#an attempt...........was made okay i never do well with these types of gifs lmao
sculien · 19 days
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kdogreads · 1 year
Y/n is close with Abby like the mom figure to Gibbs being her dad figure. Gibbs and y/n have only ever had words in passing They are always friendly with a flirt now and then. One day Gibbs uses Abby's cot to get some rest he wakes up to y/n and Abby talking about blind dates.
"Y/n I'm gonna find you a companion in life. Just do one more date"
*y/n sighs* "I'm just not the type of person people are looking for and that's ok"
*as she leaves the lab* "Abs some people are ment to be alone"
Gibbs comes out telling Abby that he will be taking y/n on the next date.
This is such a sweet idea!! I’m sticking it with this request bc I feel like they just fit together so perfectly. I hope that’s okay by both of you 🥹 thank you so much for the love!
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Jethro Gibbs x f!reader
TW: alcohol, a smidge of angst (reader thinks she’ll be forever alone), mostly just a heap of fluff
A/N: I’ve never been able to use any of my nerdy lab knowledge in a fic before so sorry if I went a little overboard lmao (I’m a pre-analytical training coordinator and spend my days teaching people to be labbies basically). Thank you so so so much for reading! ❤️
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Just before you left for the day, you decided to head down to the lab check in on Abby. It was quality control week, meaning she had to got to run test patients on all of her instruments, confirm the results are what they should be, order biological indicator tests to make sure no foreign bacteria snuck its way in where it shouldn’t have, then do it all over again a dozen or so times to make sure the results match up.
Not that Abby is anything less than capable of completing the quarterly checks, it just gets very tedious, and Abby is not a fan of busy work.
“Hey Abs,” You greeted her sweetly.
“There is no Abby, only QC’s,” She quipped back in her best robot voice.
You only chuckled in response and grabbed a pair of gloves without another word. You started resulting the tests in her queue, a feeble attempt to help the boring task move along faster.
The two of you worked quietly on opposite sides of the lab for another half hour until you moved the last tube into the “finished” tray.
“Wanna grab some dinner?” You questioned, removing your gloves and heading over to the sink to wash your hands.
“No, thanks; already ate,” Abby responded without looking up from her work, “Hey! How did that date go last night? I can’t believe I forgot until now! Tell me everything.”
Abby turned towards you excitedly, her eyes bright and body fidgeting in anticipation. You swear she was more invested in your love life than you were sometimes.
You started to shake your head “no” and Abby let out a loud groan.
“Ugh! I had such a good feeling about this one,” She spoke in disappointment.
“You said that the last time, too, Abs,” You leaned against the counter and crossed your arms lazily, “He asked me to meet his mom. On the first date!”
Abby visibly cringed and put a hand lovingly on your bicep.
“I’m gonna find you a companion, I swear it!”
You let out a sound that’s half laugh, half sigh before you speak, “It’s okay, really. I’m just not the type of person anyone is looking for, and I can’t find the person I’m looking for. It’s just the way it is, Abby.”
She sent you a sympathetic look, squeezing your arm in reassurance. Abby pulled you into a tight hug, like she was trying to will a new love life into you with her bare hands.
You sent her a loving smile when she finally pulled away from you.
“Well, I’m gonna head out. You sure I can’t drag you away for something to eat?”
“No, no. I have too much to get done,” She motions to the empty tubes behind her, “Don’t lose hope, Boss Lady. Your perfect man is out there.”
You headed towards the door before turning around to tell her goodbye, “Some people are just meant to be alone. It’ll be me and the dogs forever,” You smiled slightly, “Goodnight, Abs.”
You made it almost out the door of the NCIS building before you realized you left your purse in the lab. With a huff, you begrudgingly dragged yourself back into the elevator, down to the lab, and right up to the doorway. The surprise of two distinct voices coming from within stopped you in your tracks.
“Gibbs! You can’t sneak up on me like that! I didn’t know you were using the cot.”
“Sorry, Abs. You often set her up on blind dates?”
“Yes! I am determined to find my wonderful boss’ soulmate somewhere in the greater DC area.”
Jethro chuckles.
“I can’t believe I didn’t see it before now! She’s just your type, Gibbs, and she’s so fun and cryptic just like you and—“
“Abby,” He paused, “Way ahead of you.”
You decided now was your chance. Knocking gently on the doorframe, both of them turned their heads to see who was there.
“Hey Abby; Jethro,” You smiled, trying not to act like you just heard their whole conversation about you, “I just, uh, left my purse.”
Abby looked around and spotted your bag, handing it to you with a cheeky grin on her face. You all stood there in semi-uncomfortable silence for a beat before Gibbs spoke.
“Have any plans tomorrow night, Red?”
You straightened up a bit at his question and the playful nickname. You are just his type.
“Um, no. I don’t. Not yet, anyway.” You tried to keep an even tone, but the nerves and excitement were practically seeping out of your pours.
“My place, 7 o’clock,” Gibbs said in his nonchalant tone, “Casual. Hope you like bourbon.”
He winked at you and walked out of the lab before you could even exhale the breathe you hadn’t known you were holding. You looked at Abby, your eyes wider than ever before.
“Eee! I’m so excited!” Abby squeals and flings her arms around you.
You couldn’t even put any thoughts together. Your heart pounded out of your chest and your hands must’ve been shaking, the adrenaline of the situation just starting to wear off.
“Come on,” Abby said while sliding her jacket off the back of her chair, “I’ll finish up tomorrow. We have to plan your date. With Gibbs!”
You let out a laugh and wrapped an arm over Abby’s shoulders, heading out to grab something to eat.
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You nervously sifted through your tops, trying to find something that felt “casual,” as Jethro had requested, but still nice enough for a date.
Oh screw it.
You grabbed a plain olive green hoodie, the big white letters reading NCIS. You figured if he asked for casual, he would get casual.
The drive to Gibbs’ house went quickly. You’d been there once before, when Abby insisted Gibbs needed company one New Year’s Eve. You didn’t end up staying very long, but he left an impression on you. After the visit, Gibbs started stopping to say “hello” in the hallways at work, or bringing a coffee up your office every now and then.
One detail you remembered from your brief visit is the front door was never locked, so you didn’t bother to stop and knock.
Walking through the doorway, your eyes immediately gravitated to the only light on in the house — the one leading down the stairs to the basement. You took this as your sign to invite yourself downstairs.
The stairs creaked slightly as you made your way down, the sounds of sandpaper meeting wood filled your ears.
“You found the place,” Jethro’s strong voice greeted you as you stepped into his workspace.
“How could I forget?” You teased back.
Jethro let out a honey-soaked chuckle and offered you a stool to sit on. He poured you two fingers out of his half-empty bottle of bourbon, then did the same for himself. He tipped his glass to you and you tapped yours against it with a slight clink.
You shut your eyes as the amber liquid burned down your throat. Instinctively, you leaned back against the counter and let out an exhale.
“Long day?” Jethro joked, but you could see the genuine care when you opened your eyes to meet his gaze.
“Long week,” You responded before taking another sip, “Abby’s up to her eyeballs in evidence to examine, plus all this QC crap takes so much time. I just feel bad I can’t help her more. I didn’t realize taking the lead forensics position would take me out of the lab so much.”
Jethro nodded in understanding, one corner of his mouth tilting up slightly as he poured more into your already empty cup.
“Abby’s the best of the best,” He said with confidence, placing a hand reassuringly on your knee, “She’ll get it done.”
You smiled and nodded back at him, placing your hand over his as a silent thank you.
You were surprised when Jethro broke the comfortable silence first.
“You know she thinks the world of you, Red,” He said with a look in his eye, one that almost looked like pride if you had to guess.
You felt your cheeks get hot and you looked down at your shoes, unsure if the liquor or his sweet comment made you blush.
You took another sip before lifting your head back up and responding.
“Same goes for you, Jethro,” You reached out to grab the hand that rested on your knee just moments before, “I think if she had time to write a book about how much she adores you, she would.”
He laughed, a full laugh, glazed in honey and bourbon and it warmed you to your core. You thought that sound could end wars, cause the devil himself to crack a smile. You would have melted right there if he didn’t jolt you out of your trance a moment later.
He took the glass from your hand and whispered a quick, “c’mere.”
He took your hand and led you over to the boat he was building. He showed you a few small hand tools and gave you a quick explanation of their use.
Before long, his hands were resting over yours, your back pressed gently against his chest as he showed you the different sanding techniques he used. Though every inch of his body was pressed against yours, you’d never felt so free, so held and yet, so comfortable.
It was a quiet few minutes before he spoke, his lips inches from your ear.
“You ever done this before?” His breath tickled your neck and sent a shiver down your spine.
“Never,” You breathed, trying your hardest not to just melt into his strong arms.
“You’re a natural then.”
He slowly peeled his hands back from yours, allowing you to keep sanding on your own for a moment. You felt his strong hands slide down your arms, your sides, before settling on your hips.
Your eyelids fluttered, suddenly aware of the effect he had on you. Your movements halted and Jethro raised a hand cautiously to your chin, turning your head to face him.
“This okay?” He questioned gently, a worried look settled into his furrowed brows.
You didn’t answer immediately. Instead, turning your whole body to face his, your arms sliding over his broad shoulders to rest at the back of his neck.
“Only if you intend to kiss me, Jethro,” His name danced from your lips in a whisper.
A soft smile spread across his face, the worry melting away in an instant.
“Yes, ma’am, I do.”
Before you could comprehend, the hand that was still on your chin drifted to hold you just below your ear, and his lips melted into yours in a sweet, slow kiss.
He tasted of bourbon and something you were sure was just distinctly him.
You leaned further into him as your lips met over and over again. His presence wasn’t demanding, but invasive. You felt Jethro in every inch of your body; his taste, his smell, the way his fingers gripped into your hip like he was afraid you might disappear if he let go.
The seconds felt like hours before you separated your lips, both of you desperate for oxygen. Your chest heaved slightly as he drew small circles onto your lower back absentmindedly; his forehead leaning down to rest on yours.
“Do you bring all the girls down here and make out like teenagers?” You teased, still slightly out of breathe.
He threw his head back in another honey-glazed laugh. It invaded your sense just as his kiss had.
God, you though, I could listen to that forever.
“No,” He huffed, a wide smile still spread across his face, “Only the special ones.”
“Ohh,” You exaggerated, “So I’m special, then?”
He only growled an Mmmhhmm before his lips pressed into yours once more, this time slightly quicker than the time before.
“Hungry?” He asked simply, prying his lips from yours, a slight groan falling from your lips as he pulled away.
“Starving,” You replied without missing a beat.
He raised an eyebrow and leaned slightly further away from you, letting him see your full expression.
“For food, sweetheart,” He jested, a hint of teasing in his voice.
“I know!” You squeaked, swatting his shoulder playfully in protest.
He chuckled that charming laugh and nodded his head towards the stairs.
“Well, come on then,” He spoke after pressing a quick peck to your lips.
You followed Jethro upstairs where you enjoyed a delicious homemade dinner and spend the rest of the evening basking in each other’s company.
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You sighed as you reached the top of the stairs, just outside your office. Since you rarely locked the door, you turned the handle and swung it open. You were surprised to see the light already switched on. A pit formed in your stomach as your eyes scanned the room before—
“Jesus, Abby!” You found her sitting at your desk chair, literally shaking in anticipation, “You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“Sorry, I’m sorry,” She quickly approached you, taking your bag out of your hand and setting it down in the desk, “Sooo? I’m dying to know! Tell me everything!”
“Ab,” You smiled at her an tilted your head slightly in a playful manner, “A girl should never kiss and tell.”
Abby squealed in excitement and pulled you into a hug, clearly understanding that it went well enough for you to kiss him.
“Please tell me you’re seeing him again. Please, please, please,” She practically begged with her hand folded in front of her.
“Tomorrow, after work,” You smiled as she squealed and pulled you into another excited hug.
“This is the best day ever!” She declared and sat in the comfy chair across from your desk, determined to get all the details from your life-changing first date with Jethro Gibbs.
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miumura · 10 months
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[ DAY FIVE ] of the advent calendar !
( 🎞️ ) SYNOPSIS . . how easy it is to lose love for a season.
( .𖥔 ݁ ) PAIRING . . classmate!taehyun x classmate!gn-reader
( 🎞️ ) GENRE . . fluff, angst | FT. K + NICHOLAS ( &TEAM )
( .𖥔 ݁ ) WARNINGS . . profanity, miscommunications, someone kinda being a douchebag, taehyun is kinda frustrating ngl bc he holds GRUDGESSS 😪 — WORD COUNT : 1.1K+ ( 1139 )
( 🎞️ ) NOTE . . omg is this the start of soph FINALLY working on smth for txt 😱?? LMAO trust i have been trying for the past months but the ideas never got finished so </3 so im def proud of myself for getting this out n finished for u guys 🤍
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"Come on! Ask him out!" K whispered, nudging you in Kang Taehyun's direction.
"I can't do this right now! I'm nervous—seriously, calm down!" You attempted to hold your ground, even pushing back, but the inevitable draw towards your crush seemed unstoppable.
"Stop playing matchmaker at the moment!"
"You need to make a move! You both complement each other so well! You, the energetic one, and him, the quiet one—it's a perfect match, if you ask me!" After a final nudge from K, you found yourself right next to Taehyun, who was seated at his desk, engrossed in a book with earbuds in. Well, fuck.
Sensing your presence, your crush, Kang Taehyun, glanced up, his eyebrow arching in mild surprise. Cursing your nerves, you hastily fished out a folded piece of paper from your pocket. Placing it on his desk, you offered a fleeting smile before dashing away.
You locked eyes with K, shooting him a fierce glare. "K, you're in trouble."
"Hey! I helped you—" K's protest was cut short as you chased him out of the classroom, eliciting a yelp. "I'm sorry!"
Meanwhile, Taehyun observed the scene, a small smile gracing his lips at the commotion. Returning his focus to the piece of paper, he carefully unfolded it.
"Here’s my number: XXX-XXX-XXXX.
Let’s go out?"
Despite his typically reserved and aloof nature, Taehyun found himself smiling, a faint pink tint gracing his cheeks—an unfamiliar but welcome sensation for him.
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"And then—holy shit!" You exclaimed, eyes widened as you stared at your phone screen. Your heart raced far faster than usual, but who wouldn't get excited over something like this? "He actually texted me!"
"Who?" Nicholas barely showed any reaction but was still curious about the source of your unexpected excitement. “The quiet loser?”
You playfully hit his arm, causing him to wince and rub the spot. “No need to diss my future boyfriend now.”
“Okay, now you're delusional—and your taste in men is terrible too?”
“Oh fuck off, Nicholas,” you retorted, your eyes fixed on your phone, a smile spreading across your face as you read Taehyun's messages.
Hey YN, it’s Taehyun.
So, where do you wanna go?
You quickly typed up a response, “There’s a lovely spot not too far from here. Beautiful trees and a bench made for two. Oh, and there's a chance of snow today! It could be the perfect moment…unless you're not a fan of snow?”
