#anbu gun t-shirts
nooredn · 3 years
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kimmibers · 6 years
Pirate Gold (AU)
Hi y’all another day and I’ve got my chapter 2 out in time! It’s a miracle!! All thanks to the amazing help from my friend Stewart!! Love ya Stew!! Hope you enjoy chapter and if you can, let me know what you think 
Hinata stumbled along the cliff edge as she walked in between the 2 men. Drawing closer to the torch lights in the cove she could make out a tattoo on the leading man's arm, the symbol of the Anbu black ops pirates, a symbol only known to her from her mother's stories. The man's blondes hair bounced under the torch light as he walked along the stony path.
“You swim?” The blonde asked her turning his face towards her. Hinata nodded, “Good.” He smiled wickedly. Felling a sudden push from behind Hinata screamed as she fell through the air and splashed in to the freezing water.
Treading water, she coughed and spluttered desperately trying to reclaim her breath. Her body shivered at the swift drop in temperature. Saved from drowning by simple attire. If she had been wearing one of her formal kimonos she would of no doubt drown from its weight.
The 2 men laughed at her and with joyous cries both leaped in to the water. They swam towards the humongous ship. I t was well maintained, with it's unbarnacled white hull and red sails, as un-weathered as the day they were hoisted. The smell emitting from the ship smelt strongly of gun powder, tobacco and the sent of men's labour. A sombre mood created by a traditional kokyü and shamisen gave voice to the mourning around them. (listen to Naruto loneliness).
The trio climbed up the wooden ladder, it's steps hollowed in to the side of the hull and with the blonds help Hinata climbed over the wooden railing and on to the ships main deck.
“Naruto, Kiba, what news?” A commanding voice declared the trio's attention immediately.
Hinata gazed at the man as he walked down the stairs from the helm.
“cap'in.” The 2 men who lead Hinata here stood to attention on either side of her.
As the captain walked closer she inspected the man. He was handsome with his oval face and straight nose. His walk graceful, like a lion on the prowl, she hoped she wouldn't become his prey. His blue coat hugged against his muscular body wearing it open allowing Hinata to glimpse at the white shirt tucked in to his trousers. The shirt also open to his breast bone revealing a peek of chest hair. The coat had white and gold edging bring grandeur to the outfit with its added flair of gold buttons some glimmered in the torch light, others she noted had speckles of blood dusting them. The captain's hair was long for male, his bang's framing his oval face, from what she could see of the back it looked to be shorter and spiky and jet black in the torch light. He didn't look much older than herself, but his eyes, as black as a moonless night, spoke of battles and loses showing a maturity beyond his years.
“Is this her?” The captains asked.
“No sir,” The blond answered, “We checked what was left of the Hyuga mansion. There are no survivors.”
“Dammit!” The captain cursed, “Are you sure? What of bodies?”
“We found both Lord Hiashi's and his daughter.”
Hinata's legs gave way at the news, covering her mouth trying to muffle her cry of pain, but nothing could of prevented the tears.
“Who's the girl?”
“We found hidden by the caves near the Hyuga mansion.”
“Get up.” The captain instructed.
“You heard the cap'in,” Hinata felt herself being pulled by her upper arm. “Get up!”
“Kiba, she's clearly in shock,” The captain berated. A moment later and the captain was crouched down offering her his hand. With his help, she stood at her full heigh her legs still wobbled but she defiantly looked the captain in the eyes.
“She used Parley, cap'in.” The man who Hinata now knew as Kiba spoke.
“And how does an innocent girl know of that word?” The captain mused.
“My father taught me.”
“Who was your father?”
“He was just a chef for the Hyuga household, I was a servant for Lady Hinata. My name is H- Hanabi, Sir.” Hinata curtseyed.
“Fine. I'll deal with you later.” He dismissed her, “Shikamaru see to it Miss Hanabi has her own hammock, away from the men!” The captain projected for the crew to hear a chorus of disgruntled moans echoed around the deck, “And if I hear of one hair being touched on this girls head, without her consent, I'll throw you to underworld myself!”  
“Aye captain.” The group of men answered.
“Naruto, we're going to the land of Sand, you're at the helm. The rest of you mangy mutts prepare to set sail!”
Hinata stood silently, awaiting instructions off the captain. Turning she watched as her home disappeared in to the distance. Holding the locket in one hand Hinata silently bid farewell to her home and father. Not knowing what lay ahead for her.
Once out on the open sea Hinata sat with crew listening silently to the chatter around her, as they all enjoyed chef Choji's cooking.
“So tell us about yourself Hanabi.” Kiba prompted.
