thegotogirl · 5 years
Blogging Rule 17. Know Your Audience
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Do you know your audience?
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Blogging Rule 17. Know Your Audience Do you know who reads your blog?  Male or female? Old or young? What country they are residing in?  No! neither did I until recently.  As I discussed in my post the other day on Blogging Rule 8 analytics can help you with more things than the amount of traffic your website receives.  I particularly love the audience insights which gives you a breakdown of the age of your audience, their gender, location and even which devices they are looking at your website on!  How amazing is that?  I love checking these figures out.  I was excited enough when I saw the figures for the number of impressions my website was receiving without the split of all the categories I found when I started digging.  Audience Insights are important.
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Blogging Rule 17. Know Your Audience The analytics I use even tell me the interests recorded by the individual reading my blog.  This is amazing to see as you just can't imagine ever knowing this amount of information about your readers and followers.  I love knowing all about them.  What analytics do you use?  Do you know all about the people who read your posts?  You should as this can help you write more relevant posts and get more traffic which in turn can help you make your brand and website more successful.  I love it when I learn things as I can then spread the word on my blog and help all of my readers to use the tips and tricks I learn much quicker.  Blogging Rule 18 tomorrow.  Thanks for reading.  Love The Go To Girls Blog xxx  Read the full article
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imagineer1994 · 6 years
Using your analytical tools and resources in business is invaluable. Studying your businesses progress through compiling data into reports can greatly increase productivity. Take the time to invest back into your business to grow your entrepreneurship. #BusinessEducationrocks #businesseducationday /#bufferapp #bufferpost / #entrepreneurgoalship / #productivitymentor #productivitybooster / #analyticsacademy #analyticstips/ #successtipsforbusiness/ #GrowthMindset / #businesstoolshare / #mastermindseducation (at Palmdale, California)
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techgydbysm · 4 years
Google Analytics Individual Qualification Exam [Answers 2020] Read more: https://bit.ly/3iTCces #AnalyticsAcademy #googleanalyticsindividualqualification(gaiq)exam ...
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aylton-inacio · 5 years
Aprenda a exportar os dados do Google Analytics sem limitações em formato XLSX ou CSV através do Data Studio ou plugin Analytics Edge Simply para Excel.
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sotnik · 9 years
Продолжаю учить английский...
На этот раз слова из курса: https://analyticsacademy.withgoogle.com/course05
dimensions — размеры
implementing — осуществляющий, восполняющий
measurement — измерение, обмер
objective — цель, объект, задача, стремление
reveal — показывать, раскрывать, обнаруживать
performance — производительность, эффективность, представление
to attract — привлекать
to offer — предлагать 
revenue — доход
average revenue — средний доход
Traffic Sources — источники трафика
to arrive — прибывать
to slice — нарезать
evaluate — оценивать
determine — определить
requirements — требования
additionally — дополнительно
addition — дополнение
feature — особенность
examine — исследовать
variables — переменные
value — значение, ценность, стоимость
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gabbygabbygabbygabby · 11 years
slowly moving through Google Analytics Academy: Platform Principles
the baby hasn't scribbled on my coursework, he's not ripping my notes up and he hasn't attempted to delete my [electronic] quiz answers. so far so good! Nerd life meets Mom life. this is working out pretty well!
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techgydbysm · 4 years
Advanced Google Analytics Answers [2020] – Analytics Academy Read more: https://bit.ly/2Hk3xsn #AnalyticsAcademy #advancedgoogleanalyticsanswers2020 ...
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techgydbysm · 4 years
Google Analytics for Beginners Answers [2020] – Analytics Academy Read more: https://bit.ly/2ZSsrpk #AnalyticsAcademy #googleanalytics #googleanalyticsacademy ...
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techgydbysm · 4 years
Google Analytics for Power Users Answers [2020] – Analytics Academy Read more: https://bit.ly/32LuQUx #AnalyticsAcademy ...
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techgydbysm · 4 years
Google Analytics 360 Answers [2020] - Analytics Academy Read more: https://bit.ly/32ReVo5 #AnalyticsAcademy #GoogleAnalytics360Answers #googleanalyticsacademy...
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techgydbysm · 4 years
Google Tag Manager Fundamentals Answers [2020] - Analytics Academy Read more: https://bit.ly/2Ei0a3X #AnalyticsAcademy #googleanalyticsacademy #googletagmanagerfundamentalsanswers...
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techgydbysm · 4 years
Introduction to Data Studio Answers [2020] - Analytics Academy Read more: https://bit.ly/2FSxHlS #AnalyticsAcademy #googleanalyticsacademy #Introductiontodatastudioanswers...
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aylton-inacio · 5 years
Certificação Oficial Google Analytics Avançado: se prepare para o exame!
70 questões de conteúdo avançado em 90 minutos. Entenda como funciona esse programa do Google Academy for Ads e Analytics Academy.
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Conteúdo em texto e vídeo!
Se inscreva no canal e na News do meu site pra receber muito conteúdo toda semana.
https://youtube.com/aylton-inacio https://ayltoninacio.com.br
Me siga também nas redes sociais pra ficar por dentro das novidades.
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Abraço e até a próxima!
#googleanalytics #analyticsacademy #academyforads #gaiq#certificaçãogoogleanalytics #googleanalyticsavancado#cursodegoogleanalytics #marketingdigital #digitalmarketing#marketingdigitalbrasil #ecommercebrasil #blogueiros #blogueirasbrasil#blogueiras #freelancer #agenciademarketing #agenciadigital#anslisededados #webanalytics #webdesigner #webdesign #cursoonline#udemy
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gabbygabbygabbygabby · 11 years
completed Google Analytics Academy pt 1 w/a day to spare. valuable information, most of which was just a brushing up of skills of already known. looking forward to the next level which begins tomorrow.
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