#ana's eid positivity
meanieyards · 7 years
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okay so !!!! today i reached 1.5k !!!! i would like to thank all of you guys for tolerating me, my shitty posts, and this blog !!! ily all !!! so i decided i want to spread some positivity (especially since its officially eid) by doing some compliments !!!
whats gonna happen is you can send me asks (anon or not) with this emoji (🔮) a compliment for a blog you really love and i’ll tag them and add onto it. you can send as many asks as you want as long as theyre nice !!!! of course, there are some rules:
reblog this (likes count as bookmarks)
follow me (this isn’t really a rule you dont have to lol, just thought id suggest)
don’t send me just the person’s name !! i dont know everyone on here by name, and multiple people have same names sometimes too !! please send in their usernames
be nice !!!
if you dont wanna see all these posts then blacklist #ana’s eid positivity 
dont let me flop
well !! thats it !! thanks again and eid mubarak to anyone who celebrates !! ily all !!
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phgq · 4 years
79% of Pateros residents willing to get Covid-19 vaccine
#PHnews: 79% of Pateros residents willing to get Covid-19 vaccine
MANILA – About 79 percent of Pateros residents want to get vaccinated with coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) vaccines based on the local survey conducted by the municipal government, Mayor Miguel Ponce III said on Friday.
The local survey was participated in by 550 respondents, Ponce said, as he presented their vaccination plan for Covid-19 during the visit of the Covid-19 Coordinated Operations to Defeat Epidemic (C.O.D.E.) Team, headed by the National Task Force (NTF) Against COVID-19 and the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID), at the AMC Gymnasium.
"I really do not have the exact number kung ilang yung ayaw muna mag-decide pero I think napakaliit po nung percentage ng nag-no (I really do not have the exact number on how many of them are still undecided but I think there is just a few percent of them who said no to the vaccination)," Ponce said in an interview.
In his presentation, Ponce said the municipal government is unfazed by issues on vaccine efficacy.
"The issue as to the efficacy of vaccines is not really a big issue to us, we are not bothered with that issue. Why? Because if the vaccines are to give us protein to make ourselves develop antibodies that would fight the Covid-19 virus, we really do not mind vaccines giving us less or fix protein dahil marami po kaming protina sa katawan (because we have a lot of proteins in our bodies) courtesy of 'balut' which admittedly rich in protein," Ponce said.
He reported that the municipality's Covid-19 has gradually declined to only two active cases, as of Feb. 15 this year.
"I would happy to announce that Pateros has the lowest positivity rate of 1.6 percent only and the highest recovery rate of 96.99 percent," he said.
Local vaccination plan
Meanwhile, Ponce said the municipality has a total of 74,193 projected population. Of it, the local government targets to inoculate around 51, 935 of its eligible population.
Ponce reported that the local government has established its Pateros Covid-19 vaccination task force to facilitate the smooth implementation of the municipal-wide immunization program.
Among the priority groups for the Pateros municipality's coronavirus vaccine rollout are the 525 health workers from private hospitals and clinics, 290 medical workers from the municipal's five major public health centers as well as the 289 Barangay Health Emergency Response Teams (BHERTs).
The other priority sectors are the 7,976 senior citizens, 32, 678 indigent population, and the municipal's 229 uniformed personnel.
Ponce said the teams of vaccinators composed of healthcare workers have already undergone comprehensive training since mid-January this year.
The local government has identified four major vaccination sites including AMC Gym and Pateros Catholic School (within the ground floor level)--each vaccination site will be manned by two vaccination teams.
While the Agripino Manalo National High School in Barangay Aguho and Capt. Hipolito Francisco Elementary School in Barangay Sta. Ana--each will be manned by one vaccination team. The vaccination in these sites will be done from Mondays to Fridays.
It will also set up two satellite vaccination centers located at the Lexington clubhouse and East Mansion Clubhouse subdivision in Pateros Municipality, to serve residents during Saturdays and Sundays.
The local government targets to vaccinate at least 1,000 individuals daily equivalent to 5,000 residents weekly and 20,000 people per month.
"Hindi po kami nagmamadali, dahil alam po natin na unti-unti po talaga dahil ang gagawin po natin dito ika nga ay (We are not hurrying, it will be done gradually and we are targeting to do it) slowly but surely as a matter of fact our people are just starting realized that these vaccines are safe and there is really a pressing need, an urgency for them to get vaccinated that is why dahan-dahan po ang gagawin natin (we are doing it slowly)," said Ponce.
While the final dates of vaccine arrival vary, he said they are confident to complete the first shot vaccination by the first half of March.
