#amy superform
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sindianstar · 9 months ago
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So I will admit, I never been a Sonic fan. Not because I didn't like the games or show, but because I never really had to chance to play/watch them.
But from little I did see, I did love the idea a lot, and I been looking more and more into it lately, so when I saw Amy had gotten a offical "Super form" I had this idea in my mind for a comic, and after binging a lot of summery and lore videos I really think I have a good idea for a story evolving this.
But for now, just enjoy some fanart of what I think Modern Amy's superform would look like based on Classic form and some headcanon.
( "Where is her headband?!" Oh theres a reason it's missing, and it would have to do with the comic idea ;) )
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nightgarla · 1 year ago
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is this anything?
+ concept doodles i did as warmup
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skull001 · 11 months ago
Amy hot takes.
Amy's Sonic Advance gameplay is still THE superior 2-D gameplay for Amy, and the only reason it hasn't been revisited in newer games is because Sega are cowards still stuck with the "one-button" approach that only works for Sonic and Tails.
Even when games like Origins Plus and Sonic Superstars nerfed down Amy to just two moves, she is still more fun to play as than Sonic.
Amy's gameplay in Sonic Advance >> E-122 Psi Amy hacks >> Amy Mania by Troop Sushi/Codename Gamma >> Sonic Supertars >> Origins Plus.
Sonic X's Amy is the full package of how Amy should be like. Even with her flaws, she was one of the most fun characters to watch, and surprisingly got plenty of moments that humanized her and even explore a bit of how she saw her relation with Sonic, proving she isn't deluded about it like her detractors claim.
Giving Amy a toy hammer is one of the best things Sega did, and wish the full potential of what she can do with it was more explored in gameplay terms.
The tarot cards should be only a back-up weapon, never the main one. Story-wise, the can guide her in her quests, providing the player with hints that they have to interpretate.
IDW's characterization of Amy is alright. The issue if anything, is that she, like the game characters, are hardly the focus of the stories, nor are they allowed to be shown in a more personal manner. Don't care if it's because Sega is too strict, or if the writers only use them to get to the characters that THEY really want to write for. Either way, the situation sucks for the game cast.
I think Amy is better suited to be the franchise's co-protagonist alongside Sonic. She is very versatile as she isn't restricted to be by his side 24/7, and as long as she sees Sonic as her prince in shining armor, there really isn't any reason to keep her from growing into a stronger and more beautiful heroine.
I'd like to see a story where Amy tries to help a character find redemption, but is ultimately unable to, betrayed by them even. I think this would be an interesting change of pace because, even if let down by those Amy tries to help, that she still remain kind of heart would be proof of just how strong her heart is.
Superform. Of all characters not named Sonic, Amy's noble and compassionate heart should be more than worthy of awakening that miracle.
Morio Kishimoto really should go all out with exploring more of Sonic and Amy's relation. I think he is one of the few people capable of doing so and pushing the status quo to ot' limit whole keeping things fresh. After the let down of that last Tailstube where Amy's feelings were again the object of mockery from american writers ( especially HIM), I'd more than welcome the more respectful approach from Japanese writers towards the dynamic of these two characters.
Amy IS part of the main cast, and should be treated accordingly to her status as lead female character. That means, not giving away Amy's roles to less important ones. Wether it's things like her compassion (which Tyson Hesse mentions to be unique) or being the most adventure loving of the girls.
Don't make Amy be "mature" by becoming a party pooper who dislikes fun. This is a very outdated stereotype of women that honestly, doesn't apply to the real Amy. She would join the boys in doing dumb things, while still doing girly things with other girls too.
Enough of sad face Amy. Why the hell is Sega afraid to show an Amy that, no matter what, can be a beacon of hope for those who have lost their faith. Further more, why is she not expressing faith anymore on Sonic? I swear ever since Sonic Boom, only Tails is allowed to do this as an artificial means to push the bff thing, in contrast to previous games and even shows, where Amy did this. It saddens me how in Prime, she complains about Sonic not sticking to the plan, while Tails is the one who reminds that he has never let them down. Like, helloooooo? Amy also knows this, so why treat her like she doesn't?
