#anakin skywalker is a complex character and i will rant about it to anyone who will listen
aceoffangirls · 1 year
Castles Crumbling by Taylor Swift was written about Anakin Skywalkers fall to the dark side. In this essay I will…
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darthkruge · 4 years
heyy Megan, I'm trying to do a character study on Anakin but im finding very limited information online. what do you think are some of his worst and best traits? his personality, humor and like his values? thank you so much,, hope you have a good day/night
omg hi!! thank you for asking me!!
*cracks knuckles* let’s get into it 
anakin skywalker character analysis
best traits:
intelligence, overall skill, curiosity 
anakin was building droids from scraps when he was a child. he spoke huttese and basic from a young age, as well. he’s an insane battle strategist, wonderfully skilled in battle/with a lightsaber, and incredible pilot! he can pick up new skills quickly, as well. i’m just gonna link this post by @chokemeanakin bc it just sums it up real nice.. but yes smart boy love him
compassion, capacity for emotions, empathy, understanding
anakin feels things deeply. i’ve talked about this a lot before lol. but yeah he is frequently in conflict over the sheer weight of the emotions he carries. further, as a jedi, this is not something his peers could relate to. but he always tries to be there for his friends and would do anything to ease their pain. and i think that anakin seeks to understand others. he’s spent so much of his life feeling alone and like no one related to him; he wants to know how other people work, feel, and think.
loyalty, friendship, caring
anakin is so fucking loyal to those he loves. and, tying into my previous point, he loves deeply. he cares, he always has. he treats droids as humans and forms attachments, even though they may be forbidden. he held onto that need for love, for connection even after he joined the order. and he would defend those he loves til the very end... 
selflessness, protectiveness, bravery
anakin would literally dive headfirst into danger to save someone he loves. he doesn’t care about hurting himself or honestly whatever happens to him, as long as those he cares for are safe. 
worst traits:
impulsivity, recklessness
i think we’ve all seen anakin be a bit impulsive at times... sometimes, he just doesn’t think everything through. this is especially clear when someone he loves is in danger. anakin’s lost so many people that when he’s faced with the threat of losing another, his judgment can become clouded. 
insecurity, jealousy, fear
anakin is frequently jealous, which stems from his insecurities. he was probably conflicted a lot; brought into the order as a young child and told he was the chosen one. the weight of the galaxy was placed on his shoulders and, yet, he was held back in classes as a padawan, he didn’t make rank (canonically). i think these things are what allowed palpatine to manipulate him; palpatine knew anakin was afraid, insecure, and, yet, arrogant (my next point dw). he tapped into this and because anakin and the council did not have much mutual trust (aside from like obi-wan), it was easier to get to him. especially because palpatine used anakin’s fear of losing padme and his unborn children to do so. fuck palpatine bro- 
yes, anakin was insecure. yes, he was also arrogant. let me explain myself. he occassionally rushes into things without thinking, thinking he can handle them. i think a lot of this stems from being told he was the chosen one from such a young age. that title combined with his skill?! it makes sense he’d internalize it. i am now going to stop myself before i rant about how the gifted education system is a fuckfest. this is coming from someone who spent years in that program. anyway-
personality/overall rant about his life/motivations:
i think i summed up a lot of his personality within the best and worst traits because i got ahead of myself but im going to say some more!! i think a lot of anakin’s personality is dependent on his deep capacity for emotions. you can see that throughout ROTS, he was conflicted almost all the time. he grew up as a slave and all he wanted was to protect his mother. he built droids to help her and competed in podraces to tryand get them anything that could help. 
then, he was taken to the order. suddenly, all these amazing traits he has make sense!! but then the person who’s supposed to train him (qui-gon) dies after anakin’s only known him for a short period of time. anakin’s attachment issues are abundant (i don’t think i need to explain that one) so of course he grows close to obi-wan! but obi-wan was trying to be strong for anakin. even though obi-wan struggled himself with attachment, he tried to be strong and put up a front as a “good” jedi for anakin to look up to. while this was helpful, anakin probably just felt more conflicted, as no one in his life could relate to the bredth of emotions he felt. this caused him to be more introverted and withdrawn (i talk about that in this post)
then, he loses his mother, she dies in his arms. the only person he’d wanted to protect from a young age, who he left to join the jedi, dies in his arms. he blames himself for this, thinking he should have gotten there faster, should have done something more. he probably also blamed the jedi, to at least some extent. why do these powers matter if they can’t save the people he loves? i believe he acted out of anger, killing the tuskens, because (at least to some degree) of the jedi. instead of teaching him how to express his emotions (pain, fear, loss, grief, etc.), they train him. to some degree, he might think all he’s good for is these skills. so he acts out of anger, slaughtering them. 