“Oh well, there's not much to tell,” She blushed, “Can you please tell me about the captain?” She asked Kiba, while looking towards the handsome Captain standing beside Naruto at the helm.
“You don't know Captain Sasuke?” Hinata shook her head, “Sasuke Uchiha?” He added.
Hinata paused, now that she thought about it she had heard the name, read it in her father's newspaper once.
“But – He's dead?” Hinata said out loud, making Kiba laugh boisterously.
“So the navy of the land of fire believes, but really he's alive and kicking.”
“Why?” Hinata questioned, her curiosity peaked. Kiba looked around to check if Sasuke was out of ear shot.
“Sasuke was second in command under his brother, Itachi. A board the Tecora. As part of the Royal Navy of fire their duty was to sail to ports around the world and retrieve the cargo, bringing it back to the land of fire. On what was to become their last voyage together Itachi and Sasuke were shocked to discover their cargo was not sugar, as had been previous, but people,” Hinata gasped, “Men, women and children chained up like cattle. Itachi and Sasuke were so disgusted with the treatment of these people that had once been free, they made a deal with the pirate king-.”
“Pirate king?” Hinata interrupted.
“You have lived a sheltered life Hanabi,” Kiba commented, “Yes, we pirates have a kind, he has magical eyes that can see the hidden currents and treasures in the sea. These eyes can only be passed down through the king's line. If someone tries to take their eyes by force, the eye would go back to how they were before they were crowned; useless.” Kiba informed her, “Itachi and Sasuke made a blood oath with the pirate king to find his grand daughter – the rightful heir, and see her ascend the throne she was born for. In return the king helped Sasuke and Itachi with a plan to present to the world the loss of ship Tecora with all hands, when in truth we and all the slaves in their hold lived and went free.”
“But Itachi is still a captain for the navy?” Hinata asked, “It said so in the papers.”
“Aye. They thought it best that one of them should 'survive' to tell their story to the king of the land of fire. Now with the pirate king dead, Itachi is a spying for the pirates.”
“Dangerous game to be spying for pirates. Why? 'cos the last guy they caught, ended up being nailed to one of the Royal navy ship as their new figure head alive and sailed around the 7 seas. It's said he died somewhere out on the open sea a week later.” Shino commented.
“How awful.” Hinata voiced.
“Hanabi!” Shikamaru called.
“oh - Please excuse me,” Hinata bowed to Kiba and Shino, “Thank you for the meal.” Hinata said to Choji and placed her empty bowl in a barrel of water.
“Did she just bow?” Kiba asked his crew mates.
“Weird.” Shino answered.
Shikamaru lead Hinata to the crews sleeping quarters. There were hammocks arranged and cramped together in rows, like so many curing hams in a butchers shop. There were simple wooden crates beside each hammock, some tidy others had clothes and other personal belongings spilling out of them.
“This ones yours,” He told her pointing to the very last one, “I've hung rope so can hang your clothes on it to dry and give you some privacy from wondering eyes, and the hands that follow”.
“Thank you.” Hinata blushed at such words and the thoughts that came unbidden with them.
“I suggest you get some sleep while you can.” Shikamaru spoke as he left.
“Land ho!” Came a cry from the crows nest above, waking Hinata and the crew that were previously sleeping. They scrambled to their positions on deck. Hinata, in her haste, hit the floor hard.
“Hanabi, you're wanted by the captain!” Kiba shouted.
“C-Coming!” Hinata answered.
Quickly she pulled her woollen shawl around her shoulders and headed above decks.
“Took you long enough.” The captain said as her head emerged from the darkness of the sleeping quarters and in to the morning sun. “Follow me.” He instructed.
Captain Sasuke opened the door to his quarters; the captain's cabin Inviting her in, some of the crew wolf whistled, making Hinata's face turn as red as a tomato. “Shut up you idiots, and get to work!” Sasuke called out them them, “Ignore them, nothing untoward will happen to you.”
Hinata nodded her head and stepped in to the cabin. It was located, like every other ship, at the back of the vessel. The room had a row of windows at the back, not a smear on any of them and there were 8 in total. Hinata was able to see the morning sun welcoming them to the new day.
Considering the grandeur of the windows and its views the furniture in the cabin was rather simple; to one side of the room a double bed, made perfectly not a crease in sight. A painting of ship in the middle of a storm as behind it heavy clouds of lighting chased the ship as it rode a towering wave, hung in a wooden plain frame.
Sasuke sat at his desk, the only piece of furniture that looked disorganised with; maps, books, pots of ink and quills, paper with scribbled notes and a compass strewn all over its top.
