#ambreigns grand slam champion
ambreignssmemories 7 years
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My collage to celebrate and remember forever that now AmbReigns is Grand Slam Champion 馃挭馃馃憫
[collage made by me]
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zolganif 7 years
Okay, so I promised myself I would stay out of the current drama going on in the wrestling fandom. What basically people are saying about "Dean stans". About them being hypocritical.
Well, first off, I'm not taking any sides here. So anyone whose saying that so and so are wrong, don't try to convince me. I can understand where both sides are coming from. I just think its stupid how fans who think the ones who are Dean fans are wrong, because they feel its disrespectful to him that they have Seth tag teaming with Jason Jordan, than winning the tag belts. Calling them ignorant for feeling this way about what happened on Raw this past Monday.
Now, in a way, I don't think WWE is being disrespectful to Dean by doing this. Having Seth tag team with Jason to get him over with the fans. Honestly though, I think something else can be done to get him over with fans, its just that he's stuck in this shitty storyline being Kurt Angle's son. That's not going so well. I don't know what to think of Seth and him being a tag team. Just going to have to see how this goes. I would rather see a good feud between Seth and Roman, because it seems they still got shit they need to work on between themselves. Anyway, I don't feel that Dean is being replaced by these two tag teaming together. Now, say if they were going to have him take his place in the Shield...Ugh. No! No thanks. I don't like the idea of that, period. To me the Shield will be only just the original three members. Not *insert random superstars name*. And even if they did that, it wouldn't look right...I can't picture Jason being a replacement for Dean in the Shield. Just doesn't fit his character. To me that it doesn't.
Next, someone called Dean a 'special snowflake'. How is he exactly? Just because of what fans are saying? Well, sorry that us "Dean stans" feel that he is being replaced, disrespected, feeling that him being a grand slam champion is overlooked and not worth mentioning just as much as Roman's, that his character is just not serious enough, always being treated like a joke.
Also, someone else said: "Oh, Dean lost another match. Watch the fan girls start complaining." Okay, first of all fuck you very much for saying that. Have a gold medal for being such a bitch.
But no, seriously...its not him losing, its just that ever since the Shield reunion, it seemed that they were trying to make Dean look more like the weak link of Shield. I don't know how to explain it right now, but it just seemed that way to me. And that match he had with Samoa Joe, it could have gone way fucking better. I'm sure he could have easily won against him, or put up a better fight than what we seen that night.
You know, I'm just so tired of some of you fans who call us Dean fans ignorant or crazy. Whatever you say. We have a right to defend him without being called all of this stuff, or see what you all say about us. I don't call, for example, Roman fans crazy for defending him, because they have a right too also. And plus, I do agree with what they say about Roman. He doesn't deserve all the hate that he gets. I just think its dumb how people will give you shit, just for defending or believing that a WWE superstar, like Dean Ambrose, deserves better than what he gets.
Anyway...now about what people are saying that Roman was basically being replaced when they had Kurt Angle, Triple H in Shield gear over these past few months.
Well, with Kurt Angle, Dean and Seth needed a new member for their team at the last minute pretty much. And during that whole match, it felt like they were giving respect to Roman by doing certain things. So, in a way it felt like his presence was still there.
As for Triple H in Shield gear at that house show. Wasn't Roman still sick? I don't know. But it was just something that they did for fun. It didn't seem like they were trying to replace him. And plus, I don't consider anything done at house shows to be part of 聽storylines either. Just shows where wrestlers can more have fun at them.
And whoever said that Dean and Seth were actively searching for a replacement...well, I don't know what drugs you're taking, but give me some. ha. It was only just those two nights. Two freaking nights.
I just feel that with some wrestling fans, if you don't agree with what they're saying, they'll give you so many reasons why you're wrong. Like if you have a different opinion about anything related to the Shield reunion, what lead up to it, and so on. And don't agree with all that is being said, you're automatically wrong for having a different opinion on it. Its like these fans don't even wanna bother listening, understand what you're trying to explain.
Also...someone said that Dean isn't family to Roman? haha. Well, it seems that he still does consider him a part of his family, after all the bull crap they've been through :) And also, he said on Twitter "If you hurt my brother, I WILL hurt you" :)
*smiles to herself* Seems that ambreigns is more real to me :) Just goes to show who he cares about and trusts more :)
Also, one more thing. How can you expect us Dean fans not to be upset. Like think this is in a way, disrepectful to him? Heres something that sticks out to me, as to why there is more reason Dean is being replaced, that Seth doesn't really care about him. Something he said that night.
"I care about beating the Bar and becoming Raw tag team champion again." Really explains a lot doesn't it?
Like I can't help but feel he only used Dean to get the tag belts, played with his feelings or something?
And some of you guys wonder why we feel Dean is being disrespected, replaced...
Okay, that is enough now. I'm too sick for all of this nonsence! Night!
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ambreignssmemories 7 years
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Spear for win 馃 Roman is the New IC Champ and ninth Grand Slam Champ after Dean, so now we have an AmbReigns Grand Slam Champs 馃槏 [gif made by me]
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ambreignssmemories 7 years
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I recently noticed that if Roman win the IC Title soon, he become the 9th Grand Slam Champion after Dean and .... AmbReigns will be Grand Slam Champ 馃槏 Would be amazing 馃槏
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ambreignssmemories 7 years
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I'm proud of my Champions聽馃憫馃槏 [credits to WWE]
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