INTRODUCTIONS: hello! i’m your friendly neighbourhood lucy, and this beautiful small bean is rory. in case you can’t tell, i suck at introducing myself, but i am going to try my diddly-darn best. click under the cut to hear me ramble some more, so i don’t jumble your dash with my 1am coffee fuelled zeal. i’ll probably pass out after this, but shoot me a message; i’ll hopefully get to replying to some starters in the morning !
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so, you’ve made it this far! as i’ve probably said like three times already, i’m lucy, gmt (fun factoid: ireland, so basically britain but rainier), and i go by she/her pronouns. i’m also small & need friends ok. but enough about me, and more about the love of my life, rory aldridge.
her name is actually aurora, but she’s sick of being a sleeping beauty (”i’LL SLEEP WHEN I’M DEAD”), so she’ll literally go by any other name.
originally born in germany (berlin), she had a sweet gig going on. she’s the youngest out of three triplets, and she loves her brothers w/all of her little heart and soul.
her mom is german (hence the slightly strange brothers-grimm name), but her dad is actually from the u.s, so she’s fluent in both languages.  
things were chill until rory was about seven. they discovered that she was a pretty sick kid, and not in a cool way. she was born with a pretty severe congenital heart defect, pulmonary stenosis, and was in and out of hospital all the time. they only discovered it late, and she had to undergo open heart surgery to try and fix it. it left a pretty nasty scar, and it’s one of the only things she’s still super self-conscious about. even now, she’s still in and out of hospital pretty often, as they check to make sure the leakage in her heart isn’t getting too severe. 
so, yep, she’s lived in germany all her life; that is, until the thought of university rolled around. amsterdam was a roll of the dice; she wishes she had some big, monumental reason for it, but she doesn’t. however, a dream of being a tourist in her own life and plunging herself out of the comfortable normality of berlin was enough to get her started. between her slightly rusted red bicycle, cozy flat in east and her college classes, she’s pretty happy with the whole ‘close your eyes and point’ choice that led her here.  
she’s usually the bohemian, easy-going one, and she’s very reluctant to talk about anything remotely negative in her life, though will gladly listen to others complain. she suffers from pretty bad anxiety attacks, and she’s lucky they’re relatively infrequent, if incredibly intolerable when they do happen. this & her heart defect are really the only aspects of her she tries to hide; she wholeheartedly believes it makes her “screwed up”, and is too ashamed to mention it to anyone.
my lil bean is a kool kid B) tho. the whole heart ordeal only solidified her “carpe diem screw the government” attitude, and she’s a big believer in seizing the day. from animal rights protests to 3am ice cream under the stars, rory tries to make the most of the life she's got, painfully aware there's always a chance that hers will be shorter than she hoped. she can be a little reckless, and a little bit too impulsive sometimes, but she does try to be kind to everyone and has a rlly good heart (the irony) underneath the snark and humour.
AND IF U MADE IT THIS FAR, I SALUTE YOU. i tried to bold the important parts for tl;dr but i’m a bit of a rambling mess. i’m always a mess™ for connections, so hit me up with anything — everything works! 
feel free to shoot me an IM, i am filled with love & bad puns to share. if not, just like this post & i will bring my messy typing and hard-to-understand slang to ur inbox 
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camilavxsquez-blog · 7 years
was that eiza gonzalez out in bos & lomer ? nevermind, it was just that cis female bartender — camila vásquez. she is twenty-six, and though she is originally from cozumel, she has been in amsterdam for seven years. i heard she is aggressive, but she seems versatile to me, so it makes sense people call her the vixen.
camila was born and raised to a traditional household in cozumel, meixco
she is the middle child in a family of five girls
she lost her father in a work related accident when she was seven and her mother had never worked a day in her life so providing for her and her sisters was a constant struggle
she always pushed cami and her sisters to have kids young which kinda scared her and put her off on the idea of starting a family of her own
however, she started to change those thoughts when she met a guy named miguel at the age of sixteen
she moved in with him when she turned seventeen and that’s when the relationship turned abusive, it took her two years and one miscarriage to escape from the relationship
she tried to explain to her mother the situation but she didn’t want to listen and urged her to return to her ex, so feeling like she had nowhere to go she packed her belongings and skipped town
she took off to amsterdam and bought a one way ticket with no intentions of returning to the small coastal island, but deep down she still feels bad for leaving behind her sisters
she’s tried making contact with them on multiple occasions but remains unsuccessful
camila still has nightmares about the violent fights she would get into with miguel and those events were something that turned her into the free thinking independent woman she is now, she’s the kind of girl who takes no one’s bullshit
she’s been working the same bartending job but is interested in branching off into the law enforcement area
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petropovlos-blog · 7 years
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a’right here goes nothing. 
hi y’all i’m damla and this is my bby nikolas. 
nikolas is from athens, greece and he comes from a sailor family. his father owns a fishing business and exports local fish to nordic countries. ever since he was a child, he has always felt the weight of his family legacy on his shoulders but it has never been a burden to him until he graduated high school, when he realised that he didn’t want to follow in his father’s footsteps and that sculpting, to him, was more than just a hobby. of course his father was not happy with his son’s decision but eventually he agreed to send him to GSA. 
while he was studying in glasgow, he had plenty of time to travel and explore different cultures. during his stay in amsterdam in his senior year, he met an art gallery owner, who, after seeing some of nikolas’ work, absolutely fell in love with his style and offered to host his first exhibition in her art gallery after his graduation. 
as soon as he graduated, he flew to amsterdam for his first exhibition as a professional sculptor and before he even knew it, he was looking for an apartment to stay in amsterdam permanently. 
nikolas is a very private person. he’s usually cold and distant but it’s not because he doesn’t enjoy socialising. his art is his whole life and more often that not, it gets in the way of his social life. he’s very passionate about what he’s doing and his passion for sculpture always busies his mind, pulling him away from reality most of the time.
he cares for, probably like three people lmao.
he’s an art hoe. 
he hates social media. 
he’s also very interested in painting but he’s not really good at it tbh but he knows all about art history. what a nerd.
i guess that’s it ??? if you want to plot please let me know. i love plotting. byeeeeeee.
