#ami mizuno x reader
fandom-go-round · 4 days
How about Ami with S/O, who's just as smart as her, but also quite insufferable?
Ami and you get along like two peas in a pod. She enjoys having someone to talk to about the things she likes. You never struggle to keep up with her and its fun, having conversations around new topics and technology every time you get together. You talk about fun things of course, hobbies and movies and everything in between. It’s just nice to be able to talk about more complicated issues and not have your eyes glaze over.
As much as Ami loves hanging out with you, the other scouts do not. It’s not that you’re a bad person, you just have a horrible habit of coming off like an asshole. Sometimes it’s on purpose and sometimes not; Usagi can never tell and it drives her nuts. You, like Ami, can get passionate about a topic and start to ramble. These are the cute moments and the scouts can deal with these. It might be boring to them but you remind them of Ami and it’s easy to see why you get along.
When you get a haughty attitude about someone not understanding something? Oh, the yelling matches are legendary. You have this one little laugh, half snicker, half giggle that drives Rei straight into a rage. Usagi is more likely to cry than argue but she’s done both before, much to everyone’s chagrin. Usually you’re self-aware enough to know when you’re doing it but sometimes you push the line.
Ami makes it very clear that she loves you but you need to watch yourself as well. You may be book smart but you have some people skills to learn. You agree and the two of you try to help each other out. You help Ami boost her confidence around public speaking and she helps clue you in when you might be getting more mean than friendly. It works and everyone is glad that you’re trying. You’re a good person and Ami sees a future together with you. You just need to curb the evil laughter, just a bit. At least Ami thinks it’s cute.
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thequietkid-moonie · 11 months
Kind and stronge S/O was a warrior on the Silver Milennium
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[ ONE-SHOT + HEADCANONS ] [ Usagi, Amy, Rei, Makoto, Minako ]
[ Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon / Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon ]
⚠️ This contain spoilers
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@imbgbuffy was the one who request this AMAZING idea!! Thank you so much for requesting this!!
Hope you like it as much as I did!!
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During the prosperous reign of Prince Endymion you wandered the lands of the kingdom, sword in hand ready to protect the people for any danger, you had been training for a long time and you strength has been reconized by the royalty family itself, even when you didn't form part of the Four Kings, the ones who serve directly to the royal family your strength could be compared to them and yet you never bragged about it, instead you always showed your admiration for them and are always polite
You were well know through the kingdom and admired by them, you were so famous that people approached to you in the past with the hopes of becomes your disciple, or at least be able to learn of you. You were always willing to teach some few things to the new knights in training but one of them were more persistant and end up becoming your disciple, following you in all your missions and even having the opportunity to see the royalty family in person
As time pass by your disciple and you has the opportunity to know each other better and grow closer, as well since the people of the earth are constantly wary about the kingdom of the moon she get to see you try to calm people worries about the people of the moon, curiously one day she asked you about the people of the moon and you answered with a soft smile and with such sweet voice that it surprises her, she swears that she had never saw you expressing yourself in that sweet way before
This was the first time you said it out loud, the first time you express your curiousity about the kingdom of the of the moon and how you don't understand why people should be afraid or even angry at them, your disciple jokinly says that since you express yourself about the people of the moon so sweetly that it seems like you know them already, to what you just smiles innocently making her more curious but you just leaved her behind while she demands to know the truth
Slowly more people started to get more and more wary of the people of the Moon Kingdom, you tried really hard to calm the people worries but it quickly climbed to one point where it was almost imposible, so with no other option behind you sneak to see the Prince Endymion, you already knew about his relationship with the princess of the moon (what leave you the opportunity to meet her too) and you had promised to keep the secret a while ago, now you were going to see him to warn him about the chaos that were growing between the people, and since Beryl (along with Queen Metaria) had convinced most of the people you were the only one who acompany the prince towards the Moon Kingdom, promising to protect him and the people of the moon
When you arrived you tried to explain the situation and promised to fight by their side, not taking a no as a response since this problem started from earth, you felt like it was part of your responsabilities
When people arrived, leaded by Beryl you tried your best to contain the crowd, shielding Prince Endymion and the Princess Serenity, but things quickly get out of control, people were too stubborn about the supposed danger that were the people of the Moon Kingdom and then Beryl approached to you with a sword, determinanted to hurt the princess, out of instinct you shield her but without enough time to unsheathing your sword you were the one who end up being fataly hurt
You just give the others enough time for the Sailor Scouts, the warriors that protect the Moon Kingdom, to get into position against the humans, but end up dying before being able to see if the prince and the princess were fine, or if this usless fight have an end
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As the time passed the legend of the Moon Kingdom and the Earth Kingdom started to be forgotten, as the people grew and the civilization advanced the kingdom were started to erase from the memories of the people, but history doesn't vanish because people forget about it and the soulds of the people that had suffered on the past started to bright with hope, the hope of a better future
Starting a new life in a more peaceful time, without memories of the cruel past, you started you new life in the company of your loving family, born as the oldest child of the family you were always looking after the well-being of all your siblings, as you always take care of all of them to help your parents, your sister, the second daughter, were the one who always made sure you were taking care of yourself too
Life wasn't perfect but it was amazing nonetheless, you had a loving family for who you were willing to work hard. One day, while you were out of the house to atend one of your responsabilities with your younger sister, who insisted on company you (having an strange bad feeling), what was supoused to be a normal day quickly became a tragedy, as you two return to home a rush of feelings come over you two by viewing that your house had become a crime scene, the police get the conclusion that some assailants entered the house and the family perished during the struggle, but that doesn't explain the weird expressions on the bodies, they looked like if someone, or something, it would have taken their very lives, their energy
No one will be able to explain it when all people had already forgotten the evil that hunted this land on millennial times, you weren't the only one who had reencarned with the hope of a new opportunity, the evil had done too, Queen Beryl had awaken and recovered her memories along with her ambitious and determination, invoking Queen Metaria once again to fullfil her plan, who guide her to try to end with your life before you recover your past strength, however she didn't had the opportunity to reach you, being protected for the one that had been with you since the legends, so, instead, she had taken the ones you love the most and used their energy to revive the Four Knights as her new puppets
From that tragic day it become just the two of you, from that day you two grow closer and your sister become pretty protective over you, this even had trigger some stranges feelings on her, feelings that grows from memories that she no longer has, a fear of losing you terrified her, like if she had already experienced it before
You two had been left all alone since a young age, however that doesn't last long since destiny make you cross path whith the person you had vowed to protect so long ago, now being just a scared and lonely kid, just like you were. The forgotten prince, now the child called Mamoru quickly grow attached to you two and the three of you quickly grow together, becoming a new family, promising to stay together
The bound the three of you had just deepen as you relice that you share more than an unfortunate past, since Mamoru weren't the only one who a voice called him in his dreams, asking him to please find them again
