#an emotionally constipated old kitty cat
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mischievous-thunder · 4 months ago
How to say "me too" by James Logan Howlett:
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Your face betrays your carefully chosen words, Logie Badger!
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blood-starved-beast · 1 year ago
I don't know where nurturing Acxa came from, if there's anything I know about Acxa it's that she's and independent woman with a severe case of emotional constipation. There are tons of fanfics where she's portrayed as a stereo typical housewife, and it just never sat right with me.
I mean Acxa's like the opposite of nurturing she's the kind of person to microwave food in the middle of the night and then let that beeping sound wake up the whole base/ship/whatever because she fell asleep! So Keith has to come and turn it off and take her back to bed.
And even if she and Keith did have kids Acxa would be the sort of mother to have this conversation with her child:
Incredibly gorgeous 2-year-old kacxa child: Mama, Papa, can I pwease come with you, I pwamise to be good.
Acxa & Keith: ABSOLUTELY!
And Keith doesn't want a nurturing girlfriend he wants a lovely blue kitty who doesn't give a quiznak 98% of the time and then there's that 2% when she devotes every fiber of her being to adoring Keith (nuzzling, purring, head bunting, maybe even meowing). The point is Acxa isn't nurturing, she's really not.
Tradwife Acxa (and implied dadbod keith) jumpscare oh Shit. This is a trend that existed since the showing was airing. Cursed I tell you. Super cursed get it the hell away from me. The absolute worst and braindead reading of Acxa's character. Right up there with Acxa the "emotionally competent and available best friend to Keith who's in love with Lance" fic trend. Blegh.
Acxa is the type of person to microwave food at 4 am after pulling 3 all-nighters, leave the microwave beeping waking everyone up, and when Ezor comes in with her face mask like "Acxa what the fuck" only to find Acxa standing in front of the microwave. Eyes open cause of course she can sleep like that. No one realizes this cause the next second her eyes dart to look at Ezor or anyone around her, and that's the only indication one gets that she's woken up. She takes out her food from the microwave, not breaking eye contact the whole time, before slowly breaking away to ferret it away to eat it in the place she'd been doing the work that's kept her awake this whole time. She does not explain the situation.
I actually don't think Acxa would willingly have kids. Even with Keith. But in the case of an accident child I think Keith would do most of the legitimate parenting. Acxa would give the child a knife and tell them they have to learn how to fight and defend on their own cause Miss "born and bred in war" learned to do the same 35 decapheobs before.
Honestly I think the Galra are not cats so much as they are vampires. Physical affection consists of biting. On the neck. This is regular and important to the relationship. Keith has come to terms with hickies being a way of life for him.
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imyoursavinggrace · 3 years ago
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✨ Irondad Masterlist 🕷
My AO3 dashboard
General Irondad/spiderson works:
Parent - Teacher Day
Peter forgets about Parent-teacher day and Mays out of town. Good job Mr Starks always there to give a helping hand.
Evacuate the Dance Floor
Peter tests his metabolism and gets drunk at a party. Tony’s less than impressed.
The Tale of One Kitty
Peter rescues a cat from a tree to find she has no hope and their apartment doesn’t allow pets. So, Mr Stark - do you, uh, have any pets?
Happy Hibernation Day
Tony and Pepper return to the tower to find Peter asleep on the couch. Only he won’t wake up.
5 Times Tony Dealt With a Loopy Peter
… and one time they were both loopy. (feat. bug spray, head injuries and lots more fun)
You’ve Got Mail
When a suspicious parcel arrives at the tower, the last thing Happy expected was to find a baby inside. And not just any baby - Tony Stark’s son.
The Trials and Tribulations of Spider-Babysitting
Steve, Clint, and Natasha babysit an 11-month-old Peter who suddenly disappears. Cue an impromptu game of hide and seek. Oh, and Tony’s home early.
Peter Whump:
Stop, Look, Listen.
Peter saves Morgan from getting hit by a car, leaving him struggling to survive.
The More You Say, The Less I Know
Tony wakes up from snapping with amnesia, but remembers everyone except Peter. Lots of hurt ensues.
This Feels Like The End
A fire takes Mays life, leaving Tony Stark to put back together a very broken Peter.
Should have stuck to chicken nuggets
Peter has an allergic reaction at his birthday meal. Tony, understandably, panics.
