husfreyja-elin · 7 years
Happy birthday to my very dear (and awesome) friend @amilliljossogskugga! The only person I've had the pleasure of getting to know on tumblr and then meeting in real life. One day I dream to travel to Iceland with you!
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artofprayer-blog · 10 years
This is such a wonderful blog! Being a Religious Studies student and future Religious Historian, this is like a goldmine for me. What a great idea!
Thank you! Good luck with your studies.
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2mchworld · 10 years
Tumblr media
Vesturhorn, Iceland
(via amilliljossogskugga)
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song-til-stormen · 10 years
05 & 08 :)
05: what’s something you’re not looking forward to?I don't know... I don't have anything exciting planned for the next three months... I guess I'm not looking forward to the end of this festival I'm attending next week. My life is so boring...08: favorite song ?Tough one. But Jumping Someone Else's Train by The Cure is my absolute favorite since I was 11.Tusen takk ! :)
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husfreyja-elin · 10 years
I was tagged by hjartastyrkur
Instructions: Recommend any 10 songs, write something about them if you want to, and pass this on!
Kvelertak - Mjød
Odin ga oss Suttung sitt mjød Det magiske mjød Det e bedre enn øl
In Flames - The Quiet Place
Because In Flames will always be one of my favourite bands.
Solstafir - Fjara
Eluveitie - Celtos
Eluveitie was the band that introduced me to the world of folk metal.
Enslaved - Havenless
I've seen Enslaved live twice and they never disappoint.
Fejd - Offerrök
Kari Rueslåtten - Trollferd
Týr - Hold the Heathen Hammer High
Because of obvious reasons.
Voluspá - Strid & Heksehammaren
This is Sóls (norsevikingqueen) band, and I couldn't pick one, because they are equally good.
Wardruna - Rotlaust Tre Fell
I saw Wardruna live for the first (will not be the last) time at Eidsivablot, and it is magical to witness them live.
Its a lot of different songs, but it is what I listen to.
I tag:
- amilliljossogskugga
- heidruna
- branna-laurelin
- daughter-of-odin
- marinamorrigan
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juodaanviinaa · 11 years
amilliljossogskugga replied to your post: I just unfollowed like 50 people for inactivity...
I am honored to not have been unfollowed. at least not yet, hahah.
Naaawww I like your blog and I always have v 3v
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farbeyondthequiet · 11 years
amilliljossogskugga replied to your post: oh god yes. I have been waiting for this episode...
what a cruel man you are!
haha when it happened in the book I stopped reading it for a month, I wanted everyone else to feel my feels.
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gloomytreehouse · 12 years
Tumblr Crushes:
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antarcticated · 12 years
amilliljossogskugga replied to your post: So how many people now hate me for posting that
They should, I feel pretty shit about it, and I'm sure they'd feel worse if they found out. 
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