#anabelle huntington
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Are those wedding bells I hear? I think it's time for a courthouse wedding!
#ts4#simblr#sims 4#ts4 gameplay#100 baby challenge#incredibly ironic considering bentley is *technically* in the criminal career#first baby of gen2 to be married :')#100bc: gen2#canfield#paula canfield#bentley canfield#anabelle huntington#<< but not anymore!
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Silber - Das erste Buch der Träume - von Kerstin Gier (gelesen vom 09.04.24-21.04.24)
Dieses Buch ist der 1. Teil der Silber Trilogie!
"Nur Henry schwieg. Er schaute mich lediglich an und schüttelte beinahe unmerklich den Kopf. Dann lächelte er."
Inhalt (spoilers):
Die Trilogie beginnt damit, dass die Protagonistin Olivia Silber (Spitzname “Liv”) mit ihrer Mutter und Schwester Mia nach London zieht, da ihre Mutter dort einen Lehrauftrag bekommen hat. Außerdem hat die Mutter einen neuen Freund Ernest Spencer.
Liv und Mia gehen auf die selbe Schule. Am 1. Schultag wird Liv von Persephone herum geführt und trifft währenddessen auf blonde Mitschüler (die später noch wichtig werden).
Später sind Liv und Mia bei Ernest zum Abendessen eingeladen, dort wird verkündet, dass die Silber Familie bei den Spencers einziehen soll. Grayson (einer der Blonden) gibt Liv einen Pullover von ihm und Florence, Graysons Zwillingsschwester, stellt sich gegen den Einzug.
-Traum-: Liv träumt von einem Friedhof und sieht dort die 4 blonden Jungs aus der Schule. Grayson bittet sie, den Traum zu verlassen. Anstelledessen unterbricht sie das Ritual der Jungs und wacht auf.
Am nächsten Tag wird sie von den blonden Jungs angesprochen und sie ist verwirrt. Es gibt also in dieser Trilogie eine Traumwelt und man kann Träumen von anderen betreten.
Liv wird von den Jungs auf eine Party eingeladen, Grayson ist dagegen und möchte schnell seinen Pullover zurück haben und möchte nicht, dass sie auf die Party geht. Sie geht mit Graysons Pulli schlafen und betritt dadurch seinen Traum, in welchem er bei einem Basketball Spiel versagt. (Der Pullover ist ein random Schlüsselobjekt, was Liv dazu befugt, Graysons Träume zu betreten. Allgemein braucht man nur ein Objekt, das jemand anderen gehört, um Träume zu betreten) Henry, love interest und einer der boys, holt sie aus seinem Traum und Liv und er halten im Korridor (Zugang zu allen Träumenden) Händchen während sie ein wenig laufen. Auch er möchte nicht, dass Liv auf die Party geht.
Zur Analyse führt Liv ein Traumtagebuch, in dem sie dokumentiert, wann sie wie träumt (mit/ohne Pullover an etc.)
Im nächsten Traum trifft sie auf Anabel Scott, Arthur's Freundin, die ihr von einem Ritual mit dem Nacht Dämon erzählt. Dieses Ritual hat sie mit den blonden Jungs letztes Halloween durchgeführt.
Später ist noch ein Besuch bei den Spencers. Dort lernt Lottie (Kindermädchen von Liv und Mia) Charles kennen - Bruder von Ernest und sie entwickelt einen crush auf ihn (wird vielleicht noch relevant?)
Auf der Party: Liv wird zum Kinosaal im Keller geführt und sie stimmt zu, dass sie Teil des Rituals wird, da die Jungs vermeintlich eine Jungfrau brauchen. Graysons bringt Liv nachhause, um seinen Pulli zurück zu bekommen. Er erzählt ihr von seinem Wunsch, den er bei dem Ritual geäußert hat. Und zwar ist Graysons Mutter an der vererbbarer Huntington Krankheit gestorben und er hat sich gewünscht, dass er und Florence gesund sind.
-Traum-: Henry beschützt Liv vor Mobbern (flashback aus ihrer alten Schule), dann gehen sie in einen Park und reden über den Nacht Dämon. Am Ende folgt ein Kuss (<333)
In der Schule sind Florence und Emily (Freundin von Grayson) dabei, als Sam (“Pickel-Sam”) Liv fragt, ob sie mit ihm auf den Herbstball gehen möchte. Henry unterbricht und meint, dass er mit ihr gehen wird.
Daraufhin folgt der Umzug und die Vorbereitung auf das Ritual.
Bei Jasper und während des Rituals wünscht sich Liv, dass Dämonen nicht existieren und niemanden schaden sollen (wird in #2 und #3 sicher noch relevant)
-Traum-: Liv geht in Anabels Tür/Traum und sieht wie Anabels Hund stirbt. Er war der Pfand für das Spielregelnbrechen, Anabel hat ihre Jungfräulichkeit während der Frist mit dem Dämon verloren und ist Arthur fremd gegangen. Henry und Liv werden im Korridor verfolgt und sie gehen in Amy’s Traum (Schwester von Henry). Sie setzen sich unter einen Apfelbaum und reden über Arthur und Tom (Anabels verstorbener Ex-Freund). Plötzlich verschwindet Henry und Liv stürzt in die Tiefe, da Henry und Amy aufgewacht sind. Danach kam Henry für ein paar Tage nicht zur Schule. (wird bestimmt auch noch relevant)
Florence plant Liv’s 16. Geburtstag und hat viele Leute aus der Schule eingeladen. Während dem Picknick/der Feier gehen Henry und Liv ein wenig spazieren und küssen sich erneut. Sie reden auch über Arthur und Liv fasst den Entschluss, Arthur im Traum zu besuchen.
-Arthur's Traum-: Arthur will Anabels im Traum opfern, damit der Nacht Dämon zufrieden gestellt wird. Nach dieser Information werden sie von einem großen Hund angegriffen und Liv wacht durch ihre eigene Hündin auf.
Herbstball: Anabel und Arthur verlassen früh den Ball. Liv folgt ihnen in einem Taxi, um das Opfern zu stoppen. Sie folgt ihnen bis zum Friedhof in eine Gruft. Liv greift Arthur an und tritt ihn bewusstlos. Anabel knockt Liv aus. Als Liv aufwacht wird der plot twist beschrieben: Anabel will Liv an den Nacht Dämon opfern (also umbringen). Zum Glück retten Henry und Grayson Liv und Anabel wird in eine Psychiatrie eingewiesen.
-Amy’s Traum-: Henry und Liv küssen sich und er gibt ihr den mittleren von 3 Schlüsseln zu seiner Tür/Träumen. Henry erzählt ihr, dass sie sein Herzenswunsch ist und sie verlassen den Traum. Im Korridor treffen beide auf Anabel, die droht, dass dies nur der Anfang sei und damit endet der 1. Teil der Trilogie.
Ich fand den 1. Teil dieser Trilogie sehr unterhaltsam. Es ist einfach zu lesen, da es offensichtlich für teenager geschrieben wurde. Trotzdem konnte ich es genießen und ich habe mein Herz an Henry verloren. Liv is so lucky.
Die Story/lore ist auch sehr einfach zu verstehen und der Schreibstil ist angenehm einfach! Ich hätte beim Lesen der Rückseite (mir fehlt der Begriff) nicht gedacht, dass es um einen Dämon gehen würde. Aber das ist nichts negatives.
Meine Motivation zum Lesen ist auch zurück. Durch das Fehlen dieser kommt erst jetzt ein neuer Post. :D
Danke fürs Lesen und bis zum nächsten Mal! <3 (bitte nicht drauf ansprechen, dass ich die Göttlich Trilogie noch fertig lesen sollte haha)
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Generation 4 Part 6
We go to the Dining room & are seated. Menu consists of: Stuffed lamb breast with lemon, ricotta, & oregano variety of cheese, Selection of Bread & Cracker, Jams, chutneys, spicy mustards, caramelized onions, candied nuts & pistachios, Rich flourless chocolate cake with a glass of sweet port wine, Small pieces of chocolate & Brandy. Father says Prayers: My God in Heaven. Please Bless this meal & Bless our Family with Your Grace. We thank You my God for all that you've provided & for the Miracle of those two tiny new lives that You so Graciously Blessed us with. Thank You my God, in the Name of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen! 8:30pm we finish dinner & retire to the Drawing room for Coffee & Brandy! Sodas for the kids & Juice for Mary & Lucy. The Doctor recommended that Lucy attempt to Breastfeed again, so she too has decided to refrain from alcohol! The room is filled with Christmas Music! Mother says: ~Family, it's time to realize "The Reason for the Season"! We have a lot to be grateful for! It's time we start acting like it~ She begins to sing along with the music! We too begin to sing & the mood in the room becomes festive! We've hired a nurse to help with the babies, as to give a little bit of a break to our wives. Mary has pumped extra Breast Milk into bottles. Lucy has Formula for Anabel until she takes hold! It's now 12:45am & we've been enjoying ourselves so much, that we didn't realize how late it is! We decide to call it a night & go to our rooms. Mother was right! Tis the Season for Joy! God Bless us everyone!
