#amsterdam hop on hop off bus
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uglyandtraveling · 2 years ago
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lovesosweeet · 1 year ago
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better left unsaid // cth
chapter forty
in which orion has leukemia, and calum doesn’t know.
calum hood x fem!oc
read other chapters
june 21, 2016 amsterdam, the netherlands calum 
I don’t feel bad when my alarms wake up everyone else on the bus. My first one is to wake me up, and the second is to remind me that I really have to get up. Both rounds of the ringing, beeping, and vibrating meet me with a bus full of grumbling band mates, their girlfriends, and Matt. 
“Calum, turn that shit off!” Michael groans.
“Sorry, sorry!” I whisper, throwing myself out of bed so I have to wake up fully. 
“I’m happy that you have a girl, really, man, but these early ass wake up calls are not it,” Ashton whines.
“Well, get don’t used to it. Only a few more weeks in Europe and then I can’t see her for awhile.”
I grab my duffel bag from my bunk and head out of the bus, into the venue for a shower. I have about thirty minutes before I need to go get Orion and her friends from the airport. It’s just enough time to take a shower and then convince Matt to have someone drive me in a van to the airport. 
While I’m showering, I hear the door to the bathroom open and loud, heavy footsteps echo on the tiled floor.
“That’s you in there, I gather, Hood?” Matt’s voice calls out.
“Yeah, it’s me!”
“Do I have to get you a van again this morning?” Surprisingly, he doesn’t sound annoyed. He really likes Orion, for some reason. Actually, I know why he likes her. It’s just rare that he actually like someone.
I stick my head out of the shower and find him standing right outside the flimsy curtain. I give him my most charming smile. “Please?”
He nods. “Done. Y’know, just shoot me a text when she books her flights or whatever. Then I don’t have to wake up at the ass crack of dawn with you.”
“Thanks, Matt! You’re the best!”
After my shower, I dress in a piece of our own band’s merch — a black t-shirt with Youngblood on the front in red and a rose on the back — and the same pair of black jeans I wear almost every day, a pair of black Converse on my feet, hoping to match Orion if she wears hers. I toss my stuff back on the bus and then get into the black van that’s waiting for me.
“Airport?” The driver asks. I confirm, and then he starts driving.
From: stargirl hey, we landed! we’ll be waiting outside for you To: stargirl sweet :) on the way now. can’t wait to see you!
“Is it the girl again?” The driver asks again, and I can’t seem to wipe the smile from my face. 
“It’s the girl again.”
We pull up to the airport and I see her, along with her roommates. Orion is dressed in a white t-shirt dress, a green baseball cap with LA on it, and her black Converse. We do match. She’s grinning as we park right in front of them, and somehow her smile grows even more when I open the door. 
“Hi, beautiful,” I say, hopping out of the van so I can hug her. I don’t hold on too long because Orion has been feeling so self-conscious about the fans and their feelings toward her, so I step back and hug each of the other three girls. 
They all say a chorus of “hi, Cal” and I’m excited to have them all here. Ilse is from Amsterdam, so she’s going to be our tour guide today, but tomorrow she’s visiting her family. They’re all surprised that she’s home again so soon, since she hasn’t even been gone for three weeks, but she said she’s excited to get to bring more clothes to Madrid with her. 
We pile into the van to head back to the venue, where we’ll drop off all the girls’ stuff before we head out to play tourist for the day. When we get there, I’m not surprised to see Ashton is awake, standing outside by the bus with a cup of what I assume is coffee in his hand. He waves to us as we hop out of the van.
“Are those the Lavapies Ladies I see!?” He says, giggling.
Orion rolls her eyes, smiling to me quickly as I take her bag from her, before she runs to Ashton. “Hello, Ashton! Yes, these are the Lavapies Ladies. You remember Paula, I’m sure, since she came to Rome. Then this is Ilse,” she says, pointing to the petite blonde, “and that’s Marta,” and she points to the brunette girl. 
Ashton rolls his eyes back at her. “Yes, I remember all three of them, Orion.” They hug quickly, and Orion’s height is dwarfed by Ashton. It makes me wonder how silly the two of us must look next to each other, since I’m an inch or two taller than Ash.
“Just making sure!” Orion yells, raising her hands in surrender.
“Okay, we’ve got a full day ahead of us, we should probably get going if you want to get to see everything. And I know for a fact Orion will be pissed if we don’t get to eat breakfast at the place I have picked out,” Ilse says, giving Orion a smirk and a side eye. 
“We’re fucking leaving right now then, where do we put our stuff, Cal?” Orion means business when it comes to breakfast, and it makes all of us laugh. 
“Actually, we should probably just leave it in the van,” I say, glancing at Ash for confirmation.
Ashton nods. “Yeah, that works, I’ll shoot Matt a text just in case.”
“Are you coming with us, Ash?” Paula asks, looking between me and Ashton.
Ashton looks surprised and seemingly asks me if it’s okay with a raise of his eyebrow. I nod. “Sure, I’ll go with you guys. Ilse, I’ll need you to show me your favorite dispensary.”
With that, the crew is off, Ilse and Ashton at the front of the pack, discussing shrooms and weed and who knows what else. Paula and Marta fall into some conversation in Spanish that I won’t even pretend to try to decipher any part of, and Orion takes her place next to me, grabbing my hand in hers and giving it a squeeze. 
“You let me know the minute you feel uncomfortable, okay? If you feel like you’re being watched or whatever. I don’t want a repeat of Rome.” 
Orion being slutshamed in the crowd at our concert made me more upset than she let me be. She kept insisting everything was fine and that she didn’t care, but the pain in her eyes was evident, and it made me feel horrible. I hate knowing that the fans don’t fully accept her yet, but I do know, without a doubt, that they’ll love her once they’re used to her. It’s hard to be in my shoes, not because I don’t want to say anything, but because I don’t want to overwhelm Orion with my feelings, nor do I want to jump the gun by making any public statements so soon after we’ve met. We literally met 18 days ago.
I feel like I’ve known her my whole life. Fuck, I feel like I’d be in love with her if she’d give me another award winning smile and kiss me again. I’m totally, completely all in for her. I’ve never felt so sure of anything.
Orion insists, once again, that she’s fine, and we just follow the others in comfortable silence. She takes in the sights of Amsterdam while we walk. I feel like she’s going to love it. It’s so… quaint, in a way. That’s how she described London, even though admittedly, in my opinion, London is far from quaint. 
I suppose that’s just who she is, though. She sees the sparkling qualities in everything, even when the gross, dark, dirty parts are right there. It’s so refreshing to have found someone who has such a positive, infectiously happy energy, and she’s not even overwhelming or obnoxious about it. She’s so genuine. Everything she says, she means, and you can see it on her face, aside from how she discloses her feelings, I guess. 
There’s no way she really doesn’t mind being called a slut. I’m all for the deconstruction of that term and I’m sure she is, too, but I can’t imagine that anyone who’d use that term toward a stranger is also on board with that. 
We get to Ilse’s first destination, a breakfast place called The Avocado Show, and Orion looks at the sign above the door with stars in her eyes. They tell us there’s about an hour wait, and Ilse promises it’s worth it. She says she’s down to hold our spot if we all want to wander around until our table is ready. 
Ash volunteers to keep Ilse company, and then Paula, Marta, Orion, and I are walking around, just the four of us. We don’t get far before we see a flower stall, and the girls are all immediately distracted by the massive flowers that fill the buckets. As if I’m not there, they’re gushing over each of the different flowers, picking them up to sniff and show each other. 
I think they forget that I’m here, momentarily, until I grab a few of the flowers they’d smelled and said were ‘oh-my-god-so-pretty’ and hand a small wad of euros to the vendor to wrap into three small bundles for them. When I go to hand each of them their personal mini-bouquets, they stare at me, gobsmacked.
“Cal!” Orion hisses, taking her flowers from me. “What did I tell you?”
I roll my eyes and pull Orion away from the stall by her elbow, Marta and Paula smiling at me knowingly while they follow us. “It is a special occasion!”
Orion pouts and holds her flowers up to her nose, taking a sniff of the fragrant flowers. “I wouldn’t call it that.” 
“Di gracias,” Paula hisses to Orion, who rolls her eyes in response.
“Thank you, Cal. But seriously, you’ve gotta stop buying me flowers,” O says, huffing quietly. 
“Thanks, Cal!” Marta and Paula say in sync, looping their arms through each others and walking off toward the canal we’d just crossed. 
I go to follow Orion’s roommates but am stopped by her grabbing my hand while she stands firmly in place. I turn around and face her. She looks distraught, for some reason. I just bought her flowers. Is that not what girls want?
“Calum,” she starts. “I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but please, can flowers just be an occasional thing?”
When I look into her eyes, I can’t help but wonder if she’s holding back tears. Did I make her cry? I just bought her flowers. It’s concerning, because I thought flowers were supposed to be something that wins girls over, not something that pushes them away. 
My confusion must be evident, because she continues.
“I’ll explain later, I promise, but I just… please, flowers aren’t an everyday thing. Please?”
Because she seems genuinely upset about this, I drop it. I don’t want her to feel whatever negative emotion she’s feeling right now. I wanted her to smile when I handed her the small bunch of peonies and tulips, not be on the verge of tears. 
I nod, reaching out to try to hug her, but she steps back, increasing the distance between us. I don’t know what switch I flipped in this girl, but I feel awful. “Yeah, of course, O. I just… thought it was something nice I could do for you guys. I’m sorry if it’s upset you, that wasn’t what i wanted.”
Her expression softens. “Sorry, Cal, I don’t want you to feel bad about it. It’s fine. I’m fine. I swear! We’re good. Let’s go catch up with Pau and Marta.”
She reaches out and takes my hand, dragging me after her roommates who are now taking turns posting for pictures with the view of the canal in the back. When we get close enough, Orion drops my hand and runs up to Paula, jumping into her photo — literally. She koala jumps at Paula, who somehow manages to catch Orion without tipping over. Marta seems to catch it all in the photos she’s taking while the three of them scream with laughter. 
Their antics make me smile, quickly changing up my mood from whatever just happened with Orion about the flowers. I approach the giggling girls, holding my hand out for the phone that Marta is using to take the pictures. 
“Go, jump in, I’ll take some of the three of you,” I say, motioning toward Paula and Orion, who’s still wrapped around Paula’s upper body, holding both of their bouquets behind Paula’s back. 