"And we can complete the first and second doses between five and six months way ahead of the other LGUs as projected in the National Capital Region because we only have a small population)," he added. "Palagay ko na naman ay manageable naman yung number natin dito sa Pateros (Our number here in Pateros is more likely manageable).
In preparation for the Covid-19 vaccines deployment, Ponce said they have already prepared their own cold-chain storage facility located at the Pateros Technological College. The local government has converted the school's faculty room into a cold storage room to house its 8 refrigerators and 12 vaccine carriers.
On Friday, the CODE team headed by NTF chief implementer and vaccine czar Sec. Carlito Galvez Jr. also inspected the simulation of Pateros' vaccination rollout.
Galvez commended the local government for its efforts to combat the prevailing health crisis and planning an "impressive" Covid-19 vaccination program.
Ponce said the Pateros Municipality is also ramping up efforts for its vaccination campaign as he urged more residents to sign up for the Pateros' Covid-19 vaccine registration. (PNA)
* Philippine News Agency. "79% of Pateros residents willing to get Covid-19 vaccine." Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1131227 (accessed February 19, 2021 at 11:52PM UTC+14).
* Philippine News Agency. "79% of Pateros residents willing to get Covid-19 vaccine." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1131227 (archived).
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kokoenthusiast · 4 years
Hey there!! Once you get this, you have to say five things you like about yourself, publicly, then send this to ten of your favorite followers. SPREAD POSITIVITY!! 😄
sure no probleeeeeeem
1. i like that I have an Addiction to supernoobs XD (a new ship has entered my line of fav ships SHOPE X KEVIN XDD)
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2. i like that Im a Sleepaholic (i sleep too much)
3. I like singing 
4. i like Celebrating Eid with ma familyyyy (which was on saturday)
5. playing roblox is what i like about myselfff
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**Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life**
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
There is no doubt that Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta’ala) has sent thousands of Quran Verses and millions of Hadith “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ? ???)” for mankind. No matter what situation you’re going through. There are solutions and guidance by Allah (Azzawajal).
Once I was amazed to see that my non-Muslim friends on facebook and twitter are posting Islamic Quotes and verses from Quran. I was even more amazed when their positive behavior toward Muslims reminded that there are many Verses in Quran about non-believers as ALLAH says in Quran “The Quran, is a guidance for mankind – (2:185)“.
Islamic Quotes In English Islamic Whatsapp Status Best Islamic Quotes Islamic Quotes In English Eid-Ul-Adha-Mubarak
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.”
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
“Severing your parents in their old age is as good as opening the doors of PARADISE, so don’t miss out.”
“When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us.”
“You Cannot Delete you internet history from ALLAH.”
“Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim.”
“Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.”
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate the blessings they already have. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life.”
EID SMS Islamic Quotes Shab-e-Barat Muabrak SMS wishes Ramdan Laylat al Qadr Eid Ul Fitr Wish Facebook Status
“Born from different mothers skins of all colours come together as brothers . that’s the beauty of Islam.”
“Allah made you muslim because he wants to see you in JANNAH. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it.”
“So What if this life isn’t perfect? it’s not jannah. Nouman Ali Khan.”
“The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib”
“A Knife din’t kill Ismail (Alaihi salam), The fire Din’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi salam), A whale Din’t Eat Younus (Alaihi salam), The sea din’t Drown Musa (Alaihi salam). Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you.”
“If you don’t intend to marry her” Keep your hands off another mans Future wife.
If you do Intend to marry her. Keep your hands off until she is your wife”
“I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH.”
“Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you from. and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.”
“When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are you friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The overly jealous seek to harm and hurt other, but in the end only harm themselves”
Comedy SMS Romantic SMS Goodbye Messages Happy Weekend Quotes Wishes Farewell Message Good Luck SMS Good Day SMS Get Well Soon Messages
“Fear Allah because of his punishment. Love Allah because he is full of mercy – Islamic Quotes & Sayings”
“Practicing Islam beautifies once character. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong.”
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. – Salahuddin Ayyubi”
“Worries End When SALAH Begins”
“Rather than stressing about things we cannot control, pray to The One in control and find relief.”
“What is Jihad? smiling in Tough moment is Jihad. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. Struggling for good deed is jihad. talking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. forgiving is jihad. Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle!”
“Balance Your Dunya (world) around your deen (faith), its all a matter of priorities.”
“Bad things in life open your eyes to those things your weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah Too!”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The Shortest distance between a problem and it’s solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
“Suicide Booming is not from Islam.
Messenger of Allah said:
Indeed whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. (Bukharee – 5778)”
“Your Interview with ALLAH is Coming”
“Fill your heart with Eemaan and it will become the post peaceful place on earth.”
“Peoples of ALHAMDULILLAH” Don’t Have to Complain”
Sahih Bukhari – “Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.”