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Usagi Tsukino
Just as Usagi met Mamoru she had the opportunity to met you too, you two were pretty close after all, Usagi was constantly complaining towards him how you were more kind and amazing than him in a childish way, however, even when she just said it in a joking manner Usagi quickly grew cautivate by your personality
Your infinite kindness is something that flustered her a lot, Usagi is more used to be treated according to her childish personality but no matter what she does you always treat her kindly with a smile on your face, you never complain for her childish behavior and just adapt to her, you even do your best to try to comfort her whenever she start crying
It started by a simply atraction and a silly crush, but it quickly grows to a more deeper feelings, even when she is just being childish and cheerful she notice that her feelings start to grow stronger, Usagi start to feel closer and closer to you, what lead her to wanting to know more about you as well to want to share more with you
Even when she started to be Sailor Moon you were always there to help her, even if you were masked she will know that is you soon or later. Seeing you doing your best to help her and protect her even when she is the super hero is something that flattered her a lot and make her want to be stronger, she wants to be able to protect you too
Usagi finds herself atracted to you more and more, she can't stop herself for wanting to be with you, to be closer to you, even if her friends try to warn her that it isn't safe or that you or your friends can be suspicious she just can't stay away from you, your presence alone help her feel more at peace, like if when she is with you nothing could go wrong
Usagi sometimes has an strange feeling of melancholy when it comes to you, and when she finally get her memories back she can't help but cry, she remember when she used to visit the earth even when it was forbidden, she remember admiring you from afar, all those stories Endymion tell her about you, when she finally get to know you, and, at the end, she remembers seeing you get killed while shielding her. Usagi's heart aches and she breaks on tears at the memories, if she had the opportunity she will hold onto you and cry, not wanting to let you go, she even apologize for not protecting you before
Once she calms does she will like to talk to you about all the past and her feelings, she confess how much she loves you since the silver milennium and how she will love to finally be with you, how she will fight against the enemy with all her strength to be able to finally be with you. Once all of you are out of danger Usagi will finally start a relasionship with you
Even when she has the memories back Usagi continue being the sweet and childish girl she has always been, Usagi drag you around to all kind of places, since now you two live in a more peaceful era she want to enjoy the opportunity at it fullest
Usagi will take this opportunity to introduce you to her friends, the other Sailor Scouts and will make you hang out with them a lot (inviting over your sister and Mamoru too)
Usagi tent to fight a lot with your sister, is just that she is pretty protective and Usagi's childish behavior can be troublesome sometimes and Usagi can be jealous over her, she knows that you two had been together for a long time and your relationship is complety platonic, but she can't stop herself from getting jealous
The saddness of the past sometimes buggs her mind and make her fear that something will happen to you, that is why she constantly wants to become stronger, to be able to protect you and all her friends
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Amy Mizuno
Amy get to meet you when you grow close to Usagi, and even when she already trust you Amy still wants to investigate a little more about you, along with Luna she is investigating you, your sister, Mamoru and Tuxedo Mask, not wanting to risk you possibly being a threat (and Tuxedo's search for the silver crystal is already suspicious)
As much as Amy want to be cautious your kindness and goodness is something that flustered her a lot and it make her trust you in no time, you just seem too good to be a threaten and you had never show malicious intent, even if she doesn't want she can't stop her heart from beating faster when you two interact
Amy's feelings for you grows pretty quickly, it started by trusting you to slowly feel safe and at peace with you, her feelings aren't just as a crush but a pure love, Amy start to wanting to be near you and want to tell you about everything of the Sailor Scouts and their search for the princess, something inside her tells her that she can trust you and she wants your help
Amy wants to tell you that she is a Sailor Scout, she trust you a lot but she is scare to do so, she probably will ask Luna for permission or indirectly ask the others for permision. Regardless if she tells you or not, Amy start to rely more on you when she is worried or troubled by something, Amy is used to be alone and take care of herself alone but since you are in her life she feels comfortable and with the wish to share more with you
Amy feel so atracted and happy with you that it had become obvious, all her friends can see how happy she seems with you, from one part she is teased by Usagi, Makoto and Minako, and for the other part she is warned by Rei and even Luna, but she is quickly to explain that you are trust worthy and already have proof to have no evil intentions, even expressing her wish to tell you about the whole thing with the Sailor Scouts (she just have a hunch about it)
Amy sometimes feels some melancholy and a odd feeling of knowing you for a long time that she doesn't understand, but it is explained when she recover her memories, she remember when Usagi used to tell her stories about you, growing on her an admiration, she remember when she finally met you and you were just as Usagi described you, the politness and respect towards them and that you were willing to help her even if it wasn't on the battle quickly make her feel flattered, and, at the end, you willingness to protect her princess make her hold an admiration and a desire to see you again
Amy get overwhelmed by the feelings of her memories and for the present, all that is happening isn't easy to handle and Amy start to cry over all the memories, the saddness of the past and the worries and fears of the future, Amy want to be with you and with her friends while handling all of this, and when things get more calm and she has to talk about it with you, she will like to have the opportunity to express all the feelings she holds for you, the feelings that had grew in the past and the ones that had grew in the present, hoping to have to oportunity to be with you this time
As you two start a relasionship Amy isn't normally bothered or influenced by the memories of the past, she just enjoys the new opportunity she has to be with you and with her friends
Amy tries to get along with your sister, she may be a little wary of her at first but it doesn't take long for her to at least see Amy in a good light, Amy doesn't represent a threat since Amy herself cheerish your relationship, expressing how she admires how you two had been together in good in bads after losing the rest of your family
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Rei Hino
Rei end up meeting you for how close you are with Mamoru and with Usagi and yet she was really wary of you, is just part of her nature to be cautious and since now she is a Sailor Scout she can't just put her trust in anyone so easily, special since there is a unknow threat
As much as Rei is wary over you you will manage to surprass her defensive state soon or later, your kindness and goodness is something that makes her give you a chance since she can see no evil on you, not on her ritual and even Phobos and Deimos seem to like you
At first Rei was mainly wary and tried to just stay polite, even when she knows that you are trust worthy, however your kindness and goodness started to make her feel warm and soft, she is mature and is used to be independient but with you she slowly start to feel like she can just relax and don't be the one leading for once, Rei start to feel so safe and happy at your presence that she start to crave for your company a little more
Your empathy and big heart make her feel at ease, make her feel like she can trust you, you can easily tell when something is troubling her and yet you never pry for details, she is still hesitant to tell you about being a Sailor Scout she knows you will be always there to help her in whatever you can, even if is just by being someone to vent she is grateful for it
Rei doesn't noticed the moment she start to trust more in you, but when she does she is initialy embarrassed for let her guard down, but after a while of thinking on it Rei understand that it wasn't an slip or an error, is because she actually see you as someone who she can trust, as someone she cheerish, so she just let herself enjoy your company but still has that feeling of worry over you since the threat is still there
