#ambw got7
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unique-high · 11 months ago
Kpop x Blk reader request are open.
Hello, I'm taking request for Kpop groups x Blk reader. Boy or Girl groups. Blk Fem Reader or Blk Male reader. I'll write whoever you want just let me know which group they are from so I have the right person and I can do my little research on them.
I don't write requested smut so I deeply apologize.
If you want you can check out my MASTER LIST
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yessbler · 8 months ago
Presente de Aniversario | Kim yugyeom
Titulo: Presente de Aniversario
Avisos: Linguagem Explícita, Conteúdo adulto, Hot
Sinopse: Na qual o maknae recebe um presente de Aniversario que ele nunca vai esquecer.
Cont. de palavras: 11.585k
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Blair não conseguia se lembrar de como ela acabou nesta posição; deitada dentro de uma das salas VIP, nua para o mundo ver com as pernas abertas enquanto um ídolo mundialmente famoso trabalhava sua língua em seu sensível clitóris.
Ela também não conseguia se lembrar da conversa que teve para que fizesse a única coisa que ela sempre disse a si mesma que nunca faria desde que começou a trabalhar na Diamond City.
Seu trabalho lá era simples, ser bartender, algo que ela deixou claro quando aceitou a oferta de emprego. Não era segredo para ninguém que acontecia sexo nos Red rooms no infame clube de strip. E para cuidar de sua reputação, Blair não queria se envolver. Talvez o dinheiro fosse bom, mas ela não estava disposta a diminuir sua autoestima por dinheiro.
No entanto, isso foi antes de ela ser chamada por ele.
Embora sua mente estivesse confusa com os acontecimentos que levaram ao que estava acontecendo dentro da sala, uma coisa que ela lembrava era como se sentiu quando seus olhos pousaram nele.
Como sua garganta ficou seca quando ela percebeu a figura dele ocupando o sofá um pouco à sua frente. A maneira como ela lambeu os lábios ao ver como ele estava sentado casualmente com as pernas abertas, parecendo estar esperando alguém sentar em seu colo. A curiosidade que ela sentiu quando ergueu uma sobrancelha ao vê-lo digitar algo em seu telefone enquanto se recostava, até perceber que não estava mais sozinho.
E acima de tudo, sussurrando baixinho quando ele se levantou e se aproximou dela.
Tudo parecia ter passado como um borrão desde então e ela infelizmente não conseguia se arrepender. Não com ele usando a ponta de sua língua molhada tocando em sua pele delicada.
-Yugyeom…- Blair respira suavemente enquanto o sente afastar ainda mais suas coxas e colocar a língua na horizontal e lamber lentamente para cima, aplicando pressão precisa diretamente sob seu botão latejante. Os sons que saíam de seus lábios eram ininterruptos desde que ele começou e ela tinha certeza de que se não fosse pelas paredes serem à prova de som, qualquer pessoa por perto poderia ouvi-la.
Tudo o que ela pôde fazer foi passar as mãos pelos cabelos macios dele e receber a bênção que ele estava lhe dando.
Mas seu cérebro simplesmente não conseguia entender o quão bom ele era. Quão surpresa ela se sentiu com ele assumindo o controle e levando seu corpo a novos níveis de puro êxtase.
-Oh meu Deus - ela de repente se viu chorando quando ele deslizou um dedo dentro e começou a brincar com seu ponto g enquanto sua língua a trabalhava tão deliciosamente. Ele estava tentando deixá-la louca, ela estava convencida de que sim.
-Yugye- O som do nome dele falhava e o aperto dela em seu cabelo ficava mais forte.
Estava na maneira como Yugyeom se movia, de forma tão fluida e meticulosa, fazendo ela passar por ondas de euforia explícita. Sua boceta se tornou sua cachoeira, jorrando tanto liquido com sua excitação que poderia encharcar a almofada debaixo dela.
Suas coxas tremiam com os toques, enquanto sua cabeça rolava para trás contra o sofá. Ela tinha certeza de que com cada movimento que sua língua fazia, ele estava levando consigo um pedaço de sua alma. Ele era o ceifador e sua dignidade era sua para coletar.
Ouvi-lo gemer contra ela causou arrepios em sua espinha. Ela não pôde evitar empurrar a cabeça dele ainda mais para dentro dela, mas suas ações não atrapalharam seus movimentos. Ele a estava comendo como se ela tivesse o sabor favorito de sorvete dele, sem deixar nada intocado ou lambido.
Blair não tinha certeza do que esperava quando chegou, mas sabia que não era isso. Quando ela colocou os olhos nele pela primeira vez, quando ele fez sua presença ser conhecida ao lado de seus colegas, ela nunca presumiu nada além de quão perigosamente pecaminoso ele parecia, ao mesmo tempo em que tinha essa aura de aparente inocência sobre ele.
Ele era bonito, isso estava claro, no entanto, ela não esperava que o homem mais jovem fosse tão habilidoso quando se tratava de sexo oral.
-Não faça isso…- Sua voz trêmula protesta quando os olhos dele piscam em direção aos dela, quando ele se afasta levemente, movendo a língua lentamente sobre o clitóris dela.
-Pare… por favor- ela continua a implorar com seu corpo estremecendo com o que ele estava fazendo. Foi um dos golpes mais sexy que ela já testemunhou.
Nenhum homem jamais ficou tão bem entre suas pernas como ele conseguiu neste exato momento.
-Então goze para mim- ele sussurra, dando um beijo em torno de sua intimidade.
-Você pode fazer isso por mim, noona?-
O som de sua voz a fez morder o lábio enquanto uma nova onda de calor percorria suas veias. -Continue falando assim e eu juro, eu juro que…- ela avisa, massageando a cabeça dele.
-E-eu…maldito Yugyeom- ela choraminga, sentindo-o adicionar outro dedo em seu canal apertado.
-Você jura o quê?- Ele provoca, permitindo que seus olhos percorram seu lindo rosto e desçam pelo resto de seu corpo. Ela tinha um corpo tão lindo e diferente de tudo com quem ele já teve o prazer de estar. Fazer coisas assim não era típico dele, mas quando seus hyungs lhe disseram que tinham uma surpresa para ele, ele admitiu que estava um pouco hesitante. Mas isso mudou quando a mulher que havia roubado sua atenção estava diante dele.
