#anastasia selwyn
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anastasia-selwyn · 2 months ago
Anastasia was sitting next to Phoenix by one of the large sofas in the Ravenclaw common room, laughing as she beat her Ravenclaw opponent, her green eyes twinkling under the fire's light, looking happier than ever.
@thathojamie @flyasaphoenix
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anastasia-selwyn · 3 months ago
Where's your proof that I ran off with him? If you don't have anything to prove your claim, then it didn't happen.
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Welcome back to your favorite paper ever ;)
First off I wanted to wish everyone a very happy holidays seeing as they are coming up very fast.
Second of all I wanted to issue a warning because this party last weekend seemed to have stirred up a lotttt of drama.
And third of all, can someone tell me how Professor Binns is still teaching here? It's absolutely ridiculous. Not a single student can stay awake in that mans class.
Anywho as always here are our updates and informative section for the week.
Professor McGonagall has assigned a major project due before the holidays so pair up or swear up because if it's not done you're probably failing the year and nobody wants that. So pick your partners wisely and submit your mood boards that you think suit yourselves by the end of next week.
Here are some things that your mood boards should include: What you want to be after school, your favorite class, your family, your favorite things and in the center a picture of yourself ofc.
This Friday there will be another quidditch game. I know surprise surprise am I right? No. If you don't suspect a party or a quidditch game with every update where have you been? This weekend is Hufflepuff vs Gryffindor. Probably another party this weekend depending on if y'all are ready after this past weekend's mess.
On another note Mary MacDonald is hosting a cookie gathering a couple of days into Christmas break so I'd like to remind everyone all are welcome except Riddle, Avery, and ESPECIALLY NOT MULCIBER.
And our final reminder is James Potters Christmas ball that will be held December 24th to the morning of the 26th. Please dress appropriately for such an important event.
Boy do we have a lot of gossip this week y'all plus some photographic evidence ;)
Let's start with our favorite dramatic couple, Pandora Rosier and Lucius malfoy. It seems the two broke up, this we all of course know but immediately the girl went on a date with another man, Fabian Prewett. Isn't that crazy? Moving on after being in a relationship for such a long time. Although no one seems to blame the girl after finding out Lucius is the one who ended things. The same boy tried making up with his ex-girlfriend only to find her coddled up with the red headed Gryffindor at the party this past weekend. Lucius dropped his make-up gift for his ex and ended up starting a fist fight with the Gryffindor instead. Who then ended up calling Pandora a whore. Ouch that one's gotta hurt.
Severus Snape and a few others ended up breaking the fight up after Pandora was pushed harshly onto the ground by Fabian, with no apology and then it seems the intoxicated blonde girl ran off in tears after the fight, leaving Lucius to pack up his smashed flowers and fix his own bruised knuckles without anyone's help.
And then (ikr it just keeps going) the girl ended up posting a sad love song dedicated to missing the boy. Is there a possibility Pandora is ready to take the boy back?
Now onto Anastasia Selwyn everyone's favorite Slytherin Princess. The girl who seems to have everyone but one wrapped around her finger seems to have had a little fun this past weekend. Miss Selwyn was seen running off with none other than Gryffindor rival, Phoenix Harvey. The same boy posted lipstick stains all over his neck that seemed to match the shade of Anastasia’s own lipstick. Could this be an enemies to lovers story in the making?
Speaking of making out it's been noted that Edmund Avery and Elias Smith were off getting high and drinking together at the party and even caught making out? Are these two friends hiding a different relationship than what they've been telling everyone?
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Our proof that was sent in. I mean at this point just ask each other out, Godric.
I've been told to note Remus Lupin and Sirius were hogging a couch and snogging the whole time all of this drama was going on. Hogwarts it couple for real.
Now speaking of couples it seems Andromeda Black has found herself a new boyfriend. The young daughter of Black seems to have gone on a date with none other than Ravenclaw quidditch captain Alexander Kemet-Ali. The two were spotted at a little restaurant in Hogsmeade, seemingly close to one another and even being rumored to have shared a kiss. May this be a new Hogwarts it couple joining the ranks?