Sonic, Tails, Amy & Knuckles >> Sonic, Tails and Amy >>>>>> Sonic, Tails & Knuckles.
Writers shouldn't be afraid to show/play out Amy's flaws. I like seeing characters make fools of themselves once in a while, as long as they are also allowed to get out of their mess by also playing out their strengths and positive traits.
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reckless-lambert · 1 year ago
My Disappointment Is Immeasurable And My Day Is Ruined
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Imagine having the opportunity to design one of the most anticipated things in sonic franchise and you do this
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scumbag-the-hedgehog · 1 year ago
....didn't you beat the shit out of Amy in your superform?
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"...well, that was uh, that was a different Amy, and... y'know, I was going solo in a seven-on-one fight, so I'm pretty sure that qualifies as self-defense...."
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blogueericdescarries · 2 years ago
Le Salon de l’auto de Montréal et le Hyundai Palisade
Le 25 janvier 2023
Au moment d’écrire ces lignes, le Salon de l’auto de Montréal bat son plein. Après cette absence de deux ans, on l’attendait ce Salon. Malheureusement, plusieurs constructeurs ont décidé de bouder notre salon avec des raisons valables, j’en suis sûr, mais déplaisantes à entendre. Heureusement, nous avons pu compter sur un nombre suffisant de participants pour permettre aux amateurs d’automobiles et de camionnettes d’assouvir (du moins en partie) leur «faim» de nouveautés.
Selon les administrateurs du Salon, parmi les quelques 200 véhicules et plus sur place, il y aurait, au Centre des Congrès, plus d’une soixantaine de voitures et camionnettes électriques ce qui prouve qu’il n’y aurait peut-être plus de place pour un deuxième Salon consacré, celui-ci, qu’aux véhicules électriques. Enfin…Mentionnons ici la grande participation de General Motors du Canada qui propose un superbe stand avec plusieurs nouveautés incluant les tout derniers produits Cadillac électriques, ses camionnettes Hummer et Silverado électriques et j’en passe (il ne faut pas oublier que Cadillac a fourni des Lyriq pour des essais sur route par les visiteurs!). Surtout, chez GM, je dois souligner la superbe étude de style Wildcat de Buick (toute électrique) dont le design m’a tout simplement étonné!
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Un des plus beaux véhicules du Salon de Montréal, l’étude de style Wildcat de Buick. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Dommage pour Stellantis. Ce nouveau «grand» de l’industrie a choisi d’ignorer le Salon de Montréal, une région qui adore ses Jeep et pick-up Ram! Me semble que son nouveau petit VUM Hornet aurait été une des vedettes de ce salon…Évidemment, l’absence du constructeur américain Ford était aussi notable. Toutefois, son honneur a peut-être été sauvé par le Groupe Olivier qui expose toute une gamme de produits Shelby basés sur des Ford F-150 et Mustang (sans oublier deux répliques de Cobra!).
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Je n’aurais certainement pas pu résister à la tentation de publier une photo de la Cobra que l’on pouvait voir au stand du groupe Olivier. Il s’agit ici d’une reproduction signée Superformance qui affichait un prix avoisinant les 170 000 $ ! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Encore trop évidente, l’absence des produits européens a frappé les visiteurs dès les premières heures du Salon! Cependant, on doit remercier les constructeurs asiatiques de leur participation. Comme c’en est le cas depuis quelques mois déjà, les Kia et Hyundai de ce monde viennent prendre la place des absents et ils deviennent vite la vedette de plusieurs évènements automobile dont, bien sûr, le Salon de Montréal. Ajoutez à cela la toute première présence du constructeur VinFast qui a su se réserver un endroit de choix sur le plancher en y dévoilant ses VUS VF8 et VF9 et en nous faisant connaître son tout nouveau VF6 à venir!