and then finally he finds someone who loves him in the way he wants to be loved. padme stays by his side, even after he killed the tuskens. she sees the good in him and treats him as a man, not a prophecy. but once again, this motif of fear remains! he has to hide this love, one of the only pure and good things in his life! he has to live in fear every second of every day because, if the council finds out that he found happiness and love, everything is ruined. 
but then he starts getting the vision’s that padme will die. and not just padme, now his unborn children could die, too. the one thing he has that is good and purely his could now be ripped away. he knew he was helpless, knew there was nothing he could do to stop it by himself. the council isn’t that helpful, telling him to learn to let it go with the force. while that might help any other jedi, it just pushed anakin away. he would never be able to just surrender and let go to the force, not when the life of his entire family is at risk! 
and he finds palpatine, someonoe who has spent years trying to manipulate him. but palpatine is smart, he’s cunning. anakin didn’t know what the real intentions were and, truly, he probably didn’t want to know. he was blinded by his fear and if anything could save padme, he would do it. then the council try to get him to spy on palpatine. again, conflict. anakin’s loyalty is repeatedly questioned and pushed and prodded, he was probably so confused! he didn’t know who to trust. but, when you combine the current situation with his backstory with who he is and what he cares about, it makes sense why it all happened. 
this is what i mean when i say conflict. he was pulled in a million directions constantly. and we all know how his story ends and i don’t want to cry so i’m not gonna detail it...
also: i’m not saying any of this excuses all of his choices, but it does explain them.  
lowkey a dork
he is. and i love that about him. you can see this in the way he flirts with padme sometimes... like floating the pear to her and the whole “i don’t like sand” thing. he’s a fucking dork. can’t exactly blame him nor do i hold it against him! he didn’t have many close friends growing up and he was like pining for padme for years so it’s not like he spent that time creating a playbook
he’s also witty!
i think this comes with his intelligence; he’s witty and he’s quick. example: “general grievous, you’re shorter than i expected.” i mean he’s no sass-king obi-wan kenobi but anakin definitely can hold his own in a verbal sparring match! 
also i headcanon him as having horrible puns but loving them!
love, friendship, connections
at his core, anakin just wants to find someone who understands him and his emotions. who can relate to him. he wants those connections; in fact, he actively seeks them out. love is a key part of his identity. i talk about this in this post about his love languages so imma just link it there!
success, validation
tying into his determination, anakin wants to do well! he pushes himself and i think he’s a perfectionist, too. you can see this in the way he holds himself as a general; he doesn’t slack off, doesn’t not care. he understands the responsibility he has in that role and he takes it seriously! and just in his overall skill level, even though he was a bit of a child-prodigy, he clearly spent a long time training. he probably also had some imposter syndrome going on and was constantly trying to prove his worth. 
uhh yeah i think i got everything?? yes?? he’s so complex and i legit love him immensely. doing character analysis for anakin is my favorite thing in the entire universe! if anyone has anything they want to add, please feel free!!
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yoyo-inspace · 7 years
Bit of a rant coming up, but I had to get it out of my system.
The thing is, we don’t get to decide how and why a character is relatable, and if that character should be relatable. Sure, we might question someone’s judgement if they literally say “I relate to this character because I too like to murder people”, but that’s as far as it goes.
Why this sudden need to police which characters are allowed to be relatable or not? Which characters are allowed to be complex (and complex characters are always going to be relatable)?
Who makes the rules on which characters we’re allowed to relate with?
So you’re not allowed to like/relate to Kylo Ren, or write him as a complex character that we can feel empathy for. Okay, let’s use that as a baseline. What does that mean?
Are we allowed to relate to Darth Vader/Anakin Skywalker? Because tumblr take way less issue with Vader than with Kylo, even though Vader if we’re going by sheer number has done more terrible things. And if you’re doing the First Order = Modern Day fascism comparision, then the Empire isn’t free of that either. Vader redeems himself, yes, but are we allowed to relate to him then? Or before, when he’s Anakin? Are people not allowed to relate to Rae Sloane, a queer woman who fought her way up from the bottom to carve a place for herself and bring stability so that some people might have what she never had - just because she’s part of the Empire?
