#ambassador bed frame
plushfurniture · 1 year
Exclusive Ambassador Bed with Mattress | Plush Furniture
For people all across the world, adjustable beds are a lifesaver. People with restricted mobility benefit from the flexibility and support, which relieve a variety of health ailments like back pain and asthma and increase independence. We can assist if you're seeking the best mattress for an adjustable ambassador bed with mattress and considering buying one for yourself.  A bed that can be adjusted into various positions using strategically positioned hinges and manual or electric mechanisms is known as an adjustable ambassador bed. The mattress' many portions can be altered to accommodate various sleeping positions; You can sit up in bed by raising the head end of the bed. To allow blood to drain from the feet and legs, the foot end of the bed can be raised. The bed can be moved up and down. To raise the knees, raise the center part.
Because every adjustable bed is unique, be sure to read the specifications before making a purchase. Some innerspring mattresses shouldn't be used on adjustable ambassador crushed velvet beds because they could get damaged by bending. On an adjustable bed, hard elements cannot be used as beds. Check the guarantee because not all mattresses are intended for use on an adjustable bed.
Are you looking to buy an adjustable ambassador bed with mattress,  Plush Furniture offers a wide range of Luxury designer ambassador bed frames & exclusive bed frames at affordable prices. We design and manufacture luxury bed designs in the UK. Add elegance to your home with our wide range of furniture products, headboards, and frames, children's car beds & more.
Get in touch with us at 01924 672133 or mail us at [email protected]
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frunishop · 1 year
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dbzbeds · 1 year
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Closed Doors
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❥ Yandere Choi Soobin x fem reader x Kim Hongjoong
➯a/n: SPOOKY MONTH SPOOKY MONTH SPOOKY MONTH WRRRRAAAA 👻🎃 mwahaha i came back strong with this one 🫣
✃ "Watch close, don't even blink."
✫彡wordcount: 4.1k
(>ᴗ•) ♡'・ᴗ・'♡ genre: smut w (a little) plot, yandere
ಠ_ಠwarning/content: not edited, stalking, drinking culture, dom joong x sub soobin x switch reader, noona/hyung kink, tipsy sex, threesum, pet names, fingering, DIIIIRTY talk, cunnilingus, corruption kink, edging, squirting, handjob, m x m, deep throating, throat bulge, snow balling, unprotected (booooooo), one slap, light degradation
⁂taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan @marievllr-abg
Kim Hongjoong is everything Soobin wants to be. A strong leader. A respected producer. An ambassador. Someone to be looked up to and praised.
And you, Hongjoongs girlfriend of nearly three years, is all he wants. A loyal partner. An understanding person. A kind soul that clings to his.
He knows anything and everything there is to know about you and Hongjoong. He watches all of Hongjoongs content, he stalks you as you run errands. He knows the scent of perfume Hongjoong buys every other month and he has a caddy full of your favorite soaps. He knows how you only hold hands in the dark to avoid the paparazzi and he knows all of the sweet nicknames you call each other.
He knows how bad this could be for him should it ever get out that he's obsessed with his senior and his girlfriend. He knows first hand how badly it feels to be violated of your privacy. But he can't bring himself to stop. He can't help but bask in your existences. He needs to know more.
He needs to know the brand of condoms Hongjoong uses, if you take brith control. Does Hongjoong always take the lead like in those heated kisses he's caught glimpses of backstage, or do you like to have power in the bedroom? He needs to know if Hongjoong looks as beautiful covered in sweat in bed as he does on stage, he needs to know if your hair frames your face just as gracefully when your head is thrown back in pleasure.
    Just being a bystander isn't enough for Soobin anymore.
He needs to know what goes on behind closed doors.
The house is eerily desolate, perched atop a hill in the middle of a field. Nothing but trees and flowers and mother nature on her lonesome to witness what goes on in the lot. It was gothic in its architecture, pale in its color palette.
Despite the houses deathly aura, life rages in inside of it. Shadows of people dancing by the windows, muffled music leaking from the walls, a shout or yell every so often from a drunken party goer.
    You're clearly buzzed, Soobin can tell. You're stumbling around and gripping to the wall every so often as you move your body to the beat of the music. Hongjoong isn't around you, so he takes the opportunity to approach you. Though he gets nervous around you, his heart stops in his chest everytime his senior so much as addresses him directly.
"Binnie boy!" You cheer with a wide smile, discarding your red solo cup on the antique table behind you in favor of wrapping your arms around his slim torso. "I didn't think you made it!"