Blair era como um sonho. Um que ele queria valorizar para sempre. E antes de saírem desta sala esta noite, ele estava determinado a gravar sua marca em sua mente para sempre.
Este era um tipo de liberdade que ele não experimentaria tão cedo.
-Mesmo que seja apenas por algumas horas, você pertence a mim, noona- ele revela, usando o polegar para esfregar seu nervo.
-Por uma noite, é minha…- Assim que essas palavras saíram de sua boca, Yugyeom pôde sentir as paredes dela se apertarem em torno de seus dedos instantaneamente. -Diga que é minha, Blair-
Sem hesitação ou constrangimento, ela foi rápida em fazer o que ele pediu. -È sua… porra… essa boceta é sua, toda sua- ela choraminga, girando os quadris nele.
Aqui ela estava deixando um estranho tocá-la e agradá-la de uma maneira que seus joelhos fraquejavam, vomitando palavras obscenas que ela nunca havia dito a ninguém antes.
-Por favor… estou tão perto- ela diz a ele, agarrando sua nuca, tentando puxá-lo para mais perto. -Use essa língua para me fazer gozar para você, por favor.- Embora as palavras parecessem tão estranhas vindas dela, ela quis dizer cada palavra.
Assentindo, Yugyeom removeu os dedos e começou a separar os lábios, revelando o interior rosado onde seus olhos seguiam como se fosse a coisa mais fascinante do mundo, fazendo Blair se sentir um pouco constrangida.
-É tão linda- ele sussurra para si mesmo, lambendo os lábios ao ver.
Ouvir ela soltar um gemido foi tudo que ele precisou para mergulhar sua língua nela, penetrando-a enquanto seus gritos perfuravam o ar e sobre a música que estava sendo tocada.
Ele a fodeu com a língua enquanto usava os dedos para brincar com seu clitóris, fazendo a mulher ver estrelas. Os ruídos molhados que vinham de entre suas coxas por causa do que ele estava fazendo com seu corpo fizeram com que ela atingisse abruptamente seu ápice, pegando-a de surpresa. Sua boca se contorceu em um formato permanente enquanto ela gemia por ele, sem saber, empurrando a cabeça dele ainda mais em seu calor.
Ela estremeceu enquanto ele bebia seus líquidos, tornando sua missão absorver cada gota molhada.
Blair se contorceu, afastando a cabeça dele quando ficou sensível, mas Yugyeom estava longe de terminar.
Levantando, limpando a boca, ele começou a se despir, jogando suas roupas em qualquer lugar até ficar na frente dela completamente nu com seu membro em plena atenção.
-Não. Mantenha as pernas abertas… não as feche- ele ordena suavemente, observando ela tentar fechá-las quando seus olhos pousaram em seu pau.
Ele mal deu a seu corpo trêmulo uma chance de se recuperar quando se viu pairando sobre ela, apoiando-se em seu antebraço enquanto usava a outra mão para se guiar em direção a sua entrada molhada.
Empurrando para dentro dela, Yugyeom observou suas sobrancelhas franzirem e sua boca formar formato de O mais uma vez. Ele precisou morder o lábio inferior para se impedir de mostrar a ela o quão bom era sentir suas paredes apertando-o ao redor dele, empurrando mais fundo.
-Noona, eu-…- Sua voz treme quando ele chega o mais longe que pode, paralisando seus movimentos. -Eu não consigo fazer isso gentilmente…- Ele a informa, saindo lentamente apenas para afundar de volta em seu calor suavemente.
A boceta dela parecia que estava o segurando por conta própria, e apertando-o tão perfeitamente enquanto ele repetia os seus movimentos.
- é tão gostoso você me apertando assim - acrescenta ele, voltando sua atenção para onde eles se juntaram e se concentrando na maneira como seu pau desaparecia na boceta divina dela e cobrindo-o tão lindamente.
Blair só conseguiu cantarolar em resposta, abrindo mais as pernas, o que rendeu um gemido de Yugyeom. As mãos dela encontraram os lados dele no momento em que ele puxou e rapidamente bateu os quadris contra os dela, criando um som de batida molhada em seguida.
-Sim, Yugyeom,- ela respondeu, adorando a repentina aspereza com que ele fez isso de novo, e mais duas vezes seguidas.
-Tão molhada, noona,- Yugyeom geme baixinho enquanto começa a ganhar velocidade. Cada vez que ele mergulhava nela, ele podia sentir a onda de prazer enchendo-o até os dedos dos pés. Era uma sensação como nenhuma outra, uma sensação que ele não queria acabar.
Seus gemidos apenas o encorajaram, junto com o som que sua boceta fazia cada vez que seus corpos se juntavam. Seus olhos se fecharam enquanto tentava se concentrar em dar prazer a Blair, inclinando os quadris de uma forma que transformava seus gemidos de felicidade em gritos entrecortados. Ele podia ouvir sua respiração ficar pesada cada vez que a preenchia.
Ele não conseguiu evitar aumentar a velocidade, encontrando-se colocando um joelho no sofá, bem debaixo da coxa dela para se apoiar enquanto a penetrava, aplicando pressão em seu estômago.
-Blair...- ele choraminga sexy, empurrando os quadris nela antes de dar-lhe movimentos acelerados, fazendo com que as unhas dela cravassem em suas costas.
-Vira pra mim!- ele exige de repente, saindo dela, deixando seu pau molhado e saltando enquanto ele se afasta para dar espaço para ela mudar de posição.
Yugyeom olhou enquanto ela se ajoelhava e arqueava as costas de uma forma que sua bunda ficava em uma exibição tentadora na frente dele. Ele não pôde evitar estender a mão e tocar a pele macia, adorando como ela se mexia quando ele dava dois tapas.
Blair gemeu com o impacto e rapidamente se viu chorando no sofá quando Yugyeom deslizou dentro dela por trás. Yugyeom fechou os olhos saboreando a sensação, estremecendo ao sentir as paredes apertadas dela se abrindo e fechando ao seu redor.
Foi como se uma nova onda de determinação o inundasse, uma sensação de exuberância selvagem o encheu depois que ele a acariciou, amando o quão intenso era o sexo entre eles.