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(Andromeda and Alexander)HAHAAHAHAHA I HAD PROOF.
Another area of interest is our very own Veronica Davis has posted an interesting question on her blog.
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This is her blog from yesterday. It seems we may have a new one for the girls ;)
And onto our last but most interesting gossip for the night. Has anyone seemed to have noticed Mary MacDonald was nowhere to be found during the party? Her ‘good friend’ Emmeline was looking for her during the whole party but the girl was rumored to have gotten lost in the confusing corridors of the school. Only for her to show up a day later with a small bruise and the news that Mulciber was in very bad condition and needed to be brought to Madame Pomfrey, which she refused to do herself. If anyone wants to sign up to whoop Mulcibers ass after he heals the sign up sheet will be posted in the great hall.
Oh and Marlene, honey I'mma need you to act up or something cause I miss writing about you, darlin'.
Anywho that's all for now. Don't forget to send in your gossip for next time.
Have a nice night and remember I'm always watching.
Tah Tah 💋
@james-the-amazing-potter @thebr1ghteststar @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @xeno-graphical @malfoy-lu @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @pandoras-nox @little-king-official @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @mary-mcdeal @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patricia-trelawney @lilyevansoffical @alicethekindone @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @severusprince-snape @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @aelius-with-a-quill @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @oxxen--free @camille-laurier @luciagraham @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa
Ooc: If I missed tagging anyone I'm sorry.
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anastasia-selwyn · 4 months ago
i'm gonna pop your bubblegum heart !
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Hello, my name is Anastasia Lynx Selwyn. Yes, you heard correctly, Selwyn. I am the only daughter born after centuries of sons, the pride and joy of our pureblood line. Pureblood royalty, if you please.
I am currently fifteen years old, and in my fifth year at Hogwarts as a Slytherin student, a prefect for my house as well.
My friends call me Annie, but if I do not like you or if we aren't even close to being acquaintances, do not refer to me as such or you will be hexed into the next century. It's Anastasia for the rest of you.
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@vidiadelafairy - vidia carrington, my best girl <3
@vszabini - valentina zabini, best roommate and best friend ever <3
@antoniadolohov - antonia dolohov, my sweetheart!!
@the-queen-bellatrix - bellatrix black
@andromedashoax - andromeda black
@flowers-of-narcissus - narcissa black
@whokilledevanrosier - evan rosier
@pandoras-nox - pandora rosier, my darling girl <3
@lucius-malfoy-back - lucius malfoy, bestie!!
@little-king-official - regulus black
@severusprince-snape - severus snape
@cas-not-the-band - dorcas meadowes
@averykissableguy - edmund avery
@fire-allayer - bruce mulciber
@aelius-with-a-quill - aelius fawly
@thathojamie - jamie min-ho, my amazing best friend!
@rodolphus-le-strange - rodolphus lestrange
@daughter-of-spring - persephone lylia
@flyasaphoenix - phoenix harvey, the love of my life ❤️ my life, my world, my everything!
@james-the-amazing-potter - james potter
@thebr1ghteststar - sirius black
@looneymoonyy - remus lupin
@wormy-loves-ch33se - peter pettigrew
@marls-mckinn0n - marlene mckinnon
@hjonesworld - hestia jones
@mary-mcdeal - mary macdonald
@alicethekindone - alice fortescue
@k1ndest-keeper - frank longbottom
@lilytheginger - lily evans
@mollberryshortcake - molly prewett
@fabian-with-an-f - fabian prewett
@lialovergirl - lia matthews
@gav-the-rockstar - gavin prescott, hurt vidia and i will kill u <3
@xoazalea - azalea anderson
@mystical-magical-me - gilderoy lockhart
@xeno-graphical - xenophillius lovegood
@tjsinclairofficial - theodore sinclair
@emmelineandhervans - emmeline vance
@poison-penmanship - rita skeeter
@camille-laurier - camille laurier
@king-ofthe-crop - kingsley shacklebolt, brother from another mother <3
@kingalexanderthegreat - alexander kemet-ali.