So you're an affectionate drunk. Lucky him-
His heart is beating wildly, he's never been more thankful for loud music. He can barely breathe, his arms tingling as he wraps them around your shoulders. God, you feel so warm. "H-hey, Noona. Are you enjoying yourself?"
"Oh, yeah! It's been forever since I went to a party," your hand lingers on his chest as you back away and grab your cup again, lighting his skin ablaze through the thin fabric of his costume.
After you take a swig, you offer it up to him. When he goes to shake his head, already blushing and feeling drunk on your proximity, you roll your eyes playfully and stand up on your tip toes, holding the lipstick-stained cup to his lip. "It's rude to refuse a drink," you tease, nearly cooing as he opens his lips and drinks immediately. "Good right? I think Gaeul made it."
He's not registering any of the words that are coming past your lips. His brain is going a million miles an hour as he feels the lipstick that's transferred to his lips. Sure, he has alot of the products you use but never from your own personal collection. Never from your own lips, even if it came off a secondary source. This is almost as good as when he found one of Hongjoongs sweaters at a thrift shop after watching him drop off a bag of donations.
"I found it!" Hongjoongs voice brings him back to his own body, and he's immediately frozen again as he feels the fur he knows he's wearing wrap around his shoulder. He has to be dreaming. Is he dreaming?
Hongjoong is right by his side, hip to hip with his arm stretched up and around his shoulders. "Is she teasin' you? She likes to tease when she's drunk," he chuckles, looking up and watching the younger mans face flush deeper as he stutters.
"I'm noooooot," you draw out dramatically, slipping your hand into his open fur coat and under his top. "I'm just being friendly- right, Binnie?"
He's nearly gasping for air as he watches the two of you. What in the world is going on?
"You found one?"
"Mhm," Hongjoong moves away from Soobin and drags you to the stair case, and he watches in confusion as you both stop on the second stair, your conversation hidden by the loud music and the shadows.
A few moments later, you're coming back to Soobin and grabbing his hand, "c'mon."
He can only follow the warm grip you have on his hand, blinded by how good it feels to have your skin touching his that he doesn't even notice as you lead him up the stairs to the bedrooms with Hongjoong hot on your tails.
"Wh-" The words die on his tongue as you let go of his hand and dive into the tall, elegant bed. "Non-" There they go again as he turns as sees Hongjoong latching the door locked.
You look like the angel you're dressed as as you lay down on your back, your head propped up by the pillows and your legs spread so invitingly.
"Isn't my Angel so gorgeous?" Hongjoong asks as he joins him at the foot of the bed, a smirk painting his face as he watches his ears flush pink. "Don't you just want to..." he trails off, watching in the corner of his vision as you pull the white dress above your hips teasingly slow, "fuck her dumb?"
Your giggles fill the room, and Hongjoongs follow, leaving Soobin stunned more than ever; a deer in the headlights. "Oh, c'mon Binnie," you moan as you slip your hand into your underwear, "we aren't blind."
"We see how you watch us," he finishes your thought, shrugging off his coat.
"Mhm," you nod in agreement, watching his bulge grow with his blush. "If you don't want to join us, close the door on your way out- ah!" Your laughter fills the room as Hongjoong jumps into the bed, kissing and licking at your neck.
His eyes flick between the two of you and the locked door. His mind is already made up but he doesn't want to seem too eager. He thought he was sneaky enough. How much do you both know?
"You're so wet just from teasing him," Hongjoong purrs as he slips his fingers into your bare heat, your skimpy panties discarded at the edge of the large bed.
He almost immediately starts pumping his fingers into your wetness, purposefully slapping his palm against your clit to create more lewd sounds. Soobins head is spinning. His eyesight is blurring, but at the same time he can see your face twisting in pleasure so clearly. He's crawling into the bed instinctively to get a closer look, his brain can't comprehend the amount of hormones that are flooding him. From your feet, he can see the wetness on Hongjoongs fingers as he pulls them out briefly before they dive back into you.
"Staying?" Hongjoong grins as he looks over his shoulder, slowing his fingers to give him a good showing of your wetness. He only nods in response, eyes never leaving your puffy clit and sopping hole.
"Ngh-" He moans as Hongjoongs free hand grips the back of his neck, forcing him face to face with your core. The sound of his fingers pressing against your walls paired with the scent of your arousal nearly makes him come undone the second the tip of his nose grazes your clit.
Your hand comes down and pets his head almost innocently, and he looks up your heaving torso to see you as you speak vulgarly, "have you ever eaten a pussy before, Binnie?"
       He shakes his head, the tip of his nose still forced against your clit by Hongjoongs grip.
