#an attempt to gaslight me thinking what i did was gen wrong and also guilt tripping me to crawl back to her to beg and apologize as i always
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my reaction after ()’s attempt to gaslight me for the uncountable time into trying to repair this broken relationship that they ruined

#es talks#no because why…………#you ended it i didnt do… anything…. (head in hands in disappointment)#story time here.. click for more if u wanna read..?#ill call them (). one day they texted me about our friend who ill call koru who unfollowed(?) them on twt because they kept#commenting (more of in a critical way..) about how their art was missing fingers despite it being drawn correctly. so they tried to somewhat#force me to stop talking to koru and shit talks about them to me…. which i still remained in contact with koru and told them everything#so we stayed as besties and eventually () came by to visit me and eventually found out i was still friends with koru then decided to throw a#temper tantrum and ignore me to the point their mother had to get involved… which still didnt work out after their mother helping us 3 times#then our … like 4 years or longer relationship just went down the drain… all because of that.#unfriended me and also started shit talking me to their friends then just yesterday which i found out today#<- discord btw -> she then sent me multiple messages in some gcs we were in… calling me disgusting & said i shouldnt ignore wtf i did in#an attempt to gaslight me thinking what i did was gen wrong and also guilt tripping me to crawl back to her to beg and apologize as i always#do… but i just had enough ehfjejdje#well ill most likely delete this later just needed to get this out of my system!
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Clone Wars Revenge
Fun fact; I acc- idental-ly started the wrong episode
[So a little Spoiled]
Didn’t make it far past the intro of “Re-Vival,”
[Past “Outer Rim,”]
Onto the actual episode;
[Logo Red] Still weakest-
[also yeah whatever happened to Grievous?
Like, he complained about it being beneath him,
And then we never saw him again,
That entire- episode;
As well as Ana kin;
That entire dinner scene;
[Seriously was that only for cheap trick to establish tension?.] [Obi -Wan ]
Oh yeah he straight up murdered a person
[Fun. - little de tail-]
(Like yeah he murders a lot of people but I’m pretty sure that was a big one)
Any how,
? Aight - oh yeah
return -ing to the abuser-
? Can Relate- - B-r
He’s - basically screaming
Also couldn’t you just set it to auto pilot -
- and go take care of him?
Like - I know it’s a junker
You left the person-
Who are you found curled -up, Under several things- Of garbage- In a quite literal labyrinth,
In an enclosed space ~with no way to get to you- ~ if something goes wrong and/or they feel afraid
~Like~ Trauma is it’s own animal and venting is fucking weird
But if you’re going to be involved-
I don’t think throwing them in the back is the best idea-
Like yeah
The idea in this case is sending them to accoun- tability-
With just them-selves-
But the difference-
Is it just a sterile environment with the basics they need to survive,
And an environment that is stable and pretty much completely in their control,
[as much that can be allowed]
Here there are plenty of boxes (Things out of control-) and the vehicle is constantly moving
No wonder dude’s freaking Out,
[You’re Damn-
[Point being;
Savage’s bedside manner; Accoun-tability? Pretty bad,
[Like even I am most known for my vengeance, And you know it’s bad when I’m telling you to cut him a fecking break]
Like dude’s pathetic,
[Can’t help pity- ] [Enabler]
That also makes a lot of sense
Like, yeah he’s far above the ground
When stability-
[Dude ate the full tox]
[Like dude completely bought his own lies]
I- don’t know how to feel about that situation other than please take him to accountability before he hurts him self Please,
Yeah gaslighting will clearly help toaster strudel, here,
? ?
How are you supposed to do that when you trapped him in an en-closed Space-
Dude some ship contain-ers shifted and now you’re blaming him for not moving,
(Like I get the implication that he scared and he moved it in front but we really didn’t see much to indicate that)
Like they just moved on their own,
And dude did literally nothing to help his cornered brother out of the thing
[like I’m not for enabling tox]
But self-defense and anticipatory [as well as innocent until done guilt, “
Is pretty high on my list of reserv -ations,
[Gen Stick as close to Account. as possible, -]
Yeah probably a good idea considering War zone,
Yeah they’ve been dead for a while and did it largely of their own regard- ,
Yeah sucks for him,
Coming back,
To this
[also you think the Flashy amulet would be telling him not to because you know the attack ,
Green smoke
[Time to get gasolighten] - ?