@gabbyjchen - gabriella chen
@oxxen--free - olivier hrdina
@sybill-patrica-trelawney - sybill trelawney
@imogenmorningstar - imogen morningstar
@adam-lukas-morningstar - adam morningstar
@magandang-kaluluwa - elias smith
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anastasia-selwyn · 2 months ago
Anastasia walked up to the improvised stage, smiling at everyone who came to her little karaoke party.
“Welcome to karaoke night!” Anastasia said through the microphone, a bit blinded by the bright lights. ���Let's start the festivities, shall we?”
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anastasia-selwyn · 2 months ago
Anastasia walked into the common room with a big smile on her face, humming like a mad woman, still reeling from her time with the love of her life, Phoenix. Her lips were still swollen from making out with him, her cheeks still flushed, and just above her chest was a hickey she proudly wore.
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anastasia-selwyn · 2 months ago
Anastasia was standing outside of the Great Hall with Kingsley, getting ready to go on with the plan. The girl took a deep breath, before taking a look inside of the bustling hall, her eyes landing on the Gryffindor table, where Phoenix was talking with a few of his housemates, causing a smile to appear on the girl's face. She then glanced at the Slytherin table, where Jamie was giving her and Kingsley a thumbs up, clearly ready to go forth with the plan.
Anastasia turned her attention back to Kingsley with a smile. Ready, babe?
@flyasaphoenix @thathojamie @king-ofthe-crop
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stealing-the-stars · 28 days ago
The life and lies of Regulus Black
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Yes, it's me. I'm 14 years old and a Slytherin at Hogwarts. I wish I was an only child, but unfortunately I have a brother.
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@pandoras-nox: My friend Pandora
@lifeofthe-barty: My friend Barty
@whokilledevanrosier: Another one of my friends, Evan
@anastasia-selwyn: My dear friend Anastasia<3
@severusprince-snape: Severus, I don't know him well but he seems chill
@andromedashoax: My amazing cousin
@flowers-of-narcissus: My other amazing cousin
@looneymoonyy: One of the better Marauders
@lilytheginger: Incredibly smart but hangs out with my brother
@james-the-amazing-potter: My brothers best friend
@starlight-starbright-thatsme: My brother
@xeno-graphical: Pandoras boyfriend? Friend? Were not sure
@wormy-loves-ch33se: My favorite Marauder
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king-ofthe-crop · 3 months ago
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out on the balcony
I feel like I can actually breathe again...
@marls-mckinn0n @starlight-starbright-thatsme @wormy-loves-ch33se @looneymoonyy @mary-mcdeal @lilyevansoffical @alicethekindone @mollberryshortcake @fabian-with-an-f @flyasaphoenix @lialovergirl @gav-the-rockstar @pandoras-nox @vidiadelafairy @anastasia-selwyn @vszabini @averykissableguy @severusprince-snape @fire-allayer @aelius-with-a-quill @rodolphus-le-strange @malfoy-lu @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @cas-not-the-band @lifeofthe-barty @little-king-official @whokilledevanrosier @daughter-of-spring @antoniadolohov @xeno-graphical @mystical-magical-me @poison-penmanship @oxxen--free @tjsinclairofficial @camille-laurier @addison-caddel @emmelineandhervans @kingalexanderthegreat @king-ofthe-crop @sybill-patrica-trelawney @imogenmorningstar @adam-lukas-morningstar @magandang-kaluluwa @thathojamie
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anastasia-selwyn · 2 months ago
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Setting up for the karaoke night with my girl, @pandoras-nox ✨🎤