“Sit,” He instructed, pointing to a simple wooden chair opposite. “How was your sleep?”
“I thank you, yes it was comfortable.”
“And the men?”
“They left me be,” She replied, “Although, I am not use to such loud snoring.” She joked.
“Yes, my men can be rather loud,” He gave her a small smile, “The reason I have asked you in here is, you have used parley to board my ship,” Hinata nodded, “What is your plan?”
“My plan?”
“Do you have family you wish visit? How far will you be travelling with us?” Hinata shifted in the chair uncomfortably.
“I'm sorry, I have no family that I know of.” She awkwardly played with the hem of her shawl, “My whole life was in Konoha. I'm afraid I'm at a lose with your questions.”
“Its fine, for now. I have more pressing matters on may hands at present.”
“I'm sorry if I have inconvenienced you Captain Sasuke.”
“It's no bother. Today I am visiting Lord Garra of the sand and you will accompany me. You are to act as a lady, this meeting needs to be disguised as a social visit. You are to mention nothing that is digressed to no other, is that understood?”
“Yes captain.”
“Good,” Sasuke sat back on his chair, looking like a king sat on his thrown, “I trust if you do not follow my commands you understand our pact of parley will be broken?”
“Yes sir.”
“I have sent suitable attire down to your quarters, go change, we will be at Lord Garra's soon.”
Hinata looked at the dress captain Sasuke had provided. It consisted of a corset, to be worn under a fashionable gown. The dress itself had it's own bodice with skirt attached. The bodice laced up at the back, accentuating her waist while the skirt flared at the hips and hung to the floor. The material felt heavy in her hands as she stepped in to the gown. On the material, sown flowers of cotton in bright colours added splendour to the dress.
“Kiba!” She called, “Will you help me with this?”
“Well this is strange, I'm use to taking a corset off not putting them on.” He commented as he laced her up.
“Don't be so vulgar,” She reprimanded. “Is it normal not to be able to breath?” She asked upon his completion.
“You're asking the wrong guy Hanabi,” Kiba smirked, “You do look good amazing though, if it's any consolation.”
With Kiba's help, Hinata walked up the steps and on to the decks above.
“Looking good Hanabi!” Naruto complimented.
Hinata gripped on to the wooden railing trying to catch her breath, how is one suppose to breath, she thought.
In the mid-morning sun, Hinata looked at the land of sand, and just like it's name suggested she could see its sand dunes. She had never seen such a derelict place, then again she'd never travelled out of Konoha until last night. The wind whipped up the sand creating waves of the powder and causing it to pour over the edges of the cliffs like a waterfall.
As the cliffs drew ever closer Hinata worried they would smash in to them turning the ship in to driftwood.
“Hold steady,” Shino stood beside her, noting her uneasiness, “You see, this is how we visit all the 7 Lords of the pirate council. The Lord's each own their own lands beside the sea. They have to look like respectable land owner's, but really...” Shino pointed to a cave ahead.
The cave, she realised, was hidden so that you could only see it from a certain angle and only up close could you see it's opening. Close enough to look like you were going to crash, if you didn't know the cave was here, none would venture this close to the cliffs.
Hinata watched, her jaw slacked, as the ship, expertly steered by Sasuke, drifted in to the cave. The ceiling dripped as water melted off the stalactites above, the sound reverberating off the cave walls, like a merry tune. The waves gently caressing the walls added base to the melody of dripping water and around the cave walls a salty line marked the high tide.
Sasuke guided the ship to the waiting dock with it's torch light to make it's whereabouts known. Once stopped, the crew dropped anchor smoothly and at a well practised pace. Lastly a gangway was connected from the ship to dock.
“Ready?” Sasuke asked, offering her his arm. Hinata linked her arm in his, unable to answer vocally as she was still struggling to breath.
Sasuke lead Hinata through the grand entrance of lord Garra's mansion. With it's high ceiling and polished flooring Hinata felt to be more in a cathedral than a house. Judging by the expensive furniture and chandeliers Hinata guessed lord Gaara's wealth must be staggering. She looked upon a bewitching painting, it was an oil painting of a brunette woman with her grand white and blue dress hung off her shoulders provocatively. It was then Hinata realised she'd seen the paining in another article in her father's newspaper. The painting had been reported as stolen from a ship a year previous.
“His lord ship will see you in his office.”
“Temari.” Sasuke acknowledged the blond woman.
“Sasuke.” She greeted cordially.
“Shikamaru is in the cave if you wish to see him.” Sasuke made small talk.
“That jerk!” Temari scoffed, as she guided them to lord Garra's office, “As if I have time for his nonsense.”
By the time they arrived at Garra's office, Hinata was panting.