Bukhari – “If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.”
“Indeed, ALLAH does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”
“Faith is Trusting GOD even when you don’t understand his plan.”
“If the heart becomes hardend, the eye becomes dry. Ibn Qayyim”
“The Quran is for ourselves, not our Shelves.”
“Pyayer isn’t For Allah, It’s for you. He doesn’t need us But we need him.”
“The Greatest thing a Friend can do for you is bring you closer to ALLAH.”
“When Someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness.”
“Never think that any request you have is too much for ALLAH”
He says:
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And it is.
“Rasulullah SAW said: The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. to fight the evil within yourself.”
“ALLAH makes the impossible Possible”
“Guilt is a gift from ALLAH warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul” – Nauman Ali Khan
“Your prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better & more lasting.” Quran
“No one besides ALLAH can rescue a sould from Hardship” Quran 53 : 58
“Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers”
“There are days when you don’t feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. And if you find the straight to Bow before your Lord in those day. You have defeated a big part of your nafs (inner self) and taken a huge step towards your Lord. So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will Lead you to Prayer.”
“There is reward for Kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhamad (SAAW)
“Be somebody in the eyes of ALLAH, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people.”
Note to self: “Before going to sleep every night Forgive everyone and sleep with Clean Heart”
“Always leave loved onces with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.” Mufti Ismail Menk
“Stay close to anything that reminds you of ALLAH”
“If you don’t want your kids to hurt others, don’t show them how to do it”
“No matter how hurt you are, You will always find comfort with ALLAH”
“Why wish upon a star? when you cam pray to the one who created it”
“Being a Muslim is about changing yourself, Not changing Islam.”
“O ye who belivee! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behid their backs.” Quran 49:12
“When Love is for the sake of ALLAH, It never dies.”
“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book.”
“Be embarrassed to sin in public, don’t be shy to show your faith.”
“Every new breath that ALLAH allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a responsibility.”
“There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. ” — Umar ibn al-Khattab (??? ???? ???)
“They plan, and ALLAH plans & ALLAH is The Best of Planners.”
“Dua Heals All Negativity, Hurt, Anger, Worries and Depression. Pray to ALLAH Daily.”
“Men and Women have equal rewards for Their deeds. Quran 3:195”
“Dear ALLAH i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do please keep protecting us. Ameen”
“Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test.”
islam-quote islam-quote-2
“Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]”
“Many skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism is ISLAM.”
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“He Knows what is in every Heart – Surah Mulk {67:13}”
Every Secret in your mind and heart Allah knows it all and nothing you can hide from Allah. “yes, I am Muslim. no, I don’t hate jews and christains.”
“Stop asking me why I’m still single. I don’t ask you how you are still married.”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Said: ‘Leave that  which doesn’t concern you.‘
“Being Muslim is for all day, Not just 5 time a day.”
“Who can help you get through your problems But ALLAH”
“Don’t waste your tears on a broken relationship with someone you once loved. Invest your tears to strengthen your relationship with ALLAH.”
“ALLAH still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him.”
“Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid (mosque). Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance‘
“The Dunya (World) is not the resting place, it is the testing place.”
“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has not faith.”
The Prophet of Mercy said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
“Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.”
“Sometimes the blessings are not in what he gives, but in what he takes away!”
“Do not force the religion on your family. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. – Nouman Ali khan”
“If Jannah is your dream, HOLD TIGHT to your deen!”
“Take Account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed. Umar ibn Al-Khattab.”
0 notes
birthdaysms24-blog · 6 years
**Beautiful Islamic Quotes About Life**
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
There is no doubt that Allah (Subhanahu Wa ta’ala) has sent thousands of Quran Verses and millions of Hadith “Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (??? ???? ???? ? ???)” for mankind. No matter what situation you’re going through. There are solutions and guidance by Allah (Azzawajal).
Islamic Quotes In English Islamic Whatsapp Status Best Islamic Quotes Islamic Quotes In English Eid-Ul-Adha-Mubarak
Once I was amazed to see that my non-Muslim friends on facebook and twitter are posting Islamic Quotes and verses from Quran. I was even more amazed when their positive behavior toward Muslims reminded that there are many Verses in Quran about non-believers as ALLAH says in Quran “The Quran, is a guidance for mankind – (2:185)“.
I said to Allah, “I hate life.” He replied, “Who asked you to love life? Just love me and life will beautiful.”
Men and women have equal rewards for their deeds. Quran 3:195
“O ye who believe! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behind their backs. ” {Quran 49:12}
If you are in doubt ask ALLAH. Perform Salatul Istikhara
When things are too hard to handle, retreat & count your blessings instead.