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elisehwcng-blog · 7 years
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hey everyone !! my name is jules and i’m so excited to rp with you all! i’m 19, dying from boredom bc summer break without your friends close by fucking s u c k s ( not to mention everyone around here is a snake.. loves to live here as you can see ) and i’m a mcdonald’s frappé addict, like they’re the way to my heart js. anyways, here’s a bit of info on an actual pain in my ass, elise! ( tw: sexual assault, ptsd, knives ) :
born on march 13, 1997
the daughter of first generation korean-canadians
her parents gave her a korean name as well to appease their own parents
which is hwang min-ji
scarborough, ontario born and raised and the eldest of two kids
she doesn’t care intensely for a lot of people, but she fucking adores her little bro
the most stubborn chick alive, will never admit she’s wrong unless you weasel it out of her with some heavy guilt-tripping
a true instagram addict, which makes sense bc she can be p vain at times
rather intuitive tbh
has a problem with trusting others, feels like she can only truly rely on herself so if you break through that barrier then congrats ig
she won’t make it obvious though, she’s a sociable being and will actually take to you if you pique her interest with free booze or a wild story
just don’t expect her to surrender much of her life story, but she’ll also get a bit offended if you don’t offer a bit of your own ?? 
the most annoying internalizer of emotions ever if you’re actually friends with her, 110% will not confide in you if you’re not one of four people in her life
still working on other minor elements of her personality, but i’ll add it after i post this if it comes to mind within the half hour after !
now to her actual background
she lived in a divisive household when it came to tradition
her parents did a lot of things to satisfy their parents but didn’t enforce their kids to do the same with them
mostly just told them to go along with them whenever their halmaes and halbaes were around
ex: not being very religious but attending church regardless
so elise grew up a little less restricted than they had long story short
her parents both have careers in science, her mom’s a pharmacist at her parents’ small clinic and her dad’s a microbiologist, so financially, her family does p well ( upper-middle class for the region )
she wasn’t the best at making friends in her early years and when she did, they didn’t stick around for long
one of the pros of living in the gta being there were a ton of kids around so it wasn’t all in vain
also her vanity when she was a kid was prob a turn off for the other kids lol
smart af
like english? a’s
math? a’s
french? a+
even though she isn’t confirmed fluent, hasn’t bothered to go through with that just yet
as she got older, she became better at making friends and soon had a small group of like-minded individuals around her
almost got valedictorian when she graduated, her and another dude were separated by .3% and that had her fuming tbh
if you milk it out of her, prepare yourself for one of her rants about her three ap courses/credits to her name going to waste.. she won’t hold back
decided to go to u of a bc it was a chance to a) study abroad, b) be even more unrestricted, aka fuck up her liver and not get in deep shit for it, and c) to just live in a less bustling area than gta
besides she’s a major history hoe and amsterdam is f u l l of it
tw: sexual assault, so in her first year of uni, she went out with a few friends and her girlfriend at the time and got approached by a dude she’d only shut down
he got aggressive and ended up being kicked out of the club, and while elise tried to put it behind her, she couldn’t enjoy herself so she went back to the dorms early
once she got back, she went into the elevator to get to her floor and lo and behold, the dude followed her back and now had her up against a panel. didn’t realize she basically let him into the dorm
had a knife to her neck while he assaulted her and was hysterical
was smart enough to call the duty phone and p much gave away where they’d be going 
so she was relieved when an ra was on the other side of the door when it got to her floor, but that didn’t stay for long bc of what had just happened
recounting it, having to go to the hospital for her injuries, that entire night had her shaken and bawling
wouldn’t leave her room for two weeks after that
her grades slipped a little, at least until the situation was explained and she could make up for it
she found it hard to sleep some nights, to eat, and the furthest she’d leave her room would be to go to the nearby vending machine in daylight
slowly, she moved on from it, not fully but enough to soon return to lectures, go shopping, etc
she still has nightmares of the ordeal, sometimes gets into defensive mode if someone grabs her arm a certain way, and goes into a fight or flight response if she sees someone wearing something similar to what he had that night
she doesn’t make it too apparent around most people, or rather she tries to
that aside, she’s been keeping up with school and her social life is about where it was before her assault, which she is more than thankful for, even if she’ll always be a bit paranoid or cautious about it
majoring in physics.. gl to her lmao
as i said before, she speaks french, is fluent in korean and is learning dutch
loves languages so she isn’t rly complaining
memes are the way to her heart
well, memes and quesadillas/paninis/poutine
just food in general but to do right by her, you gotta go for one of the big three in her eyes
secret sci fi junkie
here for aesthetically pleasing everything
but will shove that aside for some hella loud rock music
her room is almost never in disorder, oddly enough
will talk your ear off about the latest nasa discovery if she pleases
quite the party girl, but rly lets loose in an environment that she knows she’s safe — and will be taken care of — in
basically you won’t know rly who she is from one day to the next, the personification of a wild ride
i think that’s about it ?? anyways, if you’d like to plot, just hmu or like this and i’ll come to you! i have a few plot ideas here if you’d like to check that out beforehand though !!
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