#anais as an informant of some kind y/y?
thiefscant · 5 days
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@detectivechandler said: "Next time, would it kill you to knock?" (modern)
        They're waiting casually in the dark of his place for him to come home. It's not the first time they've broken into his place, and likely won't be the last, so long as they continue working together. On a strictly freelance basis, of course.
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        A light smirk appears on Anais's face when he flicks the light on and startles at the sight of them lounging on his couch. It never gets less amusing. “I was early, so...” They shrug. “You obviously weren't around to answer.”
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ct7567329 · 4 years
Wounded: Jesse x Reader
It was just like every other mission. Prior to departure, the boys of the 501st awaited in their barracks for their next orders as the Jedi Generals were debriefed. This was typically a rowdy experience. Arm wresting, sneaking some liquor, listening to music, anything to get their minds off the reality of war that was just moments away. But unlike most times, Jesse found himself sitting on his bunk, leaning against the cold wall, lost in his thoughts.
"You've gotta let it go," Fives groaned, playfully pushing Jesse's shoulder with one hand, a bottle on whiskey in the other.
Jesse rolled his eyes and looked away from his tipsy brother, pretending he wasn't even there.
Fives handed the bottle to Hardcase, "Jesse look, (Y/N) is an amazing girl. But, she's a Jedi. She honors her code. There's so many wonderful girls out there. So many that aren't her. I hate telling you this, I really do, but sometimes, it hurts more to hold on."
Jesse gulped and bowed his head, "It's not that easy."
"You two have a special relationship. She says things to you that she's never said to any of us. You clearly mean a lot to her. I hope that's enough to make you happy," Fives sighed, "Hang in there."
Before Jesse could speak, Rex commanded all the men to the hangar.  It was go time. They all filed into the main hangar awaiting the orders of you and Anakin. You both stood confidently in front of a hologram of the palace in Theed on Naboo. As you began the briefing of the mission, Jesse couldn't help but stare at you through his helmet. You sensed this but continued with the task at hand, pointing to the crucial palace entry ways.
Upon conclusion of the briefing, Fives nudged Jesse and whispered, "Did you even pick up on any of that or were you too busy gawking?". Jesse ignored the statement and made his way to the gunship with the rest of his group, which just so happened to include you.
You spent the majority of the ride sitting down, leaning against the corner, scrolling through miscellaneous battle information on a holopad. The rest of the men were sitting down as well, conversing with each other.
"Hey, you feeling okay?" you asked Jesse, who was sitting next to you.
"Never better," he muttered, biting his lower lip under his helmet.
You weren't buying it, "Well, if you need anything don't hesitate." You sprung up and got ready for landing, leaving Jesse alone with his thoughts.
"It looks like the seppies already started attacking," you announced, "stand by for arrival."
You definitely weren't wrong about that. The gunship doors opened to absolute hell. Shots going in all directions, countless droids, and a droid barrier in front of the palace entrance. Across the landing bay, it was obvious Anakin was distraught about the idea of his wife being stuck inside.
It didn't take long for the 501st to break through the blockade at the entrance, but it was only worse inside. You ordered a split off, with you, Jesse and a few others taking the west wing. You looked over your shoulder and only saw five men. This would never be enough. Your group pushed forward, leaving only seven destroyers to decimate before conquering the wing. One of your men knew what he had to do.
"For the 501st!" he screamed, throwing charges at the destroyers. Knowing how heavy the explosion would be, you fell to the ground and covered your ears. Unfortunately, you were the only one to think to do that. Once the charges exploded, you got up and looked around. All the men were knocked on the ground. Quickly, you approached each solider, ripping off their helmet and taking their pulse.
There were no survivors, until you got to Jesse. You held your breath as you removed his helmet and placed two fingers on his neck. A pulse was there, faint, but there. You picked him up and put him over your shoulder, thanking your Jedi training for providing you with extra upper body strength. Only a few floors up there was a suite which Senator Amidala always let you stay in when on Naboo. You found the nearest elevator and made your way up there, hoping to not run into any droids. To your luck, the elevator doors opened and your hope came true. You hastily made your way to the suite and let yourself in, laying Jesse's limp body on the bed.
Figuring he just had the wind knocked out of him, you began to remove his upper armor to relieve weight off his chest. Starting with his pauldron, and finishing with the gloves. Sighing, you looked at the beaten up ARC. His underlies were dark, heavy, evident of stress. You caressed his cheek, acknowledging how soft it was. Freshly shaved. He would eventually be okay.
"Vaabir nayc chaabar a kebi. Anay kebi Kelir cuyir jate," you softly hummed over and over again, watching his chest slowly rise and fall. You placed a gentle kiss on his forehead and got off the bed,  going to the refresher for a much needed shower.
Upon finishing your shower, you dressed in only undergarments and a short silk robe. It was the only things you could find that were suitable for you. You exited the refresher and went to towards the vanity, beginning to comb through your wet hair.
You quickly turned around to see a confused Jesse staring at you.
"What happened?" he asked, shaking slightly. You threw your hair up into a low bun and sat on the edge of the bed.
"There was a pretty bad explosion. Lost everyone, except you. I figured I would bring you here. The Senator usually lends me this room while I'm on Naboo. Didn't want to see anything worse happen to you.
Jesse couldn't help but stare at your glowing skin, watching a single drop of water trail down you arm, "Thank you," he whispered, still in his trance.
"Would you like to freshen up?" you asked, "A warm shower might help you feel better."
He nodded and attempted to get out of the bed, grunting in pain. You rushed to his side and put your arm around his back, "Jesse?"
"I'm sorry General. Just some pain in my back. I've got this," he confirmed, trying to get up again.
"I'll leave some fresh clothes out for you, just holler if you need anything!" you smiled as he hobbled to the refresher.
The second the door locked, you sprung off the edge of the bed and rushed to the mirror. "oh maker," you said under your breath, looking at how disastrous you looked. With one swift motion you took the bun out and combed your hair straight, parting it perfectly in the middle. You dug through the drawers, trying to find anything to make you feel more confident. First,  you found some mens clothing. You put the sweatpants and t shirt next to the refresher door then continued to search for something for yourself. All you could find was a perfume bottle, and dark blue lace under garments. Was this too revealing, absolutely, but it was better than what you had on. You changed and sprayed yourself a few times before sitting back down on the bed, turning something random on on the holovision. Patiently, you sat there and watched until Jesse was finished.
Not too long after you finished up, the water turned off and Jesse opened the door to grab the clothes. When he walked out of the refresher your eyes widened.
"Is something wrong General?" he asked nervously.
You stuttered, "No, but, well, we aren't on the battle field, you can call me (Y/N), but I've just never seen you in civilian clothes. It's so, so different."
Jesse stood there for a moment, silent. "Is that bad or-"
"Oh no. It's actually kind of nice," you interrupted him, "really nice."
Jesse was motionless, standing speechless. "Oh my bad!" you finally let out, getting off the bed and sitting on the nearby futon. "Take the bed, you need it!"
He looked down and walked towards the bed, laying down then sighing, "Do the rest of the men know where we are?"
"Yeah, I let Anakin know what happened and he knows you're here with me. Kix is a little overwhelmed with injuries right now."
"Good," he nodded, wincing in pain.
You noticed the wince and shot up, rushing to his side, "What hurts?"
"My side," he grunted, grabbing his ribs.
"Mind if I take a look?" you asked, pressing your lips together.
"Yeah, go a head," he nodded, taking off his shirt, then laying back down.
Your lips parted as you stared at his bare chest. His extra hours lifting at the gym were evident. You put your hand on his chest and dragged your fingers down to his stomach.
"Gene-(Y/N)?" he asked, confused with what you are doing.
You stopped in your tracks, "Oh right, yes, I am so sorry. I just. Yeah. Lemme take a look at that." Your cheeks flushed pink as you examined his side, realizing he definitely has a broken rib. As you were attending to his wounds, he couldn't help but stare at your robe, which was becoming loose, revealing a portion of cleavage. He swallowed hard, and began to breathe heavy. Jesse was in complete awe that this was actually happening.
"(Y/N)," he finally let out, causing you to direct your attention to his face.
You hummed in response. He tilted his head slightly, looking at you in silence.
"Yes, Jesse?" you whispered, inching closer to him.
His gaze was still locked on your eyes. Yours on his. Not even the loudest explosion in the would could break this.
"What are you thinking," you exhaled, moving closer to him yet again.
"Are you getting closer to me?"
"I think I want to k-"
"Me too."
His lips met yours with passion. Your lips fit perfectly upon his. As he deepened the kiss, you laid down on your side, moving your leg over his. His hand ran down your back, resting on your thigh that was thrown over his legs.
Jesse pulled away, looking at the beauty in front of him. He removed his hand from your thigh and placed it on your shoulder, which has been exposed by your robe being pulled down every so slightly.
"I've been wanting to tell you this since the moment I saw you,  but, you are so, so, so, unbelievably stunning," he breathed, smiling at the vision of you.
"I can't tell you how long I've wanted to do this," you smiled back, kissing his chest softly.
With each small motion, your robe fell more and more off your shoulder, revealing much more than Jesse though he would ever see.
His stare of love became evident of agony, trying to prevent the urge of a growing heat between his legs.
You softly laughed and gave him another gentle kiss, "If it's bound to happen, let it happen." You removed the rest of your robe, exposing everything that wasn't covered by the lace.
Jesse could no longer hold it and cupped your cheek, passionately bringing you to his lips.
Though his physical wound may take a while to heal, his broken heart was officially mended.
@ganondorf-has-greasy-balls @lightning-wolffe @jedi-dreea @smellssharpies @hannahjessica113 @gryffindorqueensworld @coffeeandtodd @soclonely @persaloodles @peacelandbread @raf-loves-everything @clone-lover501-212-104 @ahsoka-padme @dangerdumpling @808tsuika @ahsokatano-thetogruta
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taesd-urag · 5 years
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wattpad - @taesdurag
the last imagine I posted was somewhat successful, so I’m back.
"And that's a wrap boys! Good work out there."
The girl that they worked with, Mika, hurriedly ran over to them with a sultry expression that made her look constipated with her awkwardly slouched body then proceeded to tell them she wished to work with them again soon before prancing off. Jungkook nodded with a small smirk and Taehyung just watched her walk away.
The boys grabbed their towels and hopped off of the bed, leaving the set, and then made their way towards their dressing rooms, picking up refreshments on the way.
"She was bland as fuck." Taehyung muttered with a blank expression. Jungkook looked at him and chuckled, "I couldn't even bust one if I tried with her."
"She was carrying stones on her fucking chest and had the nerve to be missing teeth. I was kind of hoping she knew how to gum it down but I was so uncomfortable and left highly disappointed. I think I'm going to have to speak with these damn people and know if they're just picking up strays off of the streets now." Taehyung said, distaste strong in his words.