“Severing your parents in their old age is as good as opening the doors of PARADISE, so don’t miss out.”
“When we repair our relationship with Allah, He repairs everything else for us.”
“You Cannot Delete you internet history from ALLAH.”
“Take everyday as a chance to become a better Muslim.”
“Only in ISLAM do the king and peasant bow down together side by side proclaiming God’s greatness.”
“Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate the blessings they already have. Say Alhamdulillah every moment of life.” best-islamic-quotes-2
“Born from different mothers skins of all colours come together as brothers . that’s the beauty of Islam.”
“Allah made you muslim because he wants to see you in JANNAH. All you have to do is prove that you’re worthy of it.”
“So What if this life isn’t perfect? it’s not jannah. Nouman Ali Khan.”
EID SMS Islamic Quotes Shab-e-Barat Muabrak SMS wishes Ramdan Laylat al Qadr Eid Ul Fitr Wish Facebook Status
“The Worst of our faults is our interest in other people’s Faults. – Ali Ibn Abi Talib”
“A Knife din’t kill Ismail (Alaihi salam), The fire Din’t Burn Ibrahim (Alaihi salam), A whale Din’t Eat Younus (Alaihi salam), The sea din’t Drown Musa (Alaihi salam). Be with ALLAH, and ALLAH will protect you.”
“If you don’t intend to marry her” Keep your hands off another mans Future wife.
If you do Intend to marry her. Keep your hands off until she is your wife”
“I only complain of my Sorrow and my sadness to ALLAH.”
“Beware of being found where Allah prohibited you from. and beware of being absent from where Allah commanded you to be.”
“When you feel low or sad look around you. Who are you friends? Surround yourself with those who remind you of Allah and become happy.”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The overly jealous seek to harm and hurt other, but in the end only harm themselves”
“Fear Allah because of his punishment. Love Allah because he is full of mercy – Islamic Quotes & Sayings”
“Practicing Islam beautifies once character. if it’s making you intolerable, impatient and grumpy then you’re doing it wrong.”
“If you want to destroy any nation without war, make adultery & nudity common in the next generation. – Salahuddin Ayyubi”
“Worries End When SALAH Begins”
Comedy SMS Romantic SMS Goodbye Messages Happy Weekend Quotes Wishes Farewell Message Good Luck SMS Good Day SMS Get Well Soon Messages
“Rather than stressing about things we cannot control, pray to The One in control and find relief.”
“What is Jihad? smiling in Tough moment is Jihad. keeping Patience in hard times is Jihad. Struggling for good deed is jihad. talking care of old parents in a loving way is jihad. forgiving is jihad. Jihad is not what the media shows but what the Quran Says to strive and to Struggle!”
“Balance Your Dunya (world) around your deen (faith), its all a matter of priorities.”
“Bad things in life open your eyes to those things your weren’t paying much attention to before. That’s a blessing from Allah Too!”
“Trust Allah when things don’t work out the way you wanted. Allah has something better planned for you.”
“The Shortest distance between a problem and it’s solution is the distance between your knees and the floor.”
“Suicide Booming is not from Islam.
Messenger of Allah said:
Indeed whoever (intentionally) kills himself, then certainly he will be punished in the fire of Hell, wherein he shall dwell forever. (Bukharee – 5778)”
“Your Interview with ALLAH is Coming”
“Fill your heart with Eemaan and it will become the post peaceful place on earth.”
“Peoples of ALHAMDULILLAH” Don’t Have to Complain”
Sahih Bukhari – “Do not wish to be like anyone, except in two cases: (1) A man whom Allah has given wealth and he spends it righteously. (2) A man whom Allah has given wisdom (knowledge of the Qur’an and the Hadith) and he acts according to it and teaches it to others.”
Bukhari – “If one has good manners, one may attain the same level of merit as those who spend their nights in prayer.”
“Indeed, ALLAH does not wrong the people at all, but it is the people who are wronging themselves.”
“Faith is Trusting GOD even when you don’t understand his plan.”
“If the heart becomes hardend, the eye becomes dry. Ibn Qayyim”
“The Quran is for ourselves, not our Shelves.”
“Pyayer isn’t For Allah, It’s for you. He doesn’t need us But we need him.”
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“The Greatest thing a Friend can do for you is bring you closer to ALLAH.”
“When Someone is behaving unjustly to you, find peace in the truth of the situation, knowing that Allah is enough as a witness.”
“Never think that any request you have is too much for ALLAH”
He says:
And it is.
“Rasulullah SAW said: The greatest Jihad is to battle your own soul. to fight the evil within yourself.”
