shaydeoffical · 4 years
I Could Get Behind That: Saeko Tanaka x Fem Reader
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Soulmate Au
: In a world where the name of your worst Enemy and Romantic soulmates appear on your wrist. You can't tell which is which for sure until all people cross paths. Then you can touch the soul mark on who you think is your romantic partner, and it will change to initials. 
Summary: (Y/n) has been hiding a secret from her best friend and childhood enemy, Sakeo Tanaka. While thinking about the past, she gathers up the courage to tell her the truth.
Author's Note: I will be starting some Haikyuu Oneshots and working on how I want to write each character. I will be posting My Hero stuff as well. I am just almost done with Bright as a Diamond and want to get my next series going. Thanks for reading!
Warnings: Thunderstorms, keepings a secret, Enemies to Friends to Lovers.
I Could Get Behind That
        "It's about to thunderstorm." I tapped the passenger side window chewing on my bottom lip. Saeko was buckling in, and fixing her gear before pulling onto the road.
"Huh, it's just a little rain, no need to worry. Besides, the reports said yesterday was the worst of it." Saeko shook my shoulder to loosen my body up.
   "You're not the one afraid of storms, Saeko." A smile tugged my lips up. There was more on my mind than the impending rain. This moment wasn't the right time to discuss it, though.
   "Well you don't have to worry when I'm around, I'll always protect you. In less, you still think I'm your mortal enemy." She feigned a serious tone, holding up her soul mark.  My name was scrolled in my handwriting, the bare spot on her other hand showed she had yet to meet her other' soulmate.'
   When we first met as kids, both of us were at each other's throats. We'd fight over who got to play with the blocks, who got better grades, and who got to sit on the outside seat of the bus on field trips. Everyone said we were enemies, and that it was better to meet them as a kid because if childish betrayals were the worst thing to happen, the rest of your life would be cake.
   Like so many child enemies, we grew close. We started to argue over who would walk the other home, who'd host the sleepover, who'd get to pay for snacks. Now that we were adults, it was easier to communicate our needs and divide up our favorite tasks. Saeko always picked me up from work, we'd go to her Taiko group then she'd drive me home. In hindsight, it seems I just gave in and let Saeko treat me most of the time…  
   While having her drive me around wasn't great for my life expectancy, she did make sure to at least try following the traffic rules when I was in the car. The first time she almost veered off the side of the road, I wouldn't get in a car with her behind the wheel for two months.  
        "Break check." Saeko shoved her hand out, stopping me from bouncing forward. The car slid to a halt. Gripping the handlebar and Saeko's thigh for deer life, we stopped short of the mass in the road.
   "Oh, it's a little duck." I swallowed my anger and let it fade into relief, seeing why she had to stop so fast. "Aww, it's little waddle is the cutest. Why'd you yell brake check?"
   "Aww, the duck is cute. But you're the cutest." Saeko nudged my shoulder, slowly driving by the duck so I could look a little longer. Of course, she was avoiding my question. Part of me knew it was a reflex for when she drove alone and would test the skills of driver's riding her ass.
   "No, you." I shot back, forgetting about the pit in my stomach. "I say she was just heading towards the trees to shelter for the storm."
        "Animals are smart like that." Saeko fiddled with the radio, not taking her eyes off the radio.
        "Too bad she didn't have a friend to shelter with." A pang of guilt washed over me, the weight of the bracelet on my hand heavier.  
   "Hey, your house is just ahead. Tell me if I'm wrong, but you want me to come in for a few drinks and a thunderstorm sleepover." Pulling into my driveway, I grabbed my purse nodding at her. "Come on and say it."
   "Don't make me beg, Saeko", I warned her, but I still hoovered with the door open so she couldn't drive off. The past two days she's stayed over due to the weather. And each time, I avoided telling her the truth, despite my promising myself I would.
   "I'll do it regardless, you just look so adorable when you beg. I could never leave my little duckling all on her own." The engine shut off, and she jumped out, tossing her coat into the back seat. "Since when have I left you in your time of need?" She slung her arm around my shoulders.
   "How about when I ripped my pants at the bar on main, so you went to get me a new pair, but you forgot which bar I was at." Entering my rental home, we kicked off our shoes and went straight to the bedroom. We'd formed a routine for nights like these.      
