’s not just ADIA: In February, sovereign wealth fund Mubadala agreed with Goldman Sachs to co-invest USD 1 bn in private credit in the Asia-Pacific region, with a particular focus on India. The wealth fund also took on the role of anchor investor for a private credit fund set up by Starz Real Estate and targeting European property in November 2023.
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