Rei used to had a bad feeling about you that kept her wary, a feeling that soon changed as a odly feeling of comfort and a little melancoly, she never understood where it came from until she get her memories back. Rei finally remember you by the stories that Usagi used to tell her (excuses for why she went to earth), she remember how when you went to the moon you showed respect and even admiration to them, and, in the little amont of time you two spend together before the tragedy, you had showed a determinantion and security and yet kindness that cautivated her, and then she remembered the horror of seeing you die in front of her and yet gratitude for shielding her princess
The memories brings a feeling of emptiness and despair to her, like if what happened on the past were in the present, Rei needs a moment to herself to be able to accept all of this but when she finally calms down she went to you, wanting to be able to talk to you and express all those feelings that are rushing in her chest, expressing her desire to be with you, it doesn't have to be with words
The memories of the past sometimes buggs her mind, and not just for what happened to you but to everyone, but it also give her motivation to become stronger and to focus on her work as a Sailor Scout so the story doesn't repeat
Rei probably started by having a bad relationship with your sister, Rei at first was wary with you and her and can came cross as rude with you two, but as she start to feel more comfortable Rei start to be more kind towards her (maybe even apologize for being rude), soon or later their relasionship would grow more as a friendship were both tent to mess with each other (it could be seen like they don't like each other but they do)
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Makoto Kino
Makoto know well to don't judge people since the start without fully getting to know them, so Makoto prefers to give you an opportunity before completely being wary over you (but she keeps on mind the warnings and suspicious Luna and the others has over you)
Your kindness is something that quickly make her trust you, Makoto can't doubt you when you always are kind and cheerful with her and even admire her strength
Makoto's feeling for you grew slowly but stronge, she can't help but be cautivated by how you are always so gentle even towards the one that represent a threat and yet never let your determination to fight aside, besides with your caring personality just make her heart skip a beat anytime you show worry for her without even underestimating her
Makoto won't have much troubles about telling you about her duty as a Sailor Scout but she doesn't want to involve you into the danger, she wants to be able to protect you, her strength and the confidence she has on her friends make her feel like it won't be a bad thing if she tells you (also she reconize your strength), but she will do only if the opportunity present itself
Makoto reconize her initial atraction towards you and her little crush, but is more slowly for her to notice the moment her feelings of love started to grow in a more serious manner, when she started to feel more comfortable and safe around you or even when she started to wanting to share more with you and she accept her feelings with open arms
Makoto has an strange feeling of comfort since the first moment she got to met you, she doesn't know how to explain it but she swears that you two had met before and, sometimes, she even feels a little melancholy, specially when she wants to protect you. When Makoto finally had her memories back a rush of sadness come over her for everything that had happened, and with that it came a frustration and impotence
Makoto has to deal with all her overwhelming feelings and talk to all her friend about this whole thing even before thinking on talking to you personally, specially because she want to talk about what she had remember of you, all those stories Usagi used to tell her about the stronge human warrior, about that time when she had the opportunity to met such admirable warrior, the one who when meeting them showed respect for all of them, the one that even under such terrible circumstances always had the time to offer a gentle smile, or the one that jump to shield her princess without doubt
After all of this Makoto is more sure about her feelings towards you and waste no time before expressing them, from the love, the need to protect you to the wish to be able to be with you (even expressing herself with a kiss), she doesn't mind much starting a relationship in that moment but it won't be until is more calm that you two could have a proper and romantic date
The memories of the past doesn't really bother her because she believe in her own strength, in yours and on her friends, so that could lead her to have a relationship with you without much troubles
It isn't probably that she will have a bad relationship with your sister since she wants the best for both and is really kind forwards her since the start, also Makoto has no problem with expressing her desire to get along with her or her admiration for your relationship for having to face so much and just having you two (she is really empathic over this since she was in a pretty similar situation)
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Minako Aino
Is more probably that Minako already knows who you are by the moment she get the opportunity to meet you, since she had been more time as a Sailor Scout and she got her memories for some time already, then is more likely that she remember you already
Your kindness and cheerful attitude is something that quickly attract Minako towards you, in her eyes you are just too cute to don't be around you (also, in her eyes you are really handsome and that is an important factor for her), as well the memories of the past are important but she doesn't tell anyone
For Minako falling in love with you it is pretty quickly, not just her feelings that grew on the past returned but your present self cautivate her in no time, she knows you are someone who she can completely rely on and trust on the rough times or just be silly with whenever she has the opportunity to act as someone of her age
Minako isn't ready to tell you about her duty as a Sailor Scout, not afraid of your reaction but afraid of the past, the memories of what happened troubled her more that she would like, she doesn't want for you to get involved on this mess again, she wants to be able to protect the ones she loves
Minako knows the feelings she holds for you, she calls you her first love (that isn't exactly true since she is easy to get crushes), she knows that she is atracted to you and her silly little crush on you, but when the feelings start to grow stronger and become more serious she doesn't fully accept them, at least not out loud because deep on her heart, even when she had already accept them and keep them close to her heart
Minako already remember what happened on the silver milennium but she can't tell the others yet, so even when it is something that squeeze her heart she didn't let anyone see how much all of this affect her or how sad she is about all of this, at least not until the truth is revealed and all her friends recover their memories too, as well as you, is until everyone remember what happened until she start to show her hurt and sadness and yet tries to stay stronge for them
Minako first want to make sure her friends process all of this information and to comfort Usagi for all that happened before thinking on explaining it to you (but she knows you understand), when she finally goes to talk to you the first thing she does is to explain it everything and thank you for what you have done on the past, Minako remembers pretty well all those times Usagi used her admiration for you as an excuse to went to the earth, when she finally had the opportunity to met you personally and was surprised by your kindness (since most people didn't liked the people of the Moon Kingdom), how you showed determination to protect the Moon Kingdom with them even when you were from the earth and how you were even willing to shield her princess, even if that cost you your life, and with each word of gratitude leave her lips tears start to form on her eyes
Minako leave clear her love for you and desire to be with you but ask you to please wait for her, at least until they finally defeat their enemies and there is no threat
The memories doesn't bother her much unless there is another threat but in general she can handle it pretty well and doesn't affect her much and leave her have a relationship with you, as a normal girl her age
Minako probably had some troubles with your sister for how childish, clingy and jealous she can be but there aren't problems that would grow to be serious, at the end is more probably that they will end up being friends (thanks to Minako insistance)
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deadolloading · 1 year
Presentación de mi perfil, lo que escribo, reglas.
¡Hola pequeña personita! Me presento, soy deadolloading aún que pueden decirme Joven D, Doll, Dolly o como gustes. Mis pronombres son She/Her/Him, ¡Pero puedes decirme como sea!
Mi blog es totalmente en contenido en español, esto es debido a que no se mucho de inglés y hasta que no lo aprenda en su totalidad, no haré contenido en inglés.
El contenido de mi perfil apunta específicamente a todo lo relacionado con fanfics, pequeños escritos míos, etc. Igualmente los fanfics van del famoso Character x Reader o como el famoso Character x T/N.