      "She'll get you addicted," Hongjoong moans lowly at the thought of his own tongue on you, he can taste the memories, "she's fucking delicious."
He lays on his stomach between your legs, next to Hongjoong whos straddling your thigh. "H-how?" He forces his voice out, his hot breath fanning you.
"Show him how, Baby," you prop yourself up on your elbow and wiggle your hips, smirking at the two of them. "Show him how to eat pussy like a real man."
Hongjoongs slips his fingers out of you and sucks them clean as he positions himself next to Soobin, rubbing down his back sensually. "Watch close, even blink."
"Oka-" He's left speechless once again as his tongue darts out and laps up and down the length of your heat, pointing and circling your clit before diving into you and all over again. He listens to his Hyung, though he doesn't know if it's even intentional. He wouldn't blink if his eyes were dryer than the Sahara.
His skilled tongue skims and rubs and fucks all of the right places, not a single part of you left untouched as he moans into you. "Oh, fuck, Joongie," you squeal, thighs trembling briefly before they lift of the bed and press into them.
He pulls away and pushes the thigh that's pressing into him back down, nodding at Soobin to do the same. His slender fingers dig into your skin softly as he copies him, pressing your leg back into the soft sheets.
"No," you whine, "so close!"
"C'mon Princess don't be selfish, let our guest have a taste before you squirt all over us, hm?"
"Squirt- squirt? You squirt Noona?" He pants breathlessly. He doesn't know how he's going to survive.
You chuckle softly, head tossed back as you rub your wetness on his chin, getting oh so close to his lips. "Make me cum and you'll find out, Binnie. Go on, do what Joongie showed you."
He sticks his tongue out tentatively and flicks it across your clit. The high moan you let out. The taste of you. Hongjoongs burning gaze on him. It's so. Fucking. Good.
He copies all of Hongjoongs movements, it's not hard to. The image of his tongue working against your wet skin is burned into his memory and he will never let it go. He whines into your cunt, pressing his face closer as he savors your juices, his eyes fluttering shut as his hips grind against the bed on their own. His mind is gone from his body, his entire being washed in pure pleasure. He's so far gone that he doesn't register that your both turning on your sides, your legs sandwiching his face as you moan and groan.
      He feels Hongjoongs hands unbuttoning his pants, and he lets him. No way in any universe is he doing anything that will stop this moment. His length is engulfed in his warm hand, and the vibration of his moan is enough to send you over the edge, flooding his face and neck in your release and clenching your legs around his head tightly. The curses that fall off your trembling lips go unheard by the eager young man, who could nearly be drowning in the amount of fluids that you're washing him in, in the pleasure that Hongjoongs hand is giving him.
"Fuck, Binnie! Fuck, fuck, fuck! Son of a bitch- holy shit!" Hongjoong laughs, finally pulling his wet face away from you. His eye flutter open, his pupils blown way out of proportion. He pants, bucking his hips into Hongjoongs stilled hand.
"Ngh, Hyung," he whimpers, melting as he resumes stroking his length, "you were right, she's so delicious!" He licks his swollen lips, sliding onto his back and watching his slender hand pump up and down, blissfully unaware as you slip out from behind him and remove your clothes. "Oh my god," his eyes roll back into his head, and just before the pressure inside of him can snap, the warmth of his hand is gone. "No, no! Hyung!" His cock twitches in the air, hips bucking wildly.
"Shhhh," he shushes him softly, holding his hips down to the bed, kissing his jaw lightly, "don't you want to let it out inside your Noona? There's nothing else like it, Binnie."
You join them once again, on the opposite side of Hongjoong, naked body curled up to Soobins side. "All warm and wet, nice and inviting."
A whiny moan chokes him, jaw dropped as he nips his ear lobe, your fingertip swirling around his nipple. "F-fuck, please."
"Not yet," you whisper, "you'll cum the second you feel my hot pussy. Calm down a bit."
Both of your warmth is gone, and he opens his eyes. They widen at the scene infront of him.
Your naked body, all out in the open as your face is in Hongjoongs lap, ass in the air. His thick, veiny member resting on your flushed cheek as you fondle his balls.
"Is it everything you dreamed of, Soobin?" He grins as you take his cock down your throat, years of practice having paid of. "Isn't my girl the fucking best? Look at that," he coos as he points Soobins gaze to your throat, an the outline of him pressing out of your skin, "see how she takes it? Mmm fuck. If your lucky, maybe one day she can take that long, pretty cock of yours."