He read your messages, and at this point, you were practically biting your fingernails, hoping he shared your affection for winter. It was your favorite season, with its enchanting snow and the opportunity to wear layers of cozy clothing.
That sounds wonderful. I love the snow :)
With a sense of relief, you quickly arranged for the date to happen today, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement when Taehyun agreed. "I can't believe I just set up a date."
“I still don’t know what you see in him.”
“Stop being a mood killer, Nicho.”
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You were spot on—tonight, snowfall was abundant, and Taehyun faced biting winds that blew the snowflakes into his face. Extending his hand, the snowflakes delicately settled in his palm, melting at his touch. At least the snow was pretty today.
Glancing at the time on his phone—6 PM, precisely on schedule—he approached the location. It was indeed a charming sight. The lights cast a soft glow above the bench, creating an atmosphere purposefully crafted for a romantic encounter for two. A smile graced his face; everything seemed just perfect, tailored to his ideal kind of date.
Sitting down on the bench, he looked around, hoping to catch a glimpse of you at any moment. He waited.
And waited.
An hour had passed, and you hadn’t arrived. Taehyun was puzzled; where could you be? He was confident about the time—6 PM and the location you had chosen. His phone suddenly chimed, a notification he hoped was from you, but instead, it was a text from an unknown number.
You really think YN would go on a date with someone like you?
The text hit him like a ton of bricks.
She's popular, you're not. Why would she waste her time on a loser like you?
Doubt crept in, making his heart sink.
He felt a wave of nausea rising, his grip on the phone tightening, his fingers nearly turning numb. Did he raise his hopes for nothing? Did he really think that you were going to be different from the rest? The biting cold made it increasingly hard for him to catch his breath—how he despised the sensations coursing through him.
Nervously, his fingers hovered over your contact, finally pressing the call button. He didn’t know what he was doing, but it just felt like the right thing. Anxiously, he chewed on his lip while waiting on the line, and soon, he heard shuffling in the background. His eyes widened at how quickly you picked up the phone.
"Hey Taehyun?" Your voice sounded surprisingly calm on your end.
"Where are you?" he asked, trying to maintain composure, but the cold and wind were beginning to make him sound shaken up.
“I’m here with Nicholas—why do you ask?”
Taehyun should’ve known.
“So I’ve been waiting out here in the cold for no reason?”
“The date you wanted to go on, YN. God, can you stop acting oblivious and tell me how you actually feel about me?” Taehyun feels the anger getting to him, his voice already rising.
“But the date is set to 8 PM? Wait, did I not tell you that?”
“That’s just a fucking excuse, isn’t it?”
“No, I thought I told you 8 PM? Oh my god—Taehyun, I’m so sorry. It’s a mistake, I swear!” You felt panicked, re-reading the text message you sent, realizing your mistake.
“Yeah right.” he just couldn’t help but chuckle at his situation.
“Taehyun, you have to believe me—” But he cut you off, “I already know how you feel. Thanks for playing with me—oh, and most important, thanks for ruining winter for me.”
“Wait—” But Taehyun hung up before you could continue. He had too many thoughts swirling in his head to deal with everything at that moment.
Taehyun sat alone on the snow-covered bench, the bitter cold seeping into him as he felt the disappointment and frustration swirl within. His emotions were a chaotic mess, a blend of anger, hurt, and the numbing chill of the winter night. The twinkling lights above seemed to mock his shattered hopes.
As he walked away, his shoulders weighed heavy with a mix of resentment and sorrow. Winter, once his beloved season, was now tarnished by this painful memory.
With a heavy heart, Taehyun knew this winter would forever hold a bitter taste, a season stained by a shattered promise and unfulfilled expectations.
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TXT PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @haruavrse @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @bubblytaetae @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @wonioml @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @ja4hyvn @thia-aep @vampcharxter @sleepymoon27
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distortedataraxia · 3 years
hello! I saw requests were open and ive had this idea ever since i started watching bsd. What if dazai never left the mafia and the reader is part of the ada and they're quite powerful so they keep clashing against eachother basically enemies to lovers relationship. Reader is skilled with a sword and will cut a bitch when they have to and are girlboss (i dont mind which gender the reader is anything is fine with me)
Author note : Hi ! Thank you for requesting, I'm sooo sorry I took quite some time, I have no good excuses except that I've been doing other things and I didn't want to rush it either, I did a one-shot so I hope that's what you wanted, I did fem!reader, I don't think I made a real good job on writing the characters but eh- I hope I didn't mess it up too much and I had fun writing it nontheless I hope you'll enjoy it anyways ! ♪
Pm dazai that never left the mafia x ADA fem!reader
Characters : Dazai
Type : one-shot
Wordcount : 2.7K
Warnings : mentions of suicide, murders and ehhh cursing ?
Ennemies to lovers
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It was him, you despised him quite a lot, maybe too much, his interrogations where basically nobody escaped from without spilling anything out and it was quite scary , his emotionless face and his mask he sometimes wears wich can't let you know what he is truly thinking about, you could almost ALMOST never read through him, his manipulative ass, it was probably someone you would never ever trust, and, honestly ,i wouldn't blame you for that, you've been wondering how this dumbass being was not even dead yet, he was good at everything, EVERYTHING ! And he wants to die,and from what it seems it has been years that he has been suicidal, god know how many years it's been that dazai has been suicidal, yet; he really never managed to kill himself and he was still alive and working for the port mafia, to the point where you were internally asking yourself if he wasn't pretending to be suicidal,yet with his daily suicide attempts ,thinking that seems really dumb and out of place , wich planet are we on again ?Earth? This man seemed so myserious, but, hey, atleast the fact he seems mysterious isn't mysterious too ..right? It was him, yup, without a doubt, it was Dazai Osamu that you had to fell in love with,it's not exaclty hate and you don't exactly really "despise him too much", it's complicated,it was him that your blind heart has choosed, it was him that can put that blush on your cheeks ,him that made your heart beat really fast,him that is able to make you flustered, him that you want to be with, and it probably was a bad choice to you, it was really annoying you. Oh well. What can you do about it? That's right , there's nothing you can do.
You have been working at the armed detective agency for the past few years now, and this man is probably one of your worst ennemies, or perhaps should I say..lover ? Okay okay I'm sorry lmao you met him on mutliple missions as your ennemy and it was probably pretty exhausting, he was really smart, saying he's a genius seems like common sense and he can be pretty manipulative but, there was no way NO WAY, NOT ANY WAY IN HELL you'd let him manipulate you, he would manage to offer people death and make it seems like a gift to "end their suffering" even though he , most of the time is the cause of their suffering, well never ever, he will do that to you ! You won't let him do that or anything else to you, oh hell no ! Not today sir ! He didn't seem to regret anything he did in his life and he kept on working in the port mafia, he has been working there for a pretty long time now, probably years? When he was 15 ? He was mostly trying to kill himself probably every days but failling every one of his suicide attempts and surviving without too much damages because honestly though, this man is lucky, some people end up not even being able to walk anymore, some can't eat the same type of food you would normally eat , some end up in the hospital their whole life, some end up with a disformed face, some people end up blind, some are still living this day but with struggles to breath, of course some are lucky and don't have many much consequences like maybe a fever ? He had bandages everywhere around his body so you shouldn't think about it too much, but yet,an attempt everyday and he only has that, either he's lucky either his attempts sucks. And deep down, you can't help nor can you stop but to ask yourself .. just how exactly isn't this suicidal kid dead yet? There are sooo many ways for him to die every days and he attempts mostly every days so how? Yet he's alive, and yet he managed to make you feel what people calls "love" for him, yet you managed to fall in love with him, it seems he could probably do anything except dying.
The first time you met him , Dazai Osamu, the man who was going to be your rival and soon enough surprisingly but yet not so surprisingly your dear lover sorry sorry , was on a easy mission where you only had to find a tiger that has been causing quite some chaos and fears around Yokohama , turns out he was also looking for the white tiger because the tiger had a seven million bounty on him for some strange reasons, and it was not really super easy but it was still easy anyways ; you eventually managed to save the half-tiger boy from their dirty grasps and the half-tiger boy you were searching for was now in the armed detective agency because you decided to let him join and the others eventually agreed to that, afterall , he didn't know anything about his power to the point he thought the tiger was chasing him wich didn't make any sense, and he had no control over it, he was homeless and he just got kicked out of his orphanage , he has not ate anything for entire days because he didn't manage to steal from people yet, the boy needed a job and a house and atleast some money to buy himself some food and some clothes , if he joins he will atleast have a house and a job and he will be able to control his power and save people wich is probably a win-win situation , but now the problem about it was that the port mafia wouldn't really leave you alone because they wanted the half-tiger boy for the 7 millions and all, well not that it was a very big problem to you , it was probably just a bit annoying sometimes and it got on your nerves a bit because you could not go anywhere freely around like shopping or something without fearing that someone working in the port mafia will cause chaos where you go and cause a lot of deaths wich sometimes made you feel a bit guilty even though it wasn't entirely your fault anyways ,well atleast you're not the one they want and it was probably worst for the tiger white haired boy who just joined the armed detective agency because he didn't quite have another good choice but it was still pretty annoying most of the times to you and i can not blame you for thinking that.
You were only silently walking towards the bridge of Yokohama during your mission with your colleague, kunikida, you exchanged some words sometimes but it was always pretty simple and quick, you didn't feel like wasting your time with talking and all today, and you eventually found the tiger boy who was named atsushi next to the river acting all strange, he had white hair and a weird hairstyle and he had beautiful yellow eyes with a bit of purple in them and then a bunch of random people in black clothings randomly start to try to shoot you and your colleague out of nowhere or something and you saw him, you saw Dazai Osamu.
Dazai Osamu had dark red dull eyes that seemed souless, he was wrapped up in bandages , one of his eyes covered up by bandages, he was wearing a black coat and black clothings, he looked like he was dead inside and that there was no soul inside of his body.
You were skilled with a powerful sword ,that was your ability, your sword was your abilty, so since you figured some random people were following you very fast, as soon as they tried to shoot you you used your sword and literally slashed the bullets in two with it , now the thing was to protect atsushi who was confused as hell and genuinly scared for his life.
So that's just what you did with your colleague kunikida, you didn't even know that atsushi was the man you were searching for but you just figured the port mafia wanted him for some reasons wich was weird since he was a random persson but oh well.
"Ugh, guns"
You said disgusted and annoyed as you saw every single one the mens with the guns, only one didn't have a gun , he was probably the man who was giving them orders and all.
"kunikida, protect the boy somehow, we're gonna have to deal with motherf*ckers"
You continued talking wich made kunikida sigh out of annoyance, you didn't really care about your language and he would always scold you about it wich didn't stop you because it was funny to annoy him for you and probably nothing could even stop you.
You then proceed to slash the guns.
"can you all tell me what the f*ck do all of your creepy ass need?"
You faced them directly, you were already annoyed before because you were having a bad day anyways, the man that didn't have any guns started to walk towards you with a fake calm smile on his face, he didn't seem to fear the fact you could slash him in two anytime without hesitation, he was probably planning something, if he was walking towards you maybe he had a ability that could put you into some sort of jail? No you would just slash the jail like nothing happened, so if he was planning something his ability was probably to cancel your ability "now now calm down miss-"
The man who walked toward you started talking but got interrupted
"your mens just tried to kill me with guns why would I be calm ? Get your sh*t together dude I'm not your dog, get a life"
You said walking backwards to keep some distance, he continued walking anyways still wearing a calm small on his face as souless as ever.
"Now we just want the man with the white hair alive, if you lend him to us we'll let you be"
He simply said
"Just who the hell are you? Why do you need him anyways ? "
You asked still annoyed and walking backwards, he stopped smiling, maybe he didn't like himself and you would not blame him for that at that moment.
"Dazai, that's my name, I'm Dazai Osamu, this man is the tiger we've been looking for-"
He said as he was walking but got interrupted
"Stop walking or i'm gonna slash your soul out of you"
You threatened him even more annoyed but yet still careful and observant, he put a calm fake smile on his face again.
"Go on, kill me, just make it painless, I don't like pain"
He continued walking.
You groaned still walking backwards
"So you're just a suicidal kid ? The river is right next to you dumbo"
You said frankly
"Drowning is a painful way to die"
He complained quietly disgusted.
"Less painful than being a pain in the ass"
You clearly said
"And it'll mostly be less messy than getting your neck slashed here"
You explained
"Now what are you planning to do? Cancel my ability? "
You guessed, he continued walking anyways not very surprised you figured it out.
"Good to know you have a brain"
The man with dull eyes said
"Kunikida ! "
You yelled
"I got it ! "
He wrote in his journal and a gun appeard, he threw it at you.
"Ugh, seriously now, guns? "
You sighed the gun in your hands, genuinly annoyed , you then proceed to destroy the gun in a second
"There is no way in hell i'll ever use that"
You complained
"You all are so weak, too bad for you we were also searching for the tiger that has been causing fear around Yokohama and we didn't even know he was the tiger, thanks for doing my work "
You announced, while the tiger boy was genuinly scared and very confused.
"Dazai !!! "
A black haired man rans toward both of you.
"Rashomon ! "
He yelled using his ability, black and red thingies were going towards you, so you slashed them and they grew back very fast wich was probably the most annoying part about it.
"Kunikida let's get the f*ck out of here"
You yelled still slashing the weird red and black annoying thingies recognizing Akutagawa.
Akutagawa tried to attack kunikida but you continued to slash the red and black thingies before they could even get near your colleague or the white haired tiger boy.
"Now now you're gonna be exhausted soon don't you think? "
Dazai stated, an amused smile on his face.
"Shut the f*ck up nobody asked you"
You said annoyed still slashing akutagawa's ability.
"We'll meet again soon, Dazai Osamu."
You smiled very amused.
"YEET! " Sorry I had to
You yelled using your sword to make a wind blow and get them very far from you, though it did not take very long for Akutagawa to go back where you originally were, the three of you you were already gone, you used your sword to make another wind blow to retreat with kunikida and atsushi.
That was the first time you met him, ever since the port mafia wouldn't leave you alone, they tried non stop to capture atsushi who joined the armed detective agency because of you, there was even one point where dazai captured you and you had to escape his interrogations somehow (wich was probably an exploit).
That day he was holding you during the whole thing so that you couldn't use your sword aka your ability, they tortured you a bit but luckily you didn't spill any informations out and dazai somehow decided to let you go for one second by accident wich made you able to escape, your colleagues arrived just in time to help you anyways.
"Bold of you to assume I'm gonna spill everything"
You frankly told dazai
"Well well, we don't want things to get naughty do we ? " Yes actually we do want things to get naughty dazai
He warned you
"You can come and try me, if you dare. "
You said amused.
"See you later mate" You yelled smiling while running away before literally yetting yourself again with another wind blow you made with your sword
Now, It's true that you despised him a lot, but it seemed his company amused you a lot and you went into some sort of rivalry with him, your company also seemed to amuse the mysterious man whatsoever, A bit of challenge never hurt anyways huh?
