ashtheashtray · 1 year
so we all know that amerikate wont become canon in the MCU , since they aged down America (or aged up Kate) cause marvel are a bunch of scared-
so it got me thinking of who they could potentially pair her up with instead (cause i really hope they dont just go "lets just not give her a girlfriend or at least a romantic plotline" i really dont)
and i thought about it, and then i thought about Leah of Hel (yes I have been obssesed with her lately im sorry)
so in the comic her and Loki (in the journey into mystery comics at least) are like 13 (also i know that Leah is like 75387598734575 years old or something but you get the idea) and they are probably going to keep her roughly the same age when we meet her ( please marvel let my girl Leah get the spotlight, just for a bit) maybe like 12 or 13, and if she decides to join the young avengers, which i think is highly likely, but that may just be me, she will probably be like 15/16
since i assume that it wont take too long for America and Loki (and with him comes Leah either at the same time or soon after) to join the young avengers so she will probably also be like 15/16 since she is 14 in MoM
this is all speculation, but i think thee might be a chance.
so yeah, Leah and America, the lesbians who have something against Loki in the comics
or they might intruduce Americas girlfriend from the comics, either way ill be happy
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ashtheashtray · 1 year
I've admittedly not been keeping up with the mcu the last few years but since it's a totally different reality from the comics, Leah wouldn't really have to be 13 or even require Loki to be introduced depending on how they do it. There's a Leah from a different reality whose motivation was originally to find her girlfriend (that reality's version of Illyana Rasputin) so there's already an older version of the character who is confirmed wlw and whose ties to Loki were never particularly strongly implied
sorry if im wrong but i assume youre referring to sieges leah? if not sorry about that.
i honestly thought it was the same as 616 leah, but after reading it again its not. (edit : is it? im... im not sure honestly)
youre right about the mcu and the comics being totally different universes.
i also just want her to be introduced alongside loki cause i love their relationship lol
regarding the way you say they could introduce her that would also be pretty cool and a way to introduce the xmen.
personally i think they might be using some sort of flashback to right after ragnarok where we see hela return to hel or smthn and either leah has been there the entire time or hela makes her. this all kind of build on that hela did not die during the final battle but rather got so wounded that she wont survive i kind of believe that since we did not see her body. then she would task leah to revenge her or something. its probably really far fetched but oh well.
sorry if i completely missed the point of your ask :/
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