todays-coupon123 · 2 years
Don't miss it! Check out the website AmericaBlogg to know more about Cancer. Here AmericaBlogg published one of the in-depth research articles about Cancer, its symptoms, and Prevention.
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Charleston, South Carolina
Charleston. What a remarkable little place.
I added Charleston into my itinerary for my East Coast USA trip in January 2017. It was a must.
In 2014, I met a guy from Alabama who told me his favourite place in the world was Charleston. In 2015, I met a girl who said I cannot travel in America without seeing Charleston at least once. Then of course there were the wonderful reviews all over TripAdvisor.
I left Queens, New York on a cold Tuesday morning and took a business class flight with Delta to Charleston, South Carolina. I had no plans, no real structure to my days. I knew nobody there and I was staying for five days before heading down to Georgia.
I was in love already. When in the cab, I was astonished to see the properties. They were classic two-story households with great wooden porches on both levels. There would be an old man sitting out on the porch on his rocking chair watching the world pass, at another there was a girl painting a picture on a massive wooden sketching board, at another there were children running up and down the outside staircase. It was simply magnificent. A sense of ancient America struck me. The place had a lot history. Especially with the Civil War.
I checked into a hostel called The NotSo Hostel. It is managed by a girl named Vikki, she is an experienced traveller who has successfully set up Charleston’s only hostel. Her story and her journey is incredible and I was very unfortunate not to have met her. Though she did send me an email when I had left saying she would love to have a cup of tea with me the next time I was in town, I would positively love to meet her.
The hostel was great. There was an upstairs porch and I spent hours each day sitting up there smoking cigarettes and reading a book. In the evening, other travellers would gather up there. Beds were great. Facilities were very reasonable and the staff were really friendly (especially Bailey!)
I often ate at a great burger joint called HoM. It’s located on King Street which is next to Meeting Street and that stretches all the way down to the seafront. Those two streets are where you will find a lot of restaurants and bars at very reasonable prices.
There is plenty to do in Charleston day and night. I ended up doing a lot of walking, I went to an improv comedy show with my friends who I met at the hostel, I went on a tour of the Charleston Distilling Company, I went to a lot of bars too!
The people I met there were mostly American, apart from one Irish lad who lived in California. They were all on their own journey and a few of them had blogs too. I made friends instantly and we all went out most nights.
My dear friend Brandan came down from Charlotte, North Carolina to spend the night at the hostel. I met him in Homestead, Florida in 2013 and we have been in contact ever since. He is a very special man and his story amazes me. I am glad I met up with him. We had a few drinks and the next day him and I went walking around Charleston. We were joined by a sweet girl called Genevieve, she was on a journey across America and she was hoping to drive through every single state. Good luck to her. Good luck also to an incredibly pleasant American lad called Oliver who was on a journey across America via Amtrak.
Walking around Charleston on a sunny day can be very relaxing and therapeutic. The air is clean, the palm trees sway and the people are tremendously friendly. Everybody says hello, everybody has a smile on their face.
One afternoon, towards the end of my stay, I sat with a homeless guy for a couple of hours and we spoke about life and what was next for us both. His name was Kennedy and he had just got out of prison, his girlfriend left him and took their child and he had just lost his father too… I have had a few rough years but hats off to Kennedy as he had a smile on his face the whole time because he was “happy to be alive!” I noticed he said hello to every single person that passed by as well.
My time in Charleston was spontaneous. There were a few good walks, a few good nights, definitely a few good meals too! The people I met at The NotSo Hostel were wonderful and when I pass by Charleston next year, NotSo is where you will find me.
Until next time, Charleston, remain beautiful.
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Guy returns his "smart" light bulbs, discovers he can still control them after someone else buys them
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You know what's great about putting wifi-enabled, Turing-complete computers into things like lightbulbs? Not. A. Single. Fucking. Thing.
In the latest installment in the Internet of Shit edition of the unanticipated (but totally predictable) consequences, Americablog editor John Aravosis discovered that the Philips Hue lightbulbs he returned to Amazon were now on in someone else's house -- but still under his control.
He discovered this because the new owner, "Amanda Jean," initialized the bulbs, and then his Hue app started to send him a stream of updates from Amanda Jean's house, along with the address for her IoT hub and her email address.
He writes, "Because I’m a nice guy, I deleted my account, which I’m hoping didn’t just delete her account."
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It turns out people can change, and it starts with in-person conversations that acknowledge and engage with the other side’s hesitations.
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vagabondretired · 6 years
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Gong! Gong!! BuddaBuddaBudda… GONG!!! This is another edition of The One Word Answer Man. Americablog’s John Aravosis asks: Does anyone associated with Trump not sound like they work for Tony Soprano? No. Now back to The Stormy Games. Gong! Gong!! BuddaBuddaBudda… GONG!!!
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Although Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has recently encouraged mask wearing in response to the coronavirus pandemic, some far-right Republicans are still reluctant to wear face masks in public. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, according to AmericaBlog reporter John Aravosis, wasn’t wearing a mask at
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talesofalamia · 7 years
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From Americablog
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buzz-london · 7 years
Is Melania Trump really fluent in five languages?
Melania Trump claims to be fluent in five languages (English, French, Italian, German and Slovenian). But is she really? AMERICAblog editor John Aravosis, who actually does speak five languages (Spanish, French, Italian, Greek and English), looked into the issue, and what he found raises questions about just how well Melania Trump truly speaks French and Italian. Why does this matter? Because just this week, Donald Trump announced a new immigration policy whereby potential immigrants with skills, and fluency in English, will get favored treatment.