The boys got themselves cleaned up and switched into their tailored suits before making their way to the lounge where everyone was gathered.
"Ah, boys. We were just discussing you. Come, have a seat." Their manager said, surrounded by other people who seemed to be of high importance in the industry. They took their seats and listened to what he had to say.
"We're sorry for the inconvenience with Miss Mika, she was so desperate to work with you guys and we couldn't turn her down because she has a fan base and a platform known for slander." Taehyung didn't bother hold back his harsh remark.
"Wow, the uneducated whore has fans? And there's this thing called contacting authorities." The manager just sighed as the others laughed. There was this one woman that kept eyeing Taehyung and Jungkook was flirting with the girl that served the snacks.
"I know but we don't need any scandals. We have a nice, clean record and we're trying to keep it that way." He looked at the two others who nodded at him and looked back towards Jungkook and Taehyung who honestly looked as if they'd rather be anywhere else.
"So, that's why I need you to hear these kind people out," Bang PD said, gesturing to the two others that occupied the couch near them. "They're willing to give you guys a new experience. Something Korea hasn't seen before." Bang PD slid them an envelope that contained pictures of a beautiful girl, no woman, that went by the alias jamais oublié. Her real name was Y/N L/N, she was born and bred in H/T. She was 25 years old and has been in the industry for four.
There was a few things that most definitely made her stand out from others. She was black and, well, thick. Fat as others would call it, or in this case people of their own race.
"Yea, she's most definitely different," Jungkook cocked an eyebrow, eyes scanning over the authentic photos with interest. "But, wouldn't this make our views go down considering she's not of our race and doesn't exactly meet Korea's beauty standards?"
The woman that was occupying the couch and quietly listening to the conversation intervened lightly, "There might be a majority of Koreans watching your films, but not all. That's exactly why we chose her for this. She's different. Korea has the same old bland and boring vanilla shit in almost every film. You guys are different. You stand out," She said bluntly.
"Mrs. Anais is right. This is what we need, especially since our views are increasing steadily but at a fast rate. We aren't like other platforms that produces the same reaction every time. We like variety. And this is a chance to show others what we have to offer." Bang PD said passionately, he called the snack bearer over before helping himself to a glass of the sparkling water.
Taehyung was still quiet during the whole ordeal. He had one of the photos in his hand, taking in every gorgeous detail of the woman that was going to be under him soon if he had any say. He was pretty sure these measly photos weren't doing her any justice, and couldn't wait make his assessment true.
Jungkook cleared his throat with a smirk etched onto his face and leaned forward in his seat, "Well, I think I should watch some of her content. I would like to see what the hype is about." And Taehyung wanted to slap him.
How absurd could this imbecile get?
"She's very gorgeous. Exotic even-,"
"She's not a damn animal."
Jungkook slid his gaze over to Taehyung who kept the same unfazed look on his face. He continued going on about their next conquest, eyeing Taehyung every now and then.
Taehyung closed his eyes and slowed his breathing. What the hell was wrong with him? He had only seen a few pictures of this girl and here he was ready to turn into Michael Ealy and he hadn't even met her yet.
How unfortunate. For her.
But then again, infatuation doesn't last long and he only planned on exploiting her. Nothing major.
"So, are we agreeing? Or do we have to take our business elsewhere? We only came here because you guys are the best, why settle for anything less?" Anais said, persuasion clear in her voice.
"Hm, the buttering up tactic. You've got that down packed. Though we know that we are in fact the best, we would have outright told you that you aren't needed if we didn't want to work with you." Taehyung rebutted.
Anais smirked, nodding her head before signaling towards the man next to her who got out a notepad. "Shall we exchange numbers? Coming back and forth to your headquarters puts quite the strain on my schedule and frankly gives me much more stress than what is needed in my hectic life."
Bang PD nodded and took his cellphone out before taking down her number and her his. Anais stood, along with the unnamed man.
"So, we'll have to arrange a meeting as soon as possible. I'll send you the information tomorrow. Thank you for your time boys." The clicking of her heels were heard until the ding of the elevator sounded and took the two guests away.
Bang PD also went his separate way once they'd left, no doubt going to help edit their recent film. Hopefully putting that shit in the garbage.
Taehyung noticed they didn't bother to gather up the photos. Photos that he now claimed as his as he gently stuffed them back into the envelope and stood, taking his own leave.
"Have fun beating the skin off of your dick," Jungkook said smartly, walking up behind him. "I know I will. I can't wait to have my way with her." He hummed. "She's thick in all the right places so being rough with her won't be a problem. It would be even better if she was a runner. And a squirter." Jungkook slapped a hand on his back  and winking before walking back towards the poor girl that was skipping out on her duties to talk to him.
Kim Taehyung's life was never uneventful.
He was going to have that slut fired tomorrow even though she had a brother that was in the hospital with an insurmountable amount of hospital bills and two other siblings to take care of.
jamais oublié - never forgotten
Michael Ealy - The fine man from The Perfect Guy w/ Sanaa Lathan.
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Stay Ch. 3
[Master List] [Chapter 1] [Chapter 2]
Pairing: Natasha X Reader (Female)
Summary: You have a gift, the ability to see other people’s innermost secrets. For years you used it to gather intel for the highest bidder when you take on The Widow. After she becomes more than a mark the two of you spend years stealing moments. Post snap you wait in your designated meeting place, look back on the sordid past you share with the woman you love and hope against everything that she’s still alive.
Warnings: References to murder I guess?
A/N: Ah, my poor OC/Reader. So infatuated. So stressed. So about to be in over her head. 
(Also, to my knowledge we don’t know exactly when MCU Natasha graduated from The Red Room so I picked an age that worked for my story.)
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@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree @breezy1415 @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @5aftermidnight  @jeromethepsycho @germansarechill
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Natasha didn’t seem to notice the clear signals she projected nor that your unique brain absorbed each and every one. Or if she did she hid it. She sits back on the bed crossing her legs and gathering the rest of the little vodka bottles to her.
“So,” she asks opening another, “just what kind of freak are you?” Your brows raise in a silent question. “Born freak or made freak.”
“Never met a made freak…” Something to dig into, “Though in all fairness never met a born one either. Never met anyone like me.”
“Born, then?”
You’re genuinely surprised, “Damn, spot on there.”
“I’m a made freak,” she downs the bottle.
“Oh?” You steel yourself, “What exactly…”
“I’m a weapon.” She forms a gun with her fingers and aims it at you, “A damn good one.”
The tension in you releases, you thought she was going to reveal some power, an ability like your own. “Is that so bad?” She just shrugs.
Silence hangs thick for a few minutes. “Alright,” your voice feels like a gunshot, “let’s get to work.” She just stares at you, “I’m good but like any hunting dog I need to be pointed in a direction. You’ve got to have some ideas about who’s put this bounty on you.”
“That’s a long list.”
“I don’t sleep much,” you shrug and flash her a smile. “Come on,” you pull the notepad by the phone to you and the hotel pen, “start listing potentials.”
Over an hour later your head is spinning. “How fucking long have you been at this?” You were both born in ’84… only 20… but you’d lived so many lifetimes by then and there was no question she had too.
“Graduated at 14,” she says nonchalantly.
“From The Red Room. Been working since.”
You ran a hand over your face, letting out a long sigh. “So in six years-“
“That’s from the last two.”
“Fuck me,” you groan, she laughs and you can’t help but smile. “Ok, you’re obviously not done, so keep going.”
Natasha takes a deep breath before listing more names of people and syndicates. It becomes like static as your brain searches for pertinent information, “The Yugo Brotherhood, then there’s-“
“Stop,” you hold up your hand to pause. Eidetic memory, was the best word for it, though it didn’t quite cover it. Anything you absorb you can, for better or worse, recall with pinpoint accuracy. Great for your job. Terrible for being a functional human. “You took out the fucking Cobra didn’t you?!” Just a shrug.
“Need another drink?” Natasha asks, a small smile playing on her lips.
You hold out your glass, “Make it a double.” Your fingers brush over her’s as she hands the glass back to you and a shiver climbs up your spine, “Thank you.” After a sip you take a deep breath and close your eyes, pulling up everything you have on the Yugoslavian Brotherhood.
Names and dates begin pouring out, your hand racing across the pages in your short form, scrawling out the information. Tearing off the page and going on to the next, you’re like a machine. Then your hand starts sketching the outline of a face, a man, automatic. You stop yourself as it’s not necessary.
Natasha was hovering over watching, fascinated. You hadn’t noticed her. Three pages in her hands.
“Sorry, I kinda zone out once this,” you tap your forehead, “get’s going.”
“You just… remembered all of this?” She looks at the pages, trying to decipher them.
“Mhm, part of the package.” You reach for the pages, “You won’t be able to decode those.”
She flashes you a side glance, “This is short for, underworld,” she points to the mix of symbols letters. “Don’t assume,” she hands them to you and sits on the opposite side of the table.
“Well made,” she says dryly.
- Post Snap -
You stare at the dark screen of your phone. Willing it to light up. Any number, any country, you’d answer. Because maybe…
The sun was setting. A few stragglers had wandered into the hotel, all looking dazed, lost. Did you look like that? Did it matter?
You let your mind wander back.
It didn’t take you long to narrow in on what mercs would have picked up the Brotherhood’s hit the fastest…
- Nov. 2004 -
“That doesn’t sound like a suicide mission at all,” your stare is incredulous.
“I can handle myself.”
“Yeah, no one is disputing that. But you don’t have-“
“Enough,” she pushes past you and it takes every ounce of self-control for you to not grab her.
It turned out that the hit on Natasha had indeed been put on her by the Brotherhood. The day before you had pulled corroborating information from two different men that Europe’s top two mercs had picked up that the Widow was in Vienna. Rather than risk going after her solo they were apparently teaming up, willing to split the sizable bounty for the glory of taking her out. She didn’t want to wait, was instead determined to crash their makeshift HQ.
You had spent the better part of the last three hours pointing out to her the obvious issues. They would have home-field advantage, there were at least two of them, they were both skilled killers. She of course scoffed, she was better than them and would be sending their head’s to the Brotherhood as a clear message.
Leaning against the door you watch her gear up, teeth grinding, brain whirring trying to find any way to get her to stop. Natasha was unquestionably exceptional at what she did, but in this instance, she was being arrogant.
Done covering her body in a small arsenal she stares you down. You don’t move. “Please,” she sighs, “don’t make me move you, Y/N.”
“If you die that’s on me,” she won’t meet your eyes.
“If you feel guilt over the consequences of a job well done you need to find a new line of work.” When she finally looks back it’s as though she’s donned a mask, “Now, get out of my fucking way.” You do, even though you feel like you’re moving through wet concrete.
