#an excuse to draw my fave old man in a wet shirt ok
slumpsnail · 4 months
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A very wet Zevlor
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Painting Iskall red
Iskall had just arrived for an Architech meeting, when he got there he saw Mumbo and Grian standing there. Both of them in suits with their hands behind their back, frowning. He'd never seen them looking so serious and it scared him, how on earth did Grian look so scary? He gulped and landed in front of them, hand on the back of his neck. "H-hey guys..." Mumbo sighed and glanced at Grian who stepped forwards and put a hand on Iskalls back. "Iskall. I want you to take a look around at Sahara, what colours do you see?"
"Uhh..." He looked over at the sea of white, grey and unsaturated teal. He listed these colours to the duo and they nodded grimly, Mumbo gestured to himself and Grian. "And what colours do we wear?" Iskall looked at the two of them, he looked at Grians ruby red suit and Mumbo's little crimson tie. "...mostly red..?" He gulped out of reflex when Grian chuckled darkly, the shadows hiding the blondes eyes from view. "Well done Iskall, now I only have one more itsie-bitise question for you..." He stepped back into the sunlight and cracked a smirk. "...what colours are you wearing?"
Iskall took a step back, he was utterly freaked out at this point. He looked down at this own suit and his heart sank, he looked up at them with his eyes wide. "B-bright...bright green..." He stared at them as Mumbo quietly excused himself to stand behind the lawn centre piece. Grians eyes sparkled and he gave a slightly off pitch laugh, taking another step towards Iskall and grabbing him by the tie. "Well you know what we have to do don't you?" He pulled Iskall closer and whispered in his ear. "We're gonna have to paint you red aren't we~?" Iskall squeaked in pure terror and broke free of the smaller males grasp, backing away and tripping up. He landing on his ass and instinctively went to shield his face, shuddering. "D-Do-!"
Suddenly Grian broke into a fit of laughter as Mumbo came from behind the A, chuckling. "I think you were a bit to hard on him there Grian, look at him, he's terrified." He ravenette helped Iskall back up with a smile, seemingly proud of himself. "Was I scary though Iskall? Grian's been giving me acting lessons." He stated proudly, glancing at Grian with a smile. Iskall glared at them, a little smile riding on his face. "I hate you guys..." He chuckled and grabbed Grian in a headlock, ruffling his hair. "You scared the hell out of me you little bastard! And yeah Mumbo, you were a little scary too." He chuckled at Mumbo's smile at that as Grian tried to escape the headlock. "Iemmie go!" He squeaked and squirmed in an attempt to escape the swedes grasp, Iskall chuckle and dropped him. "Should have though about that before scaring me like that idiot!" He grinned at Grian as the blonde pouted at him.
Mumbo patted Iskall on the back and adjusted his tie for him. "There is a reason we asked you to come though Iskall, not just so Grian can make you wet yourself." The duo chuckled as Grian hopped back over. "Oh yeah! We weren't joking about the colour stuff, you do need a better suit." Iskall looked down at his suit and shrugged, he quite liked his suit but he understood where they were coming from. He sighed and nodded. "Fine, where do we start?"
Grian giggled and grabbed his arm, pulling him inside the Sahara building. "Makeover time!!" Mumbo followed to duo, chuckling at Iskall as he was dragged along. They reached the board room and Grian let go of Iskalls arm, rumaging through a chest looking for something. "Mumbo did you bring the tv?" Mumbo nodded, pulling out an old fashioned tv set and beginning to set it up. "Yep, Stress let us borrow it for the day. I've got to give it back tomorrow though, so what're we watching?" He turned to look at Grian as the blonde pulled out a dvd with a smile. "Mary Poppins! The classic one!" He giggled and handing the disc to Mumbo then going through the chest again, pulling out some cucumber slices and face masks. "Are you ready? Hold still so I can get this on your face."
Iskall just blinked at him, sitting on a chair as Grian began to coat his fave with the green goop. "Is...is this iskallium? Are you covering my face in iskallum?" Grian hissed at him as he kept working. "Keep your face still! Yes it's slime but it's mixed with a regen' potion, I found it does wonders for the skin." Iskall raised an eyebrow and earned a glare and squeak of indignation from Grian as he coated the swedes face in the mixture. Soon enough all three of them had green faces and cucumber on their eyes, Grian had realised that the movie was redundant without the use of their eyes so he put on music instead. They all lay back and relaxed, listening to the calming music until they heard a telltale crunch. "Grian! Don't eat the cucumbers!" Mumbo removed his own cucumbers to look at the blonde as he snacked on the cucumbers that were supposed to be on his eyes. "But they're so crunchyyyyy!" Grian whined back in response, grabbing one of the spare slices. Iskall realised that the masks had dried enough to let them talk and remove his own singular cucumber slice, handing it to Grian.
"So this feels pretty weird on my face, what are we doing next?" He was rather curious as to how this would roll back around to his suit but he didn't get his answer quite yet as Grians eyes lit up excitedly. "Nail painting! Let's paint each others nails!" Mumbo raised an eyebrow, looking at his nail which were dyed red from all the redstone he used. "Ok then...what colours do you have?" Grian opened up his chest again and began digging through it. "I have red and black for you, maybe a fade? Gold for me because I'm just that classy and Iskall can have some green with a red glitter piece!" He got the bottles out as he said this, laying them out in a little line. Mumbo grabbed one and began to paint Iskalls nails for him as Grian worked on the other hand, it took them a little while as Iskall had the shakes and Mumbo kept messing up. Grian was surprisingly just as intricate at painting nails as he was at building, unlike his drawing 'skill'. Soon enough they were all done and Grian was applying pearlx powder to his nails to make them shimmer.