@thathojamie @flyasaphoenix @james-the-amazing-potter @looneymoonyy @wormy-loves-ch33se @mary-mcdeal @mystical-magical-me @king-ofthe-crop @xeno-graphical @malfoy-lu @rodolphus-le-strange @averykissableguy @fire-allayer @poison-penmanship @lifeofthe-barty @whokilledevanrosier @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @hjonesworld @emmelineandhervans @sybill-patrica-trelawney @alicethekindone @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @the-queen-bellatrix @severusprince-snape @fabian-with-an-f @mollberryshortcake @fawningamos @k1ndest-keeper @annajohn-silvae @adam-lukas-morningstar @imogenmorningstar @oxxen--free @camille-laurier @luciagraham @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @daughter-of-spring @magandang-kaluluwa @secretlifeof-asher @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @scattered-across-thesky
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looneymoonyy · 3 months ago
officially single i guess
@james-the-amazing-potter @wormy-loves-ch33se @lilyevansoffical @mary-mcdeal @marls-mckinn0n @alicethekindone @hjonesworld @emmelineandhervans @pandoras-nox @the-queen-bellatrix @little-king-official @lifeofthe-barty @xeno-graphical @tjsinclairofficial @flowers-of-narcissus @flyasaphoenix @mystical-magical-me @whokilledevanrosier @anastasia-selwyn @imogenmorningstar @sybill-patrica-trelawney @fabian-with-an-f @aelius-with-a-quill @poison-penmanship @fire-allayer @averykissableguy @adam-lukas-morningstar @camille-laurier @malfoy-lu @mollberryshortcake @rodolphus-le-strange @vidiadelafairy @magandang-kaluluwa @kingalexanderthegreat @lialovergirl @king-ofthe-crop @antoniadolohov @k1ndest-keeper @gav-the-rockstar @veronica-davis @fawningamos @annajohn-silvae @daughter-of-spring @luciagraham @devsmagicalblog @your-favourite-callie @addison-caddel @secretlifeof-asher @scattered-across-thesky @nhia-moua @whokilled-rafe
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lifeofthe-barty · 3 months ago
ravenclaw dorm exploding snap games go crazy, lads
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@prewett-twin @whokilledevanrosier @malfoy-lu @starlight-starbright-thatsme @nico-lovesthe-sun @scattered-across-thesky @toby-newtman-tics @bones-and-edgar @devsmagicalblog @secretlifeof-asher @your-favourite-callie @fawningamos @addison-caddel @luciagraham @thathojamie @veronica-davis @charlieandthehoneydukesfactory @gabriel-lumiere @king-ofthe-crop @gav-the-rockstar @kingalexanderthegreat @k1ndest-keeper @antoniadolohov @magandang-kaluluwa @vszabini @daughter-of-spring @vidiadelafairy @fabian-with-an-f @lilyevansoffical @aelius-with-a-quill @anastasia-selwyn @averykissableguy @the-queen-bellatrix @hjonesworld @mystical-magical-me @emmelineandhervans @looneymoonyy @flyasaphoenix @flowers-of-narcissus @alicethekindone @wormy-loves-ch33se @tjsinclairofficial @james-the-amazing-potter @cas-not-the-band @marls-mckinn0n @little-king-official @mary-mcdeal @xeno-graphical @pandoras-nox
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anastasia-selwyn · 2 months ago
oh my gods, hi regulus!
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fourth year slytherin
cancer ♋︎
muggle lit enthusiast
a queer by any other name
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James Potter - @james-the-amazing-potter
Sirius Black - @starlight-starbright-thatsme
Remus Lupin - @looneymoonyy
Peter Pettigrew - @wormy-loves-ch33se
Lily Evans - @lilytheginger
Gilderoy Lockheart - @mystical-magical-me
Kingsley Shacklebolt - @king-ofthe-crop
Xenophilius Lovegood - @xeno-graphical
Lucius Malfoy - @malfoy-lu
Rodolphus Lestrange - @rodolphus-le-strange
Edmund Avery - @averykissableguy
Bruce Mulciber - @fire-allayer
Rita Skeeter - @poison-penmanship
Barty Crouch Jr - @lifeofthe-barty
Evan Rosier - @whokilledevanrosier
Pandora Rosier - @pandoras-nox
Dorcas Meadows - @cas-not-the-band
Marlene Mckinnon - @marls-mckinn0n
Hestia Jones - @hjonesworld
Mary McDonald - @mary-mcdeal
Emmeline Vance - @emmelineandhervans
Alice Fotescue - @alicethekindone
Narcissa Black - @flowers-of-narcissus
Andromeda Black - @andromedashoax
Bellatrix Black - @the-queen-bellatrix
Severus Snape - @severusprince-snape
Fabian Prewett - @fabian-with-an-f
Molly Prewett - @mollberryshortcake
Amos Diggory - @fawningamos
Frank Longbottom - @k1ndest-keeper
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toby-newtman-tics · 3 months ago
Hiii, my name is Toby! Toby Newtman, actually.
