changebydjo · 5 years
Stargaze, linen, valentine, and seaside please 💞
stargaze - celebrity crush?: i mean liz is an obvious one but avan jogia too!! and jason momoa, zendaya, and emma watson 
linen - do you prefer being friends with someone before starting a romantic relationship with them or starting straight into love?: friends definitely!! it helps with having the trust/comfort established for me
valentine - do you like pda?: it depends? definitely not the messy kind especially in a not appropriate setting but things like hand holding, forehead kisses, little affectionate things like that are super cute
seaside - ideal date?: a dream date would be like a night at disneyland or something like that but since i dont live in california (rip) just hanging out and watching things or going to a cute cafe or something is nice!! im not super picky abt it but also i like cozier types of dates
send me warm hearted asks!!
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starberry-cupcake · 6 years
Playlist: strawberries fields
I’m gonna avoid The Beatles because that’d be an easy way out lol
1. Internal Bleeding Strawberry - Olivia Lufkin
2. Strawberry Avalanche - Owl City
3. Land Of Fire - Peter Gundry
4. Strawberry Champagne - DISACODE
5. Sin Frutillas - Violeta Castillo 
The last one is a double meaning of sorts, because “frutillas” means “strawberries” but also here it’s how wounds in people’s knees when they fall in the ground are called, especially to kids when they play.   
Thanks for sending one! I hope you like it ♥
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surprisebitch · 8 years
Happy birthday Carlos!!🎉🎉🎊🎊 I hope you have a great one !!you deserve the best day ever 😙😙
Thank you!!! 😙
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starberry-cupcake · 5 years
For the book ask 8, 29, 34, 35, 44, 46 and 47 💞
Thanks so much for sending these!! ♥
8. Paperback or hardcover? Why?
It depends on the book, really. Technically the choice, when making the book, has to do with various things, like paper weight, dimensions, audience, type of paper and density, etc. I think I like hardcover more aesthetically but some books are more comfortable to read and carry as paperbacks. 
29: How do you sort your shelves? (i.e. by color, author, title etc.)
I’m in the process of getting new shelves made so a good portion of my books are in tables atm. Normally, I group by theme, book series and author. Meaning, I have, for example, my fantasy section, my picture book section, my vampire section and so on, and then in each bit I have series grouped together and books of the same author as well, but sometimes things get messy when the authors do several different themes (like Philip Pullman). 
34: List five OTPs
Oh boy. I’m gonna have to look through my goodreads shelves because I don’t have most of my books with me here to remember, I’m gonna do my best to list 5 from all throughout my life. Will and Lyra from His Dark Materials (also Balthamos and Baruch from there, if 2 count for one series), the ineffable husbands Crowley and Aziraphale from Good Omens, Fitzwilliam “agoraphobic lobster” Darcy and Elizabeth “sass queen” Bennet, Prince “this is too much all the time” Alek and Deryn “gender? I don’t know her” Sharpe from Leviathan and I’m not gonna deny E/R from Les Mis because I won’t renounce my feelings, no matter how much fanon has messed that up for me with time.  
35: Name a book you consider to be terribly underrated
I’d say probably La Saga de los Confines by Liliana Bodoc deserves a lot more international attention than it has. Fantasy is a genre that tends to be very English-centric and Euro-centric as a whole, I think Liliana did such an amazing job creating a lore rooted in Latin American heritage and I’d love for it to be appreciated elsewhere too. One of my lifelong regrets will always be not being able to take a workshop with her, I always had some problem or no money or was too late and thought I’d have more time, but she passed away unexpectedly and super young and I never could meet her :( 
44: Do you like to listen to music when you read?
Sometimes, it depends on what I’m reading. I feel some books can use music, some you have to read aloud, some require silence. It depends on the book. 
46: What is your favorite thing to drink when you read?
Something warm like cocoa or café con leche. 
47: What do you do to get out of a reading slump?
Normally this happens to me when I’m not feeling what I’m reading or I’m reading something very dense, so what I do is switch books for a while, to something either shorter or more fast-paced. It can lead to having a lot of unfinished books too though, it’s a double edge sword. 
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