Natasha opens the door with more force than necessary and steps out before pausing. She looks back at you, “Thank you… for the information. I won’t forget what I owe you.” Then she’s gone.
You collapse into a chair, head in your hands. For three days you had worked to dig up as much information as you possibly could to find just what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into. Unsurprisingly, it was all a tangled mess. But you had also spent much of that time with her.
At first, you thought she would be vapid, boring, just a gun in a pretty dress. Now you weren’t sure if you were happy or livid that she was anything but.
In lulls between research and tracking down sources you both hardly slept, instead, you just ate junk, guzzled caffeine, and talked about your favorite books, artists, music. Turned out she had a soft spot for classic rock and Anais Nin, both of which utterly surprised you.
One of the definite upsides to your ability was being able to tell if someone was lying to you, or fronting, she had done neither. Your exchange was candid, and you felt somehow honored that she chose to be real with you. In return you had been open with her, laying out what your original plan had been, telling her what information you needed to satisfy your S.H.I.E.L.D contact. Rather than having to pluck it from her she willingly gave you the intel.
It turned your stomach. The way The Red Room broke these girls to make them into weapons. Your own childhood hadn’t been a cake walk. Sold off to the highest bidder the moment your dad realized what useful skills you had and that plenty of underworld lowlives would be happy to have a handy little psychic on their side. But none of the brutality you had witnessed was calculated, none of it specifically formulated to break you, which somehow made it all less sinister in your mind.
All that she had been through and yet… deep under it all, there was something there, some spark, of humanity they couldn’t strip away. You felt it there every time she spoke about her own likes, every time you caught her glancing at you, every time you brushed against her (accidentally on purpose if you were being real).
You wanted to know her, really know her, you wanted- fuck. You get up and pace around the room. Anxiety growing with every circuit you make. Maybe an hour since she had left… enough time to get to their hideout… enough time for her to be…
“Goddammit!” You yell to nothing as you begin to gear up. Every sensible part of your brain is screaming at you. Lining up the reasons not to go after her, blasting them at full volume. But your brain wasn’t in control right now. Neither was your heart. This was your gut telling you something was going to go wrong, something you couldn’t live with.
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a-zhomework · 6 years
1st Sem NMIMS Assignments Solution Dec 2018
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Must read before purchase You must edit minimum 20 percent for submission, because universities/institute can catch copy case and provide 0 marks. 1. Management Theory and Practice Q1:  M/s Subodh Enterprise is failing to make profit from last five years. The company has no proper vision and direction to follow. The Directors have decided to replace the current leader who shows less concern for people as well as profit. They appoint you as a consultant to guide them on the various types of leader and suggest them one type of leader that will be suitable for this organization with reasons. Q2:  Mr. Ajay wants to purchase new printers for the organization as the current printers are outdated and the cost per print is high. Whenever the printers stop working the service provided from the company is very poor. It takes them seven days to resolve minor issues. This is affecting the productivity of people. There are seven departments and all the departments printer need to be replaced. Explain the decision making process that Ajay should follow for purchase of best printers for the organization. Q3:  Mr. Amit is the departmental head of Marketing and has seven employees directly reporting to him. The seven members of the team are never in consensus with each other on major important decisions. There had been heated discussion among them in various meeting scheduled by Mr. Amit. The team members are not having great rapport with Production and R&D departments Head because of lack of coordination within the team. There is total chaos and confusion in the organization. Mr. Amit is worried about the online course that he has joined and has not been able to commit himself for the course. He is not able to give time to solve the assignments, check the MCQs, and participate in the discussion forum which are a part of the course. Mr. Amit s relationship with the seniors is cordial. He doesn t like the Production Department head as the latter doesn t provide him with regular reports and delivery status. a. Enumerate types of conflicts and identify various types of conflict in the above case? b. What are the various ways to resolve the conflict? 2. Organizational Behavior Q1. Shanaya works as a creative head in the entertainment industry, where she is often required to work for long hours. Her reporting authority Kiran is very inflexible who wants the work to be done according to her liking. Shanaya tried to talk to her on several occasions and explain her as well as other team members point of view but in vain, as Kiran would not budge. If anything is not done according to Kiran s way she reprimands Shanaya in front of her peers and subordinates. Kiran would pile Shanaya with excess work and make her work from home even during holidays. Keeping the above scenario in mind, discuss the pitfalls of leadership as demonstrated by Kiran. Q2. Anay works as a project lead in a pharmaceutical company. He is very famous amongst his team members because of his approach towards them. Whenever his team performs well he always rewards them. This reward comes in many forms like appreciation mail, gift voucher, and acknowledgement certificate. Because of this practice in Anay s team they are regarded as the best performers in the office. Analyse the situation and explain the elements of reinforcement used by Anay. Q3. Shiva and Sanjay work in an Information Technology (IT) multi-national company (MNC) in the same team as management trainees. They both got selected through campus placement. It has been six months since they joined the company. While filling up their confirmation forms Shiva came to know that Sanjay draws more remuneration than him. This had visibly upset Shiva and he started dumping all his work to Sanjay. The strained relationship between them could be sensed by their colleagues as well. Sanjay probed for this and from one of Shiva s new confidante he came to know the reason. a. What kind of conflict was between Shiva & Sanjay? Discuss the same with suitable concepts & reasons. b. How can the conflict be resolved or managed by Shiva. Discuss 3. Business Economics Q1:  The manager of a company was analysing the trend of the products of its company (Commodity Y) getting replaced by another substitute product available in the market which gives the same level of satisfaction to the consumers. Calculate the rate of Marginal Rate of Substitution and analyse the result. Combination Units of Commodity Y Units of Commodity X Total Utility a 40 10 U b 25 14 U c 17 19 U d 10 27 U e 7 38 U   Q2:  Neha has just completed her MBA and joined a startup company. The company was planning to launch a new product in the market so the management wanted to understand the different factors that can impact the demand and supply of their products in the market. Help Neha to prepare a report on the factors impacting demand and supply of products in the market.   Q3:  Alpha Ltd market share was declining due to high competition in the market so it decided to enter a new segment. It wanted to determine the relationship between change in the quantity demanded of the product due to change in the price of the product in the market. Assume that at the price of 100, the demand for the product is 400 units. If the price of the product increases to 120, the demand decreases to 250 units. Calculate the price elasticity: a) Using Arc elasticity method b) Using Percentage method 4. Corporate Social Responsibility Q1. Climate change is the current focus of business community globally and businesses worldwide are including climate change related considerations in their strategic business decisions as well as long term plans. Choose any one current and live company, Indian or Multinational and explain how it is implementing any two climate change policies /actions to reduce their negative climate change impacts and why do they look at climate change as part of risk management?(refer to the sustainability report of the chosen company) Q2. With the introduction of Companies Act 2013 for the first time CSR has been legally acknowledged. Study the section 135, CSR rules as well as Schedule VII of Companies Act 2013. According to you explain 10 benefits that will accrue to business as well as society due to this regulation. Q3. Child labour is a violation of human rights. India is sadly the home to the largest number of child labourers in the world. Children are engaged as household servants and are also employed by hotels, service stations, food stalls, workshops, construction sites, carpet industries, etc. They are even employed in hazardous and unhygienic forms of labour in textile, leather and cracker industries, depriving the children of their childhood, and harming their mental, emotional and physical development & well-being. a. What according to you are five compelling reasons for the existence of child labour in India? b. Suggest four strategies/action plan that can be adopted by business to make child labour unattractive and non viable. 5. Information Systems for Managers Q1. Social media and data analytics are changing the scene for most industries today. It is said that social media played a key role in propelling the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to power in 2014. It is no surprise that with the elections round the corner in 2019, parties are getting their social media warriors ready to help them combat this war in the digital space. In your opinion, can Social media be used to influence voter behaviour? Can political parties actually leverage data analytics solutions to reach out to probable voters? Justify your answer. (10 Marks)   Q2. Malkan Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. is operating in the pharmaceutical industry with a number of drug formulations in the form of tablets, capsules, powder and syrup. These drugs are available to the patients through chemists or online pharmacies on prescriptions of registered practitioners only. Besides, the company has some over-the-counter products that are available to any person without prescriptions. The company markets its products through a network of wholesalers, who in turn have their retailer network. The company is finding it difficult to maintain the inventory of the stocks that it has at its disposal, warehousing processes and associated transactions including shipping, receiving, put-away and picking. In order to streamline its operations to achieve efficiency, the company is planning to invest in a SCM software. How would this help the company in achieving its objectives? What are the risks in implementing the same? (10 Marks)   Q3. You have been assigned as a project manager to deploy ERP System in a new start-up company having multi-location in India, with standalone and disparate systems. This company has manual processes, a high dependency on people for information, leading to a delay in timely decision making. The organization has embarked on a journey to implement ERP system-duly integrating all process and functions for quality transactions and availability of information. a. Elaborate the steps you would take for effective implementation. (5 Marks) b. What are the critical issues that you need to address for the successful implementation of ERP? (5 Marks) 6. Business Communication Q1. Large organizations where there are many people working closely, create unofficial and informal channels of communication. What is this kind of communication known as and what purpose does it serve in large organizations? List different types of this communication along with drawbacks if any.   Q2. Explain the various forms that non-verbal communication takes which impacts cultural aspect of communication. How does verbal and non-verbal communication relate to each other?   Q3. Zenstar Technologies has the task of collating feedback from its customers before the launch of its new product next fortnight. They need their customers to participate and be forthright in the opinions they present to improvise and make any last minute course corrections to garner the best response for the product launch. a. Which computer tool for collecting information will be most suitable for the requirements of Zenstar Technologies and why? b. Advice on how they should conduct the whole exercise of gathering feedback from their customers? Read the full article
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Stay Ch. 3
(This is a repost because of tumblr’s stupid thing about links being in posts. I want to be sure the people who wanted tags see this.)
Master List: @afewmarvelousthoughtsadmin
Pairing: Natasha X Reader (Female)
Summary: You have a gift, the ability to see other people’s innermost secrets. For years you used it to gather intel for the highest bidder when you take on The Widow. After she becomes more than a mark the two of you spend years stealing moments. Post snap you wait in your designated meeting place, look back on the sordid past you share with the woman you love and hope against everything that she’s still alive.
Warnings: References to murder I guess?
A/N: Ah, my poor OC/Reader. So infatuated. So stressed. So about to be in over her head. 
(Also, to my knowledge we don’t know exactly when MCU Natasha graduated from The Red Room so I picked an age that worked for my story.)
Tags are open!
@mywinterwolf  @disagreetoagree @breezy1415 @peachthatdrinkslemonade  @5aftermidnight  @jeromethepsycho @germansarechill
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Natasha didn’t seem to notice the clear signals she projected nor that your unique brain absorbed each and every one. Or if she did she hid it. She sits back on the bed crossing her legs and gathering the rest of the little vodka bottles to her.