You moan around him, peering over at Soobin. He slides closer immediately and leans into your neck, taking in a deep breath of the smell of sex that comes from you. "Fuck," he groans, cock aching for attention. But Hongjoong is right, he wants to save it for you. He wants to know what Hongjoong gets to feel everytime you fuck. "Everything and more." He kisses your neck, and the feeling of his lips through your throat makes Hongjoong feral.
He grips the back of your head, thrusting deep into your throat with a short and fast pace. The sound of your throat contracting around his cock fills the room, even over the muffled music. Your spit flies out of your stretched lips, soaking his smooth pelvis. "Do that again," he growls quietly, free hand pressing Soobins face into your neck.
And he does, he licks and sucks at your neck, like he's trying to suck Hongjoongs cock just as much as you are. "Mhmp!" Your arousal drips down your legs, your hole clenches around nothingness as you steady yourself on his thighs.
The amount of attention you've been receiving tonight already has you back on the edge, teetering as your boyfriend chokes you on his cock and his handsome junior sucks hickeys in your skin. Your head is fuzzy with oxygen deprivation and arousal.
     You can feel his body tightening beneath you, and you get ready to swallow his release when he tugs your hair roughly. "Don't swallow, Angel," and with that, he pulls your mouth back to envelop just his tip and floods your mouth with his sweet seed, head tossed back and a bead of sweat dripping down his chin, chest heaving as he moans, "let him have a taste."
     He tenderly helps you up, positioning your face above his and smirking as he opens his mouth wide. The mix of saliva and cum leaks into his awaiting mouth, and a string of moans from all of you builds your arousal to an all time high. He gulps it down greedily and watches you intently as you move to straddle his hips.
You lick your lips clean, taking a peek at Hongjoong. He gives you a nod and grips the base of Soobins cock, holding it upright as you sink down on it. "Oh- oh shit," he bites his lip, eyes flicking from your blissful face to your sopping hole as you slowly descend to Hongjoongs member twitching back to life.
"Don't you dare cum, ladies first," Hongjoong fixes Soobins hair back and rubs his thumb on his lips.
"Al-alright- fuck! Oh fuck!" He whines loudly as you begin riding him mercilessly, clenching his gut as his brain begs for the flood of dopamine that it knows will come with filling your cunt in the most primal way. "Fuck, please! Noona! Noona!" He screams, hips bucking wildly and making his cock reach depths inside of you that haven't been touched by another person since you met Hongjoong. He doesn't stretch you as good as he does, but God does the slight pain as he rearranges your guts feel heavenly.
"How does it feel?" Hongjoong inquired, slipping his hand around your hips and circling his finger tips around your swollen clit.
"So good!"
Both of you chime together, bodies bouncing on the soft mattress. "Oh, Joongie! You were right," you draw out in a moan, "he's so- ah! So big!"
"Ride him, Princess, ride that big cock," he smirks at him over your shoulder before diving in and sucking darker hickeys over the ones Soobin left. It's definitely a show of dominance, telling him not to get too comfortable in his girlfriends cunt. But he does. Not. Care.
He'll find an in eventually, for now he's content to hold onto your hips as you ride him like a mad woman.
"Noona," he whines highly, rutting into you desperately, "please let me!"
"Let you?" You question dizzily, rocking your hips into Hongjoongs fingers as they continue their assault on your clit.
"L- ah! Fuck, I'm sorry, Noona, I can't help myself anymore!" He thrashes, locking his arms around you and flipping you around. He cages you underneath him and slams back into you, banging his hips onto yours and burying his face in your chest as he clings to you.
Hongjoong crawls up to your face, cradling it gently as Soobins rough thrust toss you around. "You gonna let him cum in your pussy? That's my pussy, you know that?" He slaps your cheek softly, a large grin on his face. "Dirty Angel, you're enjoying having this freak in your cunt," he kisses you deeply and moans, pulling back and gripping Soobins hair roughly.
"Listen to me," he sneers, "you can fuck us silly all you like, you little horn-dog. But this is my girl. And I'm her man. Got that?"
      "Y-yes, Hyung!"
    "Good," he pushes his head away and goes back to you, fondling your breasts as he licks your ear, whispering something that Soobin can't hear over the pounding of his hips on yours, especially not combined with the music growing louder in his overstimulated mind.
Your moans are growing louder and louder, more frequent as he plunges into you rapidly. "O-oh shit..." You screw your eyes shut and bite your lip, and from his place looking down on you, Soobin wishes he had photographic memory. It's everything he ever made it up to be and more, and more, and more...
