#an odd variant of the implication of that tag about the fact we LITERALLY don't talk about it enough :P
Do do monsters come to being? I mean... we know how vampirism etc. Is transmitted, but how were they created? (We know about demons, but what about the others?) What is their offspring? Someone had to be the first. Was there a overall-being who was "god" for the monsters or was it a genetical defect? Or is it unknown? (There's probably a logical answer, but I'm just to tired to make it come to my mind)
You know how my tag for season 6 is “we don’t talk about season 6″? 
I am literally… like…
we need to talk about season 6 more, because:
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I love Eve, Mother of All
here’s her superwiki page:
I like the speculation mentioned on that page that she’s a sort of Leviathan because I also have thought that. Specifically that she’s related to them somehow, but is also much more than them, since she seems to “own” Purgatory and that was a place created as a prison for them, and since she has her own powers of creation of a very twisted type, I see her as a sort of demigod or angel of the Leviathans - possibly created by God to manage Purgatory with as much power as she needed to keep the Leviathans from fucking everything up. Whether she started to make monsters because she was bored or needed them or it just filled a nice little niche to add some flavour to the world - or, well, because SHE was trapped in there with the Leviathans and this was her influence over the “main” creation (and perverting it to her own style and having a sort of rival creation going on is a really neat thing, especially as it was successful and her alphas and other methods of spreading monsters have created an apparently nearly permanent influence on the planet…)
I really like the speech from the alpha vamp in 6x07, which includes this line:
Alpha Vampire When your kind first huddled around the fire, I was the thing in the dark! Now you think you can hurt me?
it implies monsters have been around about as long as recognisable humans with their rudimentary stone age culture, fitting into the earliest sense of mythology humans could have had, and as monsters are sort of metaphorical of the anxieties and neuroses of human society, I like that they’ve been around from the start. 
Of course Eve also needs power to run Purgatory, and to contain the Leviathan (hey guess what happens after she dies and someone fucks up Purgatory completely by draining its power source completely :P) so it could be that whatever she initially had to manage them, wasn’t enough and the fight for the souls that heaven and hell are engaged in also began there - recognising the raw power of God’s favourite creation, she also finds a way to harvest it, and since Purgatory is a lockbox for the Leviathan that God put the seal on hoping they’d never ever get back into Creation, then the souls she takes from what’s basically a buffet for higher powers when they look at Humanity, are securely kept… Hell in contrast is like the low security prison people are walking in and out of all the time, and the purpose was never locking them away, but the torture, which incidentally involves trapping them there, but I guess only as long as it takes to make someone into a good demon for sneaking back out to raise hell on earth :P 
I also think she’s one of the most phenomenally wasted characters on the whole show because of her immense power and relevance to literally everything. There might not be other seasons with monster mytharcs, but there’s monsters in just about every season… (Uh… I haven’t checked for sure, but season 12 I think has only had one incidental vampire in a flashback in England, right? We haven’t had any monster episodes in the sense of children of Eve monsters?) … 
Anyway, thematically I would guess that Amara comes closest to re-treading this ground, but going way too far in the other direction of her beef with God 
Eve’s beef with God:
EVE You do know that Jesus was just a man.
RICK Sure, but he was also the son of God, sent here because he loves us.
EVE God doesn’t care about you.
RICK Sure he does.
EVE Your father made you and then abandoned you, so you pray. You see signs where there’s nothing. But truth is, your apocalypse came and went, and you didn’t even notice. A mother would never abandon her children like he did. You’ll see.
Instead of being his sister and focusing on the soap opera family aspects, her feeling as a rival creator is there. You could say all the alphas are like her monster Jesus-es that she sent to spread her message (uh by biting and turning humans - this thought is probably a little blasphemous but then I’m not religious and this show is probably worse :P)
… And she expresses this to a random trucker but it’s a sentiment weirdly similar to Dean’s anger with God he expresses in 12x21. Amara also spoke a few times about Creation and re-making it, but she never did a whole lot except the zompires thing, very aimlessly. I’m not sure when she spoke about re-doing Creation she meant obliterating the universe in some of the earlier discussions about it, since as a “child” she was interested in the natural world, and in 11x09 also expressed a fondness for Creation, having picked a nice picnic spot to take Dean, and saying,
Amara: I had no other reason to harm his chosen. My issue is with my brother, not his creation.
Meanwhile Eve is happily stealing humans for herself, intending to overrun the world with her creation, so she has a much more aggressive tactic, and if Dean hadn’t killed her when he did (and Crowley’s minions cleared up the loose ends) then her plan would have been one of the most destructive ones on the show, to rival what would have happened if they hadn’t stopped the Croatoan virus getting out in 5x21.
… Anyway as I was about to follow another thread on this I realised you only asked if she existed, not for a very long essay on All The Ways I Feel Supernatural Wasted Their Best Ever Character so um tl;dr the answer to your question is, yes, Eve is the Monster God who spread her monsters through the world via powerful and nigh-on un-killable “alpha” prototypes of all the usual* monsters.
*there are monsters in canon such as wendigo (*takes a shot*) that are not strictly “children of eve” although I wonder if the show would retcon them for a real return. It’s possible there’s a method of transmission that hunters have never analysed as the first season was working off vague folklore with no need to make a coherent set of worldbuilding rules underneath it. I’d also retcon the changelings from 3x02 into faires, and the striga in season 1 they classified as a witch, but I’d say is definitely a type of monster/fairy somewhere in the same family tree as the soul eater from 11x16 or banshee from 11x11 -  we just didn’t meet witches as we know them on the show until 3x09, which also retconned demons into humans, and changed them up from some sort of superpowered monster, and overall took the show in a very different direction with human threats and human nature vs the vast unknown of monsters and why they do such things. (… Also…. After 10x20 we also tracked a thread from grigori angels to djinn but djinn WERE Eve’s monsters and we know that from 6x01/6x10, which means either she perverted angels into them initially and through her monster infection powers it spread to humans, OR they just tap a very similar mechanic. The family trees are a mess :P)
Because hunters mostly wing it and just work out how to kill the thing and so on, it’s only really with the MoL that any magic-science has any sort of… accessible structure to it. They’ve done their research on monsters so it’s more of a chance to explain things than before… I’m sure if you asked Toni or Mick to explain where Wendigo come from they’d have a completely different answer to your average hunter working off legends of starving trapped loggers in the woods turning to cannibalism and becoming monstrous :P For one thing, there’s plenty of historical cannibalism recorded where people didn’t become wendigo (e.g. sieges or famines) and it seems to be based on location as well, so clearly there’s more at work there than hunters have ever really reckoned with, but… that’s also not really their job. :P
… I’m so sorry for this essay. I’m a writer and fantasy world building is one of my things that I really like doing. Throw Supernatural at me and I have a vein popping in my forehead making a coherent picture for it all because there’s so many HOLES and wasted potential and amazing ideas which are just lurking under the surface…
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