I pick up my son & hold him, & pray a prayer of thanks to God! I turn to Mary, who's ready to feed him before we sleep & say: ~Darling, thank you for being the best wife a man could ever be Blessed with! I love you Mary Grace Newport!
She replies: ~'O my sweet Harry, no woman could ever hope to be Blessed with a husband as loving, generous, thoughtful & sweet a man as you! My love, you have never disappointed me in anything you've ever done. Now we're Blessed with another child. I feel my life is only getting better. You Harry, are my life!~ She has always made my every day & night! I thank God for allowing her into my life! She feeds little Harry, burps & changes him. Places him in his Bassinet, careful to lay him on his back. He falls asleep immediately. Such a good baby! We climb into bed & she falls asleep in my arms. I'm tired, Goodnight!
Skipping forward:
Sunday December 22 Little Harry's & Anabel's Christening
8:00am & the whole Family is enroute to Church. Today we'll be dedicating little Harry & Anabel to Christianity. It's 8:45am & we arrive. We enter the Church & the Family are seated. Mary, Myself, Lucy, George & both Babies are escorted to the front of the Church where when called, we'll bring the Babies forward! 9:00am service begins. After the Choir sings the opening hymns, Pastor Reverend Johnson calls the names of "Harold Joseph Newport Jr." & Annabel Josephine Richards" to the Altar. Mary holds little Harry in her arms & I stand by her side. The Pastor Asks: ~Who will be the Godparents?~ George & Lucy Step forward! Pastor Johnson recites: ~Harold Joseph Newport Jr., In the Name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit! He then pours water over his forehead three times. He wipes dry little Harry's forehead.
Pastor Johnson says: ~Who will be the Godparents?~ Mary & myself step forward! Pastor Johnson recites: ~Annabel Josephine Richards, In the Name of the Father & of the Son & of the Holy Spirit! He pours water over her forehead three times. He wipes dry Annabel's forehead & Congratulates us! He invites the Congregation to take photographs! We're seated & service It's 10:30am & service is over. We're enroute back to Newport Mansion. 10:45am, we're arrive at the Mansion. We take the babies upstairs. The Family retire to their rooms to get ready for lunch. It's 12:00pm & Huntington rings: ~Lunch is being served in the Dining room!~ We go into the Dining room & are seated. Linguini, White Winter Truffles, Aged Parmesan is on the menu! The meal is delicious. 1:15pm we finish lunch & retire to the Drawing room for drinks & conversation! 2:15pm My wife & I are having a Date night. We're going to dinner & a movie! She wants to see "Jumanji, The Next Level". Showtime is 8:15pm at the Woodard. We go upstairs where she will feed little Harry. We'll nap a little before leaving!
It's 5:00pm & we're enroute to Grumpy's Diner on Main! There are no Fancy restaurants in Madison, but we do enjoy a good Burger & Grumpy's has great Burgers! We've arrived at the Diner at 5:45pm. We're seated & read the menu. I order the Steak & Tarter Special Combo with Lemonade. Mary orders the Burger Bowl Combo with Sprite. We finish eating & leave a tip. It's 7:40pm & we're enroute to the Woodard so we can get a good seat. It's 8:00pm & we park, buy the tickets & enter the Cinema. We're seated in the fourth row from the front. The previews are already showing, so I take time to by Popcorn, BomBoms & Soda! 8:15pm the move starts running. 10:20pm, the movie has ended. It was a great movie, starring Dwayne Johnson, Kevin Hart, & Karen Guillan. It was funny, exciting, mind boggling, test of skills & scary all in one game! We both enjoyed it! 10:30pm we're walking out the doors & getting in the car. Enroute to The Waffle House on Bandit st for Coffee. 10:45pm we pull into the Parking lot & enter the restaurant. We wait to be seated just a few minutes. We order coffee, decaf for Mary! We tip the Waitress & leave the restaurant, its Midnight. Were enroute to Newport Mansion. It's 12:30am & we've arrived at the Mansion. We go upstairs & get ready for bed. Mary has that look in her eyes. She winks & smiles, holding the covers up for me. I know what that means & I'm eager. It's been a while & long enough. Goodnight!
Tuesday, December 24
It's 8:00am & Huntington rings: ~Breakfast is being served in the Dining room!~ We go into the Dining room & are seated! Menu for the Morning consists of: Waffles with flax & almond butter, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, toast, a fruit salad & protein shake, juice, coffee! 9:30am, we finish eating & retire to the Drawing room to discuss tonight's festivities! Mother has planned a Christmas party for friends & family! The party will be in the Grand Ballroom! She's been known to have the most entertaining parties in two hundred miles of Madison.
Christmas Eve
It's 5:00pm, I'm putting on my Tux, while Mary nurses little Harry! I can't help but to think about those we've lost! But I know God has a plan for all of us. JR has another week before we've got to get him back to the Academy. We're lucky to be able to have him for the Holidays & his Birthday! He'll be sixteen on New Year's eve. My God, where's the time gone! It seems like yesterday I was holding him in my arms. Tomorrow morning is Christmas & the anniversary of the first day I met Mary, the day I began to live again!
It's 6:00pm & we're in the Drawing room discussing the music for tonight, Mother of course has the last say!
We're expecting Governor Ron DeSantis to attend, as well as other Dignitaries she's friendly with! Busy day ahead...........
Governor DeSantis arrives & my parents greet him immediately! Other guests are arriving, to include; Mayor Jim Catron & his wife, Chief of Police Reggie Alexander & his wife, & friends of the family totaling over 150 guests!
Huntington escorts each of the Guests to the Grand Ballroom where food & drinks are being served.
The tables each are marked with the guest's name on a card. Christmas music is playing. The wait staff are offering hors d’oeuvres & Champagne.
The menu consists of: Goose, apple sauce, ham, bread stuffing, crawfish cornbread stuffing, sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, green beans, broccoli, ambrosia, a cranberry mold, goose gravy, a relish tray with green onions, watermelon pickles & olives, Russian caviar, pumpkin, pecan, apple & cherry pies. A crisp white wine, eggnog, syllabub, & sweet potato punch! More Champagne! We have Non-Alcoholic Champagne for Mary, Lucy & the kids!
My wife looks stunning in her new Red Christmas Gown.
George, I've never seen him decked out before. He looks like he belongs in that Tux. Lucy's wearing a Bluish colored Evening Dress, slitted in the arms & down the left leg; also looking quite Beautiful. The kids look like a Prince & his Princess! The whole family, I must say are showing their Best. Mother looks quite pleased with herself!
This will be a party to remember, I only wish Rachael could have been here! The babies are upstairs with the nurse. They're bringing more hors d’oeuvres & Champagne around.
My Father's dancing with Mother, to Tony Bennett's Christmas Waltz. It's my Mother's favorite. I better get my wife out on the Dance floor, before someone else does, I'm somewhat stingy!
The Governor & his wife Casey seem to be enjoying themselves! They've been on the Dance floor over two hours already! The Ballroom is alive tonight & Happiness is it's heart! My Brothers don't seem to have a problem finding someone to dance with, I wish they'd settle down & have a Family. Sis & Bill are dancing the night away! Santa is expected to arrive at 12:01am!
12:01 2019 Christmas
The music starts playing: "The Santa Claus Rock" by INFANTIL! Everyone's rocking with the music as Santa enters the room! The music stops, Santa grabs his Bag & begins to pass gifts out to the Family & friends! He calls out each name, without hesitation or looking at a note. He just hands the gifts out as if he knew what was in them! Everyone seemed surprised but pleased with the gift they received.
I ask JR: What did you get Son?~ He replies: ~The Nutcracker Soldier, I've been wanting it ever since I can remember! Only my Mother knew, she promised to get it for me for Christmas, the year she died!~ I ask: ~What's the card say?~ He replies: ~ From Mommy with Love! Dad, I never told anyone!~ We both left it like that! I received the Gold ring I lost some years ago off my Boat. I had dropped it in the water, never to be seen again; so I thought! It's inscribed with the words: Dolphins Bring You Luck" dated 2004. These were words Julia said on my Boat when I took her to see the Dolphins, the year we first started dating! She had given it to me for Valentine's day! The card read: Love never dies Harry, be Happy! anta leaves as fast as he arrived, with a HO HO HO, Merry Christmas to all, & to all a Goodnight! I followed him out, but strangely, he just disappeared, poof he was gone! I really wanted to congratulate him on how good he was & ask him how he knew! Mother says: ~Son, that wasn't our Santa, your Father was suppose to play the part! We have no idea who he was, where he came from or disappeared too!~ Kind of got everyone thinking....... The last song is playing: "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" by Bing Crosby! I take Mary out to the floor & dance the last dance with her, cheek to cheek! It's 2:00am & everyone's left. I & Mary say Goodnight & we go upstairs & get ready for bed! I didn't tell Mary about JR's gift, nor mine; but it was weighing on my mind! Even in Death she was able to keep her promise to our son & assure he got his Christmas present as well as; to send me a message! God is good! Merry Christmas to you all from the Newport Family & Goodnight!