Personas de cualquier edad, genero, creencia o nacionalidad ¡Es completamente bienvenido! Ya que mi contenido va para todo público ya que me incomoda escribir cualquier cosa NSFW, por lo que todo mi contenido es SFW, en caso de ser lo contrario se pide que no interactúen con esa publicación.
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Requests are open!
Lea esto antes de solicitar cualquier fanfic, headcanon y esas cosas (ㅅ´ ˘ `)
Nota: A veces no puedo publicar mucho debido a lo ocupado que suelo estar.
Soy muy imaginativo con headcanons, escenarios/drabbles y es posible que veas mucho de eso en mi perfil, pero nada de fanfics o one-shots y tendrás que esperar mucho tiempo para que haga uno.
Por favor, no envíe hagas spam de solicitudes porque en esos caso no lo haré.
Si no publico un post muy largo, puede ser porque no tengo mucha imaginación en ese momento, disculpas de antemano.
¡El inglés no es mi primer idioma! Así que lo siento mucho por lo que solo escribiré en español.
Cuando pida algo en mi bandeja, por favor dame detalles de lo que quieres, como una parte específica que desea que agregue, qué personaje, género del lector, etc.
Solo puede escribir de 2 a 3 personajes a la vez.
Quiero que este lugar sea seguro tanto para mí como para los lectores.
Tengo todo el derecho a rechazar una solicitud, especialmente si rompe con las reglas que ya tengo.
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Relaciones poliamorosas.
Amor, oc x character
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Fandoms y personajes para los que escribo !
Phantom of the Opera - MazM
Christine Daae Sorelli Dupont Melek Levni Detective Hatim Eric
Genshin Impact
Sucrose Rosaria Beidou Amber Kaeya Diluc Jean Aloy Lisa
Mario Bros
Princess Peach Princess Daisy Rosalina Pauline Mario Luigi
Baroness Von Bon Bon Chef Saltbaker Cala Maria Hilda Berg
Five Night's at Freddy's
Michael Afton William Afton Henry Emily Clara Afton Animatronics
Sims 4
Elvira Lapida
The Mandela Catalogo
Cesar Torres Mark Heathcliff Adam Murray Jonah Marshall Arcangel Gabriel Alt!Archangel Gabriel Sarah Heathcliff
Popee the Performer
Papi Poppe Eepop Kedamono
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Tanjiro Kamado Nezuko Kamado Inosuke Hashibira Zenitsu Agatsuma Muzan Kibutsuji Kagaya Ubuyashiki Kyōjurō Rengoku Obanai Iguro Gyomei Himejima Tengen Uzui Shinjuro Rengoku Mitsuri Kanroji Shinobu Kochō
Welcome Home
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Sakura CardCaptor
Tomoyo Daidōji Tōya Kinomoto Yukito Tsukishiro Maki Matsumoto Nadeshiko Kinomoto Syaoran Li Fujitaka Kinomoto Kaho Mizuki Sakura Kinomoto Clow Reed Caras Clow
Sailor Moon
Usagi Tsukino Rei Hino Makoto Kino Ami Mizuno Minako Aino Haruka Teno Michiru Kaio Setsuna Meio Nephrite Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask Kou Seiya Kou Yaten Kou Taiki
Dragon Ball
Gohan Veggetta Piccolo Trunks Broly Androide 18 Androide 17 Whis Krilin
Vilma Dinkley Daphne Blake Shaggy Rogers Fred Jones
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Montgomery Montgomery Violet Baudelaire Klaus Baudelaire Georgina Orwell Justice Strauss Fernald Fiona Kit Snicket Lemony Snicket  Gustav Sebald
Marvel/DC Comics
Solo agregare unos personajes
Doctor Octopus - Spiderman Miguel O'Hara - Spiderman Ghost Spider - Spiderman Spider-Man Noir - Spiderman Doctor Stranger - Marvel Peggy Carter - Marvel Raven - DC Comics Starfire - DC Comics Beast Boy - DC Comics Green Arrow - DC Comics
Moral Orel
Bloberta Puppington Clay Puppington Rod Putty Stephanie Putty Nurse Bendy
The Amazing Digital Circus
Ragatha x Reader Pomni x Reader Caine x Moon Caine x Reader Jax x Reader Gingle x Reader
Otros personajes (serie o película)
Miss Peregrine - Miss Peregrine y el hogar para chicos peculiares Carrie - Carrie 1976 Michael Myers - Halloween Jason Voorhees - Viernes 13 Thomas Hewitt - Masacre en Texas 2006 Ghostface - Danny Johnson Phantom of the Opera - Movie 2004 Blue Diamont - Steven Universe Yellow Diamond - Steven Universe Personajes de Disney - Solo si lo conozco
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⠀⠀ ⠀ Reglas ⛧ ?!
ㅤㅤ⛧ Especificar por favor lo que quieren, no soy adivina. Si quieren cierta situación especifica, ese tipo de cosas ya saben.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Al momento de escribir para lectores, lo diré de una vez, no se mucho de pronombres. Por lo que si quieres de un personaje no binario o algo así, por favor dime como es su uso de pronombres para escribirlo y te sientas cómodo.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Esto totalmente abierta a la idea de escribir OC x Character, para eso pido que en privado me den algo de información de su oc. Alguna ficha, descripción de personalidad y física, ese tipo de cosas.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Pido que me tengan paciencia, suele escribir de forma muy tardada debido a mi gran bloqueo de escritor. Ténganme paciencia, soy nuevo en esto :').
ㅤㅤ⛧ ¡Pueden pedirme cualquier cosa! Romance, platónico, relación padre/madre e hijx, de hermandad, etc.
ㅤㅤ⛧ Por favor, pido respeto ya que esto es como un tipo de pasatiempo para mi. No vengo a molestar a nadie y tampoco vengo a que me molesten. Si no les gusta mi perfil o tienes problemas conmigo, te pido amablemente que dejes mi perfil y con gusto puedes bloquearme.
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Eso sería todo por mi parte, bienvenidos a mi perfil y espero que les guste mi contenido.
¡Nos vemos!
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fluttersheek · 2 years
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-latte (stimboard)
-cappuccino (moodboard)
-frappuccino (headcanons)
-americano (playlists)
-black coffee (oneshot)
-cinnamon (lgbtq)
-mocha (fluff)
-pumpkin (x reader)
- french vanilla (x oc)
- peppermint (x s/o)
-egg pudding/custard (mlp: FiM)
-chocolate chip cookie (Komi can’t communicate)
-small lemon cake (TBHK/JSHK)
-small french vanilla cake (sailor moon)
~choose (a) friend(s) to eat with!~
-komi shoko
-rainbow dash
-najimi osana
-yashiro nene
-hitohito tadano
-usagi tsukino
-ami mizuno
-rei hino
-minako aino
-makoto kino
-aoi akane (fem)
-pinkie pie
•Disclaimers/Extra Info•
*we only serve what is on the menu! please don’t ask for anything that isn’t on there!