Em segundos, Yugyeom começou a bater nela com um novo tipo de necessidade, usando a cintura dela para se equilibrar enquanto a puxava para trás para encontrar seus golpes. Ele descobriu lugares que fizeram ela falar palavras que ela sabia que não faziam sentido.
-Me fode de volta, noona…- Ele ordena, removendo as mãos para vê-la fazer exatamente isso e jogar sua bunda de volta contra seu pau duro.
Ver a bunda dela saltar contra ele com a mesma necessidade, parecia ser tudo o que Yugyeom precisava para se tornar mais vocal, com seus gemidos do nome dela caindo em seus lábios. As batidas de suas peles batendo uma contra a outra tornam-se mais frequentes com seus movimentos fervorosos.
Ele a estava enganando tão divinamente que Blair tinha certeza de que ela teria dificuldade para andar direito depois.
-Tão gostoso… assim mesmo- Blair literalmente soluça, seu corpo tremendo com o orgasmo que se aproxima, ela estava tão perto e ele sabia disso. -Eu vou gozar com tanta força nesse pau…- Ela choraminga com a respiração pesada.
Passando as mãos pelas costas dela, Yugyeom deitou a cabeça dela no sofá, deixando somente a bunda dela a mostra enquanto se acomodava na nova posição que lhe permitia ir mais fundo. Ele moveu uma das mãos para brincar com o clitóris dela e ela se contorceu debaixo dele.
-Então faça isso por mim, noona. Não segura, goza no meu pau -
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lustfvls1ns · 21 days ago
Got 7 Sins
Got7 Ambw Series
One Shot Smuts
1. Bambam
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Bambam groaned thrusting into your wetness . Your mouth fell open in shock as you held onto his muscular arms . " bam , it's too much .. " you stuttered as he went deeper , slapping your ass
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kpopcookie0813 · 1 year ago
Hello everyone. I am writing for many different Asian Boy Groups (KPOP, JPOP, & CPOP), Asian Actors (THAI, KOREAN, CHINESE, JAPANESE), and Soloists on Tumblr so, I will be moving all of my stories from Wattpad also on here. As of now, I only have written about NCT members so my first few stories will be just NCT but if you have many more boy groups you would like to see please let me know. I will be making stories and more with the categories below. So, feel free to request anything you would like for me to write either in the comments or privately. Also, this will be AMBW stories for my BLACK QUEENS...:)))) Scenario Smuts Fluffs MTL's (Most Likely To) Reactions And more.... So, I hope you guys will enjoy this and there will be more to come. ALSO, I WILL NOT RIGHT SMUTS FOR ANY MEMBERS THAT ARE 05 LINERS AND UNDER......
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verytalented · 2 years ago
What would Got7 do pt.4
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1 2 3 4 A/N: This is the last part of this request If you would like to request anything here is my Master List, and Ask List
Request- At a house party, what kind of person is each GOT7 member? And where would they be?
JB - Jay is the type to not want to go to a party because he would either be going to work or just doesn't wanna waste his time at a party. But at the same time, he wouldn't want to miss out on the fun and he would be the DJ or some shit.
Mark- Mark would be the so would sit in the corner and just watch everything unfold, but somehow he would still contribute to whatever happened at the party. Or would be dragged into the mess at the party.
Yugyeom- He would drink some much to the point where he make the stupidest decisions of his life. I feel when his drunk he would get a tattoo and wouldn't remember how when he got it or how he got it..
BamBam- I feel like bambam would make the party more welcoming and would be talking to everyone there as well as pranking every last one of his friends. Bambam would differently be the type to be so loud even though there is music playing.
Jackson- My man would most likely be the one drinking it up all night but still wouldn't get drunk. Jackson would never get drunk because he has so much experience from so many parties and most likely be the one who started the party from the start.
Youngjae- He would always be late to the party and would always forget that there is a party. Or he would never get invited to the party. And even if he did show up he would be so awkward and wouldn't know what to do.
Jinyoung- I feel like he would be very emotional when drunk. You'll probably find him outside somewhere and he would be thinking about his past actions. And as soon as you start talking to him he starts venting to you even though he's not the type to do things like that. And here's a plus the next day you would ask him about it and he would act like he didn't talk to you about his problems. And he would most likely be awkward for a while.
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multistanparadise · 2 years ago
Archive Post: Idol High
Synopsis: Uh basically it’s the written version of a crazy dream series I had a while ago. I’m tired of not updating here but I also don’t have any requests so here we are 😀
"Hi are you interested in Korean culture and Kpop? Do you want to get to know the Idols you've come to love? This is the place for you! Fill out the application and see if you're qualified for what it takes to be an Idol!"
I quickly pull up the online application and fill it out. I have been into Korean culture for 8 years (it’s been over a decade now currently 😀) and it's time my knowledge be put to the test. I answer all of the requirements and send my application in hoping I'll get a response.
"Girrrrrrrrrrrlllllll, I'm LIVING!! This is our chance to meet our ultimate biases and if we're fortunate....marry them!" My best friends are on a Group FaceTime call screaming. "They specifically said they don't want Koreaboos and fangirling on campus. We'll have to work on it."
"Don't our acceptance letters come today if we get in? We already did our interviews so hopefully we all get in. I personally can't wait to see Mark."
The rest of us look at her. "We know Kayla, we know." The doorbell rings and I tell them to hold on. A Korean man was standing at the door with an envelope.
"Hello Ms.Diamond, you're formally invited to attend Idol High, your flight leaves in the morning. Your ticket is inside along with the itinerary for your first day and check in for your dorm room. 안녕히 가세요!"
Wowww I actually got in...
My friends and I arrive at the airport along with our luggage. "So do we order an Uber or...do they provide us transportation? Wait...I see a sign that says Idol High." We head towards the man holding the sign and he looks really familiar. "You girls attending Idol High?"
"MINHO?! I mean um yes we're attending Idol High. Ahaha..." He smiles and gestures for us to follow him. "Girrrrrllll we hit the jackpot!" "I know we are finally living like a kdrama!" "I wonder how the dorms work!"
"Ladies are you coming?" We stop whispering among ourselves and run after him.