You both would always be bumping into each other on missions and always tried to mess each other's mission wich ended up being.. Interesting.
What you didn't expect was when dazai planned "the mass suicide in the city" Honestly, you were fighting your own ability during the whole thing and dazai found you when he was with chuuya and made fun of you, I would not blame him for that, you didn't quite understand what happened during that time but oh well, atleast you managed to survive while dazai was entertaining himself by looking at you struggling, the only thing that was missing was either the knife so that you could stab dazai or the popcorn so that dazai could eat it while looking at you struggling.
Slowly, this man managed to intrigue you more and more, and soon enough you surprised yourself wondering about dazai all days long.
This was slowly getting more and more on your nerves, there was no way that you possibly fall in love with someone like him, right ? Well..
W r o n g .
You both would always clash at each other but slowly some random flirting appeared and he noticed quite quickly your attraction for him, you blushing and all, and it was quite amusing to him.
He kept teasing you about your weird small reactions when he flirt and you knew deep down that he knew, it was clear, so you would always tell him to "shut the f*ck up" And you always continued your day like nothing happened.
And soon enough you ended up doing the same as the suicidal maniac, wich was flirting and teasing him about every single weird reactions no matter how small it is, but you were always the one left flustered wich frustated you a lot.
But there was one time where you managed to make him flustered, wich was actually awfully cute.
You both would always argue and flirt non-stop when you would bump into each others , like some sort of kids? You would even meet him somedays randomly at lupin's , he was awfully calm but still the flirting attempts were there.
F*ck who knew you would end up dating him? Well we all knew before reading actually
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nikrangdan · 3 years
enhypen x short!reader
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pairing: enhypen x short!reader
genre: fluff, comedy
description: how enhypen would react to a short reader!!! this was requested btw i hope u guys like 😁 ive written separate headcanons for sunghoon and jay before but i wrote more here anyways 😏 THERES A COUPLE CUSS WORDS IN HERE
okay lets get this straight
hes literally the tallest member in enha
and then ur the shortest in ur friend group
im literally crying bc when u guys are standing facing each other heeseung is just looking straight over ur head LIKE UR NOT EVEN IN HIS LINE OF SIGHT
and THIS is why he always has his arm around ur shoulder or he makes sure ur holding onto his arm or smthn
and when hes practicing he likes to bring u up to dance with him
like he holds ur hands and u just try to 💃🏻🕺🏻💃🏻 with justin bieber playing in the background
“i cant dance heeseung u know this” u stare up at him
“i know just vibe to the music~”
he finds it hilarious so hes giggling the whole time u two do a little jiggy
AND THEN HE GETS ALL SOFT AND TURNS U AROUND TO BACKHUG U AND FACE THE MIRRORS and he watches u guys sway back and forth slowly to the music
he loves the height difference and hes always looking at it in mirrors
*takes a deep breath* ... JAYYYYYY‼️‼️
he probably mentioned how short u are a couple times when you first met but i dont think he would be the type to constantly point out ur height and tease u or smthn
BUT!!!!! he loves it
alot of clothes you like are often too big for you and hes like
I Am Here To Rescue You From Distress, My Love
Ur so thankful for him!!!
he loves finding clothes for you
shirts arent a big problem its mostly the pants
he says “u look so good”
Jay ur superman 🔥
idk he just thinks ur so cute
he likes to stare at u like 🥰🥰☺️☺️
Jay has such big heart eyes for u AAAAAA
when u two are in the kitchen u arent able to reach the high cupboards
one time he stood on it and was like “y/n look”
you literally almost broke your neck trying to see him because HE WAS SO HIGH IN THE AIR
so high u were like “u got enough oxygen up there⁉️⁉️”
and then he said “u look like an ant” and he started dying at his own joke
But he never pulled that stool stunt again bc u attacked him viciously🤗🤗🤗
Wait im crying already
everytime i write about jake i have to take a break
hes literally too much for my heart
he GIGGLE!!!!!!!
Hes so obsessed with u its not even funny
he probably loves u more than u love him AND HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE BC HES JAKE SIM
His favorite thing ever is when sit in between his legs and ur back against his chest yknow
when u guys watch movies he feeds u popcorn like that
Head Pats!!!!!
He pats ur head alot or ruffles ur hair alot
and hes just so gentle with u
Ur like his little baby >_<
Jakes big fluffy bulky jackets
he wants u to wear them
and he
he zips them up all the way and puts the hoodie over ur head
and he just dies of laughter
Ur standing there like 🧍🏻‍♂️
“its getting hot in here jake”
you tried to flick the hood off but the chunky sleeve mixed with ur short arm was not a good combination so you couldnt even raise your arm
That made jake lose it and he just fell to the floor in tears😭
but seeing him so happy made u 🥰☺️ kinda so its okay
Hello hand holder
i say this whenever write for hoon
but this guy🤝🤝🤝
Get those hands ready yall
mmm okay
he probably calls u shorty whenever he teases u
Rude ass 🙄
ur like “😐” and hes like
“im sorry” *attacks u in a very messy and unmannered hug to the point where u fall back onto the couch and almost break ur leg*
i bet he holds stuff up in the air so u have to jump up and attempt to get it😭 so evil
but he doesnt like seeing u suffer for too long so he gives it to u after like 5 seconds 😁
he teases u alot but when ur out in public hes like Bodyguard Hoon
Hes not letting anything happen to u!!!!
one thing he says he doesnt like but we all know hes lying is when u like to jump on his back and force him to give u a piggyback ride
he just accepts it
one time u fell asleep on his back and he was like
“uh y/n”
yeah he eventually plopped u on the couch which woke u up
Sunoo thinks ur so adorable 💧_💧
like u two could just be sitting next to eachother watching something
and u have ur legs pulled up to ur chest and ur arms wrapped around them with ur chin on ur knees
you hear him giggling to himself
u look over like ......🤨 “what”
“nothing y/n *giggles again* ur just so cute”
ur like Staaaaawwp and u push his shoulder
and then he pushes u back
Play fighting ****
u guys laugh so much 😭😭
sunoo likes to talk about you alot
to everyone
literally everyone
to the boys: “omg y/n fell trying to reach the garlic LMAO”
to his mom: “y/n went up to this guy thinking it was me and pushed him it was so funny”
to his instagram: “how did y/n fit through my neighbors doggy door and why”
PLEASE when u two have arguments for fun
u go jump on the couch so u can be taller than him
and u just stare at eachother before bursting out into laughter
he loves to show u off aaaa “heres y/n” ☺️☺️☺️☺️
Please i think id cry if i was friends with jungwon (AND NI-KI)
he play too much 😫 he actually has no chill
“can u reach this y/n? or should i carry you *evil laugh*”
but besides from the teasing he adores u so much
and theres some things you arent able to do
But hes so happy to do it for you!!! he loves feeling like hes doing smthn for u
He always has this proud dad look on his face whenever u literally do ANYTHING
u could literally pick a twig off the ground and jungwon would go 😊 thats my y/n
he likes to massage ur legs when ur just chilling on ur bed or smthn
hes got one hand massaging ur legs and his other hand massaging his own legs
“i’ll make us grow taller y/n!”
“what??? you don’t need to be taller jungwon, i do!!” u snatch the hand hes using to massage his own leg and plant it right back on ur own legs
he starts laughing really hard and u think ur the president of comedy now 🔥🔥
he likes feeling tall when hes with u
but he also likes being babied 🙁🙁
Plz give him head kisses and cheek pinches
This kid is literally a titan
and hes crazy
picks u up BRIDAL STYLE and starts running around the room like an animal
like WHAT ???????
he says its because you’re the only THING around and he needs the exercise
and this kid is a teaser too😫😫
“y/n can you hand me the cereal up there? oh wait you cant”
you turn around like What the hell did u just say...
yeah he got a smacking that day
“im just kidding i didnt mean it”
ni-ki is also very sweet
he offers piggyback rides and makes u little gifts
one time u got a cramp from being on ur tippy toes too long
he was laughing at first but then he saw ur eyes welling up with tears and he ran to u really fast 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
heres an analogy
ni-ki hands : whale :: y/n hands : seahorse
they just vanish into thin air and u guys think its peak comedy
“whered ur hand go y/n 💀”
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klvbxlove · 3 years
endearing (yu & kanji x gn! reader)
a/n: so, thanks to my cousins who’ve been talking about it often in our groupchat, i’ve gotten hella obsessed with the anime, “persona 4: the animation″! i frickin’ love yu and kanji; they’re my new anime husbandos LOL. anyways, i know i mainly write for iida (BNHA), but i figured i’d give this a try ‘cause why not? (and besides, i wanted to express my love for yu and kanji and maybe feed some simps LMAO). i should also point out that because this is my first time writing for persona 4, the characters might be OOC; i apologize :( but regardless, i hope y’all will like it! 
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reader type: gender neutral
reader specification(s): none
genre(s): fluff, romance
trigger warning(s): none
summary: yu and kanji find you cute-- no wait, endearing, no matter what, especially when you’re sleeping
word count: 1.3k words
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
(f/a/c) = favorite anime character (h/c) = hair color (y/n) = your name
♡ ♡ ♡ (ꈍᴗꈍ)ε`*) ♡ ♡ ♡
   Usually, you would have spent the weekend like any other weekend. Watch anime and eat nothing but your favorite food by yourself.
   And well? You were not by yourself anymore. Instead, you found yourself in your room with your boyfriends, Yu and Kanji. You had your lap on Yu’s lap, feeling his hand stroke your (H/C) hair, as Kanji leaned against the gray-haired male. Both of them were talking about something, but you did not pay much attention to it.
   In all honesty, you were still in shock that you were able to spend moments like this with them. Well, it was more of you being shocked that you ended up in a poly relationship with the duo in the first place!
   You remembered you had wanted to confess your feelings towards Yu and Kanji, but you could not. For one, you were too much of a coward. Two, you knew both of them would not feel the same way (Yu was extremely popular with the ladies, and Rise did seem to have a bit of a crush on him. Meanwhile, Kanji seemed to be crushing hard on Naoto). And three, you would have difficulty deciding which person to confess. You did not even know if either of them were okay with a poly relationship! 
   But of course, you cannot forget to mention you did not want to make your friendship with them awkward by confessing to them and having them reject you. You could not even imagine yourself hanging around the boys as often if that were to occur!
   Finding out that Yu and Kanji just so happened to feel the same way about you felt like a bit of a dream. Reminiscing to their flustered faces after their confessions (although Kanji was much more flustered than Yu), you swore your jaw almost dropped to the ground (literally). You even almost considered asking Chie to knock you out with her kung-fu moves to wake you up if this was a dream.
   Nope! It turns out it was not a dream at all. 
   And of course, you said yes.
   Whether or not you were exaggerating, you did not care. But that day felt like one of the best days ever in your life. No other day could compare to it. And since that day, you felt lucky to call Kanji and Yu your boyfriends.
   Back to the present, you slowly felt a sense of drowsiness overcome you as your eyes were beginning to close. There something about the feeling of Yu’s hand against any part of your body that easily comforted you, especially whenever he is calming you down from crying. It must have been a feeling of comfort if you could put it that way. It was so comforting that it was already making you feel sleepy. 
   But you know what? No point in trying to fight your eyes back open. Besides, you have been tired the whole day.  And the position you were in was also comfortable.
   “Hey, do you think they would like this?” Kanji turned around towards Yu, holding up a handmade plush he had finished. It was supposed to replicate one of your favorite anime characters. Kanji originally wanted to make it small like his usual plushies. However, he had taken notice of how you preferred the larger ones that you could hug.
   “I saw them watching some anime series the other day and found out they love this character a whole damn lot.” Kanji explained. While Yu noticed how proud he was of his creation, he also noticed some slight jealousy in his tone. The gray-haired male assumed that Kanji felt insecure about seeing their significant other practically squeal over an anime character. Not that you would ever break up with them for that. You would never be disloyal to them for an anime character!
   As Yu’s eyes looked over the plush once again, he smiled softly and reached out to take it from Kanji. “Yeah, it is pretty cute,” he answered, feeling the softness of the creation against his skin. He could already imagine you holding it tightly as if your life depended on it. “Do you wanna give it to them?”
   “I mean, yeah, I was kinda planning to,” Kanji rubbed the back of his neck. Then he looked down at you. “Hey, (Y/N).” 
   No response. Kanji waited a few moments before trying again. “(Y/N)?” he called your name, making his voice a little louder. 
   Yu also attempted to get a response by gently tapping your shoulder. But when you let out a soft snore, both of them realized you had fallen asleep.
   “Okay, well, I guess I can give it to them later, then,” Kanji said, lowering his voice so he would not wake you up.
   “Yeah,” Yu nodded, putting the (F/A/C) plush down. He figured you should sleep on your bed instead. So Yu carefully lifted you into his arms and stood up, carried you in a bridal style, and walked over towards your bed to put you down. He made sure your head was resting on your pillow before he pulled the blanket over your body.
   For a while, your boyfriends watched you (non creepily!) as your chest rose up and down from your breathing. For the most part, you did not move often in your sleep. Although every once in a while, you would make a noise. 
   “You know,” Kanji spoke up amidst the silence; a blush was already covering his cheeks. “I never realized how cute (Y/N) was when they sleep." Then his eyes widened. "N-Not that I’m trying to be a creep or anything!” He began defending himself, like Yu had some suspicions, as he waved his hands. “I’m just saying! I mean--”
   “It’s fine, Kanji,” Yu chuckled, interrupting him. “I understand. I mean, cute is a bit of an understatement. They are quite endearing. And not just during their sleep.”
   More moments of the boys watching you passed. At this point, Kanji was developing the urge to climb into bed with you and hold you close against his chest in an attempt to cuddle you. Meanwhile, Yu felt a pang at his heart due to the sight in your peaceful form.
   It seems like you had that effect on your boyfriends. And you did not even know it.
   “Should we...leave or something?” Kanji leaned over towards Yu and whispered. “I dunno. I think it would be a bit weird if we kept staring at them like this.”
   “Mmm. Kanji, Yu...”
   Said boys averted their eyes towards you. You had your hands reached out, almost as if you were trying to grab something. At first, they were confused (did you want something?), but Yu walked over towards your bed and kneeled in front of you. Out of curiosity, he placed his hands into yours, and you immediately grabbed it, holding it tight as if you were scared he would slip out of your grip. Yu smiled softly again, then turned back. “Or maybe we should cuddle them?" he suggested.
   Kanji knew he must have looked like a tomato, but he did not care at this point (Not like anyone else could see). You being clingy was something that always made his heart race. He could already hear your voice whining their names and saw you pouting with those puppy dog eyes.
   Damn it! You were way too cute-- no, way too ENDEARING for him! He almost could not take it!