Mother- - He-re
Clearly dead
[and your Gen clearly didn’t have medical on staff . Like yeah they have magic that can bring back the dead but they don’t know first aid,
[For witches they really don’t know a lot about herbs and stuff
(The Cauldron yeah,)
Which is weird because mred is generally associated with physical knowledge
(The science s)
And he did a real good job,
Like we-akest dude on the board whose job amounts to widespread warfare (But a pretty disastrous record in guerilla warfare)
And you still lost him with the late present playing in (What was even their focuses ?)
Lady, there is one of you,
Two if you count Ventress,
Oh no
Nope keep your weird creepy re-venge cult,
In the past,
[which is why I didn’t get him myself ]
[For Every
“Damage ed,”
Which is why I brought him to you Gas-lighter - “Life,”
Oh instead of taking into accountability
Let’s subject him to more abuse;
Some Thing The past is tox,
Would definitely be better for him to wake up in a nice warm place with food,
Didn’t he just rem-ember that now?
Why is there the rattling of chains?
(Oh yeah let’s re-introduced to enabler to its toxic abuser;
Like yeah I know it’s still there because he didn’t deal with it,
But he’s clearly not in the head space
[Seriously just send the bastard to accountability]
[empathetically] Gas light
[i’m trying not to make as many jokes about the gaslighting but that is a literal gaslight]
Hey isn’t that the illusion of help,
[Also how is that supposed to help with the crates?]
Also yeah wouldn’t that piss him off more because of light, light saber the last time that occurred?
[Like I’m not saying don’t use herbs on the guy who got injured, I’m just saying try to make it less pain...ful?
Ok, seriously those boxes were a lot hotter to move a few seconds ago what the heck
[it’s not major. but it is a minor thing?]
. F-ollow
And make the injured, toxic dous-ed- Person run,
(This family’s bedside manner is fuckin awful,
His horns?
Seriously is no one going to help him,
And a graveyard
Perfect nothing better to put your patients at ease then being surrounded by the dead women’s of the last patients
Guessing the surgery isn’t going to be approved by any surgeons lately-
Like some herbs could’ve done that you didn’t need to poke him,
Like how is that supposed to help him go to sleep?
That’s clearly not sleeping,
Which is good because that’s not a Gaslighter talent (TALENT is used very loosely here,)
“Symptom” is more like it,
[Like, that was fear as he fell back and she poked him in the face,]
[This was way too screwed up to be Complete acceptance of guilt And healing,
Symbolism wise,
I’m going to have to go with more gaslighting
Aka, pretending to fix the issue,
Because that’s not how it works in either a psychological sense or (Obvious ly Medical)
The witches practice pho-science
Not a line I’d thought I’d be uttering,
But up to this point they’ve been keeping it mostly on point for gaslighting (Sy-mbolism)
Here it kinda breaks down,
Like, how
Unless it’s higher point.
But No.
Scene doesn’t really make sense,
(Like the ani- mation have no idea what theo- retically is going on,
Emotions, Nada,
Damn, herbs Lady, herbs,
Like, I don’t- Think The Medicals Would Be Too Happy, With the lack of anesthetic There,
(Like Geez- Think dude would ra-
(Like that’s some tox feckin medical lady,)
Also great now he’s gone unconscious from stress; hopefully you didn’t emotionally scar the bastard,
Yeah I would’ve that kinda frozen terror reaction to if that shit happen
Like, dude, no wonder,
Feels wrong,
Oh, those were his feet
Also yeah leave your patient in a terrifying ce-met- ery
I don’t think anyone could blame me for feeling bad for this guy at this point,
Like lady is a bunch of malpractices wrapped in a bunch of ‘fucking don’t’
Terrible bedside
[Honestly, surprised dude isn’t screaming in terror, pain and agony
[That take some serious breathing exercises]
[excuse me if I sound a bit pho-science] ]
Not the word,
Some humor might’ve been appreciated there
Also yeah what about his organs and shit?
[i’m getting too much in the medical.
This, shouldn’t have wor -k -ed - Seriously
That is your reaction?
[I was honestly expecting his vocal cords to be shot,]
Like I was not expecting Lord Butter of the Fucking Edgy
Was expecting like a stutter or some thing,
[You know a gradual recovery Period]
Dude talking like it’s been a few months, a few years since this whole thing went down
“ oh yes it was a very dark place.”
