translightyagami · 5 years
light for the hc meme!
Headcanon A:  realistic
dislikes cottage cheese for the unappealing texture
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
has a massive collection of cell phone charms built up from Sayu’s joke gifts to people genuinely thinking Light loves phone charms. his favorite is a bell shaped like an apple and his least favorite is a star Misa got him because it’s, in his words, “cheap and dumb.”
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
almost came out to Sachiko at his father’s funeral. he couldn’t stand it, the waiting to be known, and Soichiro was always the one he was afraid would judge. but when he tried to sit her down and talk, she started crying because she was so happy he could be the family’s “rock” right now. that he and Misa would continue the family line. So Light stayed quiet and kept the closet door shut.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
his browser history before Kira was almost exclusively newgrounds where he made flash games that got very popular and gaia online, where he had collected just enough coin to buy this really fancy armor, now forgotten in the throes of a big time power trip.
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diaphanserarchive · 5 years
❤ (love u moka)
james. i love YOU
but in terms of compliments, you’re unafraid to speak your mind even if it might make things awkward and i admire your passion! you also have one of the most intricate art styles i’ve ever seen and it just blows my mind every time
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putrecabra · 5 years
happy bday!!! 🍰🎉🍰🍾🎉
thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
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draven-kondraki · 5 years
Tumblr media
@amindele replied to your post: grandmother told me i look fatter yesterday
hope this isn’t overstepping my bounds but who the fuck says something like that. I hate your grandmother you deserve better
i hate her too lmao!
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ariesboy · 5 years
What's ur favorite movie?
TBFH I’ve watched zombieland like 3 times since it got on netflex so tbh i think its that
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happy bday!!
thakn you!!!!
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michaelmilkers · 6 years
amindele replied to your post “can u just tell us if ur a minor or an adult??? ur reluctance to...”
christ maybe don't call someone a dumbshit for being concerned about this
okay some context for this that i probably shouldve included: about a month ago i mentioned something in the discord that i saw on the internet that i didnt consider to be that outrageous but it really squicked some people out (i didnt send the actual thing i mentioned coming across it and no im not gonna say what it was because i dont want a repeat of that situation so dont ask me) and AFTER i apologized and resolved the situation with the people who were upset by it and promised to tag mentions of it in the future someone sent me an ask on this blog basically saying “i cant believe youre into xyz youre so disgusting” and for about two hours i got anonymous asks from one person and then a couple people who were literally in the same discord as me but for whatever reason were too afraid to speak to me directly so they were essentially liveblogging what was happening in the discord (that, again, they were also in) in my ask box. none of this ever made it onto the blog because i didnt answer any of the asks.
and in this case the original ask this person sent was about me tagging a 16 year old (i am 17) in something (if yall must know it was a drawing i did) in the nsfw channel, a channel that is 16+ and the oldest person who uses it is 19, trying to imply i was a predator in my ask box instead of asking me how old i was in the discord like a fucking normal person.
so yes i shouldve specified people have every right to be concerned about something like this but im calling them a dumbshit because of the described drama.
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lovvercore · 5 years
👧😍❓for the ask game!
ty for sending some !!!
👧 - at what age did you realize you were a lesbian?
hmm… not quite two years ago but around then!! i know it was after june 2017 because for pride month my icon was the pan flag… i used to id as pan with a strong preference for girls,
😍 - best thing about being a lesbian
ohhoho. everything . honestly i dont think i would have it any other way, identifying as a lesbian is so comfortable and it makes me so happy! and as a bonus, all the lesbian flags out there are so pretty…
❓- flannel, denim or leather lesbian?
all of them at once? ok no i actually wear flannels every once in a while with like, this really nice embroidered black bomber jacket? a look honestly. though i would kill for a leather jacket and i do wear denim jackets sometimes. flannel tho….