I follow the directions Orion had given me back in London on how to take a proper photo of her. I squat down, getting a slightly lower angle, tap on the ground to adjust the lighting, and then start clicking the shutter button repeatedly, capturing both candids and posed photos. After the three of them have rotated through a few poses, Paula puts Orion down on the ground and Orion hands her her bouquet. 
“Okay, Cal, hop over here. You guys need some pictures, too,” Paula says, holding her hand out for the phone in my hand. When I hand it to Paula, I recognize the phone case covered in teddy bears as Orion’s. Now I know who to ask for the photos we’re about to take. 
I take my place next to Orion, instinctively wrapping an arm around her waist. I’ve taken thousands of photos with fans, and this is always the first step to posing with them. When I glance down at her to see if she has any specific requests about this picture, I see she’s sticking out her lips in a kissy face and holding up a peace sign.
I laugh, quickly doing the same, which makes Paula and Marta laugh. 
“Just take a normal one!” Marta calls, making me blush slightly.
I smile and dig my fingers into Orion’s side, where I know she’s slightly ticklish. The sound of her laughter fills my ears next, and it’s the sweetest sound I think I’ve ever heard. 
“Ew, I’m gonna throw up,” Paula yells with a smile that makes it very clear she’s joking. “You guys are so cute.”
We take a few more pictures and ask a stranger to take some of all four of us before we continue to wander throughout the streets. We pop into a tourist shop where Orion gets a small stuffed animal with a tiny t-shirt on that has “Amsterdam” printed on it, explaining that it’s for her younger brother. The girls all take a few more pictures in front of a mural we find before Ilse sends a WhatsApp message saying we need to be back at the restaurant in 10 minutes or else we lose our table. 
At breakfast, it’s a mess of conversations that constantly evolve, including different people at the table. Each of us is constantly pulled from group to group, shouting across the table, taking bites of food from other plates and inevitably posting for yet another photo that Orion takes. She goes around the table, making everyone pose with the menu for the restaurant because she says it’s adorable. 
The waitress ends up being a fan, but she’s very calm the whole time we eat, so Ashton and I take a bunch of pictures with her after we get the check, sign anything she wants, and Ashton says we should follow her on Twitter, so we do. I take note of how happy Orion looks while we interact with her. It’s almost like she’s proud, which makes my heart feel warmer. She’s only known me for a few weeks and seeing her feel like that about me or the band already is the sweetest. 
Ilse takes us to a few museums that she declares are the most important in the city — but she also says that she holds uncommon and unpopular opinions so if we have negative feelings, we should let her know via her nonexistent Google listing. We stop at the Amsterdam Tulip Museum, the Museum of Prositution, and she offers that we walk for quite a while to visit the Banksy or Van Gogh museums, but we decide to stick to the part of the city we’re already in instead. She takes us to the Heineken Experience, and she also mentions that the Anne Frank House is always a worthwhile stop, but we would’ve needed reservations months in advance.
We hit up the dispensaries Ashton had asked about earlier, and everyone except Orion buys at least a small edible. Orion declines, saying she doesn’t have any interest in anything, even after Ashton insists he buy for everyone. I just got a cookie that I’ll probably save for a night when I just want to relax between shows. Ash and Ilse stocked up on quite a few things, and Paula and Marta both got a small bag of gummies to try. The spectrum of interest in the store was quite comical at the register as everyone handed over their selections. 
By the time we get back to the venue, both Ilse and Ashton have microdosed mushrooms, and Marta and Paula say they’re going to go to the hotel to take naps before the show. They all slept on the floor of the Madrid airport last night before they got on their flight, so they are understandably exhausted. Orion sticks with me while Ilse and Ashton take a few laps around the area behind the venue.
I take O to the green room, which is thankfully empty, and we curl up on the couch in the middle of the room. I see the cooler that Michael always requests be full of beer and run over to get two bottles, handing Orion one after I open them with a keychain I always carry. She doesn’t take a sip like she normally would, and she’s staring at my face intently. 
“I don’t want you to feel like I’m being weird,” she starts. “I want to go ahead and talk about the flower thing.”
I’m taken aback, but I nod. I’m not used to someone being so set on talking about something that they understand is uncomfortable. Orion is unlike anyone I’ve ever met, so I guess it makes sense. She’s honest and open, and this is a new example of how that manifests for her.
“I try not to let it be a thing, but there were a lot of things wrong with my last relationship. And I’m not trying to put any kind of label or weight onto what this is, but I do need you to know that flowers aren’t something I like to be just thrown around.
“I know it’s kind of stupid, because, I mean, it’s just flowers. I’ve just had them used as an insincere ‘I’m sorry’ or some kind of weird evidence that someone isn’t an awful partner. I love flowers. I really, really do, so I like… want to receive them, but I don’t want them to be something mundane or insincere. They’re not as special if they’re given all the time, so I like it when they have meaning.”
Even if I disagree with her logic, I nod. I think that she deserves to receive flowers every single day if it would make her smile, but I get that she wants them to be something special. 
“Orion, I’m here right now with you because I like you and I respect you.” I look her directly in her light brown eyes so she knows I mean the words I’m saying. “If that’s how you feel, I’m happy and willing to reserve giving you flowers for special occasions. I’m sorry if me getting you flowers today didn’t come off the right way, because I was really just trying to do something nice.” 
She smiles. It’s her standard, award-winning, bright and beaming grin that could put me in a haze for days. “No, I know. Thank you. I loved the flowers today. I just wanted you to know, I guess, going forward, how I feel. Again, not to put any kind of weird pressure onto whatever this is.”
I nod and lean forward to kiss her, grabbing her cheeks to hold her steady. 
“You are most welcome.”
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roomchailimited · 8 months ago
From Dhaka to Amsterdam: A Traveler's Guide to Dutch Delights and Canal Cruises
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Amsterdam, the vibrant capital of the Netherlands, is a dream destination for travelers from all over the world, including those from Dhaka, Bangladesh. From its historic canals to its world-renowned museums and lively neighborhoods, Amsterdam offers a diverse array of experiences that cater to all types of travelers. This guide will help you navigate your way through Amsterdam's delights, ensuring an unforgettable trip.
Planning Your Journey
Flights and Transportation
Start your journey by booking a flight from Dhaka to Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. Various airlines operate this route, offering both direct and connecting flights. Upon arrival, you can take a train, bus, or taxi to the city center. Amsterdam's public transportation system is efficient and user-friendly, making it easy to get around the city.
Amsterdam offers a wide range of accommodations to suit every budget. From luxury hotels and boutique guesthouses to budget-friendly hostels and cozy Airbnb rentals, there's something for everyone. Consider staying in neighborhoods like Jordaan, De Pijp, or the Museum Quarter for convenient access to major attractions.
Exploring the Canals
Amsterdam's canals are the city's lifeline and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Here are some ways to explore them:
Canal Cruises
A canal cruise is a quintessential Amsterdam experience. Choose from various options, including guided tours, hop-on-hop-off boats, and private rentals. These cruises offer a unique perspective of the city’s architecture, bridges, and historic sites.
Walking and Biking
Exploring the canals on foot or by bike is another fantastic way to take in the city's charm. Rent a bike from one of the many rental shops and join the locals in navigating the city’s extensive cycling paths.
Cultural and Historical Highlights
Museums and Galleries
Amsterdam is home to some of the world's most famous museums. Don’t miss:
Rijksmuseum: This iconic museum showcases Dutch art and history, including works by Rembrandt and Vermeer.
Van Gogh Museum: Dedicated to the works of Vincent van Gogh, this museum offers an in-depth look at the artist's life and masterpieces.
Anne Frank House: A poignant museum that preserves the hiding place of Anne Frank and her family during World War II.
Historic Sites
The Royal Palace: Located in Dam Square, this historic building is open to the public and offers a glimpse into Dutch royal history.
Begijnhof: A hidden courtyard dating back to the Middle Ages, offering a peaceful escape from the bustling city.
Savoring Dutch Cuisine
Amsterdam's food scene is as diverse as its population. Here are some must-try experiences:
Traditional Dishes
Stroopwafels: Caramel-filled waffles that are perfect for a sweet treat.
Poffertjes: Mini pancakes typically served with butter and powdered sugar.
Herring: Try this Dutch delicacy from a street vendor or at a local fish market.
Dining Experiences
Explore the city's vibrant restaurant scene, which ranges from traditional Dutch eateries to international cuisine. Visit Foodhallen, an indoor food market, to sample a variety of dishes under one roof.
Day Trips and Excursions
Zaanse Schans
Just a short trip from Amsterdam, Zaanse Schans offers a glimpse into traditional Dutch life with its windmills, wooden houses, and artisan workshops.
Keukenhof Gardens
If you visit in spring, don’t miss Keukenhof Gardens, known for its stunning tulip displays. It's a perfect day trip for flower enthusiasts.
The Hague and Rotterdam
For a change of pace, take a day trip to The Hague, the political heart of the Netherlands, or Rotterdam, known for its modern architecture and vibrant cultural scene.
Practical Tips
Weather and Packing
Amsterdam has a temperate climate, with mild summers and cool winters. Pack layers, a waterproof jacket, and comfortable walking shoes. An umbrella can also be handy given the city's frequent rain showers.
Language and Currency
Dutch is the official language, but English is widely spoken. The currency is the Euro (€). Credit and debit cards are commonly accepted, but it's always good to have some cash for small purchases.
Safety and Etiquette
Amsterdam is generally safe, but like any major city, be mindful of your belongings, especially in crowded areas. When cycling, always use bike lanes and respect traffic rules.
Traveling from Dhaka to Amsterdam promises a rich tapestry of experiences, from the tranquility of its canals to the vibrancy of its cultural landmarks. Whether you're indulging in Dutch delicacies, exploring world-class museums, or simply soaking in the city's unique atmosphere, Amsterdam offers something for every traveler. Use this guide to plan your trip and make the most of your Dutch adventure.
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umichenginabroad · 9 months ago
Welcome to the Basque Country!