We arrive on campus and it looks like we stepped into what looks like Boys Over Flowers and My Hero Academia had a baby. "Wowww we're going to live here?!" Minho chuckles a bit at our reactions. "Well yes of course. Your luggage will be taken to your room while you attend orientation. Well it was nice meeting you ladies, enjoy your time here."
We exit the limo and step foot on campus for the first time. As we enter the Admin office we are ushered to the orientation center and sat at a computer desk. "Welcome to Idol High, please insert your full legal name into the appropriate section."
Click click
"Welcome Mina to Idol High, you will now take a quiz to decide who your roommates will be. The dorms are co-Ed."
Click click
"Your results are in. You are best matched with BamBam of Got7 and YangYang of WayV. You can not be matched with your biases. Please head to your dorm to continue orientation."
Of course I wouldn't be paired with my biases...I knew it. I check to see that my friends are finished with their quizzes. "So who did you get?"
"Yugyeom and Hendery."
"Hwasa and Yuta"
"Wooyoung and Zuho"
"Wooseok and Shownu."
"Oh cool. Well I'm going to head to my dorm, I'll catch you later." I walk to my dorm and bump into someone. "Oh excuse me beautiful, are you okay?" I look up to see the man of my dreams( 🥴) Jackson Wang. "...um oh uh no but I'll be okay later...." He smiles and presses the elevator button. "Sooo do you like Got7?" The doors open and we walk inside. "Absolutely, that's my...favorite group...floor 7 please."
"Oh me too, what room are you in?" I look at my sheet and back at him. "4..." I'm so nervous I hope I'm not sweating. "I'm in 5, that's across the hall. I guess I'll be seeing you around. Can I see your schedule?" I pass him my paper and our hands touch slightly and I feel my stomach fill up with butterflies. Oh good god.
"We have the same morning classes, maybe we can walk to class together." He smiles as he hands me my paper back. "Oh okayyyyy, I wouldn't be opposed to that idea." The doors open and we step out together. "Oh I think our rooms are this way." I follow him and we find our dorms. "Well I'll let you get settled, maybe later we can go to the café together?" "Oh sure that sounds good. Just knock on my door ..."
I open my door and wave to him before closing it. If I stayed in his presence any longer I think I would've burst. "How am I going to control myself around him?" "Around who?" I jump because I know that voice all too well, BamBam.
"No one...hi I'm Mina." He shrugs and waves. "You already know who I am, Double B!" YangYang pops out his room and smiles. "Hi Mina, it's nice to meet you!"
"Awww you're so cute in person, it's nice to meet you too!" He blushes a bit as he smiles. "Well go settle in, we'll hang out later." I smile as I open the door labeled Mina and close it. I let out a breath of relief and see that my bags have been placed at the foot of the bed. I think I'll have a lot to get used to but I think I'm gonna like it here.
Okay so I'm going to update this for the part 2 but this is long enough haha. Please comment 🥰
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imdelulu · 2 years ago
* disclaimer this is a fanfic everything is fake…. this will be a short story giving you a back-story of how the main group I’m gonna write about was formed*
this is a show that will bring 6 girls and 6 guys together to form one group under Hybe entertainment.
The group will be an international group and will promote in Western countries, Korea, and Japan
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brownangel07 · 5 years ago
Should I start writing again?
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myskinwithhis · 6 years ago
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You Are The Greatest Sunrise I’ve Seen...
JB (Got7) x Female Reader (POC)
(*...* - inner thoughts)
I was around 5am in the morning. The air was very crisp due to it being the beginning of spring. I have gone to my ‘thinking place’ as I like to call it. It’s a small hill that over looks Seoul city. It’s very quite round here so time seems to really fly when I’m here.
The trees behind me offer a form protection from the rest of the world, well, the traffic at the bottom of the hill. The sun just began to rise, making the winter fog look like a light bed sheet over the city buildings. As the sun began to creep higher up the sky, the rays were a light sunflower yellow across the city as the sky had shades of rose pink and baby pastel blue painted along it. I love watching the sunrise from here it is almost like a healing moment for me.
I lean a little on my car front, fully taking in the view, watching as the sun’s rays carefully hugged each building it came across. I heard something in the trees behind me but I didn’t pay it no mind. The noise soon stopped and was replaced by the sound of heavy breathing, like a person out of breathe. I turned expecting to see a normal runner. She wasn’t a normal runner.
She was a foreigner, she was hunched over, hand on her knees trying to catch her breathe. I couldn’t help but watch her. She had very dark skin, almost resembeling dark chocolate or a deep oak colour, she wore a lime green sport bra that complemented her skin so beautifully, it was mesmerising. She wore what looked like normal black leggings and she had regular running trainers on. She had a shirt in her hand, to my guess she took it off during her run. Without realising the sun had risen a little bit more to where the rays caressed her skin. Highlighting the beads of sweat on her skin and illuminating her skin even more. She was breathe taking.
She began to stand up straight, and look around to gather her surrounding. She saw me and smiled at me. Her beautiful teeth greeting me. I knodded and gave a little smile back, trying not to show that my heartbeat had increased. I turned back around facing the city in hopes to hind my now red face.
Her features were so beautiful, her eyes were so soft and had some form of safety in them, they made me think of the song pretty brown eyes by Mint Condition. Her lips were so fully, they looked so soft to but a little dry I think because she hasn’t drank water yet. Come to think about I don’t think she had water. I turn back around to see if she was still there. She wasn’t instead she was at the edge of the hill, staring down at the city, her breathing had gone back to normal now and she became even more breathe taking that before.
I walked around the front of my car, opened the driver seat door and pulled out an unopened bottle of water. I closed the door and stare at the bottle for a second.
*How am I supposed to give this to her?*
*What should I say?*
*Jaebum, you are Jaebum, just say ‘hey do you want some water?’ Yeah that should be good*
I take a deep breathe and turn towards her again this time she was sitting down on the hill, completely taking in the view of the sunrise over the city.
*Here goes nothing*
I clear my throat as I walk towards her. I stop as I’m a bit closer to her, she looks up at me, those eyes are so captivating, I think I got lost for a while in them.
“Hi” her voice was soft and smooth, like honey but delicate like a daisy.
