#ambrosia didn't kill all her friends they just died
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unravelingwires · 1 year ago
Ambrosia has an encyclopedic knowledge of narcotics. No one in vampire society knows how she got it.
Well, nobody left in vampire society.
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felixcloud6288 · 12 days ago
Dungeon Meshi Chapter 81
Looks like Kabru got promoted to "Honorary party member" after telling Laios he wants to be friends.
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I recognized the pasta Marcille was holding was linguine, and I tried figuring out what everyone else was holding but had no luck. I found plenty of different types of noodles, but I don't know enough about noodle dishes to tell what most of these should be.
I think Shuro is holding soba noodles, Chilchuck has lasagna pasta, and Kabru has either elbow or orzo pasta.
I want to assume these are the ingredients to everyone's favorite pasta dishes. If so, Namari's seems to be a stir-fry of some kind. Laios apparently likes spicy food. And Falin's seems to be an Asian dish similar to Izutsumi's. Maybe Shuro showed her some of the foods from his homeland. Izutsumi's ingredients includes a leek, which she doesn't like.
I had to try figuring out what Kabru's dish might be because it's just pasta, cheese, and onion and the best answer I found was French Onion Pasta.
Why does Izutsumi always have to mess with Chilchuck like this?
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Always lift with your legs, even if you don't have a back to break.
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He should be voiced by a text-to-speech program. I read every line he spoke in the most monotone voice possible.
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It really shows how little Marcille knows about monsters that she's filling most of her army with non-monster creatures like pigs, goats, and elephants.
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Of particular note, all the definite monsters are things that nearly killed her or the party at some point. The red dragon would definitely have burned itself into Marcille's memories since that was what kickstarted the entire story, and the wyverns would have left a similar impression since they were a constant concern after the party angered Thistle.
I want to say those long-neck birds are a variant of cockatrice which would also have left a mental impact since one of them petrified Marcille. And of course, we have a type of dungeon rabbit. But Marcille summoned jackalopes instead of head-hunting rabbits.
The dryads are an interesting case though because Marcille wasn't with the party when they faced dryads. She saw the aftermath though and used some dryad twigs to repair Ambrosia. So the concept of a dryad might be in her mind, but since she didn't actually see them, she summoned a different type of dryad for her army. These ones are more woody and they have leaf hair rather than grass hair.
Chilchuck didn't even try to help.
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I can think why they suggested what they suggested. Marcille made a big deal about how to properly harvest mandrakes (but she threw a fit when Senshi gave her the heads), she said she liked the fishman eggs in the porridge (but she didn't know they were fishmen eggs), and she ate a lot of kelpie liver (because she was forced to and she complained that she was only eating liver).
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I think it's understandable that they wouldn't hang out much outside work. Everyone was employed by Laios and they probably would prefer keeping a professional distance in case they needed work elsewhere or any specific jobs that needed them came up.
I wish I could pinpoint when Donato died so I could better estimate Marcille's age. He said he had her when he was getting on in years, but that could mean a lot of things. Since Tall-men typically live to about 60, I'd guess he was maybe late thirties/early forties when she was born.
This shot was from when Marcille was around 20. Donato doesn't seem to be as fat as he was but he doesn't appear to be as thin as he got. So maybe he was around 60 at that time?
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And he lived to 82, so Marcille was probably in her 30s or 40s when he died. But since I don't know what year he died, and Marcille's growth rate is erratic I can't easily say how long it was between Donato's passing and her joining the mage's academy.
She does look a lot like she did in chapter 17 during the funeral. She even has the same bangs.
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At the very least, I can take this and add 10 years of her time at the academy to give her a lower bound age of 45. At this point, I can argue she's somewhere between 45 and 75.
Even as a child, Marcille liked designing her hair.
Little mini-Marcille saw how big her papa's tummy was and thought he was pregnant.
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I don't blame Laios for what happened during the nightmare chapter. Marcille likely already had it in her mind to use it. At most, Laios just gave her the encouragement to think that he supports her. But Laios didn't know what Marcille was planning. He understood that Marcille was scared that everyone would die before her, but he probably thought she wanted the power to keep them from being killed.
And it's not like they knew things would turn out this way nor did they have any way of finding that out. Laios just defaults to assuming he's at fault for everything. He blames himself for all his bad social relations, he blames himself for the fallout he had with Shuro, he blames himself for Falin turning into a monster, and he blames himself for this.
