aldebaranrh-blog · 2 years
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Los mejores postes para después de entrenar #amrap15 #mortal - - @nadxalmanza gracias!, muy ricos - - #yodacake #wod #wodlatino #amorpropio #funcionaltraining #entrenoencasa #fitmen #crossfit #crossfitwod #crossfitathlete #crossfitbox #crossfitaddict #crossfitter #crossfitmen #crossfitmasters #crossfitlife #fitness #crossfitclass #crossfitcommunity #crossfitmen #workout #fitness #fitnessmotivation (en Brotherhood Crosstraining & Weightlifting Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cos9WgJNwPT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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crag-dreams · 5 years
Well, we didn’t end up doing the mile run because the temperature in the sun was registering 104. Instead we did:
2,000 meter row for time: 8:24
90 second ring row reps: 35
- 10 ground to over the shoulder med ball throws w/ 40 pound ball
- 30 yard sled pull w/ 135 pounds added
- 10 box jumps at 30 inches
- 30 yard sled push w/ 45 pounds added
Got two complete rounds and just started the sled push in the third round before time ran out.
That was an incredible workout, felt really good.
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strongurr · 3 years
Last Week This Week - Sept 17, 2021
A) Deadlift - 8, 8, 6, 6
275, 295, 315, 325
B1) Strict HSPU - 4x10FT
:19, :19, :18, :18
Harder than I expected but I think it was just hand placement initially.
B2) Kipping Pull Ups - 4x10FT
:16, :18, :16, :18
50' DADB FR Walking Lunges, 50#
60 Double Unders
12 T2B
10 DADB Hand Power Cleans, 50#
4 rounds. I was aiming for 3, so that's fine I guess. I did take a lot of rest but boy my body was tired after those deadlifts.
D) 3 Sets:
20 MB Russian Twists
15 Stability Ball Tucks
20 Toe Touches
Rest 2 min
This was way harder than I expected it to be. Those toe touches, man...
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crag-dreams · 6 years
Between a new tattoo and other things, I missed Friday’s CrossFit 2019 Open workout. So, today’s workout was modified for me to knock out the 19.1 workout.
Part 1: 3-3-2-2-1-1-1 Front Squats. Started at 65 pounds, finished at 125 pounds, a PR.
Part 2: Open 19.1 workout.
AMRAP15: 19 wall balls, 19 calorie row, repeat for 15 minutes. I usually scale wall balls to the 14 pound ball, but both my coaches pushed me to go Rx on this workout for the Open and use the 20 pound ball. Fuck, that thing is heavy. Ended up with 157 reps (4 complete rounds + 5 wall balls). It was fun to finally do a Rx workout, and they seemed pretty happy with my effort.
Good day at the gym.
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strongurr · 3 years
Beep Beep It's Saturday - July 31, 2021
10 OHS @ 95#
15 Cal Row
10 BJOs
6+17. This was pretty good. I think I went a little slower than I needed to, but the OHS got kind of hard toward the end after all those box jumps. I started out thinking I'd aim for 5, then 6, then 7, but I slowed down a little too much I guess. I should've sprinted rounds 6 and 7. Oh well.
A) Handstand Walk - 6x25'
These felt pretty good today. Sets 3 and 6 were messy and I kept falling but otherwise I got them all in one go. Worked a little harder on keeping my legs straight but that didn't always go well.
B1) Banded Face Pulls - 3x12
Fine? I think my form was fine...I tried to remember to keep my shoulders down. I wonder if I was pulling far enough back. I meant to record but I forgot.
B2) DADB Side Raises - 3x12 @ 15#
These felt fine.
You're a good trainer I love you bye.
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strongurr · 3 years
The First of Three Babyyyy - July 12, 2021
Well I really fucked myself over this time. Enjoy three posts in a row.
A) Snatch Balance - 5x1
135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185
This was...wobbly. It was fine it was fine and then I got a little heavy and missed my first try at 185. It was an omen.
B) 2-Position Snatch - 5x1.1
150, 150, 155, 160, X
Missed a lot of these. I don't want to talk about it but I have a few videos of me failing the shit out of my snatches for you.
C) Front Squat - 5x5 @ 2211
135, 155, 175, 175, 185
These were tough but good. I wish I'd started a little heavier. I'll wear my lifters next time even though I don't GET it.
30 Cal Row
20 Burpee to 6" Target
10 DB Thrusters, 55#
I didn't think I was going to make it to 3 rounds because my thrusters had to be broken up a lot, but I picked it up and at LEAST got 3. Rough day dude.
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strongurr · 3 years
Another Twofer I'm Sorry - June 26 & 28, 2021
June 26
50 cal Row
40 WBs @ 20#
30 BJO @ 24"
20 G2OH @ 115#
(practice both snatch and C&J)
1 round + 52. I broke the G2OH up in sets of 4, which maybe was lazy. I sandbagged the last row until the very end when I decided I had to at least get a couple wallballs in.
A) 15 min Handstand Walk Practice
I got 25 a few times! You saw the video. My legs were way too wide but whatever.
B1) KB SL RDL, 3x8-12
B2) BB Skull Crusher, 3x8-12
These were fine. I went a little lighter on the RDLs than I would have normally so I could try and get the form down. I, of course, did not record. I will next time.
C1) Ring FLR, 3x :60
C2) Corkscrews, 3x12
These were fine!!
June 28 (yikes)
A) Snatch Balance - 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1. Pause 2 sec at the bottom.
135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185
These got a little slow and sloppy toward the end. Maybe just slow. Anyway I don't think I'll go up in weight for a while here.
B) 2-Position Snatch, 3x1.1 starting at 145
145, 155, 155
These were.. a mess. 145 was fine, but I missed the second set of both 155s. For both I just didn't punch out hard enough on the snatch from the floor. The beginning of the end for me today.
C) Squat - 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 BUILDING TO HEAVY 1
225, 245, 265, 275, 285, 295, 305
Hmph. Yikes. This one was not for me today. I'm too tired I'm sorry. 305 should've been tough but doable. Or at least it would've been two years ago... I think once I did a set of 5 at 305. How the mighty have fallen.
200m Run
8 DB Thrusters @ 50
12 Burpees
14:57. I really slowed down on these in rounds 3 and 4, so I had to pick up the pace on 5 to make it under my goal of 15 minutes. Look at me go. I could've done better but...again...what a day. Next time.
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