*if you are not satisfied with your order, please let us know, we will fix it!
*we accept tips ! (reposts, likes, comments)
*remember, we are only human, if we make a mistake or you disagree with us because of something proven, let us know, but don’t expect us to make edits to our published work.
Thanks For Stopping by! Come again!
-Flutters Cafe 🌸
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Ami's S/O eating her out while they are at the library.
NSFW under the cut
“You gotta stay quiet,” you whispered against her cunt. 
“‘m sorry,” she whimpered. You smirked and went back to eating her out. You sucked on her clit while inserting two fingers inside her. 
“(Y-Y/N). Feels so good,” she whimpered again. 
“I bet it does. You wanna cum?” you said, looking up at her. She nodded and bit her lip. You placed your mouth back on her clit and moved your fingers in and out of her. She reached for your hair and tugged on it, wanting you closer to her. 
“I can feel you clenching, babygirl. You gonna cum for me?” you said. She nodded and clenched her eyes shut.
“Use your words, babygirl. Otherwise, I’m not gonna give you what you want.” you said.
“I-I’m gonna cum, mommy/daddy,” she moaned softly. 
“Cum for me, baby. It’s okay.” She covered her mouth with her hand as she came all over your face. 
“Good girl,” you smiled. 
“Ahem!” You and Ami looked over and saw the librarian there. 
“You need to leave. Now,” she said. And with that, the two of you were banned from that library.
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margeybutterfly · 2 years
Chapter 4
Serenity woke up with a sudden jerk. She wondered how long she had been out. Serenity freaked out not knowing how long she had been down and got up as quickly as she could. Not knowing that would be a bad idea, Serenity started swaying back and forth and when she tried to move forward, she had this sharp pain in her ankle. “Great,” Serenity thought, “just want I needed, a twisted ankle in the middle of final selection.” She rolled her eyes and tried as best as she could to walk herself to the finish line. As Serenity hobbled along the path, she heard someone call out. “Hey miss! Miss?! Are you okay?” Serenity turned around to see a beautiful woman with long flowing golden hair. “Yeah I’m alright. I just think I twisted my ankle pretty bad”, Serenity replied. She offered to help Serenity wrap her ankle so she could walk a bit easier. “Thank you….” “Minako” the woman with the golden hair finished. “Thanks Minako. I appreciate the help.” Serenity told her. The blonde piped up suddenly, “I’m not sure why I felt this way, but when I saw you I felt a sudden need to protect you. So… here we are now!” Minako smiled brightly at her new friend, then suggested that they travel to the finish together.
The two girls made short conversations and she told Serenity that she also came here with a friend but got lost when encountering a demon. “Her name is Ami. She has this gorgeous short blue hair that I absolutely adore, but when we encountered this demon we somehow got split up. She’s smarter than me so I have no doubt she succeeded,” Minako explained about her friend. Serenity found it endearing that she had so much faith in her friend. She knew she also felt that same way about Murata, but sometimes he can be a bit meek. That’s what Serenity loves about him though. No matter how hard he tries to be tough, she knows there’s still a sweet spot within him. While the girls were walking through the thickened forest, Minako and Serenity encountered another demon. This demon looked a bit easier than the one she saw earlier. Serenity started to grab her sword, when Minako grabbed her’s and yelled, “1st form: Love me chain.” Minako’s sword whips out, chain-like, into a bunch of hearts. Stunned by her attack, Serenity let out a gasp as Minako kills the demon in a few blows.
After the demon disintegrates, Minako and Serenity walk further into the brush. They walked for a couple of minutes until they heard rustling nearby, panicked, we grabbed our swords ready to attack yet another demon. However a short, blue haired girl and Murata appeared instead and jumped when they saw us. “Murata!,” Serenity exclaimed. When Minako saw her blue haired friend she cried “Ami,” as she ran to hug her dear friend. Murata went in for a hug when Serenity stepped aside to greet Minako’s beloved friend. Ami greeted her with the biggest smile and gave her a hug. “Thank you for taking care of my friend,” Ami exclaimed. “Ami this is Serenity! She was the one who I met up with after splitting up with you,” Minako explained. Ami excitedly explained how happy she was that her dear friend could run into someone so nice.
After the introductions, the four slayers walked through what they thought would be the last of the wisteria forest when they saw yet another demon. Since there were four slayers now, they easily attacked the demon and killed it. Serenity found out that Ami was a fellow water breather like Murata. She had a special attack called “Bubble Spray” where her sword slashed the demons attack leaving nothing but small bubbles behind. At last, Murata, Minako, Ami, and Serenity were finally out of the dreaded wisteria forest.
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lily-de-wakabayashi · 3 years
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Paypal Commission for Zahir678: his OC, Yakito Taichi, and Sailor Mercury, from Sailor Moon.
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hot-wiings · 5 years
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- Mamoru Chiba
- Rei Hino
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doomzdayzzx · 2 years
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-sailor moon
-south park
-toilet bound hanako kun
-stranger things
-maybe more??
what I will write ! :
- x readers
-light fluff and possibly lemon
-nsfw hcs maybe?
what I don’t write! :
-nsfw of minors
-inc3$t (e, s)
-shame/degrading lgbtqia+ members in any way
-anything religious (I don’t know how to write it!)
-usagi tsukino/sailor moon
-rei hino/sailor mars
- minako aino/sailor venus
-makoto kino/sailor jupiter
-ami mizuno/sailor mercury
-kusuo saiki
-teruhashi kokomi
-the goth kids (michael, henrietta, firkle, and pete)
- stan
-cartman? maybe??
- Bebe
- heidi
- tweek
- craig (possibly)
- tolkien
- jimmy
- timmy (maybe..)
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fandom-go-round · 1 year
Hello. Since you're writing about Sailor Moon, how Rei, Ami, Minako and Makoto would react on the fact that their S/O is actually a monster (youma or something like that), who prefer to coexist with humans and study them instead of following their masters orders?
Warnings: Angst, Lying to a Partner, Implied Betrayal, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon Typical Violence
Rei Hino:
It’s going to take a lot for Rei to forgive you. She’s furious that you would hide something this big from her and is half convinced you’ve been dating her just to get close to the other scouts. You assure her that it’s not the case and if you beg a little she’s more likely to take pity on you.
After she gets time to cool down and think, there’s going to be a lot of words exchanged. Rei doesn’t want to break up but she’s nervous about letting things progress. Assure her that you still care about her and bring some treats as a bribe and it’ll end on a positive note.
Things move slowly after you tell Rei that you’re a youma. The two of you still go on dates but it takes a couple of months for things to go back to normal 100%. Rei does her best to not make a big deal out of it but sometimes it’s hard. Be patient with her but also make sure to stand up for yourself; sometimes she needs to be reminded that you do care for her.
Ami Mizuno:
Ami is the one to take reveling that you’re a youma the best. She’s not happy, don’t get her wrong, but she understands why you hadn’t been willing to talk to her about it. She still feels the sting of betrayal but she’s more willing to hear your side of the story.