Week 1 (first half)
The trek from Michigan to Spain was definitely an interesting series of planes, buses, and cars. I left DTW for a late night flight to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. I've never been on a super long flight before, so eating dinner and breakfast on the plane was a pretty cool experience. Would rate both meals a solid 8/10 (the chocolate-filled breakfast pastry was fire). AMS was a busy and BIG airport, but they're very efficient and have a lot of amenities for travelers. The bathroom situation is the only thing that I would say I didn't like, just because I spent so long trying to figure out how to flush the toilet and ended up clicking random buttons until it worked...a very classic new traveler moment. Besides that, I secured my stroopwaffles and was on my way to the Bilbao airport. On that flight, I ended up sitting next to a girl around my age who turned out to be from San Sebastian! She was returning to Spain after being in the United States for a study abroad type of program, which I thought was a funny coincidence since I'm just starting mine. From BIO I hopped on a bus to San Sebastian's city center, and along the way I was so amazed at how different the elevation is compared to what I see on a day-to-day basis in Michigan. At some points we would be so high up that my ears started to pop, and at other times I was looking out the window and barely even seeing the tops of the hills/mountains. Another thing I didn't really expect is the amount of forestry literally everywhere in the region. It makes for a really pretty landscape and is very interesting to see the houses and buildings interspersed through the mountainous areas in these thick groves of trees. By this point, I was already falling asleep but needed to make it through one more taxi ride until I could finally collapse!! I successfully called over a taxi, and immediately had to start using my Spanish with the driver. For a second I forgot that I was in a country where the primary language was something different than English, but once I knew he could understand what I was saying I became more comfortable talking with him. He was a super nice guy who pointed out different areas of the city that I should check out while driving me to the hotel (I never got his name but he's my hero for real!). After about 14 hours of travel, I bet you're wondering how it felt to hit the bed. Welllll, I dropped my things off in my room and then took off to take a walk around the city since I got a crazy energy rush and beat the jetlag (for now). On a normal Friday night at home, the streets and roads would be pretty dead and without much activity. That's the complete opposite of how it was in San Sebastian throughout the city. There were families with their kids, couples, groups of friends, performers, and just people everywhere out eating food and socializing. I loved it! In a way it makes you feel connected to everyone else because it's so lively and energetic. Overall, my first night in a new country was 100% a win.
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When in San Sebastian, you get used to seeing signs or buildings in either Spanish or Euskara. I learned from the peer mentors at the University how Euskara is commonly used by the locals, that it's taught at home by parents or at school along with Spanish, and even that to work in the Basque country, it's necessary to know how to speak the Basque language. I was wondering if I could learn it but, unfortunately, it's a very ancient language that's influenced others like Spanish or French, but hard to pick up because it's so complex. However! Learning words or phrases isn't out of the question, so a new challenge of mine is to see how much Euskara I can fill my brain with before leaving. When we were doing an activity with the PMs I was listening to them speak what I thought was Spanish, thinking to myself like how do I not understand them at all??? Did my brain just flip out and now all my years of Spanish were for nothing?? To my relief, they explained it was Euskara and I felt soooo much better that I wasn't tripping. Below are some pictures of the streets we've walked through that show a little bit of the Basque language, along with a very famous hotel (the Maria Cristina), and an ancient thermometer/barometer!
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It's very common here to relax and enjoy while eating, which hey, I'm not complaining and always down for some good foods. The first day of our program, we were taken out to this super amazing spot on a cable car called Monte Igueldo. The view overlooked the entirety of San Sebastian, which was nothing short of absolutely breathtaking. We had lunch at a restaurant near the top, and I had my first taste of highly anticipated...paella! Between the seafood and meat paella, I would have to say that the flavor was stronger in the meat one. It's definitely worth all that everyone says about it, along with the famous sidra (cider) of the basque region. Cider is so crazy popular here that sometimes locals will drink it in place of water for their meals. At first, I didn't get the hype, but after visiting the Cider House for another one of our events later in the week, I see it now. I'm gonna take a minute to talk about the Cider House because it was a really cool experience and I think there should be more places in the states like it. Basically, it's a big social event where different courses are served throughout the evening, such as cod, steaks, salads, chorizos, fish soups, etc. along with drinking cider that you get from these huge barrels and talking with other people who are there at the same time. It was a nice bonding moment with the peer mentors and also with the other students as well! Another type of social event is the pintxos, similar to tapas. There are a TON of combinations of these finger foods, ranging from something small like a ham croqueta to actual fried octopus. I know that there are so many food posts from a bunch of other bloggers, but I've gotta hop on that bandwagon and at least show a few pictures. SIDE NOTE! The coffee here is super strong and super fire. I don't want to hate too hard on Ann Arbor coffee, but the automatic coffee machines in the duderstadt do not compare to the ones they have here. First off, the prices are cheappp, and secondly the flavors and options are superior. I've featured several different foods here: the pintxos that I've tried so far, the paella, a chicken milanesa, and a café con leche XXL. Spain EATS with the food game.
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So far, I've had a great time exploring the city, talking with the locals, trying different things, and seeing how the culture in Spain compares to that of the United States. We've been doing so much everyday, but I can't fit all of it in just one post so I'll be doing a second half of week 1 coming soon! Thanks for sticking through this looong post (I like to ramble sometimes so you're a trooper for making it to the end). The pic below is of me and some of my friends at the top of Monte Igueldo!
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Agur! (Goodbye in Euskara)
Emily Dobao
Biomedical Engineering
IPE San Sebastian, Spain
May 26th, 2024
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stringeralong · 1 year ago
Netherlands, Feb 2023 - Day 1 of 4
While at work on Thursday 2nd of February, it dawned on me that once I was finished for the day, I wouldn’t have any work until Tuesday afternoon and I decided to head over to Amsterdam as I had never been and it sounded like a better idea than rotting on the sofa (my usual time off activity).
So I booked my coaches, hostel, and museum tickets and rushed home to pack.
Coach: Searched using Rome2Rio, taken through to Omio, which booked a Megabus outward and a BlaBlaCar Bus return. Total cost £66.67.
The coach was a mistake. Apparently I was not the only person who decided Thursday night was the best time to travel. The coach I was booked onto didn’t actually exist/arrive, so the driver of another coach was told to take us. So we all squished into a bus. I had a chatty seat neighbour who snored. Dull.
We took the ferry, rather than the tunnel, and had a brief stop in France and Belgium. Eventually making it to Amsterdam just after 11am local time Friday morning. We were only an hour late!
Hopped on a train from Amsterdam Sloterdijk to Amsterdam Centraal for €3.60 (£3.22)
Breakfast was the first order of the day, though by then it was slowly becoming a Lunch. I half wandered towards my hostel while perusing the options. I knew I desperately wanted pancakes, but so did everyone else as most pancake places were busy. Some even had queues out the door, which my stomach was not prepared for.
I managed to find Madame Pancake, busy but without a queue.
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€18.20 (£16.30) for Bacon + Chorizo Pancakes and an Iced Oat Vanilla Latte.
The lack of queue did not mean lack of quality as it was delicious and just what I needed. Satisfied and happy, I headed to the hostel for a drink before checking in.
Hostel: Durty Nelly’s Inn. £143 for a bunk in a mixed 10 bed dorm for 3 nights. Official Website | Booking.com
Obviously, I had to have a pint of Kilkenny Cream.
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I drink slowly so by the time the glass was empty, check in was open (1400). The receptionist was super friendly and helpful. (As were the bar staff)
Room was clean and (as a green lover) nicely decorated. I had the bottom bunk so I could drunkenly stumble into bed without risking death. I had a lockable (with padlock) wire tray underneath that wheeled out.
After a much needed nap, I went out for an explore in search of cocktails. Finding a good cocktail bar is always a priority when I travel solo. Lucky for me, I found one in no time.
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Dutch Courage: prices ranged from €8 - €10.50 for the different cocktails.
I had to have the one called a Van Gogh, inspired by his sunflower series, as I was having a Van Gogh heavy weekend. The bartenders had great recommendations, and were really happy to chat and were asking me about my trip.
After a few (several…) I caught a train off to Leiden, a city about 25min from Amsterdam Noid, for €22.20 (£19.88) return, to meet a friend who works nearby.
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We went to a strange bar in a disused warehouse building to meet some of his coworkers. After it closed, we sort of ambled around trying to find a club. The club scene is not poppin, as they say, in Leiden. I was back in the hostel by about 2am.
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tellme-yourtroubles · 2 years ago
Amsterdam, as usual, was amazing.
Made 100 times better being there with some of my favourite people. By pure luck my uncle, auntie and cousins were there at the same time as I was. We went on a hop-on-hop-off bus and canal tour which was so fun and different than what I've done there before. We mainly just spent time together and I stayed with them rather than my hostel.
After feeling a little lost and lonely it was so special to see them. Amsterdam is one of my favourite places in the world and I can't wait to go back there.
We went out seperate ways and I headed to Frankfurt as they headed towards Bruge.
Frankfurt was not what I expected at all. My hostel was in the middle of the red light district which was scary being alone. My actual hostel was really nice though, everyone was super friendly and it was very safe indoors 😂.
I thought I'd just settle in and have a drink at the bar. I ended up making friends with a couple of Americans and headed out with them to a free food festival nearby. We spent too long drinking at the hostel that it was over by the time we got there. In our travels we found a DJ in the park and decided to join the make shift dance floor.
It was fun then we headed back to the hostel to play pool and hang out there.
I slept in late then went to look around Frankfurt and I was very intimidated. I must have gone to the worst part of town because I felt very unsafe. I wasn't out for long before I headed home to make plans for the coming weeks.
I went to the other side of the city the next day which was so beautiful. It was clean and historic with lots of shopping and beautiful things to see. It was such a relief to find the better side of town.
I had a classic schnitzel for dinner and packed my bags to head to Copenhagen!
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failedintsave · 3 years ago
🥶 for any couple you please! I'm terrible at picking ships for other people to write, lol (Gointothevvater)
[Send me an emoji and I'll write a drabble]
Picking a ship probably took longer than writing this haha. I didn't know what canon character ship you'd prefer so I tried my hand at some Ceelie x Pickles, hope you don't mind me borrowing your OC again, I adore her!
🥶- Cold
The multicolored swirl of oil skimmed the surface of gray puddles gathered in the gutter, dirty runoff washing from London's busy roadways even as the rain finally let up. Exhaust and petrichor filled the air outside the sold-out Hammersmith Odeon, but Pickles smothered the scent of either, lighting up another in a series of cigarettes and trying not to let the weather completely ruin the brand new red boots he wore. He hopped to the side, cursing as a bus pulled away from the curb, splashing filthy water onto the sidewalk next to him.
Ahead, laughter echoed off the concrete curve of the overpass as St. Cecilia rounded a corner, the sound like silver striking crystal stemware. Readjusting the hood of his sweatshirt to shield what was left of his melting hairspray, Pickles quickened his pace to catch her. He'd grabbed the jacket off the floor thinking it was his, but the length of the sleeves and the smell of perfume as he slipped it on told him otherwise.
