#amon GUS
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You hoodlum, you scoundrel, you absolute hooligan, it’s been like a month and I JUST noticed that, I’m crying
I'm glad that someone FINALLY noticed 🤨
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just a little guy
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Popcorn anon browsing the blog takes. Yikes!! So many arguments! Here's a fun take ;
Gus is a major Swiftie 😁
- 🍿
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You're locked in one room with this guy.
What do you do?

#Amon#minecraft ghast#gus porter#Among us#the legend of korra#legend of korra#the owl house#toh#minecraft#crossover#meme#just why did I create this
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How mad do you think kiryu would be if he found out about this
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Fun shark fact
Amon Gus
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1st of October: Mountain / A' chiad latha dhen Dàmhair: A' bheinn
English Translation:
Since the day the dragon came, it seemed to Thorin he saw the mountain clearer with every step he took away from it, with each mile he and his family led the people of Erebor west, their backs to the mountain, its form in his mind grew firmer.
They toiled in strange lands, selling their skills like simple trades-folk instead of the masters they were. How low we are fallen, the young prince would seethe, still proud despite their loss.
Thorin's people had not been long in connecting Thror's hoard to the dragon's attack; the first to do so turned their backs on him, choosing to join their kin in the Iron Hills than suffer the Wilds under a leader they did not trust. Those who kept faith and remained, standing shoulder to shoulder with him, Thorin vowed to protect.
Even before the disappearance of Thrain, a shift came in Durin's Folk. They began to seek guidance from their prince, following his lead and rallying behind the dream he described for them: a new home in the west, far from hardship and strife where they may rebuild all that was lost.
But always in his mind lay the same thought, the mountain, the mountain, the mountain. In his dreams he looked on it from afar. Watching. Waiting. He would bring his people home, redeem his family for their grandfather's sickness that brought them all to ruin.
The birth of his sister's sons came in a time of peace. The older they grew, an ever-increasing choir that sung with the drums from the deep followed him....the mountain, the mountain, the mountain, they cried.
Oh the lonely mountain...
Scottish Gaelic translation:
Bhon dearbh là a thàinig an nathair-sgiathach, chunnaic Thorin a’ bheinn nas soilleire le gach ceum a thog e air falbh, leis a h-uile mìle a stiùiridh e is a theaghlach an t-sluagh Erebor gu Iar, an dromannan ris a’ bheinn, dh’fhàs a cumadh cruaidh anns na inntinn.
Dh’obraich iad ann an dùthchannan neònaiche, a’ reic na sgilean aca mar gun robhar luchd-malairt farasta seach na maighstirean a bhathar. Cho ìosal a tha sinn air tuiteam, smaoinich am prionnsa òg le fuath geur, fhathast moiteil a dh’aindeoin an calltachd.
Cha tug e fada gus an cur an t-sluaigh a h-uile rud ri chèile: sabaid an nathair-sgiathach agus tasgaidh Thror. Tionndaidh na ciad feadhainn an aghaidh an Rìgh agus thagh iad a bhith a’ dol gu na luchd-dàimh aca anns na Cnuic Iarainn, an àite a bhith a’ fulang san dùthaich fhiadhaich fo cheannard nach robh earb annta ann. Ghealladh Thòrin gun dìon e na feadhainn nach deach, a bha a dh’fhantainn agus a chumail creideas leotha.
Eadhon ron thuras Thràin nach tàinig e air ais bho fhathast, thàinig atharrachadh air na muinntir Durin. Thoiseach iad a’ sireadh stiùireadh bhon phrionnsa, a bhith ga leantainn agus a’ tighinn ri chèile air cùlaibh an aislinge a bha e ag iarraidh dhaibh: dachaigh ùr san Iar, fada air falbh bho dhorradas agus strì far am faodar a h-uile rud a bha air caill a thogail a-rithist.
Ach an-còmhnaidh anns na inntinn bha an aon smaoin, a’ bheinn, a’ bheinn, a’ bheinn. Anns na aislingean, choimhead e air fad às. A’ coimhead. A’ feitheamh. Thoireadh e an t-sluaigh aige dachaigh agus cuir ceart gach rud a rinn a sheanair a thoirt iad uile gu lom-sgrios.
Thàinig breith mhic a phiuthar ann an àm ciùin ach mar a dh’fhàs iad suas, dh’fhàs guth còisir anns na inntinn a bha a’ seinn leis na drumaichean às na h-uamhan. A’ bheinn, a’ bheinn, a’ bheinn, dh’èigh iad.