She finds it endearing that you want to coexist with humans. She likes the idea that you just want to live in harmony with everyone; that’s what she wants too. Ami wants to have a serious discussion about your relationship and what you want out of it but mostly she’s happy that you’re not evil.
Nothing changes except that she worries sometimes about you being found out. Right now you’re considered a rouge agent and she never wants you to get hurt by associating with her. Ami does her best to keep you away from the fighting and you support her as much as you can.
Minako Aino:
Minako is the one who takes the news best after Ami. She believes that you would never hurt her but she is worried about the other scouts. It’s a tougher battle to get her to acknowledge that you aren’t going to put anyone at risk by being together. Communication between the two of you is spotty, with Minako trying to figure out her emotions.
Things are rocky until the scouts get attacked and you save them. The blatant way that you defend them and ignore the direct orders you’re given convince everyone that you’re serious about Minako and your words. You get hurt saving them and no one can try to say you’re not on their side.
Minako is taking care of you as you recover, showering you with affection and love. There are private conversations that happen when no one else is there but her public persona is on when you have company. She feels guilty that she didn’t believe you, even if you understand. Just let her pamper you a little bit and all will be well.
Makoto Kino:
She torn between being furious and taken advantage of, settling for somewhere in the middle with a wounded puppy dog look. It’s not great to upset Makoto, mostly because she tends to internalize it. Not that anyone would guess but after dating her for so long, you’ve been able to figure out the signs.
She won’t know what to do if you approach her so let her process things in her own time. Makoto has complicated feelings about you hiding yourself but she also understands on some level. You know that everything is going to be ok when she bursts into your house a week later, panting as if she’s just run a marathon. She’ll declare that she forgives you and then everything is pretty much back to normal.
Makoto will defend you if people try to bring up that you tried to betray her. She gets annoyed that people want to bring it up, the past is the past. You never betrayed her and she knows that you’re not going to.  It’s flattering to have her in your corner and you could watch her defend you forever.
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
If it's okay, could shy gn!autistic reader be trying their best to befriend Usagi, Ami, Rei, Makoto and Minako from Sailor Moon? The Cardcaptor Sakura one was so cute I would love to see one of Sailor Moon. I hope you are doing well 💗
Shy autistic!reader trying to befriend the Sailor Scouts
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[ PLATONIC HEADCANONS ] [ Usagi, Amy, Rei, Makoto & Minako ]
[ Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon / Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon ]
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I had a lot of fun while thinking in it! I really really love Sailor Moon!! 💕
I am actually having some troubles in my personal life but write makes me feel better so thank you for requesting it dear :D
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Usagi was the one who approach to every single one of them, so is probably that she was the one who approach to you first too
You just have to take her interest for her to try to meet you, and that isn't exactly difficult, maybe she finds your shyness cute, maybe she notice you diferent behavior and get curious, having good grades work too
Usagi is really friendly and carefree but is also clingy and loud so you could get easily overwhelmed by her behavior, if you try and avoid her that will just make her more curious and will try different approaches
At the end will be with the help of the others that they could finally approach you and try to befriend
But in the case that you are already friends with one of them things would be a little different
If you are already friends with Amy she will make sure to be careful when introducing the two of you, she cares a lot about you (specially for being her first friend) and the last thing she wants is to upset you, also she will tell Usagi about your autism (with your permission of course)
Since Rei didn't had friends either you would be her first friend and will make her get pretty protective over you, it will take a while for her to let you two meet, and, in her own way, she will tell Usagi about your autism and needs (at first is more like a threaten to don't upset you)
With Makoto is a little different, since she is new in the city she didn't know much about you, unless you two already know each other, either way she is observant and protective so whenever she sees you upset she will try to help you out (even more if she already know about your autism)
And with Minako will be more easy to be introduced to the others, she have a similar personality with Usagi so that will help a lot, and since she already know that she have to search for Usagi (and the other sailor scouts) she will give you hints about having to meet other people
No matter the way you ended up meeting them, all will be happy to became your friend, and, even if you don't really want to talk about it they will know about your autism (Amy has a lot of knowledge about medicine so she will be able to found out)
They will try to learn as much as possible to be able to help you and make you comfortable, mostly Amy, Rei and Makoto since Usagi and Mina get distracted easily and don't like to study
They will never force you to talk about it if you don't want to, but if you do it they will hear you carefuly and with a lot of respect. They will like to know what you don't like or what hurt to be able to help you avoid it
Also they will be patient with you, changes could be difficult and they will let you take all the time you need to feel more comfortable around them
They don't mind your shyness, actually Usagi, Mina and Makoto find it really really cute! (they are always giving you compliments), and you can relay on them for help, Rei is quick to stand up for you if it need it, followed by Mina and Makoto (but they could be very dramatic with it)
Whenever you don't understand something Amy is ready to help you with it (she loves being able to do that), and if you feel bad about needing help Usagi will comfort you saying that there are a lot of things she don't understand either
If you have sensory issues they will always take them in consideration, and if you ever go non-verbal or semi-verbal they will find other ways for you to communicate, you can write it down or they could learn sign language (at least one of them)
if you like hugs (maybe for preassure stim) they will always be up for a hug, Usagi is pretty clingy so she will hug you every chance she have, while Amy and Rei will be more shy about it, but they don't mind too much. In the other hand, if you don't like to be touched they will respect it and don't touch you without asking for permition first (even small touches like holding hands)
If you like to pet Luna and/or Artemis for comfort, stim or even just because they are cute they will feel honor and let you do it whenever you want, even laying in your lap to have all your attention (one of the girls will have to remember them that they have work to do or else they will just forgot about everything else)
With time they ended up telling you their secret about being Magical Girls since sometimes they have to run to atent their work out of the blue or the danger they have to encounter, and they don't want you to think something like they don't like you
There are a lot of autistic people who try to act normal for different reasons, either to avoid being made fun of or for not being a nuisance (what actually is not true) so if you ever do that they will be mixed feelings between saddnes and anger (against whoever makes you thing that you have to do that), and, in the moment they realice you are doing it they are quickly to comfort you, saying that you are perfectly fine the way you are and you don't have to try to be someone/something else
And it come the same if you ever feel like you aren't a good friend either for your autism or shyness, they won't let you continue thinking like that because is not true (is heartbreaking knowing that you thing that)
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ALRIGHT I have apparently a lot of things I’ve been tagged in (recently or otherwise) so we are gonna do one big post of those things under the cut here to save your dash (sorry if you’re mobile and the app isn’t doing a read more D:) - stating it now I’m not gonna tag anybody bc I took so long to get around to it oops
10 favorite characters from 10 different fandoms things -Ami Mizuno (Sailor Moon) -Elizabeth Corday (ER) -River Song (DW) -Delilah (Firewatch) -Velma Dinkley (Scooby Doo) -Molly Grue (The Last Unicorn) -Lady Macbeth (Shakespeare) -Yang Xiao Long (RWBY) -Dana Scully (The X-Files) -Tuppence Beresford (Agatha Christie)
Writing Tag 1. How many works in progress do you currently have in progress? “Just” three - Princess and the Goblin AU, a personal project, and an original work about the world’s grumpiest immortal old lady 2. Do you/would you write fanfiction? Yes and yes :P 3. Do you prefer paper books or ebooks? Paper books to own, but for schoolwork I’d much rather use ebooks as they’re a lot easier to search through when writing a paper and needing that one quote. 4. When did you start writing? Age six! We still have the word document from 2003 where I wrote an epic tale about myself helping the Boxcar Children solve a mystery in which my mom was, for some reason, a police officer. 5. Do you have someone you trust that you share your work with? Knight! 6. Where is your favorite place to write? At home, sitting on my bed. That’s where I work best in general; I don’t do well with the distractions of public places. 7. Favorite childhood book? Oh gosh. I was a ridiculously avid reader all through childhood. I don’t know that I could pick a single one, but the Nancy Drew series had me from very early on. 8. Writing for fun or writing for publication? For fun! But in an ideal world there would also be publication in the future lol. 9. Pen and paper or computer? Computer! I used to do pencil and paper when I was in middle school/high school and filled up a few composition notebooks, but I get too easily sidetracked with pencil and paper and tend to end up doodling if I try to use it for writing nowadays. 10. Have you ever taken any writing classes? I have! I did a fiction/poetry combo the summer of 2014 which was very nice, a poetry class fall of 2015, and am currently in another poetry class. One day I’ll get to have my fiction workshopped again! :P 11. What inspires you to write? Lots of things - music, dreams, other people, daydreams...