   “Alright, I guess we could,” Kanji mumbled. Carefully, he climbed into bed, getting into the position where he could big spoon you and wrap his arms around your waist. Yu did the same thing, except he was facing you. The boys looked at you with loving glances while Yu gently caressed your cheek using his free hand (your grip on his other hand never released).
   “Sleep well, (Y/N),” The gray-haired male whispered, placing a kiss on your cheek before brushing a strand of your (H/C) hair out of your face. After Kanji decided to do the same thing, except he placed a kiss on your neck, they eventually fell asleep with you secured in your arms. 
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never be satisfied | kim taehyung
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pairing: unrequited kim taehyung x male reader
word count: 1503
description: taehyung and (M/n) go shopping for a gift for jungkook’s birthday. when (m/n) goes to pay for the gift, taehyung goes on a trip down memory lane.
a/n: the ending to this one broke my heart and i’m the asshole who wrote it so bewarned lmao. also there are hintings to two ships in the fandom (yoonmin and namjin), but it’s not excplicitly pointed out. i hope you guys enjoy!
“Tae, what do you think of this one?” (M/n) held up a small box with a silver bunny pendant in it. “You think he’d like this?”
“He’d love it, (M/n).” Taehyung’s smile was forced until he noticed how happy that made (M/n), the smile turning soft.
“I’m gonna go pay for this, be right back!” (M/n) giddily ran up to the counter while Taehyung decided to leave the shop, a sigh leaving him.
When (M/n) called him asking for help finding a gift for Jungkook’s birthday, Taehyung knew it wasn’t going to be good for him. Hell, the past few months the two were together wasn’t good for him.
Taehyung had met (M/n) when he came to the coffee shop his friend Jimin worked at. He could still remember pestering Jimin to help him talk to (M/n), but Jimin just told Taehyung to do it himself. So, he walked up to (M/n) and asked him about the shirt he was wearing. It was a simple band t-shirt, but (M/n)’s eyes lit up as he began talking about the group and how they were his favorite band. The two ended up having a much longer conversation, and the encounter even ended with them exchanging numbers. It was absolutely perfect.
Until (M/n) met Jungkook.
Taehyung had decided to take the plunge of inviting (M/n) to hang out with his friends at Lotte World. He knew if his friends didn’t like him then Taehyung would never be able to attempt being more than friends with (M/n), so he was extremely nervous that day. Those nerves fluttered away when (M/n) fit in easily with his friend group, but what replaced it was dread as he noticed the look on Jungkook’s face. Taehyung knew all too well what it meant, and when he noticed (M/n) kept sneaking glances at Jungkook the dread only grew.
By the end of that night, he really should have been more prepared for (M/n) to ask Taehyung about Jungkook. The entire drive back to (M/n)’s apartment, Taehyung had to bite his tongue whenever (M/n) mentioned his friend. It wasn’t until he asked if Jungkook was single that Taehyung felt his heart clench a bit. He didn’t even realize he liked (M/n) that much, but boy was that the worst way to find out. Once he parked in front of the complex and watched (M/n) leave his car and enter the building, he allowed himself to cry. It wasn’t until he showed up to his shared apartment with Jimin that he let the pain fully hit him though. He and Jimin slept on the couch curled up together that night.
It wasn’t more than two months before Jungkook asked Taehyung what he thought (M/n) might like for a first date. Being the type of friend he is, Taehyung even helped him plan it. If he entertained a thought or two about if he was the one trying to ask (M/n) on a date, that was nobody’s business. Taehyung knew when Jungkook had finally asked (M/n) as well, because (M/n) called Taehyung later that night to tell him all about the cute things Jungkook did. Taehyung just fought through the pain, doing his best to sound excited for (M/n). When (M/n) ended the call, Taehyung wandered his way into Jimin’s room and face planted onto the bed. “Was that (M/n)?” Jimin asked, setting his laptop to the side.
“Mhm.” Taehyung hummed against the bed, not moving an inch.
“Jungkook asked him today, didn’t he?”
“Mhmm.” Jimin stood up from his bed then, grabbing Taehyung’s legs to drag him off slightly.
“Come on, go get dressed.” Jimin huffed, smacking Tae’s leg lightly.
“Why?” Taehyung sighed, using his elbows to lift himself up a bit. “Where are we going?”
“To Jin and Namjoon’s place, Yoongi and Hoseok invited us to join their movie night with Namjoon.” Jimin grabbed his phone before holding a hand out to Taehyung. “I think you could use some time with the resident sunshine.”
“...Is Jungkook gonna be there?” Taehyung mumbled, pushing himself up off the bed. He knew Jimin would drag him there regardless, but he at least wanted to be prepared.
“Nope, I asked them not to tell him. Now, clothes. Go.” Jimin may have been pushy with his words, but Taehyung knew it was meant with the best intentions.
“I’m going, I’m going!” Taehyung laughed softly, feeling a bit lighter as he left Jimin’s room to enter his own. He ended up sleeping on the floor that night with Hoseok, waking up to the smell of Jin’s cooking.
The day Jungkook and (M/n) gathered them together to tell them they were official though, that was the worst of them all. Up until that point there was a part of Taehyung that still hoped that maybe, just maybe (M/n) would end up falling in love with him. That there was still a chance he and (M/n) could end up together. He knew that part of him was selfish, as that would devastate Jungkook, so he tried not to entertain it often. But when (M/n) and Jungkook entered the coffee shop holding hands and laughing together, that part of Taehyung felt like throwing up. “Oh? Hand holding now?” Jin commented with a smile and a raised eyebrow. “Does this mean…?”
“Yes,” Jungkook looked a bit embarrassed as he and (M/n) took their seats between Taehyung and Yoongi. “We are officially dating.”
“Fucking finally.” Yoongi sighed out, getting a smack from Hoseok. Taehyung could tell Hoseok and Jimin were trying to be happy for Jungkook, but their eyes kept drifting toward Taehyung.
“Congratulations, you two.” Namjoon grinned, nodding his cup toward them.
“Are you alright, Tae?” (M/n), of course being the last person Taehyung wanted to take notice, had placed his hand on Tae’s arm as he spoke. Tae turned to see both (M/n) and Jungkook looking at him, equal looks of worry on their faces. Taehyung’s eyes drifted around the table to see now everyone was looking at him and he was genuinely going to vomit if he didn’t leave now.
“Yeah, I’m fine, just ate something that didn’t agree with me.” Tae laughed weakly, feeling Jimin’s hand squeeze his knee lightly. “I’m happy for you guys.”
“Thanks, Tae.” (M/n) gave him the brightest smile then and oh boy did Taehyung want to be smited right then and there.
“I-I’ll be right back.” Taehyung mumbled, knocking his cup over in the process of getting up. He didn’t pay no mind to anyone calling his name as he rushed out of the coffee shop, unsure of just where he was going. All Tae knew was he wanted to be as far away from that coffee shop as possible.
“You okay there, spacey?”
Taehyung jumped a bit when he focused again to see (M/n) standing in front of him with a smile. He hadn’t even realized (M/n) had finished paying, let alone left the store as well. Granted, Taehyung was a bit lost on memory lane. “Yeah, sorry. Just… thinking.” Taehyung laughed softly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Ready to head back?”
“Mhm!” (M/n) grinned softly as they began walking toward Taehyung’s car.
As Taehyung opened the driver’s door, he noticed (M/n) lingering outside of the car. After giving him a confused look, (M/n) bit his lip. “Tae, can I admit something to you?”
“...Sure? What’s up?” Taehyung rested his elbow against the top of his door, his brain trying to think of what (M/n) could possibly be wanting to confess to Taehyung.
“I think I’m in love with Jungkook.” (M/n) looked nervous to even admit such a thing, his cheeks flushed as his eyes stayed locked onto the hood of the car. “But I’m kinda scared to tell him.”
“You shouldn’t be.” Taehyung’s voice broke a bit, but he managed to pass it off as mundane with a clearing of his throat. “He’s crazy about you. You should tell him.”
“You really think so?” (M/n) grinned then, eyes lifting to look at Taehyung who could only manage a nod. “Okay, I’ll tell him on his birthday then!”
When Taehyung entered his apartment after dropping (M/n) off at Jungkook’s, he immediately fell apart in the entryway. His cries must’ve been pretty loud as it had both Jimin and Yoongi rushing toward him. “Oh, Tae…” Jimin whispered as he approached the sobbing man, kneeling down to open his arms to him. “I’m guessing it didn’t go well?”
“Why, Minnie?” Taehyung sobbed out as he clung onto his best friend. “Why do I love him still? Why does it still hurt so bad?”
“I wish I had the answer, Tae.” Jimin whispered as Yoongi knelt down to rub Taehyung’s back, the two sharing a look. “I really wish I did.”
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raysofcrosby · 5 years
"𝘐'𝘮 𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘐 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘬 𝘪𝘯 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘥, 𝘸𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘥𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘢 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘭𝘪𝘧𝘦." ━  𝐙𝐚𝐲𝐧 𝐟𝐭. 𝐓𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐒𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭, 𝐈 𝐃𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐖𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚 𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐅𝐨𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫
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requested: yes | no
warnings: just angst tbh
word count: 5,850 [again of un proofread material sorry lmao]
authors note: [quick sidenote: if you want to make this sad af, then listen to heal by tom odell here bc that’s what i did when writing lmao.] omg yay part 10 finally! when this posts i’ll still be at work, but i’m so happy that i was able to get this out to you guys today! this series is coming to an end soon and honestly i’m sad about it bc idk what the hell i’m gonna do once it’s over lmao. for everyone who reblogs, likes and even reads this series– thank you from the bottom of my heart. i enjoy reading everyone’s tags and messages and it makes me happy and want to write even more when i see how much you guys enjoy the series. i hope this part is good enough bc part 11 is coming up and well...we’ll see what happens :)
Two days after the incident in the training room, finals week had wrapped up, Kennedy had already gone home to celebrate an early Christmas with her parents before joining you in Victoria, campus closed down and you had found yourself displaced. Originally, pre-Typocalypse...you were supposed to stay with Jamie and Katie, then all fly back together after the game tonight. But those plans had since changed since Jamie was obviously still not talking to you. Kennedy offered you to come and stay with her, but you were already stealing her for Christmas, you didn't want to intrude on the few days her and her parents got to spend together for the Holidays.  Before you could even think about booking a hotel for the next few days, Big Rig offered you his guest room and the two of you have been temporary roommates ever since.
It was a great set up, honestly. Since you were still obligated to be at team practices, the two of you drove there together and left afterward. He was like the big shield that protected you from Jamie's glares and Tyler's horrible attempts at trying to please Jamie by not looking at you. When they went on their Florida series, Dave offered you a chance to go since you were on break, but you turned it down and made a joke about how if you went to Florida you might not come back. Instead, you relaxed on Big Rig's couch, thought about going to see Tyler's dogs and switched between binging 'You' and 'Fuller House' on Netflix.
But today was the day that you would be handing John the paperwork for your internship that he needed to sign and handover. Just things saying that your timesheet was correct, signing off and typing up a letter about how you did. The practice before they left for Florida, actually the same day he had offered you a spot on the trip, was when you broke the news to him that you wouldn't finish out the season with them. Of course, he probably had some kind of inkling as to the reasons why. You always thought that girls were the worst when it came to gossip, but it turns out grown men are a lot worse. But he was kind and never asked for the specifics and respected your decision not to continue and just told you to give him the paperwork whenever you could and that he'd fill it out for you. He also commented on how good of a job you did and that if you ever changed your mind, they'd welcome you back without a second thought.
And that's what you told Katie when the two of you went out to an early dinner before heading to the arena for the game. But now, as the two of you were in your uber and headed towards the arena, the daunting task of having to actually hand over your paperwork weighed heavy on your heart. Katie had invited you along to dinner and you thought that it was probably her way of reaching out to you since your brother was failing to do so, but you didn't mind. You really liked Katie and she was like the other big sister you never had. To your surprise though, the two of you didn't talk much about what had happened between you, Tyler and Jamie. Instead, she focused on your senior year, where you were applying to jobs and how life in L.A. had been treating her.
But now you were itching to get her opinion on the matter, because if there was anyone besides you who was closer to Jamie in this city and had the insight of his thoughts– it was her. When the two of you stepped out of the Uber and made your way through security to get to the back hallway, you broke the silence on the matter.
"Did you know?" You blurted out as the two of you bypassed security. She turned to you with a generic expression. "Did you know before he...found out?"
"I mean, I kind of had a feeling something was going on," she replied, shrugging her shoulders. "Just even during the few times I was down here and we all went downtown. The two of you had never really been as close or hung out too often before and I just noticed all of the little things that boys are too oblivious to see."
"Yeah, maybe going out together was a bad idea. Maybe this whole damn thing was a bad idea," you sighed, clutching the manilla folder close to you.
"I don't think it was a bad idea, I just think that you and Tyler approached it wrong. You guys should've been a little more upfront and honest with Jamie. He still might have been angry, but it would have been a lot better than the alternative."
You nodded, accepting her cold truth as the two of you made your way through the parking garage and towards the hallway entrance. "Has he reached out to you yet?"
"Jamie or Tyler?"
"Both, I guess."
You shook your head, pushing back the pain that came with the thought of the two guys you cared for most, ignoring you. "Not even an in-person acknowledgment."
"I've been talking to them both, trying to get them to see the sense of it all. I told Jamie he needs to talk to you before this gets any worse...but you know how he is."
"Yeah, I do," you nodded, opening the door and stepping into the hallway. You looked down the right towards the training room and took a deep breath. "Well, I guess this is it."
"I can come with you if you want? Give you a little moral support?"
"Thanks, but I need to do this on my own," you took a deep breath and nodded, giving yourself a little encouragement. "I'll see you at home in a few hours?"
"Longest plane ride of our lives," she joked, hugging you before turning towards the elevator. "Oh, one more thing about you and Tyler!"
"Yeah?" You asked, giving her a hopeful, but sad look.
"It wasn't just the physical things I noticed, like the small touches." She shrugged her shoulders and gave you a small smile. "But it was just how different the two of you seemed. You were a lot happier and open and Tyler...he was a lot calmer and genuinely happy. I think the two of you are very good together."
You didn't know what to say, but instead gave her a thankful smile and watched her get into the elevator to head up to the upper level. It hurt your heart, to think about how your relationship had changed the two of you for the better and yet here you guys were– avoiding each other at all costs. You brushed those thoughts aside and walked down the hallway. You needed to give Dave your paperwork, but there was something else you needed to do first.
You knocked on to the locker room door, hearing a voice on the other side. You covered your eyes with one hand and pushed the door open, stepping into the room. "Is everyone in here decent?"
"It's just me and Dobby, Y/N," Klinger said, laughing. "So yes, open your eyes."
You uncovered your eyes to see the two men sitting in their respectful stalls. "Where's everyone else?"
"Training room, on the bench or playing footy," Dobby said, standing up. "You okay?"
You nodded, walking over towards Big Rig's stall and holding up your purse. "Big Rig just asked me to bring something for him, he forgot it at the apartment."
They nodded and Dobby walked out of the door, Klinger stopping while holding it open. "Do you think you can tape me today?"