"Tell me again why we couldn't jest get drunk in tha'hotel room? Why're ya draggin' me out in this creap?" He groused, turning sideways to dodge a man hustling past with an umbrella.
Snakes n Barrels' first global tour had taken them to a myriad of distant locales; from Tokyo to Toronto, Auckland to Amsterdam, they'd performed in every corner of the globe and burned down the house at every stop. Once, quite literally. He wasn't sure New Orleans would be hosting them again soon, but it had been one hell of a show and an even better after party. The French Quarter had certainly seen bigger disasters.
"Because," St. Cecilia called, spinning around to walk backwards so she could catch his eye. "I want a proper pint while we're here, and so should you!"
Truth be told, she always had his eye, from the first moment he'd seen her. Her honey brown gaze sparkled with amusement under shaggy, blonde bangs made slightly frizzy by the humidity. A coquettish grin curled lips painted purple, not by the late November chill, but with her favored lipstick. Pickles could almost feel their soft press on his palm, transferring the vibrant shade to his skin for the thousandth time before curtain call. It was fast becoming one of his favorite colors, second only to the lighter version that graced Ceelie's lips after he'd kissed most of it off.
She led him a few blocks further, through lingering mist and past shop fronts just beginning to adorn their windows for the Christmas season, stopping finally at a heavy wooden door. The lower half of the building was painted cream and trimmed in a deep green, the red brick of its upper story streaked with sooty marks and capped with decorative stone balusters. Square panes of lead glass flanked the door, obscuring the interior but for a warm yellow glow within. No signage named the building a pub but there was a murmur of voices and laughter beyond the walls.
"This should do." 
"Thank Christ, I'm freezin' my nuts off." Pickles tugged at the hem of his hoodie, trying to cover his partially exposed midriff. He crowded in behind her as she reached for the door handle.
Rather than open it, St. Cecilia turned and placed her back against the wood, effectively blocking the entrance and quirking one dark brow at him.
"I thought the winters were terrible cold where you're from? Shouldn't you be used to it?"
"Jest cuz it's familiar don't mean I gahtta like it." He reached past her to open the door but she caught his hand, her slim fingers remarkably warm as she held his frozen digits.
"You poor thing. Alright, a quick round, then back in time to warm up." She pressed her lips to his fingertips, a mischievous sparkle glinting in her eyes as she gave one a tiny kitten lick. "The boys should be ready for soundcheck by the time we've finished, yeah?"
Pickles grinned crookedly in return. "Oh, I dunno. Might take me a while ta' thaw out after this lil' adventure."
"Not like we haven't made them wait before." Ceelie purred, dragging him inside by the hoodie's drawstrings. Even in a blizzard, that tone would always make Pickles melt.
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hesbythecampfire · 2 years ago
9) Best trip of your life.
Disclaimer: I owned a cruise only travel agency for 25 years.
It was technically 2 trips. We had to come back to the states for a couple of weeks in between. Ya gotta take care of business. So we started in Athens and explored there. (I know the back way to the Acropolis) The Placa. Dinner with new friends under the Temple of the winds. Matching Ouzos glass for glass with my new best friend. 🙂 Cruise to Istanbul for an overnight. Exploring the Grand Bazaar and Spice Bazaar. Hagia Sophia through the Muslim entrance with another new friend. Street food to die for. Overnight in Cairo. The Pyramids the museum. The Pizza Hut across from the Sphinx. Kids on camels. Rome and home. Back to Budapest. 16 nights to Amsterdam. Exploring small towns. A return to Vienna, hopped off the tour bus and went on our own visits to old places a nd places we'd missed last time. Took the train to the end of the line to meet the boat. Dinner with new friends who invited us to join them while we were waiting for a table. Getting a reputation for being the last guests back on the boat at every stop. Sharing wines we found, on the top deck in the evenings and telling stories about our days. Ending in Amsterdam on Gay Pride Day. That, my friends is another story for another day.
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azozzoni · 5 years ago
Can you write more chapter for the lucas VDH x Jens because it's amazing!!!!!
The official ship name is Van der Stoffels, VDS, in case anyone is wondering...
The boys want to go to a concert in Amsterdam this weekend.
Lucas stared at the message, chewing on his bottom lip. There was nothing inherently bad about it, nothing exactly implied. Nothing to indicate exactly what Lucas was thinking right now as he reread Jens’ words.
Coming to Amsterdam, not that far away, close enough to hop on a train or a bus and go there for the evening.
“There he is, staring at his phone again.”
Lucas jerked his head up at Jayden’s voice behind him. Shoving his phone away, he turned to Jayden and Kes as they approached him.
“If you’re not careful, we might think there was someone special,” Kes said, and even though he smiled as if it was a joke, there was something akin to concern in the way he watched Lucas.
“It’s nothing,” Lucas said easily, shaking his head, shaking off the feeling of guilt when Kes didn’t look away. “Just a friend.”
“You have friends other than us?” Jayden asked, doubtful. “Since when?”
Rolling his eyes, Lucas ignored him. “You guys want to go to Amsterdam this weekend?” he asked instead, clutching the phone in his pocket as it vibrated with another notification.
Kes frowned slightly, as though the question was strange. It wasn’t that strange, Lucas didn’t think.
“I’m still grounded from the party last weekend,” he said finally. “Remember my dad caught me sneaking back in at two AM?”
“Oh, yeah,” Lucas agreed, feeling the swoop in his stomach. He’d made up a stupid excuse last weekend as to why Kes couldn’t stay over--he’d said it was his mom, in one of her moods where everyone was a target, but the truth was, he hadn’t wanted to wake up to Kes in his bed.
“Why go to Amsterdam when there are hot girls right here,” Jayden said, eyes following a group of girls across the courtyard. “I heard Olivia is throwing a party.”
Lucas had no interest in a party at Olivia’s, a party where he would surely be forced to pretend he wanted to hook up with some random girl, forced to listen to Jayden drooling over girls he would never get, watch Kes actually hook up with someone.
Lucas couldn’t help himself when he pulled out his phone, checking the DMs on Instagram, the one new from Jens.
Sander wants to go to a gay bar after. Any recommendations? ;)
There it was, the clear invitation, and Lucas felt himself smiling. It had been a few weeks since he’d met Jens in that cafe, kissed him on the dewy bench in the starlight. Since then, it had been a few messages, liking each other’s posts on Instagram, almost flirting, but Lucas still had no idea what he was doing, what he was supposed to do. And Ralph had been no help, only saying that if he wanted something with a guy, he had to be as blunt as possible.
“There he goes again,” Jayden said, reaching for the phone, but Lucas jerked it out of his reach, a sudden shot of panic racing through him. “Who the fuck are you messaging?”
“It’s just Isa,” he lied, locking his phone. “She sent a meme. That’s all.” He looked away from Kes’ gaze, eyebrows furrowed as though trying to figure something out. “If you’re gonna try to hook up with Olivia, I think she’s well out of your league.”
“Fuck you,” Jayden scoffed, but he was sufficiently distracted, and Lucas let out a breath as Jayden went on to name all the girls who would die to sleep with him.
Kes wasn’t so easily distracted, and he continued to watch Lucas for a while after that, but for once, Lucas wasn’t thinking about Kes. Instead, he was busy planning a trek to Amsterdam.
Lucas kind of wished Ralph was there as he stepped inside the bar, the rainbow flags hanging on the walls, colored lights flashing over what might have been a dance floor, but people were mostly standing around in groups, drinking and laughing over the loud music. It would have been nice to have someone to tell him things were going to be fine. That he hadn’t taken a bus all the way up here to meet a guy he barely knew for… Lucas didn’t even know exactly why he was there.
He saw Jens first, couldn’t miss him at the bar with the same two guys from last time--the tiny one with brown hair and the guy with bleach-blond hair. There was another guy he didn’t recognize laughing with Jens as Lucas took a breath and stepped forward.
He could do this. He could totally do this. After all, he’d been talking with Jens for a month now, sending stupid memes back and forth, complaining about school, making slightly suggestive jokes that would have made him cringe to say out loud.
Jens’ face lit up as he caught sight of Lucas, and Lucas felt his stomach swoop, like he’d missed a stair.
“Hey, you came,” he said, and Lucas wondered if Jens had thought maybe he wouldn’t.
“Nothing better to do.” He shrugged, biting back his smile as Jens laughed. This wasn’t so hard. He could do this.
“Glad I rank so high,” Jens said, turning to his friends. “Guys, this is Lucas, from Utrecht.”
There was a flash of recognition on the tiny brunet’s face, and Lucas wondered what Jens had told them. Probably more than he’d told his friends, which was nothing.
“This is Robbe, Sander, and Aaron,” Jens introduced him, nodding at each guy in turn.
Aaron, the one with curly hair, reached for Lucas’ hand, oddly formal. “I’m not gay but I support it,” he said firmly, and Lucas raised an eyebrow.
Luckily, Jens cuffed Aaron on his shoulder. “Don’t be an idiot.” He glanced at Lucas. “You want a drink?”
“Sure,” Lucas agreed, watching Sander whisper something into Robbe’s ear. Robbe seemed to blush, but he nodded.
“We’re going to grab a table,” Robbe said, tugging Sander with him.
“In the back,” Sander added, half a shout as Robbe pulled him away. “In a very dark corner!”
Jens merely rolled his eyes, turning to the bartender and ordering a couple drinks. Aaron lingered awkwardly until Jens shot him a look.
“I’m gonna…” He gestured vaguely with his hand before stepping away and leaving them alone. Lucas wasn’t sure what any of that meant, but it was easier with just him and Jens, clinking bottles before they drank.
“You didn’t bring any of your friends?” Jens asked, not glancing around as if to find any.
“No,” Lucas said after a minute. “They don’t really…” know he’s into guys? He wasn’t sure how to finish that thought and sighed.
“You’re not out,” Jens said slowly, and Lucas swallowed, shaking his head.
“It’s not that I think Kes is going to care, not really. I just don’t want things to change.”
He didn’t know how to explain it, the fear he felt at telling the guys. Deep down, he was pretty sure Kes wouldn’t care at all, would probably hug Lucas and insist they all go out to a gay club or something. That was what worried him, that suddenly he would be gay. As if he wasn’t already. He knew it made no sense.