“So,” she asks opening another, “just what kind of freak are you?” Your brows raise in a silent question. “Born freak or made freak.”
“Never met a made freak…” Something to dig into, “Though in all fairness never met a born one either. Never met anyone like me.”
“Born, then?”
You’re genuinely surprised, “Damn, spot on there.”
“I’m a made freak,” she downs the bottle.
“Oh?” You steel yourself, “What exactly…”
“I’m a weapon.” She forms a gun with her fingers and aims it at you, “A damn good one.”
The tension in you releases, you thought she was going to reveal some power, an ability like your own. “Is that so bad?” She just shrugs.
Silence hangs thick for a few minutes. “Alright,” your voice feels like a gunshot, “let’s get to work.” She just stares at you, “I’m good but like any hunting dog I need to be pointed in a direction. You’ve got to have some ideas about who’s put this bounty on you.”
“That’s a long list.”
“I don’t sleep much,” you shrug and flash her a smile. “Come on,” you pull the notepad by the phone to you and the hotel pen, “start listing potentials.”
Over an hour later your head is spinning. “How fucking long have you been at this?” You were both born in ’84… only 20… but you’d lived so many lifetimes by then and there was no question she had too.
“Graduated at 14,” she says nonchalantly.
“From The Red Room. Been working since.”
You ran a hand over your face, letting out a long sigh. “So in six years-“
“That’s from the last two.”
“Fuck me,” you groan, she laughs and you can’t help but smile. “Ok, you’re obviously not done, so keep going.”
Natasha takes a deep breath before listing more names of people and syndicates. It becomes like static as your brain searches for pertinent information, “The Yugo Brotherhood, then there’s-“
“Stop,” you hold up your hand to pause. Eidetic memory, was the best word for it, though it didn’t quite cover it. Anything you absorb you can, for better or worse, recall with pinpoint accuracy. Great for your job. Terrible for being a functional human. “You took out the fucking Cobra didn’t you?!” Just a shrug.
“Need another drink?” Natasha asks, a small smile playing on her lips.
You hold out your glass, “Make it a double.” Your fingers brush over her’s as she hands the glass back to you and a shiver climbs up your spine, “Thank you.” After a sip you take a deep breath and close your eyes, pulling up everything you have on the Yugoslavian Brotherhood.
Names and dates begin pouring out, your hand racing across the pages in your short form, scrawling out the information. Tearing off the page and going on to the next, you’re like a machine. Then your hand starts sketching the outline of a face, a man, automatic. You stop yourself as it’s not necessary.
Natasha was hovering over watching, fascinated. You hadn’t noticed her. Three pages in her hands.
“Sorry, I kinda zone out once this,” you tap your forehead, “get’s going.”
“You just… remembered all of this?” She looks at the pages, trying to decipher them.
“Mhm, part of the package.” You reach for the pages, “You won’t be able to decode those.”
She flashes you a side glance, “This is short for, underworld,” she points to the mix of symbols letters. “Don’t assume,” she hands them to you and sits on the opposite side of the table.
“Well made,” she says dryly.
- Post Snap -
You stare at the dark screen of your phone. Willing it to light up. Any number, any country, you’d answer. Because maybe…
The sun was setting. A few stragglers had wandered into the hotel, all looking dazed, lost. Did you look like that? Did it matter?
You let your mind wander back.
It didn’t take you long to narrow in on what mercs would have picked up the Brotherhood’s hit the fastest…
- Nov. 2004 -
“That doesn’t sound like a suicide mission at all,” your stare is incredulous.
“I can handle myself.”
“Yeah, no one is disputing that. But you don’t have-“
“Enough,” she pushes past you and it takes every ounce of self-control for you to not grab her.
It turned out that the hit on Natasha had indeed been put on her by the Brotherhood. The day before you had pulled corroborating information from two different men that Europe’s top two mercs had picked up that the Widow was in Vienna. Rather than risk going after her solo they were apparently teaming up, willing to split the sizable bounty for the glory of taking her out. She didn’t want to wait, was instead determined to crash their makeshift HQ.
You had spent the better part of the last three hours pointing out to her the obvious issues. They would have home-field advantage, there were at least two of them, they were both skilled killers. She of course scoffed, she was better than them and would be sending their head’s to the Brotherhood as a clear message.
Leaning against the door you watch her gear up, teeth grinding, brain whirring trying to find any way to get her to stop. Natasha was unquestionably exceptional at what she did, but in this instance, she was being arrogant.
Done covering her body in a small arsenal she stares you down. You don’t move. “Please,” she sighs, “don’t make me move you, Y/N.”
“If you die that’s on me,” she won’t meet your eyes.
“If you feel guilt over the consequences of a job well done you need to find a new line of work.” When she finally looks back it’s as though she’s donned a mask, “Now, get out of my fucking way.” You do, even though you feel like you’re moving through wet concrete.
Natasha opens the door with more force than necessary and steps out before pausing. She looks back at you, “Thank you… for the information. I won’t forget what I owe you.” Then she’s gone.
You collapse into a chair, head in your hands. For three days you had worked to dig up as much information as you possibly could to find just what kind of trouble she had gotten herself into. Unsurprisingly, it was all a tangled mess. But you had also spent much of that time with her.
At first, you thought she would be vapid, boring, just a gun in a pretty dress. Now you weren’t sure if you were happy or livid that she was anything but.
In lulls between research and tracking down sources you both hardly slept, instead, you just ate junk, guzzled caffeine, and talked about your favorite books, artists, music. Turned out she had a soft spot for classic rock and Anais Nin, both of which utterly surprised you.
One of the definite upsides to your ability was being able to tell if someone was lying to you, or fronting, she had done neither. Your exchange was candid, and you felt somehow honored that she chose to be real with you. In return you had been open with her, laying out what your original plan had been, telling her what information you needed to satisfy your S.H.I.E.L.D contact. Rather than having to pluck it from her she willingly gave you the intel.
It turned your stomach. The way The Red Room broke these girls to make them into weapons. Your own childhood hadn’t been a cake walk. Sold off to the highest bidder the moment your dad realized what useful skills you had and that plenty of underworld lowlives would be happy to have a handy little psychic on their side. But none of the brutality you had witnessed was calculated, none of it specifically formulated to break you, which somehow made it all less sinister in your mind.
All that she had been through and yet… deep under it all, there was something there, some spark, of humanity they couldn’t strip away. You felt it there every time she spoke about her own likes, every time you caught her glancing at you, every time you brushed against her (accidentally on purpose if you were being real).
You wanted to know her, really know her, you wanted- fuck. You get up and pace around the room. Anxiety growing with every circuit you make. Maybe an hour since she had left… enough time to get to their hideout… enough time for her to be…
“Goddammit!” You yell to nothing as you begin to gear up. Every sensible part of your brain is screaming at you. Lining up the reasons not to go after her, blasting them at full volume. But your brain wasn’t in control right now. Neither was your heart. This was your gut telling you something was going to go wrong, something you couldn’t live with.
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a-zhomework · 6 years
NMIMS Solved Assignments for Dec 2018
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AtoZHomework.com Present NMIMS Assignment Solution for Dec 18 Are you searching NMIMS Assignment Solution? If yes, buy complete one semester solution from atozhomework and get one month premium membership for exam. Contact Now for more information. Question 1: Climate change is the current focus of business community globally and businesses worldwide are including climate change related considerations in their strategic business decisions as well as long term plans. Choose any one current and live company, Indian or Multinational and explain how it is implementing any two climate change policies /actions to reduce their negative climate change impacts and why do they look at climate change as part of risk management?(refer to the sustainability report of the chosen company)2 Answer: Buy from https://atozhomework.com/product-category/nmims/  OR Call/whatsapp on 999 000 41 35 Question 2: With the introduction of Companies Act 2013 for the first time CSR has been legally acknowledged. Study the section 135, CSR rules as well as Schedule VII of Companies Act 2013. According to you explain 10 benefits that will accrue to business as well as society due to this regulation. Question 3: Child labour is a violation of human rights. India is sadly the home to the largest number of child labourers in the world. Children are engaged as household servants and are also employed by hotels, service stations, food stalls, workshops, construction sites, carpet industries, etc. They are even employed in hazardous and unhygienic forms of labour in textile, leather and cracker industries, depriving the children of their childhood, and harming their mental, emotional and physical development and well-being. What according to you are five compelling reasons for the existence of child labour in India? Suggest four strategies/action plan that can be adopted by business to make child labour unattractive and non viable. Question 4: Large organizations where there are many people working closely, create unofficial and informal channels of communication. What is this kind of communication known as and what purpose does it serve in large organizations? List different types of this communication along with drawbacks if any. Question 5: Explain the various forms that non-verbal communication takes which impacts cultural aspect of communication. How does verbal and non-verbal communication relate to each other? Question 6: Zenstar Technologies has the task of collating feedback from its customers before the launch of its new product next fortnight. They need their customers to participate and be forthright in the opinions they present to improvise and make any last minute course corrections to garner the best response for the product launch. Which computer tool for collecting information will be most suitable for the requirements of Zenstar Technologies and why? Advice on how they should conduct the whole exercise of gathering feedback from their customers? Question 7: The manager of a company was analysing the trend of the products of its company (Commodity Y) getting replaced by another substitute product available in the market which gives the same level of satisfaction to the consumers. Calculate the rate of Marginal Rate of Substitution and analyse the result. Combination Units of Commodity Y Units of Commodity X Total Utility a 40 10 U b 25 14 U c 17 19 U d 10 27 U e 7 38 U Question 8: Neha has just completed her MBA and joined a startup company. The company was planning to launch a new product in the market so the management wanted to understand the different factors that can impact the demand and supply of their products in the market. Help Neha to prepare a report on the factors impacting demand and supply of products in the market. Question 9: Alpha Ltd market share was declining due to high competition in the market so it decided to enter a new segment. It wanted to determine the relationship between change in the quantity demanded of the product due to change in the price of the product in the market. Assume that at the price of 100, the demand for the product is 400 units. If the price of the product increases to 120, the demand decreases to 250 units. Calculate the price elasticity: a) Using Arc elasticity method b) Using Percentage method Question 10: Social media and data analytics are changing the scene for most industries today. It is said that social media played a key role in propelling the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to power in 2014. It is no surprise that with the elections round the corner in 2019, parties are getting their social media warriors ready to help them combat this war in the digital space. In your opinion, can Social media be used to influence voter behaviour? Can political parties actually leverage data analytics solutions to reach out to probable voters? Justify your answer. Question 11: Malkan Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. is operating in the pharmaceutical industry with a number of drug formulations in the form of tablets, capsules, powder and syrup. These drugs are available to the patients through chemists or online pharmacies on prescriptions of registered practitioners only. Besides, the company has some over-the-counter products that are available to any person without prescriptions. The company markets its products