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VinFast expose son nouveau modèle VF6 au Salon de Montréal (Photo Éric Descarries)
Que dire de nos amis japonais, surtout Nissan et Toyota qui ont érigé des stands très intéressants au Centre des Congrès. Il fallait d’abord voir la superbe étude de style de la toute nouvelle Ariya de Nissan décorée en «Woodie» pour l’occasion. Dans la même veine, le géant Toyota a pris les derniers mètres carrés du plancher pour y présenter TOUTE sa gamme de véhicules (sauf le 4Runner qui devrait être redessiné sous peu) incluant ses nouveautés électriques bz4x et ses primeurs comme les Crown et surtout la Mirai à hydrogène. Curieusement, alors que son partenaire commercial Subaru dévoilait des nouveautés à ce Salon, dont la nouvelle Impreza, son autre partenaire, Mazda, brillait par son absence malgré sa grande popularité sur le marché québécois. Et, que dire d’Honda qui est un gros vendeur au Québec? Pas là?
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Un Woodie signé Nissan? Everybody’s gone surfin’…(Photo Éric Descarries)
Le salon n’a beau occuper qu’un seul plancher du Centre des Congrès, il demeure très intéressant et instructif à visiter. N’oubliez pas qu’il y a des Ferrari à ce Salon, des autos appartenant au collectionneur Luc Poirier et d’autres sujets intéressants du groupe Automobile Etcetera!
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Des Ferrari? Certes ! Mais ce sont celles du collectionneur Luc Poirier. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Je me demande pourquoi certains concessionnaires de grand luxe ont aussi évité le Salon de Montréal? Je pense à ceux qui vendent des Rolls-Royce, des Bentley, des Jags et surtout des Aston Martin (marque dont le propriétaire est un Montréalais). J’espère que tout ce beau monde se reprendra l’an prochain et qu’il reviendra au Salon. En attendant, j’ose espérer que ce Salon sera quand même un succès malgré sa modestie. Le Salon de l’auto de Montréal est un des évènements «sociaux» les plus importants de la métropole québécoise, surtout durant ce mois de janvier où il y a peu d’autres évènements et où la température n’est généralement pas trop clémente (et pendant lequel les consommateurs ne dépensent pas trop ayant à couvrir tout ce qu’ils auront «gaspillé» durant le Temps des Fêtes!).
Je vous incite donc à visiter le Salon aussitôt que possible. Une telle «fête» doit continuer dans «notre» ville qui se veut une véritable ville de l’automobile, une «car town» ! Il faut démontrer aux constructeurs que leur présence au Salon de Montréal.
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À voir, le Salon de l’auto de Montréal. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Hyundai Palisade
Cette semaine, je conduisais le grand VUS Palisade de Hyundai. Il faut dire qu’il y a quelques semaines, je passais trois jours au volant du Kia Telluride légèrement redessiné pour 2023 alors que celui-ci est conçu sur une base presque identique à celle du Palisade. Je devrai donc me répéter un peu…
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Le Hyundai Palisade présente un avant redessiné pour 2023. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Lorsque Hyundai nous a présenté le Palisade en 2018 en remplacement du Santa Fe XL (par après, Kia y dévoilait son presque jumeau, le Telluride) la presse a été unanime. C’était un véhicule grandement bienvenu sur le marché. Vous comprendrez alors qu’à peine cinq ans plus tard, (et vu le succès qu’il connaît), il n’est pas question de tout bousiller en redessinant aveuglément la camionnette. Par conséquent, le Palisade 2023 n’aura subi que de petites retouches dont un avant revu avec de nouveaux phares au LED, des détails arrière peaufinés avec des feux aux LED mais surtout un tableau de bord refait (le Telluride a joui de retouches semblables). La mécanique, toutefois, n’a pas été touchée…ou si peu.
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De l’arrière, les retouches sont surtout aux ornementations et aux feux. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Vu que la caisse n’y a pas été changée, passons rapidement à l’aménagement intérieur qui, lui demeure semblable sauf pour le redesign du tableau de bord qui affiche maintenant toutes ses commandes ou presque sur un écran vidéo qui traverse presque l’entièreté de la planche de bord. Toutes les commandes y sont clairement indiquées et, dans bien des cas, dédoublées sur le volant qui, lui aussi, a été redessiné. En un mot, on s’y retrouve rapidement et facilement. J’aime particulièrement la fonction de Hyundai qui donne une vue vidéo de ce qui se passe dans les angles morts au tableau de bord lorsque le conducteur active les clignotants. Notons ici qu’il n’y a pas de levier de vitesses à la console du Palisade mais des boutons pressoir à la console. Encore une fois, j’aime souligner que le constructeur a choisi l’affichage à tête haute (HUD) pour l’affichage de la vitesse en réflexion dans le pare-brise ce que je considère un plus à la sécurité.