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jeffreycombs · 6 years
oh my god thrill me is literally the best... my glasses/just lay low invented music
GOD I KNOW. anyone who hasn’t listened to this musical, this is the song, go listen to the full musical wow. highlights of this song>
whY DIDN’T you tUrn him over?!?!?!? I FORGOT OKAY
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gzio-remade-blog · 6 years
you are my:( 🕶 ) mutual( 🕶 ) friend( 🕶 ) close friendyou intimidate me:( ) yes( 🕶 ) nodo i want to talk more:( 🕶) yes( ) nohave i ever had a crush on you:( ) yes( 🕶) nobest feature:( ) @( ) layout( 🕶 ) postsrandom( 🕶) you’re very funny( ) you’re adorable( ) i freaked out when you followed me( 🕶 ) i feel like i annoy you( 🕶 ) i love seeing your posts on my dashboard( 🕶 ) you’re so pretty( 🕶 ) i love you a lot( ) you’re so relatable( 🕶) i’m grateful for you( 🕶 ) i wish i could meet you one day
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domorebemore · 6 years
top 5 movies
1. Boogie Nights
2. Waiting for Guffman
3. Cabaret
4. The Room
5. Carrie (1976)
this was def the easiest one so far bc i already have this list compiled in my brain lol
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translightyagami · 5 years
💡 + uhhh. marine biology. for death note obv
Light just graduated with a PhD in Ichthyology. His specialization is in sharks, which he’s loved since his parents took to an aquarium at ten-years-old. Fingers on the glass, he admired those dark eyes, the sinewy pull of the sharks through water, and knew he wanted nothing more than to know how they worked. How to see what they were. 
He spends the first two years out of college at a conservatory for shortfin mako, writing studies to fight over fishing and trying to avoid the advances of a younger lab-tech, Misa, who thinks he’s just dreamy. Light is stuck, he feels, in a place that contain how much he wants to do. He wants to see his efforts realized beyond studies. He wants real world effects. So when a mysterious job offer comes from an email address from one of the top marine research facilities, he’s suspicious, yes, but just curious enough to ask for more information.
the email sends him a location and a food order. the place turns out to be a local cafe, and the order is a tiny cupcake topped by a sugar shark fin. The man who brings Light his order is angular, hair black ruffled tufts and eyes dark and wide that reflect the whole world. Light’s seen those eyes before and their piercing interest - the kind of interest that leads to dangerous places - leads him to agree to the job that the man, calling himself L, offers.
little does Light know, he’s not just about to take down several organizations responsible for huge decreases in shark populations. he’s also.....about to fall in love.
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diaphanserarchive · 5 years
🌠 👁👁
james... i associate u with L death note, lesbian pride flags in odd places (see: gendo ikari), and the odd feeling in your stomach that you get when you see something that looks like it shouldn’t be real
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videogamesincolor · 6 years
Your breakdown of Detroit Become Human is great, I'm honestly shocked by how much fandom attention it's getting when it's such a ridiculously heavy-handed and tone deaf allegory
Thanks, I’m glad you enjoyed reading it.
I’m not particularly surprised that the game has the gotten the fandom attention it’s garnered. Not discounting the fact that Quantic Dream games are popular by default (often on the basis of their graphical fidelity), racism in video games sells, and it sells exceptionally well if it is masquerading as anti-racist material.
I keep bringing it up, but, um, the Bioshock Infinite (and even Deus Ex: Mankind Divided) sold as well as it did and got the fanbase it created on that basis alone (pre-established material not withstanding). 
Whenever the gaming community sees push-back or critique against racist content in a video game, their automatic response is to defend it on some misguided belief that they’re preventing “censorship” from occurring. And if that doesn’t work they’ll play victim and claim everyone criticizing the game is giving people who like it “anxiety”.
The fact that the defense for these types of games, are, “of course its [blank], that’s the whole point” and “it’s not [blank]” (deliberately ignoring points made against the game to be obtuse), makes that clear. 
It’s just another day at the office.
But, again, I’m glad you enjoyed reading the critique.
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twentythousandvolts · 6 years
gotta agree with cyan on black for your color scheme! it's your brand
this is the BEST possible outcome of reblogging that post actually!! thank you so much for agreeing with that
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what's your favorite book? If you're still doing asks
the kite runner by khaled hosseini
it’s really heavy and made me cry a few times and also i love it
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