“You alright dear? Not used to the desert heat I expect. Here, use this.” Temari handed her a hand fan.
“Th- Thank you.” Hinata said, and eagerly began to fan herself.
Once lord Gaara allowed them to enter the room Temari made a hasty departure.
“Say hi to Shikamaru for me.” lord Garra teased.
“Oh fuck off the lot of you!” She shouted, slamming the door closed behind her, making Garra laugh and Sasuke smirk in her wake.
“I don't believe I've met this beautiful creature.” lord Garra spoke as his eyes roamed Hinata's body.
“This is Hanabi, a servant of lord Hiashi's.” Hinata curtseyed at her introduction.
“And how did it come about you boarding captain Sasuke's ship?”
“I used p-parley.” Hinata struggled.
“Well isn't Sasuke lucky-”
“Yes, yes enough with the seduction, can we discuss business now?” Sasuke snapped.
“But of course. Please, take a seat.” Garra gave him a strained grimace.
Hinata could feel her awareness of her surroundings fade in and out as the two pirates began their discussion. She could make them out conversing about her father and 'Hinata' being killed. They debated sending a special hawk to the other pirate lords to arrange a summit to decide what the best course of action would be to deal with Captain Madara and his bunch of treacherous pirates.
Hinata quickly excused herself and walked on the balcony adjoining the office. She clung on to the stone barrier as she looked out to the sea glistening in the heat, its calming waves with their white froth the only sign of movement. The fan, she waved frantically in front of her face, did nothing to aid her struggling breath.
“Sasuke.” She tried to call, her head suddenly light, “Sasuke!” She tried again.
“What is it?” He asked her irritated by her disturbance.
“I- I can't breath.”
“You'll be fine.” He dismissed her.
A fraction of a second later and Sasuke watched from his seat as the servant girl fell forward over the railing. She didn't cry out, and a moment later the sound of a resounding splash could be heard.
“For fuck sake.” Sasuke muttered. Throwing off his shoes and formal captain's jacket he ran and jumped over the railing and dived in to the clear water below. In the crystal clear water Sasuke could see the vivid colours of the coral, fish scattered away frightened by the sudden appearance of humans and in the distance sunken ships that had dared tried to enter the pirate cave lay on the sea floor.
Sasuke swam to Hinata the moment her dress flickered with a ray of sunlight reflected upon the material showing her whereabouts. He tried lifting her, the weight from the dress dragging them both down, no matter how hard he kicked. Sasuke tore at the laces at the back of the bodice of the dress and dragged the offending article off her body. Finally freed from its weight, Sasuke swam with Hinata to the surface and on to the near by beach.
He lay her on her back expecting her to breath now out of the ocean, but something was wrong. He tried breathing in to her mouth for a couple of puffs, to no avail. Frantically Sasuke looked at Hanabi urging her to breath, when he noticed her attire and recognised the constricting corset. Using both hand, on either side of its fastening hooks, Sasuke pulled at the fabric. Hearing the hooks popping open and some even rip off entirely revealing her undergarments. As soon as the corset was released Hanabi coughed, water projecting from her mouth. Sasuke turned her on to her side to prevent her from choking on the salty water.
“You are more trouble than you're worth.” Sasuke mused.
“Is she alive?!” Garra called from the balcony.
“Aye! She's breathing!” Sasuke shouted back.
Hinata lay still feeling the smooth sand under her and delighted in breathing in the sea breeze. As she lay there catching her breath lord Garra arrived bringing with him Sasuke's shoes and coat.
Finally freed from that dreadful corset and dress Hinata tried standing, but her head became dizzy once more and she began to fall.
“Not too hasty.” Sasuke gripped on to her arms steadying her. He placed his coat over her shoulders to cover her indecent exposure “Let's get back to the ship.” He suggested, Hinata nodded in response. Without warning Sasuke picked her up off the sand so her legs hung off one of his arms, her back resting against the other and he gestured her to put her arms around his neck as he walked. From the natural bounce in his walk Hinata felt it best to close her eyes to bid the sudden sickness away.
“Thank you.” She whispered.
“Can we keep her?” Hinata stirred from her sleep.
“She's not a pet Naruto.” She heard Sasuke reply.
“But if she has no family where else is meant to go?” Kiba added.
“A pirate's life is not for a girl.”
“Why not? Temari does it.” Naruto argued, “And begging your pardon captain, isn't that for Hanabi to decide?”
“Fine!” Sasuke growled, “Make it known to her what life is like at sea, you two are in charge of her training. She needs to know everything; from daily chores to sword and pistols, understood?”
“Aye sir!”
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