You felt a crushing feeling inside of you because he had no clue that you weren't here to work...but instead to quit. "If no one's busy." You smiled, as he nodded in reply before leaving the locker room.
You took a deep breath and sighed before walking away from Big Rig's stall and over to Tyler's. You dug into your purse and pulled out his house key, which was attached to the  '#1 labrador mom' keychain he had given you, and placed it right in the middle of his stall. You've been meaning to give it back to him since everything crumbled, but you just haven't had the courage to face him since the day of he and Jamie's explosion. Plus, you were flying home to Victoria tonight and there would be no better time than the present to give him back the gift. Now, you had to do the one thing that you came here for– turn in your hour sheet, along with some other internship paperwork, to John. You had talked to him earlier in the week about deciding not to finish out the season, and you had to admit that you felt honored that he was upset that you were choosing not to continue. For the first time in a while, it made you feel like you had accomplished something here and that your work was appreciated. But the hardest part wasn't telling him that you were quitting, it was turning in your paperwork for him.
You stood outside of the training room door, contemplating whether or not to call Katie and tell her that you had changed your mind, that you'd love for her to walk into the room with you so you could walk right back out. But then you thought back on all of your conversations with Big Rig since Kennedy left and how, in her absence, he's been more than willing to lend an ear and even give you some advice and boost up your confidence. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, exhaling and then opening your eyes again. "I can do this." You gave yourself a few more seconds before bringing your shoulders back, lifting your chin and pushing the door open, walking into the training room like you owned the place.
"Y/N!" Pavs cheered, throwing his fists into the air. "You're finally here! I've been waiting for you to come and tape my ankle for me, for like...ever!"
"Sorry for being late," you replied, looking immediately in John's direction to see him walking over to his desk. "I just need to–"
"And you're out of your uniform?" Dickinson scoffed, walking by you. "What are they teaching you at this fancy college?"
"Yeah Y/N, you're not on winter break yet. No, relax!" Rads chimed in as the rest of the guys just laughed.
You rolled your eyes at their chirping but kept the smile on your face because you were glad that things seemed to have rolled over when it came down to the tension whenever you, Tyler and Jamie were all in the same room. This was ringing true because the three of you were in the same room at this very moment. Tyler was sitting down by Big Rig, stealing a resistance band from him to work on his shoulder, while Jamie was lying on a table in front of John's desk, getting his hamstring scraped by Craig. Neither of them looked as tense as they had in the last week, but they still weren't paying any attention to you. Well, you thought they weren't until you caught Tyler looking away from you the moment you went to say something to Big Rig about his bands. He played it off, looking immediately to his right, probably not realizing he'd be staring at a blank wall– but you were over it all, so it didn't bother you one bit.
"Is this the paperwork we talked about?" Dave asked, finally sitting down at his chair and tossing a towel on his desk.
You walked forward with the manilla folder in hand and held it up, giving him a tight-lipped smile. "Yep, this is it. Sorry I couldn't get it to you sooner. It took a while to get together since Finals ended and everything is hectic."
You held it out to him and he grabbed it from you, placing it onto his desk and opening it, skimming through the pages and nodding. "Can I get this to you after you come back from break?"
"Absolutely. There's no need to rush," you looked off to see Big Rig giving you a supportive look. He was the only one in the room besides Dave, that knew just what those papers were for. "Just as long as it's before graduation."
"Y/N!" Miro said, rushing into the room and out of breath. "You're here! Please tape me, you're the only one who can."
"Looks like you're stuck with just Craig and me, Miro," Dave said, closing the folder and standing up from his chair. "You guys must have chased her away. She's finished with her internship and decided not to extend for the full season."
That non-existent tension that you mentioned earlier, sprung it's ugly head back into the room the moment that his announcement left his lips. Both Jamie and Tyler perked up at what Dave had said, both surprised and even had a split moment where they looked at each other. Though of course, they had no clue of your decision, so shock and confusion were along the lines of what you expected them to feel. You made eye contact with Jamie first and you couldn't exactly pinpoint just what he was feeling since three separate emotions ran across his face: shock, disappointment and finally, joy. When you acknowledged him back, he opened his mouth slightly as if he might just say something, but instead bit the inside of his cheek and rested his head back down onto his forearms as Craig continued to scrap him. Tyler on the other hand only had two visible emotions: sad and extremely pissed. And if it wasn't for the fact that his eyes carried hints of sadness, you'd only think he was extremely pissed, seeing as the scowl on his face and his knitted eyebrows were the key symbols of his anger. Rightfully, you were confused at his reaction. How could he even be bothered to be angry about your choice when he hasn't talked to you in nearly two weeks?
Screw him, he has no right to be angry.
You turned your attention away from him and started to make your way back to the training room door. "Well, shit, who the hell is going to deal with my shin problem now?" Big Rig said, clearing out the silence in the room.
Bishop laughed as well a few other guys who were still left in the training room before walking away from your desk and over to you. "You're 27 years old, figure it out, you dweeb!" He came to a stop in front of you and hugged you. "Good luck with the rest of your senior year. I hope you'll still come around."
"Eh, maybe I will," you joked, pulling away from the hug and giving the guys a small wave. "Good luck tonight guys. Someone fight Tkachuk or I'll disown you as my team and switch to the Canucks."
Your joke was followed by multiple groans and mumbles, in reply to your goodbye and to the fact that you were leaving their training room forever. Once the conversation returned to normal, you took that as your time to slip out of the training room unnoticed and back out into the hallway. The moment you stared down the empty hallway, you took a deep breath and felt as if a huge weight was lifted off of your shoulders. You, Kennedy and Big Rig had made yourself a checklist of things to do before the year came to an end and you came back from winter break.
The first? Talk to Dave and give him the paperwork to wrap up your internship.
The second? Somehow repair your relationship with Jamie, which has yet to even have an outlined plan.
And the third? ...Close things off with Tyler on a positive note. He was a friend way before he was a hookup and he's your brother's best friend. Just because the two of you had relations, doesn't mean you couldn't still be friends.
You weren't one to lie to yourself. You knew that the last one probably wouldn't happen before the end of the year, if at all. Confronting Tyler was terrifying to you. Sure, you've planned everything that you wanted to say to him– it's been boiling inside of you for days. But there was never a moment that presented itself to where you could get Tyler alone, and you no longer felt comfortable just showing up at his place. So, you just pushed it onto the backburner and knew that somewhere down the road, you'd be able to accept that things would be like this from here on out– avoiding each other and pretending like nothing ever happened.
"Y/N, wait!" Halfway down the hallway, you stopped in your tracks as you listened to the sound of a door closing and shoes scuffing along the floor.
You didn't want to turn around, hell, you didn't even want to stop. But it was like your body turned against you the moment that you heard his voice. His footsteps came to a stop just behind you and you could hear him panting a little, trying to catch his breath. In his hand, you heard the slight jingle of a single key on a lanyard, and your heart squeezed in your chest.
"You can't do this. You can't leave!" The anger in his voice took you by surprise, just like his reaction only moments ago in the training room had. "You can't let me stop you from keeping this internship."
"Excuse me?" You scoffed, whipping around and feeling pure adrenaline running through your veins. "That's awfully narcissistic of you."
He looked taken back as he held tightly onto the lanyard he'd gifted you. "That's why you're leaving, though. Because of...everything?" He took a step towards you, shaking his head. "If it is I–"
Maybe it was the way he had phrased the sentence or maybe it was the way that he had pretty much just written off every moment the two of you had shared in a hesitant state. Whatever it was, you felt a whirl of anger and adrenaline swirling around inside of you as you clenched your fists by your side. "I completed my hours, Tyler, meaning my internship is done. I've fulfilled my duties as an intern here and even if it was about you and 'everything'," you threw your air quotes as you stared at him, your eyes hoping to burn holes into his head. "My position here was never permanent and we both knew that."
You felt slightly proud of yourself for the sly insinuation you threw in at him, and even more so proud when you saw that he understood just what you were implying. "Y/N listen, we need to talk."
Even if you wanted to, you couldn't have prevented the laugh that escaped from your mouth. "You've had almost two weeks to 'talk', Tyler. Two weeks to send me a text or a phone call to meet up someplace! But now that I'm leaving and I'll no longer be around for your convenience, it's the perfect time to talk?"
He stood there silent because he knew damn well that you were right. He had plenty of opportunities in the last two weeks to reach out to you, but he hadn't even bothered to pick up the phone and there was no denying it. You stood there, taking him in and it only made you feel worse. He had a hurt look on his face like he was lost as to what you wanted him to say or to do– and that only made you angrier. It was simple, what you wanted him to do. For the last two weeks, all you've wanted was for him to just talk to you, to let you know that he hadn't tossed you aside like another pointless hookup. But now, all you wanted to do was get everything off of your chest, and it was then that you realized...the universe was granting you the alone time you've desperately wanted.
"You don't get it, do you?" You asked, shaking your head as you felt a knot tighten in your throat. "You don't get how...how embarrassed I am! Do you know how many people told me to avoid getting involved with you? That you'd do nothing but end up hurting me in the end?"
"'He has a reputation for a reason, Y/N!' 'All he does is whore around Dallas, Y/N.' 'You guys are in two different stages of life, it won't work out.'" You laughed again, trying your damndest not to try. "I've heard it all, Tyler. From Kennedy, from your teammates, from kids at my school, hell– I even heard it from my mom!"
You bit the inside of your cheek as you looked off to your left, giving yourself a few seconds to compose your thoughts before looking at him again. "But I brushed their worries aside because I saw a side of you that they never got the chance to. I saw how kind and sweet you were with me. How you'd jump at any opportunity to help me study and how you always made me feel welcome in your home."
"I saw it all and I thought, 'hey, you know what? They're all wrong. He's not that kid in Boston and he's not the same guy he was when he first got to Dallas.'" You pointed at him before letting your hand drop back to your side. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt because I know people can change and with my whole heart, I believed that you had."
He continued to stare at you, almost void of emotion now as if he had put up a wall and was just letting you scream at it, which only made you more upset. "I understand that you could have lost your best friend, I really do. And I'd never ask you to put our, whatever the hell we had, above your friendship with Jamie."
 Your bottom lip trembled as you thought about the nights since, where you've checked your phone every minute to see if he had texted you. "But you could have texted me. You could've said 'hey, I just need some space right now to figure stuff out' and I would have been fine with that! Instead, you just...tossed me aside and shut me out."
The more that you spoke, the more weightless you began to feel. It was as if speaking every word and feeling you had saved for Tyler was freeing you of the pain that him dropping you like nothing, had caused. Yet, you couldn't help but feel angry at how he was just standing there. You wanted a reaction, you wanted him to apologize– anything was better than this.
"Say something! Stop standing there and staring at me!" You yelled, feeling surprised at yourself for just how high your voice had gone and echoed off of the walls.
You watched his Adam's apple bob as his fingers tangled and twirled through the lanyard."Jamie and I... we've been talking and I think it's going well."
"Well that's great for you, isn't it?" You scoffed, shaking your head and motioning towards him with a hand. "At least my brother is talking to someone, right? Better you than me, I guess. I'm happy you got your best friend back, I truly am."
The longer you stood there, the more you felt your body begin to shake from the pure adrenaline running through you. And the more that he just stared at you, the more you felt your heart breaking because it was starting to become clear that you were the only one who was hurting from all of this. You laughed in disbelief at your revelation before turning away from him, preparing to walk down the aisle and out of his view.
"Why?" You asked, keeping your back turned. "Why did you do it?"
"...Why did I do, what?"
You turned around, your hair whipping into your face before you brushed it back with your fingers. "Why did you go back to Maisy?" Your voice cracked as you spoke softly, staring at him with the tears that were threatening to spill. "Why did you treat me like I was the most important person to you and then toss me aside like I was just another pointless hookup?"
"Did you even care? Wait, no, of course, you didn't and would you like to know how I know that, Tyler?" You stared at him, expecting an answer but knowing you wouldn't get one. "Because you practically rushed me out of your house and into an uber like I was nothing. You couldn't even be bothered to make sure I got home okay! The first sign of trouble and you toss me into an uber, sent me away and then ignored me like every..."
Your voice broke as you brought a hand to your mouth and turned away from him. You took a deep breath, trying to calm down your racing heart before looking back at him. "You ignored me like every moment we spent together meant nothing to you. And m-maybe they did but to me? They're some of the best memories I've had here in Dallas."
"So imagine how it made me feel, when my brother of all people, tells me that she's here...in your seats, not even four days after you had sex with me and tossed me aside." You glared at him as your bottom lip trembled once again. "You made me look like a joke Tyler."
"It wasn't like that, okay? Maisy was just–"
"I don't care what it was like, Tyler! She was here, in seats YOU bought her last season!" You yelled, throwing your arms in the air. "You told me that you guys were over! That you haven't talked to her since July and yet, there she was!"
The moment you felt the first tear glide down your cheek, you knew that you only had moments before you would burst into tears. You went to speak and a small sob escaped from the back of your throat. Tyler went into a small panic, his eyes widening as he stepped forward and reached out for you. "Y/N–"
"Don't," You stepped back, smacking his hand away. "Don't touch me, just...don't." You closed your eyes, focusing on your breathing and collecting your thoughts before opening them and looking at him one last time. "I gave you the benefit of the doubt Tyler, but it turns out everyone was right."
You laughed again, shrugging your shoulders and shaking your head. "You're still that 19-year-old kid in Boston, who doesn't have a clue about what he wants for his life...you're nowhere near the man I thought you were." You looked him dead in the eyes, not caring about the tears running down your face. "Grow up."
With that, you turned your back to him and started to finish your journey down the hall and to the elevator, choosing to ignore how his footsteps followed you. "Y/N, wait...please."
You stopped, this time choosing to and kept your head down towards the ground and holding back your sobs. "SEGGY WHERE ARE YOU? GET DRESSED, WE'VE GOT 5 MINUTES TILL WARM-UPS!" Big Rig called out, his loud voice echoing down the hall.
You expected to hear Tyler's footprints walk in the opposite direction, but you were met with silence. "Y/N, stay after the game, please? I just," he sighed, trying to figure out what to say. "We really need to talk about everything and just...please wait for me after the game? Five minutes, two minutes, one minute– whatever you want, I don't care. Just...please, let me explain?"
"SEGGY LET'S GO!" Rads called out this time, his voice louder as you kept your back to Tyler.
You heard him sigh again before listening to his footsteps run in the direction back towards the locker room. You didn't hesitate to walk as fast as you could to the elevator, letting out every tear and sob your body had held back as he pleaded for a chance to explain. It was all you wanted from him, an explanation, but he was too late. You weren't staying for the game, you were leaving the arena and hopping onto a flight to Victoria in two hours.
You just didn't have the heart to tell him that.