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Le tableau de bord traditionnel a été remplacé par un large écran vidéo. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Ce qui est évident, c’est la grandeur de l’habitacle et son habitabilité. En grande nouveauté pour 2023, on retrouve un chauffage des bancs de la troisième rangée et le massage automatique du dossier du siège du conducteur.
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Les places du centre sont dignes des plus belles limousines! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Évidemment, les sièges du centre (baquets ou banquette ce qui permet l’accueil jusqu’à huit passagers) et d’arrière sont repliables ce qui permet un compartiment de charge assez imposant.
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La troisième banquette est maintenant chauffante. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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L’espace pour le coffre derrière la troisième banquette peut sembler étroit, il demeure pratique. (Photo Éric Descarries)
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Si l’on rabat des sièges, on obtient un espace de chargement respectable! (Photo Éric Descarries)
Question mécanique (reconduite, je le répète), le seul moteur disponible est le même que celui du Telluride soit le «vénérable» V6 du même constructeur (Hyundai-Kia) de 291 chevaux combiné à une boîte automatique à huit rapports et la traction intégrale HTRAC de Hyundai. La suspension est indépendante aux quatre roues ce qui aide vraiment à la tenue de route. Les pneus d’hiver Bridgestone Blizzak étaient montés sur des jantes de 20 pouces (spécifiques au modèle Calligraphy).
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Sous le capot, on retrouve toujours le fiable et puissant V6 de 3,8 litres à essence. (Photo Éric Descarries)
Sur la route
En fait, malgré le fait que le comportement routier du Palisade ait été des plus agréables, il n’a rien d’un véhicule sportif. Toutefois, accélérer du point mort à 100 km/h peut se faire en moins de neuf secondes alors que les reprises sont très rassurantes. La direction est légère mais relativement précise tout comme le freinage qui n’est pas des plus puissants mais qui demeure quand même efficace en cas d’urgence. Par contre, même si la grande partie de mon évaluation s’est faite en situation urbaine, j’ai bien apprécié la traction intégrale sur les routes enneigées (en plus des sièges et du volant chauffants). Le peu d’autoroute que j’ai pu faire m’a quand même prouvé que le Palisade est aussi un véhicule idéal pour de longs voyages. Son habitacle est très silencieux, sa capacité de charge utile et sa capacité de remorquage de 5000 livres rassurante.
En ce qui a trait à la consommation, mon calcul à la pompe s’est chiffré à 13,2 l/100 km, exactement le même chiffre que l’ordinateur de bord indiquait à l’écran! Le constructeur annonce 13,0 en ville, 9,5 sur route pour une moyenne de 11, mixte…
Quant au prix, le Palisade débute à 47 995 $ mais une version de luxe Calligraphy tourne autour des 56 799 $ (ces prix peuvent varier selon vos négociations) plus le transport, les taxes et tout le reste.
À voir le nombre de Palisade et de son jumeau Telluride sur nos routes, il y a fort à parier que la nouvelle version redessinée de 2023 connaîtra un grand succès. Qui plus est, de tous les propriétaires de tels véhicules que j’ai rencontrés, aucun ne s’est plant de problèmes quelconques! Même les répondants aux sondages de Consumer Reports semblent enchantés de leur Palisade. C’est bon signe!
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pudimwaifu · 7 years ago
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supa amy
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antirepurp · 5 years ago
For the character opinion meme: shadow
favorite thing about them
he is so gosh darn edgy in a good way and im a sucker for edge
least favorite thing about them
no one knows how to write him right anymore. also his story gets super confusing in heroes and also in his own game akjshd
favorite line
“If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have!”
sonic, amy, rouge, omega, blaze, silver, knuckles, tails... lots of friends :D oh and maria too!
idk these days if im honest?? maybe sonic if it’s done well and in a lowkey way?
rouge, MARIA definitely yikes dude, kinda silver because of that one setting i have where shadow raised him?
