#ambiguous timsasha
waitineedaname · 4 years
frame the halves and call them a whole
also on ao3
“Alright, I’ve got a bad one.”
“Oh, lord.”
“Brace yourself.”
“I’m bracing!” Sasha made a show of gripping the short carpet on her living room floor and Tim grinned, leaning back against her coffee table.
“Would you rather… date a spider with the head of a human, or a human with the head of a spider?”
“Jesus. I see someone has been reading the discredited statements.”
“Guilty.” Tim shrugged cheekily. 
The two of them were sitting on the floor in Sasha’s flat, and she’d long since lost track of what time it was. Ever since they’d been moved to the Archives, they’d made an agreement to go out and do something together once a week. Sometimes that meant getting sloshed and losing at pub trivia, sometimes that meant dragging each other to whatever new film had made it to theaters that week, and sometimes that meant playing sleepover games in the middle of the night, as if they were twelve year olds and not thirty-somethings with 9-to-5’s. Neither of them had the energy to go out drinking and there wasn’t anything good in the theaters that week, so the third option had won out. They’d ended up on the floor when Sasha made an ill-advised comment about not being ticklish and Tim called her bluff. She’d dissolved into hysterical giggles and he’d said something about how being an oldest sibling meant having a sixth sense for someone’s ticklish spots, and then he’d gone very still and quiet. She’d taken his hand and squeezed and initiated the game of would-you-rather they found themselves in now.
“Okay. Let me think about this.” She drummed her fingers on her lips contemplatively. Tim smiled in that fond way he did when he didn’t want to outright laugh at her. “Are the human and spider bits proportional?”
“Ooh, very good question, Sash. Let’s say they’re the normal sizes for your average spiders and humans.”
“So my options are a human head scuttling around on spider legs or a human with an absolutely microscopic spider head?”
“Yep!” Tim said, popping the ‘p.’
“I’m going to go with option A. I mean, if it’s a human head, I could still hold a conversation with it, right? And I don’t think spiders would make good kissers.”
“I think some of our statement givers would disagree with that judgment.”
“Please don’t tell me we have a statement about a human body with a spider head. I don’t think I could take it.”
“Sure do! Statement number 9170108, or something like that. Some freaked out old coot convinced his neighbor’s head was fake and he was keeping a tiny little spider underneath the fake head.”
“Christ. I’m glad Jon didn’t ask me to look into that one. I might have quit on the spot.” Sasha laughed.
“Aw, and then leave me and Martin to deal with Jon? You know how he gets with the spider ones.” 
“Hm, fair. The Archives need someone sensible around.”
“Hey, you’re not the sole voice of reason down there!”
“You’re right. Martin can be fairly practical when he wants.” She failed to bite back her smirk when Tim clutched his chest, feigning pain.
“Oh, how you wound me, Ms. James! Here I was, thinking it was Tim and Sasha versus the world, but you’ve betrayed me for Martin!”
“Is that your proposal for a Scott Pilgrim reboot? Am I Ramona in this scenario?”
“No, we’re both Scott Pilgrim because combined, we can equal the pure sexual energy of one Michael Cera.”
“Eugh! Gross!” She retched and kicked at him, making him laugh. 
“I’m kidding!”
“You better be! Any and all horniness for Michael Cera is banned in this flat!”
“That’s fair.” He caught her foot and shoved it back at her. “Knives and Ramona were both way too good for him, anyway. They should’ve ended up together at the end.”
“That’s the first intelligent thing you’ve said all night.”
“You’re really not pulling any punches tonight, huh?”
“Nope. My turn. Would you rather...” She crossed her arms and stared him down long enough to make him squirm, “get stoned with Jon or Elias?”
Tim groaned so loud she worried her neighbors would complain. “No. Absolutely not. You cannot make me choose that.”
“Hey, you asked about spider people!”
“Yeah, and I’d argue that dealing with my bosses while stoned is worse than a human head skittering around on the walls!”
“Oh, come on. Jon isn’t that bad.”
“Sasha. You were friends with him in Research. I was friends with him in Research. Last time we got drinks, he talked about South American moths for forty minutes. I’m getting a headache just thinking about listening to him while he’s stoned.”
“Maybe it’ll calm him down.”
“Maybe.” Tim pouted, and Sasha did her best not to giggle. “Alright fine. I choose Jon, but only because I cannot imagine Elias getting within eyesight of anything as fun as weed without shriveling up and acting like an affronted Victorian gentleman.”
“Okay, first of all, the Victorians loved drugs, they were high on opiates all the time-"
"Like hell am I doing opiates with Elias."
"Second of all, I may have looked into what Elias was like before he got promoted…” She trailed off and bit back a laugh when Tim's jaw dropped.
“And he was a major stoner.”
“You can’t just say these things. I refuse to accept it.”