through a network of wholesalers, who in turn have their retailer network. The company is finding it difficult to maintain the inventory of the stocks that it has at its disposal, warehousing processes and associated transactions including shipping, receiving, put-away and picking. In order to streamline its operations to achieve efficiency, the company is planning to invest in a SCM software. How would this help the company in achieving its objectives? What are the risks in implementing the same? Question 12: You have been assigned as a project manager to deploy ERP System in a new start-up company having multi-location in India, with standalone and disparate systems. This company has manual processes, a high dependency on people for information, leading to a delay in timely decision making. The organization has embarked on a journey to implement ERP system-duly integrating all process and functions for quality transactions and availability of information. Elaborate the steps you would take for effective implementation. What are the critical issues that you need to address for the successful implementation of ERP? Question 13: M/s Subodh Enterprise is failing to make profit from last five years. The company has no proper vision and direction to follow. The Directors have decided to replace the current leader who shows less concern for people as well as profit. They appoint you as a consultant to guide them on the various types of leader and suggest them one type of leader that will be suitable for this organization with reasons. Question 14: Mr. Ajay wants to purchase new printers for the organization as the current printers are outdated and the cost per print is high. Whenever the printers stop working the service provided from the company is very poor. It takes them seven days to resolve minor issues. This is affecting the productivity of people. There are seven departments and all the departments printer need to be replaced. Explain the decision making process that Ajay should follow for purchase of best printers for the organization. Question 15: Mr. Amit is the departmental head of Marketing and has seven employees directly reporting to him. The seven members of the team are never in consensus with each other on major important decisions. There had been heated discussion among them in various meeting scheduled by Mr. Amit. The team members are not having great rapport with Production and R and D departments Head because of lack of coordination within the team. There is total chaos and confusion in the organization. Mr. Amit is worried about the online course that he has joined and has not been able to commit himself for the course. He is not able to give time to solve the assignments, check the MCQs, and participate in the discussion forum which are a part of the course. Mr. Amit s relationship with the seniors is cordial. He doesn t like the Production Department head as the latter doesn t provide him with regular reports and delivery status. Enumerate types of conflicts and identify various types of conflict in the above case? What are the various ways to resolve the conflict? Question 16: Shanaya works as a creative head in the entertainment industry, where she is often required to work for long hours. Her reporting authority Kiran is very inflexible who wants the work to be done according to her liking. Shanaya tried to talk to her on several occasions and explain her as well as other team members point of view but in vain, as Kiran would not budge. If anything is not done according to Kiran s way she reprimands Shanaya in front of her peers and subordinates. Kiran would pile Shanaya with excess work and make her work from home even during holidays. Keeping the above scenario in mind, discuss the pitfalls of leadership as demonstrated by Kiran. Question 17: Anay works as a project lead in a pharmaceutical company. He is very famous amongst his team members because of his approach towards them. Whenever his team performs well he always rewards them. This reward comes in many forms like appreciation mail, gift voucher, and acknowledgement certificate. Because of this practice in Anay s team they are regarded as the best performers in the office. Analyse the situation and explain the elements of reinforcement used by Anay. Question 18: Shiva and Sanjay work in an Information Technology (IT) multi-national company (MNC) in the same team as management trainees. They both got selected through campus placement. It has been six months since they joined the company. While filling up their confirmation forms Shiva came to know that Sanjay draws more remuneration than him. This had visibly upset Shiva and he started dumping all his work to Sanjay. The strained relationship between them could be sensed by their colleagues as well. Sanjay probed for this and from one of Shiva s new confidante he came to know the reason. What kind of conflict was between Shiva and Sanjay? Discuss the same with suitable concepts and reasons. How can the conflict be resolved or managed by Shiva. Discuss Question 19: Mr. Hari has joined as a marketing head in a startup that deals with online sale of Groceries. The online store is named as www.baniyakidukaan.com. The store will start its operation in 4 cities namely Mumbai, Pune, Delhi and Bangalore. The company faces tough competition from various online stores. The company s major focus is to make the items available at lowest possible price. You have been asked to prepare the 7P s of marketing mix for the online store. Question 20: M/s Kids Corporation is planning to launch its own brand of Dolls across India. The doll will be named Senorita and it will be available in the price range of 600/- to 1400/- Rupees. The doll will be available in major types of profession like Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, etc. so that it can even inspire girls to go for these careers in future. Design the Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning strategy for Senorita. Question 21: M/s Joy Corporation wants to enter into the production, marketing and distribution of Mobile Phones. The company is a market leader in Washing Machines and Refrigerators. The company wants to penetrate into the ever increasing Mobile Market. It plans to sell mid-range mobile phones where the major competitors are Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi. Explain various steps involved in the new product development of Joy Mobile Phones. Explain various marketing strategies that Joy mobile phones should undertake during the time of launch i.e. introduction phase of Joy Mobile Phones. Assets Expense Ratio Return 2006 3-Year Return 5-Year Return 904.8 1.51 4.6 10.7 8.1 675.9 1.28 8.5 11.9 7.3 909.7 0.80 13.1 10.4 6.3 52.2 1.50 11.6 10.3 6.4 8411.5 0.63 10.9 12.4 8.0 282.3 1.22 7.1 10.2 8.0 9870.7 0.86 12.3 15.0 7.7 424.8 1.13 12.3 11.0 6.2 15422.9 0.72 14.0 10.2 6.2 497.9 1.36 8.6 12.0 7.3 547.3 1.09 7.5 12.8 7.2 5527.1 0.41 11.2 10.2 6.5 22592.9 0.46 12.3 13.0 8.4 240.8 1.42 4.4 10.3 6.6 2403.4 0.93 8.0 10.1 4.3 233.3 1.33 6.5 9.4 5.4 71.2 0.15 15.4 6.6 5.0 506.9 1.15 11.2 9.3 4.5 221.6 1.12 13.2 8.9 4.7 434.9 1.19 14.2 12.3 7.1 7834.2 0.56 13.7 9.6 5.5 152.1 1.34 12.4 9.6 4.6 815.4 0.73 13.0 8.9 4.5 85.7 0.45 13.2 9.6 4.0 166.1 1.41 3.3 7.8 5.3 47.2 0.74 8.1 10.8 5.7 6955.2 0.87 7.8 10.7 5.8 135.4 1.25 14.6 8.2 5.8 142.0 1.18 9.2 9.7 5.6 601.8 1.00 9.7 7.9 3.8 Question 22: For the data on 31 mutual funds given above, conduct the following analysis: Determine the measures of central tendency and of dispersion for the five variables. Provide the five-number summary i.e. the minimum, 1st quartile, median, 3rd quartile and maximum value for asset size. Interpret the above results and comment on how the data is distributed. Question 23: For the same data on mutual funds given above: Is there a strong association between asset size and expense ratio? Create a scatterplot diagram depicting the association between the two variables. iii. Using the regression equation, predict the 5-year return of a fund whose 3-year return was 8%. Question 24: Assume there are 400 athletes in a training camp, who are required to attend the morning drill starting at 4 am. The attendance in morning drills is 70%, i.e. on an average, 280 athletes are present. Fifty new athletes are admitted in this batch. What is the probability of attendance being at least 70% among the new athletes, thus ensuring the overall attendance does not fall below 70%? The training coach thinks that this probability will increase, if the new batch size is 40 instead of 50 students. Is he right in assuming so? Question 25: What is the difference between valid, void or voidable contract. Please explain the instances when a contract becomes valid, void or voidable contract. Question 26: Please give at least two (2) real life examples on how the recent amendments in Companies Act, 2013 has brought about sweeping changes in corporate scenario of India. Question 27: Arun and Smitha are good friends since a long time. Smitha is in need of a house loan with a bank and Arun has agreed to be a be a co-applicant cum guarantor to help Smitha secure the house loan. Smitha after taking possession of the Flat started defaulting payments of the house loan and absconded. In light of the above instance, you are called to advise the bank on the following queries: What is the contract between Arun, Smitha and the bank termed as? Identify Arun, Smitha and the bank according to their roles in such contract? (5 Marks) Does the bank have any right against Arun? If yes please explain in detail? If, Arun voluntarily offers to pay the loan to the Bank, what are his rights? Please explain in detail? Question 28: Sanskruti Ltd. is an apparel manufacturing company. Lately it was observed that the absenteeism as well as the employee turnover has increased tremendously. An external consulting firm was roped to understand the entire concern. The report presented by the consulting firm specified that the workers are dissatisfied with their job roles as well as they find no career planning and progression which is affecting the overall organisational productivity. Discuss the objectives as well as merits of career planning which can be included to make the employees happy and satisfied in Sanskruti Ltd. Question 29: Kadambari Enterprises, which is a family managed business in the area of food manufacturing (Indian Snacks) has grown over the years. The business turnover has now become 500 crore. The organisation never had a concept of performance appraisal, the employees were given raise based on their seniority and relationship with the management. Sneha the new heir of Kadambari Enterprises wants to change the entire outlook and bring in the latest Performance Management System to bring parity and justice for the employees. You have been selected as the head HR and have been asked to present the benefits of appraisal and best PMS for Kadambari Enterprise. Question 30: Sameera is a fresh MBA graduate and has joined as a Trainee- Talent Management in Fresoc Ltd. It is her first week at work and she is all geared up for some great learning. To her disappointment she is just handed over some brochures to read. After a fortnight she is assigned some task to work on. Sameera is really confused as she does not have any job clarity and work is being assigned to her randomly. The entire month after joining Fresoc Ltd has been a very demotivating as an outcome she resigned from her services. Do you think that the induction of Sameera was wrong? Justify your answer What could have been an ideal situation where young talent like Sameera would have been retained? Question 31 1 You visited Subway that s the fast food restaurant to purchase a Combo worth Rs 499. The restaurant paid for the raw material and utilities amounting Rs105 for each sale. In addition to that, the restaurant also paid for certain expenses in cash in total Rs 50 per sale. Discuss how these financial transactions will be recorded by way of journal entry, and also, discuss the various stages of the whole accounting process. Question 32 2 The Companies Act 1956 was the first Act which governs the various Companies registered in India. However, in the year 2013, the Act was amended holistically to bring more transparency in terms of accountability, presentation and disclosure aspects in relation to various financial information of a company. However one of your friend is of the opinion that there is only one difference between the two Act , that is , the presentation of financial statements , previously it was governed by Schedule VI and now Schedule III governs it. Now, you are assigned with the task of convincing your friend that there is a huge difference between the two Acts, by briefing him on atleast five other points of differences between the two. Question 33 3 The following information pertains to the Income statement of Beta Ltd. revenue generated from sales 1258000 closing stock 102500 profit on sale of securities 25540 Opening stock 50000 purchase of raw material 500000 direct expenses 150000 manufacturing expenses 67550 administrative expenses 68420 depreciation 15840 preliminary expenses written off 4700 selling and distribution expenses 45000 loss on sale of machinery 15000 interest on loan 46510 Taxes paid 25500 Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT) ? Redraft the information in the vertical form of Income statement and also, calculate Earnings After Taxes (EAT ) Calculate the gross profit ratio and operating profit ratio. Discuss, how they differ from each other? Question 34: One of IKEA s key competitors ASDA wants to enter