I want to say that Marcille is from Kahka Brud or somewhere in the surrounding area. Meanwhile, the dish Senshi made is probably from the eastern islands given Izutsumi's reaction to it.
So I have a question. Senshi first discovered the dungeon when Gillan's team dug an underground tunnel connecting to it. And Senshi found an exit in a cave near the ocean. The dungeon seems to be wider than the island itself. So is it possible that some of the mainland dungeons are connected to this one?
What did Izutsumi do with Yaad after she found him?
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Doppelgangers are mimic octopi. No wonder they couldn't properly grapple Donato. He was probably suction-cupped to the floor.
Oh dear. This is getting bad. Marcille is fully under the demon's influence.
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evtoine · 1 year ago
11 for that ask meme for ambrosia
11. What does your OC believe in? God(s)? Monsters? Love? The power of unbreakable bonds of friendship to overcome any obstacle? The ability of money to open any door? Or are they indifferent?
OKAY. This question comes at a very interesting time for Ambrosia. I will say that the response under the cut is going to contain spoilers for act three dark urge things.
the spoiler free answer: Ambrosia believes in the power of making decisions for yourself. Anyone can change. Someone might need a nudge in the right direction, but she believes everyone has good in them that can be brought forth under the right circumstances.
I realize this question has a lot of parts, however I'm going to mostly be focusing on Ambrosia's beliefs regarding faith and ideals, as it's central to her storyline.
the rest of this is going under a cut so no one is accidentally spoiled! So I will say again: THIS IS GOING TO CONTAIN MASSIVE ACT THREE DURGE SPOILERS. Read at your own risk!
Get to know the OCs.
Ambrosia is a cleric of Tyr. But it wasn't exactly a choice she made, she woke up on the Nautiloid with a holy symbol of Tyr in her possession. Given that she had no memories, not even her name, she assumed it was hers and began to act as if she was a cleric of Tyr. (It was not, it was Bhaal giving her powers in hopes of luring her back to the temple, but she didn't know that at the time.)
Thing is though, while she believed in good, Tyr never fit quite right. But clearly that's who she was, she had the holy symbol after all, right? When she visited the Stormshore Tabernacle, though, and knelt before the statue of Tyr... I think it really hit her. No, she was not a cleric of Tyr. She could feel the divide, and while Tyr recognized the good she was trying to do.... He was not the source of her magic.
Before she had time to process all of that, they went to the Murder Tribunal. Ambrosia watched all of her friends die at the hands of Sarevok (which I'm still SHOCKED that he didn't try to kill her, even though she was constantly up in his face?? Would love to know what the combat AI was thinking bc holy shit) and then they had to rest. She barely had time to process everything that had happened before heading to the temple of Bhaal the next morning.
And then the full truth came to light. And then she killed Orin. And then... Bhaal spoke directly to her. She rejected him. She died for it.
Ambrosia woke in disbelief. And feeling very... not hopeless. Directionless, I guess. She lost her faith in Tyr, it became clear her magic was coming from Bhaal anyways, and here Withers was resurrecting her from what should have been permanent death.
So now Ambrosia doesn't quite know what to believe in, to be honest. She's kinda... lost faith in all the gods, given her circumstances. She thinks Withers might be a god, but she doesn't want to tie herself to one god ever again, especially since she doesn't know his true motives or what he stands for. She's very grateful that he gave her a second chance, of course, but she knows she'll never be able to repay him for that. She's done being the gods' puppet, though. She's ready to make her own way.
Ambrosia's starting to believe in herself, though. She's spent so long doubting who she is and what she stands for, ever since waking up on the Nautiloid. She recognizes she had to give up a lot to get here, and she still might die, but she wouldn't change a thing about how it happened. She is a better person now, and she hopes to spread that light to others, to help them become the best person they can be. Everyone has good in them, it's just about helping them to get there.
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years ago
Reading The Dark Prophecy: Chapter 27 (SPOILERS)
Alrighty, I'm back from the holiday season! It went fantabulously, thank you so much for asking.
"when a bronze dragon smashes into them." *chanting* FESTUS! FESTUS! FESTUS!
"If you ask me, she's just jealous of their beautiful faces. BOOM!" Another good insult lost to the BOOM... Do you think Apollo would get smote if he insulted the gods? Do you think he's more or less likely to be smote than the average demigod (I say average because we know no one can top Percy's eagerness to piss off the Olympians)?