Skipping forward:
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Happy Birthday John Ross/New Years Eve
It's 6:00am & my wife is feeding little Harry. We're drinking coffee in the room, Decaf for Mary. When finished, we'll go downstairs for Breakfast. Eggs Benedict, Toast, English Butter, Jelly, fruit, & juice is on the menu this morning.
We got to get things together for today. Its JR's Birthday & we want it to be a special! Mother has planned a big party for him, lots of guest!
The cake will be delivered some time today!Kellyanne has asked if I would take her & her Dad to the Mall, so she can buy him something special for JR! Tonight Mother will be putting on her Annual New Year Fireworks display!
7:00am, Huntington rings: ~Breakfast is being served in the Dining room ~ We go downstairs, to the Dining room & are seated! It's 8:30pm & we're finished eating. Myself, George & Kellyanne get in Father's car & proceed to the Valdosta Mall just over the State line. She wants to go to Jared's. It's 9:45pm & we're pulling into the Mall's parking lot. It opens in fifteen minutes. That's good, no rush. 10:00am sharp & they open the entrance, we head for Jared's.....
Kellyanne finds a ring she says is perfect! It's a Black Diamond ring 1/2ct tw 10k Gold running about $1300.00! I have to say she has impeccable taste. Not feminine looking, yet beautiful. JR will love it. She has them inscribe the words: Love is forever! I can't help to notice how much Kellyanne is like Julia the way she thinks! No wonder JR loves her so much!
It's 12:30pm & we are enroute to Madison. We stop at Dairy Queen for lunch. Its 1:00pm. 1:45pm & were on the way back to the Mansion. 2:10pm we arrive. Mother is outside supervising the setup for the party & Fireworks tonight. I go upstairs & my wife is talking a nap. I kiss her on the forehead, careful not to wake her, check on the baby & go back downstairs to have a beer & help wherever I can!
It's 3:30pm & the cake is delivered. The stage for the Band has just been finished.
Mother has hired The Frequency Band for tonight. Mother is a perfectionist, everything must be right. She's hire fifty extra staff for the Party, she loves JR. He was her first Grandchild!
Dinner will be finger sandwiches & hors d’oeuvres, as well as cake & ice cream; served during the party! Dress is casual.......
t's 5:30pm, the band has arrived & setting up! Though not like when he was a child, this party will still be big.......
6:00pm, the guests are arriving & the band is already playing music. They're quite good actually, from LA is what I hear!
7:00pm & the party is in full swing. Kids & adults alike are dancing. They're playing all the latest favorites. Drinks are being served but Alcohol is in one tent under the control of Huntington. Soda & Fruit Punch in another, self serve! There's Sweet Tea for the asking.....
8:00pm, the band starts playing Happy Birthday to John Ross, & a table is rolled out with a cake!
Two candles in the shape of the number sixteen, on top of a Beautiful Black Cake. JR makes a wish, blows out the candles, takes a knife & cuts the first piece.
Kellyanne hands her gift first. The ring & a kiss! She says: ~John Ross, take this ring as a symbol of my everlasting love for you. Happy Birthday John Ross, may you have many more!~ He slipped the ring on his finger & kissed her. He says: ~Kellyanne, I'll never take it off for as long as I live!~
He begins to open the many gifts from everyone here.
Mary bought him a Beautiful Compass inscribed: "To my son: Wherever your journey in life may take you, I pray you'll always be safe.
ENJOY THE RIDE & NEVER FORGET YOUR WAY HOME. I'm Always Here For You; Mom"! The compass is made of Gold in a Sailor's pocket watch casing. Quite elegant, I could see him trying to hold back tears!
I got him a Man's music box with my recorded words to him: "To my son: SOMETIMES IT'S HARD TO FIND WORDS TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH YOU MEAN TO ME. IF I HAD TO CHOOSE BETWEEN Loving you & breathing I WOULD USE MY LAST BREATH TO SAY ~I LOVE YOU~ I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO LOVE YOU, I WILL ALWAYS BE THERE TO SUPPORT YOU. You will always be my baby boy. ~Love Dad~"
My Parents got him a Pocket watch with the inscription: "To my Grandson: Never forget that I Love you. I hope you believe in yourself as much as I do.
George & Lucy gave him a Gold wristwatch.My Brothers gave him a check for a thousand dollars. My Sister & Bill gave him an authentic Navy 1860 Officers Cutlass with His name on it, inscribed: "With His Swift & Terrible Sword "
It's 11:00pm. JR received well over two hundred gifts. He will have to leave some of them behind when he returns to the Academy on Thursday!
11:59pm & were getting ready to countdown to the New Year. Were counting down from 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 & the Fireworks display goes off as the band plays "Auld Lang Syne" The new Year's Anthem! I take my wife in my arms , kiss her, really kiss her & tell her : ~I love you Mary!~ She replies back: ~I love you my Harry!~ Everyone is kissing, singing & wishing all well! It's now 1:00am & the Fireworks Display is over. The band has played it's last set & everyone's leaving! Everything went well & we all had a great time. It's New Year's day & JR goes back to school tomorrow. We will be going home too! It's been a great vacation except for losing Rachael!
We say Goodnight & go upstairs. We're tired, The baby senses we're here. Mary nurses him before we lay down. She lays little Harry down, we lay down & fall asleep in each other's arms!Wednesday, January 1, 20206:00am, I've decided to let Mary get some rest after a long night. I change little Harry, feed him with stored Breast milk in a bottle, burp & play with him a little while! This brings memories back of when JR was a newborn! He fell asleep in my arms, I lay him on his back in the Bassinet! It 8:00am, I wake Mary up to see if she's hungry. She wants to sleep another hour,I go downstairs & Brunch is being served. I ask Huntington to assure that Mary has something to eat when she wakes up. I sit down & eat, it's only myself, my parents & Mary's parents! Seems like everyone else decided to sleep in..... I say Good morning & they reply almost simultaneously: ~Good morning Harry!~ Mother asks: ~Sleep well son?~ I reply: Yes Mother, I did; Thank you! She says: ~How's Mary & the Baby, is Harry Jr sleeping through the night?~ I reply: ~Yes Mother, he is & Mary's sleeping in another hour!~ She replies: ~Good, a new Mother need as much rest as she can get!~ Mary's Mother adds: ~Yes they do! Harry, you're a good man, our daughter loves you very much & so do we! We feel Blessed having you part of the Family & you to John Ross!~ I reply: ~She is my Blessing Laura, she & my children are my life. I'm more than proud to be part of the Family & I love you two as well!~
8:30am, JR sits down at the table, followed by Kellyanne! They both say Good morning & sit down at the table. JR remarks: ~I'm starving!~9:15am Breakfast is over. Huntington has told Cook to hold Breakfast for an hour in case the rest of the Family is hungry! I go back upstairs & check on Mary. I find she's up & the baby seems to be hungry again. She's nursing him! I call downstairs to the kitchen & have them send Mary's Breakfast up to the room!...... We've got to pack & get ready for our trip home. JR's flight takes off for Valley International at 5:30am & the rest of us are scheduled to take off for Miami International at 7:15am! My wife finishes nursing little Harry, I take & burp him so she can eat! She says: ~Lord, I can really use a strong cup of regular coffee! But our son is more important! But just as soon as he stops nursing, I'm going to nurse on a whole pot of Community!~ She laughs, but she's more serious than she let's on..... I'm having fun with little Harry! He sure does smile allot, but Mary says it's gas! I think he smiles because he's a Happy baby! I put our son in his Bassinet because he's fallen asleep! I sit next to my wife & say: ~Mary Grace Newport, I love you! You married me & gave me life. You took my son as your own & raised him! Now you've given me another son! You have been & are my life. I'm truly Blessed! Thank you Mary, I only hope I tell you enough!~ She replies: ~Harry, you tell & show me every day! It fills my heart with joy & happiness everytime I hear your words. I love you Harry, with every essence of my being! I live for you Harry, you're my heart & soul!~ We embrace & kiss for more than a few minutes! We go ahead & pack up everything we can for now. We have laundry that has to be brought up to the room later!