“Urm..... Hi..... I wonder if you want water?” I say nervously while holding out the water to her. She smiled, her smile was so warm and encouraging. I smile back as she took the water from my hand.
As she took the water, her hand grazed over mine. Her hands were so soft, I didn’t want her to let go.
She opened the bottle and drank from it slowly, I think she was trying to hide the thirst she had a little.
“Thank you” she said her smile again welcoming me, cause she didn’t put her mouth on the bottle while she was drinking, she began to handed it back to me.
“No, you keep. You need it” I say shaking my head and pushing her hand lightly back to her. She smiled again looking at my hand on hers
“Are you sure?” She asked, moving her eyes from our hands to my eyes, I think she was search for a change of opinion.
“Yes, you keep it” I reply before walking off, back to my car. I heard the gravel behind me move a bit. Soon after I felt a tap on my shoulder, it was her again. This time she was a little bit more closer now. Her cheeks a little round in a good way, her hair was a bit of a mess and she had a head band around her hair line. She smiled again in a relief that I stopped after she tapped me.
“Wait, what is your name?” She said, her voice soft again but more delicate than before. She spoke as if she didn’t want to scare me.
“Oh, my name is Jaebum” I said smiling at how her eyes lit up bright as I responded. I smiled at her as she repeated it back.
“Jaebum?” She asked, to see if she said it right, tilting her head to the side. I smile at her, again at how cute she was.
“Yes, and what is your name?” I asked nodding slightly letting her know she got my name correct. She giggled a little, I soon fell in love with her giggle, I wish I could hear it forever.
“My name is Y/N” she smiled even brighter this time. She lifted her head a little looking past my eyes and frowned her eyebrows. She took her hand and took a small leaf out of my hair and let it go in the direction of the wind.
While she was business with the leaf, I watched her every movement. How she handled the leaf, how she softly touch my hair and pulled out the leaf and made sure she didn’t hurt me at all. She was so wonderful.
“Thank you... Y/N” I gave her a soft smile and look into her eyes for a little bit. Getting lost in her eyes seemed like my new hobby and I enjoyed it very much. She smiled again at me but she couldn’t hold the eye contact for to long, I think she was nervous, but it was cute.
She stepped back and looked at her watch for the time, her eyes opened wide as she realised the time and looked back at me.
“Thank you Jaebum, I have to go now, bye bye” she said smiling and walking back towards the part of the trees she came out from.
“Oh.... bye bye” I said waving at her, knowing she can’t see me. I look down at the ground, and then back to the city and the sunrise.
“Y/N” I whisper to myself smiling, thinking of her smile and her eyes. She one of the greatest sunrises I’ve seen.
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kpoplover21bts · 6 years ago
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ryainmin · 6 years ago
WTTC - Chapter 01: What in the What?
What the What? – Chapter 1
 “I really want to see you guys too, Mom, but if that big snow storm is coming in, I don’t want you guys to get stuck here,” I say to my mother over the phone, while pulling up in the driveway.
“Are you sure, Honey? You know I love to travel. Plus, I miss you and little Ezra.”
“I’m sure, and we miss you too,” I say as I pull into the garage. “Hey, Mom? I’m going to call you back once I get settled in, okay?”
“Okay, baby. Well, I love you.”
“I love you too, Mama.” I press ‘End Call’ and set my phone in the cup holder. I turn my car off and let my head fall back on to the headrest as I let out a heavy sigh. Another holiday alone without my family, I guess. This past Thanksgiving, I couldn’t make it back to The States, because the head chef at the restaurant I work at, got very sick and needed me to stay and help.
I slip on my beanie and wrap my scarf around my neck. I swing open my car door and hop out of my SUV. Before I closed the door, I pressed the button on the stirring wheel to open the trunk. As I walk around the SUV, I opened the rear driver’s door to let Little Ezra out.
“Come on buddy, let’s get this stuff and get out of the cold, yeah?” He looks up at me and seems to nod and tilt his little head to the side. “You’re cute, you know that?” Ezra perks up and follows me to the back of the car and waits for me to grab the bags. I swing several bags over my shoulders and pull my two very large rolling suitcases out of the back. After closing the trunk, Ezra and I walked out of the garage and to the front porch. I punched in the code for the front door, and pushed it open. The motion sensing lights flicker on as Ezra walked through the door and into the living room. A small smile appears on my face as Ezra hops up on the couch.
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“Stay right there buddy, okay? I’ll be right back,” I say as I shut the door and head toward the stairs to the second floor.
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I slowly, but surely, drag the heavy suitcases up the stairs to the master bedroom to the right, just pasted the ‘extra blanket’ closet. I dropped my backpack, three duffel bags, and the two large rolling suitcases just inside the bedroom door. Tiredly, I slug my way to my very large king-sized bed and fell face first on it. 
In the distance, little feet came trotting up the stairs and barged into my room and hopped up on my bed. Ezra buried his self into my side and whimpered.
“Are you tired, little buddy?” Ezra’s breathing slowed as he fell into an exhausted sleep. “I guess you were,” I said kissing the top of your head.
I slowly and carefully peeled myself off my very comfortable bed and began to unpack all the bags and suitcases. I slowly fill in my walk-in closet, leaving out a dark red tank top and a pair of black sweatpants. 
I gather my left-out clothes and headed to my master bathroom, with my toiletries bag in hand. Looking over my shoulder to make sure the Ezra was still asleep, I walk into the bathroom connected to my bedroom and went directly to the shower.
I turn on the water and adjusted the temperature with the touch screen monitor built-in the shower. Once the water was perfect, I stripped out of my warm clothes and stepped into my rainfall shower.
Nathan, my friend who takes care of my Gangwon Mountain property, told me about the tenants he rented my chalet out to. Apparently, it was a group of seven or eight guys taking a short winter vacation. They were originally supposed to stay at a resort in Yonpyeong; which is not far from here. However, those guys were found out or something. Apparently, this place was the only available house that was far enough away from other civilization.
According to Nathan, the group of guys, only left about 45 minutes before I got here. If they took the long way down the mountain they are going to have a hard time getting to the bottom with the snow coming in.