Are we allowed to relate to any villain? How about in Harry Potter? Voldemort’s movement can pretty clearly be connected to a whole bunch of modern issues and oppression and -isms. Bellatrix, Narcissa, Tom Riddle, Regulus, Snape, Draco, Pansy - are we allowed to like these characters? Engage with them in a fun, fandom way? Relate to some of them? Or does that mean that we automatically condone their actions?
Magneto is someone who kills many innocent people, and argues for the death of more. But does that mean that people who relate to Magneto and part of his story are doing the same? Are they literally supervillains? Are they arguing for mutant superiority? I mean, yes, Magneto went through the holocaust, and will 100% beat a nazi to a pulp. But he’s also not meant to be the poster boy for moral goodness. That doesn’t mean that people can’t relate to him. 
The entire argument starts to fall apart the moment you bring up anti-heroes or anti-villains, or characters that don’t end up in neat little boxes labelled ‘good’ or ‘bad’. Take Black Sails. Am I allowed to relate to James Flint, who burned and destroyed an entire town filled with innocent people? Jack Rackham? Eleanor Guthrie? John Silver? Max? Many of them fighting against an unjust society that has oppressed or hurt them - and yet some of them do terrible things in the process. None of the characters in that show have completely spotless records. We’re allowed to relate to them - because none of them are villains and none of them are heroes. They’re just people. 
If you say “You shouldn’t be allowed to write Kylo Ren as relatable or think he’s relatable because that makes you a fascist” then you need to be prepared to apply that argument to everything, and to draw it to its conclusion. You can’t just apply it to one character and then let it be. Because what you say means something outside of that specific character and specific fandom. Because if you say that, you cannot apply it to just one. Apply it then, across the board, or it holds no weight.
Doesn’t mean you can’t hate characters, or never relate to them. But others might.
We must be allowed to write characters, good and bad, that are first and foremost people. Characters you can relate to, in part or as a whole. Characters you can draw something from.
Short tangent. There’s a really long-running Swedish comic series, called Bamse - The Strongest Bear in the World. Except Bamse isn’t just the strongest bear in the world, he’s also the kindest. He might stop the bad guys, and tell them off, but he’ll always try to be kind, first and foremost. Because “Nobody gets better from being beaten". There’s a character in Bamse, called Vargen (”The Wolf”. He’s, surprisingly, a wolf), who for most of the comics early days was just a straight up villain. He was a thief, someone with a “World Record in Evil” and he’d even try to harm or kill Bamse a couple of times. But then one day, Bamse allowed him to join him and his friends. If he promised to be kind, and not do bad things anymore. Turned out that Vargen was very lonely, and he really liked hanging out with Bamse and his friends. Now, Vargen is still struggling, constantly, to not fall back into his bad habits of being bad, and he doesn’t always succeed. But he tries. It also doesn’t mean that he didn’t have to apologize for all the bad stuff he did, or that Bamse and his friends can’t be mad at him when he messes up. The important thing was that even when he messed up, he apologized, and tried to do better. 
I always related a little bit with Vargen. 
And that’s not because I’ve ever stolen anything, or tried to kill anyone, or lived in the woods, or been friends with pirates and robbers. It’s because I also mess up, and do bad stuff sometimes. And then it’s good to remember that as long as you do your best not to let it happen again, then maybe you’re not a bad person. 
That also doesn’t imply that I or the story group implied that theft or attempted murder was right or okay. 
I get that people are upset at the state of the world right now, and there’s some horrible, disgusting shit going on out there. But writing Kylo Ren as a complex, relatable character is not going to make anyone a fascist. Then the issue lies somewhere else. Writing a story in which the people on both sides aren’t good or bad but simply people who do good and bad things is not a bad message to send. And it’s not a message Star Wars hasn’t sent before, Darth Vader being the prime example. 
Rian Johnson isn’t telling you that you should relate to a fascist. He’s saying that there are good and bad parts of most characters that someone out there could relate to. And that empathy is one of the things that most writers try to invoke in their audiences - because why else would we stay engaged?
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Clone Wars      Episode 21
         Liberty on Ryloth
So,   second   part....