Were just going to hangout with the Family today, we're going to miss them all very much! JR & I will visit the Cemetery this afternoon, so he can see Julia's & his Grandparents graves one more time before he goes back to Texas! He wants to plant flowers on the graves........ I think he wants to tell Julia thank you for his gift. I know that sounds strange but so do I, there's no other explanation!We go downstairs & everyone is congregating in the Game room. Mother has declared this day, "Family Day"! She says: ~We see far too little of each other, & I think it nice if we spend the day enjoying each other's company!~...... She has Finger sandwiches, Olives, Dill pickles, Cheeses, Sweets & Drinks set up on a table. We'll not have to stop for lunch, yet we can eat as we wish! I & George immediately challenge my Brothers to a game of Eight ball! I'm quite good at this, though it's been a while..... Father is acting as Barkeep! My Sister & our wives are Bowling on the indoor alley! Mary's parents & Mother are playing cards! JR & Kellyanne are playing Table Soccer!......... it's 4:30pm & as promised, I borrow Father's car: I & JR are enroute to Newport Cemetery to place flowers on Julia's & her Parent's graves. We'll place them on my Grandparents grave as well! It's 5:30pm & already getting dark. We leave the Cemetery enroute back to the Mansion. It's 5:55pm & as we're walking in the doors, Huntington rings: ~Dinner is being served in the Dining room!~ We all have our last Dinner as a Family! It's 7:30pm & Dinner is over. We retire to the Drawing room & share a little more time together. We plan next Christmas vacation together. It's 9:00 & we say our Goodbyes to my siblings. Mine & Mary's Parents will be up to say Goodbye in the morning. The Chauffeur will drive us to the Airport, theirs eight of us with the Babies & Father's Car won't have enough room. We say Goodnight & go upstairs so we can be fresh in the morning. Mary nurses little Harry while I take my shower! After; I take, burp & play with him while Mary takes a shower! I see him smiling more & more, warming my heart with everyone! He falls asleep in my arms & I lay him down on his back! I didn't know that SIDS was a growing threat in the USA & laying a baby on their stomach or side was the leading cause! Mary taught me that! She's a very cautious Mom & I thank the Good Lord for it! We lay down & I say: ~Mary Grace Newport, I love you!~ She replies: ~Harry Joseph Newport, you are my whole life &I Love you!~ We fall asleep in love!
Thursday January 2, 2020
It's 2:30am & we get up. Mary nurses the Baby while I wash up, brush my teeth & shave. I call for Huntington: ~Please take our bags down to the Limousine. Mary finishes feeding the little Harry, I take & burp him while my wife washes up & gets dressed. We go downstairs & meet up in the Dining room. Mother has arranged for an early Breakfast so we don't leave hungry! It's 3:30am & we say our Goodbyes. Mary & her Mother are crying & Mother is doing her best to hold tears back. They kiss, hug & kiss us all again as we walk out the doors! Father walks us out while the others stand on the stairs! He says: ~Harry, I love you kids, please have a safe trip. John Ross, you too, make sure you make next year son! Bye you all & take care of our Grandkids, I'm talking to you too. You're family too now! George replies: ~aye Mr Newport Sir!~
I tell my Father,: ~I love you Father, we'll call you as soon as we land! Bye now!~ It's 4:00am & were enroute to the Airport. Its 4:35am, we arrive at Valdosta Regional & the Baggage Valet loads our baggage onto a cart. JR checks in & the kids say their final Goodbye. Kellyanne is crying & makes JR promise to write every day! He hugs me & tells me that he loves me. He hugs & kisses Mary Goodbye & tells her he loves her. She's crying again! He kisses his little Brother & Anabel, he's only got so long until Boarding, so he has to get through Security! Its 5:30am & his flight takes off on time!
JR has one more year until he Graduates in June 2021. He's already been accepted & will enter Annapolis Naval Academy in January of 2021 He'll attend four years thereafter; he'll be Commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant & serve a minimum of five years in the Marine corps! That boy has made us proud!
It's 6:15am & we're allowed to check in. We walk through Security & to the Boarding gate where we'll wait until allowed to board.. 6:30am & we're boarding the plane. It's 7:00am & our flight takes off on time! Its 11:20am & were on approach to Miami. Suddenly; we start climbing & are ordered to stay seated & buckled. We have a landing gear stuck & are circling the Airport! There's some panic, but all in all; most stay calm! We circle for twenty minutes & it begins to look like we're going to have to land without the the front Landing gear! Now I begin to worry a little! But I look at Mary & she says: ~It'll be fine Harry, God has us covered~ Suddenly; the front Landing gear comes down. Relief is felt all over the plane, people begin to cheer & clap! Mary turns to me, smiles & says: ~See Harry God is watching over us!~ I remember calling my wife an Angel sent by God, now I'm sure of it! She didn't worry at all, she knew we'd be ok! We're on approach again. We land & it's 11:50am. Late but safe! God is Great!!!! We get through Security, get our Bags from the Carousel & have our wives & Babies sit down & rest. George & I walk across to the Parking Garage & pick up my car. We drive around to the loading zone & help Mary, Lucy & Kellyanne into the back seat with the Babies. George & I load our bags & we're enroute home! I'm going to miss everyone but I'm so happy to be home! It's 1:00pm & we drop George & his Family off, they're looking tired & happy to be too! Kellyanne is still sad but she'll get over it! We're enroute to our house. It's 1:20pm & Home sweet Home! I help Mary into the house & come back for the bags. Mary takes our son into the Nursery & says: ~My sweet little child, welcome home Baby Harry!~ She lays him down in his crib & sings a Lullaby: The song is called "Sweet Dreams ". I've never heard it but it's quite beautiful! Mary is a wonderful Mother. I go in the kitchen & prepare lunch, as they don't serve food on flights anymore! Simple Ham & Cheese, Dill pickles, Lays lightly salted chips, Sweet tea! We sit, eat lunch & talk about all that's happened. We finish & she says: ~Harry my Love, I'm going to lay down & take a nap; I'm just feeling so tired!~ I reply: ~Darling, sleep well, you need to rest!~ I go into the Library & check my messages. I need to start the "Willow" back up after Vacation! Looks like I have a scheduled trip on Monday, January 6! I give George a heads up, grab a cold one & relax! It's 4:00pm & I think I'm going to cook dinner for Mary. She'll be awake soon & hungry, she has enough to do just taking care of the baby! I prepare Baked Chicken, Macaroni & cheese, Garlic Bread & I'll wait to see what she wants to drink!It's 5:00pm & Mary comes down. She's pleasantly surprised. We sit down to dinner & enjoy each other's company. We finish up & retire to the Living room. We sit on the Loveseat, listen to music & just cuddle. She has Baby monitors set up everywhere in case he wakes up..... He sleeps until 8:00pm, Mary says to me: ~I'll be back my love, let me nurse him, he's hungry! She goes up, feeds him & is back in my arms within twenty minutes! I love my wife & enjoy spending time with her. I am a CUDDLER! I love cuddling & showing her how much I love her! It's 11:00pm & she asks: ~How about a snack?~ I reply: ~Sounds great Darling~ She goes in the kitchen, goes in the pulls out two thinly cut steak out of the freezer & chops them up with onions & Bell peppers. She grabs four eggs & shredded cheese out of the refrigerator. She's making steak & cheese omelets! That's my favorite omelet, she knows me so well! We sit down & eat. We finish, I handle the little cleanup there is. She goes up & nurses the Baby. I'm done & I follow her to find her waiting for me, under the covers. She says: ~Come on Big boy, I need you!~ She smiles, winks & exposes her naked body! Goodnight all!
Duke Sherman
To Be Continued
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from https://youtu.be/5BRkOpFy4WY December 14, 2019 at 07:59AM
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PLAN ForYourArt: April 26 – May 2
Thursday, April 26
Recommended Westside Openings and Events
TOURS & TALKS: Stories of Almost Everyone Walk-through: Wayne Koestenbaum, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 6pm.
Adam McEwan: Nighthorses, Gagosian (Beverly Hills), 6–8pm.
Iris Nights: The Beauty, Humor, and Humanity of America, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 7pm.
Recommended Miracle Mile Openings and Events
Film: Head, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 7:30pm.
Recommended West Hollywood Openings and Events
Grand opening, LUZ Art (West Hollywood), 6–9pm.
FURTH YASHAR open house, Schindler House, MAK Center for Art and Architecture (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Recommended Downtown Openings and Events
A Tender Spot: Sky Hopinka and the Karrabing Film Collective, The Mistake Room (Downtown).
BUILT-IN, NAVEL (Downtown), 7:30–9:30pm.
Diana Szeinblum: Adentro!, REDCAT (Downtown), 8:30pm. $10-20. Through April 28.
Recommended Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
György Képes in the Cold War, Part I: Camouflage and Pattern, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 10–11:30am.
School of Music Visiting Artist Series: Weston Olencki, CalArts (Valencia), 2–4pm. Also April 27.
Botany Bay Series: Plant Science for Gardeners and Citizen Scientists - April, The Huntington (San Marino), 4:30–5:30pm.
China Adams: Massage-Generated Energy Drawings, Porch Gallery (Ojai), 5–7pm.
Shakespeare in Art and Music, Laguna Art Museum (Laguna Beach), 6pm.
Friday, April 27
Recommended Westside Openings and Events
Villa Theater Lab: The Madness of Love Mixtape, Getty Villa (Pacific Palisades), 7:30pm. Through April 29.
Recommended Miracle Mile Openings and Events
From Earth, to Farm, to Grain, to Table: A Multi-Sensory Evening and Clay Workshop, Craft and Folk Art Museum (Miracle Mile), 6–9pm. $45–55.
Recommended Downtown and Frogtown Openings and Events
ARTS DATATHON: COLLECTIONS, Bob Hope Patriotic Hall (Downtown, 9am–5pm.