I blindly grab the shampoo from the shelf and squeeze some into my hand. I lather my thick, black curly hair, being careful not let the shampoo run in my face, more importantly, my eyes. I rinse my hair and condition it. Rinsing my hair one more time, I turn off the water and step out of the shower, grabbing a towel.
I towel dry off and quickly put on my clean clothes, I look at myself in the mirror and watch the water droplets fall from the tips of my hair and on my tank top. I pick up my dirty clothes and walk back into my room. I throw my clothes into the hamper by my clothes door. 
I get up on my bed, being careful not to wake up Little Ezra. My phone starts to ring and I quickly reach for it and answer it.
“Hey, my Strawberry Pop-Tart, are you settled in yet?” My mother greeted me. 
I gave a little laugh, “Yes, Mama. Everything is put away and organized, just like you taught me,” I say remembering that my mom is super OCD.
“Good. Well, I called your father and told him that we wouldn’t be spending Christmas in Korea this year,” she sighed, “I have to say, he was very disappointed.”
“Yeah, I am too. I miss you guys,” I say getting off my bed, and walk around my room. “It’ll be a year in March. A year since I’ve seen you and Daddy,” I said wiping a tear away from my eye.
“I miss you too, Baby.”
I walk out of my room and was headed toward the stairs. “I was really looking forward to your famous meatloaf,” I expressed with a smile.
My mom lets out a little giggle on the other end of the phone. 
I begin to descend the stairs. “So, what are y-.” I stop dead in my tracks on the sixth step from the bottom.
I stare into the living room with my mouth hanging slightly open.
As I stare blankly into the family room, eight pairs of eyes are staring back at me.
“Rya! Is everything okay? Rya!” My mom says with a panic in her voice.
My mind goes completely blank, not knowing how to answer my mom. Standing in the middle of my living room is JYP’s GOT7, looking just as startled and confused as I felt.
Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. My eyes land on Mark and Jinyoung first. They both are looking at me with slight curiosity. I move to BamBam and Jackson, who are both standing behind the couch, holding their phones as if they were about to take a selfie. Youngjae was half hidden behind Mark, but by his body language, I could tell that he was a little nervous. Yugyeom was almost towering over everyone, looking a little lost; bless his little heart. My eyes met JB’s. I had to do my best to not look away from his gaze. His face was blank and his eyes were cold. I guess what people said about first seeing or meeting him were true.
My eyes wandered to the eighth pair of eyes. He was about 5’10” (178 cm) and weighed about 325 pounds (147 kg). In all honesty, he did not look very friendly, and the longer he stared at me, the more uneasy I felt.
“Rya...!” My mother’s voice rang in my ear.
“Yeah...?” Was all I could come up with.
“Is everything okay?”
I nodded my head, then realizing that my mom couldn’t see me. “Yeah… I just saw a really big spider in the living kitchen room.”
My cheeks instantly warmed up as my face turns a rosy red. I hear a muffled laugh from the couch. I turn to look and spot Jackson’s shoulders shaking, with his hand covering his mouth.
“Hey mom, I’m… gonna call you back. I have to kill this spider, okay?”
“Al-alright Honey,” she said worriedly. “Call me back as soon as possible okay? I love you.”
“I will. Love you too. Bye!” I quickly hang up the phone and stuffed it into my sweatpants’ pocket.
I look from member to member, my eyes meeting the youngest and tallest member of the group. As we made eye-contact, he gave me a smile, shy smile. My heart begins to race, and my vision becomes a little blurry.
What the what...?
How was the first chapter? Like it? Love it? Hate it? Whether you liked it or not, please leave a comment telling me how you felt about this chapter. Thank you for reading! ^_^ P.S. I forget to mention this in the Bg Info, but there will be Korean speaking-ness in this story. P.P.S. I do don’t speak Korean, I can barely speak English and it is my first language. Ha. Ha. So, for the non-English, I had my BFF Google Translate help me out.. SO… Yeah…
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ericbrainrot · 3 years ago
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"𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬 𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐦𝐚𝐨"
it matters because it’s hard for black readers to find oneshots that include them. x reader oneshots aren’t inclusive if you mention the reader has “long blonde hair” or the readers face turned “beet red” or when the reader has “blue eyes”. so when i type my oneshots, putting x black reader matters to me because i’m typing oneshots for black readers who are probably searching for things they can read and relate to. if you simply do not like it, just scroll and ignore. your negativity isn’t needed, this is a safe space for black kpop fans and it’ll be great if you left.
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nirvanawrites111 · 3 years ago
Degrade Me
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Pairing: Park Jinyoung x Fem Reader
Word count : 1551
Themes: Exs to Lover
TW: mentions of mental health, smut, strong language, y/n has a degradation kink, daddy kink, use of whore/slut, Dom Jinyoung because why not.
She/ Her pronouns
You find yourself sitting in a semi-familiar space. Your eyes scan the open space, and they settle on his display of many awards.
Your eyes sparkle at the latest k-drama awards. A gentle smile creeps onto your face, and you feel proud that he really went after his dreams.
Of course, your ex-lover enjoys singing, but he loves acting just as much. You remember you first met officially around the time that he was shooting He's Psychometric.
You still laugh at the way you met each other.
You stand up and walk over to his awards section. He's accomplished a lot for a twenty-seven-year-old. You marvel at the familiar trophies. You turn your back to the awards and look over at the balcony.
A rush of warm emotions runs through your body, and your eyes shut. You can vividly picture yourself on all fours with him grabbing your hair and pounding into you from behind.
Your mind moves to how he's told you his most intimate secrets and things he wanted out of life. You shared your dreams with him as well. How, you want to get into the mental health field in an unconventional way.
You sit back down on the couch and lie back against the pillows. You're surprised that he didn't change the locks. You still have his house key that you kept in your underwear drawer. You deemed it as your get-out-of-jail-free card.
Every time you felt in heat, you would look at the key. But, not once did you give into it. You were too worried about him rejecting you.
But, tonight, you decided to block out all of your limiting beliefs, and you thought about how he would easily want you.
Your body starts to betray you, and you feel your chest tighten at the thought of him rejecting you. But, when you remembered how good he was, you felt butterflies flutter in your stomach.
He was the best lover you ever had.