Following      On       The      Tails        Of        “Inn        O        Cence,        Of       Ryloth,”       One       of       the     definitely       more     serious     (Stronger)    episodes,           We move            on to      what is supposed             to be            the climax              of           the arc            Featuring           What          I’m        Assuming           Is     Watton-boar       (Spelling      uncertain)            In            the        Capital, Who has the rough job of following up on what I consider one of the more chilling villains of the entire series
      Not             an           Easy           Task,
      Let’s         see         how         they         measure          up
 For starting    with     the    title   screen
  And      the      Quote; “Compromise is a virtue to be                      cultivated, not a weakness to                     be despised,”
               This one I                   disagree with strongly
                There’s no reason                     (So long as the request                     is moral, to                      Compromise
                      The only thing                                     or                               person                                  you                             should                                be                        compromising                               with                               is the                               concept                                 of                                basic                             human                            decency
                            There’s no other reason in a perfectly functional society that provides unconditional societal support
                            That a person should have to                           compromise                           themselves
                           Even in projects                                   It should be the                                  expression                                       of                                     one’s                                      self,                                        Not                                      the                                    suppression
                                   No one owes anyone anything besides basic human decency
                                 And should make anything out of anything but the pure joy unaltered joy of creating                                     for the sake                                     of creating
                                Carrying                                      on
                               “Republic                                    victory                                       is                                       at                                     hand,”                                    Shows                                     ships                                    getting                                     blown                                        up
                                      I                                       think                                        the                                      narrator                                       might                                        have                                          joined                                          the                                          Sep’s
                                    “Command                                           of                                            the                                           Jedi,”    
                                       Shows                                         Obi-wan                                          glaring                                           at the                                          camera
                                  Really appro                                    -achable
                       Like seriously they make Obi-Wan look like such a brute in                       this                                              which is true, but in the                             gentile, imperialist way
                   Close overinvolved combat                     never                       really                       seemed his style
                   Anakin                     Skywalker
                   Wait                      what?
                    We’ve                     barely                     heard                        or                       seen                         lip                        from                        him                        this                       entire                        arc                            .                         Unless                       they                          are                       Ret-conning                       Ahsoka‘s                          part,                       which                            I’m                        down                         for..
(Makes      more    sense         for       his       character...     
     and..  Obi-Wan‘s   involvement]
Obi-won       Kenobi...  
  Except        for    ret-conning         the      part        how     those     enablers       totally      freed   them-selves        (Jokes,           It’s           Fine,         This          is          a       military          Pod-           cast-         (After           all)
    It was     one Movie,           -        Don’t      start     kissing      Kenobi’s         ass        too       soon
(Also     I like     how    they got        it        right       as          a     village         this       time)
    Calling it a city         -last
    Oh getting to the       big guy now
  Mace     Windu
 Finally getting   to see some of      him
   That’s nice
   Like the consist       - ency
     How        they    showcase          his     character        in       the    previous    episode         a         little        bit
    And now we get to see more of   him
     that’s        nice...
     Moving              On..
       He’s      Launching          an        attack           .  .   .
       That’s-          less          nice-
     (But        warranted-)
     (~ (In the context)          - not account                    -ability.)
               Final               offensive...
            Capital                 (City)
               Oh                things                 are              heating                 up
          (Las-                  so(-o)                      ?
             Good                   for                   them
              Shooting                  across                     a                  canyon
                (Also                   why                 would                   you                 bring                  the                troops                  all           the way out here                when                 they                should                   be                pro            -tecting                 your             capital               (a.k.a.             your  s-             trong hold)                  and                 not               going                   to               rescue                your            subordinate               (that                you                   know                    completely                   and                    utter                   ly                 fucked                  up)     like the last two?
              And                   in                   a                  line
               On                  very                   small                unstable                   cliff                  edge
              (Over what is assumed to be a              ravine)
                 Okay                     who                     ends                      up                   getting                   knocked                     over                       it                        (Or                     which                      part                      ends                        up                    crumbling)
That’s        Some         Things
                    This                       was                         a                          bad                      strategy
                     The                        guys                     (droid(s)                      operating                          the                        walking                          tanks                           should’ve                           stayed                            home
Never-     Mind?
Are the idiots the   Republic   or the   separatists?
Cause... [Rewind]
When it said Mace     Windu;
Tumblr media
This is the picture     shown
Naturally I thought   this was our guys:
[Even more so when   this;
Tumblr media
[Was what showed at     “enemy lines,”]
 Until      This;   
Tumblr media
So narrator      is asshole;
 Sorry;        Brief      Clip         I     Pause        -       Skipped        Over;
Tumblr media
       Narrator’s still an asshole          
[No    hate      to        the    voice    actor;
 Just   the   pict-
  [Dude’s        clearly        a      Separtist:]
    Also         Mace       Windu            is      literally         the        best       boss;
   Obi-Wan he      recklessly puts peoples lives in danger and doesn’t        intervene till it’s cool
   With          Anakin;           Flirt           with death?
