fictivecalls · 3 months
i'm anne boonchuy from amphibia !! i'm fictkin and i'm looking for sasha !! but i am open to meeting anyone, i'm 17. you can find me at my discord @/seaglass_shield !!
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
if i had a nickel for every time i was stuck in an autistic poc teens body i'd have 2 nickels which isnt a lot but its weird this has happened twice -Darcy Wu (fictive)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I did screenshot edits of how I remember me, Anne, and Sasha in hopes that'd make me miss them less. it did not, now i feel homesick and i miss the rest of the calamity trio:(-Marcy Wu (amphibia, tag as fictve please!!, #🔥🗡💚)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I doubt you two want to hear from ME of all people, but I- I need to get this off my chest even if neither of you ever read this.
I dont forgive myself, you two dont have to forgive me either. I beat myself up alot for what happened, for getting us stuck in amphibia on purpose because I just- wanted to be with you guys a little longer. I wasnt ready to move, but that was MY issue and it wasn't fair to you guys to rope you into this mess. Im sorry im so so sorry and I cant express that enough.
And that's uh, why im trying to better myself now, learning from my past mistakes and helping the system out!! Little things like helping with school, helping with the littles,, stuff like that!! Im trying to be a better person, and i can hear you two naggin me not to be so hard on myself ehe,,,
I want you to see how much I've grown, I- want to know if were still friends. Could we still be friends? I dont even know if youd wanna talk to me actually, which, I understand if you wouldn't. I wouldn't either. I just hope you two know how much I miss you, Anne and Sash. I love you guys. You were, and always will be the greatest friends I could ask for, even if we had ups and downs.
-Marcy Wu (amphibia, tag as fictive please!! #🔥🗡💚)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
I checked your guys' tags and there was only like two posts for my source. So probably nobody is ever gonna see this or even care but I need to put this out there in case I'm wrong. Hey Anne? When I first came into the system I ended up in, I was so worried about doing the right thing by everyone in here. I just wanted to prove that I could be someone that would fight for and care for these people. I messed up along the way. A lot. But I've helped a lot of people here too. I've wanted to get better and I really think I'm getting there. I'm proud of myself, I think you'd be too. Wherever you ended up, I need you to know I don't think I ever could have done this all without you. Whenever I feel like things are just way too awful out here for me to handle, whenever I'm bitter about it all and feel like shutting everyone I know in here out, I think about you. Your heart, your bravery, your kindness and goodness. Everything that makes Anne ANNE. And I remember that's exactly the kind of person I want to be. It keeps me going. You keep me going. You inspire me every single day and you're not even here. That's funny, right? You probably don't even exist. But if you're out there... don't forget about me, okay? I'll leave a light on for you. - Sasha (#fictive, #💔🗡 and the source is Amphibia. Thanks!)
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fictionkinfessions · 3 years
SPOILERS for Amphibas True Colkrs
I was SUCH a selfish pick, all i was hell bent on was controlling you guys and i see how bad i was now. I understand why you guys cared about me but- I was such a shit friend, and Im so sorry Marcy and Anne, i wanted to be better. Fuck i COULD have been better, and maybe then you would have listened to me when i was trying to warn you. And- We wouldn’t be split up again and Marcy wouldn’t have gotten herself hurt. She wouldn’t have gottne stabbed and wed be happy and-
I feel like i could have done something, i could have saved her if i just- This isnt fair man i just want my friends back,,, I wanna laugh and hang out like old times. King Andrias you’re a prick, fuck you.
Yours truly, Sasha Waybright (tag as fictive please,,)
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