Let’s get to know me!
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🎨Half blood
🗣️Tourette’s syndrome
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I like: painting, green, whismyfolk, Spider-Man comics, likes drinking coffee, bees, collecting things, making paper stars, playing piano, and French fries
I don’t like: the dark, people judging me, my Tourette’s, people, saying something rude with my tics, scary people
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@xeno-graphical @lifeofthe-barty @little-king-official @mary-mcdeal @marls-mckinn0n @cas-not-the-band @james-the-amazing-potter @oxxen--free @tjsinclairofficial @wormy-loves-ch33se @alicethekindone @flowers-of-narcissus @andromedashoax @flyasaphoenix @looneymoonyy @emmelineandhervans @the-queen-bellatrix @thebr1ghteststar @voldemortscult @fire-allayer @averykissableguy @anastasia-selwyn @aelius-with-a-quill @poison-penmanship @lilyevansoffical @mollberryshortcake @fabian-with-an-f @little-king-official @imogenmorningstar @camille-laurier @rodolphus-le-strange @adam-lukas-morningstar @severusprince-snape @hjonesworld @pandoras-nox @malfoy-lu @serectlifeof-asher @luciagrahms @lialovergirl
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liyathebetterho · 3 months ago
I'll be honest Lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense
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i’m Liya Min-ho, i bet you know my hoes of brothers, love you. anyway i'm fifteen years old and in my fifth year at hogwarts as a Hufflepuff student.
i’m muggle born but me, my twin Kenji, and Jamie are the only witch and wizards in our family. i’m also the only girl of three crazy brothers. so i know bullshit when i see it and i not afraid to call out your sorry ass :).
i’m a girl of fashion, art, and musical theatre. you can find can me sing along to the wicked, heaters, six, epic, and hades town soundtrack all the time. or Sabrina Carpenter.
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Sybill Trelawney- @sybill-patrica-trelawney
Imogen Morningstar- @imogenmorningstar
Adam Morningstar- @adam-lukas-morningstar
Elias Smith- @magandang-kaluluwa
Amos Diggory- @fawningamos
Oliver Hrdina- @oxxen--free
Atlas Spencer- @alternate-world-of-atlas
Michael Monroe- @mickymousewizardhouse
Favorite hoe- @thathojamie
Milo Michaelson- @milopitchedtheball
Ambrose Berrywill- @ambrose-ellis-berrywill
Pandora Rosier- @pandoras-nox
Evan Rosier- @whokilledevanrosier
Lucius Malfoy- @malfoy-lu
Bartemius Crouch Jr- @lifeofthe-barty
Dorcas Meadowes- @cas-not-the-band
Severus Snape- @severusprince-snape
Bellatrix Black- @the-queen-bellatrix
Rabastan Lestrange- @feeblemortal
Edmund Avery- @averykissableguy
Bruce Mulciber- @fire-allayer
Persephone Lylia- @daughter-of-spring
Annie my bros hottt gf- @anastasia-selwyn
Vidalia Carrington- @vidaliadelafairy
Valentina Zabini- @vszabini
Nia Dolohov- @antoniadolohov
Rodolphus Lestrange- @rodolphus-le-strange
Charlotte Webster- @charlieandthehoneydukesfactory
Best person ever- @andromedashoax
Narcissa Black- @flowers-of-narcissus
Regulus Black- @little-king-official
He’s really chill- @kingalexanderthegreat
Gabby Chen- @gabbyjchen
Carson Rose- @carsonsaxelrose
Future brother in law??- @king-ofthe-crop
Gilderoy Lockhart- @mystical-magical-me
Emmeline Vance- @emmelineandhervans