      [We          haven’t really seen him command Rex,
       Rex              now just recently gaining           Predominance and           Appear             -ing            More               In            Epi-            So            De               (S)
       Not a lot for stable       chara        cter          iz        a         tion
   Title        Epi       -sode           (Intro]         Expl-
   Before         I go       on a      rant        about         Rex’s          chara            -c-teri            -zation
       The            Point;            Dude          gives          them           an         order;       Physi   -cally      moves       them        out           of          the         way;          And       uses his powers      imme         -diately-
   Clearly      demon    strating        that        the       Jedi         are     stacked       least        toxic          to        most        toxic
    Yoda          still         being            an          enabler            -          And       overinvolved        (Generation)            But      assumably        least       involved            And least        inter      -gen      er        ational           tox             ...    
     Anyway          That           was         nice          ....
    “Stopped          the enemy        advance]
      [See!?              Now           they’re             the        enemy!]
     “Let         me          see       those,”        . . . .    
   Good       ...
  Yeah that was a bad decision.
   Spending a lot of time on   this        . .
it’s still     fun         ...  
  Just... suspicious
   What       Goes       wrong?           ...
    Oh    nothing
    It’s      just          a      good      plan         ..
  Good      trooper           ..
 Re-    source-     Ful     —
 Also-  you    just      ran-
[It   was      a   stressful      situation]
  Pinned        Down
   Good       boss      Windu        is       my       favor   -ite
    Carry        his       boy
    Resp       ond        -ing        immediately
    [still an enabler of the         terrible war complex.]
    But least toxic           [Of them         All]
      So           Far...
“Ligh         In      Ni      ng     -     Squad]
“i’m       with lightning       up here     right now”
  Like dude     don’t sass            -        He’s being      pretty damn            nice              -             Oh      “I want a lightning squad up here,      right now...”
     Still, if you’re going to        assume authority            at least       try to be a bit polite           about it
      [Don’t do         Assumed             Authority]
      People           are         people            [And         know        themselves          better         than          you]
    Oh,          that’s           a         neat        vehicle        design,        makes        sense            for         cliffs
   And        they        fast         ...
     Fast bouncy boys
    Good for      them
  “ Get want the    en-gines back,”
     Good plan
     [Dude’s just           asleep?]
  “i’m gonna    clean the road,”
   Good plan
   [This is a very smart         episode so far]
   Aww,         He’s         Going            To         Help         That           Guy]
     *If        he’s        not       dead
   [Refresh; Windu is multi talented and a good leader and a good tank]
  The episode so far is also very smart
     [Reverse          Order]
    [good plans   also]
    [except for the     walking in the line bit]
   [also fast-]
    Pretty sure he should have     a lower death count then      general Kenobi
    Like, we saw       one guy     [Possib        Ly]
    General         Kenobi...
   Oh       No...
  This      Thing..
Oh so that’s not their normal casualties
I thought this episode was pretty   good
It was relatively smart
And I do really sympathize with the     rebel character...
With moans of frustration   at the decision to enable     A system   of assumed     authority
 And     Thought the overall message should’ve been focus more on the consequences of greed on partnership
  Though I do greatly admire         How they were wove it into the story
   Contrasting        that of the       senate
   Against         those         of            the   destructive      force
 (Robot          X          Watton-        Bear)
  Showing a very admirable contrast between the consequences of over involved enabling (both positive and negative variance) with the harm affects (possibly over generations considering the rebel character does seem relatively younger) and the values of not compromising your beliefs or the basic concept of human decency
   As well as the fact      that they re involved
    The plot line with Skywalker         Quite fluidly
       (Even if the Ahsoka and Skywalker             lines made me groan)                   Towards the end...
          Overall      a solid positive        experience        
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aceoffangirls · 2 years
I feel like the way people view Anakin Skywalker and their opinion of him change whether they think Anakin and Darth Vader are the same or different people.
Like it is stated that Vader killed Anakin, however, Anakin also has Vader moments before the end of revenge of the sith. There is also the idea that it was Anakin's destiny to turn into Vader, and that is the only way to bring balance to the force. But also Anakin was also manipulated and gaslit by not only the sith but the Jedi. Also depends if you have seen the clone wars and know all the extended law and shit.
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