A broken moan rips out of your throat as you clench on him like a vice, squirting with each of his thrust as he ravages you. And that's all he needs to let loose, an orgasm like no other washing over him and soaking your insides, shutting his brain off as it floods with unimaginable pleasure.
He collapses into you, clinging to you for dear life as his hips continue driving into you with a mid of their own.
"Feels fucking amazing, huh?" Hongjoong chuckles, rubbing your heads simultaneously as he pries Soobin off of you. He straddles him carefully and slips his hands under his top. "Hope you've got some more energy for me, pretty boy."
       He stands as silent as a mouse and grabs his phone, eyes raking the two of you darkly as he searches for the perfect angle to capture you in your fullest beauty.
      Hongjoongs arm is draped over your naked chest like he subconsciously knows to protect your modesty from what's about to come, his ring catching the dim moonlight as he cups the side of your breast.
     He snaps a picture of your torsos and arms all mingled together, thankful that the lamp was left on so that he didn't have to risk the flash waking you. He knows you're a light sleeper.
    With a lick of his lips, he zooms in on his always noticeable bulge. It strains against his boxers even as he's flaccid and snuggles against your hip innocently.
He doesn't know when it got to this point. He doesn't care, frankly. He just wants in, he wants in- he wants in now. He wants to sleep in that cozy nest of a bed that he knows you make up every morning after cuddling your boyfriend all night. Seonghwa once told him about it and how you had to strip the bed of all your pillows and blankets and plushies so that Hongjoongs vlogs didn't share something that you felt so intimate about, he hasn't got to see it yet but he wants it so badly. He wants to spoil you with plushies to add. He wants to fuck you until you squirt on it all freshly made just to mark it with your scent and drive in the fact that he makes you cum like a lover.
     His soft panting fills the quiet air as he snaps a photo of the way your finger tips are pressed into the elastic band on Hongjoongs boxers.
He doesn't care that it's crazy. He just wants to be apart of you, and every little thing only adds to it.
     He leans one knee on the edge of the bed and snaps a close up of your bruised hips, the forming colors, to remind him of how well it felt to hold them as they boucned.
   He turns the focus to your face. You're the one he has the least photos of despite the fact that you're the one he's most obsessed in love with. You look so peaceful in your sleep, lips parted as you breath softly, a small smile twitching at the edges that he immediately snaps a photo of. You must be dreaming of him.
He. Doesn't. Care.
    He snaps photo after photo after photo after photo after photo of you. His girl. The lines on your soft, exposed stomach. Your fluffy sock clad feet. Your slightly swollen lips with his thumb carefully placed between them. The way you suck on it subconsciously. Your hair, the baby hairs that fall from the sloppy way you put it up. Every single freckle and mole and embellishment on your skin. Your thighs. Oh good God your thighs, he could die a happy man between them. The way goosebumps raise on your skin as he trails his fingers tips all over you. Your neck which still has his marks no matter how hard Hongjoong tried to cover them. Picture after picture after picture after picture until his camera betrays him and tells him he has only a little storage left to document your adorable, unconscious state.
     He backs up and gets every single piece of you both in frame for one last photo. Of the way the two of you meld together. His precious, stupid lovers.
     He will be apart of you. And this is only the beginning.
He got a glimpse of what goes on behind closed doors.
Now you'll never get rid of him.
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ellisgirl · 11 months
Jude Jazza & Ellis Twilight — Villains Want to Embarrass Little Robin Story Event
Premium End
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I do not own any contents of Ikemen Villains. This story being uploaded in this blog belongs solely to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading their games and buying their stories. Both English and Japanese are not my mother tongue languages, please keep in mind that there will be mistakes and added words for my own preferences. I translate for my personal entertainment and for my own practice only.
After washing my body and changing into my night dress, I sank into the bed in my room and suddenly felt tired.
(Tomorrow, I'll have to pull myself together... I'll have to do my best...)
While I was sorting out tomorrow's schedule in my head, my eyelids got heavier and heavier—, and I fell asleep.
—I woke up in the middle of the night when I noticed the faint sound of the door opening.
(That...... What time is it now?—)
(—Wait a minute. This is Her Majesty's bedroom, who the hell is in here at this hour?)
My spine trembles. I'm shaking. Jude and Ellis should be resting in a separate room.
(No way, is it really Mr. Abel?)
(But "only people inside the palace have the key")
(Mr. Abel stole the key? Or maybe the mastermind behind the assassination plan is someone inside the palace—?)
Through the curtain of the canopy, the silhouette of a person approaches.
(It can't be helped if I just deduced here! What should I do... get out of the other side of the bed?)
