conradbakker · 3 years
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UNTITLED PROJECT: LA CHOCOLATERIE [La Boutique] [L’Atelier] [Le Journal] @ Galerie Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland, 2021 >>  Untitled Project: La Chocolaterie is comprised of three connecting parts: La Boutique, L’Atelier, and Le Journal (The Store, The Workshop, and The Newspaper). Untitled Project: La Chocolaterie [La Boutique] is a storefront/art installation in Geneva, Switzerland, featuring hundreds of carved and painted sculptures of Swiss-branded chocolate bars, based on specific cocoa-consumables from the past and present. These carved and painted chocolate bars are available for sale at the price of 100.00CHF, an amount roughly equivalent to one months wages for the average cocoa farmer working in the Côte d'Ivoire, Africa. The storefront space (La Boutique) is directly connected to the secondary space, Untitled Project: La Chocolaterie [L’Atelier] is an installation of more than a hundred different carved and painted sculptures of objects and tools from the artist’s studio, revealing the process of production for each of the carved and painted Swiss chocolate bars and pointing (somewhat theatrically) to the connections between commodities and labor.  The last part of this project, Untitled Project: La Chocolaterie [Le Journal] is a free, full-color, printed newspaper featuring drawings based on headlines and images taken from a wide range of internet sources and news websites covering cocoa production and the (Swiss) chocolate industrial complex.
Project website w/ images/info: Untitled Project: La Chocolaterie
Chocolats (archive): Untitled Project: La Boutique
Le Journal website: Untitled Project: La Chocolaterie [Le Journal]
Le Journal as pdf: Untitled Project: La Chocolaterie [Le Journal]
@ Galerie Analix Forever, Genève, Switzerland
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