Ò a’ bheinn ònaranach...
Amon Rawya
(Tha mi fhathast ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig - bithibh snog XD)
#dwarrowtober#dwarrowtober2024#dwarves#middle earth#thorin oakenshield#the hobbit thorin#erebor#smaug the dragon#the lonely mountain#the hobbit#writing#short ficlet#writblr#scottish gaelic#scottish
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if I ever for some reason decide to create another ghoul child I'm gonna call him Amon Gus
#rp blog#ask blog#evillious chronicles rp blog#evillious chronicles ask blog#seth twiright ask blog#seth twiright rp blog
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the imposter from amon gus

hi sheep. it's really great to receive this ask from you. i love the energy you've brought into my life over the last few weeks. you've really done an insane amount for me, whether it's lending your services to our VN or helping me through an identity crisis. it's really all meant so much to me. however, unfortunately, i am not going to answer this ask. thank you for understanding.
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mona. an anagram for amon. too bad your middle name isn’t gus.
my middle name is jill!! middle schoolers still like among us did you kmow that? i didnt until this year and it confuses me a little
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heraldry for mr gussy
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If i ever distrust kris you need to test to make sure i didnt get john carpenters the thinged
Ive never seen the thing. Instead, I'll check to make sure youre not the sussy imposter from hit game Amon Gus
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-hands you a small car Lego set-
P FUC UEG! euei nevr kets nu hav thra cix i rat hrn gu amon *dyats rafinf the peovrs* :3
(PT. OH FUCK YEAH! wiwi never lets me have these cause i eat them thank you anon *starts eating the peices* :3 END PT.)
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In light of TOH's finale actually letting its protagonists murder the big bad, I want to make a list of what kids' shows let their protagonists actively kill their big bad, which ones had the bad guys die without the protagonists' involvement, and which ones didn't have the baddies die at all.
Big Bad killed by Protagonists:
-The Owl House: Luz let him die in the boiling rain and Eda and King (and Raine though they're not a main protagonist) stomp on his goopy remains
-Amphibia: Anne vaporizes the Core and the moon it hijacked. Bonus points for pummeling Andrias even after he surrendered after having a breakdown of guilt. Brutal lmao
-The Ghost and Molly McGee: Molly murders the Chairman using the power of joy. Hell yeah.
-She Ra and the Princesses of Power: Adora expelled Horde Prime's spirit from Hordak's body.
-Gravity Falls: Stan Pines killed Bill by mind wiping himself. Also he punches Bill in his mindscape. It was dope.
-Tangled the Series: Rapunzel killed Zhan Tiri, an actual demon btw, in the finale. Queen shit right there.
-Elena of Avalor: Okay so I can't remember the exact fate of Ash or the four Big Bads who Esteban was helping, and I think Esteban was redeemed. But I do know Elena fully murdered Shuriki. She definitely belongs on the Disney Princess With A Kill Count list alongside Mulan.
Big Bad killed without Protagonists' involvement:
-Centaurworld: The Woman killed the Nightmare King iirc. And good for her!
-Legend of Korra: Amon was killed by his brother via murder-suicide, rather than by the Krew.
Big Bad not killed at all:
-Ducktales: I can't recall what happened to Lunaris. Magica de Spell just got depowered. Can't remember who ultimately did that. And Bradford was turned into a nonanthropomorphic vulture... by Magica, so this doubles as The Bad Guys Do The Dirty Work.
-Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts: Mandu may have tripped Dr Emilia (good for Mandu) but Kipo still tried to save Dr Emilia from falling off the cliff. Dr Emilia rejected her help though, and fell into Fun Gus, who gets to play with her forever and ever and ever.
-Avatar the Last Airbender: I mean. This has been discoursed to death, hasn't it? Pun not intended. Aang refused to kill Ozai. Lots of people in the fandom thought this was stupid, and lots of other people in the fandom thought it was fine.
-Steven Universe: This has also been discoursed to death. I don't think I need to explain but yeah, the Diamonds didn't die.
-Legend of Korra (again): Kuvira was redeemed and Zaheer was imprisoned but not killed. Unalaq was also not killed.
Unsure because I forgor 💀:
-MLP:FiM: I know Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek were imprisoned in stone but I can't remember if it was the Mane 6 who did it.
There's definitely cartoons I'm missing.
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