random headcanon
his superform is as strong as a hyperform, and if he goes hyper he’s just this glowing silhouette of chaos energy and he’s leaking it everywhere and oh god oh fuck it’d be cool and dangerous maybe
unpopular opinion
kirk thornton is a good VA for shadow he’s just not given the chance and opportunities to really go apeshit
song i associate with them
boom!shadow: hungry ghost by red vox
mainline shadow: that’s more difficult but maybe who you are by the mountain goats?
favorite picture of them
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i don’t have many pics of him on my laptop but i had this and i do like it a lot
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wonderfromdownunder96 · 5 years ago
"Where's Rouge Now?" (My Version)
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This was originally a Deviantart picture blog thing from 2010, made by D.A. member Gregarlink10. I've basically done my own take on it. I know that we're currently in the year 2019, but some of the things I added that he didn't are written to sound like it would've been written in the same year as the original.
Here is a link to the original version:
Anyway, on with the blog.
Why isn't Rouge The Bat in Sonic games anymore? 
Here are some possible reasons:
1. She's A Bad Example For Kids:                      As Rouge generally goes around trying to steal jewelry - especially the Master Emerald - children, being impressionable and easily influenced, will see it and might think it's a fun, harmless thing to do, because they don't know any better due to their gullible, naive nature. This possibly could have led to some of the burglars and thieves we have in society today. Good job, Sega. Good job(!) No wonder your flagship franchise is seen as a garbage dump nowadays.
2. No Dramatic/Interesting Past/Backstory:        Let's take Knuckles for example; he was given the position as guardian of The Master Emerald, which is further detailed in Sonic Adventure 1, shedding light on the Echidna tribe and Tikal, Knuckles' ancestors. In addition, Shadow had arguably the most dramatic and interesting backstory out of every Sonic character to date, having been, in his own words "A research experiment gone deadly wrong" (As said in his own game from 2005), holding a grudge against humanity, but warming to them later on. Rouge, on the other hand, hardly has any sort of backstory. It's just "I'm gaga about jewels, I wear makeup, la-de-da-de-daaaaaa."!
3. Deep Manly Voice: Specifically, the voice of actress Kathleen Delaney, who first voiced her in the Sonic X anime, and continues to voice her in the games to this day, but mostly in spin-offs, such as Sonic Rivals 2. Some people say she makes the bat sound pretty manly for a female animal, and go as far as saying she sounds like a hooker, adding to the "Bad Example for kids" section. Totally a fantastic way to promote woman to innocent minors, Sega(!)
4. She Has Big Boobs: Indeed, great for milf material. This goes back to her being a bad example for kiddies; For boys, if they arn't keen of the breast size, they'd likely grow up thinking they will meet girls, or worse, end up with girlfriends that have that breast size! As for girls, they might be worried that they, themselves, will end up growing boobs that same size as they get older. Oof...😫 But for either gender, they could think that literally every woman has boobies the same size as Rouge!!
5. No Super Form: Almost every Sonic critter has a super form of sorts; Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Shadow, Silver, Blaze etc. Not Rouge. Granted, not literally every character in the Sonic franchise needs a superform, but in my opinion, if more of them did, Rouge included, they'd be that bit more useful.
6. Many Change Of Clothes:
It's been said by a small amount of YouTubers and Deviantart members that the reason the Bat Girl got re-designed in Sonic Heroes was because Sega got letters from parents complaining about a "sexy" or "obscene" character in a game for their kids and demanding they tone her down. I personally haven't come across any official sources that say this, so I don't know whether or not this is true. 
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nightgarla · 1 year ago
oh and i finally found all the chaos emeralds !!!!! i never got to see amys superform tho :/
finished superstars main story again ^_^ this time on my own as amy
it was actually even more fun the second time around, the fang bossfight is still ass i hate it, and cheesing the pinball carnival boss with amys double jump was even funnier the second time
pinball carnival is still probably my favorite zone which is so weird bc i never like the casino/pinball stages in sonic games. golden capital was worse than i remembered.
anyway on to trips story and then apparently theres a last story too ?
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skull001 · 2 years ago
I wonder how the official DLC playable Amy will be because, this mod slaps hard!
The hammer adds a visual element that not only makes Amy look powerful in all her attacks, but the combat feels more natural to her than it ever did for Sonic.