Our L.A. Voices Spring Arts Festival, Grand Park (Downtown), 6–9pm. Through April 28.
Closing Reception & Artist Talk for Survival Guide: inheritance, Women's Center for Creative Work (Frogtown), 7–10pm.
Recommended Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
2018 World Music and Dance Festival, CalArts (Valencia). Continues April 28.
Art of the Table, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 5–8pm. $150–200.
The Only White Party Event Celebrating LGBT Artists, Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs), 6–8pm. $75–150.
MEET THE MUSEUM, Palm Springs Art Museum (Palm Springs), 5pm. $75–150.
Saturday, April 28
Recommended Westside Openings and Events
Artist panel, TAG Gallery (Santa Monica), 3pm.
Clay Vorhes - Cheese Delights, Skidmore Contemporary Art (Santa Monica), 4–6pm.
Paul Pescador: Lovers and Remakes, Five Car Garage (Santa Monica), 4–6pm.
Opening, The Gallery at Michael’s (Santa Monica), 6–8pm.
Opening Party, BG Gallery Ocean Park (Santa Monica), 6–10pm.
Naked City, JAUS (Sawtelle), 6:30–9:30pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in Culver City
A Public Conversation on Robert Colescott, Blum & Poe (Culver City), 4–6pm.
YUNHEE MIN: Wilde Paintings and Amy Adler: Hotel, Susanne Vielmetter Los Angeles Projects (Culver City), 5–7pm.
Sebastien Leon - The Kingdom of Waves | Alexandra Hedison - The In Between, Von Lintel Gallery (Culver City), 6–8pm.
Do Something To It. Do Something Else To It, Philip Martin Gallery (Culver City), 6–8pm.
Recommended Mid-City and Miracle Mile Openings and Events
Talk: Readings by Rocío Carlos, Sesshu Foster, Carribean Fragoza, and Stephanie Guerrero, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 1:30pm.
Heather Cook: 1D 5L 2D 6L 3D 7L 4D 8L 5D 1L 6D 2L 7D 3L 8D 4L, Praz-Delavallade Los Angeles (Miracle Mile), 6–8pm.
Lilian Martinez | Woman and Women, Ochi Projects (Mid-City), 6–9pm.
Recommended West Hollywood Openings and Events
Décor: Barbara Bloom, Andrea Fraser, Louise Lawler, MOCA Pacific Design Center (West Hollywood), 11am–6pm.
Mokha Laget: Recent Works and Knopp Ferro: Metal in Motion, Louis Stern Fine Arts (West Hollywood), 4–7pm.
John Miller: The End of History, Meliksetian | Briggs (West Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Cecilia Salama: in the name of love, AA|LA (West Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Recommended Hollywood Openings and Events
Roger Ballen: Ballenesque, Fahey/Klein Gallery (Hollywood), 2–4pm.
Adam Linder: Footnote Service: Some Trade, Hannah Hoffman (Hollywood),4-7pm. Continues April 29.
Roland Reiss: Unrepentant Flowers and New Miniature Tableaux, Diane Rosenstein (Hollywood), 5–7pm.
What If ?, The Lodge (East Hollywood), 6–9pm.
Mel Frank: When We Were Criminals, M+B Photo (Hollywood), 6–8pm.
Visions for Himeros, Artists Corner Gallery (Hollywood), 8pm–12am.
Recommended Chinatown Openings and Events
2018 International Co_Works Celebration, Tieken Gallery (Chinatown), 1–10pm.
Show Me Your Hand and Nery Gabriel Lemus - A Place Called Home, Coagula Curatorial (Chinatown), 5–10pm.
Mis (missing) Information, Charlie James Gallery (Chinatown), 6–9pm.
Show Me Your Hand, Coagula Curatorial (Chinatown), 6-9pm.
Ted Diamond, The Good Luck Gallery (Chinatown), 7–10pm.
Recommended Downtown Openings and Events
CCI's 2018 Arts Convening, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center - JACCC (Downtown), 9:30am–1:30pm.
ARRAY @ The Broad: The Watermelon Woman + Jewel's Catch One, The Broad (Downtown), 2pm. $30.
Public Safety and Common Sense, LA Poverty Department (Downtown), 2pm.
Hardscrabble, Walk-through with Dave Hullfish Bailey, REDCAT (Downtown), 4pm.
[5 - nine] variations, REEF (Downtown), 4–11:30pm.
Michael Cran: Fishers and Flotsam in the River of Light, Wilding Cran (Downtown), 6–8pm.
Yoshua Okón, Ghebaly Gallery (Downtown), 6–9pm.
SCI-Arc Honors KCRW's Frances Anderton at Annual Gala Benefit, SCI-Arc (Downtown), 7pm.
Teen Night, MOCA Grand Avenue (Downtown), 7–10pm.
Karlos Marquez: The Other Side of Me, Fathom Gallery (Downtown), 7–10pm.
FLESH AND FLOOD • LAURA SOTO, Museum as Retail Space (MaRS) (Downtown), 7–10pm.
MAPS: Movement Arts Performance Space, NAVEL (Downtown), 7:30pm. $10.
Bajofondo, LA Phil (Downtown), 8pm.
Michael Webster and Breath Control Orchestra - Nice Day for the Races, The Box (Downtown), 8pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in Lincoln Heights
DISPARATE SOURCES: Los Angeles Collage, Keystone Art Space (Lincoln Heights), 6–10pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in Highland Park
Artist Talk: Chanel Von Habsburg-Lothringen in conversation with Liz Cohen, AWHRHWAR (Highland Park), 2pm.
Recommended Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
Radiant Beauty: E. L. Trouvelot’s Astronomical Drawings, The Huntington (San Marino), 10am–5pm.
Jackalope Fair, Central Park (Pasadena), 10am–5pm. Also April 29.
2018 Annual Spring Plant Sale, The Huntington (San Marino), 1–5pm. Also April 29.
Native Ecologies & Closing Community Event, Side Street Projects (Pasadena), 1–4pm.
UCI MFA Thesis Exhibitions, Part I, CTSA Gallery (Irvine), 2–5pm.
The Chess Club: 2018 MFA Thesis Exhibition, Art, Design & Architecture Museum, UC Santa Barbara (Santa Barbara), 6–9pm.
3rd Annual MAYDAY!: Tales of Love and Other Emergencies, Angels Gate Cultural Center (San Pedro), 8pm.
Sunday, April 29
Recommended Westside Openings and Events
KIDS: Pop-Up Studio: California Nature Mapping, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 11am–1pm.
David McDonald: COMMON KNOWLEDGE artist talk, Five Car Garage (Santa Monica), 11:30am.
The Fantasy of Ancient Egypt from Classical Greece to the Present Day, Getty Center (Brentwood), 3pm.
Parker Ito, Team (bungalow) (Venice), 4–7pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in Culver City
Closing reception for Cold War Spaces and The Russians, Wende Museum (Culver City), 3pm.
Recommended Mid-City Openings and Events
A Series of Movements and Activations by Ali Prosch and Jacqueline Falcone, Bed & Breakfast (Mid-City), 2pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in West Hollywood
Leslie Dick & Kim Schoen in Conversation, Young Projects Gallery (West Hollywood), 2:30pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in Hollywood
COLA 2018 Individual Artist Fellowship Exhibition, LAMAG (East Hollywood), 2–5pm.
LA Transcendental Listenings, Hollywood Forever Cemetery (Hollywood), 7pm.
Recommended Downtown Openings and Events
To Catch a Millennial Part II: Self-Care Concepts from The Survivalist Generation, Main Museum (Downtown), 1–3pm.
X-TRA presents Artist Writes #3: MARTINE SYMS Screening & Conversation, 356 Mission (Downtown), 7pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in Lincoln Heights
TL Spring Shop TL Collective, Pieter (Lincoln Heights), 10am–2pm. $45.
Recommended MacArthur Park Openings and Events
Verretete Eisenmann: The Dialpainters, Bad Reputation (MacArthur Park), 4–7pm.
Recommended Openings and Events in Glendale
Laurie Nye: Venusian Weather and Mindy Shapero: Second Sleep, The Pit (Glendale), 4–7pm.
Anabel Juárez & Alejandra Venegas: Hacer una isla, Ruberta (Glendale), 4–7pm.
Recommended Openings and Events Beyond Los Angeles
Curator’s Choice Lecture: Ellis Tinios, Santa Barbara Museum of Art (Santa Barbara), 2:30pm.
Tuesday, May 1
Recommended Westwood Openings and Events
CONVERSATIONS: SCREENINGS: Part of the series The Black Book: The Black Book Vol. V: Hustle & Flow: A Visual Anthology of Black Labor, Work, and Life, Hammer Museum (Westwood), 7:30pm.
Recommended Miracle Mile Openings and Events
L.A. Print: Edition 8, LACMA (Miracle Mile), 6:30pm.