   "How many times can I apologies for that. You were the one that wouldn't stop taking shots." Saeko changed into a tank top and some cotton shorts. I pulled on my pajamas and started to work on fixing my hair. Dancing around each other, we gathered our things and tag-teamed with gathering the laundry.  
   "You were the one that challenged me to a competition. Which I only lost because your brother kept making those silly faces." It was nearly dark outside, her club meeting lasted longer today than normal, as they had a festival coming up soon. We wouldn't have long before it was time for bed.
   "So, being a lightweight had nothing to do with it?" Saeko tapped my forehead before pushing the tag of my shirt back inside my collar. "Hm," she grabbed my wrist, going to move the bangle over my soul mark. "Since when did you start covering your mark?"
   "Stop changing the subject, you know I would have won." I got back on topic, breaking free from her hold. The warmth of her hands still lingering. "Let's just make some dinner, and get ready for bed before the storm starts."
   The pit had returned to my tummy after dinner was over. We both showered and were sitting on my bed, watching a show about building motorcycles. It wasn't my favorite kind of program, but we had spent the night before watching anime, so I could be more flexible today. Besides, listening to her complain about the mechanic's technique was so cute. Her being this close was something I wanted more of in my life.
        We had retreated to the bedroom when the show was over. We brushed our teeth and got a glass of water for the night. Saeko had the extra step of showering before bed. She always worked up a sweat at her meetings.
        Waiting in bed for her to be done, I stretched out on top of the sheets, knowing if I got in a position to sleep, I'd pass out and hog the entire bed. Plus, it was more comfortable to sleep when she was beside me. Saeko wasn't particularly tall or strong from her appearance, but she packed a punch. When we were in high school, she made sure no one got away with so much as looking at me cross.  She was my rock.
   There was a crack in the sky. My heart jumping to my throat, I sat up looking towards the bathroom door.   Saeko skidded out of the bathroom than grabbed the duvet from the foot of the bed.  Wrapping it around herself, then jumping beside me. Cuddling up, she cocooned us in the blanket, tucking it under my back. "There we go, it's okay." She promised me, smushing my face into her chest. The hot air under the cover was more suffocating that my heavenly position. She was always so soft...
   "Thanks." I trembled against her coming to my sense; the shivers were slowly easing up. When the next round of thunder came, I was already in my safe spot and didn't have a heart attack.
   "Anything for you." She hummed, tracing shapes on my back. Her breath was lingering on my neck. "Let's think about other things, okay? This storm is supposed to pass by super fast."
   "Sounds good to me." I nodded, closing my eyes.
   "Do you remember the first time we did this?" Saeko rocked us gently, back and forth. The creek of the bedsprings overtaking the distant thunder.
   "It was on our school trip to Tokyo. We were still at the arguing stage, and we got so caught up in our fight over who could sprit the longest." A water droplet from her hair plopped onto my face.
   "Than the skies opened, and I looked behind me to see you were on the ground. I'd never seen you look so venerable." Her hand clenched my shoulder, kissing my shoulder.
   "I never thought I'd see the day, but you took me in your arms and got us under the trees for coverage. I thought for sure you'd carry me like a sack of potatoes, but you were strong even back that." I hummed, remembering how I felt. "I was so mad at myself for being in that position to start with. But I think that's the first time I saw you as more than my fated enemy."
   "Can I be honest?" Saeko scooted back to better see my face.
   "Always." I swallowed the lump in my throat.
   "I liked you the moment we meet. Of course, I've always been a little rebellious and headstrong, but I never really thought about you like that. Like an enemy." The rain and thunder stopped. "Being aggressive was just how I showed my love towards Ryu, so I just thought that' how it was supposed to be. When I saw you break down, that was when I realized I had been approaching you the wrong way."
   "That didn't change our arguments", I noted, scooting closer to her. "But you added in more soft moments, like this."
   "(Y/N)?" Saeko swallowed hard. "What happened at work Thursday, and why are you still shaking. The storms over baby doll."
   Blood running cold, I chewed on my bottom lip. "Please, don't be mad at me." Tears sprung from my eyes, I clenched fists full of her shirt.