Good Things Fall Apart
Tony gets a call threatening his child, his mind going immediately to Morgan, but when he finds her safe at school, his mistake strikes him like a punch to the gut.
Dumpster Diving
Tony wakes up from snapping to find Peter missing.
The ‘Happy Hunch’
Happy and Peter are in a car accident whilst Tony’s on a business trip.
Even If You Can’t Hear My Voice (I’ll Be Right Beside You)
Peter gets deafened whilst kidnapped with Tony, who turns into an overprotective dad.
In Sickness and in Health
Peter’s gets a dangerously high temperature which leads to both Starks taking a cold bath.
Cross Your Heart and Hope To Die
Tony gets brainwashed and attacks Peter (based on *that* scene from Divergent)
Take Me Home
Peter gets kidnapped whilst having a night in with May. Tony is Far From Okay.
Did We Come Close To Having It All (in progress)
Peter gives himself up to the people that kidnapped Pepper in exchange her freedom, only for her to beg them to stay with him.
Peter Angst:
You Look Like Yourself But You’re Somebody Else
Tony unintentionally ignores Peter after coming back from the blip, making the kid so unhappy he has to take drastic action.
It’s Fun To Lose and Pretend
Harley acts like an asshole to Peter with Tony none the wiser, until one night he takes it too far.
You’re My (Spider-)Baby
Peter discovers Tony’s his biological father and panics, thinking Tony would hate him if he found out.
What About Us
Peter struggles to come to terms with Pepper pushing Peter aside when his dad almost dies after snapping on the battlefield.
What Would You Do?
Peter gets a job at a strip club to pay for May’s cancer treatment. Things go downhill from there.
Not So Sweet Sixteen
Tony and Pepper forget their sons birthday, too absorbed in their unborn child. Peter pretends he’s okay.
Tony discovers he has a son and begins ignoring Peter whilst he spends time getting to know Harley. Naturally, Peter spirals.
Oxygen and Gravity (in progress)
Sentinels and Guides AU / soulmates AU where Tony is emotionally constipated and Peter pays the price.
The world seen through Morgan’s eyes:
My Big Brother Saved the World
Tony is afraid of introducing Morgan to her brother whilst he’s in hospital after snapping. Morgan’s having none of it.
How To Handle A Concussion
Morgan watches her father worry over Peter after getting hurt on patrol. Little does she know it’s his first injury since coming back from the blip.
Post NWH:
The World Kept You Like a Secret, But I Kept You Like an Oath
Tony’s heart stops when Doctor Strange casts the spell to make the world forget Peter Parker. When he comes to, no one remembers his spider-baby.
Hold Onto It All My Son
Tony wakes up one day feeling like he’s missing something. He couldn’t understand why he’d risk everything to bring back Spider-Man from the blip without even knowing his identity. That needed to change.
One Last Time (in progress)
Peter and Wanda dream walk into a universe where May and Tony are alive and Wanda has her boys.
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all-or-nothing-baby · 4 years ago
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski
Additional Tags: Derek Hale Loves Stiles Stilinski, Pining Derek Hale, Derek Hale Being an Idiot, Idiots in Love, Alpha Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Has ADHD, Stiles Stilinski is Seventeen Years Old, Huddling For Warmth, Underage Stiles Stilinski, Consensual Underage Sex, Underage Sex, Blow Jobs, Oral Sex, Stiles Stilinski Has an Oral Fixation, Stiles Stilinski Has a Big Dick, Stiles Stilinski is a Little Shit, Emotionally Constipated Derek Hale, Derek Hale Has Feelings, References to Drugs, but only as a plot device, Stiles Stilinski is A Damsel In Distress, Neurodiversity, Neurodivergent Stiles Stilinski, Canon Universe, Sad Stiles Stilinski, Emotional Stiles Stilinski, Emotional Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski is Not Amused, Derek Hale is a Mess, Derek Hale is a Softie, Cuddling Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Accidental Cuddling, POV Stiles Stilinski, POV Alternating, POV Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski Is Brave AF, Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski UST, Minor Character Death, Canonical Character Death, Past Derek Hale/Paige, Mentioned Paige, Full Moon, Werewolf Derek Hale, Werewolf Biology, Sad Derek Hale, Angst and Tragedy, Memories, Childhood Memories, Derek Hale's Beta Form, Derek Hale's Leather Jacket, Horny Derek Hale, Slow Burn, Slow Build, Slow Build Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
Maybe Derek just needed someone to gently smooth the worried crease from between his brow, maybe run a thumb pad along those high cheekbones, along his smooth lips… and then he'd open up wide and let you slide that thumb inside of his hot, wet mouth, along his teeth and tongue and…
Stiles had absolutely no idea why that kind of housewife romance bullcrap gave him a half-chubby. But it did—especially when it came to Derek Hale.