Xeno Lovegood- @xeno-graphical
Theodore Sinclair- @tjsinclairofficial
Camille Laurier- @camille-laurier
Rita Skeeter- @poison-penmanship
Azalea Anderson- @xoazalea
Hestia Jones- @hjonesworld
Marlene Mckinnon- @marls-mckinn0n
Lily Evans- @lilyevansoffical
Alice Fortescue- @alicethekindone
Mary McDonald- @mary-mcdeal
Peter Parker- @wormy-loves-ch33se
James Potter- @james-the-amazing-potter
Cutie- @looneymoonyy
Sirius Black- @thebr1ghteststar
Prick find your self your own gf- @flyasaphoenix
Addison Caddel- @addison-caddel
Magnolia Matthews- @lialovergirl
Frank Longbottom- @k1ndest-keeper
Gavin Prescott- @gav-the-rockstar
Molly Prewett- @mollberryshortcake
Fabian Prewett- @fabian-with-an-f
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whokilledevanrosier · 3 months ago
Yo @king-ofthe-crop- do you wanna go to that new club with me tonight?
@thebr1ghteststar @james-the-amazing-potter @wormy-loves-ch33se @lilyevansoffical @mary-mcdeal @marls-mckinn0n @alicethekindone @hjonesworld @emmelineandhervans @cas-not-the-band @pandoras-nox @the-queen-bellatrix @little-king-official @lifeofthe-barty @severusprince-snape @xeno-graphical @malfoy-lu @tjsinclairofficial @flowers-of-narcissus @flyasaphoenix @mystical-magical-me @whokilledevanrosier @anastasia-selwyn @imogenmorningstar @sybill-patrica-trelawney @fabian-with-an-f @aelius-with-a-quill @poison-penmanship @fire-allayer @averykissableguy @sybill-patrica-trelawney @imogenmorningstar @adam-lukas-morningstar @anastasia-selwyn @camille-laurier @mollberryshortcake @rodolphus-le-strange @vidiadelafairy @magandang-kaluluwa @kingalexanderthegreat @petraholly-elwood
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anastasia-selwyn · 2 months ago
You have a sister? How did I not know that?
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Hello fellow students,
My name is Phoenix Josiah Harvey, I am a French-Italian Pure-blood. I am sixteen years of age and proud to be a student in the house of Godric Gryffindor.
I am on the quidditch team as a Chaser.
I am a Gryffindor Prefect.
I enjoy reading, writing, photography, exploring especially past curfew, and making new friends.
I am also pansexual and I go by he/him.
I hope to one day have my own professional newspaper and if that doesn't work out I suppose being an auror doesn't sound too shabby.
I hope to get along with you all, my messages are always open :)
Onto my fellow students:
Pandora Rosier- @pandoras-nox
Lucius Malfoy- @malfoy-lu
Xeno Lovegood- @xeno-graphical
Regulus Black- @little-king-official
Bartemius Crouch Jr- @lifeofthe-barty
James Potter- @james-the-amazing-potter
Sirius Black- @thehotteststarr
Remus Lupin- @looneymoonyy
Peter Parker- @wormy-loves-ch33se
Disco ball- @mystical-magical-me
Emmeline- @emmelineandhervans
Andromeda- @andromedashoax
Narcissa- @flowers-of-narcissus
Hestia- @hjonesworld
Dorcas- @cas-not-the-band
Lily Evans- @lilyevansoffical
Rockstar- @marls-mckinn0n
Mary- @mary-mcdeal
Snape- Severusprince-snape
Bellatrix- @the-queen-bellatrix
Alice- @alicethekindone
Annie- @anastasia-selwyn - Princess
Ember- @emberamethyst - My annoying little sister
Disclaimer: this is a Marauders rp account for an OC, if you'd like to join message @jennapancake or @lixzey to join.
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