“ALLAH makes the impossible Possible”
“Guilt is a gift from ALLAH warning you that what you are doing is violating your soul” – Nauman Ali Khan
“Your prefer the life of this world, while the hereafter is better & more lasting.” Quran
“No one besides ALLAH can rescue a sould from Hardship” Quran 53 : 58
“Be Patient – For what was written for you was written by the greatest of writers”
“There are days when you don’t feel like praying. When your soul feels dark and your heart feels down. Those are the days when you need to pray. Those are the days when you need it most. And if you find the straight to Bow before your Lord in those day. You have defeated a big part of your nafs (inner self) and taken a huge step towards your Lord. So pray no matter what. Lead your heart to prayer and one day your heart will Lead you to Prayer.”
“There is reward for Kindness to every living thing.” Prophet Muhamad (SAAW)
“Be somebody in the eyes of ALLAH, even if you are nobody in the eyes of people.”
Note to self: “Before going to sleep every night Forgive everyone and sleep with Clean Heart”
“Always leave loved onces with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.” Mufti Ismail Menk
“Stay close to anything that reminds you of ALLAH”
“If you don’t want your kids to hurt others, don’t show them how to do it”
“No matter how hurt you are, You will always find comfort with ALLAH”
“Why wish upon a star? when you cam pray to the one who created it”
“Being a Muslim is about changing yourself, Not changing Islam.”
“O ye who belivee! Avoid suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some cases is a sin: And spy not on each other behid their backs.” Quran 49:12
“When Love is for the sake of ALLAH, It never dies.”
“There is no moving creature on earth but its sustenance depends on God. And He knows where it lives and where it rests. Everything is in a Clear Book.”
“Be embarrassed to sin in public, don’t be shy to show your faith.”
“Every new breath that ALLAH allows you to take is not just a blessing but also a responsibility.”
“There is no Islam without unity, no unity without leadership, and no leadership without obedience. ” — Umar ibn al-Khattab (??? ???? ???)
“They plan, and ALLAH plans & ALLAH is The Best of Planners.”
“Dua Heals All Negativity, Hurt, Anger, Worries and Depression. Pray to ALLAH Daily.”
“Men and Women have equal rewards for Their deeds. Quran 3:195”
“Dear ALLAH i pray that whoever reads this message shall have your comfort, joy, peace, love and guidance. I may not know their troubles, but you do please keep protecting us. Ameen”
“Every test is a blessing every blessing is a Test.”
islam-quote islam-quote-2
“Anas bin Malik (radi Allahu anhu) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “There shall come upon the people a time in which the one who is steadfast upon his religion will be like the one holding onto a burning ember.” (Hasan) [Chapters on Al-Fitan: Jami At-Tirmidhi]”
“Many skin colors. One Ummah. No Racism is ISLAM.”
“He Knows what is in every Heart – Surah Mulk {67:13}”
Every Secret in your mind and heart Allah knows it all and nothing you can hide from Allah. “yes, I am Muslim. no, I don’t hate jews and christains.”
“Stop asking me why I’m still single. I don’t ask you how you are still married.”
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) Said: ‘Leave that  which doesn’t concern you.‘
“Being Muslim is for all day, Not just 5 time a day.”
“Who can help you get through your problems But ALLAH”
“Don’t waste your tears on a broken relationship with someone you once loved. Invest your tears to strengthen your relationship with ALLAH.”
“ALLAH still loves and shows mercy to those who disobey Him, so imagine how much He loves those who obey Him.”
“Being a Muslim is more than just going to the masjid (mosque). Allah wants your ‘attention’ not just your ‘attendance‘
“The Dunya (World) is not the resting place, it is the testing place.”
“Kindness is a mark of faith, and whoever is not kind has not faith.”
The Prophet of Mercy said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a Muahid (i.e. Non-Muslim living in Muslim land with agreement) or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A (MUSLIM) ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT”[Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
“Someone, somewhere, right now, is fighting for his or her life. You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.”
“Sometimes the blessings are not in what he gives, but in what he takes away!”
“Do not force the religion on your family. show them the beauty of the religion through your own practice. – Nouman Ali khan”
“If Jannah is your dream, HOLD TIGHT to your deen!”
“Take Account of yourselves before you are taken to account. Weigh your deeds before they are weighed. Umar ibn Al-Khattab.”
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jgruda · 6 years
Radio Space is a radio art platform, initiated by Borealis in 2015. Each year during the festival and throughout March, Radio Space is streaming online 24 hours a day.
Tune in here to become part of the festival’s home listening experiment. With work for broadcast by renowned international sound artists, radio artists and composers. In 2018 Radio Space also collaborates to feature works commissioned by radio art platforms Radiophrenia (UK) and The Lake (DK). This is your chance to sit back, relax and listen to experimental sounds delivered directly into your living room – tune in to Radio Space and invite your friends!