Jinyoung loved every single thing about you. Your full lips, sun-kissed skin gifted to you by god herself. He always complimented how your beautiful kinky hair looked amazing naturally.
You were exquisite to him.
Not exotic.
Being with you was never a fetish to him. He loved you deeply, deeper than he ever loved another human being.
He listened to you talk about your life, upbringing, and experience as a black woman navigating a patriarchal society focused on European beauty standards and white supremacy.
He loved the way you formulated your thoughts. He always praised you for being able to put your experience into words. He hung on to every word that you said.
Jinyoung loved the way you giggled at the most inappropriate times and how you would do imitations of each member.  You made him belly laugh from his soul. You were literally the sun, the stars, and the moon to him.
How his dark brown eyes gazed at you at any given time was enchanting. You experienced a once-in-a-lifetime connection with him.
But, sometimes, shit doesn't work out.
You turn on your side and scroll through social media. The blue light from your cell phone is the only light that illuminated his spacious living room.
You adjust on the sofa when you hear a key push into the door. Your body wants to shoot up from the couch.
Almost, like someone is catching you doing something you aren't supposed to do, but this isn't that type of situation.
Your body remains still on the black leather couch, and your mind casually dances back to when you picked it out for the penthouse.
You picked leather so that clean-up would be easy. There were a lot of fun memories on this couch.
Hell, there were great memories in this penthouse and some not-so-great.
"I'm so tired. I'm sorry I couldn't come out for drinks tonight," Jinyoung fakes a yawn, and his deep sultry voice echoes into the doorway.
You can't remember the last time you heard his voice in person.
"Yeah, I had a long day on set. But, send me a pic of that ass," Jinyoung says.
Typically Jinyoung always wants nudes. You wonder who he's talking to. A wave of jealousy moves from your belly up to your throat.
It causes your face to feel hot. You hear him step out of his shoes and place his feet into his slippers. His footsteps grow closer to you.
Jinyoung moves into the living room and stands by his television mounded on the wall.
His eyes meet with yours as you look away from your phone. Even in the darkness, you can see that he's surprised as fuck to see you.
"Y/N?" His voice didn't exactly seem disappointed to see you, but more of a mixture of curiosity and disbelief.
He ended his phone call without telling the patron goodbye, or I'll call you later. He placed his phone on the television entertainment center.
"Yes?" your voice sounded more like a question than a response.
He didn't move from where he stopped. He ran his hand along the wall and turned on the ceiling light. Now, you could see his face completely.
Jinyoung looked good in a parka jacket with a button-up shirt and tight jeans that hugged his thighs perfectly. Gosh, what it would feel like to be able to replace his jeans with you. You look up at him and notice that he has shaved his hair.
Why the fuck did he have to look extra yummy today? You still remember how he always wore his dark brown hair in the same style.
Fans would beg him to dye his hair, but his Virgo stubbornness would never give into them.
You admired the way that he has boundaries. You also admired the way that he didn't give into fanservice. He wasn't on the level of Jayb, but that was another conversation for another day.
Regardless, fans all over the world were still in love with him.
"You're horny. Aren't you?" Jinyoung asked.
You were surprised at his straightforwardness. Was it that obvious? Could he smell your essence? Did he sense your energy? You hadn't said much more than a word, and he already called your bluff.
Why would you be surprised at all? This man never held back his tongue and always kept it one hundred with you.
You stand up from his couch and fluff your hair. He came over to you and stood over you. He took off his jacket and tossed it on the sofa beside you.
The power this man still has over you. Whether fully clothed or not, he emanates so much dominant energy.
"Speak up, baby. I've never known you to be this quiet," he said.
He leans forward closer to you and was only a few inches away from your face.
"Yes," you utter.
You run your hand over his freshly cut hair. His hair tickles the inside of your hand. You never thought you'd see the day that he cut his hair.
"It's been how long... now?" He asks.
"Umm.. two years."
"You couldn't find anyone else to give it to you like me.. huh?"
"Nope. That's why I'm here," You pull your dress up to reveal your white underwear on you.
You still remembered specific things he liked about you.
"Mmm," he runs his hand along your thigh. The electricity you feel from his fingertips gently caressing your skin reassures you that you are in the right place.
"You.. know I don't fuck whores like you in my place. But, if you like, we can go on the balcony," he says.
You sneer at the way he degrades you. Another person would have gotten up from the couch and never spoken to him again.
But, this was something established between the two of you. You liked to be degraded a little more than you wanted to admit.
You reached at the sides of your hips to remove your underwear, but Jinyoung stopped you. His hands press against yours, and make your heart drop.
"You didn't answer me.”
“I heard you.”
"Oooo.. that mouth is spicy tonight.”
You had no idea how submissive you had become under this man.
There isn’t a submissive bone in your body until you are in the presence of Park Jinyoung.
"I'm sorry, daddy," you look into his eyes and lock such a powerful connection with him.
Your body tingles from the dominating energy from his dark brown orbs.
You would only submit to him because no one else deserved it.
No one else could make you feel euphoric like Park Jinyoung did. He opened up a side of you that no one else had access to.
"Damn, right you are. Now, let's see how much you've missed me," Jinyoung's words spark a new fire inside you.
A wave of heat radiates between your legs and spreads through your body.
You want him to touch you in ways you haven’t experienced in the last two years. You didn't even trust anyone else to allow them to see you this way.
"Yes, daddy," you said. You would inevitably meet the other side of yourself once again.
Chapter 2
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apollostears · 3 years ago
SECRETS [ k. yugyeom ]
↬︎ group: GOT7
↬︎ pairing: kim yugyeom x black!fem!reader
↬︎ warning(s): swearing, angst (if you squint), mentions of the reader and kids being the ‘help’
REQUEST. yugyeom wants to go on return of superman so the world can see his family.
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yugyeom loved you. that was an irrefutable fact, but he wished he could show you off. you are everything to him and as the mother of his children and his life partner, it killed him not to be able to do that.
which is why he was surprised when you agreed to do the show, return of superman, with him. it was no secret that the maknae of GOT7 was married nor that he had children, but they had never seen his wife and kids. he was definitely excited to go on the show.