“I’m serious!”
“Are we talking about the same Elias? The Elias Bouchard that uses words like grandiloquent and apropos? The Elias Bouchard that gets pissy if you round up on your time card?”
“You know what’s even worse?”
“Please don’t make it worse.”
“I’ve seen him wear those socks with weed patterns on them.”
“I told you not to make it worse.” Tim wailed and covered his face. “I swear, if I saw that, I would gouge my eyes out without hesitation.” Sasha patted his leg sympathetically. 
“Well, good thing you chose Jon, then.”
“I guess so! Fuck’s sake.” He sighed and flopped over onto his side to lie on the floor. Sasha laughed at him goodnaturedly, and then joined him on the floor. She expected him to be thinking of his next would-you-rather prompt, but after a long minute of him silently running his fingers through the carpet, he surprised her by asking, “Do you ever miss Jon?”
“Sorry?” She said, confused. “We see him every day, Tim.”
“No, I…” He huffed, “You know what I mean. Do you miss the Jon we knew in Research?”
“Oh…” Sasha caught onto his drift and fell silent, unsure what to say. Tim was clearly brimming with emotions that he was struggling to get out, so she let him take a minute.
“Not saying he’s a completely different person now, but… I don’t know. We used to get drinks with him. He used to laugh at our jokes. He used to make jokes. Weird, dark jokes, but still jokes, you know? But these days, it’s all business, all the time. I don’t think I’ve seen him smile in months. All… All snappish comments and ‘research this, call this statement giver, stop goofing off during work hours.’ Never mind that just a year ago, he was the one using work hours to show us cat videos because he got distracted during his lunch break.” The side of Tim’s face was smushed into the floor and his one free eye was focused on the whorls he was creating with his fingers in the carpet. Up close as they were, Sasha could see the light scar on his chin that he’d once told her was the result of an ill-advised dare as a child, when his brother had challenged him to see if they could jump off the back deck of their house. She touched it, and he leaned into her hand, eyes distant and sad. “I just…” He spoke softly, “I miss my friend.”
“I miss him too.” Sasha said honestly, though she knew Tim was taking it harder than she was. “You know it’s not your fault, right?”
“I know that.” Tim said, and she believed him. “It’s this stupid job. The stupid Archives. I miss being in Research, where I could make fun of the weirdos in the Archives, but now we’re the weirdos in the Archives.”
“We work at an institute that studies the supernatural. I think we’re the weirdos no matter which department we’re in.” She said, aiming for some levity and feeling relieved when Tim let out a soft huff of laughter.
“Fair. Still. The vibes in there are…”
“Bad.” She finished for him.
“You can say that again.” He finally shifted to look at her again. “If you were the Head Archivist-”
“Tim-” She warned, not wanting to dig up an old sore point. 
“I’m serious. If you were the Archivist, do you think you’d act like this?”
“Would I push you away, you mean.” She said. He shrugged and nodded. “I don’t know. I really don’t, Tim. I’d like to say I wouldn’t, but who knows what kind of pressure it involves. I can be just as intense as Jon when I feel pressured.”
“Yeah, but you’d be way nicer than him.”
“You don’t know that.” Sasha said, firm but gentle. 
“...Guess I don’t.” Tim sighed and shut his eyes. She reached down and squeezed his hand. He squeezed back.
“Next time you’re missing Jon, call me instead, okay? Or Martin, he’d love that.” She ran her thumb over his and gave him a small smile. “You can always count on me.”
His gaze is impossibly soft as he looks up at her, and he seems to almost forget to respond at first. “Yeah.” He finally says. “I can always count on you, Sash.” A cheeky grin spread across his face, breaking the tender moment. “The Pilgrim to my Scott.”
She laughed and let go of his hand to push his shoulder into the leg of the coffee table playfully. “That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It makes perfect sense!” He protested despite his own laughter. “Okay, maybe it doesn’t make sense, but it’s the thought that counts. I’m poetic.”
“No, you’re sleep-deprived.” She sat up enough to eye the microwave from her vantage point in the kitchen. “Oh lord, it’s 2am, no wonder. You always get sappy at 2am.”
“I do not!”
“You do. Big sap.” She patted his cheek playfully and stood. “Want me to get you some extra blankets for the couch?”
“That’d be great.” He hauled himself to his feet, groaning all the way. She snickered.
“You sound like an old man.”
“I’ll have you know, I’m young and spry.” He complained, stretching.
“Mhm.” She rolled her eyes and went to the closet.
“At the prime of my life.”
“And yet you make dad noises getting out of a chair.”
“Hey, lying on the floor isn’t good for your back! Aren’t you older than me anyway?”
“Maybe, but I’m not the one complaining about my back.” She cut off whatever complaint he had prepared by throwing a quilt at him. He caught it and stuck his tongue out at her. She returned the gesture and grabbed another blanket. “Are two blankets good?”