Featured works 2018:
1. Sufie Elmgreen – James (6:45) 2. Aina Villange – Total Eclipse of The Mind – Biltema (4:36) 3. Camille Norment – As You Were (3:37) 4. Cæcilie Trier & Alexander Tovborg – Hvid Due (3:39) 5. Katja Algert – Dial Care To Dance – First Encounter (2:13) 6. Marcus Lease – Constellated Beautiful (5:30) 7. Simon Steen Andersen – Radio Archive Scale (3:34) 8. Anna Lundh – HelloolleH HejjeH (3:40) 9. Alan Currall – Dead Air (2:02) 10. Allan Whyte & Louise Wilson – Is It Worth It? (30:02) 11. Amanda Brannin – Do I Need To Repeat Myself? (5:55) 12. C Ahlborn & F Berg – FUN FUN FUN! Fairytale Zoo Recordings (10:20) 13. Catalina Burroso Luque – eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (20:01) 14. Esi Eshun – Lines Of Reason (11:16) 15. gobscure – chalybeate aka the bees sleep (06:23) 16. Isabelle Stragliati – Nothing Here Now But – A Tribute To Eliane (22:00) 17. Jean François Cavro – Kyoto – Sound Portrait of Kyoto (Japan) 1997 (04:03) 18. Jenn Mattinson – Out Of Place – Delia Derbyshire in Cumbria (27:56) 19. Jenna collins – Visual Sequence (5:51) 20. Jess Worrall & Rob Kennedy – the three ring circus comes to town (30:00) 21. John Garcia Rueda – Remezcla Abrakadabra (5:25) 22. John Lawrence – The Solar Pessimist (33:53) 23. Maria Fusco – VOICE OBJECT VOICE (20:24) 24. Mark Briggs – Grey Matter (8:24) 25. Mark Vernon – Potential Advertisers (7:40) 26. Mark Vernon – the object invoked has disconnected from its host (8:52) 27. Mark Vernon – Too old to dream (6:36) 28. Marta Adamowicz – Poludnica (17:39) 29. Martin Heslop & Helen Tookey – Beautiful Error (4:39) 30. Minna-Kaisa Kallinen – Dear Neil Young (1:12) 31. Nika Son – Surfacing underneath you sea asu lapis (18:28) 32. OaPaO – Caravan (3:34) 33. Rebecca Wilcox – Humming (3:13) 34. Rena Anakwe – Sometimes I lose my words (22:00) 35. Sally Ann McIntyre – Study for a data deficient species (grey ghost transmission) (30:10) 36. Steven Jones – I CAME TO CRETE TO DIE (19:42) 37. Vile Plumage & The Burselm Community Radio – “Daphne and The Barron are Stranded at the Station: Episode 1″ (10:00) 38. Amanda Brannin – Train Of Thought (5:23) 39. Amanda Loomes & Allison Carlier – Spiky Black (29:41) 40. Ana Maria Gomez Lopez – Detritus I Penumbria (20:14) 41. Anat Ben-David – Alchemy (02:31) 42. Atticus Bastow – Wardens (excerpt)(5:44) 43. Espen Sommer Eide – Dead Language Poetry (28:30) 44. Benoit Bories – Gateway (40:12) 45. Camilla Hannan – Islands (17:18) 46. Cara Tolmie – Bold Enough To Launch A Thousand Ships (5:51) 47. Carlo Giordani – Appetizer in Pontevico (11:15) 48. Chris Alton – An Unknown Rhythm ‘n’ Blues Band Called Trident (53:28) 49. Claudia Molitor – Auricularis Superior (30:01) 50. Fredrik Degrér – I’ve made the decision of coming here for some times (11:44) 51. Gillian Lever – Queen of the should (37:02) 52. Iris Garrelfs – Bifurcation of time (2016) (01:45) 53. James Andean & François Xavier Saint-Pierre – E100 (58:16) 54. Jez French – copenhagen gate (locked groove) (10:01) 55. Kristin Bolstad – Oslo Zoo (6:40) 56. Ludwig Abraham & Andy Ingamells – Peoples Age (20:57) 57. ohrenhoch kids & Leonie Reineke – METEJAMYAC (19:54) 58. Luca Forcucci – The Fall (10:41) 59. Maia Urstad – Meanwhile – Remix For Radio Space (8:05) 60. Marc Behrens – Mamori (10:13) 61. Tale Næss – future – PRE – positions (25:04) 62. Timothy Cooper & Samuel Tongue – Soundlines – After Ingold (7:19) 63. Yvette Jackson – Destination Freedom (22:14) 64. Zofia Dziewanowska-Stefanczyk – “Chambéry – Where Culture Meets Nature” (9:53) 65. Peter Ablinger – Gjendine Slalien (2:42) 66. Brane Zorman – Lu-Na-Mo on reflect (28:40) 67. Johanna Billing – Pulheim Jam Session (21:47) 68. Mika Taanila – Stimulus Progression (14:59) 69. Ohta Takamitsu – Traces Of Touches (14:31) 70. John Wynne – Installation for 300 speakers, player piano and vacuum cleaner. (46:54) 71. Christian Jendreiko – Riddle & Lust feat. Karla Milosevich (16:41) 72. James Webb – War of the worlds (47:53) 73. Arturas Bumšteinas – Thus Time Goes By (19:28) 74. Katherine Ka Li Yui & Niamh Forbes – My Reticence (3:30)
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diorinduke · 7 years
New Post has been published on LivingVibes.com
New Post has been published on http://www.livingvibes.com/i-praise-god-for-losing-2016-elections-john-dramani-mahama/
I praise God for losing 2016 elections- John Dramani Mahama's reasons are beyond words
Even as supporters of the National Democratic Congress are yet to recover from the defeat in last year’s polls, former President John Dramani Mahama says he remains indebted to the Almighty God despite his inability to clinch a second term.