"Hello, we are your friends. You're going to die. Come with us." Oh, no. Twenty bucks the Hunters will at some point try to recruit Meg. She's exactly the right age and has exactly the right amount of murderous zeal. She probably wouldn't join, but the thought of Apollo having to work for one of his sister's immortal Moon cultists is funny.
"with choppy black hair" THA-LI-A!
"Lityerses, get out there!" "Sire... you were about to relieve me of duty. By killing me?" LMAO the ultimate entitlement.
"Something inside me, no doubt a character flaw, made me feel pity for the wounded Cornhusker." Something doesn't align with your traditional godly morals? Gotta be a character flaw. Honestly, I'm surprised he admitted he had a flaw at all instead of just blaming it on the mortal body.
"What's up, Lesteropoulos?" Apollo had a choice between telling Leo his mortal name and keeping it to himself, letting them continue to refer to him as Apollo. Clearly, he made the wrong decision.
"Can't I just let Festus stomp him?" Valid point, but have you considered: I am a sucker for a redemption arc. "Commodus betraying this swordsman made me almost as angry as . . . Zeus abandoning me in the mortal world for the third time." On that level? That's quite a leap.
"Thalia Grace climbed up behind me on the elephant--which fulfilled a daydream" Very specific daydream. Also, didn't Thalia renounce her last name? Thus, she wouldn't be Thalia Grace anymore, just Thalia. It was mentioned at the start of The Titan's Curse, I think, and definitely reiterated at the start of The Lost Hero when Jason asks what Thalia's last name is and Annabeth says she doesn't use it anymore but says that it used to be Grace, and that's what jogs his memory to recall his own last name. In short, everyone calling her Thalia Grace has been stomping all over her wishes. Thalia is not Thalia Grace -- she's just Thalia.
"Iphigenia, get the rest of the Hunters out of here." IPHIGENIA! I know I'm talking too much through this, but Iphigenia was the daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra and when the Greek armies going to Troy could not proceed because Agamemnon had killed one of Artemis's sacred stags (like the dickhead he is), Artemis demanded her as a sacrifice. Agamemnon agreed to kill his own daughter so the armies could proceed to Troy and sacrificed her. In some versions, she just dies. In other versions, they all think she died but she was whisked away by Artemis to who-knows-where. I guess PJO Iphigenia was taken to join the Hunters! This little nod brings me so much joy.
"I'd forgotten how wonderful sunlight felt!" You... really? Ha... really?
"I drank, and my vision cleared immediately." I was going to say, I guess we have our answer to whether Apollo can still have nectar and ambrosia, but the elephant also drank it. "It's moonwater." Ah? So Apollo doesn't know about it. Is it supposed to be a secret and they've just had a serious info leak by Thalia telling it to Apollo? Or is this fine?
"Zeus has forbidden her from seeing you." Bitch (Zeus). "She's not even supposed to give us orders to help you." This was expected, actually. Of course he would forbid Artemis from helping her brother and from directing her cultists to do the same. Still, gods get around rules like this all the time. She must show up at some point. Then again, I just looked up her character art and SHE HAS NONE. So...
"We've been searching for a particular monster for months now" And every time they say that, the monster in question shows up within the book. Tell me it's not Sssssarah.
"Britomartis . . . urging them to come here . . . let's-pretend-that-never-happened." Oh, so Britomartis is good for something other than trapping sofa cushions and looking pretty.
"I was younger then" You have been frozen in time since then, but it's true mentally you've still matured. "I'd just spent several years as a pine tree." You specifically said you hardly felt those years go by. "My vision and reasoning were impaired from sap damage." That is hands-down the stupidest excuse I've heard come out of her mouth.
"he launches a reprisal." REPRISAL (n.): an act of retaliation
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corpsebasil · 4 years ago
Easily Replaced | part 3
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
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Kaz Rietveld didn't need a reason.
You knew this, of course, as you always had, but it was most clear the day you, Jordie, and Kaz stepped foot into Ketterdam. The two brothers were, as long as you’d known them, ambitious. Ketterdam would fuel that ambition.
"For you, Sankta." Jordie Rietveld laughed, and covered your eyes with his hands.
He was thirteen—much too old for you, as you were only eight, and though you were teased back in southern Kerch for hanging around with him so much Jordie was something like a brother to you. Your own parents were gone—your mother a woman who died too young and your father a mystery.
"I thought you were getting me food." Kaz scoffed, plucking the wrapped omelette out of your hands before you even had a moment to see it.
"Kaz!" You shrieked as you tore out of Jordie's grasp, lunging for the food, but Kaz simply laughed in return, looping his arm around your shoulders and tugging you along, sharing the omelette between them.