Wednesday, May 2
Recommended Openings and Events in Culver City
Desegregating Education: Past and Present, Annenberg Space for Photography (Century City), 7pm
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I now pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Bentley Canfield! 💍
#ts4#simblr#sims 4#ts4 gameplay#100 baby challenge#100bc: gen2#canfield#bentley canfield#anabelle huntington
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Everyone was in their finest form for this party lol
[Family Reunion CAS Challenge by @faerie-tempest]
#ts4#simblr#sims 4#ts4 gameplay#SimsFamilyReunion#100 baby challenge#katlyn canfield#paula canfield#anabelle huntington#nora blanton#stacy goth#don lothario#janessa peterson#jamison canfield#hana takeuchi#elliott blanton#whitney canfield#canfield#blanton#lothario#100bc: gen1
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well then.
#ts4#simblr#sims 4#ts4 gameplay#100 baby challenge#bentley saw her beat up that one girl and went 'that's gonna be my wife :)'#everly canfield#paula canfield#anabelle huntington#canfield#100bc: gen2
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Will Bentley's associates make fun of him for his dainty black pearl wedding ring? Probably. Will he care? Not one bit.
#ts4#simblr#sims 4#ts4 gameplay#100 baby challenge#some may say it's ooc for bentley to be this sappy. but as his all-knowing creator i say hang that 😌#100bc: gen2#canfield#bentley canfield#anabelle huntington
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#ts4#simblr#sims 4#ts4 gameplay#100 baby challenge#100bc: gen2#adrian canfield#anabelle huntington#fae canfield#jem canfield#everly canfield#janessa peterson#canfield
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ok she’s cute ig. (throwback to prom night when Bentley fell in love after she beat up another girl)
#ts4#simblr#sims 4#ts4 gameplay#100 baby challenge#bentley canfield#canfield#anabelle huntington#we're not going to talk about how she's potentially his aunt's half sister#they share no blood so we're good. i think.#idk this family's too big man#100bc: gen2
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Generation 4 Part 5
It's 7:00am! George, JR & I are enroute to the Hospital. George will stay & visit Lucy & little Anabel. We'll take Marry & our little boy home after she's discharged! Richard & Lewis will be arriving later this afternoon from Dallas. It's 7:45am & we're on our way up to the rooms where our wives are staying. 7:55am JR & myself are entering Mary's room. Mary is sitting on the side of her bed. Harry Jr is in a plastic see through Infant bed next to her. They're waiting for Dr Jameson to release them so she can be discharged! 8:05am & Dr Jameson is checking the baby out once more. He says: ~The little guy doing fine! Everything's looking good. How are feeling Mrs Newport?~ She replies: ~I'm feeling great, I'm ready to go home Doctor.~ He replies: ~I would say you are! If you need anything, just call me, night or day! Good luck & Merry Christmas to you!~ The nurse hands her a clipboard & Mary happily signs it. The nurse rolls a wheelchair in, says: ~Hospital policy my Dear, we have to wheel you out to the door!~ We get to the exit, I pull the car around, JR insists on helping his Mother into the car! He's crazy about having a little brother, he's always since he was a young child himself, wanted a little brother. His wish has been fulfilled! We're on our way back to the Mansion. It's 9:15am & we're pulling onto the Grounds of Newport Mansion, Mother is waiting for us on the porch! We pull up, JR jumps out of the car, opens the rear passenger door, takes the baby from Mary. I help her out of the car, she's doing great, but let's face it, she just had a baby. She's still moving slow! Mother immediately takes the baby from JR & she says: ~Another addition to our family. How handsome he is Mary! How are you feeling Dear? She replies: ~I'm fine Mom, thanks for asking! Just a little slow right now!~ Mother replies: ~That's to be expected Dear! I'm so happy you both are okay! God has truly Blessed this family when you came into Mary, & now with Harry Jr, come inside Dear & sit down.~ We all go I to the house & Mother tells Huntington to bring some Sweet tea. She asks: ~Mary, is tea alright with you?~ She replies: ~Yes, I would love a glass, thank you Mom!~ She says: ~Your parents will return in a little while Mary! They insisted on going to town to pick something up for the Baby! Rachael is feeling a bit better this morning! The nurse says she wants to see the baby, & nothing is going to prevent her from it!~ The nurse helps Rachael to the Drawing room! Rachael says: ~Hello Mary, Harry, John Ross! Where is he, the little Angel?~ JR says: ~Here Grammy, I have him!~ He takes the baby to her & says: ~His name is Harry, like my Dad!~ She replies: ~You happy John Ross, a little Brother, 'O he's beautiful Mary! I'm so happy for you!~ Kellyanne walks in and says: ~Ohhh, can I hold him, please?~ JR hands her the baby, saying: ~Like this Kellyanne!~ He's showing her how to support his head, I really didn't know who taught him! I see he's already protective of him! I'm glad he loves the baby! I ask Mother: ~Where's Father? She replies: ~He & our Driver has taken the Limo to the Airport to pick up your Brothers!~ Jamie comes in: Oh my Goodness, is that Little Harry? Hi Mary, he's so Beautiful! May I hold him?~ She takes the baby from Kellyanne gently! She's got tears running down her face. My sister hasn't been able to conceive! She wants a child of her own so terribly bad! I feel sorry for her......
It's 12:30pm & Father walks in with my Brothers, Richard & Lewis! I greet them with a Handshake & a hug. Father says: ~Where is my new Grandson?~ He sees Jaime holding him & says: ~Now there, who do we have here? Look at his little hands! They're balled up in a fist! That's a sign of a fighter! A Newport if I ever seen one! Mary, how are doing? You did a fine job little girl! You made us proud!~ Mary replies: ~Thank you Dad, he is something, isn't he?~ He replies: ~Yes indeed, he is something!~ My brothers are fighting over who's going to take him Fishing & Hunting first! Huntington takes their bags upstairs while Father fixes them a drink: ~Anyone else would like something to drink?~ We're drinking Sweet tea so we good! George calls my Cell: ~Harry, the Doctor, he say me Lucy & Little Annabel, Me can bring dem home dis day! 6:00pm Harry!~ I reply: ~ Wonderful George, I'll see you then!~ We hang up & I pass the news on! Kellyanne's eyes get big! She remarks: ~Tonight, I can't wait, 'O I'm so happy, I have a baby sister!~ Mary's parents walk in her her say: ~Mary, my sweet child, where's our Grandchild? 'O look at him Will. Isn't he just Beautiful?~ He replies: ~Yes Dear, he's a very good looking boy. Strong, kind of looks like me, don't you think?~ She replies: ~He looks like his Father silly~ Father ask them if they'd like a drink. They both ask: ~Coke please? Laura says: ~Mary, look what we got for Little Harry! Aren't these just darling?~She's bought a Blue set of baby clothes, rattles & other assorted baby needs! They're really happy about the baby! The baby is now laying in a Bassinet next to where Mary's sitting! Laura reaches down & picks the baby up! Oh my Goodness, he's Beautiful Mary! You two made an old lady happy! It's 5:00pm & I have to go pick George, Lucy & Annabel up from the Hospital. I ask Kellyanne if she wants to come along & she decides she does! We're enroute! We have arrived at the hospital & it's 5:45pm. We go up to Lucy's room! She's ready to leave as soon as the nurse brings her some formula ordered by the Doctor. She's having some difficulty Breastfeeding, little Annabel isn't latching on! The nurse is here with the formula & a wheelchair. Lucy gets in the wheelchair & the nurse wheels her down to the exit. George helps Lucy into the backseat of the car with Kellyanne & the Baby. George rides shotgun! We're enroute to the Mansion. 6:55pm we're pulling onto the grounds of Newport Mansion. My parents & JR meet us at the car. George helps Lucy out, JR helps Kellyanne out with the little Annabel in her arms. Her big sister has already grown attached to her! Mother greets Lucy & says: ~Welcome Lucy, How you feeling Dear! How the baby, Anabel, right?~ She replies: ~Yes Mam Mrs Newport, & we're both doing fine thank you!~ Mother replies: ~I'm so happy to hear that, come inside my Dear, you need to sit down & rest!~ We all go inside & we now have two stars in the house! Mother has a Bassinet already set up next to little Harry for her! Lucy places Annabel in it & everyone is here. One big Happy family. Mother announces: ~Tomorrow we shall decorate the tree!
"Rachael's Gift To John Ross"
Rachael calls JR over: ~John Ross, I have something for you!~ She hands him a box. He opens it, a Christmas Ornament. He remarks: ~It's beautiful Grammy!~ She replies: ~It was your Mother's when she was young! It's got her name on it~ It's eight dolphins pulling Santa's Sailboat pass a full moon! Her name is Boldly printed on it. Rachael adds: ~It's hung on our tree every year since she was six years old. I thought you could carry on the tradition! ~ I see JR starting to tear up, as he thanks his Grandmother & hugs her: ~I promise Grammy, thank you!~ It's 7:45,pm & Huntington rings the bell & announces: ~Dinner is being served in the Dining room!~ We're all hungry except for Rachael. Her stomach is unsettled, so she excuses herself & the nurse helps her up the stairs! Mother has Beef Broth, crackers & Apple juice prepared for her & will have it brought to her room! The rest of us go into the Dining room & are seated at the table. My parents at each end, the rest of us are pretty much pairing up with our mates. This meal is not formal, though some may think so!