“angel, are you sure you still want to do this?” yugyeom had asked you the tenth time that morning.
the production team and hosts, were on their way to setup and meet the family before anything aired. you were nervous, but not for yourself. yugyeom and you have two gorgeous kids. a one year old girl with legs for days and a nine month old boy with the energy of his father.
they were innocent.
and you knew how cruel people could be towards idols and their families. let alone to foreigners like you. so, you understood his hesitation and worry, but you had hid long enough. you just hoped the world was not cruel on your babies.
“yes my love. now, i made a small list of things to do given how small the kids are, there isn’t much safe for them to do.” you rambled off, adjusting the bib around your sons neck. he gave you a drooling smile.
it was teething time for him and he was being such a trooper. “mommy, why are people coming?” your daughter asked, sitting on yugyeom’s lap.
“because they wanna see daddy’s beautiful family.” your husband tickled her neck before pressing a kiss to her dark forehead.
both of your kids took after you in complexion; smooth, dark skin with cute little eyes filled with honey. they had a mix of yours and yugyeom’s hair texture that was sure to change the older they got. you felt a little bad that they didn’t get much from him, but he was more than happy that they took everything from you.
“that i birthed out.” you teased, walking past the two with your son on your hip.
yugyeom did not miss the opportunity to smack your ass causing a gasp from your daughter and a slap to the back of his head from you. before you could scold him any more, your doorbell was rung.
“i got it! i got it daddy!” your daughter squealed excitedly, her legs carrying her to the front door.
“oh no you don’t, little girl.” you reprimanded, watching as yugyeom snatched her up just before she reached the door.
god, was that child fast.
you waited with baited breath as the production team entered your home and your daughter ran back to you with her face hiding behind your legs. they didn’t say it out loud, but you could see the confusion on their faces. you appreciated them holding their tongues though. because yugyeom would have canceled the whole thing so fast.
“hi, welcome! i’m y/n kim, yugyeom’s wife and these are our two children; y/d/n and y/s/n. we’re very excited to have you guys here.” you introduced your family once they had all settled into your living room.
you couldn’t tell who was in charge, but you hoped they were somewhere among the group of people staring you and your kids down. yugyeom had just came around the corner with some man behind him and you figured that he was the producer.
“so, yugyeom where’s the lovely family at? and why do you keep your help around? they need to go before the hosts get here.” the man just started spewing things out of his mouth and you could see the uncomfortable looks on the teams’ faces.
“uh, sir? we are the lovely family and i’d appreciate it if you stopped disrespecting my family with your racist stereotypes. thank you.” you smiled sweetly, a hint of anger in your voice.
with your son on your hip and your daughter still clutching your leg, there wasn’t much you could do so you tried to keep your anger at bay but you were beyond heated. yes, people stared and sometimes whispered when they saw you and your kids but they were never blatantly rude nor racist. and by the look on yugyeom’s face, he was really close to blowing a fuse.
“you know what, this was a mistake. you can tell them that i’ve changed my mind after their racist producer insulted my wife and kids. people like you, disgust me and you will be getting a complaint filled about you to the company.” yugyeom’s voice was slightly raised as he talked down on the man in anger.
the production team had already started to make themselves scarce while their producer coward in fear under yugyeom’s large stature. “come on babies, let’s go blow bubbles out back while daddy talks to that mean old man.” you suggested, tugging at your daughters hand to get her to stand beside you.
“okay mommy!” she chirped, skipping next to you as the three of you headed to your backyard. “bye mean old man!”
you laughed at that and patted your daughter on the head. one thing about your daughter was that she was going to call you what you are. despite not being able to publicly come out the way yugyeom wanted, you were happy just coming out whenever. no tv show was going to ruin that for you guys.
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NOTE. to whomever requested this, i really hope you like it! this was my first time writing for yugyeom individually and it was fun! thank you for trusting me with your idea <3
❧ join my taglist: @cliffordasparagus @olamidey @supop @knjkitten @sweeneyblue1 @pimpnameyannie @sunrayyellowhalo @namjoonswifeyy @valkryienymph @wayv127dream @lordoftomatoes @marvellifeforever
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slowlyglitteryunknown · 2 years ago
pov- leigh anne
It all happened so suddenly...
We met backstage at that award show, exchanged numbers, and then I was on the hotel bed moaning his name.
I don't know which part was lost on me, if it was because I had been needy for a long time, or if it was because of the flame that lit up in me when he looked into my eyes.
This was now the third time I had sneaked out of my friends' sight to go to that hotel. I couldn't say no, and he certainly couldn't stop seeing me either.
I know it's risky, I know that someone is suspicious, but we are careful.
It doesn't matter where we are, whether it's in Korea or in the United States.
We always find a way.
And it's just me and him in that room, feeling feelings that we never felt, because we never allowed it.
The media, the companies, the fans.
The role has turned.
Now they are the victims of this secret and nobody is going to stop us from keeping it.
Chapter list: chapter 1, chapter 2
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verytalented · 2 years ago
What would Got7 do pt.1
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1 2 3 4 A/N: This is part one of this request If you would like to request anything here is my Master List, and Ask List
Request - "What is something that would make them fall in love with their S/O first? (e.g personality trait, body feature)" from Anon
JB - I think Jayb would fall in love with you being out going. He’s the type of guy that can be Intimidating and shy at the same time. So he would like a his S/O to be outgoing and nice.
Mark- Mark is such sweet boy and he would most definitely like you for the way you talk. For example, You are talking to someone on the phone with a demanding tone and he would get turned on by it. Yugyeom- He is definitely a boob guy. He doesn’t care if you have small boobs or big. He like to lay down with you with his face on your chest as you confront him.
BamBam- BamBam would fall in love with your style/the way you dress. Bambam he is really obsessed with his style and the way people look around him. And bambam is a very clean person and he likes to look presentable.
Jackson- I feel like Jackson would like his S/o would be very shy or either very clam and collected. Jackson, he can be very energetic or sometimes he just needs someone to bring him back down to earth.
Youngjae- He would most definitely fall in love with the way your laugh. He likes to make you smile. He also would like both of you to laugh together most of the time. (live laugh love type energy)
Jinyoung-I feel like Jinyoung would like you because of your attitude. He likes it when you are self-assured about things. And he likes it when you know what you want.
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