#anatolia carrington
electricmeadows · 5 years
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Anatolia Carrington - The Professional
Anatolia Carrington is a no-nonsense, perpetually exhausted, and eternally annoyed woman in her late 20s from the metro Denver area of Colorado. She is a mercenary working with the Corral, as the organization’s chief medical officer and most experienced doctor. She made it through undergrad in Colorado and moved to Electric Meadows to go to medical school, but dropped out two years in and went off the radar to work with the Corral. They had good pay, decent enough benefits for a mercenary organization, and were in desperate need of a doctor. So of course she signed on. Despite everything, Anatolia’s always wanted to help.
played by @alaspoor-yorick
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ladyfl4me · 5 years
jeezus creezus on a fucking bike
we had our first MOTW session tonight and it was bonkers to yonkers, in the best way possible. it’s a cyberpunk western and i am having so much fun with it
everyone except mich basically agreed to do a southern accent from the MINUTE the story started
our height ranges go from at least 5′3″ to well over 6 feet
i am playing the professional playbook - but not as an agent. my character, anatolia carrington, is the 6′4″, sniper-rifle-wielding, no-nonsense, and perpetually exhausted chief (and only) medical officer of our campaign’s black market organization. she’s basically in the middle of the duck newton/lucretia/bones mccoy venn diagram, and dresses like it too. anatolia spends most of her days patching up wounds that the Vultures, this universe’s equivalent to the Hornets, sustain in their stunt misadventures, and people all over come to her for medical help
i’m pulling a justin and also voicing an NPC! his name is mr. clean, and he’s a tiny lil robot with a gravelly new york accent and a massive obsession with cleaning. he lives in my medical offices and will fly off the goddamn handle if someone even tracks mud on the linoleum. mr. clean is heavily inspired by Muggy from fallout new vegas, and looks pretty similar to him too, if you want to look him up
mr clean has a broad gravelly leo-esque new york accent. anatolia has a southern twang. roleplaying them both in the same scene is a fucking TRIP
we are already setting up some very homoerotic plot threads, and we’re very excited about it. anatolia is the only one who doesn’t have some kind of romantic subplot, which i am totally fine with at this point in the campaign
“dustin bustin through!”
you want your gay scientist archetypes?? we got em!!! we got the liv octavius, we got the bruce banner, we have the arcade gannon, we have the carlos from wtnv, and lord knows how more cro has stored up
i put cram in the game. it’s a mushy substance that you put between your gums - and even though it’s not dip, it does do a number on the enamel. anatolia is trying to convince her best bud, the leader of this criminal organization, to start a “brush your fucking teeth” campaign
so yeah! i am EXCITED! this is going super well so far and im hype for the rest of it!
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electricmeadows · 5 years
Session Summary 2
Anatolia and Dustin take Anatolia's jeep out to the crash site. It's empty, and the bodies are gone, and the smoke has cleared. This is Anatolia's first time seeing the aftereffects of the "gak monster." She rolls Investigate a Mystery: 8 and asks "what happened here": there is only little bit of blood in the car, and the gak is corroded into the carpet of the car.
Dustin on the other hand rolls IAM: 13, asks "what can hurt it": there is camping gear in the back, including a disposable water jug that is torn open. Also, the gak is full of flecks of copper and lead, which Dustin has never seen before. Asks "where did it go": a trail of gak and copper flecks leads out to the southeast of the crash.
Anatolia reasons out that the copper and lead is from the gak monster decomposing. She and Dustin hop back in the jeep and follow the tracks out a mile, where the gak peters out. They put together that this thing regenerated enough to keep moving.
Dustin wants to keep looking, because he doesn't know when he'll get the chance to chase it again. Anatolia poitns out that they are not prepared, and they don't know where it went anyway. They compromise on going to EMDRI to see if Soldez or the other scientist can tell them anything.
Dustin pushes the buzzer, gives his "Bustin" moniker and tries to explain that he's here to see Soldez, whom the receptionist (Janice Porter) says is busy. Dustin says he talked to Soldez last night, so Janice assumes that it's a more personal visit and tells him to come back later, which Dustin is affronted by. Anatolia steps in and explains that they're concerned about the attack and car crash, rolling a Manipulate Someone: 12. Janice lets them in and calls up Dr. DeMort to come and talk to them.
Dr. DeMort comes in, and she eagerly introduces herself and takes Anatolia and Dustin up to her office. The office is decorated in Halloween decorations even though it's over a week into November, some of them even look like they've been up for multiple years (including but not limited to a model skeleton wearing a cape and a whole  gourd on its head). Dustin and Anatolia sit down, and Anatolia starts asking questions.