There's even the fight against the Sumo robot, which with Amy felt like eevisiting her final boss fight from Sonic Adventure 1, but on steroids.
Her superform looks a bit glitchy with her eyes, but I don't mind because the attention goes to her huge piko hammer (wish it was biger though). Seeing her bonk an Eva is the kind of thing that brings me a smile. XD
Remember how the Advance games allowed one to play the entire games as Amy, effectively letting her fans see her as the hero who saves the day? This mod single-handedly achieves that, but on 3-D.
And even if the DLC are limted to certain places, I'm confident that mods will find the way to have Amy, Tails and Knuckles free from any and all restrictions... just like in the Advance games. As it should always be.
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dizzydennis · 7 years ago
If the Storybook Series Continued...
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Sonic and the Emerald City
Imagine if the storybook series continued after Black Knight. Now imagine if it took place within The Wizard of Oz.
Sonic would be summoned into the world by the Witch of North who would be portrayed by Amy Rose. She would have used a spell to ask Sonic to help the world of Oz from the Emerald Wizard.
Sonic would have to follow the yellow brick road to get to the Emerald City to see what happened to the wizard. On the way, he would encounter a scarecrow that resembled Tails. Obviously, he would like a brain. Later on, the tin man would be portrayed by Knuckles. He would like a heart. Lastly, the cowardly lion would be portrayed by Big the Cat. He would like courage.
Toto would be the companion character who would be a cute puppy with a tough, rough voice! Probably very comedic like Caliburn.
The gameplay would be similar to the on-rails style of Secret Rings and Black Knight. However, Sonic would have ruby sneakers. With a press of a direction on the D-pad, Sonic could use powers from his friends that he met on the way.
Scarecrow Sonic - would allow Sonic to be made of straw. He would be cute, able to hover over gusts of wind, and could flatter to get through tight areas.
Tin Sonic - would be very heavy, but this would allow him to break through floors, deflect attacks, and sink underwater. He could even have access to a drop dash.
Lion Sonic - would be a bit different. Rather than just being a Lion-Sonic Hybrid, he would transform into a form like the Werehog. This would allow Sonic to have the might of the cowardly lion with some slight combat abilities. Aside from battling, he could grab ledges from far away, toss enemies, and move heavy switches.
Regular Sonic would have access to his homing attack as well as a speed break.
The stages could be varied and very fun. The Tiny Village, Haunted Forest, Emerald City, Witch Domain, and more could make for some really entertaining stages. It could combine all of the interesting aspects from the original Wizard of Oz books.
Upon getting to the Emerald City, Sonic and his friends would encounter the wizard, who is just a man behind a curtain. Who could it be?… It’s simply a man who Sonic perceives as Dr. Eggman! But he wasn’t the real villain, it turns out that the Wicked Witch of the West, Westra was the real villain.
Sonic himself could transform into Wizard Sonic. His new superform, to stop Westra from leaving the book and taking over Sonic’s planet. Upon saving the day, Sonic would return back to his home where he would wake up to find his friends checking up on him.
It’s formulaic, but I think it would’ve made for a very fun experience! I wish the Storybook Series didn’t end after only two games.
Please, let me know what you think about this idea. What direction would you have liked to see the Storybook Series go?
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alien-bunny-art · 8 years ago
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Girl and her Hammer - Line
Not sure if I want this related to AOM or an alternate SRIV superform for Ami. I just really want my cute girl with a huge hammer.
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squeiky · 2 years ago
Shadow and silver both retain a golden band, (this trait is also included in Amy's desgin.)
Silvers boots retain the same stripe desgin that Amy has. Silver also includes sonic's boots stripe pattern, which creates a tip desgin to the boot.
If you where to combine Amy and sonic's shoes, you'd get something akin to silver's boots.
Sonic is offically drawn showing the fact that he wears boots, along with a happy birthday card with a white,, pink and blue desgins reminiscent of a trans flag. The desgin is of the card is exactly the pallete and desgin of a transflag, to the point where I drew a transflag using its colors.
Silver and shadow have similar chest fur. If shadow could or would let his grow out, It might look similar to Silver's. Sonic and Amy showing a lack of this trait.
