amethyst2900 replied to your post “So I’ve somehow ended up roped into talking about fanfiction for my...”
How are you still alive because my teacher mentioned fanfiction one (1) time and my entire soul left my body in fear
Yeah, that’s usually how I feel. I think my soul abandoned me before the conversation really started, like it vacated the premises during all of the nerdy shameless conversations me and the classmates around me were having, and then it didn’t come back quick enough to save me from uttering the words “I write fanfiction sometimes” that kickstarted this mess. 
And now it can’t come back if I want to survive this project.
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farafey · 6 years
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@sweetoreo33 but also consider him playing a saxophone...which annoying instrument player to make the butz man
@amethyst2900 i forgot edgeworth could canonly play the flute!! yeah that would be his concert instrument
and i might switch phoenix and maya’s instruments imo, maya seems like the type to choose the weirder instruments and i think she’d be so entertained by the slide, and idk phoenix playing the clarinet kinda fits well but also maybe pit?
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amethyst2900 · 5 years
It’s late and i’m bored soo my discord username is Amethyst2900#1272 so like friend me there if ya want and we can chat and shit
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The Athena believes in big foot post made me think of what BuzzFeed Unsolved would be like in the Fae AU. Like would they encounter actual ghost and demons? Would they go to the law offices because they heard it's haunted? And what would Athena believe from the episodes, like would she believe in mothman (I meant to send this hours ago but I got distracted sjdjdg)(also im sorry if this is a stupid ask I just had an idea)
This is the least stupid ask and honestly? I have thought about it in the canonical universe. I love this thought, desperately.
Athena absolutely believes in Mothman. Just, always.
In the canon setting, Athena probably doesn’t believe in ghosts, because ghosts don’t really seem to be a thing, outside of mediums being able to channel spirits. Like ghosts really don’t seem to be able to do stuff on their own. Athena totally does believe in ghosts until she meets Pearl, who explains the magatama and stuff along with Phoenix. Athena and Trucy definitely sit her down and show her a bunch of Unsolved episodes, and Pearl is like “all of this is wrong, everything they are doing is wrong, I can’t believe they are doing things so improperly, this is shameful, they need to know the truth”
Which can only make me think, in canon, the way that the reputation of the Fey Clan recovers from Misty’s disgrace in DL-6 all those years ago is because Pearls calls Maya up from Phoenix’s office like “the next time we are somewhere with good wifi, I need to show you this show and we need to invite these people to Kurain Village to see some real spirit stuff”.
And that’s how Maya gets on Buzzfeed Unsolved and how the Fey Clan once again becomes famous.
Someone write that fic for canon, because if no one does I’m gonna have to, and I have lots of other things I want to do.
In the Fae AU, the show is like:
Shane: “We should try sleeping in a faery ring.”Ryan: “NO, BECAUSE WE’LL DIE.”
They probably still traverse the country doing ghosts and stuff, but all the weirdest stuff comes out of LA, and lots of people are clamoring for them to just, like, life-vlog from LA only and sooner or later there’s got to be some sort of proof of the supernatural that gets caught on camera, because stuff is so weird.
On the other hand, the fae probably know that people want to capture their existence on camera, and so they probably fuck with ghost-hunters and the like just on this side of plausible deniability. The kind of thing that Ryan thinks is proof, and Shane’s like “nah, coincidences.” “The spirit box told us to watch the Steel Samurai! It made a whole sentence about it!” “Yeah, okay, sure”
In the Fae AU, the spaghetti/apple tater demon was Maya.
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amethyst2900 replied to your photo “what color do we all think Klavier’s car would be, like his bike is...”
Oh another idea, after he meets Apollo he gets a plate called "Ju5tic3" and the first time Apollo sees it he just walks away and doesn't talk to klavier for like a week
oh my GOD
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amethyst2900 replied to your photo “what color do we all think Klavier’s car would be, like his bike is...”
All I can imagine now is him having "l0ve l0ve gu11ty" on the plate
everyone: how were you allowed to put that much on a license plate
Klavier: I’m a lawyer
everyone: that...........still doesn’t mean you can do that, how the hell---
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amethyst2900 replied to your post “The Athena believes in big foot post made me think of what BuzzFeed...”
Pearl: What kind of idiot would believe in a 'mothman'? Athena: A me kind of idiot that's who
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amethyst2900 replied to your post “dukebee replied to your post “having chapter titles in the Fae AU...”
My grandpa keeps at a box of professional grade fireworks in the trunk of his car and every time i ask him why he just says "You never know when you might need fireworks," he scares me a bit tbh
That is...........you know, I don’t actually have a word or combination of words to say what that is, but I am glad I now know this story.
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The last couple of posts (specifically the Machamp anon) remind me of how my cousin looked like he was about to straight up punch me because of my luck in wonder trade. (I've gotten about 5 shinys and 3 legendarys through it and i have no idea why)
Oh my god that’s incredible. You have the magic touch. You are the chosen one. Better to accept it than question why. 
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amethyst2900 replied to your post “so what’s everyone up to right now, it’s 11 pm local time and I’m...”
I'm trying to write a fic but i have only gotten 90 words down because i keep getting distracted by coming up with stupid shitposts sdjkfnj hope your paper turns out good tho
Oh, that is such a mood, I feel that. “My creative process is on fire, but it’s only for jokes with no application to what I intend to be doing.”
Fortunately what’s due tomorrow is the first draft, so I will have some feedback and time to get it sorted back out. Looking at it in the morning though is gonna be a big surprise of what’s actually in here.
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amethyst2900 replied to your photo “what color do we all think Klavier’s car would be, like his bike is...”
It would either be a dark purple or a very light purple, he also probably has the Gavinners logo painted on the hood and the trunk
GOD. The logo! The logo! He would! Why is he so tacky!! I get secondhand embarrassment thinking about this even though I know Klavier would never be embarrassed by it because this is just! How he is! Why is he so tacky!!!!
nonanalogue replied to your photo “what color do we all think Klavier’s car would be, like his bike is...”
I honestly think it would be a similar color to the car; he seems like he's trying to match everything to his coat
Local man likes exactly one (1) color, and black, and makes the most of it
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dukebee replied to your post “amethyst2900 replied to your photo “what color do we all think...”
He is the best and perfect and I love him. But yeah it would be so fucking tacky and have a custom hood ornament of the Gavinners logo
Look, I know I no longer stand by it, but there’s a reason that when I started getting into this series that I said that Klavier looks like a guy who vapes.
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