   "Never." She kissed my forehead.
   "Remember the new boy I told you about the one that I trained last summer?" I asked, spitting up broken words. It was embarrassing, the whole situation was a slap in the face.
   "I'll take care of him, just tell me what happened." She rubbed my back, trying to soothe me.
   "He threw me under the bus, I was let go." Chewing my bottom lip, I squeezed my eyes tight.  
   "That bastard! I can't believe this, after all the work you did to teach him from the ground up. He doesn't even have a degree." I could hear her heart rate quickening, her holding me to her chest again.
   "While you dropped me off at the office this week, I've been job hunting across town."  pushing away again, I wiped my eyes.
   "I could have helped you looked. The shop's been busy, but I still have time for you." She pushed off the cocoon of a blanket and sat up. "I'm so sorry, why couldn't you tell me sooner? Why have you been so secretive? I've been waiting for you to tell me, but (Y/N), Im worried."
   "Remember when you said that you and I were romantic soulmates in high school? And I denied it because same-sex partners are so rare." I looked at my fingernails, trying to say it the right way.  
   "I remember." She swallowed, scooting back. Pushing aside the blanket, I took both of her hands in mine.
   "Saeko, his name appeared on my wrist", I whispered, paling. "You were right. I'm sorry for wasting so much time. The more I've thought about it, the more I realized…how, much I love you. How you were my romantic partner the entire time." I hung my head low, looking at the floor.
   "I have a confession too." She licked the tip of her thumb, rubbing the spot beside my name on her wrist. Holding her hand in the light, showing me her soul mark, I could see a boy's name.
   "That's the boy who-" My mouth fell open.
   "got you/me expelled in high school." We said together.
   "You've known since then?" I tried to wrap my head around it.
   "I didn't want to force you into picking me. After you brought up the same-sex thing, I was afraid that you were right. But now that you know who yours is, let's do it. We can know for sure.." Saeko tugged me forward, holding out her wrist. "This is also why I waited."
   "I love you so much." I kissed her palm, knowing everything would be okay. We touched our marks together, matching our breaths. I could feel the slight twinge as the symbols shifted around. Feeling brave, I leaned forward and was eagerly met with her lips.
   "I love you more." Saeko pulled our hands apart. "My last name it is." She smirked, seeing that my wrist had changed to her initials and her mine—both of our initials ending with 'T' now.
   "I can get behind being a Tanaka." I nodded, realizing that I had been given the gift of growing up alongside my soulmate. "I'm so lucky."
   "How about you try getting underneath a Tanaka first? I'll show you how lucky you are." She laughed, peppering my neck with kisses.
   "Don't be a perv." I pawed at her arms, the storm long gone from my mind.
   "Okay, okay, but just for tonight. I've been waiting for a million years. And I'd wait for a million more to see you smile like this." She tapped her finger against my nose and turned out the light. "Alright, let's get some rest. Tomorrow we can talk about possibly moving and finding you a job. Once you have steady work, I'll take a day off and make sure your soul enemy is taught a lesson."    
   "Saeko", I warned her, leaning on my elbows before she tugged me down to be the little spoon.
   "Fine, but I want to at least screw with his car when no ones watching." She sulked, rolling my hair around her fingers.
   "That's a decent compromise. Now let's get some sleep." I pushed myself deep into her hold and closed my eyes. The weight of my secret was gone, and now I was able to reap the rewards of my friendship turned into love.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Hitoshi Shinso x Aizawa’s Niece Reader :Chapter 16
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Here is the new update for Bright as a Diamond.
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shaydeoffical · 4 years
Ugh every part of the camping series made me cry I’m- so good thank you so much I can’t wait to see what you do next!!!
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This makes me so happy to hear 🥰. I've mentioned this before, but I spent years too afraid to share my stories, after a few bad reviews when I was a kid. Now, that I've finally gotten brave, all I've been meet with is support and it really has helped my confidence.
So, thank you for letting me know you enjoy my work 💜✨. And also thank you to all my followers, all the people who reblogged, liked and commented. It's because of your support, that I feel comfortable sharing my work.
Have a wonderful day anon!
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