You were grateful for the elevator attendant who stayed silent your entire ride up to the upper level. Before the doors opened, you took a deep breath and wiped your eyes, fixing yourself up before you'd make your way through the crowds and out of the arena. The attendant gave you a friendly smile as you walked out of the elevator. As soon as the doors closed and you made your way through the crowds, you spotted Paisley turning away from the drink cart ahead of you and you were desperate for the crowd to swallow you up before she could witness you in all of your misery.
Unfortunately for you, the universe wasn't so kind because as soon as she looked up from her purse, her eyes locked on yours and she smiled and waved at you. You froze in place, probably bothering the fans trying to make their way around you as you watched in horror, Paisley coming towards you.
"Y/N, hi!" She smiled, just as cheery as the first time you met her, which again, made it so hard to dislike her. "What are you doing up here? I thought you were down in the training room and stuff?"
"How did you know that?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Cole," she scoffed, rolling her eyes before taking a sip of her beer, which was another shock because you took her for a wine kind of girl. "He complained about it and Tyler Seguin and some dude named Big Rig? But I don't understand why because like, your job sounds really cool!"
"Well, it was pretty cool, but I finished up my internship, so I won't be here much longer." You replied, stuffing your hands awkwardly into your sweatshirt pockets.
She looked at you, her eyes taking in your appearance and lingering on your face for much longer than you'd like them to. "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying."
There were a lot of things you wanted to do right now and talking to the girl your boyfriend cheated on you with, was not on the list. But she was being so nice to you and after the horrible moment you just had with Tyler, you needed a little positivity right now. "I kind of just maybe...broke up with someone? I mean we weren't a thing, but we kind of were and it's just...it's a whole hot mess." You sighed, shaking your head and brushing it off. "It doesn't matter anymore."
She gasped, bringing her drink to her chest and grabbing onto your wrist with her free hand as she leaned in. "You broke up with Tyler? But why? You guys seemed so happy whenever I saw you out downtown. Even when I saw you walking around campus, you just looked so...happy."
"It's complicated."
She shook her head, sighing and taking a long sip of her wine. "I guess it is true then, men are shit. College guy or NHL player." She must have seen the shocked look on your face because she shrugged her shoulders and rolled her eyes. "Oh yeah, I dumped Cole's ass. Sometime after you left the ABC party. He's just an asshole! And I'm sorry about everything...I never knew and I feel horrible about it."
"It's okay, he really was an asshole." You laughed, feeling a small flutter of happiness rush through you for the first time in what felt like forever. As she joined you in laughter, you dug your phone out of your back pocket and smiled. "What's your number? Maybe we can hang out after break?"
"Oh my God, yes!" She squealed, taking your phone from your hands and bringing her own out. "And I'll add you on snap and Instagram, too! Honestly, you and Kennedy seem like the coolest girls and I've always wanted to be friends with you since freshman year English lit, but we never really had classes together again."
"We can make plans for spring break maybe?" You suggested as the two of you added each other on social media before putting your phones away.
"Yes! We can plan it after break! Maybe you can even introduce me to a cute hockey boy?" She winked, nudging you playfully. "It seems to have worked out for Kennedy well."
You laughed again, nodding your head. "I know a few single guys, we'll see what we can do." You felt your phone vibrating and you brought it back out to see the notification about your uber being ten minutes out. "Oh shoot, I need to go and get my bags before my uber gets here. But I'll text you later?"
"Sure thing!" She nodded before turning to walk away. "Oh, and one more thing!"
"Don't count him out just yet, okay? As I said, I saw how he looked at you whenever I saw you guys downtown and if I know boys like I think I do...I'd say that boy loves you. And a boy in love doesn't give up that easily." She smiled and shrugged her shoulders before winking at you. "Just a thought."
You watched her disappear into the crowd, wondering what the hell just happened. When you made your way down the escalators and into the main lobby, you navigated your way towards the front office where Big Rig had asked the staff to hold your bags for you. Sneaking in and then out quickly, you grabbed the Stars 'staff' lanyard around your neck and stuffed it into your sweatshirt pockets before walking out of the arena doors with your luggage in hand and made your way to the spot where you'd meet your uber. As you stood there, waiting for your Uber to arrive, you thought about what she said. Out of curiosity, you brought your phone out of your back pocket again to see a new text on your screen...from Tyler.
'see you after the game?'
You went to reply to tell him the news, but your uber pulled up and you locked your phone and shoved it into your sweatshirt pocket along with the Dallas Stars lanyard.
You were leaving for Victoria, Tyler would go home to Toronto and there would be no waiting for him in the hallway after the game, giving him a chance to explain.
The damage was already done.
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zevlors-tail · 4 years
1/3🔥Hello!! Congrats on your 300 followers!!! That’s amazing!!! :)))) You absolutely deserve it, your blog is just so hfkfjskalhdksla AnYwAy, I’d like to request a matchup please? I’m a female & prefer male & anyone whether it be a hero, villain or class 1-a is fine!! I’m 5’8 with long dark brown hair, light brown eyes (ok but I love my eyes) & a well-built body. My thighs r like low key thicc coz I have so much muscle(I do highly physically demanding sports) & kinda self conscious abt them—
2/3🔥I’m reserved when u first meet me but once u know me for a while I’ll be more open but it takes me a while coz I don’t trust people easily. ✨extroverted introvert✨ I like to hang out with people & I can be very loud & friendly but I need space as well coz my social energy depletes. I have a dark & sarcastic sense of humour & you’ll find me laughing at inappropriate times :P I’m analytical & don’t like it when people r unreasonable. I love watching people & studying them coz humans r just 3/3🔥so interesting. Love mountain climbing & rock climbing but also can be lazy, watch anime. Creative & spontaneous. Favourite colour is blue maybe lavender. A tomboy but love just dressing up fancily coz it’s just so fun^^; Not touchy feely but low key touch starved so yes pls cuddles but won’t be the one to start them. (But little spoon coz I’m always the 1 caring for everyone else T^T I just want love) Zodiac sign is Aquarius. Words: leaves, bonfire. Hope this wasn’t too long!! Stay safe💕
You reminded me of a certain character when you said you like to watch and study humans lmao (Izaya Orihara, is that you!?). I like to do the same! People watching can certainly be entertaining. Also, I just want you to know you are a precious bean. I love reading about all of your guys’ personalities and hobbies and favorite colors and everything. Y’all are so cute. <3 
I match you with: Dabi!
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-Okay. So your best friend Twice introduced you to the league at some point and convinced you to join, and that’s how you met Dabi. Dabi doesn’t tend to say much anyway and since you’re super reserved around people when you first meet, you guys didn’t really hit it off right away. You even got into a couple spats. They were never too bad and it never turned physical, but you would both annoy the shit out of each other.
-That is, until the day you found out that the both of you shared the same sense of humor. Someone (let’s be honest, probably Toga or Tomura) said something slightly suggestive, and you made a twisted joke in response without really thinking about it. Dabi was sitting next to you at the bar at the time and immediately burst out in laughter, which made you laugh too. From then on he was more friendly towards you and actually tried to get to know you.
-A favorite pastime of yours is roasting people together with your sarcastic sense of humor. He thinks it’s absolutely hilarious when you reply sarcastically to something someone said, and he’ll constantly egg you on because of that. He especially loves it when you get sarcastic with Shigaraki. He could watch that all day.
-He also really likes to human watch with you. You guys play that game where you watch people conversing and try to imagine what sort of crazy conversation they could be having. The two of you have come up with absolutely crazy things, and it makes for a good laugh. But other times he’ll take it seriously if you want, and he’ll listen to you while you tell him about how these people are, what you think their personalities are like, and so on. Dabi is pretty sure you’re spot on 99% of the time.
-The more you spend time together the more he realizes he really likes you and everything about you, including the fact that you mountain climb and watch anime. He never knew nature could be so relaxing. The first time he goes rock climbing with you, he feels so alive. It’s so relaxing and freeing for him- please make him do this more. But he’s also just down to watch anime with you if that’s what you want. His favorite physical trait of yours is your eyes. They’re just so...light. He likes to watch the emotions in them, likes to see them glittering with happiness while knowing he’s the one who’s causing that. Of course, he would NEVER say that out loud, but you can see it in that smirk of his.
-Dabi is smart enough to know when you want and need cuddles, and he also knows that you probably won’t ask for them because you’re just not the type to. Which is perfectly fine, because he would much rather give cuddles than receive them! He definitely wants to be the big spoon all the time, and he’s happy to hold you for as long as you want. Honestly, both of you are touch starved. He cuddles with his arms wrapped around you tight and you like to snuggle into him which makes him feel secure. It’s a good balance.
Fall Drable: Leaves/Bonfire
“I wasn’t expecting it to be this cold already.” You shivered and scooted closer to Dabi, your arms wrapped around yourself in an attempt to keep in any warmth you could.
“I told you to check the weather before we went on this mission, you know. That’s your fault entirely. It’s not exactly Summer anymore.” He gave you a side glance before returning his attention to the fire in front of the both of you, orange flames dancing in the reflection of his eyes. 
For a moment it seemed he was just going to sit there and leave you to freeze- you hoped he wouldn’t, but he sure could have his moods sometimes. However, a few seconds after the fact he sighed and wrapped an arm around you to pull you closer, swaddling part of his leather jacket around your frame as he did so. It was hardly big enough for the both of you, but it was all you had; both of you were guilty of under-packing for the weather, and neither of you had thought to bring a blanket or anything warmer than your sleeping bags. The mission wasn’t supposed to last longer than a few days, and the rest of the week had been warm, so you didn’t really think anything of it at the time.
“Can’t this fire get any warmer?” You pressed further into his side, relishing in the small amount of warmth from his coat. “It’s so small, it hardly makes a difference...and I’d rather not get hypothermia and die.” Your breath came out as an icy puff of air as you spoke.
“If you find me something that will burn for a while, we could make a bonfire. But there weren’t many sticks or trees around here...” As he trailed off, he glanced into the small tree row at the edge of the clearing. “We could probably scavenge some wood from that way, but it’s pretty far off.”
“Remind me again why we can’t just use your quirk?”
“Because it’ll burn everything within seconds. Do you want me to light this whole campsite on fire?”
“No thanks, I’m not in the mood for arson right now. Try me again tomorrow though, you never know,” you quipped back, your eyes rolling as you shook your head. You had already known why you couldn’t use his quirk to start the fire, but it didn’t change the amount of annoyance you felt after hearing him say it out loud.
You took a quick look around as well trying to see if there was any garbage or debris that you could light on fire, but you found nothing. Nothing but the large piles of surprisingly still-colorful leaves on the ground, the wind rustling them every time a breeze blew by. Somehow they managed to seem vibrant even after leaving the trees bare by falling to the ground and nestling into the dirt for a while. You leaned down and picked one up, absentmindedly throwing it into the fire.
“Don’t do that, you’ll smoke us ou-” Dabi started to chastise you but quickly stopped as he watched the orange maple leaf smolder in the embers of the fire without drowning your campsite in smoke. “Hey, it’s actually burning.” Maybe... “I’m gonna go see if I can find some larger sticks by the row of trees. You stay here by the fire and gather up a couple piles of leaves. If we can burn up enough dry leaves with the sticks, then they’ll catch fire to the logs and keep it going.”
“I’ll do anything if it means this fire gets even slightly warmer.”
A half hour later you had four different piles of leaves and a couple of nice sized logs stacked to the side of the pit, thanks to your and Dabi’s efforts. Dabi set up a few sticks and two logs in the middle over the embers of the previous smaller fire, and then the two of you grabbed a handful of leaves each to throw on top. They caught fire almost immediately, and you kept piling them on as they burned up, the sticks eventually following suit. Next came the logs, and before you knew it, you had a sizable fire in front of you, warm flames licking at the wood and providing you both with heat.
“Finally...” you sighed, relaxing into your partner’s side once more.
“What a pain in the ass.” Beside you, Dabi returned to wrapping an arm around you, though he must not have felt like sharing his jacket anymore now that the fire was stronger.
“Me, or the fire?” you laughed, though you already knew how he would reply.
“Both.” He gave you that trademark smirk of his. 
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lovelykhaleesiii · 5 years
Pairing: Peter Parker x fem!Reader
Words: 1.4k 
Summary: New girl in a new school means new friends.
Warnings: none except FLUFF, minor swearing 
A/N - here’s an imagine no one asked for lmao, hope ya’ll enjoy despite it being REAL cliche I bet :) 
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It was never one of life’s simplest moments, never one that took a few hours of just one, short day to adjust by. It was starting high school as a new student, in a new environment, feeling like a new identity that was never an easy obstacle to overcome. It wasn’t so bad, so long as you hadn’t done anything to evoke any sort of attention, just remain mellow enough for anyone not to care, then all would be fine accordingly.
Homeroom had already begun just as you’d again, had your final meet and greet with Principal Morita, alongside your overly-excited yet very professional mother, whom on the other hand was the reason for your abrupt new beginning… In simple terms, her new job position, required her which meant you as well to move, which resulted in a new home: and you weren’t at all mad: upset inevitably over the idea that there’d be some distance between yourself and your “original” friends. Although, your mother worked incredibly hard and strived for the best… This is what made her happy, and there was nothing more that you could have asked for, nor complained about. 
Hearing about moving to New York, was indeed a mouthful… You weren’t really a huge fan of the big cities, although you’d never actually experienced it either. Nonetheless, here you were.
“So I’m sure, Y/N’s familiarised herself with most of the campus expectations and the curriculum, with our helpful study guide. It can be tough adjusting of course, but you’ll have your study buddy to guide you, and if there’s any other further pressing issues, you know exactly where to find me!”
Smile and nod, the expected, respectful gesture was all you could muster up. At this point, you were sitting at the edge of your seat, anticipating for the defeaning sound of the school bell that would ultimately commence the day. The thing you were most curious about what your fellow peers, and who exactly they’d be.
“Anyway, Ms Y/L/N, before I escort Y/N to her first class of the day, I’ll give you a moment with your daughter. I’m expecting big things, considering her school record is quite exemplary.”
“Thank you again, Principal Morita, I really appreciate all the help of the staff-”
Leaving his office expectedly, you stood by your mother, as she fiddled with your clothes, eager to fix any flaws before departing for the day.
“Now, sweetheart, I want you to be just how you were in school before. I want you to be you! This school is quite the prestigious one, but I trust you-”
Taking in a deep sigh, finally adjusting her kind gaze unto you, her thumb gently stroking your cheek, giving you the final reassurance you’d much needed, as the much anticipated bell rang in the near distance.
“I can’t thank you enough… You’ve been so-so understanding, sweetheart. You know how much I love you, right?”
“Yes, yes Mum, I do! And, I love you too.” You couldn’t help but let to chuckle: your Mum was the fun type, although seeing her this emotionally raw was always rare, yet comforting.
“Now let’s not keep him waiting, baby!”
“So I see you have Science early this morning! A challenge, although I’m certain you’ll settle perfectly in. Your study partner, Mr Peter Parker will help you fit right in no doubt.”
Taking final turn, as you’d come to stand behind the very door of your first day, the name, Peter Parker, echoed through your mind… Must be quite the student to earn the mighty responsibility of baby-sitting you.