Next Mumbo helped Grian but his hair in rollers while Iskall gelled Mumbo's hair for him, Grian attempted to style Iskalls hair for him and found something. "Oh my lord! You've got a little ringlet Iskall!" Iskall shrugged, not really caring. "Yep, is that a bad thing?" Mumbo chuckled at Grians face and patted him on the back. "Grian, I don't think Iskall wants his hair to be all ringlets." Grian pouted them and crossed his arms. "Fine, how about we just unmatt your hair then? All you do is put gel in it, it looks like it's never seen a brush." "Or a comb." Mumbo added, passing Grian the two utensils he needed. Grian thanked him and got to work, brushing all of the knots from Iskalls hair and cutting out the more impossible matts. Iskall squirmed and squealed at the pain of the hair-pulling, not used to this feeling. "Gahh! Stop iiit! That hurt!" "Oh man up Iskall you big baby, I'm helping you out here." Grian chuckled and began using the comb, wetting it first so it would slide through the knots easier. He curled Iskalls hair down at the bottom and made it softer then it had ever been before then he gelled the top back. Iskall marveled in how much better he looked now, touching it gently. "It's so soft..." He turned to look at the other two with wide eyes and a tiny smile. "It's amazing...So soft and silky...I've never felt it so soft before..." Grian chuckles and slaps him on the back, grinning at him. "That's what happens when you brush your hair buddy." Mumbo nodded in agreement and pulled out a shirt from the chest, it was a beautiful light green, so light it was almost white. He held it out and Iskall slipped it on and let Grian do his buttons for him. The blonde hummed in thought and tilted his head whilst looking at Iskall curiously. "Mumbo..?" "Yep?" "Grab the grey one."
Mumbo pulled out a dark grey jacket and helped Iskall into it with a smile. Iskall adjusted it and looked down at it, trying to decide whether he liked it or not. Grian suddenly grabbed it and fastened it for him with a little hidden zip. "Just in case you struggle with buttons!" He giggled and bopped Iskall on the nose, the swede wrinkled his nose and glares down at the blonde. "I'm no simplton Grian." "Are you ssuuuuurree?" Iskall thumped the shorter on the head, earning a squeak and some pouting. Mumbo checked their snack situation and them left to go and get more tea and biscuits for them. Grian then rumaged through the chest once more, turning to Iskall with a smile. "What's your favorite shade of red? I'm thinking mauld wine but maybe you want something a little more muted?" Iskall blinked at him in confusion, not realising there was more then two shades of red. Grian sighed and pulled out three different bits of fabric and showed Iskall. "Purplish red, activated redstone red or deactivated redstone red?"
Iskall hummed in thought and looked over the fabric colours, he could see that there where other colours still in the box but trusted that Grian knew more about fashion then he did. "Uhmm...deactivated?" Grian nodded approvingly and grabbed the fabric skipping over to tie it around the swede's neck, tying it neatly in a little bow under his collar. He patted the bow and examined his handiwork proudly. "Well you look so much better now but you're missing something...OH! I know!" Grian rushed over to the chest for the last time and pulled out an even smaller box, rumaging through that. "Close your eyes would you Iskall?"
Iskall did as he's told and felt Grian wiping and padding something on his face then adding some other things. He felt something super soft stroke his cheeks gently and a stick scrap along the contours of his eyes and a nothing one around his lips, he squeaked at the feeling of his eyebrows being plucked and tided up. When Grian allowed him he opened his eyes to see his own face in the mirror, he didn't have a single blemish on his face and no bags under his eyes even when they were eventuated like that. His lips actually showed under his beard and he didn't look quite as much of a washed up savage. Grian suddenly began to use a little comb to tidy up Iskalls beards for him too, applying only a little gel to get the disired effect. Iskall had to say that Grian was doing a fantastic job, rather impressive for the little goblin child that couldn't even draw. He marveled at himself in the mirror once again and had to complement Grian on his skills. Iskall felt that he looked so much better and his hair felt so very soft and silky.
When Mumbo returned, Grian showed off his handiwork proudly and Mumbo nodded at Iskall's new look approvingly. "Well he does look much better...but I think he's missing something." Both boys were utterly shocked at this and so confused, they were under the impression that Iskall had been perfected and couldn't fathom what else he needed. "What is he missing then?" Grian asked Mumbo, curiosity to the brink. Mumbo sighed, shaking his head in amusement as he gestured towards Iskall. "His trousers Grian, he's not wearing any trousers." "Ohhhh!" Grian tossed a pair of pants at Iskall as he and Mumbo went to get dressed themselves. After they where done they took a photo, looking at it Iskall could see that he looked so much better standing next to his friends then he did before. He smiled, adjusting his suit and stepping out into the light of dawn. He shielded his eyes from the light and looked out over the sunrise, they'd been up all night it seemed. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders, it didn't matter to him, today was going to be a good day.
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