"Guess I don’t write the rules on the kinky shit, huh, Kitty?" he said, adding a one-shoulder shrug.
The cat only pushed it's head further into Stiles' hand, in hope of more affection.
And who the hell was Stiles Stillinski, if not a giver?
(First-time Sterek, featuring: Little Shit Stiles Stilinski, Sourwolf Derek Hale and the Huddling For Warmth trope)
wolfpack: @novemberhush @sharkfish @princecharmingwinks @sterek-malec-karamel @evanesdust @jmeelee @siriusstufff @shealynn88 @drusilla-as-in-blackthorn @seik-o @lonelygodsmuse @marshmallowsourwolf @mieczyslawstilesstilinskiii @spookubee @nerddivision @eusuntgratie @sterekatom ...let me know if you'd like adding/removing from the list.
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theeeveetamer · 5 years ago
so bc i love angst, and your last hc about felix like not bonding with his child KILLED ME SO yeet i’m a ghost now- but anyway, imagine if the kid (if they keep the child) finds out that they weren’t wanted bc of other noble children, like kids can be mean and maybe they heard their parents say stuff like that so i may not have been malicious instead it was out of curiosity, ANYWAY imagine sylvix baby running away, why bother staying there if their parents had the “wanted” children already?
Okay so by the time kiddo is old enough to run away Felix and Sylvain have probably grown to love them, even if they didn’t initially want them (and maybe it’s not the soft gooey parental love people would expect). Or maybe it’s not love, but they definitely care for the kid, and they’d definitely feel deeply responsible for him.
So their kid leaves an angry note about how he’s going to go live with Uncle Dima and Uncle Dedue because at least they love their children. Felix goes full Mom Mode and Sylvain goes full Dad Mode and they’re organizing search parties within the hour.
And like, side note but it’s relevant I promise. Did anyone else try to run away from home when they were, like, six? Because I did and so did literally everyone else I know. Not, like, serious running away from home. The kind of running away from home where you get to the end of your driveway with your duffel bag that has, like, a banana and your favorite stuffed animal in it and then turn around and go back inside?
That’s what I’m envisioning here. Baby Sylvix grabs his toy sword and he gets like 20 feet away and starts bawling (he’s a sensitive boy). He goes back inside and hides out in one of the lesser-used rooms of the Fraldarius-Gautier estate and snuggles with his favorite kitty.
And like. They’ve got the country in a fucking panic. Sylvain sent word to Fhirdiad so now Dimitri has organized his own search party just in case he somehow managed to make it that far, and they’ve literally got dozens of search parties on their end combing every inch of the woods/roads/towns. They’re even checking to make sure no one heard of any brigands kidnapping a little boy.
It’s several hours of this and the sun is finally setting before Sylvain finally has to convince (drag) Felix back home because it’s getting too dark to see (the idiot was going to go stumbling around in the pitch black all night if he hadn’t). And like, they finally find their kid when one of the cats starts meowing at them and leads them to the empty guest bedroom no one had bothered checking.
And Felix just runs up and hugs him like. “I… You… You’re so irresponsible what the hell were you thinking? What if you’d gotten hurt? You..! Don’t you dare ever scare us like that again..!”
And Felix is not a very comforting human being so he’s saying all this and all his kid hears is Mom’s angry voice so now he’s bawling into Felix’s neck because he thinks he’s getting in trouble, but he’s not Felix just doesn’t know how to express himself. So Sylvain has to swoop in (and get in on that family hug) and explain that Mama isn’t mad at him, he was just worried is all. As the emotionally un-constipated of the two Sylvain has to have the conversation about why he wanted to run away so badly.
The reason breaks his heart (because there is some truth to it. I mean, they didn’t want him at all, but that doesn’t mean they don’t care for him now). He even promises that they can all sleep in the same bed tonight if it makes him feel better (which is really more of an excuse he makes so that Felix can carry him around for the rest of the night. Because no WAY is mamabear Felix letting his baby out of his sight after that).
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