Last sentence you wrote:
She’d thought maybe she was doing it wrong, and that was why, but she didn’t quite know how to ask.
Top 5-10 songs you listen to: 1. Fire Escape by Love, Robot 2. Cherry Tree by The National 3. I Wish I Was Your Cigarette by K.I.D. 4. Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko 5. Beneath the Brine by The Family Crest
that one tag thing it didn’t have a title sorry Name: Mouse Star sign: Cancer Average hours of sleep: 5-8 depending on the day Lucky number: 7 or 27 based on numbers I like, but the OCD demands repetitions of 12 or 20 so take that as you will Last thing I googled: “panko crumbed turkey schnitzel” because I DIDN’T KNOW WHAT THAT WAS AND I WANTED TO KNOW IF I COULD EAT IT Favorite fictional character: Yes I Have Lots of Those What are you wearing right now: Batman pj pants and a soft green plaid buttonup When did you start this blog: May 2013 :’) please don’t go look at my first posts I was an embarrassing child What do I mostly post: Sailor Moon, Alex Kingston, helpful art things, and lately a lot of middle-of-the-night squawking about Scooby Doo Do I get a lot of asks: on the art blog! not here though lol Why did I choose this URL: River Song + memento mori
another one that doesn’t have a title I think sorry again O N E -name: Audrey || nickname: Mouse || zodiac sign: Cancer -height: 5′2″ || orientation: ace lesbian || ethnicity: white enough to make hiding in laser tag very difficult -favorite fruit: apple || favorite season: winter -favorite book: The Last Unicorn || favorite flower: carnation? -favorite scent: vanilla || favorite animal: cat -coffee, tea, or hot cocoa? no thank you -cats or dogs? cats -dream trip: I go to an abandoned, isolated castle in the middle of a wide-open field of green. no one is around. I am wearing a soft, billowy dress. I run through the halls of the castle to echoing sea shanties. in the tallest tower of the castle I sit and fill up an entire sketchbook and it doesn’t even matter if I mess up on a couple pages because I have brought sticky notes to try that cool thing where you just slap a sticky note over the mistake and keep going. -aesthetic: old empty buildings, soft blankets, girls holding hands, scuffed up knuckles and fingertips, the pages in a sketchbook where marker has bled through in just a few spots to make it look splattered, the smell of old books, antique brass pocketwatches, cold grey skies -favorite band/artist: Anberlin -fictional character I’d date: River Song, Elizabeth Corday, Makoto Kino -Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw T W O -countries I’ve lived in: US, UK I guess now? idk does it count -favorite fandom: uhh... if we’re talking about the fandom itself then Scooby Doo, there’s so little drama and everyone is just super into these goofy kids solving mysteries, it’s great -languages you speak: English, and I’m passable enough in Spanish that I could PROBABLY survive if I were dropped in a Spanish speaking country -favorite film of 2016: I have No Concept of Time and also don’t watch that many movies. did Wonder Woman come out in 2016? that’s like the only movie I’ve been to see in theatres recently. idk I apologize -last article you read: uhh something for class, so something about Gothic feminism -last thing you bought online: a maroon sweatshirt with Scooby’s face on it. I am the coolest adult and 12yo me would be proud. -how would your friends describe you: sweet but a huge dork, very little common sense, means well -how would your enemies describe you: I am always trying my best to not make enemies so?? I don’t know?
questions Nikki asked specifically 1. You spend an entire year in another time and place for the next three years of your life. When/where do you choose and why? THESE KINDS OF QUESTIONS STRESS ME OUT because on the one hand, access to everywhere and everywhen!! BUT ON THE OTHER HAND IF I GO TOO FAR BACK INTO THE PAST I LOSE ACCESS TO THINGS LIKE MEDICINE WHICH I NEED AND POSSIBLY CONTAMINATE THE POPULATION WITH MODERN-DAY GERMS WHILE IF I GO TOO FAR INTO THE FUTURE I GET EXPOSED TO BACTERIA/VIRUSES I HAVE NO IMMUNITY AGAINST. it’s a lose/lose. so... picking close enough to not do too much damage, I’ll spend one year following Agatha Christie around sometime in the 60s, mentor my younger self in 2010, and go through all of 2014 again just so I can go see the Armory production of Macbeth. 2. Okay, be honest: do you put your laundry away immediately, or does it sit somewhere in a pile for entirely too long? IT SITS AT THE END OF MY BED FOR WEEKS YOU DON’T HAVE TO CALL ME OUT LIKE THIS 3. Describe yourself as if you’re in a fic. (Scent, appearance, aura – everything & anything is game.) “She was small and mousy, in the sense that she was a bit skittish of everything and squeaked sometimes when she talked, always too quiet for the ‘real’ grownups. She stepped lightly, and tried to take up as little space as possible, and was almost a ghost for her efforts.” 4. What non-essential thing(s) do you blow the most money on? MARKERS AND BOOKS I am a simple woman with simple desires 5. Did you have extracurricular activities as a child? Any that you wish you’d done? I did ballet and cheer in elementary school for like two years, gymnastics for a bit; journalism in middle school (say hello to the editor-in-chief of the school newspaper y’all); drama in high school - I can’t say that I wish I’d done any more actually 6. You can time travel (or not) and have your portrait done by any artist. Who do you choose? I'm gonna go with El Greco simply because his “Penitent Magdalene” haunts me 7. You’re out in public. You see a cat. How do you react? point at it and say CAAAAAAAT and hope it doesn’t run away 8. What kind of weather do you thrive in, and what can you simply not do? A bit cloudy and 50-60 degrees F is ideal. I cannot abide heat. Anything above 80 degrees is repulsive. 9. Om nom nom, breakfast! What are your favorite breakfast foods? CEREAL AND WAFFLES 10. Do you like running up and/or rolling down hills? ...not particularly... I have a weird thing about heights, and inclines do not really help D:
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 years
Sailor Scouts with a crush [Inner Senshi]
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Usagi, Amy, Rei, Makoto, Minako ]
[ Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon / Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon ]
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I loved the manga and the crystal! Is soooo beautiful!!!