Like I feel like that’s kind of cheating,
That shouldn’t have fixed it,
You just ran past a very interesting conflict with space magic-
[Like I guess I don’t have to worry about his grudges with anyone]
-and Tal-Zin surprisingly didn’t use this make the trauma go away button with Ventress
[That feels like cheating,]
Oh, so he has probl-e-ms sta-nding?
[Like, what?
Is the problem?
Also yeah don’t help him at all dude
Like going on about how im-portant he is-
I mean his bed-side-
No on second thought you stay over there, you’ll probably attempt to gaslight him otherwise,
Anyway after that Adventure in Malpractice and Gaslighting , Dark music,
Just stumbles ar-ound,
Was that an an-swer?
Well that went from Captain Butter I-am- Over-it,
To Murder,
Pretty damn fast,
Also what about the male tribe, you know where these guys came from?
Like Ventress only screwed with a small portion of them,
(Like a significant portion of their offspring , but not the whole village)
Then that other village?
(The one- on the other planet?)
Well this just went from one to basket Case- -
[Ok where did this come from?]
[what’s- with the soliloquy) ]
- Found
Like that anger takes time to build up,
Don’t get me wrong I’m no expert on space magic;
However this is why I have issue with magic;
[Specifically non-elemental; (Earth, water fire, air, And Lightning)
Because you have to be really specific about what it represents and get the side effects right
Otherwise it’s just a reality breaking cheap trick,
Skipping past a lot of interesting conflict and emotions,
[Had they done that and just started it off at some random Emotional) Plot point)
I think I could follow -ed it easier, (Or at all)
Because right now he’s just acting very inconsistently and irrationally
(And not the emotional “drank the whole bottle of tox,” ,The puppet shouting lines with no connection with each other, making absolutely no sense Kind
Like “Congrats, you’ve got the emotion now you need the consistency,”
(You can’t have your time skip and your emotional conflict too,
They are connected and you have to earn them,
(Yeah, people who swallowed the whole tox pill don’t tend To be very good at that,)
That’s why they’re sent accountability
So there’s no additional pressure
(And they can go through the long relatively painful process in as much peace as possible, should they decide to,
In-stead of stewing in their own mi-sery- - |.
Heck did you find that?
Like he and his light saber presumably fell to the ground and will deliver to the same dump,
(Is that Savage’s?)
Or an instigating abuser who has less power than literally anyone else (Their victims)
Aside from the Gen break,
- Great recap
It’s completely unnatural
and forced,
[Like you could’ve had him slowly regain his memory and repeat this back,
This being like a prime recovery arc moment
The arc words of recovery,
But you rushed it
Now, it’s non- sense,
[This is why you have to take time doing things,]
Heck it didn’t even have to be an arc long-
Maul runs the top of a hill, With Savage- cha s-ing,
[Stops suddenly,]
[you get a nice cinematic shot of the sun or some of the celestial bodies,
[with the emotions im-plied of someone who just came back to life-]
[and is seeing the world sentient for the first time, ]
[Fumbled for Words]
I- was -The Appren-
[Really adding that depth of loss,]
[Savage possibly taking his shoulder, possibly emphasizing a new edge to his character, An empathetic one,
“you can start anew,”
“C’mon let’s head back to the ship,”
[Guide Maul back to the ship
[Dying sunlight]
For some humor; *Turns Back, Keys hanging off finger,”
“you can ride in the front this time around,”
[Can adjust using color scheme; And more aggressive tone,]
So, yeah, that was episode [not the side pieces]
The first half was relatively good...
Before promptly descending into bat shit insanity (Not in the good way....)
[Around the resurrection of Maul from the gas magic)
From there, The tone gets pretty thin and intel..
With the brief whiff of emotion,
That barely passes decent on the fun scale,
Not passing fun
Just luke warm humor,
Over images happening,
With little (or-no connection)-
? [They still haven’t fixed Obi-wan’s eyes, Or his tone, Or his face,
Man is like an expression- less Emotion-less doll,]
Competing with Anakin for the youngest looking Jedi
[not sure if that was the point with the re-assignment surgery/ Facial reconstruction). Arc
But they really need to talk with the med Droid that approved that and get a fix,
The inability to express emotion isn’t cute,
(He looks like a toy!)
-Not Good-
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