The omelette stands in Ketterdam were Kaz and your favorites.
"(Y/N), wait." Jordie called and you paused, turning to glance over at him. His expression was wide and happy—the happiest he'd been in a long time, since he and Kaz's father had died. "Welcome home." He said, and you smiled.
"WAIT!" You yelped, lurching into sitting position so fast your head spun.
He was there, you thought, still blinking away the image of Jordie from behind your eyes.
Your heart raced and your eyes stung as you stood, scanning the streets several stories below you. You’d fallen asleep on the window pane after sneaking into your room at the Slat—if Kaz wanted you gone that night, you’d be gone by morning just to spite him. If only so you had more time to snoop around.
You weren’t expecting the dreams again.
You wiped your hands over your face and sighed, blinking away the remnants of sleep and forcing Jordie to the back of your mind. Jordie Rietveld would always stay in the very back of your mind, in the dregs; you’d think about him only during your last breath, and wouldn't let yourself do it one moment before then.
You crept out of your room and glanced around its interior once more, hefting your satchel over your shoulder. You’d miss this place—you’d miss Ketterdam, but if leaving helped keep certain memories at bay and kept a certain someone from bashing your head in it was worth the risk.
Your feet were silent when you finally dropped to the streets outside and ran, taking back-ally's and fire-escapes and rooftops as you traveled across Ketterdam on a route few knew. Your mask was pulled up and your hood rippled behind you, your shape merely a black speck against the moonless sky.
When you reached the Crow Club you ducked the guards and snuck through a window at the top. If there was anything to be known about the heist for one million kruge the Dregs had been murmuring about, Kaz would know about it. And if you were anything you were vengeful, and you’d get that prize to earn your freedom or you’d die trying.
"The Orchid isn't Dime Lions turf." Kaz's rock salt voice reached you and you paused, one foot sinking into the plush carpet of your old friend's office.
"Well, it's a new acquisition." Another voice purred, and your blood ran cold.
You knew that voice.
That voice had haunted you for years.
"You heard it here first." The voice continued, and you dropped into a crouch, tugging your hood over your head as you crept towards the office.
Your heart dropped into your stomach.
Kaz was being held on his knees by a nondescript man with a sneer on his face while Pekka, Pekka Rollins, clutched Kaz's cane like he owned it. Your stomach rolled as you took in Pekka's face and you barely stopped yourself from gagging.
It was him.
It was the man who killed Jordie.
"Now, I know you saw Dreesen," Pekka continued, oblivious to the assassin hardly ten feet away who was contemplating his inevitable death. "You got the jump on whatever job he has. I don't know the details...obviously, just that you have a little travel hazard ahead of you. So. Here's the deal: you can do nothing—walk away from it. I'll tell Dreesen I'm taking over for you." He paused, a cruel smile on his face. "Then we're even."
"Not even close—" Kaz began, and you tensed. You knew the man holding him, touching him, was causing him agony.
You had to stop it. You had decided long ago that Pekka Rollins' death would be slow. You could make it last for hours—could make blades sing until he was nothing left but a scrap on a table, but something fast might have to do.
"The other option is..." Pekka began, leaning forward to press the beak of Kaz's cane against his jugular, and you lunged. "I'll cave your head in with your own—"
"Let go of him." You snarled and, quick as an asp, had one of your many blades nestled dangerously against Pekka's throat.
Kaz let out a sharp breath and tensed as the man holding him pulled out a gun, pressing it to his temple to balance the odds.
"Sankta Riipka," Pekka mused, seemingly unaffected by the knife against his neck. "it's nice to finally make your aqu—"
"Shut up, pig." You spat and dug the blade in deeper, your eyes snapping up to the man next to Kaz. You felt steel against your head and froze—
—you’d forgotten about the other member of Pekka's trio.
"By the time you kill me," Pekka began, oozing calm that made to your blood boil, "my friend here will shoot your friend. And then you." He made to twist in his chair and you tightened your grip, stilling him. You knew you were drawing blood. "You ought to make the wise decision here, Riipka."
"Let him go." You repeated, heart pounding violently, refusing to look at Kaz even as you felt the gun against the back of your head push harder. "Let him go or I swear on all Saints I'll slit your throat right here."
The room was quiet for several beats before the man holding Kaz shoved him, knocking your friend—was he your friend?—to the floor. You made no move to remove the knife—your chest was tight and your breathing uneven. Jordie's face was flashing behind your eyes and this moment, this moment, killing Pekka, was what you had been waiting for.