(Though there's no outfit of Amy's that confirms if she has a full colored belly like Shadow and Silver, or one like Sonics. My guess being that Sonic is just based off of a bare-bellied hedgehog.)
Shadow's rocketshoes/skates lack the features that would be nesseray to create to create Silver's boots.
Using inverse colors, Shadow and Silver swap colors in superform. (According to my knowledge, Shadow was supposed to have a silver superform at some point but the layering made him more akin to that of yellow. Take this with a grain of salt.)
While sonic and Amy have purple eyes, Shadow and Silver share a blue tone. Silver shares the blue bracelet with Amy and Shadow. Sharing a white outline on the eyes with Amy as well.
Without inverse, side by side comparisons could be made between the hedgehogs.
Silver's traits of having a spines on his forehead is shared with Amy, along with his down quills that is shared with Sonic. He possess the same boot formation as Amy does, with the twist of a golden bracelet instead of folded boot covering, akin to that of Shadow.
He also shares similarites with Shadows.. makeup? Eyeshadow? Whatever that is.
In terms of body quill desgin, Silver and Shadow are similar, While Amy and sonic are similar. (Again Amy's body quill desgin is debatable. )
This post was made after watching a "who is Silver's parents/ancestors video."
Take what you will.
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The art in the first and second panel is by this person:
And that concludes my essay.
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sonicadvancerevamped · 7 years ago
Hi im the same guy that asked about superforms for the chaotix. One thing i had in mind, was that amy and cream is going to get a superform and you said it would be interesting to see how that would be. I assume that you probably wont give them just a gold shield like tails and knuckles got in heroes? If we dont get to see the chaotix in mania plus, is there a chance you might do more with them than just give them a golden shield in that case? Im really sorry if i sound inpolite and i really don
You’re fine, I MIGHT give them the glowing effect if that’s how Mighty and Ray are handled, but I’m still not completely sure.
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earleneproud-blog · 7 years ago
My Suggestion For A Super Attributes Love Story.
Along with just 2 episodes left in Game from Thrones time 7, we're getting closer and also closer to that war from the undead that Jon Snowfall is so frightened of. That's not a looter. The primary cause that this happens, is actually to compel the private to look for one's accurate papa which is actually God. A mom, however much she would certainly desire to, can not supply what each moms and dads will possess as a system when the father is out. Sarah Lee videotapes and also performs along with her spouse Johnny Irion Cathy plays ukulele in People Uke, a team she developed with Amy Nelson, the child from Willie Nelson Abe Guthrie was previously in a folk-rock band gotten in touch with Xavier, and also right now visits with his papa. Im 24 and my daddy passed away a little bit of below a month earlier as well as I'm finding this challenging coping yet with any luck these terms will certainly help me remember the happy times and permit me to place one foot before the various other.
I presume how that these adjustments in my domesticities may have been actually impacted by having a transgender father. Copernicus is actually at times referred to as the father from contemporary astronomy because of his Heliocentric idea. Firstly, everybody should begin their daddy from the bride pep talks along with an overview. The heavy 80s pop culture endorsements almost appear like personalities in the motion picture on its own as the movies (E.T.), the images (Michael Jackson as well as The Giant) and guides (Shogun) are the links of understanding in between Child and also his dad. The daddy image could additionally contain and show cultural mindsets and assumptions regarding the father (Fairweather, 1981; Samuels, 1985). Inside, Celeste saw papa Richard as well as a few from his fellow vampire seekers, among all of them took hold of onto Paul. He shined shoes for an additional piece that would certainly assist him as well as his friends sew up a newspaper-filled sock to make use of as a football. I was actually abused through both moms and http://superform-2017.info/sie-fehlen-barcode-goji-cream-sowie-ohne-etikettierung dads emotionally: my father openly, my mother secretly. But in the future, you learn that your father and mommy simply prefer you to become really good consistently. The new product packaging will definitely resolve reviews we have received concerning making the packaging better mirror the amazing product solutions, and also being much more modern and also new. Not just do I believe that Pantera can be the God's Daddy, yet I likewise feel that Yeshua was Daddy to a youngster by Mary Magdalene, who last name is Montclair or even Clairmont.
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