(If I could get out of the room without being seen and call Mr. Jude and Ellis,)
(I should be able to complete the mission.)
(Honestly, I don't feel like I can do it, but— I have no choice but to do it)
Holding my pillow as a shield, I gently placed my hand on the canopy curtain on the other side, at that moment.
A figure raises an arm holding something sharp—,
Man’s voice: “—What the!?”
The figure crumpled to the floor after receiving a heavy blow to the side of the head.
(Hey, what..... What happened......)
I'm afraid to open the canopy curtain and look outside.
Mr. Jude was stomping on a man dressed as a guard.
Jude: "I can't believe you’re screaming in Her Majesty's room in the middle of the night."
Jude: "Isn't that disrespectful? I don't know.”
A man dressed as a guard: "Well.... You are one of Her Majesty's guards.”
Jude: "So you're the secretary of the Glasses Minister?"
Jude: "What are you trying to do with such a dangerous thing?"
A man dressed as a guard: “Damn it. ....I'm gonna kill you too...Nn”
The guard man crawled out from under Mr. Jude's feet and raised his knife again.
A man dressed as a guard: "This is a crime committed by the U.S. ambassador....... I'm in trouble if it doesn't happen like that."
Ellis: "Are you trying to frame it...?"
A man dressed as a guard: “Wha!?”
A hand stretched out from behind twisted the wrist that the man raised again.
Ellis: ".....No, that kind of thing. I don't think anyone will be happy."
A man dressed as a guard: “You, It— hurts.”
Mr. Jude's hand roughly grabbed his mouth and sealed it as he tried to complain of pain.
His nose and mouth are blocked and I can hear a painful voice.
Jude: "If you don't keep quiet, the “Queen” will wake up."
Ellis: "...The Queen's aide wants to ask you something."
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Ellis puts one arm around the man's neck and tightens it even more.
Jude: "You’re going to faint from lack of oxygen, or I'll let you sleep in peace, which one? I’ll let you choose."
A man dressed as a guard: "Hmm, hmm!!"
Ellis: "It's rare for Jude to let you choose. You'd better answer as soon as possible."
A man dressed as a guard: "Ngu... O..."
Jude: "Uh? What's that? I can't hear you.”
A man dressed as a guard: “Gu....Nn, ugh….., …….”
When the man's whole body fell apart, Mr. Jude let go of his hand as if throwing out the filth.
Ellis caught him in good timing, tied him up with a rope, dragged him to the corner of the room, and rolled him over.
(......Wow, that's great..... He knows what he’s doing.)
Once again, you are stuck in the dark world, and see that they are two terrifying people to make enemies with...
Jude: “….Hm?”
Kate: “Uwha!”
The curtains were unreservedly opened, and I almost fell off the bed while holding my pillow.
Jude: "It's a nasty queen who has a hobby of distributing."
Ellis: "...It was scary, isn't it? Miss Kate, it's okay now."
An agitated sneer and a gentle smile. I am again confronted with conflicting smiles, but this time my facial muscles are not confused, but relaxed.
Kate: "Both of you..... Thank you very much."
Kate: "But...how did you know?”
Ellis: "Your crown smelled sweet.”
Kate: “Eh…..?”
Jude: “The nectar that caused the bird to run amok was smeared on the crown.”
Kate: "On the crown...?"
Ellis: “So, Jude and I looked into who might have approached the crown before the audience.”
Jude: “The secretary of the minister with the glasses was the last one who approached it, so I kept an eye on the minister and sure enough, there it is."
Jude: “Originally, he was an extremist in the military and a warmonger and a sloppy politician, and he had the motive to say that he would make money by raising a jerk.”
(That kind of thing...)
Kate: "He rebelled against Her Majesty, and on top of that he tried to frame such a good-looking ambassador as a criminal...that's the worst."
When I muttered what I thought, Mr. Jude raised his eyebrow in amusement.
Jude: "Ha, that's surprising. ......As if saying “Don't do it like that” is easy enough.”
Kate: "......He’s alive, isn’t he?”
Ellis: "Yeah, of course. Victor told me not to kill him because he has something to ask."
Kate: "He was trying to take someone's life...”
Kate: “Both the secretary who attacked me and the minister behind it should be prepared for some pain.”
Kate: "......I don't sympathise."
Jude & Ellis : “………”
(At least, Mr. Jude and Ellis know that they will be retaliated in the same way...it looks like they are working with this in mind.)
I don't think it's a good thing, but I'm not going to assume it's a bad thing either.
That was my frank thought after working with them on several missions.