You could do it.
Why couldn't you do it?
You could—
"Stop." Kaz breathed and you froze, meeting his stare. His face was serious but his eyes—they were filled with pain. "Just stop."
"You should listen to Mr. Brekker." Pekka crooned and your gritted your teeth, biting back a snarl as you removed the knife and swung, knocking the gun out of the man behind you’s hands.
     He threw his arms up and froze but Pekka simply laughed, eyeing you like you were a monkey at a circus. You felt small and, for the first time in a long time, like you were eight years old again, sweating with a burning illness and being sheltered by a widow who had no kids of her own.
     You felt like you were eight years old, managing to survive the plague and stumbling down to the docks, half-drunk with a barely broken fever and finding Kaz laying drenched in sea-water on a dock, screaming at you in agony.
It was Pekka's fault.
It was all his—
"No one has to die today, Riipka," Pekka smirked at whatever he saw in your eyes and brushed past, chuckling to his accomplices as they left the office and slammed the door behind them.
The room was silent for several moments before you turned, watching Kaz as he stared at the floor, making no move to stand.
"Let me help you—" you began, reaching out to offer a gloved hand but he jolted, deer-in-headlight-eyes flashing to yours.
"Don't touch me." He snapped, face flushing, and the knot in your throat threatened to burst.
     He pushed himself awkwardly to his feet and scrambled for his cane, one hand absently on his leg as he winced. It was terrible to watch—he was strong all the time, and so serious but this...
...this was him broken. And you weren’t sure if you could handle seeing it.
"I should've killed him," you started over, hands trembling as you resisted the urge to reach out to him. You didn't know if you wanted to help or if you just wanted, needed, his touch. "I should've—"
"You should've been gone by now." He swallowed roughly as his cane hit the floor with a thud, eyes snapping back to yours. "I had it handled. We all could've died tonight because of—"
"Don't you dare blame me for—"
"Well if you had just left when I asked—"
"I'm not leaving you!" You shrieked, yanking off your mask and hood so that you could breathe better. "You can boss me around and yell at me and treat me like Jordie was my fault all you want but—"
"I don't think that," he interrupted, his face stricken as he stared at you. "Saints, (Y/N)." You were silent for a moment, both breathing heavily, before he shook his head and turned away. "If you're not going to leave me alone, at least leave the Club. I can't—" he paused, sighing exasperatedly. "I can't deal with this tonight."
     Without waiting for a reply he strode out the door and shut it, locking it behind him so you’d have to leave out the window. You waited for several moments until you were sure he was gone, strode over to the spare couch around the corner and screamed into the pillow until your throat hurt.
@iamnoobmaster69 @emil7y @balmasedas @euphoniumpets @subjecta13-thefangirl @itisroe @thefandomplace @ambrosia-v-black @i-padfoot-things @kaitlyn2907
hiii sorry I know this one was kinda angsty but it’s gonna spice up soon HA
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cursedcreator-pat · 2 years ago
I'm worried for ambrosia mentally. She's gone through so much before the first act even starts.
When she's a really young kid she witnesses her best friend get strangled by his twin brother. Do you know what that would do to a child? A child who's been taught peace and principles by their family their entire life, only to turn and see someone you care for very much be strangled by his own brother?
Then you have to think of the things she's seen and heard. The Phoenix clan being pacifists on an island where no one else is - they're basically pushovers to the other clans. They must have been struggling for so long to find a decent place on the island.
And then the war happens. They turn to the Vi in order to survive, but the Vi go and start conquering everyone! I can guarantee you the pacifist clan didn't want all that!
Ambrosia could have lost family in the Hulder's takeover. SHE could have died if it weren't for Arsenik! The wolf jury scene is probably the worst of it all!
Now she's surrounded by bloodied and beaten warriors, encompassed entirely by death and dismay, doing her best to take care of everything all at once while putting on a brave face.
And then the Imugi come in, and she accidentally kills one of them in self defense. I doubt she'll face repercussions from anyone else for that - but internally? She must be screaming. She didn't want to do that, she never did, and I really feel like that's something she'll never be able to truly let go.
Ambrosia may act innocent, but my god is she not naive. She literally cannot be given all the things she's had to experience in her life. And she hasn't even fully LIVED IT YET.
She just wants to believe that people can be good to each other and everyone can live happily. And my god is it going to get her hurt in the end. God damn it
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