Jens was quiet for a moment, watching Lucas. “Things did change when Robbe came out,” he said finally, glancing through the crowd to where Robbe and Sander were making out in a corner. “But it was a good change. It was like he could breathe again, like we all could.”
“And what about you?” Lucas asked, wishing they could talk about something else other than coming out and whether or not it would help things.
Jens shrugged, smiling at Lucas. “I got drunk and kissed a guy at a party, so it wasn’t so much a coming out as everyone just sort of shrugged and went on drinking.”
Lucas wished it could be that easy.
Jens glanced at him, nudging his shoulder. “If you want, I could go to a party with you, crowd you into a corner and see what happens.”
Lucas laughed despite himself. “I think I know what would happen.”
“Do you?” Jens asked, eyebrows rising. His fingers brushed against Lucas’ as he reached for his beer.
Lucas had thought about the kiss they’d shared last time, had thought about it late at night, lying in bed and staring at the dark ceiling, had wondered what might have happened if they hadn’t been interrupted. Not that he was ready for anything other than kissing yet, but he had definitely thought about Jens’ mouth late at night.
“How about I do it right here?” Jens asked, and Lucas felt the blush spreading over his cheeks, down his neck, torn between excited and nervous. “As a test run.”
It was so bold that Lucas laughed, glancing around, but no one there cared. No one in that entire bar would care if he leaned in right now and kissed Jens. Half the people in there were doing that. Robbe was practically in Sander’s lap across the room, giggling as Sander pressed kisses to his neck.
That was why he’d come here, he realized as they leaned against the bar, some electric pop song throbbing through the speakers. This was what he’d wanted to happen as Jens nodded away from the bar, into the crowd, and Lucas followed without a word.
With Jens’ arms around his shoulders, they swayed to the music, not really dancing, and Lucas could only think of the slide of Jens’ hand down his shoulder to his waist. It was so different than with Kes, a different kind of tingle on his skin, a different kind of clench in his stomach because this could actually happen. This was Jens’ mouth so close to his, lips soft and parted, dark eyes sweeping up Lucas’ face, mouth curling into a smile as though he knew what Lucas was thinking.
“Would this happen?” Jens asked as their hips moved together, his hand on the small of Lucas’ back, warm and reassuring.
“Probably not,” Lucas admitted, whispered the words, distracted by the proximity of Jens’ mouth, and somehow he wasn’t surprised when their lips met.
Jens was a good kisser, and Lucas didn’t let himself wonder how many people Jens had done this with. It didn’t matter, not really, not when it was Jens’ tongue sliding in his mouth, teeth closing on his bottom lip, hot and heavy and urgent in a way Lucas had never felt with any of the girls he’d been with.
Sliding his hands through Jens’ soft hair, he sighed against him, chasing his tongue, body growing warm under Jens’ hands on his waist. It didn’t matter that there were people around--none of them gave a single fuck about Lucas and who he was kissing, and it felt amazing.
Jens’ lips were red when they finally parted, and he let out a breath as he smiled at Lucas. “Would that happen?”
“Definitely not,” Lucas said, but he couldn’t help smiling as he leaned back into Jens, wanting more, not ready to let go of this moment.
Jens kissed him back, slid his hands to Lucas’ shoulder blades, one coming to grip the back of his neck.
It wasn’t as if they were dating, as if they were together or anything, but Lucas didn’t care about that. He just cared about how good this felt, how easy it was to kiss Jens in the middle of a dance floor and not care about what anyone thought.
“You could make it happen,” Jens suggested when they pulled away to breathe, his fingers stroking over the flush on Lucas’ cheek.
Lucas shook his head. “Not yet.”
Jens nodded slowly, and Lucas sighed, relaxing with his hands around Jens’ shoulders.
“If you change your mind,” Jens said after a minute. “I’m totally down to come crash any party and make out with you.”
Lucas met Jens’ gaze, smiling after a second. This was the closest they’d gotten to actually talking about what was going on here. Maybe they were just friends who made out when they met up, or maybe it was something else, something Lucas hadn’t discovered quite yet. For whatever reason, he wasn’t too concerned about what they were.
“Yeah?” he asked finally, and Jens shrugged.
“You’re a good kisser.”
Laughing, Lucas shook his head. He didn’t need to know what they were doing or if this was going anywhere. He was pretty sure it was going somewhere.
“I’ll let you know,” he said, not entirely joking, and Jens seemed to understand as he nodded.
“We should make out some more,” he said after a minute, hands coming to Lucas’ face, and Lucas smiled.
“Okay,” he agreed, the words murmured against Jens’ lips as he moved in. He let his hands slide into Jens’ hair as Jens licked into his mouth and they stayed on the dance floor, bodies blending into the colored lights and fading into the background.
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chemiste · 5 years ago
Foresight ~ ch.4
a/n: heyooooo, it’s chapter 4! btw, if y’all have requests send them in!!
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Once at the tour bus, you were met with various sleepy stares from a couple crew and the band members.
Sarah came up to you and basically melted into your hug, “I’m so tired…” She mumbled. You agreed with her as a crew person came up to take your suitcase and store it under the bus.
You realized there was more than once bus and wondered where you were supposed to go, “Hey Sar, do you know which bus I’m supposed to go on?” She rubbed the sleep out of her eye, “You’re probably on ours cause you’re Harry Styles ‘best friend’ right?” You nodded at her prediction and started to wonder about the friend thing.
Are we just going to pretend? Or does he actually wanna be real friends…
You were interrupted from your thoughts by Jeff tapping on your shoulder. “Good morning sunshine.” “Hey, Jeff.” “There’s an extra bed in the band’s bus you can take that one.” You gave a smile to him, “Thanks.”
Everyone climbed into their respective buses so they could start the 5-hour drive right on the dot. The bus was a lot bigger than you expected.
In the front behind the driver's seat was a long couch that sat opposite its twin couch, it the left corner close to the bus door was a tv drilled into the wall that sat diagonally. Farther back was a booth and table and then a mini kitchen on the right side. You walked farther back and saw on the left the small slide door to the bathroom and then another sliding door in the middle of the hallway opened to show the 4 sets of bunk beds, two on each side.
Each bed was covered with a curtain you could pull back. All of the beds thankfully, had their curtains open so you could see which one would most like be yours. It was the last bottom bed on the left side, it was the only one that didn’t have any pictures stuck on the walls inside around the tiny windows. One bed had fairy lights taped to the ceiling and another had a poster of Fleetwood Mac.
Putting down your backpack, you sat down onto the teal duvet that was too soft to be real.
“Innit comfy? 100% Egyptian Cotton.” You looked up to find a very cozy looking boy. Harry was wearing grey sweatpants and a tour hoodie.
His hair was sticking out from different angles and you could see the faint shadow of a beard growing. “Hi Harry, how are you feeling?” You asked as he sat down on the bed across from yours and started to take off his shoes.
“I’ll be better once we’re on the road.” Something about this tone made you wonder if he had a rough night but you didn’t ask anything else as the engine started up and the rest of the band came into the sleeping area to try and sleep the whole trip to Amsterdam.
Someone hit the lights off as the bus started to move and everyone’s curtains closed sans yours and Harry’s. You pulled your noise-canceling headphones you’d gotten as a present from a friend the year before and connected it to your phone to play some tunes to drown out the hum of the engine.
Little streams of light flashed in from your tiny window every so often so you pulled the black-out blinds shut and climbed into the XL twin bed.
You gave a little wave to Harry who had set up with a book and closed your curtain to try and sleep.
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At some point on the drive, one of the turns the tour bus had taken jostled you awake. You pulled your blinds up a tiny bit to see that the sun was just breaking over the horizon.
You pulled your headphones off and took your hair down to brush through with your fingers. You contemplated going back to sleep but decided not to so you could enjoy the sunrise as you rode through the lovely landscape of Europe. You closed your blinds again and pulled back your curtains to get out of bed.
What surprised you was the bed across from you was empty, the curtain pulled back all the way and the conformer kicked down towards the end of the bed. After glancing around to see all the others were closed, you tiptoed out of the corridor and slipped out the sliding door, softly closing it behind you.
“Wha ’re doin’ up so early?
A British voice asked as you turned around to see the man of the hour sprawled out on the left side couch with a bowl of oatmeal in hand.
You padded over to the opposite couch and sat down into it, admiring how it swallowed you up.
Sorta like the cat bus in Totoro…
“Just got jostled awake by a turn, I wanted to watch the sunrise.” He hummed at your response and took a scoop of oatmeal.
You glanced over your shoulder to see the horizon painted with rays of yellow, orange, and peach.
“Sorta looks like a Sunflower doesn’t it?” You said aloud to him, still watching the new bursts of light dance around on the land below it. You heard the tap in the kitchen run and looked to see Harry rinsing out his empty bowl.
“Why are you up so early?” You finally asked, after swaying between thinking it might overstep boundaries or not. He shrugged and sat down, this time sitting on your couch. He rested an arm on the backrest and watched the road.
“Not sleeping well I guess.” You didn’t say anything, just watched out the window with him, not wanting to scare him if he decided to elaborate.
After a few minutes, he finally did. “I had a phone call last night that I wasn’t expecting and it just, messed with my head. Didn’t sleep very well s’all.”
Frankly, you didn’t know what position you were in to give advice but he seemed pretty torn up so you decided to give it a go.
“When I get into an argument with someone, I try and think of the qualities of them that I love them for and try to see my side from their point of view. Sometimes it infuriates me to the core cause I can’t see a different version of the story than mine, but once I do its easier to work things out cause then I can address the points that, if I were in their shoes, would upset me.”
He didn’t say anything, so you continued. “But Harry,” you put a hand on his shoulder and he turned his face ever so slightly to look at you, “remember that sometimes the other side of the argument may not be true and you can’t do anything about it. So if you can’t do anything to change it, don’t let yourself be consumed by it.”
You cracked a small smile, “Plus lavender and chamomile tea always put my mind at ease and it’s easier to sleep after a cuppa I think.”
The conversation ended without his response because Mitch and Sarah came into the main space to make coffee and breakfast. While the three musicians chatted, you slipped back into the cabin to grab your toothbrush and went into the bathroom to brush your teeth and do other things. You curled your eyelashes again, just in case.
After putting your makeup bag back in your backpack, you pulled your laptop out and sat down on your bed after pulled the blinds up. You didn’t get under the covers because it started to get warm in the bus.