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Usagi Tsukino
This girl don't really get that she have a crush, she just know that she likes spending time with you (there are times when she questions her feelings for you, but just brush it off). Her friends had to make her see that she have a crush
Usagi talks a lot about you with her friends, family and Luna!
Minako will tease her a lot about her crush and for not noticing early
Usagi is a crybaby, so she will cling onto you whenever she start crying, however when is something more serious (like when is something about the threat of the enemies) she won't like to you to see her in that state
She is really clingy, trying to be with you whenever she can! Mostly going to the acarde to play videogames together!
Sometimes she ask you to help her study, but both of you always ended up doing other things
She gets distracted easily for been daydreaming about you
When you give her a compliment she get all giggly and blusy, even more if you give her a gift (even if it's something small)
Maybe doesn't seem like that but Usagi is protective over you, she know that the threat of enemies is constant and she wants to be able to protect you and her friends
If she have to protect she will! And will be over you asking you if you're injured or something after (if you ever get injured she will panic at first), may even hug you tightly for how worried she was!
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Amy Mizuno
It will take a long time for her to notice or acept her feelings, at first will just brush it off as admiration. Her friends will have to be the ones how make her understand that this is actually love (mostly Mina and Makoto since they get really excited after finding out)
Before meeting Usagi she was seen as cold and distante, so she will try be your friend to make sure you don't see her as such
She talks a lot about you with her friends and mom
Amy gets easily nervous and blushy around you
When you two hang out its mostly with the excuse to help you study or with her friends (she gets nervous when you two are alone!)
If you're interested in medicine and/or want to become a doctor too she'll get excited and will offer you to try it together!
She doesn't exactly know what to do, to be honest this is the first time she falls in love
Whenever you compliment her she become a blushing mess! All flustered stuttering a 'thank you'
If you ever get injured (for whatever reason) she will the first to offer you help to treat your wounds, asking you what happen and even telling you that you worried her and she cares a lot about you
If theres a moment when she have to save you she will, after that she will ask you if you're alright looking for any injuries
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Rei Hino
Even if she notice her crush Rei will be in denial for a while. She's not supposed to be in love, she have things to attent! (especially if you're male, Rei don't really trust much in males)
She may come across as rude with her crush, but she's just confused, she don't know what to do
With time Rei make peace with her feelings and even apologize for how she treated you. Then she will start trying to be friends with you (if you already are friends she will just return to her old behavior)
She enjoy your company, most of the time both of you just hang out in quiet places and talk
She invite you over the temple, and you'll have the oportunity to see her skills with the bow.
Rei isn't a shy girl and is pretty popular in her school, so compliments aren't new for her, but the ones you give it to her are special, those make her genuinely happy
She'll introduce you to her friends and Phobos and Deimos, is important for her that you get along with them
Minako will tease the hell of her for her crush, its unlike her so she will take advantage! (maybe even tease you)
Rei is a stoic person in general, but she will warm up with you and you'd see her showing more emotions, and smiling more often
If you find yourself in danger she will go to help you without a doubt (probably was Phobos and Deimos who tell her about this). She cared about you a lot and, after make sure you're not injured (and take care of your injuries in case you have) she will scold you a little for putting yourself in danger and worring her
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Makoto Kino
Dont take long for her to notice her crush, Makoto know right this warm feeling in her chest. She isn't exactly shy but she had already been heartbroken ones, so she will be careful whit this for a while
This sweet girl will cook for you every time she gets the oportunity to do so (even try to impress you with her skills)
She's protective over you, she's super strong and can protect you (but never brag about it though)
Makoto can be pretty intimidating and that makes her feel afraid that you may don't like her for that and even fear her
Despiste her looks she's really femenino, so if you ever you comment of it in a good way (like making a compliment) she can feel her heart rasing and the blush growing up in her cheeks
She likes to hang out with you, both of you can talk about everything and anything. Also, she will tell you about her dream of having a flower shop
Makoto isn't exactly shy, but whenever you compliment her or make something sweet for her she get all flustered and blush, shyly thanking you
She don't exactly daydream about it, but She's excited with the idea of ​​having a date with you
If you get worried for her living alone she feel like falling in love with you even more! But will (asegurarte) it's not a problem
Prefer that you be as far away from danger as you can, if she have to save you she wont hesitant telling you to please be more careful (she may feel a little flustered after when when she think about what she did)
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Minako Aino
She notice her crush almost inmediatly, and she get super excited!
This girl will brags about you with her friends a lot! (to Artemis too)
Minako is not the shy type, in fact she is really obvious with her crush! Don't even bother to hide it, she don't see why do it
Whenever you give her a compliment she gets really happy and blush, she's not shy so may compliment you in return, and later she will brag about it with her friends!
If you're a fan of Sailor V she will be so proud of herself! She even got super cocky
She will give you cute litte gifts and may even try to cook for you
She spent time with you whenever she can, sometimes even makes excuses just to hang out with you!
She won't ask for help for school, but you offer it she will accept right away (just as an excuse to hang out thought)
She daydream about you two as a couple a lot! (her new favorite hobby). In her eyes you're perfect! You are like her knight in shiny armor!
For sure she will write you love letters
Minako will try to impress you with her gymnastics skills
When she notice that her feelings are stronger than other times is when she take them more seriously.
If she get to save you anytime she'll feel so proud and may show off a little (if the situation is already taked care of or not too dangerous, she'll never put you in danger)
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
1. Welcome back. And 2. Could you write Ami finding that her S/O asleep from trying to decipher old Moon Kingdom text.
It feels good to be back!
So imagine this:
Ami had just returned to your shared apartment and saw that everything was dark. She called your name and soon found you, asleep on your desk, having an old Moon Kingdom text out. She smiled and took off your glasses (if you have them). She then picked you up and brought you to bed. 
“Goodnight, sweetie. I’ll see you in the morning.” 
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atomic-taco-muffin · 3 years
Sailor Mercury with an S/O who tends to leave hickes on her neck.
She's gonna feel so embarrassed by them and will try and cover them up. But her friends will be able to tell and possibly get mad at you. 
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