“Thank you again, Principal Morita, my mother and I really appreciate all that you and the staff have done.”
With the final nod and reassuring, familiar smile, Principal Morita entered the classroom proudly, with you shyly following behind.
“Mr Harrington, students, I’d like you all to give a warm welcome to our newest addition, Miss Y/N Y/L/N-”
And que the bright smile, you so eagerly could no longer contain, taking in all the new, foreign faces of your fellow class: some smiling in return, others simply staring blankly.
“Please, everyone, make her feel at home! And Mr Harrington, make good use of Miss Y/L/N, from what I’ve anticipated she’ll do great things… So I’ll leave you to it!-”
You hadn’t even realised that you nor your “study buddy” had been introduced, as Principal Morita had promised: although just in the knick of time, before closing the door behind for the lesson to resume, he’d luckily remembered.
“Oh and Mr Parker-”
In response, although instinctive, an arm instantly shot into the air, with you just realising it was one of the few students who’d actually exchanged a friendly smile in return to yours.
“Please take good care of Y/N, any complaints and you’ve got yourself a detention! That’ll be all.”
Just as quickly as the seconds go by, the room fell silent, and yet your eyes remained locked onto Peter, as his on you.
“Well Y/N!-”
Finally, the gaze breaking as your head immediately turned towards I’m Mr Harrington, as Principal Marito just pointed out. I’ll be both your teacher for Science and Homeroom, as I saw on the class roll! So lucky you-”
He tried, he really tried to amuse you and you showed him somewhat of an appreciation.
“Anyways, I think it would be best that you sit beside Peter, so Ned, if you don’t mind moving seats, please and then we can resume back to the lesson.”
Just as you’d turned towards Peter’s direction, you noticed both him and this Ned exchanging looks. On one hand Ned looked quite surprised, almost as though he was anticipating Peter to defend his seat, although on the other end of the spectrum, it seemed Peter was oblivious to Ned’s reaction.
“I’m really sorry-” You whispered, a sense of guilt gushing through you in the moment as Ned stood to pack his things.  
“It’s okay, uh- just a heads up, Peter’s really no help-”
Yet again, you’d let out another spontaneous chuckle, a spur in the moment.
Looking down towards Peter as you settled yourself in what was essentially Ned’s seat.
“I-I’m Peter, by the way.”
“I know, but it’s nice to meet you, Peter Parker. I trust you won’t lose the new girl...Or you’ll be getting a serious call from my mum.”
You were desperate to break the ice: trying to spare a joke, laugh along with him at it: he seemed tense, awkward if you were being honest. All the while, he generally rubbed off as a sincere guy.
Nonetheless, throughout the lesson every once in a while, Peter would whisper innocently, asking if you were alright or if you needed help with anything. A couple more times, you’d caught him staring at you, only to quickly divert his attention away back to the front, when he’d sensed you’d seen him in the act. It’s not that it made you uneasy, although you felt weary of yourself more like it.
“Is there something on my face, Peter?” You’d utter, nudging him gently as Mr Harrington played a short clip.
“Oh-no, God I’m really sorry… You’re just, uh- You’re really pretty-”
Taken aback, you hadn’t expected that at all. Appreciating the fact you hadn’t humiliated yourself, you were indeed feeling giddy after Peter’s words. Only he felt quite the opposite.
“Shit, I’m sorry that -that just came out of nowhere… Word vomit. Not that I’m, you know- Lying or trying to-to-”
“Parker! I’m sure Miss Y/L/N doesn’t need you to translate the video for her, so in that case… Zip it, please!”
You could physically see him turning redder by the shade, shuffling himself deeper into his seat, as he diverted his full attention towards the screen… You couldn’t help although discern an instant yet natural liking in Peter, there was something quite alluring about him.
After sparing a few minutes of silence, you yet again, although more discreetly nudged Peter by the arm.
“You don’t think it’s too early to already fall for the new girl?”  
Poor attempt at a joke: Peter tried shrugging it off with a quick, small smirk, although as per usual you’d come to notice, he was still tense.
“I’m just kidding, Peter… I have a good feeling about us.”
Just as you’d given him one last, of what you’d hope was a reassuring smile, you presumed to face the front, taking a quick glance towards Mr Harrington, whom however was much more preoccupied with the video.
You felt the presence of a pair of eyes on you, Peter’s eyes… And yet, it didn’t feel at all unnerving, nor foreign. In fact, being quite frank to yourself, you’d come to assume it would be a new feeling you wouldn't struggle getting used to!
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Phoebus de Chateaupers – Character Sheet
oh, some evil spirit, oh, some evil this way comes / they told me how they fear it / now they're placing it on their tongues / for to see it with my own eyes / for to see it with my own eyes / no food or water for the better part of ten months
quietly he sat between the folds of a tree trunk / for to see it with my own eyes  / for to see it with my own eyes / all the men of faith and men of science had their questions / could it ever be on earth as it is in heaven? / for to see it with my own eyes / for to see it with my own eyes
Archetype — The Ruler Birthday — November 14, 1982 Zodiac Sign — Scorpio MBTI — ENTJ Enneagram — 6, the Loyalist Temperament —  Phlegmatic Hogwarts House — Gryffslyth with a claw model Moral Alignment — Lawful Neutral Primary Vice — Envy Primary Virtue — Diligence Element — Earth
Mother — Sorcha de Chateaupers (nee DunBroch) (FC: Lindsay Duncan) Father — Silas de Chateaupers (FC: Pierce Brosnan) Mother’s Occupation — homemaker Father’s Occupation — Prince of the Order; owner of de Chateaupers industries (they make metal work for construction sites) Family Finances — wealthy; got dat old money Birth Order — oldest Brothers — none Sisters — Astrid, little sister Other Close Family — family tree here Best Friend — Celmens de Chateaupers (deceased) Other Friends — the Order Enemies — vicious creatures, demons, ghosts, mediums, sinners Pets — Achilles; twelve year old grey dappled Hanoverian Home Life During Childhood — because Phoebus had been born prematurely, for the first few years of his life, he was rather frail. His mother became over-protective of him and doted on him. He spent a lot of time indoors, reading and studying. His cousin Clemens came over to play with him, but he didn’t socialize much outside of school. His father was constantly criticizing him and attempting to “toughen him up.” Town or City Name(s) — Skagen, Denmark (has also bopped around Europe, he’s been pretty much everywhere.) What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like — pretty plain, didn’t have a lot of toys. Lots of books though. Painted like a blue probably. Faced towards the sea. Any Sports or Clubs — Once he got older, he got into rugby and football, that kind of thing. Was never amazing at it, but not horrible either. Also did sword fighting, sparring, wrestling, etc. He’s a GREAT jouster. Favorite Toy or Game — jousting Schooling — homeschooled Favorite Subject — history and tactic Popular or Loner — loner for sure Important Experiences or Events — becoming a squire, studying with the DunBrochs, when he fucked up his first hunt, when he finally killed a demon, when his father named Clemens his successor. Nationality — Danish Culture — Danish; Order of the Prince Religion and beliefs — Christian, specifically Lutheran-Protestant
Physical Appearance:
Face Claim —  Nikolaj Coster-Waldau Complexion — fair, but tannish from the sun Hair Colour — golden Eye Colour — blue and twinkley Height — 6’2 Build — stocky but not overly broad, definitely fit and toned and intimidating Tattoos — one on his right shoulder of his family coat of arms Piercings — none Common Hairstyle — mid-length, straight, tucks it behind his ears or slicks it back, sometimes it is shorter, just depending. It’s been longer for a while now bc he can’t be fucked. Clothing Style — casual. Wears a lot of jeans and boots. Good things for hiking or moving freely. Mannerisms — not a fidgeter. He stays still. Very stoic. Usual Expression —
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Overall (do they get sick easily)? — yeah, he lowkey gets colds all the time, especially travelling, but he fights through it Physical Ailments — none Neurological Conditions — depression, alcoholic probably Allergies —  general allergies Grooming Habits — depends on his mood, definitely likes to get cleaned up and look nice all clean shaven or beard trimmed and wearing a nice suit, but on the day to day he’s a little more rugged Sleeping Habits — doesn’t sleep well these days because he’s haunted, so always looks kind of tired Eating Habits — also not great, drinks more than he eats probably, but he does his best to keep in shape too so eats lots of meats and salads, not a big sweets person. Exercise Habits —  every day, runs in the night and does gym shit in the morning i don’t know what gym shit i don’t do gym shit but he’s physically fit okay Emotional Stability — lol not great Body Temperature — average Sociability — he’s an introverted extrovert, he’s good with people, very slyth-secondary Addictions — alcohol, women--probably Drug Use — none Alcohol Use — all the time
Your Character’s Character:
Bad Habits — drinking, getting into fights, being a general dick Good Habits — uh, he reads a lot, intelligent, thinks before he speaks...usually Best Characteristic — hard-worker Worst Characteristic — jealousy Worst Memory — learning of Clemens’ death Best Memory — becoming a Prince Proud of — his hunting accomplishments Embarrassed by — himself? lmao Driving Style — a good driver. follows rules Strong Points — intelligence, strategy, eager to please Temperament — pretty even keeled, but he’s got a bit of a temper and is impatient Attitude — callous and uncaring Weakness — his ego? uhhhh Fears — being useless, being shamed Phobias — none Secrets — that he is p sure he killed his cousin Regrets — spreading that rumor about Clemens Feels Vulnerable When — people talk about him behind his back Pet Peeves — cowardice (when it comes to hunts/battles) Conflicts — what happened to his cousin, his religion v what he’s done Motivation — to be the very best, like no one ever was Short Term Goals and Hopes — fight some monsters Long Term Goals and Hopes — get rid of his fucKINg cousin’s ghost Sexuality — hetero af aggressively hetero Day or Night Person — daytime Introvert or Extrovert — introverted extrovert Optimist or Pessimist — pessimist
Likes and Styles:
Music — likes a little bit of everything but is more into acoustic-type stuff. Probably also like a few danish rock bands from the 80s/90s most likely, when he went through like his #angsty punk phase. Books — loves history books and mythology; anything that can help him gain more information and strategy for fighting. Magazines — none Foods — loves fish and meats. Not a big sweets fan, honestly. Drinks — whiskey, who doesn’t love a good glass of whiskey? He also is a fan of a good beer. Drinks protein shakes, but he doesn’t like them. Also an avid coffee drinker. Animals — horses and dogs, as they are the most useful during a hunt and also loyal. Finds cats frivolous and only good for rat-catching. Indifferent towards most other animals, except for dangerous magical ones, of course. Social Issues — the protection of mundus Favorite Saying — “strength gives glory” his family words Color — gold and red, the colors of his family coat of arms. He takes great pride in this. He also likes blue, because it looks good on him. Jewelry — probably has like a family ring heirloom type thing. also has a virgin Mary miraculous medallion that he wears Games — jousting, melees, that kind of thing Websites — none really TV Shows — cops shows/true detective crime shows/the history channel Movies — okay there is this danish movie i found called “Ordet” and the plot is #wild, but also sounds like something Phoebus would be into. He’s into like gritty noir films or avant garde indie films. Stuff that has to do with like crises of faith and that sort of thing. Probably into period pieces too or medieval. Also, big into mythology, so any adaptation of the Odyssey or the Iliad or stuff like that. He watched a lot of movies as a kid. (Side note: there is another movie called “Breaking the Waves” and wow,,) Greatest Want — to take over as the head of his family and be a successful Prince, maybe even King one day, in the future Greatest Need — to be admired
Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home — an apartment in Castle Suites Household furnishings — plain Favorite Possession — his saddle, it was given to him by his father when he became a Prince -- it was custom made Most Cherished Possession — he’s not really a material person tbh or well, he is ? but he doesn’t really consider anything “cherished” Married Before — no Significant Other Before — he’s had a few girlfriends over the years, but they’ve all fallen through, was in love with his cousin’s wife just for extra salt in THAT wound. her name is Olivia. Children — none Relationship with Family — strained with his father, closer to his mother Car — none atm but he can drive Career — a Prince -- but his cover is police officer Dream Career — running his family company and being a successful Prince Dream Life — married, with kids, running his family company and being a well-renowned Prince Love Life — a mess.
Your Character’s Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers — he’s been an officer in many places over the past twenty-ish years Past Lovers — lots and lots of women Biggest Mistakes — lmao where do i start Biggest Achievements — becoming a Prince
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pedroscurls · 7 years
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Title: Coach Negan
anonymous requested: Can you do a coach negan fan fiction where he looks out for one of his students because they're getting bullied or somet thanks x
Character(s): Negan and Reader (pre-apocalypse) Summary: Coach Negan takes a liking to you and after he witnesses the bullying that you endure, he shows you just exactly how special you are. Word Count: 3,448 Warning: SMUT!!!  Author’s Note: Thank you to the anon who sent this request in! I was so excited to write this story. I mean, a Coach Negan fic? Yes, please. So, I hope whoever sent this in, enjoys this one-shot! I figured I’d add some smut because I just couldn’t help myself lmao. Enjoy! :-)
Forever Taglist: @disfigured-it-out || @chunex || @jasoncrouse || @oceanicseries || @dixonsbait || @negan--is--god || @see-you-then-winchester || @sable-the-trans-ham || @k4veggies || @labyrinthofheartagrams || @purplemuse89 || @ladyynegan || @scentofpineandhazelnutlattes || @may85 || @a-girl-interupted || @spn-cw123 || @multireality || @ashzombie13 || @constellationsolo || @isayweallgetdrunk
(GIF Source: @mypapawinchester)
You had changed into your workout clothes, preparing yourself for another dreadful day in class. The only good thing about taking this physical education class in college was that it helped you get in shape and there was no need for a specific uniform. Besides, your professor made every class session unforgettable. There was never a dull moment whenever he was around.
Though, aside from the perks of this class, you didn’t enjoy that your fellow classmates had taken a liking to you in terms of bullying. It was a sixteen-week long class and the only thing you looked forward to was your professor and the good amount of exercise you got out of it.
You had thought that bullying was something that only happed in elementary, middle, and possibly high school. You never imagined that it would carry onto college, onto a four-year university where everyone that attended was supposed to be mature and respectful.
You were dressed in your workout leggings that sculpted your legs and butt, and a spandex-tight tank top with your usual running shoes. You parked your car in the parking lot of the gym and grabbed your bottle of water once you climbed out.
Once you stepped into the gym, you noticed Coach Negan dressed in his usual white t-shirt and black basketball shorts. Instead of the usual salt and pepper beard, he was clean shaven which only emphasized more on his dimples.
You had a crush on him from the moment you saw him. Though, there was no way a man of his age was interested in someone like you. Besides, you were the laughing stock of your entire class. You weren’t necessarily athletic, but you definitely tried. Apparently attempting a sport didn’t help you gain popularity points amongst your classmates.
“You’re early today, [Y/N],” Negan said, looking up from his clipboard to look up at you.