Dustin is sitting there awkwardly like a kid waiting for his mom to be done talking in a doctor's office. He rolls a MS: 7 trying to find out more about the gak, and Anatolia steps in.
Dr. DeMort is more than happy to answer Anatolia's questions, especially as Anatolia takes a powerful seating position to show off the whole the gak burned in her boot. She says that Dr. Soldez is developing a sort of "anti-gak" to try and take care of it and hopefully whatever it's coming from.
Anatolia explains that she too is a woman of science, flustering Dr. DeMort further. Anatolia asks if there's anything more Dr. DeMort can tell her about the gak such as how to treat its effects. However, Anatolia rolls a MS: 5 and Dr. DeMort explains that unfortunately she's tied to a confidentiality agreement and can't risk her job over a curious stranger.
Anatolia does manage to exchange contact info with Dr. DeMort, and she and Dustin make their exit. They return back to town, Anatolia to her office and Dustin to the Sieve.
In Anatolia's office, she relieves Ironhorn of duty. They did end up beating her Tetris score. Mr. Clean is now fixed courtesy of Cici, and he's humming an old Broadway tune as he sweeps the floor.
In the Sieve, Cici is manning the bar instead of Jenny. Dustin reports that their investigation didn't yield much, and orders a root beer to drown his sorrows.
Across the street and a short time later, Lyra is shutting down Dustin's Bistro when she gets a call from Jenny, who sounds strained. Jenny asks Lyra to get a car and drive to her. Lyra rolls Act Under Pressure: 9, she gets into Dustin's car and drives off in a blind panic, staying on the phone with Jenny.
Jenny is notably injured, with a lot of blood coming from a wound on her left side, and Lyra maneuvers her into the car. In the middle of doing so, she starts to see through the eyes of whatever this monster is (Tune In: 12). Lyra realizes it's inside one of the warehouses, frantically and angrily storming around and trying to get out. She knows it will attack any living thing it sees.
Lyra asks a delirious Jenny "where is it" and Jenny points vaguely towards a block of warehouses diagonally across the road. Lyra makes note of it before speeding back towards the Corral HQ, calling Anatolia on the way. Lyra skids into the parking lot, and she and Jenny have a back-and-forth for a moment before Anatolia calls them inside. Jenny gets taken into the back patient care room and Lyra collapses on the floor of the waiting room.
Eventually Lyra calls Dustin, who is still sitting obliviously at the Sieve. She explains that she took his car and that Jenny is hurt, and Dustin starts walking over. Dustin finds Lyra on the floor of the waiting room, and Lyra explains a bit about the situation and apologizes for taking his car. Dustin reassures her and tries to calm her down before going into the back.
Anatolia is in there taping down the last of the bandaging. She notices (IAM: 11) that the scratch was an irregular elliptical shape, like three claw marks close together snagged Jenny to the far left of her belly button. There was a noticeable amount of rust in the wound, and most of it was jagged but there were some clean edges.
Dustin asks what happened, Anatolia explains the wound but Lyra didn't actually say the thing that did it. Anatolia asks Dustin to keep an eye on Lyra, and Dustin promises to do so. Dustin goes back out to the lobby and takes Lyra home.
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electricmeadows · 5 years
Electric Meadows Session 1 Summary
Around 1:20 AM, a transmission comes through the illicit Security Department radios throughout the Corral members’s various locations. “Three dead in car crash out to EMDRI, car totaled but no evidence of cause, purple residue found in and around the crash site.”
Dustin Scritchfield (played by @spookyshitposts) immediately goes to investigate the car crash. There’s 5 people already there: 2 Security Department officers (cops), 2 Electric Meadows Desert Research Institute (EMDRI) scientists, and an undercover Corral militia member. The car crash, a smoking wreck of tangled metal and rancid purple goo. Dustin rolls 6 ‘Investigate a Mystery’ against a cop, sees nothing.
Rolls 11 ‘Manipulate Someone’ against cop to lie about knowing one of the scientists. Dustin then goes over to talk to Dr. Soldez, who is very clearly the Carlos WTNV archetype. Dustin asks what Dr. Soldez knows about the “gak” at the crash. They talk about gak for some time: Dr. Soldez talks about the chemical composition and possible source of the compound itself. The purple goo is supposedly a byproduct of fuel usage by some kind of nuclear engine.
When asked, Dustin reveals his name to be "Bustin". Dr. Soldez believes him, for the moment. They talk more about gak and it being late or rather early, and chemicals and such. Dustin returns to town, disappointed that he didn’t really learn anything.