Explaining, nobody can question decisions of God, the former President noted that if God had wanted him to continue as President, he would have won the 2016 election with ease, insisting that the creator never makes mistake.
According to Mr Mahama, his defeat could mean that God was preparing him for a better calling, and as a result, he would continue to thank him for the outcome of last year’s polls even though it was undesirable to many, especially supporters of the biggest opposition party.
Mr Mahama’s statement was in response to remarks by National Chief Imam, Sheikh Dr Osman Nuhu Sharubutu that the former President’s defeat in the 2016 election could be a blessing in disguise.
The National Chief Imam made this statement through his spokesperson, Sheikh Aremeyaw Anas when Mr Mahama paid a courtesy call on him at his Fadama residence days after the recent Eid Ul Fitr celebrations.
John Dramani Mahama
According to the National Chief Imam, the attributes of Allah are all but, blessing and anything that proceeds from him is nothing but blessing and sometimes he denies his children something in order to bless them.
While counseling the former President to consider the outcome of the election as verdict of the Lord, Sheikh Dr Osman Nuhu Sharubutu said “that denial is a blessing in disguise.’’
Mr Mahama made history as the only incumbent President in Ghana who could not secure a second term; losing to Nana Akufo-Addo of the New Patriotic Party who garnered 53 percent of the total votes cast.
He has since accepted full responsibility for the party’s defeat and has been urging members of the NDC to join hands in reorganizing the party ahead of the next general elections in 2020.
The rank and file and kingpins of the NDC have since the beginning of this year been calling on Mr Mahama to stage a comeback.
Though he is yet to officially confirm if he will lead the NDC again, there are strong indications John Mahama will contest the party’s primary slated for next year to elect flag bearer for the 2020 elections.
Though some other NDC bigwigs have shown interest in leading the party into the 2020 elections, majority of the party’s supporters think Mr Mahama is the ideal candidate to return the party to power.
Proponents of Mr Mahama’s comeback have variously said the former President’s defeat despite his unmatched achievements could mean that God wanted to demonstrate to Ghanaians that he is the best man to transform Ghana.
Their position thus, confirms the Chief Imam’s stance that the defeat could mean that God has something better in stock for the former President.
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meanieyards · 7 years
🔮 literally everyone from the discourse squad, the best squad ever
yes !!!!!!!!! 
@catharinaloss @daddarioswife @mcgnus-bane @jacehvrondale @pure-magnus @tatooinegay
i love all of you an(al)gels so so so much !!! we have made some bomb ass discourse memories together and all of you are hilarious !!! i love talking to you guys and i love all of you !!
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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meanieyards · 7 years
🔮 compliments for abloodneed who always has the most iconic writing and tags, and lukemagnus who has become my fave jaia stan (& congrats on yr milestone and eid mubarak!!)
@abloodneed izsak !!! you are so so talented and wonderful and kind !!! honestly, if everyone wrote as amazingly as you do there would never be a shitty book in the world !!! lets not forget that youre actually a ray of sunshine ?? like tell me ?? how do you balance being talented, kind, wonderful, hilarious, creative, and perfect all at once ?? it seems literally impossible but here you are !!! doing the Thing, being Great™️
@lukemagnus yayra !!!! first of all, lets get this off the table. i wanna be you when i grow up. ur an icon, a legend. i love your blog and all your edits are amazing !!! youre so funny and so so sweet at the same time !!! i relate to most of your posts on a spiritual level tbh. you are all my goals on this website tbh ?? like talent ?? check. an amazing sense of humour ?? check. a lovely personality ?? check. i hope you get to pet a dog today
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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meanieyards · 7 years
hey guys im gonna finish my eid positivity posts tomorrow !! ily all and g’night !!!!