“Clare?” The woman in question looked down at you from the top bunk that sat diagonally opposite yours. “Is there wifi on the bus?” She smiled and answered. “Ya, connect to the router ‘only’ and type in for the password ‘angel’.”
You snorted at the namesake of both titles and gave her a thanks. You opened your email account and sent an email to both of your college profs to plead to ask to transfer your work online.
Hello prof!
So, a situation has occurred and I’m going now to be in Europe for the next month. Is there any way I would be able to transfer my classes online for the time being?
Let me know what actions I need to take.
After re-reading it a couple times, you sent it off just to get out there before class was supposed to start again.
For the next two hours, you went over the syllabus and tried to find things you’d be able to write about or take pictures of incase your teachers needed a bit more convincing.
You had pulled out your camera and were looking through some of the recent pictures of Europe you had taken for the extra credit assignment your photography teacher had given you when Harry walked back into the sleeping area.
He sat on his bed and pulled his feet into a crisscross applesauce position.
“You’re a photographer?” He inquired. You glanced up at him for a moment and then looked back down in concentration on the picture in front of you and the screen of your laptop.
“Yeah, for class.—Damn, I don’t think this photo qualifies.” “Huh?” Harry hopped off his bed and peaked down to what you were looking at.
“Scoot over.” “What?”
He rolled his eyes are you and squished onto the bed with you. “What are you working on?” He asked with what looked like, honest interest. It surprised you a bit, since why would he care?
He could be doing so many, probably more important things on the ride than sitting with me.
“Well, I’m taking a photography class in college, one of my last actually. I did dual credit classes in high school and only needed a few to technically graduate with my degree.”
“Wha’s your degree ’n?”
“Photography and Media Arts with a minor in Creative Writing.”
He blew a larger breath out and sat back against the pillows you propped up against the wall, “That’s a mouthful innit?”
You smiled and held the camera up a bit to zoom into the picture. “I love it, I actually take photos for a few companies in New York which is exciting. It’ll help that I already have clients leaving college.”
“Where do you go to college?” “NYU.” “Very cool aren’t yeh?” You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear and smiled at the compliment. “So what’s wrong with the picture?” He asked.
“I’m working on an assignment—” “during spring break?!” “—an extra credit assignment, and basically for each of these words I need a picture that correlates to it. The crossed off ones I’ve already completed.”
Harry leaned forward to read the words off your laptop.
Extra Credit Work
Please take photos over this month and relate at least one picture to each word below. Each picture is worth 10 points. You can add a caption about the picture to help it associate in need.
Due May 1st.
“This is the photo I wanted to use for Joy but I don’t know if it's too generic or not.”
You gave him the camera, the photo was of Maggie on the first day in Paris. She was leaning backwards, looking at the Eiffel Tower.
“See, you can’t see her face, which is okay but the body isn’t giving that much expression either so I’m not sure if it will come off as stiff or not.”
He spent a few more moments looking at the picture and then the word. “I think it represents joy perfectly.”
You tilted your head and gave a quizzical expression.
“Look,” he started, “your definition of joy is different from someone else, right? But it’s easier to see that the focus of the photo is in a carefree state, leanin’ back, hair down. An’ I don’t think her body is stiff, ’t’s just relaxed. You can add a caption too if you want right? Maybe add somethin' like, the true feeling of joy ’s when you can finally throw your head back an’ not worry about hittin a wall or som’hin like that.”
He handed you the camera back and you looked at the picture again with a different view on it. “Wow—thank you, that’s honestly just what I needed to hear.” He looked down to his fingers, “can say the same fo’ this morin’, thank you fo’ that.”
Close it quickly Y/N….
Close them…huh?
Someone yelled from the main corridor. Harry jumped up from the bed and you pulled your blind shut as he pulled his shut and checked the others.
“Wha’ is it?!” He yelled into the other room, you trailed behind him after putting your things back into your backpack. Adam had a clicker in his hand that put down a black veil over both large windows in the main compartment.
“This bus has blacked-out windows, why the veils?” You asked.
“Cause if fans come up to the bus with a flash camera, it can still take a picture of the inside, this way the veil blocks it out.” The veils still allowed you to see through them sorta and you gasped at the sight before you. It seemed as though hundreds of people had mobbed the as the bus was trying to drive through.
“We’re in Amsterdam.” You stated.
 “Yeah,” Mitch replied, “seems as though the fans were tipped off of which hotel we’re staying in or something.” After hearing that, the whole room filled with a slight tension that caused you back to ache.
Clare glanced at her phone, “Jeffery is telling us to brace ourselves cause the hotel doesn’t have a private entrance we could drive through, we’re gonna have to go through the crowd.” The band dispersed to get their stuff.
As you packed up, Harry’s phone started to ring.
“Yeh? Mhm, yeah—fuck you’r right.” The British heartthrob turned to look at you which made you wonder who he was talking to.
“Will do, bye.” He ended the call and took his black hoodie off.
“Give me your sweatshirt, Jeff says we’ve got to make sure you don’t draw too much attention to yourself cause we don’t want a riot since we don’t ‘ave security wit’ us.”
You nodded and shrugged off the pink long sleeve. Once you got the hoodie over your head, you noticed how it engulfed you slightly.
“Got any sunnies?”
You pulled some out from a case in your bag and slipped them on. “We’re as close to the door as we can get, it’s time to go!”
Sarah called out to the band. “Hold you’r backpack in your hand, don’t want them to grab the handle and yank you back.” You only nodded and tied your tennis shoes before following the rest of them out to the door.
“Ready? Open, open, open!”
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kindabigbear · 4 years ago
Eastern European Pilgrimage – Slovakia & Budapest, Hungary
We woke up early again this morning to head out for Budapest, Hungary.  Our first stop for the day was for mass.  We drove to this small town called Gaj where the Kosciot Narodzenia was located.  It was a cute little church.  They had one bathroom and apparently it had no toilet paper.  Luckily, mom and I had bought some travel kind to bring with us. It looked like there were redoing the grounds around the church and maybe fixing up the church itself.  After mass, we traveled farther down the road to Orawka to the Parish St John the Baptist.  It was an incredibly old church made of wood that had amazing paintings all over it.  It also had a number of graves outside.  A couple of them looked like they were from WWI or II and were probably pilots. There was a little building next door that had bathrooms.  They also had the cutest cat wandering around.  He was so friendly and cute.  We got back in the bus and headed south.  At the border to Slovakia, we stopped to use a bathroom but they ended up not being open.  It was kind of disappointing.  Plus, I think Sebastian needed to take his break.  We continued on though and eventually stopped at Donovaly.  It was a ski area and had food places, bathrooms, apartments and hotels.  We had lunch and did a little souvenir shopping.  I think we should have had lunch with Father Robert as he had pizza and we had some weird stuff with LaVern and her husband.  Slovakia is a pretty country.  I enjoyed looking at the scenery as we drove along.  There was what looked like a ruined castle of sorts on a hill and a freeway that was either being built or was abandoned.  
We arrived in Budapest toward evening.  Before we even went to the hotel, we went to dinner.  It was an interesting place…… you go through one door and then leave out another.  We ate out on a terrace like area which was good since it was really hot.  The bathrooms were downstairs though.  The food here was the worst.  A very dry looking piece of tuna on some kind of rice stuff.  I had a roll and ate some of my crackers and jerky when we got to the hotel later. I’ve been google-mapping like crazy trying to find the name of it but I can’t even find a place that even looks familiar.  On to the hotel.  It was called the Continental Hotel Budapest.  We were on the sixth floor which was maybe two from the roof.  Nice little room.  
The next morning, we met up with everyone and our guide for the day in the lobby.  We walked down the street to the Raoul Wallenberg Holocaust Memorial Park.  It has a huge weeping willow tree sculpture commemorating the Hungarian Jews who died in the Holocaust.  Their names are inscribed on the leaves of it and it’s called the Emanuel Tree.  It was pretty impressive looking.  Next to this was the Dohany Street Synagogue and the Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives.  We continued down the road and through the Varoshaza Park and to Elizabeth Square where they have a Ferris wheel called the Budapest Eye.   Here we turned off onto a small side street and walked down to St Stephen’s Basilica.  It was very pretty.  Old European churches like this are always pretty.  We had a little time to look at a souvenir shop outside before we had to get on the bus to go to our next place.  The shop had bathrooms too.  We went over to the City Market where we could find something for lunch.  There was a Burger King across the street so mom and I went there.  Nice and quick.  Meeting up with everyone again, we got on the bus and headed out of Budapest to the north. Our next stop was in the town of Esztergom.  It was right on the Danube and the border of Slovakia.  We were having mass at the Basilica of Esztergom.  It was on a hill overlooking the river.  Very pretty views and a nice area where you could look off from. Mass was in this side area.  There was a picture in there that looked like a demented goat or something.  It was really creepy looking.  We drove back to Budapest and had dinner at this place that looked like a wine cellar. They had a big barrel full of corks in it in the entrance.  After dinner, Sebastian drove us back to the hotel.  
Day two sort of.  We had a city tour of sorts.  We went out to the Millennium Monument in Heroes Square and by the Museum of Fine Arts and the Kunsthalle.  It was also near the Budapest Zoo and Vajdahunyad Castle. There was a little lake that had peddle boats that you could rent.  We drove by the Shoes on the Danube Bank which was a memorial for people killed by fascist during WWII.  We also went by Hungarian Parliament building.  Very impressive looking and even better at night with the lights all lit up.  After this, a number of us went off on our own while the rest went on a tour of the Parliament building.  Mom and I got lunch at KFC and did a bit of shopping.  Then we took a taxi back to the hotel.  For dinner tonight, we went across the river to a restaurant called Borkatakomba.  The inside was like a wine cellar with huge barrels you could sit in and have dinner.  We sat at a long table.  There was another section of long tables behind us and on either side.  I think one group was from the UK and another from China maybe.  At the end of the tables was a little stage area where some people were playing instruments.  That was also where a couple of them danced and stuff.  It was entertaining.  The food wasn’t that bad either.  