It's a dinner of Aged beef, Roasted baby potatoes, Broccoli & cheese, Green Garden salad, Onion Soup Crackers & Fresh yeast rolls! Drinks of choice are served. We have Baked Alaska for dessert! I've forgotten my Mother's choice of menus, she's a classy woman! 9:00pm we finish up dinner & retire to the Drawing room! Father serves Drinks. Mary & Lucy request Sprite, Laura a Glass of Red wine, as does Mother. The kids are off visiting each other. The Babies are both asleep in the Bassinets. We five men have a Cognac. It's nice for family to be able to congregate after dinner! I only wish Rachael was able to enjoy herself! I'm not sure she's going to make to Christmas, we can only pray!
It's 10:00pm, Mary & Lucy pick up the babies, say Goodnight. George & myself excuse ourselves so we can join our wives! We miss them & want to spend time with them! Personally, I miss sleeping with Mary, without her, it's hard to even close my eyes! I take the baby from my wife's arms & carry him, while helping her up the stairs! We get to our room & she's beat. She takes a shower the I take mine as to be able to keep a close eye on little Harry! Mary feeds the him & we go to bed!
Sunday, December 01, 2019
It's 7:00am we're all up getting ready to attend Church as a Family! Rachael insists on attending, though not feeling well! She says: ~I don't miss Church. Please help me?~ We load up her wheelchair into the trunk of the Limousine. The nurse will accompany us. It's 9:00am & the sixteen of us load up into the Limo, Father's & my Sister's cars, forming a small caravan & go to Church! 10:16am we arrive at Church & are greeted by the Pastor. He is happy to see the whole family attending. He informs the Door Keepers to assure an easy in & out for Rachael!
12:30pm, Services are over & we're enroute home to Newport Mansion!
We're pulling into the grounds of the Mansion. We pull the wheelchair out of the trunk of the Limo & help Rachael out. The nurse wheels her into the house! She wants to stay downstairs & visit. The nurse administers her a shot to help her with pain! It's 12:00pm & Huntington announces: ~Lunch is will be served in Dining room!~ We enter the Dining room & be seated! Split pea soup & a variety of Finger sandwiches are served! After lunch, we all go out to the Garden & sip on Mother's Sweet tea! The nurse wheels Rachael so she can have some fresh air! She asks for water only. She's getting worse & I'm truly worried for her! I've made arrangements to have the Reverend moved from Shreveport to our Family cemetery to be intermed next to his daughter! I pray Rachael will make it to the New Year......
The Tree
It's 3:00pm & Mother announces: ~Everyone, it's time to decorate the Christmas tree! Come on, everyone to the Grand Foyer!~
Everybody gets in on the decorations, each have a personal Ornaments. JR will place his, as well as: Julia's on the tree! Mother has created an ornament each for little Harry & Annabel.
Little Harry
"Baby's First Christmas Rocking horse Ornament"
Little Annabel
"Baby's First Christmas Basket Ornament"
Mother has a large array of other ornaments, including belonging to my Grandparents!
There's Gold, Silver, Blue, Green & Red tinsel. She has lights & Candy Canes too! Little Angel's & Tree Candles! The tree is Beautiful & fits nicely in the Grand Foyer! Now that it's finished, we place gifts under the Tree for the final touch!
It's now 6:30pm, giving us enough time to wash up before dinner!
7:00pm Huntington rings the bell & announces:~Dinner is being served in the Dining room!~ Rebecca wants to eat with us tonight. Cook has prepared Chicken broth, crackers & Jello for her! The main menu consists of: Clam Chowder, Salad, Veal, Lobster, Caviar, Truffles, Choice of Drinks. Dutch Chocolate Cake & Strawberries for dessert. A typical Sunday meal for my Parents..... It's 8:45pm & we've finished Dinner. The ladies retire to the Drawing room. Father asks us men to follow him to the Library. He pulls out a Bottle of his very best Cognac & a Box of Havana Cigars! He says: ~Men, two new lives have Blessed us with theirs! Tradition calls for a Good Cigar & a Great Cognac!~ He passes a cigar each to my Brothers, Will, Robert, George & myself! He then takes one for himself! We each cut the tips off & Father lights them. He pours each of us a Cognac & we raise our glasses, toasting our Newborn Children! After, we join the women in the Drawing room for conversation! Huntington serves Coffee & diluted juice for Rachael! Rachael apologizes & excuses herself, retiring for the night! The nurse will see her to her room & administer her medication so she can sleep!
It's 10:00pm & I my wife say our Goodnights & take Little Harry to our room. Mary feeds the baby once again as I shower! Afterwards, I take the baby & hold him for a while! I feel as if he's already grown since we left the hospital! Mary comes out of the bathroom & puts the baby in the Bassinet next to the bed. He's really a good baby, as he doesn't cry very much. He goes right to sleep... Mary & I climb into bed & she falls asleep in my arms! I love my wife, Goodnight!
December 02, 2019
Grammy says Goodbye!
Knock at my room door: ~Mr Newport, Sir!~ it's Rachael's nurse at the door: ~Mr Newport, you're needed Sir!~ I reply: ~Coming, I'll be right there!~ She didn't wake the baby or my wife, thank the Lord! I put my robe on & open the door & ask: ~What's wrong?~ She replies: Sir, she's slipping fast, Mrs Marcantel! She hasn't long & she's asking for you, I've already called the Doctor!~ I reply: ~Of course, let's go!~ I knock on JR's door as I pass & tell him to come to his Grandmother's room!
I enter the room, she's looking bad, can hardly hold on as her breathing is shallow! I let her know I'm there: ~Mom, I'm here!~ I take hold of her hand! She replies in a low & almost diminished voice: ~Harry, my Jimmy's calling me, I can hear him! My baby is with him! Harry, where is John Ross? Is he here?~ John Ross answers: ~I'm here Grammy, I love you Grammy, please don't leave me?~ He's got tears in his eyes & is hurting! She says: ~John Ross, I see your Mother, she's with your Grandpa! Harry, remember what I asked? I love~ She takes her last breath & is gone! John Ross kisses his Grandmother on the forehead, lays his head on her chest & begins to cry! He's lost his Mother, Grandfather & now his Grandmother to Cancer! The Doctor is here, he checks for a heartbeat, then calls it. Time of Death: 3:45am! He calls the Mortuary to pick up Rachael! Mother comes into the room: ~I'm so sorry, I just learned! She walks over & touches Rachael's hand & says: ~Farewell my friend!~ She says to JR: ~Son, she loved you deeply, you were all we ever talked about on the phone! She looked so forward to seeing you before the end! She was proud of you! She's not in pain any longer!~ She leaves us alone & wake's everyone to give them the news!
It's 7:00am & the Mortuary’s here! She'll be buried here, next to Julia. Everyone's in shock! We knew she didn't have long, but this was too soon!
Skipping forward:
Saturday, December 07, 2019
Rachael's Funeral
It's 6:00am & everyone is getting to attend the funeral of Julia's Mother. The viewing of the body is at Madison First Baptist Church, from 8:00am to 9:00am. Burial will be at the Newport Family Cemetery at 10:00am! It's now 7:00am & we're all enroute to the Church! I've notified her Church in Shreveport & a number of their Parishioners have flown in to attend to include her Pastor who will officiate! Its 7:55am & we're arriving at the Church! Reverend Johnson of The Madison First Baptist Church & Reverend Toussaint, Rachael's Pastor greets us at the doors. The Church is packed with friends of the Marcantels & people from Madison that knew her! She was truly loved!
It's 9:00am & we're loading up in vehicles forming the Funeral Procession! 9:35am we're enroute to the Cemetery where Rachael will be intermed next to her daughter, JR's Mother & my first Love! We are arriving, it's 9:55am. Myself, Father, Bill, the Professor & my two Brothers are Pallbearers. We remove Rachael's Casket from the Hearse & walk it to the Gravesite. We place her Casket on the lowering device & are seated! JR's trying to hold back the tears, he loved his Grammy deeply! Kellyanne is trying to console him! That girl loves my son! Reverend Toussaint says a Prayer: ~Forasmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God of his great mercy to take unto himself, the soul of our dear Sister Rachael Jane Marcantel, departed, we therefore commit her body to the ground; earth to earth, ashes to ashes, dust to dust; in sure & certain hope of the Resurrection to eternal life, through our Lord Jesus Christ; who shall change our vile body, that it may be like unto His glorious body, according to the mighty working, whereby He is able to subdue all things to Himself, Amen!
A single Carnation from atop her Casket, is passed to each member of our Family. JR touches the Casket & says: ~Goodbye Grammy, say hello to Grandpa & Mommy! I love you Grammy!~ They lower the Casket into the ground & the funeral is over. We all depart the Cemetery, leaving a loved one in the Hands of God!