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meanieyards · 7 years
🔮 @shaolingaytastic and @mylenesgf fee and dov you two are really great and really cool (and really gay) and two of the coolest people on this site !!
@shaolingaytastic first of all your blog is gorgeous ??? how ??? i love everything on it the content is spectacular, the colours are great, even the theme has me shook rn !!! you seem lovely tbh and i hope you get to pet a dog soon !!! or a cat if youre a cat person !! or maybe you prefer turtles ??? idk i just hope you get to pet the animal of ur choice today
@mylenesgf your blog is also amazing im shook ?? everything looks so great and i want to be ur blog wow (looking good, having my shit together. thats the life) also you genuinely just seem so kind, funny, and sweet ??? i hope you have an amazing day !!
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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meanieyards · 7 years
🔮@malobane and @baneismyexistance who are my favorite people ever and are both so strong despite all the crap happening with them. This is such a kind thing to do!
@malobane for some reason i cant tag you or find you at all ??? but you seem wonderful !!!!!! i hope you keep on fighting and staying strong bc youre obviously amazing and lovely !!!
@baneismyexistence your blog is so !!!!!! amazing !!!!! im love !!! also you seem hilarious ??? that video on your blog had me laughing for ages lmao !!!! i hope you have a great day !!!
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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meanieyards · 7 years
🔮(last one promise) rnagnusbabe (misha is the sweetest bean i love her so much she's so talented like every time i see her art my heart goes !!!! just an awesome cheesecake loving bipercabeth loving angel)
@rnagnusbabe misha !!!!! my a(nal)unt and partner in crime !!!! you are such an amazing person to have in my life !!! youre so talented, wonderful, and funny !!! and you always humour me and laugh/go with my stupid dumb and unfunny jokes !!!! your art is to die for and im so so glad you exist !!! the day we met is a day i will probably always remember !!! ily !!!
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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meanieyards · 7 years
eid mubarak ana !!! 🔮 i would like to compliment my darling @hoteldumorts. olivia is a ray of sunshine in my life and can cheer me up immensely with her enthusiasm and creativity and i love talking to her and hearing all her heartbreaking and heartclenching ideas and reading her beautiful words and she's just such an angel and i love her
thanks jay !!!! 
@hoteldumorts olivia is one of the sweetest most enthusiastic people ever !! she’s so full of energy and excitement and talking to her is enough to make anyone’s day better !!! her ideas are amazing and she’s so creative !! she’s such a talented writer and all her fics always have me shook !! she’s the best
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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meanieyards · 7 years
jacehvrondale & bane-of-brooklyn aka the most amazing ppl and idk what i would do without them i love them so much
@jacehvrondale abi !!! youre so damn talented im cry !!!! your gifs are all so amazing and i died looking through them you dont understand how much i love them !!! also the content on your blog ?? all high quality stuff im love. y lets not forget that youre an absolute bean that everyone loves !!!!
@bane-of-brooklyn hi susanne !!!! first of all just your url is pure art !!! like wow i adore it !!! second of all your blog is so pretty and everything on it is amazing !!! i went through your edits and gifs and they’re spectacular !!! i love them sm !! i didnt get a chance to look at any of your fics but i bet they’re awesome too !!! 
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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meanieyards · 7 years
hoteldumorts, fluffyjimon, and catharinaloss :-)
@hoteldumorts listen !!! liv youre the best !!! like we started talking and it took us exactly 0.000213 seconds to start planning a malec tellytubbies au !! youre hilarious and talking to you is the best !!! youre so nice and your blog could crush me to death and i would thank u and ur blog !!
@fluffyjimon kinga my pure, soft, lovely angel !!!!! youre a blessing let me tell you !! every day that you spend on this earth the world becomes a better place !! thank u for existing and i hope you have the best life ever !!! you deserve it trust me !!!!
@catharinaloss Joannal !!!! ilysm you know that ?? you are so full of positivity and love for others and i’m so so glad that we’re friends !!! you have such a big heart and youre also hilarious !!!! you deserve to pet every puppy in the world !!! or kittens if youre more of a cat person !! youre amazing, your blog is amazing, your moodboards are amazing, your hair is amazing. should i go on ?? bc this would be a v long pot if i do ??
send in compliments for your favourite blogs and i’ll add onto them using the link below !!
ana’s eid positivity !!
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