Today I stayed at the hotel while everyone went off to the top of Gellert Hill.  There was a Citadella there and you could see Fisherman’s Bastion.  I ended up seeing most of this later when mom and I went on a hop on hop off bus tour of sorts. We were supposed to have the whole day to ourselves but the leader had planned too many things for the time we had.  I think.  So much happened I might be mixing up the things we did each day.  Anyway.  Last full day, we took a hop on hop off bus out to the zoo.  Well kind of.  We went the wrong way but got there eventually.  I adore zoos.  I try to go to one everywhere I go. The giraffes were cute and I love the tiger. He was sleeping.  The lion was laying on his back.  Just a big cat.  We went as far as the polar bears and then went back down to do some shopping.  Mom was trying to find the same place she had gone to with the other ladies but we couldn’t find it.  We went back to the hotel and started packing.  Our last dinner was a river cruise and folk music show. They had a menu that you could pick what you wanted.  It was nice. It was fun.  We went up and down the Danube a couple times and ate and listened to people sing and play.  Then we went back to the hotel to sleep for a couple hours before we had to get up again and head to the airport.  
For being three in the morning, the airport was pretty packed.  We flew to Amsterdam where we had barely enough time to go through security and get to our next gate before they were loading.  I didn’t get to use the bathroom so I used the one on the plane before we took off.  We went through customs in Portland which was weird.  Then we called the hotel bus to come get us.  When we got to the hotel, I changed into shorts.  It was so hot.  We got back home by around five.  My cat was happy to see me.  
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creatingjournals-blog · 5 years ago
Travelling with us –
Since I can remember I have been wanting to visit Paris. Yes, this is very cliché I know. If we have been friends for long you would know that I always use to say when I grow up, I am going to live underneath the Eiffel Tower… farfetched right.
So, visiting Paris was a dream come true for me and my oh my did it not disappoint. Our Journey started in Amsterdam and then we were off to Paris for 6 days in wintertime. The Christmas lights and festive feels made everything feel like a real live fairy-tale. We were in awe of all the beauty Paris holds and all the new things we were taught. We started off with a rough start as the train and bus workers were striking. We were looking for solutions the entire day and one after the other they failed. At around 7 pm I told Estiaan that I did not want to run around anymore and that I just wanted to get some food and go watch Friends. So, we went to the nearest burger shop and bought the most flavourful burgers in the City and watched Friends. That night we booked the Hop on Hop off bus and we were ready to see Paris.
Over the next 5 days we went on a dinner date, saw the Eiffel Tower, Louvre, loads of Christmas markets, Arc de Triomphe, Sacre-Coeur, Disney World and so much more. We explored the City while eating at local shops and cafes. We had a taste of all the treats they had to offer and believe me there was a lot. On average we walked 30 000 steps per day and by the end of each day we were exhausted but ready for the next day’s adventure.
So here is a few of the unbelievable beautiful memories I captured.
“You never forget your first trip to Paris – unknown”
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umichenginabroad · 2 years ago
Week 3 - Salon-de-Provence
Before heading our of Paris, 6 of us decided to take a weekend trip to Amsterdam while we still were close (ish). Friday night at around 10:45, we hopped on something called a BlaBlaCar, which is an overnight bus. About 8 hours later, we pulled up in Amsterdam! It wasn't too bad of a bus ride since it was overnight - I just slept and avoided checking the time so it would go by faster. After getting to the Amsterdam train station, we took the metro to Central Station. It was really early, so we burned a bit of time going to McDonald's and using their bathroom to change and brush our teeth before going to a really good pancake place. We bought iAmsterdam cards, which got us discounted food and free admission to a lot of attractions around the city. To start us off, we went to the zoo (free with the card) and saw lots of cool animals. There were flamingos and panthers and butterflies (the butterfly exhibit is always my favorite at zoos). After a few hours at the zoo, we headed to a WWII resistance museum. It was a very interesting and informative museum and had English guides to carry around (as well as Dutch and English descriptions on everything). It was a really long museum (but I highly recommend going!), so it took us right up to check in for our hotel. Settling in the hotel made it difficult to leave because we were so tired, but we managed and went back out for dinner, the Heineken Experience (a silly tour through the original brewery), and a few of us went out to a karaoke bar to drink and sing. It was my first time doing karaoke, and it was SO fun. Those of us who went out were from Michigan, so of course we sang Mr. Brightside. Gotta represent.
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The zoo, the city, and the brewery.
For Sunday, the only opening to go to the van Gogh museum (a definite must-see if you ever find yourself in Amsterdam!) was 9:15 in the morning, so we really had to rally to get up only about 5 hours after getting home to go. The museum had a temporary exhibit talking about van Gogh near the end of his life, and it definitely let me grow a greater appreciation of his art. I also got to see a painting there that I had seen the year before in Paris, so that was very cool. The museum took HOURS, but it was (I think) around 4 very full floors. I didn't love van Gogh's art before going, but I think that was an exposure issue!! I just hadn't seen enough pieces because he had some really incredible paintings, and I'll share some of my favorites below! After van Gogh, we got lunch, where I tried the famous stroopwaffle. 10/10, highly recommend. It's just a waffle that somehow has caramel inside, and it's so, so good. We then hit the NEMO, a famous interactive science museum. It would've been cooler if there were about 100 less kids inside. The activities seemed fun, but it was difficult to do them because random kids would just come up in the middle and press buttons or flip things and generally just mess your stuff up. Not to mention that at least 3 kids got separated from their parents within the span of 30 seconds. It was super chaotic, so if you ever go, go at the least busy time so you can enjoy it more. From NEMO, we headed to a boat tour on the canals. It was so beautiful, and maybe a little too relaxing because it was starring to put me to sleep. But Amsterdam was built around the water, so you definitely have to see it from the water. After the boat tour, we got a quick dinner before heading back to the station to catch the BlaBlaCar back to Paris.
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Some cool van Gogh paintings and a view from the boat.
I got a quick nap at the hotel in Paris, packed quickly, then it was time to head to Salon-de-Provence. Monday was a very long travel day - we hopped on the RER, then the metro, then a train, then a bus to the hotel. It was pretty exhausting but did allow for a lot of nap time. We checked in, walked to dinner, then came home and crashed for the night.
Tuesday had us starting our first class at a Feench Air Force base. It was a cool experience, but my one complaint was that it was 90 degrees, and we had to wear pants - I would definitely bring thinner pants if I ever did this again. At the base, we learned about space and satellite communications, both in linking to sats and in types of image capture that sats take of the Earth. Lunch at the base was the worst of the trip for the whole time that we were there. Not yummy, and extra not fun for the vegans and vegetarians on the trip because I don't think the Air Force believes in that. After class, we went out to the town for food and to check it out. It was small but very cute, though about a 40 minute walk back to the hotel (we did not have bus tickets yet).
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Views of the city.
Wednesday started off similar to Tuesday with long class hours, but we got to finish out the day with a visit to Château Virant, which, despite the name, is not actually a castle. They make and sell wine and olive oil, so we got to tour the facilities and see the machines where it all happens, ending the visit with some taste tests. It was a lot of fun and an interesting visit! Plus the scenery around it was just gorgeous.
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Château Virant, outside and in.
Thursday was a nice break. We went to the base but just watched their acrobatics flyers practice and got to hear some about the competitions they enter (where they can pull plus/minus 10 Gs! 0_0). I've never been all that interested in planes (I'm more for the space side of things), but they were really getting me hooked....Anyway, after the mini show in the morning, we went into Marseille and to the beach. The water was cool, though very salty and rocky. Most of us left with cuts all over our feet, but honestly it was worth it. I've missed the beach so much since being here!
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The class in front of one of the planes the acrobatics team uses.
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Marseille and everyone at the beach!
Salon was a short visit, so Friday we took our exam in the morning and watched an airshow on the base in the afternoon. It was honestly better than the Paris Airshow. Everything was closer so you could see it better, and it was significantly cooler outside. One more instance of planes actually being pretty interesting. That evening, we went into town where they were hosting a fair, so I went on a silly ride and did bumper cars. I don't think I've laughed so much the entire trip, it was so fun. 
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The airshow and the fair.
We had a free day Saturday before heading to Toulouse Sunday, so 6 of us took a trip to Cassis and hiked through the Calanques. They're a little mountain area/national park not too far outside Marseille, and it was honestly one of the best days of the trip. A guy in the group, Nick, misread a sign, so instead of a 20 minutes hike to the beach we were headed to, it was closer to 2 hours. It was absolutely worth it though. There wasn't much if a view on the short path (which we took back), but it was so cool and beautiful on the way there. We stopped for a quick lunch of sandwiches that we brought and sat on a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean, which is so crazy. When we got to the beach, we were all pretty hot, so we hopped right into the water. It was pretty cold but so refreshing. We swam out a bit to this area where we did some cliff jumping (it was maybe about 15 to 20 feet high? I don't know, I'm bad at gauging that stuff). It was so incredibly fun. We go out after an hour or so, got dressed and headed back to the city for food. Overall, we spent around 7 or 8 hours in Cassis, and I'd recommend the trip to everyone who likes hiking!
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The view from Cassis.
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Finally made it to the beach!
The big jump. I'm 5 foot for height reference.
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Crazy sights during the hike.
That was all for Salon-de-Provence, so I'll see you soon for the Toulouse update!
Aryanna Thompson
Aerospace Engineering
Aerospace Summer Program 2023
P.S. Sorry this update is kind of late, the WiFi at the current hotel is very, very bad. It took so many hours to get all of these photos to upload.
P.P.S. Because this group is so funny and I've done a bad job showing it, goofy pictures will be at the end for the last few blogs:
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Sam taking a picture of what I quickly learned was a classic Ethan pose, and Chris asleep on the bus after the wine visit.
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Jon will cook anything in that little pot, Nick will eat entire rotisserie chickens at a time, and Tash will be pretty normal with her snacks (this was also moments after Nick tried his first ever hard boiled egg?). Picture on the left is when a waiter stole my phone while we went to take my BeReal.
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They are all so determined to photobomb me. One of David's many successes.
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midnightiscoming-kasabian · 6 years ago
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Kasabian’s Serge Pizzorno tells us about his debut solo album as The S.L.P.: “I’ve been completely reborn”
Jun 21, 2019
"This isn't Kasabian. It's a completely different sport"
Kasabian guitarist Serge Pizzorno has described his upcoming debut solo album as The S.L.P. as an exercise in freedom and the opportunity to show the world an “updated self-portrait.”
Last month, the guitarist and songwriter surprised fans last when he shared his debut solo track ‘Favourites’ – a collaboration with Little Simz. The rave-inspired ‘Nobody Else‘ followed, before a full album and UK/European tour was announced today – also featuring special guest slowthai.