Jude: "Ha, how did you start saying that?"
Ellis: "Shall I go and hurt him more? How much do you want me to abuse him?"
Kate: "You don't have to do it any more...!”
Ellis: “Yeah…..?”
When I hurriedly stopped him, Ellis put away the knife with a small bow of his head.
(These two people are both quite troublesome.)
(But I can absolutely trust you... being by your side might be the strongest)
Jude: "Hah..... I'm really tired today because the princess is unreliable."
Mr. Jude sat down on the bed and sprawled himself up.
Jude: "It's almost morning. I gave almost a whole night to that weirdo assistant.”
He was about to close his eyes, so I opened my mouth in a hurry.
Kate: "Um, I'm sorry, here is my bed.”
Jude: “Ah? It's not yours, it's Her Majesty's."
Ellis: "Oh, Jude is not fair."
Ellis also turned to the other side and lay down with Mr. Jude sandwiching me.
Ellis: "I think I'll take a nap here too."
Kate: “Eh, Ellis…..?”
Ellis: “Miss Kate, can we sleep together?”
Kate: "Sleep, you mean......, eh...eh!?"
(Together, .......With these two people!?)
Jude: "It's so noisy."
Ellis: "Here, over here."
Kate: "Wha......!?"
I collapsed onto the bed with my arms pulled from both sides.
No matter how wide Her Majesty's bed is, when two adult men and I lie down, it's narrow.
(S-So close...)
There was no way Mr. Jude would open up space for me, and Ellis was close enough to say that he wanted to stick together with me.
I was sandwiched between the two bodies regardless, and my shoulders, arms, and legs were in close contact.
Jude: "You body temperature is high... Are you a child even here?”
Ellis: "It feels so warm and nice. .....Hey, can't I hug you?"
Kate: "It's no good...!"
No matter which way I look, I feel strange, so I answered while looking straight up.
Jude: “Fuha, what are you blushing for? You dirty girl."
Mr. Jude sits on his shoulders next to me and looks down at me with a smirk on his face.
Kate: "Isn't it disrespectful to sneak into someone's bed without permission?"
Jude: "Isn't it disgusting? I don't know who it is, the villain who does such a thing."
Ellis: “Do you want to do something naughty? It’s okay, if you want to.”
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Kate: “Huh….uh, …..?”
Ellis lays down next to me, looks straight at me, and suggests the most outrageous thing.
Ellis: “Oh, would you rather do with Jude? Or me, or both?"
Jude: "Hey, I'm getting involved without permission."
Jude: “If you want to do it, do it as you like. I'll just sit here and watch. You like that kind of thing, don't you?”
Ellis: "Really? Then will you?"
They whisper to me from both sides as they please, and my face starts to twitch more and more.
Kate: "Could you please get off the bed and sleep in your own room..."
Ellis: "......But I'm worried if you're alone, Miss Kate."
Kate: “Uh…..”
Jude: "This bed is so comfortable, I refuse."
Kate: “….Jesus, I’m done…..!”
With a tired head, a pure conscience and arrogant selfishness thrust at me—
—I stopped thinking.
Kate: "It's fine as it is...! Good night!"
I pulled the sheet up to my face and managed to keep them out of sight.
Jude: "Fuha, what's with that sleeping style?"
Ellis: “You’re hiding. I miss you.”
Both of them started to fall asleep after a few minutes without knowing what others thought....
While being wrapped in the gentle sound, warm body temperature, and the sweet scent of the two people, I also fell asleep before I knew it.
A few days later. Without making it public that there was an assassination, the U.S. ambassador left the palace with the same sunny smile he had on his face when he arrived.
To my horror, the minister with glasses disappeared from his seat without my knowledge. And then—
Ellis: "Ah, here we come. Miss Kate, this way."
Kate: "...Thank you for waiting."
Jude: "Are you more nervous than the mission?"
Today is the day we decided to grant each other's "requests" in celebration of completing our mission without our identities being revealed.
(The partners are Mr. Jude and Ellis. The promises we exchanged must be kept.)
It's reassuring to have these people as allies, but I've just learned that turning them into enemies can be troublesome.
I gulped and swallowed my spit, the two smiled their very best smiles.
Ellis: "I'm looking forward to it... Well then, Miss Kate."
Jude: "Do you want me to fulfil your “wish”?"
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Chapter 1 >> Chapter 2 >> Premium End >> Epilogue
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doormuncher3 · 7 months
Ch 2
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Warings: Lots of angst, Hurt/Comfort, Blood, Mentions of sex, Fingering, Thigh Riding, Praise.
