#american horor sory michael x reader
Michael Langdon - Forgotten
Title: Forgotten Requested: No Synopsis: You were living a luxurious life after the end of the world, by the side of the Antichrist.  At least, until it all disappears Word Count: 1318 Notes: I love Love LOVE Michael Langdon, so...yeah Warnings: None
You looked over at your lover, Michael, with a smile on your face.  You had recently arrived at Outpost 3, one of the only remaining pieces of civilization as it was known, and his final selections had been made for the Sanctuary.
Nobody had made the cut.
This meant that they’d all die, and you knew just how excited Michael got at the idea of mass death.  Just the thought of it had you fidgeting in your seat, waiting.  The plan had been set into motion, the residents would be eating their poisoned apples any minute.
He looked up at you from his laptop and smiled, closing it and standing from his chair.  “You look excited, my love,” he said as he walked over to you.
Your lips spread upward in a grin as you stood up to give him a peck on the lips.  “Just excited for our new world,” you said as you took his hands in yours.
He looked down at you.  Most people found Michael threatening, but you were the opposite.  That look in his eye made you want to get even closer to him, until no space was between you two.  “It’s all for you, y/n.”
You let out a light giggle as his hand moved to cup your face.  He leaned down to meet your lips, but stopped just when yours were grazing each other.
“Something’s wrong,” he said, pulling away from you and walking to the door.
You looked down at Venable’s bleeding, dead corpse.  There was nobody left in the Outpost, who could he be sensing?
“I’m going to investigate, stay here.”  With that, he stepped out of the room and closed the door.
You wanted to follow him.  You wanted to see what the threat was.  But, you knew better than to disobey Michael, so you sat down in your chair and awaited his return.
You sat in silence for a long moment, before you heard the doors to the outside opening.  Your heart began racing, that could only mean two things - someone had broken in, or Michael was leaving you there to rot.  You couldn’t take it, you jumped up and threw the door open, running out after him.
He stood at the base of one of the staircases, staring down into the main hallway where a group of women stood - three of them being dead Outpost residents.  You ran to stand beside him, somehow thankful that it was an intruder instead of him leaving you.  “Michael, what’s happening?” you asked him.
He put his arm around you, pulling you close to him.  “Just some pests,” he said as he looked down at you.  “They’ll be gone soon.”  He looked back up at them and said, “The world has been remade in my father’s image.”
One of the women with a mess of red hair laughed as she said, “Darling, it seems daddy didn’t tell you the most important rule of bringing on the apocalypse: If you wanna finish the job, the thing you have to do first is get rid of all the witches.”
Your eyes widened.  These were the witches, the ones Michael had been talking about.  You’d never seen them in person until now.
Michael’s grip on you tightened.  “I could annihilate all of you in a second and the world would go on without missing a beat.”  He gently pushed you behind him and began to descend the stairs. “You and all your work will be forgotten in the rubble of the past, but I wanna give you a future.”
You reached for his hand.  “Michael-!”
He pulled his hand out of your reach.  “Fall to your knees and accept me as your Lord and Savior and I will bring you to the table as my obedient subjects.”
One of the women - an Outpost resident with a lipstick heart, scoffed.  “What, so we can end up like your little pet behind you?” she asked, making a motion towards you.  “Yeah, no thanks.”
Rage flared inside you.  “I am not a toy,” you said angrily, stepping forward until Michael’s hand stopped you.
Another of the women spoke up.  “The only way we would sit at your table was if your decapitated head were the centerpiece.”
Michael turned to you and smiled lightly.  “Dear, the slaughter is about to begin.  Go back to our room, I don’t want you getting your beautiful hands dirty.”
You knew better than to argue with Michael, so you bit your tongue and turned to go back up the stairs.  Once you reached a point where Michael could no longer see you, you paused and focused on listening to what was going on downstairs.
An explosion went off, and you couldn’t help yourself.  You flung yourself back down the stairs, looking for Michael.  Your eyes widened when you realized he wasn’t on the stairs anymore, and you looked at the witches frantically.  “What did you do?!” you yelled as you ran down the stairs.  You finally located Michael and ran over to him, but stopped when you saw him cradling Ms. Mead’s decapitated robot head.
You stood, frozen, as you watched Michael stand up.
“Sorry about your little toy, bitch,” a voice said from behind you.  You turned to see one of the witches holding Mead’s gun arm in her hands, and before you could react she began firing at Michael.
“No!” you yelled, jumping to tackle her out of the way.
One of the other witches grabbed you and threw you against a wall, standing over you with a bloody knife in her hand.  The dark-skinned one, the Voodoo Queen, stood before you.
Poised to kill.
“What are you?” she asked as she stared down at you, but all you could look at as the knife dripping blood.  You knew the bullets wouldn’t kill Michael, but they’d slow him down.  He couldn’t protect you until he healed, which would take a minute or two.
But you slowly made yourself look up at the woman.  “I-I’m y/n...” you said quietly.  “Please, please don’t hurt him.  Let us go!”
She laughed.  “You must not know what he is, you poor thing.”
You shook your head.  “No, you have it all wrong!”  You pushed yourself against the wall and stood up.  “Please, please don’t hurt us.”
She glared at you for one last second before saying, “Can’t do that.”  She swung the knife at you, and then it all went black.
Your eyes flew open and you shot up in your bed, breathing heavily.  You felt like you were just waking up from some nightmare, but you couldn’t remember any of it.  Something about a boy - a beautiful boy.  You couldn’t quite picture his face, but you weren’t very focused as you turned off your alarm and swung your legs off of your bed.
It was time to prepare for another day at your job in the coffee shop.
As you got ready, you couldn’t help but feel like something was missing.  You looked at the empty chair across from you, which had always been that way.  Empty.  But something about it just felt wrong.
Shaking your head, you finished getting ready for the day and walked out the door.  Your work wasn’t far from your apartment, so you’d usually walk there.
As you were walking, you were stopped by a hand landing on your arm.  You turned to face the hand’s owner - a short woman with black lipstick staring up at you.  “Excuse me,” she said with a scary, wide smile.  “Do you have a minute to learn about our Lord and Savior, Satan?”
The idea of it didn’t appall you like you always thought it would.  It actually intrigued you.  Something about it just felt...Right.  So against your better judgement, you decided to be a little late for work.  “Sure,” you said, giving her a smile.  “Why not?”
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