aldanonthesage · 9 years
"Don't touch him."
Aldanon frowned at Torio, apparently oblivious to the danger the encroaching bandits posed. “Really, my dear, no need to shout. I’m sure they’re just stopping by to say hello. We’ll invite them in for tea!”
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drackomancy · 9 years
((NWN2 fandom, of course ;D))
my beautiful cinnamon roll too good for this world fave: Grobnar, definitely. He never let the others get him down, and all he wanted to do was be useful and be a better bard. :D
my trash-shit fave: SAND
my I love to hate them fave: Bishop. Sorry, guys.
my I hate to love them fave: Cain Lathellon. He might make a better comedian than a bard. You can tell the VA had fun with him. xD
my I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire non-fave: Qara - if she wants to play with fire she better learn to put it out herself. :P
my I didn’t care about them either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about them now I’m in love fave: TORIO, MY HEART AND SOUL
my I could take them or leave them kinda fave: Casavir?
my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: Duncan and Sand!
my dirtybadwrong fave ship: Daeghun and Sand. ;D
my they’re cute together and I dig them but I’m not all that terribly invested kinda fave ship: Elanee and KC. Ehh.
my I didn’t care about this ship either way at first but the fandom makes such a big deal about it now I can’t stand it non-fave ship: Bishop and KC. I won’t shit on anyone’s decision to ship them, though. 8D
my MAKE IT STOP non-fave ship: Daeghun and Duncan. I don’t do incest ships.
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"So why do you hate everyone?"
:be my muse’s psychiatrist and ask them questions!:
The ranger only stared at Torio for what felt like an eternity, golden eyes stuck in a disapproving glare before he finally spoke up. His tone, as usual, was cold and yet joking - a combination he’d mastered over the years, especially when speaking to her.
“Well, now,” he started, “Wonder what gave you that idea. Must be that I love you all so much it crosses into deep hatred. Shame you’ll never know what that‘s like. Maybe if that knife-eared little plaything of yours could show you, you wouldn’t come running to me - isn’t that right.”
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jarlaxlebaenre · 9 years
Happy munday! This munday we can ask questions about the mun. Now the rules are that you should never feel pressured to answer any of these, and you don’t have to spread them if you don’t want to. You're an extremely talented writer, so what brought you to begin writing Jarlaxle?
{ Thanks for the wonderful compliment my dear, although I hardly feel that I deserve it! :-D I’ve been a Forgotten Realms fan and have lurked on the D&D side of Tumblr for a while before I made this rp account. I should mention here that there apparently used to be a thejarlaxlebaenre account before mine, and no, we’re not related. I doubt that they’re even aware of me, just as I wasn’t aware of them until I was confused for them by someone else. X-D
I’ve written some casually before and figured that rping would be a good way to scratch the itch of an otherwise abandoned hobby. As for why Jarlaxle specifically, I’m afraid I don’t have a deep answer for ya, our personalities just sorta fit, and I wanted to interact with a certain Artemis. >.> I’m fond of the charming drow mercenary and before my time, the community lacked active and/or nonexclusive Jarlaxles, so I figured I’d rectify that problem! ;-P }
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singerofmilil · 9 years
☒ ▶
☒: A NOTP with your Muse in it (if you have any).
((NOTP… To be honest, I don’t really have a NOTP for my Ophelia. Maybe Bishop ( free-a-n-d-clear ), but only if someone would like to ship them romantically. XD It just won’t work, no matter what you’re going to do.
The same goes with one particular Sand here ( gloriousleadersand ). *wink, wink* Chemistry between them is strictly platonic. He has a fantastic brother anyway.
But basically, I am a shipping trash, if you have any ship with Ophelia, broOTP, romantic ship, platonic ship, hateship, please, please, please, tell me! ^_^
▶: A talent of the Mun’s (besides RPing, of course!)
I’m good at searching for sales. XD If I have something nice, you can bet I got it at the discounted price.))
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daggersandsparks · 9 years
((Favorite weather and favorite part of RPing. [Mobile, apologies!]))
☂:Favorite kind of weather.
{ when it’s cloudy, about 60 degrees F. Seattle weather, basically. Good thing I live here? Because it gets like this a lot. }
☁:Favorite part of RPing.
{ answered before here, but also I love developing my characters. RPing allows for a lot of interactions I couldn’t or wouldn’t have thought of if I had been writing by myself. }
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closed w/ ambassador-claven
Shortly before the Grand Melee was due to begin, Nevalle was delighted- more delighted than he knew he should have been- to spot Torio amongst the crowds. Muttering apologies as he gently pushed people out of his way, he quickly rushed to her side. He was dressed in armor, though in deference to the heat of the day it wasn’t the full plate he’d been patrolling in. Instead he wore heavy chain under his traditional Nine garb, and his greatsword was strapped to his back. Even without the plate, however, he still cut an imposing figure in spite of the smile he couldn’t quite restrain as he caught up to Torio. “Torio! Are you going to watch the Melee?”