You nodded, walking over to him. You glanced around the empty gym and sighed thankfully.
“Seems that way,” you replied shyly.
Negan let his eyes trail over you. Usually, he wouldn’t get intimate with his students, but for some reason, your innocence lured him in. When your eyes met his, he immediately looked away. He didn’t want you catching him staring at your body.
“Want to know what today’s plan is?”
“Sure. Though, I don’t think I’ll do really good at it. A month into this class and I’m still struggling,” you said, biting your lower lip.
“Well, you’re looking good, so I’d say that you’re doing better than you fuckin’ think,” he commented, causing you to blush. “Anyway, we’re doing basketball today.”
You sighed, “Can’t I just run for the rest of the class?”
“Why? Can’t do basketball?”
“Apparently not. I get teased for even attempting some sport that you have us do, Coach.”
“You do realize that you’re in college now and what they say shouldn’t fuckin’ matter, right?”
“I know, but that doesn’t mean that their words don’t hurt.”
Negan sighed, “Well, do your best. If you need extra help, just call me over.”
You nodded, setting your bottle of water down onto one of the steps of the bleachers before grabbing a basketball from the rack. You glanced over at the door to see more of your classmates enter the gym, excitedly grabbing the basketballs.
You tried to dribble the ball, doing your best to not make yourself look like an amateur. Though, when you heard laughter, you looked up to see your classmates pointing their fingers at you.
“Why don’t you just drop this class, [Y/N]?” one woman said, the basketball tucked underneath her arm.
“Why don’t you just mind your own and stop focusing on what I’m doing?”
The woman looked you over and shook her head. She was wearing a sports bra and shorts and nothing but. You wondered if she was trying to get Negan’s attention. Sighing, you turned your gaze back onto the hoop and tried to shoot the ball, missing completely. You cursed to yourself and grabbed the ball, bouncing it against the hardwood floor.
Once the rest of your class made it to the gym, Negan blew on his whistle and motioned for you all to gather around him. You remained in the back, biting your lower lip as you listened to him speak.
“We’re going to do a warm-up run around the courts. Two laps then we’ll stretch.”
The class groaned, which caused Negan to arch his brow. “Want to make that five fuckin’ laps? Quit your whining and get to running.”
He blew the whistle once more, causing the group around him to disperse. You glanced over at him and he simply nodded. You bit your lower lip and began running around the courts, easily controlling your breath. You enjoyed running more than any other sport. It was something you were good at.
After the two laps, you stretched on your own. You bent at the hips, pressing your hands firmly onto the floor while some other classmates weren’t able to touch the floor like you were. Not only were you good at running, but you were flexible too. After the stretch, you noticed the same woman and her small posse surround you.
“So, Coach Negan said he was going to have us play a game. I asked him to just bench you. No one here wants them on your team anyway,” she laughed.
You looked up at her and bit your lower lip, clenching your hands into fists. “I can certainly try playing…”
“You don’t get it. You’re not good. At anything. Just quit now. No one wants you.”
“But –”
“But nothing! If you’re not going to stay on the bench, then I guess you’ll just make yourself look more like an idiot if you play with us,” she snarled.
“Do we have a fuckin’ problem, ladies?” Coach Negan appeared, glancing between the small group that surrounded you. You shook your head, pushing away from them to go back to where you had set your small duffle bag.
“What was that about, Amber?” he asked.
“Just put her on the bench. You and I know she can’t play any sports –”
“Last I checked, Amber, you’re the last person to be saying that. What makes you think you’re the fuckin’ expert?”
“I just –”
“Just what? You’re not in high school anymore. You can’t be the Queen Bitch. You’re in college, so grow the fuck up and act like it.” he quipped, walking away from her and deciding to walk towards you.
Negan watched as you grabbed the ends of your tank top to lift above your head, now clad in a black sports bra to match your tight leggings. His eyes trailed over your plump backside to the dimples at your lower back.
He shook his head and sat down at the bleachers, looking up at you.
“Hey,” he said.
“Oh… Hi.”
“You okay?”
“I’m used to it. No worries,” you shrugged.
“If it helps, you’ve got a hotter body than Amber.”
Immediately, you blushed. You looked over at him and noticed the smirk lining his lips, showcasing his pearly white teeth and dimples. You wanted nothing more than to straddle him at this moment, but instead, you just nodded.
“Thank you…”
“I know a beautiful woman when I fuckin’ see one. Now, how about you get on that court and play some basketball?”
“But I can’t, Coach Negan. Amber’s right. I can’t play sports…”
“Well, I suppose you’re going to try then, aren’t you?” he stood up, motioning to the court where Amber and a couple of more students were waiting. You sighed and began walking ahead of him, standing in front of Amber once you made it to her.
“Just a friendly game of basketball. Up to eleven. Afterwards, you may all leave.” he said, tossing you the ball. You caught it instantly, beginning to dribble down the court.
Amber was guarding you and you did your best to try and get away from her, so instead, you passed the ball to one of your teammates and ran across the court to give them space. When you were open for a shot, you caught the ball once it was passed to you and attempted to shoot the ball before Amber pushed you roughly.
You landed on your backside, resting your hands on the court as you looked up at her with widened eyes. She was towering over you, threatening you to stand up and fight back.
“[Y/N], I told you to stay on the bench.”
You cleared your throat, beginning to stand up. “Apparently Coach Negan didn’t listen to you, did he?”
Amber tightened her jaw and pushed you from behind, causing you to fall forward with a loud thud. “Stay down, bitch.”
You whimpered, tears stinging your eyes. You looked up at her and noticed that she and a few of her friends were laughing, causing you to stand up and immediately walk to your things.
Negan blew his whistle, causing everyone to cease their movements. “Everyone! Go the fuck home! Amber, may I have a word?”
Amber grinned excitedly, running towards him and releasing her hair from the hair tie. She ran a hand through her locks, trying to seduce Negan.
“What the fuck were you thinking?” he yelled.
“Excuse me?”
“I told you. You are not in fuckin’ high school anymore. What you did to [Y/N] is un-fucking-acceptable.”
“Oh please. Don’t waste your breath on her, Coach Negan.” she spat, rolling her eyes.
“That’s it. I’m dropping you from this class. I’m dropping you and the rest of your fuckin’ friends. I’m not going to allow that type of behavior in my class.” he retaliated.
“What?! You can’t do that!”
“Oh, dollface, I can,” he grinned. “Now get the fuck out of my sight.”
Amber and her friends stomped out of the gym, slamming the door shut on her way out. You glanced over at Negan and sighed, removing the hair tie from your hair as well as you grabbed a small towel to wipe the sweat from your body.
He walked over to you and rested a gentle hand on your lower back, causing you to tense up at the feel of his fingertips against your bare skin.
“She won’t be a problem anymore,” he said.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
“She’s been on my last fuckin’ nerve since the moment she stepped foot in this gym. What she did was the last straw. It’s unacceptable. I won’t tolerate any sort of bullying.”
“Well, thank you, Coach Negan.” you smiled, looking up at him.
“How about a bit of one-on-one training? You can dribble pretty well, but you can’t shoot for shit,” he chuckled.
“Oh, uh, okay, sure.” you followed him to the court, standing at the free throw line. Negan dribbled the ball towards you, stopping just within inches from you. He stood next to you and demonstrated how to hold the ball.
“So, you have one hand in front of you and the other as a guide on the side of the ball. You bend your knees and release the ball on the way up. Sound good?” he asked.
“Right, yeah. Okay.”
Negan handed you the ball, biting your lower lip as you tried to move your hands exactly where he showed you. It felt uncomfortable and nothing like you were used to, so instead, you placed both hands on the sides of the basketball and released it, the ball missing the hoop completely.
“You weren’t paying attention,” he said.
“Well, no. I was, it’s just – It’s a foreign concept for me.”
“Okay. Let’s try this shit again.” Negan grabbed the ball and placed it in your hands, fixing it correctly. “Now, keep your hands there.”
You nodded, biting your lower lip. Suddenly, you widened your eyes when you felt Negan move to stand behind you. He was dangerously close and out of instinct, you leaned back against him, pushing your hips against him.
Negan smirked, looking down at your backside now that it was pressed against his front. He stepped forward, pressing his entire body against you. He reached around and placed both of his hands onto the ball over yours, his lips close to your ear.
“Now, focus on your balance. It’s best to keep your feet slightly apart,” he whispered, his voice deep and husky. Negan used his foot to spread your legs apart, watching as you planted your feet at shoulder width apart. He was still pressing against you and you could feel the outline of his length against your backside.
“Then, bend your knees,” he said slowly.
You nodded, bending your knees. You shut your eyes for a moment, reveling in the feel of him pressing against you.
“Then, release the ball.”
You followed his order and released the ball, jumping upwards. You watched as the ball sprang into the air and landed perfectly into the hoop, creating a quiet swish sound. You grinned, turning around to look up at Negan.
“I did it!” you said excitedly.
“See, you’re not completely incapable of playing sports,” he replied.
“It’s because I’ve got a good coach.”
“Oh yeah?” he smirked, stepping closer to you. Negan’s hand dropped to your hip, biting his lower lip as he stared into your eyes.
“Thank you for that…”
“It’s the least I could fuckin’ do. I mean, there’s more that I wish I could do, doll, I just need your permission.”
“What would that be?” you asked.
“Don’t act all innocent. I know where your eyes fuckin’ deviate every time you come to class,” he whispered.
“I – I,” you stuttered, looking up at him.
“All you have to do is say yes,” he added, leaning down to brush his soft lips against your jawline.
“Yes… Please, Coach Negan… Yes…”
Negan grinned. “Let’s go back to my office.”
You grabbed your duffle bag and followed him eagerly out of the gym and to his office. Once you made it to the small room, you shut the door and locked it behind you. You set your duffle bag onto the nearest chair and watched as he shut the blinds and turned the lights off except the lamp on his desk.
You slowly removed your sports bra, revealing your breasts and you bent down to pull down your leggings, gasping once you felt Negan press against you from behind. His hands came around to grasp your exposed breasts into the pit of his palms, causing you to emit a quiet moan.
“Coach Negan…” you whimpered, shutting your eyes as you felt his member press against you. You slowly rolled your hips, causing friction to run through your body. He stepped back to allow you to undress, gently slapping your backside.
“Undress for me, doll,” he ordered.
You glanced over your shoulder and stared up at him as you slowly lowered your tights and panties over your backside. Once your sex was revealed to him, Negan groaned and reached out to let his finger run along your soaking heat.
“You’re wet already?” he asked.
“I’ve been wanting this,” you admitted.
Negan grinned, “Oh, I’m going to have a fuckin’ good time with you.”
Once your leggings and panties pooled at your ankles, you bent down to undo the laces on your shoes and kicked them off with the rest of your clothing. As you stood naked in front of Negan, you looked up at him and noticed how his eyes were trailing your body in an animalistic way.
“Get up on my desk and spread those fuckin’ nice legs for me, [Y/N],” he demanded, growling lowly.
You obliged and slowly climbed onto the edge of his desk. You placed both of your feet against the edge of it, spreading your legs for him to see. He groaned, grabbing the end of his white t-shirt and removing it from his body.
You slowly dropped your hand down between your legs, rubbing yourself as you watched Negan undress. Once he pulled down his basketball shorts and boxers, you gasped immediately at the sight of his erected member. You hadn’t expected him to be this well-endowed.
Negan grinned at your reaction, stepping up to you. “What, doll? Never had something as big as my dick near that sweet pussy, huh?”
You licked your lips. You never really had much experience in your sex life aside from a few boyfriends here and there, but they didn’t match up to Negan whatsoever. His dirty talk was also something that you were oddly attracted to.
“I just – I didn’t expect it.”
With his grip on his manhood, he used his free hand to pull your lips apart, revealing your clit to him as he ran his tip along it gently. You moaned quietly, looking up at him and urging him to stop teasing.
“Why’s that, doll?”
“Well, you’re just – You’re a bit older than I am.” you bit your lower lip, feeling his tip enter you before he pulled out, causing you to whimper in protest.
“You know what they say about older men, [Y/N]?” he asked, looking at you as rested your hands onto the desk, keeping yourself propped up.
“No… What do they say?”
Negan smirked, his face leaning closer to yours. “They know a lot more in bed,” he whispered huskily, pushing into your tight heat abruptly.
You moaned, gripping the edge of the desk tightly as you kept your feet spread apart for him. He groaned, moving a hand to your cheek and the other to grasp onto your breast. Slowly, he began thrusting in and out of your depths.
Every inch that slid into your tight heat caused you to curl your toes. You shut your eyes and moved your hands to rest on his broad shoulders, your body moving against his. You looked down to see that his member disappeared and reappeared repeatedly, causing you to moan loudly.
Negan leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours, grunting at the feel of your tight walls grasping onto his throbbing cock. He slowly moved his lips against yours, flicking his tongue repeatedly. Once you moaned and parted your lips, he took this opportunity to slide his tongue into your mouth as his hips continued his rough thrusts.
Negan moved his hands to your backside, lifting you just slightly from the desk as he pounded into you. Your arms wrapped around his neck, holding onto him as he continued his assault onto your core.
“Negan!” you moaned loudly, biting down on his shoulder to attempt to quiet yourself.
Negan smirked, slamming into you repeatedly. He gently placed you back down onto the desk, allowing you to lie completely onto your back as he kept your legs spread apart. He pulled out to his tip before slamming back inside of you, causing you to arch your back.
“Mm, fuck [Y/N]… You feel so good,” he whispered into your ear. His hands grabbed your arms and placed them by your sides, holding you firmly against his desk.
“Negan…” you moaned, shutting your eyes.
Negan smirked, slamming into you once more. He remained still, watching as you took initiative and began rolling your hips upwards impatiently. His hair at his base brushed against your clit repeatedly, causing your walls to slowly tighten. You felt yourself inch closer to your climax as Negan pulled back and began his thrusts.
“You’re close, aren’t you?” he grinned.
“Yes… Fuck, Negan!” you moaned, wrapping your legs tightly around his hips once your climax hit you full force.
Negan groaned. He wasn’t expecting you to become tighter than you were. His thrusts became more erratic and sloppy, allowing you to ride out your climax.
Your body shook. You had never experienced an orgasm as intense as this one and you were sure that you were going to want more from Negan. His length continued to piston in and out of you, causing you to moan aloud.
Negan groaned, pulling out of you unexpectedly to release along your abdomen. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes had fallen shut and his mouth was slightly agape. You smiled lazily, leaning on your elbows to peck his lips.
Catching him by surprise, you stared into his eyes and dipped a finger along the release on your abdomen. You lifted your coated finger to your lips and sucked on it gently, causing a quiet groan to escape Negan’s lips.
“Well, fuck, doll…”
“Can we have more one-on-one sessions like today?” you asked.
Negan smirked, “Fuck yes. You are coming home with me tonight, [Y/N].”
“More sessions?” you bit your lower lip.
“One after the other, doll.”
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