Back at the Sieve, Lyra Ross (played by @lesbian--susie) is talking about the radio transmission with Jenny, the bartender and owner of the Sieve, over a glass of sweet tea . Jenny assures Lyra it's not a big deal, that there are people out there to deal with it, but Lyra is still worried.
Just as they’re about to go to bed, Dustin busts in yelling about “the purple gak” to a confused Lyra and an exhausted Jenny. Lyra asks Dustin to explain, Dustin gives her a rundown of ‘big shitty monster kills people and gets the yucky purple gak everywhere’ and Lyra is not having it. Jenny suggests going to bed and letting Dustin canvas for a task force in the morning. Everyone goes to bed or at least home.
Next morning, Anatolia Carrington (played by @alaspoor-yorick​) is in her medical office, getting herself coffee while trying to fix Mr. Clean, a jailbroken Cybro cleaner bot that is obsessed with cleaning every microbe and millimeter of the clinic. Mr. Clean is being especially bastardous because he ran into a doorframe pretty hard while carrying a tray of scalpels.
As Anatolia is struggling to juggle all the things in her hands, Ironhorn (the leader of the Corral and beefcake extraordinaire with Literal Metal Horn Implants) knocks on the door. Anatolia tells them to come in, then shoves her coffee in their hands. They take a sip and make a face because it’s Anatolia’s “disgusting awful potion.” They make small talk and vaguely talk about the radio transmission last night, but Anatolia is distracted. She mentions possibly swinging by the Sieve later once Ironhorn sends someone to fix Mr. Clean.
At the Sieve, Lyra is about to head to her first job at Dustin’s Bistro when Dustin busts in again. He gives Lyra the keys, and they and Jenny talk awkwardly about sleep for a bit. Jenny makes a promise to feed Ferdinand (Lyra’s rat son) and offers to make Lyra dinner for when she gets home from her many jobs. Ironhorn comes in and says hello, and waits for Dustin to explain more about the “gak monster” situation. Dustin fumbles that, and Ironhorn goes over to their regular spot at a high table.
That’s when Lyra finally decides to head out, and she walks directly into Anatolia. Lyra stumbles awkwardly and mumbles apologies before running across to the Bistro, still muttering.
Anatolia is unfazed, she orders some eggs from Jenny and sits down at a table near Ironhorn. She and Ironhorn talk more, about the Vultures (biker gang of rowdy 19-23yos) and cram (bad for your gums). Then they start talking about the gak monster report, and Dustin busts in with what he knows.
Dustin explains his connection to the monster: he and his sister Annabelle were the first two victims of this thing, and Annabelle didn’t make it. Since then, Dustin has been tracking this thing and trying to collect all the information there is on it. He explains the details of the thing itself: it was originally made by a Cybro scientists as a secret project, but after the thing went rogue that scientist disappeared. It’s a big strong self-regenerative robot flesh monster that emits radiation as well as a purple goo with the consistency of “shitty vaseline.” All the attacks have taken place in the same area as the car crash, and it seems to be “enraged” by water.
Anatolia gets Ironhorn to take over her clinic (rolled 9 on Manipulate Someone) for the day while she goes out with Dustin to get supplies and investigate the crash site again. She takes Dustin back to her clinic, where Dustin grabs some bleach and Anatolia gets her sniper rifle. 
Mr. Clean is upset at the muddy bootprints Ironhorn left, but after a struggle Anatolia locks him back up in his charging pod and heading out with Dustin.
Later that day, just after 8pm, Lyra is closing up Dustin’s Bistro, and Dr. Soldez comes in. He’s connected the dots on “Bustin the concerned citizen” aka beefy weirdo who knows more about the monster than he should and Dustin Scritchfield, one of the first victims of the monster.
Lyra is naturally suspicious of this random scientist coming in right before closing time. And after hearing the radio transmission and Dustin’s (incredibly lengthy and detailed) description of the man last night, she’s pretty sure she knows what this is about. She does something she hasn’t done in quite some time: tunes in to Dr. Soldez’s thoughts (Investigate a Mystery (using move Telepathy): 8). His thoughts are disorganized, and he doesn’t know if he should be doing this, and as Lyra listens Dr. Soldez begins to feel paranoid that he’s been found out. 
Dr. Soldez asks Lyra to tell Dustin to call him, and Lyra asks him for his real personal phone number. (Manipulate Someone: 3) Dr. Soldez begins to write a number, gets about 4 numbers in, and then crosses it out and writes a different one. Then he leaves awkwardly, leaving Lyra disoriented and suspicious.
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