“I’ve been describing the album as an updated self-portrait,” Pizzorno told NME at a playback of the record, following a Q&A between himself and comedian Noel Fielding. “There are three tracks following this ‘meanwhile’ concept in the beginning, middle and end. The tunes in between kind of make up the story. It’s always fascinated me that during the ‘meanwhile’ you can be here, but somewhere completely different. I tuned into that then filled in the gaps.
“I was delving into my personality, then dialling it up.”
So what does the album tell us about the real Serge Pizzorno in 2019?
“I’m feeding into the media, I’m feeding into myself, and I’m feeding into everything that’s around me,” he replied. “It’s what is coming into my brain. It feels like Britain, it feels like me, it feels like where I started, where I am and where I’m going. I’m on this journey – we all are.”
As for the sound, Pizzorno drew on a number of genres – from dance music, the cinematic scope of Ennio Morricone, indie and “skits on hip-hop records”.
“This time I ditched instruments and just made sounds with my voice, nicked sounds off the telly, nicked sounds off the net and just made stuff,” Pizzorno continued. “I was just recording the underground, recording tables and just finding sonics to strip away the layers and have a new sound.”
The inspiration behind ‘Favourites’ was also borrowed, after he heard two girls discussing dating apps while on a bus.
“This online persona is in the way of the real you,” Pizzorno told NME of the track. “They’re screaming out inside you but you can’t be that person. You have to be the perfect version of yourself, and none of us are.
“Behind closed doors we’re all as ridiculous, beautiful and crazy as everyone else. But to the world you have to show this performance. It takes us even further away from who we really are.”
Would it be fair to say that The S.L.P is the most exaggerated version of Pizzorno himself?
“Yes, it’s true! Exactly, exactly, exactly.”
After admitting that he’s already in the process of writing the next Kasabian album, Pizzorno said that he feels so invigorated by the process of making his solo record that the energy is bound to feed back into the band.
“What’s exciting for me is that I’ve been completely reborn,” Pizzorno says. “It’s reminded me of why I wanted to be an artist. Why does anybody want to make anything? It’s that first moment when you can be anything you want. You’re not weighed down by expectation or what it should or needs to be. All of the other forces in your world slip away. When you’re sat there as a five-year-old kid, you get a bit of paper and you just draw, or you just pick up a guitar and you just draw. You don’t care what any of it’s about, you don’t care if it means anything, you just do it.”
He continued: “This has jogged my memory back to that.”
As for the upcoming tour dates, Pizzorno said that fans should expect the unexpected.
“Bullet point one is that the photo from the pit can not look like the band I’m in,” he added. “The band I’m in are pretty amazing at what we do, so why would I want to do anything like that? This is a different sport. I’m in a different game.
“Once you start clearing the tables, it gets pretty exciting. You start thinking ‘What can it be?’ Then your mind starts to race. Then you start to think, ‘Fuck, this could be exciting’. You’re gonna come to see it and think, ‘Fuck, I was not expecting that’. I will be like nothing I’ve done previously.”
The S.L.P.’s upcoming UK and European tour dates are below.
September 2019
5 – SWG3, Glasgow 6 – Albert Hall, Manchester 7– O2 Institute, Birmingham 9 – EartH, London 10 – EartH, London 12 –  Circolo Magnolia, Milan 13 – Frannz, Berlin 16 – Paradiso Noord, Amsterdam
The S.L.P. is released on August 30.
Source: www.nme.com
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chaletnz · 6 years ago
Ring of Kerry tour
On my middle day in Cork, a grey sky between two sunny days, I woke up early to walk into the city to a small cafe called Filter. I was one of the first customers for the day and chatted to the barista over his customised Black Eagle coffee machine as he made my flat white and recommended places to job hunt in Galway. I wanted cash for my tour and visited 3 ATMs that only had €50 bills and nothing smaller, luckily the 4th ATM had €20s but not a €10 in sight!
The tour guide was named Marie, a soft spoken, mid 40s, stocky woman who would be taking us through the Ring of Kerry today. As we drove out of the city we learned that Cork was named by St Finbarre and translates from Irish (Gaelic) to mean "marshy land". Cork city is home to 125,000 people, however the county is home to 400,000 and is the second largest county in Ireland. Strangely enough, the Cork harbour is the second largest natural harbour in the world after Sydney. Our tour would trace the River Lee all the way back from Cork to its roots in county Kerry. Ireland experiences 30% more rainfall on average than any other country in Europe hence the nickname the Emereld Isle. A big dairy country, 40% of Ireland's exports are comprised of dairy products and have created over 400,000 jobs. After an hour or so we arrived in Killarney which is the tourist town at the entrance of the national park. Although it began to drizzle lightly I loved walking around and looking at all the small shops and admiring all the shiny coffee machine investments made in the cosy cafes. I couldn't resist a flat white and French toast with bacon at the Curious Cat cafe. They had a Black Eagle there too and yet I was the only person in the cafe the entire time! Back on the bus our drive began on the Ring of Kerry passing by the Hotel Europe and Michael Fassbender's home. The first notable town we passed through was Killorglin which hosts a street festival each year to celebrate a goat called King Puck (how quirky) and shortly afterward we arrived at the bog village. Bogs indicate watery land and grow rushes which are used to craft the St Brigid's Cross originally used to protect houses from fire. Nowadays people just peddle them to tourists and it made sense as the bog village and pub was a total tourist trap. We were all invited in to use the bathrooms and conveniently inside was a table lined with shots of Irish whiskey and bartenders ready to make Irish coffees for extravagant prices. Marie learned that somehow we had accidentally left 2 people behind in Killarney and after making arrangements for them we carried on driving to the Caragh Bridge scenic lookout and the Dingle Peninsula lookout. Both were impressive but grey skies disappointed us. We passed Daniel O'Connell's birthplace Caherciveen and his namesake memorial church, the only one in Ireland not named after a saint. O'Connell was a Catholic member of parliament representing the rights of Catholics in Ireland. We stopped for lunch in Waterville, the holiday destination of Charlie Chaplin, and the sun came out for a brief time while we watched the waves and wandered around. After lunch we reached the Ring of Kerry lookout point that was so windy I could barely open me peepers. It was top-of-Icelandic-waterfall level wind! I was very interested to learn that in the 1900s there was only a 1% forestry cover in Ireland, compared to 11% at present day. 1900s Ireland must have looked similar to present day Iceland with 1.5% cover. We took a short rest in Sneem for an ice cream as it is apparently a popular spot for just that! We drove om past several lookout points without stopping until eventually our driver pulled in so we could take a glimpse of Muckross Lake and Lough Leane at Ladies View before arriving back into Killarney National Park and visiting the Torc Waterfall in the middle of a mossy forest. This concluded our tour and we were subjected to the hits of ABBA and Rod Stewart for the next hour or so on the bus until we arrived in Macroom and I hopped off early to grab a bite with one of my old colleagues from Amsterdam, Fionn, his partner Danielle, their baby son Harry and dog Chica. We ended up at Val's fast food diner as it was the only place open and I enjoyed a Philly cheesesteak (Macroom castle was the home of William Penn, the founder of Pennsylvania in the USA hence the connection!) and the Irish family shared some fish and chips. Later we took Chica out for a run around in the woods and then Fionn drove me back to Cork.
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tripindicator0-blog · 5 years ago
Tourist Destinations of Europe - A Dream Holiday
Journeying this beautiful continent is think of millions of people. The word beautiful is surely an under statement for the unexampled winsomeness of Europe. European countries has always been the most favored vacationer destination in world. More boost has been provided for you to Europe Tourism by the price range airlines. Europe tourism market is flourishing at a fantastic pace due to world famous holiday spots of Europe. In this particular fast world your saturday and sunday trip can land an individual at exotic beaches throughout Italy, at Windsor fort or serene banks connected with Rhine.
Europe has a great deal to offer that you will have to pre-plan well that which tourist vacation spot you want to see when you are vacationing Europe. Europe travel gives you a wide array of range, cosmopolitan cities combined with unbelievable scenery. Europe has renowned tourist spots spread across in countries like England, UK, Germany, Italy, A holiday in greece and Switzerland. This article will nourish you with essential information about tourist places of The european countries. You can find out more about tourist visiting places in minutes just visit https://www.tripindicator.com/athens-hop-on-hop-off-bus-map.html, and you'll be able to get some reviews.
The largest travel hubs associated with Europe include London, Rome, Frankfurt and Amsterdam which can be further well connected to all the other major tourist destinations of The european union. There are many budget airlines that provide very cheap flights to European union. Main among these are AirBerlin, Centralwings, EeasyJet, HLX, Whizz air, SkyEurope Airlines and WizzAir. You can find the lowest fares in routes going to or coming from cities in the United Kingdom, Germany, Laxa, sweden, Ireland, Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary. Every one of such flights need to be arranged on the internet in advance.
If you plan traveling from cities like Beijing, Vladivostok and Moscow then the wonderful option is traveling by Rail trough internationally renowned Trans-Siberian railway. After getting Europe you can travel close to by air Or Eurail. Passes of Eurail are the most effective deal if you plan to travel broadly around Europe. Eurail is somewhat more beneficial than cheap routes. Eurail connects all the holiday destinations of Europe in Mexico, Belgium, Denmark, France, Australia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Laxa, sweden, Switzerland and Turkey.
You can even take bus service which usually connects over 500 holidaymaker destinations across Europe. Eurolines usually takes any where from Sicily to help Helsinki and from Casablanca to Moscow. There are numerous holiday destinations in Europe which can not possible be covered under one content so we will discuss those inside a series of articles. Today you will talk about world famous mountain range- Magnificent Alps.
Europe is actually a paradise for a person who really likes mountains and is addicted to touring snow covered high peaks. Alps provide a lot of variations currently spread all across countries just like France, Germany, Switzerland along with Italy. You can choose your place country as per your choice of lifestyle, language and cuisine. People from france is especially famous for its wintertime resorts situated in Alps. These are world famous for the high level regarding service and very fashionable accommodations. Most famous place in Alps with France is Courchevel. It is a symbol of the luxury and esteem. Chamonix is also famous spot and is paradise for you should you be looking for best ski major resorts. Moreover it is very cozy in addition to world renowned.
Whole world witnesses that the best place to enjoy beauty of Alps is Switzerland. Its vacation rentals are considered best in world nevertheless are really expensive. For getting some affordable places you may want help of local people. The most renowned resorts here are Zermatt, St . Moritz, and Davos. Major cheaper resorts are Grindelwald and Gstaad. For more in depth information on traveling Europe adhere to our series of articles committed to Europe Tourism.
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