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neverwinternighting · 9 years
A blue and silver rose (likely enchanted to look that way) was left on Sand's desk, along with a note: "At least save the last dance for me? ~Torio."
Blue and silver - two of his favorite colors. Only very few bothered to know that about him, and only one’s signature read ‘Torio’. He accepted the glamoured rose and decided he would pay her a visit at the festival...
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aldanonthesage · 9 years
12. things you said when you thought I was asleep ((ARIDAE))
Aruya shut the bedroom door as quietly as she could, and tried to slip into bed without disturbing her husband’s reverie. She pulled the blankets up to her neck to push away the night air’s chill still clinging to her and rolled onto her side to study Daeghun for a moment. He looked peaceful. Even happy. It was good to see him at peace. Hells, it was good to feel at peace. They’d both been through so much, more than their share, and to have finally found peace... Some days it hardly felt real.
Her hand found his under the covers, resting lightly atop it. Sleep was already pulling heavily at Aruya, but she was reluctant to give into it just yet. She was too filled with anticipation and anxiety. Though she’d not had a chance to discuss it with Daeghun yet, a healer in the village had finally confirmed something Aruya had begun to suspect weeks ago. It frightened her, but filled her with more joy than she could properly describe. Her business in town had kept her out late into the evening, and she’d decided to save the news for the next day. Even so it seemed to buzz about inside her, wanting desperately to be shared.
Finally, she decided there could be no harm in whispering it to him while he slept. She would tell him again tomorrow, when he could hear her. For now she simply wanted, needed to give voice to the words, as if doing so would ensure their veracity.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispered softly, lips curving into a small smile as the quiet words floated into the air and renewed the flutter of joy in her breast. Satisfied that the words had been said, she closed her eyes and squeezed Daeghun’s hands gently.
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♒ "Nevalle, if a woman was to drag you into a dark alley during a busy market day, how would you feel?"
Purposefully misunderstanding her question, Nevalle only just managed to keep a straight face. “Angry. If she was doing that, I can only assume she’d be attacking or robbing me.”
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jarlaxlebaenre · 9 years
ambassador-claven replied to your post“{ Like this post if your muse wants to go to the midsummer ball with...”
((Can I like this for Nevalle? >;D))
{ Hahaha, that’s funny, but I’m afraid not! ;-P }
neverwinterforgottenhero replied to your post“{ Like this post if your muse wants to go to the midsummer ball with...”
If I may? I dod not dare but it could be fun, if it doesn't annoy you of course.
{ Of course! :-D Meeting someone new is never an annoyance for me. ;-) Glad you stepped up, that’s what that post was there for! }
lieutenantkimmuriel replied to your post“{ Like this post if your muse wants to go to the midsummer ball with...”
{Some sort of interaction would be cool, but mostly I'm here for Nevlaxle}
{ Oof, that’s an awkward ship name. Remove the first l and it works better. ;-P }
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singerofmilil · 9 years
((LOOOL, I’ve just now realized smuggling Torio’s dresses illegally from Luskan would be A GREAT EXCUSE in case of Nevalle sniffed something. XDDD
“Dresses for Torio.”
“Yes, for Torio.”
“A-ahem… Okay, I guess we can allow that...one...”
And also weapons, potions, magical stuff and information, but he didn’t specify, what he wanted to know… XDDDD ))
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daggersandsparks · 9 years
Shipping meme: Torio and Mairwen (If you want, throw in Bishop! :D)
send me a pairing and I’ll tell you who: {Decided this would be funnier with free-a-n-d-clear}
falls asleep on the couch: Bishop
makes friends with the neighbors: Well, Torio would make friends with one of the neighbors and gossip about the rest.
is the adventurous eater: Mairwen, who is just really happy to have food. Or Bishop, who can’t taste it anyway.
hogs the covers at night: Torio, or Mairwen. Bishop doesn’t really notice.
forgets to do the dishes: Bishop.
tries to surprise their partner more often: Mairwen. She brings gifts back for both of them.
leaves dirty laundry on the floor: Bishop?
stays up til 2 AM reading: Torio and Mairwen.
sings in the shower: Mairwen, she loves to sing all the time.
takes the selfies: Torio. Mairwen joins her quite often as well. 
plans date night: Torio. The other two don’t bother most of the time. 
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aldanonthesage · 9 years
☾ (From as many/few muses as you like) ✽ ✤
☾: Favorite moment from your Muse's canon, and why. (If your Muse is an OC, then favorite aspect of their story.)
Aldanon: Him complaining about his eyes in NWN2Nev: The fact that he lost two (presumably close) friends and fellow members of the Nine during NWN2Stella: Stabbed a dude with her hair combAruya: *hysterical laughter*Thorn: It hasn’t happened yet, but someday she’s gonna totally fuck up Landon (another of Gram’s lieutenants)Danial: Bears. I don’t fucking know how the bear thing became a thing but there is no Danial. Only bears.Boulder: That time her ass was up in some poor bastard’s face.
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"How to care for: Remove all paperwork and pole from ass. Feed, and make sure he sleeps."
Nevalle frowned. “I do not have a pole in my ass!”
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