“That’s perfect.” He took the blanket gratefully and settled on the couch. “Should I make breakfast as thanks?”
“You don’t have to,” Sasha immediately said out of politeness, but then added, “But if you want to make pancakes…”
“Understood. I’ll see you bright and early with some pancakes, then.” Tim smiled up at her and made himself comfortable on the couch.
“See you in the morning, Tim.” She turned to walk to her room, but stopped at the doorway when Tim piped up again.
“Hm?” She looked back at him and saw his best flirty grin on his face. He winked and blew a kiss at her. More than used to his nonsense, she gasped and pretended to catch the invisible kiss, then promptly put her hand to mouth and pretended to eat the kiss. Tim clutched his heart and fell back onto the couch, trying to act like he wasn’t holding back laughter. “No, you’re so cruel!”
“Good night, Tim.” She said, closing the door behind herself before her poker face could break.
“Good night, Sasha.” She heard through the door, full of fondness and amusement in equal parts. 
Sasha rolled out of bed the next morning to find Tim making pancakes, as promised. They sat at her kitchen table and bickered playfully about movies; Tim listened patiently as she infodumped about the history of science fiction as a genre, and she let him rant for the fiftieth time about Indiana Jones. Tim insisted on washing the dishes like a gentleman, and Sasha insisted on squirting bubbles out of the dish detergent bottle at him. They didn’t speak a word about work or their conversation from the night before, but she hugged him very tightly before he left, as if conveying all the emotion she could through touch alone. From the way he squished his face into her shoulder, it seemed the message came across. 
“I’ll make sure to get you the spider guy’s number.” He said when they finally pulled apart, and she snorted.
“You’re insufferable, you know that?” She said, shoving him out the door.
“So I’ve heard.” He winked and walked backwards down the hall outside her flat. She sighed and waved, a smile on her face as she shut the door.
If he bugged her and Martin more than usual after talking to Jon the following week, she didn’t mention it.
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waitineedaname · 4 years
question for ao3 tagging: if a relationship is up to interpretation (could be read as platonic or romantic) do you tag it as both romantic and platonic (with the / relationship tag and the & relationship tag) or do you just tag it as the platonic one and mention the ambiguity in the other tags?
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Some Things I Just Can't Do
by waitineedaname
Office parties weren’t really his thing. He only knew maybe half a dozen of his coworkers, and most of them were people he saw on a daily basis anyway, so he didn’t see the point. He could get buzzed and feel awkward in the comfort of his home, he didn’t need to go out of his way for it.
But Martin had looked so hopeful. Maybe it would be good for him to take a break for once. And perhaps, in a context outside of work hours, he could… talk to Martin.
A glimmer of a solution appeared in his brain, and he grimaced. If he was going to be “talking” to Martin, he needed help. Unfortunately, there was only one person who might be able to help him.
Words: 6448, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood, Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James
Relationships: Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist & Tim Stoker
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe- No Supernatural, they work at a normal academic institution, specifically in Medieval literature bc I like Medieval literature, Office Party, Tim Gives Jon Advice Because He Has The Heart Of A Saint, Canon Asexual Character, they're all neurodivergent bc I said so, ambiguous timsasha in the background, Mutual Pining, Fluff
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/25406668
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washing machine hearts (baby, bang it up inside)
by doctortwelfth
“We shouldn’t just bet on them. We should try to get them together.”
“Yes!” Sasha cheers. It’s rather unclear if she’s specifically cheering him on, or just babbling into the empty air, because that’s the kind of thing Sasha does when she’s drunk.
“Initiative…. y’know? Sash, we need to show initiative. Like they do on resumes.”
In his defense, it had sounded like a good idea while they were getting smashed at three in the morning. Lots of inadvisable things sound like good ideas while getting smashed at three in the morning, but now that they’ve committed to it, they can’t just stop.
(Or: Tim and Sasha have plans. Also a spreadsheet, and an alarming number of doughnuts.)
Words: 5415, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Magnus Archives (Podcast)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Tim Stoker (The Magnus Archives), Sasha James, Martin Blackwood, Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist
Relationships: Sasha James/Tim Stoker, Martin Blackwood/Jonathan "Jon" Sims | The Archivist, Martin Blackwood & Sasha James & Jonathan Sims & Tim Stoker
Additional Tags: Fluff, Everybody Lives, Established Relationship, (timsasha), Getting Together, Pining, (jonmartin), POV Outsider, Romance, very ambiguous timeframe.... or a human au? nobody knows, just some s1 team nonsense because i miss them, in the spirit of tim stoker appreciation week as well, miss u everyday king keep thotting it up in heaven, tim and sasha & the jonmartin pining show!!!
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/24047902
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