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thefloridaoracle · 6 years
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Berners attack Beto – AMERICAblog News http://bit.ly/2Smin27
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6dogs9cats · 8 years
NOW that the majority of Independent Voters joined all Republican Voters and Disloyal Democrats to elect these abusers of people and of freedom it's left up to Democrats to fight for our rights and the rights of others again.
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badgop · 8 years
Trump personally met with Russian ambassador during campaign
Trump personally met with Russian ambassador during campaign
Donald Trump has claimed repeatedly that he has had no contact with Russian officials as a presidential candidate. He was lying. Trump personally met with the Russian ambassador on April 27, 2016, prior to a major foreign policy speech. The Wall Street Journal, in a report that was little-noticed at the time but was recently picked up by AMERICABlog News, reported the meeting last year. Read the…
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kathleenmaryparker · 8 years
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onlinekhabarapp · 8 years
के ट्रम्पको एउटा ‘बाथरोब’ पनि छैन ?
२६ माघ, काठमाडौं । के अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पसँग एउटा ‘बाथरोब’ (नुहाउनु अघि र पछि लगाउने लामो कपडा) पनि छैन होला ? उनका प्रवक्ता त यही भन्छन् ।
ह्वाइट हाउसका प्रेस सचिव सान स्पाइसरले दिएको अभिव्यक्ति अहिले सामाजिक सञ्जालका लागि गजबको मसला बनिरहेको छ ।
उनले ट्रम्पसँग बाथरोब छ भन्ने आफूलाई नलागेको बताएका छन् । अमेरिकी पत्रिका न्यूयोर्क टाइम्समा प्रकाशित एउटा समाचारलाई खन्डन गर्ने क्रममा उनले यो बयान दिएका हुन् ।
ह्वाइट हाउसमा राष्ट्रपति ट्रम्पको शुरुवाती दिनलाई लिएर प्रकाशित लेखप्रति अखबारले माफी माग्नुपर्ने माग स्पाइसरले गरेका छन् ।
लेखमा उल्लेख थियो, ‘जब ट्रम्प बाथरोब लगाएर टिभी हेरिरहेका हुँदैनन् वा चुनावी प्रचारका दौरान बनेका साथी र सल्लाहकारहरुसँग फोनमा बात मारिरहेका हुँदैनन्, त्यबिबेला उनी आफ्नो नयाँ घरको ती हिस्साहरु अवलोकन गर्नका लागि समय निकाल्छन्, जसको बारेमा उनलाई कम जानकारी हुन्छ ।’
यो प्रसंगलाई उद्वृत गर्दै स्पाइसरले भनेका छन्, ‘मलाई लाग्दैन कि राष्ट्रपति डोनाल्ड ट्रम्पसँग कुनै बाथरोब छ ।’
उनको यत्ति अभिव्यक्तिले सामाजिक सञ्जालमा तुफान खडा भयो । सामाजिक सञ्जालमा #BathRobeGate  जस्ता थुप्रै ह्यासट्याग ट्रेन्डिङ हुनुका साथै बाथरोब लगाएका पूर्व अमेरिकी राष्ट्रपतिहरुको तस्वीर धमाधम पोष्ट हुन थाल्यो ।
टि्वटरमा एबी बुएनोले पूर्व राष्ट्रपति रोनाल्ड रेगनको बाथरोब लगाएको तस्बिर पोष्ट गर्दै लेखेका छन्, @seanspicer / @realDonaldTrump ले यसप्रकारले बचाउ गरिरहेको देख्दा अनौठो लागिरहेको छ । जबकी उनका हिरो त यसलाई लिएर कत्ति पनि लजाउँदैनथे ।’
@AMERICAblog  का सम्पादक जोन एरावासिसले ट्रम्पका तीन तस्बिरहरु पोष्ट गरिदिए जसमा उनी बाथरोबमा देखिएका छन् । एक टि्वटर ह्यान्डलमा लेखियो, ‘प्रेस सचिव, मलाई लाग्दैन कि १० डाउनिङ स्ट्रीटको पाल्तु बिरालो ल्यारी पनि बाथरोब लगाउँछ ।’
१० डाउनिङ स्ट्रीट ब्रिटेनका प्रधानमन्त्रीको कार्यालय हो ।
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partisan-by-default · 5 years
A few weeks ago, I downloaded several hundred of Trump’s most recent followers. In order to determine which accounts were fake, I decided to be pretty conservative about it, no pun intended. Only accounts with 0 to 2 followers would be considered fake. Of Trump’s new Twitter followers, 56% — or one in two — are fake.
If you expand the list of fake accounts to include anyone with fewer than 10 followers, the number of Trump’s new followers who are fake totals 72%. And while some accounts with ten followers may be real, it’s at least interesting that nearly 3 out of 4 of Trump’s new followers have fewer than 10 followers.
Now, this problem isn’t unique to Trump. I checked Barack Obama’s feed, and it contains a lot of new fake accounts as well. So does my own Twitter feed. But this explains why Trump and his conservative “friends” might have noticed their follower numbers occasionally dropping. It happens when Twitter finally culls the herd of fake accounts.
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ltlredx · 4 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/LiberalFenix
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denisinwales · 4 years
What a surprise the Trump family lied yet again! Donald Trump, Jr.’s arrest record for “public intoxication” is now public https://t.co/aJ84axT8U4 via @AMERICAblog
What a surprise the Trump family lied yet again! Donald Trump, Jr.’s arrest record for “public intoxication” is now public https://t.co/aJ84axT8U4 via @AMERICAblog
— DenisCampbell (@ClientLoyaltyDC) July 13, 2020
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ClientLoyaltyDC July 13, 2020 at 08:52PM via IFTTT
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