into India into the furniture product category. Conduct a PESTLE analysis for ASDA in India and suggest whether ASDA should enter India or otherwise. Question 35: You have been appointed as a Strategy Consultant to the Burj Al Arab brand wanting to enter India. Which one of Porter s Generic Strategies would you choose to be operational in India and explain the reasons in detail behind your choice of strategy? Once the strategy has been chosen, explain the categories of customers you would target? Question 36: You are the Chairman of General Motors in the US. Your Indian subsidiary GM India has been fast losing market share to Competitor brands which now account for over 90% of the market share. What turnaround strategies can you suggest to arrest the decline of revenues and profitability of your company? In your opinion, would it be considered appropriate to pursue a Combination Strategy? State your response with appropriate justifications and reasons. Question 37. ABC Fashion Pvt. Ltd. is a leading apparel company in India. They want to expand and modernize their current business model and thus requires additional fund for the business. You have been hired as a Financial consultant to ABC Fashion. As a consultant suggest the various methods as to how ABC Fashion Pvt. Ltd. can raise funds through primary or secondary market for their business. (10 Marks) Question 38. You are a financial Advisor in a financial advisory firm. Your client apart from his existing investments, wants to diversify his portfolio in the mutual funds. Help your client to know the details about the mutual funds. Discuss the various characteristics, advantages and the disadvantages of investing in the Mutual funds. (10 Marks) Question 39. Arun has recently got placed in a public sector bank. His manager asks him to prepare a short presentation on the following. Help Arun to prepare with his presentation. A) Enumerate how Cash Reserve ratio (CRR) is used as a credit control tool by RBI. (5 Marks) B) Also discuss the contribution of statutory liquidity ratio (SLR) in Lowering Countrys Inflation. (5 Marks) Question 40. You are planning to start an online store through a company website and mobile app for selling organic, hand-made, fruit or vegetable-based cosmetic products such as face wash, face creams, scrubs, kajal, listicks, hand and body washes and lotions etc. Before launching your product range, you want to understand the online shopping behavior of consumers on webstores and mobile apps. What is the customer-related, website-related and purchase order-related information that you would collect? (10 Marks) Question 41. India is home to a thriving fake market -- growing 20% every year -- where garments, shoes, watches, cowhide merchandise and jewellery are served as genuine products. Markets like Gandhi Nagar, Lajpat Nagar, Sarojini Nagar and Janpath in Delhi, AC Market Ludhiana are some of the hubs of fake merchandise. Passage of global brands, changes in inclinations from non-branded to branded, a quickly developing economy and a substantial youthful purchaser base in has made India a profoundly lucrative market. Because of broad communications and web-based social networking infiltration, the young are getting to fashion conscious. This has opened uncommon doors for the retail showcase. Market specialists say it is exceptionally hard to evaluate the extent of fake attire. The greatest concern is the clients' fascination towards pilfered items is straightforwardly corresponding to the cost of these items which are sold at least 40% less than the original. Given this understanding, the branded apparel marketers want to conduct a consumer research to understand the consumer psyche and counter the counterfeit market. State the research objective(s) and propose a research design for this study. (10 Marks) Question 42. Marketers have identified a huge opportunity for organised players in the used car market. Currently, the pre-owned car market is 1.2 times the new car market in India, well below the 2.5 times that is typically found in mature markets. The organised used car sellers, which account for merely 15% of the overall pre-owned car space, have started seeing a dramatic rise in volumes. Mahindra and Mahindra's First Choice and Maruti Suzuki's True Value, are planning big time to expand their pre-owned car business. Despite a 15% market share in second-hand car sales, the organised segment is the fastest growing with a 36% spike in FY2017, while the growth for the unorganised sector remained flat in the same period. There is an opportunity in this market which needs to be tapped; but with caution. The unorganized sector is trying to understand what are these areas that they need to work upon as they are facing stiff competition from the organized players. You have been asked to conduct a research to identify the target customer and understand the consumer needs towards pre-owned cars vs new cars and reasons, preferences for organized vs unorganized players, reasons for preferences, the prices that they would be willing to pay, the value-added services they would want and so on. Describe the profile of your target customer for a pre-owned car. Will the profile of a target customer for a pre-owned car be the same as that of a new car? Why or why not? (5 Marks) For the primary data that needs to be collected towards this research, design a questionnaire covering all the research objectives,that could be used towards a quantitative questionnaire-based survey. (5 Marks) Question 43. You are invited to work as a project management consultant on a project for construction of a commercial complex. Discuss the possible ways by which you can contribute towards success of this project. (10 Marks) Question 44. You are involved in an exercise to evaluate capital budgeting. The proposed project has estimated initial outflow of Rs. 1 lac and outflow of Rs. 37,000, Rs. 13,000 and Rs. 63,000 for first three years respectively. Your client uses 15% discount rate for capital budgeting. What would be your recommendation on financial feasibility based on Net Present Value technique? Provide enough details for justification of your recommendation. (10 Marks) Question 45. "I am feeling jittery. How can I estimate how much time it would take to launch our next store in Ratnagiri city? I have never worked on such project of opening new store in new city. I don't know what my boss is thinking of me? Am I a magician to produce a number from nowhere?" Sudesh went on talking on phone while Mansi kept on listening patiently. Sudesh had joined a retail chain as a marketing executive six months back. After showing a great performance for six months on an advertising campaign, he was just put in this new project. When Sudesh's boss briefly told him about this new project, he mentioned that Sugesh should first work on time estimates. Sudesh immediately called Mansi, his cousin, who had 10+ years of experience of working as a marketing manager. After bursting out all frustration, he finally asked, "What should I do?" "Is it the first time the company opening a store in new city?" Mansi asked her first question. "No, there are many people here who have done this before and I am told that all facts and figures about those projects are all documented well", Sudesh responded. "But I am going to do it for the first time!" Sudesh was still nervous. "You don't need to worry! There are two ways by which you can go about making time estimates. Either refer to data from past project or seek opinion of earlier project managers." Mansi started giving her advice to her cousin. What advice will Mansi give to Sudesh about learning from past data? (5 Marks) What advice will Mansi give to Sudesh about expert opinion? (5 Marks) Question 46. You are planning to launch a multi-cuisine Quick-serve Restaurant which shall serve different varieties of food ranging from fast food to south Indian, Italian, north Indian, Chinese. To maintain the quick-serve spirit, the restaurant intends to create quick-serve counters with separate billing stations for each cuisine. Each of these cuisine counters shall separately take the orders, do the billing and serve the quick bite menus. Create a service blueprint for this QSR. (10 Marks) Question 47. Discuss the role and relevance of four potential gaps within a service organization which may lead to a fifth and most serious gap - that is the customer gap. Explain with illustrations. (10 Marks) Question 48. Village Volvo is the 'new kid' in the town. It represents an effort by two former Volvo dealer mechanics to provide quality repair service on out-of-service Volvos at a reasonable cost. Of their 22 years of training and experience with local Volvo dealers, they have earned a reputation and a following of satisfied customers that makes such a service operation feasible to deliver. Their operation is to provide clients with 'custom car care' service that is unavailable at other dealers. They have set aside specific times each week when clients drive in for routine services such as tune-ups and oil changes. However, for diagnosis and repair of specific problems, they encourage clients to schedule appointments. At the time of appointment, the mechanic may take a short test drive with the client to make sure that both understand the area of concern. Another source of information available to the mechanic is the 'Customer Care Vehicle Dossier' (CCVD). This is a continuing file of each vehicle that it services and this history can help the mechanic diagnose problems and also provide a convenient record on the warranty service etc. The owners are also considering the use of CCVD as a way of 'reminding' customers that routine maintenance procedures may be due. At present, Village Volvo has no provision for 'alternate transportation' for the customers. A 'shuttle service' two or three times a day is also being considered, as the owners feel that their suburban location may deter some clients. A waiting room is also available with a television set, comfortable chairs, vending machines for tea / coffee and soft drinks, magazines and newspapers etc. This facility is almost exclusively used by clients who come during the 'drop-in' hours for quick routine jobs such as tune-ups etc. The owner mechanics do no repairs between 7 and 8 am and 5 and 6 pm because these are 'heavy customer contact' hours. As repairs are done, the owner mechanic make note of any other problem that might need attention in the future. This is recorded in the CCVD for future use. This is also intimated to the customer, may be in the form of a 'reminder' postcard sent to them. All small parts that have been replaced are placed in a clean box in the car. Care is taken throughout the repair process to keep the car clean and the inside is vacuumed as a courtesy before pick up. The Village Volvo owners have developed a network of other service providers who assist in recycling used parts and waste products and to whom they can refer clients for work that is not a part of Village Volvo's services such as body work, alignments, reupholstering etc. The owners are also considering the possibility of offering a mini course on weekends to teach clients what they can do to attain their 2,00,000 miles Volvo medal. Discuss the appropriate customer segments that Village Volvo should target and it's positioning strategy to reach out to these target segments(5 Marks) Evaluate the expanded marketing mix for Village Volvo (5 Marks) Question 49: Miss Nihali recently joined Accenture as Head IT. Her CTC amounts to 24 lacs. There is formal procedure which every company's accounts department follows while processing the salaries payment to the employees for any financial year. You being the accounts manager of the company, discuss on the points to be taken care of while charging tax under the head income from salary for the employees. (10 Marks) Question 50: Mr. Abhishek recently passed the MBBS exams and started practicing as a doctor. On the occasion of his birthday, he received a cash gift worth 51000 from one of his father's friend. Further, one of his patients also gifted him a plot of land, as an appreciation for his personal qualities and dedication towards his work. Discuss with suitable reasons, whether the receipts are taxable or not and if yes, then the head of income under which the receipts are taxable. (10 Marks) Question 51: Mr. Arman has a gross total income of Rs 1350000 for the Assessment year 2018-19. He made following payments during the year Compute the eligible amount of deduction under Chapter VI-A for the Assessment Year 2018-19 (5 Marks) What if, in addition to this he also contributed in certain work of literacy and earned a royalty income amounting Rs15 lacs, as a lump sum consideration by authoring certain books. Compute the additional eligible amount of deduction explaining the relevant provision. (5 Marks) Question 52. "Human rights are based on recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world". Preamble to Universal Declaration of Human Rights. According to you which are the five most susceptible areas for potential human rights violations possible in context of employees within an organization? Elaborate on your answer with the help of a suitable example. (10 Marks) Question 53. "The Geeta precepts or Dharma or spirituality based values and practices of business leaders have been shown to positively affect their stakeholder relationships as well as performance." Select a known industry leader or entrepreneur who will help you justify this statement - research and read up about them and describe one incident/episode/decision