#an elinity christmas drabble
eternityunicorn · 4 years
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📜🎄The Naughty List🎄📜
“We should make our Christmas wishes,” Rebekah said excitedly, while Niklaus groaned.
“I’d really rather not,” the hybrid rolled his eyes.
Eternity, Elijah’s wife, stepped in with a playful grin, “And why is that, Nik?”
“Because It’s a silly tradition,” he grumbled.
“And because I’m afraid that Niklaus is forever on Santa’s naughty list,” Elijah chimed in with a smirk, as he stepped up beside his lady, while sipping upon his glass of wine. “Therefore, his Christmas wishes unfortunately never come true.”
Eternity’s smile widened as she shook her head, “I don’t think any of us are ever on the nice list, my love. Not even myself.”
“No, perhaps not, but it’s still a lot of fun ,” Rebekah stated, as she came over to stand next to Niklaus. “Now, come along. Let’s make our wishes!”
With that, the Mikaelson siblings and Eternity went over to the fire pit that Rebekah had already lit, where pens and little scraps of paper were passed around.
Once everyone had written their wishes for each other, the lot of them threw the little papers into the fire, each watching them be eaten by the fire.
“So? What did you wish for, Elijah?” Eternity murmured curiously.
“I wished for continued prosperity for my family,” sighed Elijah. “And I also wished for the start of our own.”
The Original gazed over at his lady with deep love.
To his surprise, she looked at him secretively and then she whispered, “Well, you don’t have to wait for that second wish to come true.”
He blinked rapidly and turned to her fully, “What are you saying, Sweetheart?”
Elijah’s heart began to race and butterflies filled his stomach as he watched her lips spread into a wide grin that could only mean one thing.
“Wait, you’re pregnant?” He breathed out in shock.
Eternity nodded in confirmation, “Aye. That I am.”
His shock immediately turned to joy and he picked her up, spinning her around happily. Then he kissed his equally happy wife passionately, once he set her back down upon her feet.
“It looks like I’m not on the naughty list, after all,” jested Elijah, before sobering. “Though, it may be that I have everything I’ve ever wanted, so I’m not on either list.”
The ethereal beauty agreed, looking at him adoringly.
“I love you, Eternity.”
“I love you too, Elijah.”
Then they kissed once more, taking a moment to enjoy their Christmas miracle.
“Merry Christmas, Sweetheart....”
An Elinity Christmas Drabble
🎉Happy holidays, everyone🎉
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orphanedshadow · 6 years
Pet — I’ll write a drabble of my character buying yours a pet. (Elin giving her a baby bat; could be for Xmas gift she gives in return)
Even after all this time there were still things Kara longed for, memories made blurry by time but still strong enough to make her heart ache.
Hell had not faded this one, nor had her disdain for certain social holidays, and she had soon found herself leaving a wrapped package on Elin’s snow-covered porch, planning to leave before anyone noticed.
That was when she noticed something, poking out from under the mat and sporting her name. Curiosity got the better of her, as always, and soon she had the Christmas card in her hands.
[Text] Kara, I know you’ve come to drop off something, you always do. Come inside, put it on the kitchen table, and your present is in the attic. It’s not wrapped, but I’m pretty sure you’ll figure it out the second you get up there.Then get your demonic arse downstairs, you’re not getting out of it this year. It’s just us, and I want to have at least part of my family with me, no matter how grumpy.
Chuckling slightly to herself Kara picked up the present again, stepping through the shadows without seeming to think twice, making a short stop in the kitchen to drop off the gift before moving on to the attic.
The moment she set foot in the darkened room she could sense it, the perfect gift. Tiny and feral it cuddled into her palm as she scooped it up from it’s place in the rafters, offering it soothing words as she gently wrapped it in a cloth to keep it warm.
After a quick spell of restfulness to keep the little bat from being distressed she returned to the kitchen, holding her new friend with all the tenderness of a mother seeing her baby for the first time.
After a moment of thought Kara made her way to the living room, silently appearing next to Elin and placing the small gift next to her, waiting for her to unwrap the delicate bracelet that she had spent a very long time working on.
“I could not help but think of you, and have been working on this ever since I learned the truth. Even if you did not want anything to do with me I knew I could at least make it seem like you were.“
Offering a small smile the abomination did her best to seem less inhuman than she was, or at least as benign as possible.
“My family’s name is not one many would trifle with, and this will make it seem like you are mine. It should help keep the weaker Infernals away from you, or at least have them pause for long enough for you to deal with them. If you want it of course, I would understand if you do not.”
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eternityunicorn · 4 years
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🎁🎄My Present to You🎄🎁
Christmas was one of Elijah Mikaelson’s favorite holidays, mostly because it was the one time of the year when his siblings got along and played nice with each other, especially Niklaus. He enjoyed their togetherness more than he enjoyed anything else. However, his holiday joy was amplified this year by the presence of his new wife, Eternity.
He had been planning a romantic night of wine and gifts with his lady for the past week with everything coming together, as they had a celebratory dinner with his rambunctious siblings. It was after this that he had planned on whisking his beloved away to their bedroom, where he had set up the wine and his gift to her near the fireplace that was already lit and burning brightly.
Yes, everything was in order and according to plan...
...except for the fact that immediately after dinner had concluded, Eternity had vanished from the dinning room unexpectedly.
Elijah remained with his family, under the assumption that she had only slipped away for a moment and would return. However, the minutes ticked by and soon, he grew curious as to where she had gotten off to.
He excused himself from the camaraderie and went searching for his wife.
He went to the kitchen first, thinking she might have been grabbing more drink or perhaps grabbing the deserts. Yet, he found that the kitchen was empty, when he got there.
Next, Elijah headed up the stairs, heading for their bedroom. There were only so many places Eternity would be and if it wasn’t in the kitchen, then it had to be there. Though, part of him hoped that she wasn’t, just because he didn’t want his surprise spoiled.
Once he was at his bedroom door, which was cracked open just a bit, he saw that the lights were on when they shouldn’t be. Believing now that the ethereal beauty had to be in there, he slipped inside as silently as a predator, closing the door behind him just as quietly.
The Original’s sharp eyes fell upon her immediately.
Eternity lay casually on her side upon the bed. She was wearing nothing but a large red ribbon that was wrapped around her body, down intimately between her legs, which all came together in a large bow that covered her ample breasts. Upon seeing him, she smiled seductively at him, her eyes alit with desire for him.
It seemed that she had been there waiting for him to notice her disappearance and come looking for her. Apparently, she had been planning a surprise all of her own for him.
Elijah stood by the door perfectly still as his dark eyes drank in the sight of her.
“Well, Mr. Mikaelson? Are you going to come over here and open your present?” His wife purred enticingly.
He was at the bedside instantaneously, at the same time she rose up in her knees to meet him. His hungry eyes bore into hers, just before he grabbed the back of her neck and yanked her forward. His mouth devoured hers at once, his tongue invading the warm cavern and tasting her sweetness with abandon until he could feel her tremble with need.
Next, Elijah reached for the bow that covered her and yanked it. One form tug and the ribbon fell away, revealing her body to him.
When he pulled back to admire her shimmering flesh, Eternity murmured, “Merry Christmas, Elijah.”
His dark lusty eyes met hers with a filthy grin full of dark promise as he rumbled in return, “Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.”
Then, at once, Elijah’s hungry mouth was upon hers again, as they fell back on the bed and remained wrapped up in each other for the rest of the night.
An Elinity Christmas Drabble
🎊🎉Happy Holidays, Everyone!!!🎉🎊
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