It's 12:15pm & we've all returned to the Mansion! Everyone is in a somber mood, Rachael was a part of us all! She left an impression on each & everyone she met.
Huntington announces: ~Lunch is being served in the Dining room!~ We go into the Dining room & are seated. Mother announces:~The menu today is Chicken & Sausage Gumbo. It's Rachael's own recipe & she made me promise to serve it, if & when she was laid to rest!~ She raises her glass in Toast: ~Here's to you old friend, may you look down on us & smile!~ We all raise our glasses & to Rachael!
Monday December 09, 2019
I'm getting ready to fly to Shreveport & escort Julia's Father's remains back to Madison, for burial in our Family Cemetery! He'll be buried next to his wife & daughter! My flight leaves at 7:15am. I'll return tomorrow evening! It's now 6:00am & I kiss my wife Goodbye & Father is driving me to the Airport. We arrive at 6:35am, I'm only taking one carry on bag! I tell my Father: ~I'll see you tomorrow night, thanks for the ride!~ He replies: ~Until tomorrow, be careful son, we love you!~ I go through Security & straight to the departure gate, they're already loading the plane! We take off on time & will arrive in Dallas at 11:30am. I will rent a car for the final nearly three hours to Shreveport. 11:40am my flight is landing ten minutes late! I rent a car from Hertz & enroute to Shreveport where I have a room reserved at The Remington Suites! The Reverend's remains have already been recovered & waiting at the Coroner's office. I'll sign for them & have them delivered to the Airport tonight! They have to arrive there before morning to assure they're on my Flight. I leave at 2:00pm & am scheduled to arrive at Valdosta Regional at 6:30pm. I call Mary to let her know I've arrived safely! It's 12:30pm & I'm enroute to Shreveport. It's 4:30pm, I arrive at the City of Shreveport Coroner's office, I've called the Mortuary in advance to meet me there! I sign for the body & give instructions for the Driver to deliver the Casket to Delta Airlines Freight! It's 6:00pm & I'm signing into the Remington. I have dinner delivered to my room. I take a shower, have a scotch from the Wet Bar & call my wife to say Goodnight! I'm going to sleep!
6:00am I'm awake & shaving, washing my face & Brushing my teeth. 6:30am I'm going downstairs to the Restaurant to eat Breakfast. I'm ready to the road! 7:30am I'm checking out. 8:00am I'm enroute to the Airport. I arrive at 12:00pm, turn my rental in Check in. I'm going to the Coffee Bar & wait! 12:45pm I'm going through Security to the gate where I'll wait for Boarding. 1:30pm I'm boarding my flight. We take off on time, scheduled to arrive at Valdosta Regional at 4:30pm. I called Father to assure he's there when I arrive......
It's 4:25pm & landing on time. I go through Security & meet Father at the loading zone. I've arranged for Burns Funeral Home to pick up the Casket with Julia's Father's remains. He'll be buried next to Rachael in our Family Cemetery tomorrow! We're enroute back to Newport Mansion. I can't wait to see Mary & my sons. It's 5:30pm & we're pulling onto the grounds of the Mansion. We go inside & I immediately find my wife & kiss her. I say: ~Darling, you're my life & I'm so happy to be able to tell you that! I love you Mary Grace Newport, with all that I am & all that I'll ever be! You are what makes my life worthwhile & I thank God for you every moment of my life! She replies: ~Harry, what's gotten into you? I love you too my Harry! I've always loved you Harry, from the very beginning! You are & will be the only man I'll ever love!~ I sit down & Father pours me a drink! It was a trip of sadness, but also of reuniting three special people of my past to rest in peace together! I can pretty much take care of Rachael's affairs from home. The House will stay in the family for JR, as that was her wish! Mother asks: ~Are you hungry son? Dinner will be ready soon!~ I reply: ~I am Mother, famished! I'll be glad to sit down with family & eat. Hotel food sometimes just doesn't hit the spot!~ Mary remarks: ~My poor Harry, you look tired as well my Love!~ I reply: ~Quite so Darling, with all that's on mind; I didn't hardly sleep a wink!~
It's 6:30pm & Huntington rings: ~Dinner is being served in the Dining room!~ We go to the Dining room, be seated. Dinner I great: Roast Ham, Corn, Sweet potatoes, Slaw & for dessert; Peach Cobbler! 7:30pm, we finish eating & retire to the Drawing room to have a Drink. I inform everyone that the Reverend will be buried next to Rachael & Julia tomorrow morning at 10:00am. It's 9:00pm & I'm extremely tired. Mary takes my hand & says: ~Let's go to bed my Harry, you're beat!~ We excuse ourselves, pick up the baby & retire for the night.
Wednesday December 11, 2019
The Reburial of Julia's Father
10:00am we're at the Family Cemetery, & the Hearse carrying Reverend Marcantel arrives. My Father, Brothers, myself, George & Bill act as Pallbearers & removed the Casket containing Julia's Father's remains. We carry him to the gravesite & place the Casket on the lowering device. We all pray silently & the Casket is lowered into the ground! It's 11:15am & we leave the Cemetery enroute back to the Mansion.11:30am we arrive & all go inside & into the Drawing room to talk. It'll be Christmas soon & we need to get in the mood! Mother turns on Christmas music & demands that we cheer up! 12:00pm Huntington rings: ~Lunch is being served in the Dining room!~ We go into the Dining room & be seated. We're having Moroccan salmon and foie gras stuffed pastry. It's really quite delicious.... It's 1:30pm, we finish lunch & retire to the Drawing room to listen to Christmas music. Tomorrow George & myself will take our wives & babies in for a Doctor's appointment.
George, myself are drinking regular coffee & our wives are drinking Decaf in the Drawing room. Mary will Breastfeed little Harry before we leave. Lucy is already feeding Anabel formula! Both babies are eating & sleep well. Our appointments with Dr Jameson are starting at 10:00am. I'm borrowing Father's car for the day. We'll eat lunch in town & do a little shopping while we're out! It's 9:00am & we're enroute to town for the appointments! George is playing with Annabel. He's a happy Father. It's 8:45am & we're at Dr Jameson's office. We go in & check in! 10:05am, the nurse escorts Lucy, George & Annabel to the back! 10:40am George, Lucy & Anabel come out, George remarks: ~Me wife & little baby, they be good da Doctor he say!~ The nurse escorts us back to the exam room. She weighs little Harry, lays him on the table & measures him. She then measures his head, looks in his eyes & ears. She hands him to me, smiles & leaves the room. Dr Jameson knocks on the door & opens it. Never understood why they always knock on the door, not like we're going to get caught doing something! He enters, asks how we're doing & asks Mary to sit on the exam table. He does a quick exam & asks: Have you been having any problems?~ She replies: ~No Doctor ~ He says: ~Good, everything is looking good with the baby, he's right where he should be on growth & weight! You're doing fine, but if you have any problems at all, you have my number. Day or night!~ She replies: ~Yes Doctor, thank you so much!~ He gives her some vitamins for her & little Harry! We go out to the window & pay the bill. It's 11:55am & we're hungry!
We've decided to eat at O'neal's Country Buffet on Base street. Ribs are sounding really good to me! Cook prepares delicious meals at the Mansion but, sometimes you just want regular food! It's 12:15pm & we're walking into O'neal's. We seat ourselves. The waitress asks us what we want to drink & we reply: ~Ice tea all around! We go to the Buffet & our wives both choose Catfish & George likes Chicken wings & I'm craving those BBQ Ribs! The babies are sleeping, though it's quite loud in here. Country music's playing. The food is delicious!
It's 1:45pm, we finish eating & go shopping at Southern Grace Gifts. We arrive at 2:20pm. It's 3:00pm & the wives want to visit Madison Antiques. It's now 4:15pm & we're enroute back to Newport Mansion. Mary & Lucy both are tired,
& carrying newborns around takes its toll!
It's 5:00pm & we're pulling onto the grounds of the Mansion. I pull up to the front, we help our wives out of the car with the babies & go inside! It was a good day, Mary, Lucy & both babies are doing well! JR asks: ~Mom, how'd things go? You & little Harry ok?~ She replies: ~We're fine John Ross, everything is good! Baby's healthy & I'm healthy! No worries my John Ross!~ Kellyanne asks: ~Mama, you & Annabel ok too? ~Lucy replies: ~Yes sweetheart, we're fine!~ Both kids are relieved! They're showing such grownup aptitudes! The wives both want to go to the rooms & freshen up. George & I help them with the babies. We come back downstairs! I ask George: ~Well Old man, how about a cold one?~ He replies: ~aye, Me be thankin ya Harry! Harry, ya be me best friend!~ I reply: ~George, thank you, you're my best friend too, even more, you're family!~ I've never had a friend like George! He's been there every time I've needed him since the day we met! We have a Bud & just relax. 6:30pm Mary & Lucy join us. Mother & the Mary's parents are spending time with little Harry & Annabel. Father is out & about. 7:00pm, Father walks in just as Huntington rings: ~Dinner is being served in the Dining room!~
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