from their professional life that showcases or proves the above statement (DO NOT explain or quote small /personal conversations or incidents of your immediate boss with you. Select a public figure known to most people). (10 Marks) Question 54. The problem in Chandrapur of Maharashtra and the surrounding area is that this area, which is a declared tiger reserve, is now in danger of being taken over by the mining industry. If the central government awards the licence to the mining industry, then twenty one coal mines will be setting up shop in this area and Chandrapur will become a coal city. The forest will turn into a desert and the wild life will disappear. Somehow we have failed to intelligently sustain and manage the resources of nature, the primary source of all supply chain. Do you think environmental sustainability is an ethical principle? Elaborate on any three issues/principles involved in environmental ethics. (5 Marks) How can business embed environment protection/sustainability within overall business strategy? Elaborate on any five critical ideas/processes/steps. (5 Marks) Question 55: WISDOM Technologies, a start up in online retail business, has hired you as a Compensation Consultant and you are asked to set up the compensation structure in the organization. Which forms of compensation will be a part of your compensation structure? Explain these forms too. (10 Marks) Question 56: ENPOWER Generation, a global Thermal Energy Company, wants to set up its operations in India. You are hired as a Consultant to provide the company with the crucial information about the components of pay structure in India. This information will help the company set up the ideal compensation in India. As a consultant, give these components to your client. (10 Marks) Question 57: MIRAGE Ltd, a leading Textiles firm in India, has made following two important decisions recently •Revamp of production technology by importing the latest machinery •Revising pay structure. In this background, answer the following questions. a) How would you analyze the jobs after revamp of technology? (5 Marks) b) What will be the objectives of job evaluation program to enable the revision of pay structure? . (5 Marks) Question 58. ABC is a manufacturing facility making light bulbs. While the factory is profitable, the rising component prices are squeezing the margins. The factory employs 200 workers and has a registered Union, representing nearly 70% of the workforce. The workers in this facility have approached the Union asking them to fight for higher wages to factor in the rising prices of basic commodities. The union representatives agreed to take the issue with the management.Detail out the process that the union should follow to have their demands met.(10 Marks) Question 59. You are the Personnel Manager in the Rabale factory of Gautam and Co. The registered workers union raised a demand for increase in wages. The management has not made any effort to meet them. Some of the union members have asked the workers to go on strike and are gathered outside the gates, shouting anti-management slogans and requesting other workers to join the strike. The striking workers have made no attempt to physically stop the other workers from entering the factory premises. The General Manager in charge of the factory has asked you to take immediately terminate the picketing workers. Is this termination action justified? What steps will you take as the Personnel Manager to handle this issue?(10 Marks) Question 60. Company ABC is a MNC situated in Aurangabad. The factory manufactured luxury vehicles, which were sold in India and aboard. The political climate in Aurangabad had become very tense and there were minor agitations by several political parties. The main area of contention was reservations in colleges and government jobs for the local community. There was a sudden escalation in tension and a flash strike was declared in the area. Anticipating trouble, ABC shut down their factory on the day of the strike. However, vandals attacked the factory and set fire to some of the buildings and vehicles parked in the factory premises. After things settled down, the company ordered an investigation. During this, they found that the vandals were primarily their own workers, both past and current. Further investigation showed that the workers were unhappy since they had not seen any increase in their wages over the last 3 years. Any worker who protested was promptly laid off. The management regularly took on temporary workers whom they paid nearly half of what they paid their full time workers. There were limited employment options in the area so the workers were forced to accept whatever terms the management set. Has the management followed the principles of healthy industrial relations policy including being legally compliant? (5 Marks) Assume that you were one of the workers working in this company. What are your views on the incidents that happened during the political agitation? How should the workers have handled the grievances? (5 Marks) Question 61. Karen joined Illuminati Magics Ltd. an IT firm as GM -HR. After joining first observation she made was that employees did not have a role clarity. She allocated several tasks to her HR team and came to a root cause analysis that the organisation lacked Job Analysis as a result there was a lot of job and role ambiguity. You are one of the HR team member and have to recommend the three best methods for the accumulation of Job Analysis data. Conclude by emphasising the importance of Job Analysis for Illuminati Magics Ltd. (10 Marks) Question 62. It is said that for Generation Y or millennials the quality of work life is the most important aspect. Comment on the above statement by citing example of any organisation where QWL is integral part of their culture. (10 Marks) Question 63. Life Karma is a private insurance company which has about 900 insurance agents and 45 Unit Managers across pan India. 20 insurance agents report to one Unit Manager. The Learning and Development department wants to equip all of them with the latest sales as well as negotiation techniques. As a L and D Manager you have to choose two on the job training programmes for the Insurance Agents. Conclude by stating reason for selecting these two programmes. (5 Marks) Select any one off the job training programmes for the Unit Manager and also state reasons of selecting the same. (5 Marks) Question 64. Aakash Logistics Limited is a 5 year old organization with 500 employees and a pan-India presence. The company has had average profits and is on an ambitious growth path. The Departmental Heads at Aakash Logistics Limited have often voiced that the performance management system functions in isolation and is not integrated with other HR subsystems, particularly with Recruitment and Selection and Training and Development. You are to guide the HR team with 2 examples on integration of performance management with Recruitment and Selection and Training and Development. (10 Marks) Question 65. Nisha is the Head of HR at 'Gifting Marvels Limited', an organization which specializes in personalized and multi-faceted gifting solutions. The company is 2 years old and has greater business volumes via their electronic portal. Nisha is debating with her CEO on whether the self-appraisal process is relevant for the company. Assuming you are Nisha, how would you approach the interaction with the CEO on self-appraisals. (10 Marks) Question 66. You are the HR Manager in your company and are planning to introduce e-performance management in your company thereby moving from paper-pencil / manual appraisal process. a) How will your convince the management on e-performance management system? (5 Marks) b) What steps will you take before introducing e-performance management? (5 Marks) Question 67: MBC Auto Components Pvt. Ltd has hired you as a consultant to help the organization identify its culture. After your study you came to conclusion that the organization has a weak culture. Which could be the possible characteristics of MNC Auto Components in that case? (10 Marks) Question 68: LMN Strategy Consultancy is facing a unique problem of lack of consistency in the organization as far as following a specific cultural pattern is concerned. You are invited to study and suggest the ways in which the company can sustain the culture in its organization. (10 Marks) Question 69: VINTAGE Retail Pvt. Ltd is an online retail brand selling all the range of garments. Recently they have hired 100 new recruits in various departments of the organization. In this background answer the following a) Explain how stories and rituals can be the ways in which these new recruits can learn the organizational culture of VINTAGE Retail Pvt. Ltd? (5 Marks) b) Explain how material symbols and language can be the ways in which these new recruits can learn the organizational culture of VINTAGE Retail Pvt. Ltd? (5 Marks) Question 70. Your company has exported one break bulk consignment by sea. The job was given to a customs broker Roshanlal and company. While loading liner found some improper packing of goods and Mate receipt was refused. You have been asked to sort out the issues by visiting the port urgently before the ship sails out. Also your boss does not know anything about Mate receipt. Please explain, your Head of the department, details about Mate receipt and give your way of sorting out this issue. (10 Marks) Question 71. Your company wants to import one consignment of 500 kg urgently by air on FOB basis as the production is held up. You did not have time to get freight and insurance certificate. The consignment has landed. Your customs broker is asking for details of freight and insurance. You have asked him to clear without these certificates as the value is less and the goods are required urgently. Please explain how the customs will calculate the freight and insurance charges in absence of these details to arrive at CIF value. (10 Marks) Question 72. You have joined a company, as Import and export manager, who deals with high volume imports and exports. The insurance coverage of both imports and exports have not been done properly and as a result the company is facing loses in insurance claims. You are advised to give the following suggestions: What type of insurance coverage should be opted for covering the insurance of imports and exports? (5 Marks) How the loss will be eradicated with your suggestions? (5 Marks) Question 73. You have exported a consignment to a company Brussels International in London by air. The consignment consists of 78 boxes of electronic spare parts. The export was made on FOB basis. Now the customer informs a shortage of 7 packages and asks you to compensate the loss. As an Export Manager what would be your course of action on this claim. (10 Marks) Question 74. Your company has imported 10 x 20'containers by sea consisting of umbrellas to sell the same to a trader. However due to a problem in payment terms, your customer has refused to take the consignment. You do not have space to store 10 containers load and also your company is not in a position to pay customs duty for the entire consignment. What would be your advice to the company to handle this tricky situation? (10 Marks) Question 75. You have imported on consignment of 5 x 40'containers consisting of consumer items by sea on CIF basis. Your customer has delayed in sending the documents to you. As a result you have incurred detention charges for the containers. The shipping line asks you to pay the detention charges to get the delivery order. While handling this please explain Who will have to bear the detention charges in this case? (5 Marks) How will you take it up with the exporter who has delayed the documents?(5 Marks) Question 76. One of the Medium size Indian pharmaceutical company, well established in India with good Sales and Marketing network, contemplating to go for International business to expand their revenue. Discuss in detail how the company should move forward systematically and discuss what kind of market barriers they will encounter and how to resolve them. (10 Marks) Question 77. Discuss in detail Balance of Payment (BoP); what is the current scenario of India'sBoP with USA and China, and how it can be rectified? (10 Marks) Question 78. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Explain the concept of FDI and how it help the country's economic condition(5 Marks) Why some countries totally ban FDI or they have restricted FDI in certain segments, what is the logical reasons for this, explain with an example. (5 Marks) Question 79. ABC Pharmaceuticals have developed a new composition to fight an epidemic originating in Alaska. A lot of investment in terms of money, time and manpower has undergone for this development. What are the various ways through which ABC Pharmaceuticals can protect itself so that no other company can copy their product composition? (10 Marks) Question 80. XYZ is a well-known cosmetic brand in India. With the rapid industrialization, the company wants to expand its business abroad. As a Strategic manager prepare a report for the board of members citing the various reasons for which the company should enter into an international market. (10 Marks) Question 81. XYZ footwear is a leading Footwear company in India. They want to expand their operations into international market. You have being hired as a consultant to XYZ to draft their strategy for entering into international market. A) What are the different strategies you will discuss in front of the board? (5 Marks) B) Also share the various choices for XYZ footwear to enter an international market (5 Marks) Question 82. You are an Indian Company manufacturing machine parts made of steel and exporting to US. With Donald Trump imposing Tariffs, you have decided to manufacture some of your products in North America and use this as an opportunity to expand your business in that part of the globe. You want to set up the factory either in Mexico or in Canada for this purpose. Evaluate the two location options of setting up the Plant and Business on basis of International Business and Marketing Environment parameters to come to a decision. (10 Marks) Question 83. You are the CEO Starbucks and wish to enter India. Evaluate any 3 entry options to enter into India. Which of the market entry options would you finally choose and why? (10 Marks) Question 84. The Tanzania Toothpaste market has strong growth and reasonable volume. The market is dominated by Colgate which has more than 65% market share and rest 35% percent are scattered within 6-7 local players. Colgate is the market leader in prices while all the other local players are about 20-25% cheaper in prices. The top three parameters of buy of Tanzanian consumers are Health, White Teeth and Freshness in that order. While Colgate positions itself on health platform, other local players are positioned on other 2. One of the biggest reason for lower market share is poor print quality on the toothpaste tubes where as Colgate gets its products from Europe where better quality printing facility on tubes is available. You are an Indian contract manufacturer for Unile ver in India and are now eyeing the Tanzania market where there is no clear number 2. You have set up a Contract manufacturing and Distribution partnership with C and C which is a local business conglomerate who apart from other businesses are also into FMCG but not into Toothpastes. You have decided to export quality printed toothpaste tubes from here for the purpose to overcome the problem faced by local manufacturers. Suggest what would be your pricing strategy for the new brand of toothpaste that you would introduce in Tanzania market based on the information. (5 Marks) Suggest the possible brand positioning for your Toothpaste in the Tanzania Market. (5 Marks) Question 85. What is the need of Total productive maintenance (TPM) in a manufacturing company? Select any manufacturing company of your choice, and do a detailed study of its TPM process. (10 Marks) Question 86: Michael Porter in 1985 in his book, "Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance" proposed three generic strategies of cost leadership, differentiation, and focus. Select any Indian company and explain how it has implemented the Porter's generic strategies. (10 Marks) Question 87: Activity-based costing (ABC) has helped many companies for decades gain a true understanding of their costs to produce and distribute products to customers. ABC provides a precise, accurate view of costs at very granular levels--namely, at the individual product, service and customer level. Successes during the 1980s in applying ABC methods to manufacturing prompted an eventual expansion of this methodology to other key components of the supply chain (e.g., distribution). Manufacturers such as Proctor and Gamble and Warner-Lambert began using ABC models to determine their overall costs to serve individual customers (e.g., Walmart), and to evaluate the costs of offering different individual services to customers (e.g., services such as vendor-managed inventory and advanced shipment notices, or ASNs). (Source: Miller, B. T. The ABCs of Activity-Based Costing for Logistics.) What is ABC and how is it different from the traditional costing methods? (5 Marks) Using suitable examples, explain the important factors for selecting the cost drivers in ABC. (5 Marks) Question 88: Pyramid cements is a Cement manufacturing firm with a Pan India presence. Started by two friends in 1974, this company has a market share of around 12 % today and aspires to be one of the top 6 cement manufacturing and distribution company of India. The management has been advised that the company needs to move away from the family run nature to a greater level of professionalism. The promoters have planned to adopt fully automated systems for business operations, propose change in performance management systems and are looking at hiring fresh talent from outside. These changes have created disharmony in the existing set of employees. What kind of resistance is the management likely to face? What are the various reasons for individual employees that will lead to resistance in this case? What will be the outcome of such resistance? Question 89: Organizations such as HUL, SAP, Microsoft and many more are committed towards encouraging diversity in the workforce. What would be some of the factors that they would consider while promoting diversity? Would you recommend that organizations should invest in creating diverse workforce? What are the benefits associated with this decision? Would companies face certain challenges while promoting diversity? Question 90. As a consultant, you are approached by an upcoming e-tailer who is into online sale of women apparel. They want your advice on creating an effective organizational structure. A) Explain any 4 main principles that you will follow while giving your suggestions? B) How does departmentalization and span of management affect Organizational Structure? Question 91: Founded in 1971 in Seattle, Washington, USA, Starbucks is a well-known international brand with presence in more than 20,000 locations. It has been over 23 years since Jeff Bezos founded Amazon.com in Seattle, Washington, USA. Suppose, Amazon.com is planning to acquire Starbucks, and Jeff has hired you as an advisor. Should Amazon.com acquire Starbucks? Why? (10 Marks) Question 92: Suppose, you are working as a Brand Building and Brand Management Specialist and have been hired by a competitor of Mercedes, the popular car brand. Help your client by explaining the Marketing Strategy of Mercedes in India. (10 Marks) Question 93: Founded in 1976, Brompton (www.brompton.com) is a well-known brand in the international folding bicycle market. Madhav, a young Indian and a first generation entrepreneur, incorporated XYZ Pvt. Ltd. in the year 2018 with a vision to build the first Indian brand to feature among top 3 international folding bicycle brands by 2025. Madhav has hired you as a consultant. a: Explain the various points that you would consider in order to assess the attractiveness of the market for XYZ (5 Marks) b: What will be your recommendations to Madhav regarding Marketing Strategy for XYZ? (5 Marks) Question 94. RedPly (name changed) is a leading Indian plywood manufacturer. Along with plywood it also manufactures and markets allied products for furniture making including laminates, veneer, doors etc. though Plywood remains its largest revenue contributor. RedPly prides itself w.r.t its product quality and remains committed to providing the highest quality to its consumers. Over the years it has installed latest machines and equipment for high-class manufacturing, though it leads to escalation in production cost. RedPly's closest competitor is OrangePly (name changed), with unbranded players being the most significant competition. OrangePly competes through flexible retailer terms and smart marketing and communication strategy while unbranded players offer 30-40% lower price. Plywood retailers and carpenters are the key influencer to customer's decision. While customers (Home-owners) show a preference for RedPly, retailers try to convert them to brands offering higher retailer margins. Carpenters demand higher price for using branded plywood and assure home-owner about the quality of the ISI-marked products or unbranded products. Due to above factors RedPly is consistently losing market share and is facing price- pressures. Plywood market is dominated by the unbranded segment (~60%) with branded players (RedPly, OrangePly, others) forming the remaining. Critically analyze the RedPly's market situation to identify its business challenges. What is/are the possible outcomes if RedPly does not respond to these challenges? Suggest the strategic options available to it. What are the pro and cons of each strategic option? (10 Marks) Question 95. Nitin bhai is feeling perturbed. His company Velvet Paints has recently acquired a Kerala based paints company Trichy Paints a year ago but he has been unable to merge the two brands till today.Velvet Paints' primarily market is in the decorative paints segment. It is known for its quality and innovative products but has limited brand appeal specially in southern market. Trichy Paints has a broader product range across Decorative as well as Wood finish segments. Kerala is Trichy paints key market though it has limited presence in other Southern markets (Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Telengana etc.). Nitin Bhai would like to do away with Trichy Paints as a brand and would only like to use the acquisition for expansion of production facility, personnel and distribution network. Multiple brands require separate marketing and advertising expenditure. Nitin Bhai has ambitious plans for Velvet Paints and plans to make substantial expenditure on the marketing and promotion to be able to take-on established large players. Being a mid-sized company, Velvel Paints has limited resources and multiple brands require separate marketing spend thus increasing the budget required. The key conflict here is regarding the Wood finish brand of Trichy Paints, Wood shine. Velvet Paints has no comparative product and Wood shine is a leader in its segment. Tampering with the brand may lead to market dilution. To resolve the conflict, Nitin Bhai hires a Hyderabad based market research firm Marquee. The market research firm held discussions with the Trichy Paints management, trade partners (retailers, distributors, wood-painters) and consumers. Below were the key findings shared by the Marquee team. Wooden furniture polish is a niche segment with Wood shine being the leading brand Wood shine has a very strong brand recall and brand connect Consumers are dependent on the wood-painters for the brand-selection and are often unaware of the product being used though customers want the best quality for their furniture with low sensitivity to price Wood-painters have limited education and have strong association of Wood shine with existing name and logo . Question 96. Mr. Sharma has been newly appointed as a treasurer in an organization. His Manager asks him to prepare a short presentation on the various functions which are performed by his (treasury management) department. Help Mr. Sharma to prepare the presentation for the same. Question 97. Prudent Liquidity management is essential to maintain a solvency of a bank. Thus bank's regulators such as RBI have specified certain ratio that needs to be kept by the banks. Discuss the various ratios which helps RBI in maintaining the liquidity position in a bank. Question 98. You are the Manager in ABC National Bank Ltd. You are required to take an introductory session for the new candidates on board on the below: Discuss the various kinds of risk which a banks are prone to and how these risk impacts banks. Also enumerate the different methods adopted by the treasury department to measure the various types of the risk. Question 99. ABC Co. sells 10,000 units at a price of Rs. 10 per unit. ABC's total fixed cost is Rs. 20,000, Interest expense 10,000, and variable cost is Rs. 6 per unit. Find ABC's degree of operating leverage, degree of financial leverage and find degree of total leverage. ABC's parent company has Rs. 2.5 million is assets that are currently financed by 100% equity. Its EBIT is Rs.600,000 and its tax rate is 30%. If ABC's parent changes its capital structure to include 40% debt, what is its ROE before and after the change? Assume interest rate on debt is 10%. Comment why the ROE increases after adding debt. Assuming all other things remain same, how will the ROE change if interest on debt is suddenly increased to 20% ? Elaborate on the same Question 100. Kuber Company has a target capital structure of 50% debt and 50% equity, with an after tax cost of debt of 8%. Cost of retained earnings is 14%. Its profit after tax is Rs, 250,000. Kuber is considering the following projects to invest in Find the company's weighted average cost of capital. If the company accepts all the projects that it could invest in just from its profit after tax and considering their IRRs, which projects should it take up? Give reason. What will be its total investment in these projects? Taking into account its target capital structure, how much of equity portion should the company invest in these projects? If the company follows Irrelevance Approach (Modigliani and Miller) or residual dividend policy, what will be its dividend payout ratio? (10 Marks) Question 101. Hi-Tech company's partial balance sheet for 2 years is given below Due to a new product launch, Hi-Tech's sales grew at a faster pace in year 2018. Hi-Tech's working capital bank had been assessing its Maximum Permissible Bank Finance (MPBF) under Method 1 till 2017, but due to a credit squeeze it suddenly changed to Method 2 in year 2018. a) What is the change in net working capital between 2018 and 2017? (5 Marks) b) What is the change in MPBF limit assigned by the bank from year 2017 to 2018? With this change in MPBF limit, will the working capital financing from the bank increase or decrease? 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