Link to Ch 1 : https://www.tumblr.com/doormuncher3/736411453167484928/youre-scared-and-overwhelmed-youve-been-waiting?source=share
It's been 3 weeks since she left and she's the only thought consuming your mind. It was 5am you lay on her side of your large cold bed. You didn't sleep well just like every other day this week. Your eye bags, dry lips and  red eyes are remnants of how much of a mess you were without her. You laid on the bed wearing her sweater for warmth, but mostly because it held her smell.
You could see the gray melancholic sky through your old casement windows from where you laid. Your window wide open lets the cold breeze from outside into the room. From where you laid you could see the vast open grounds and the trees in the distance. Your home was a small way out of the city. Although not remote it was built on a spacious piece of land. You and Ambessa picked it out right before she proposed. You wanted to be outside the city closer to nature and she just wanted to see you happy.
As you laid there under your thick white covers thoughts coursed through your mind, hard to subdue. Horrible questions about her tormented you. "was she was hurt?", "or captured?" or "even dea-"
"My lady" A gentle voice came from the door frame interrupting your awful thoughts. "How are you doing today?"
You didn't get up to look as you knew it was only Marissa, your lady's maid. After Ambessa left she sent over more  guards to look after you and most importantly keep you inside the house where it was safe. With them came a short young woman who was charged with taking care of your daily needs.
You never had anyone to look after you before. Although you grew up in a well off family and had everything you needed at your disposal you were never fond of the idea of having luxuries like personal maids. The thought turned you off ever since childhood. Being the daughter of an ambassador you were forced to mingle with Noxian elites who would not shy away from displaying the arsenal of staff at their disposal whenever you'd go to their over the top galas and homes. This overt display of pompous grandeur made you uneasy to say the least.
That was until you were stuck with Marissa.
"I- I was meaning to ask if you wanted a bath run my lady, it's quite cold and I thought it might warm you up a bit" She spoke in a  soft voice.
"Im fine, thank you Marissa" You quietly affirmed
"Would you like some breakfast brought up then?" She inquired and before you could answer you were met with the loud blaring sound of a horn and the noise of guards running towards the front gates. You sprung out of bed running to the window facing the courtyard and yanking it open to see what this was all about. You saw men scrambling to open the gates and that's when it hit you.
She was back. You ran out of the room and out of the house arriving at the large entrance  to see the wooden gates finally open and reveal your lover. She stood there wearing a black mock neck without the sleeves, her arms harboring a number of new wounds and cuts, she wore the same pants she left in with her sword on her hip.
You walked up to her with determination, your breath caught in your throat, and she stayed still waiting for your arrival. As you came to a stop you could now see the exhaustion she harbored. Her face pale with a fresh cut on the corner of her left brow. She looked at you with hooded lids staring into your eyes. She leaned down slowly into the crook of your neck and before you could process her presence she lost consciousness dropping forwards onto her knees. You fell on your knees with her trying desperately to hold her up with your hands on either side of her ribs.
You could feel the blood saturating your hands as you tried to hold her up while screaming for help. Her head laying in the crook of your neck exhaling soft shallow breaths. Two guards quickly rushed to you both, picked her up, and moving to drape her arms over their shoulders guiding her quickly inside.
The guards holding her barged into the kitchen laying her down on a large wooden table, you followed in with 3 other guards. They cut her shirt off, exposing the large bandage on her torso. The awful scent of blood filled the room, the saturated bandages on her torso now crimson red. They proceeded to cut open the badges and that's when you were confronted with the large gash on her abdomen. You were in a state of shock standing by the door, unable to hear anything but muffled noise and unable to see anything but her body laying on that table.
A soldier started applying pressure on the wound to stop the bleeding. That's when Marissa came in jolting you out of your haze.
"I called for the physician he'll be here in 10 minutes" she exclaimed out of breath
Those 10mins felt like hell as you stood there watching soldiers scramble to change the gauze they held over her wound, the blood seemingly endless. You were helpless watching from behind them. You were not built for this. You were built for a life of politics and discourse. A life of pleasantries and agreement. A life where you didn't feel like the world was constantly crumbling beneath your feet.
The doctor came in hurriedly dropping his black bag on the ground as he moved the soldiers out of the way asking for one to heat up any piece of metal he could find and for the others to fetch some more gauze and water.
"You four come and hold her arms and legs down!" he demanded to which the soldiers obeyed without question
He then took the red hot dagger handed to him and proceeded to sear the open wound shut. And as soon as he touched her skin with the red hot iron Ambessa jolted awake a guttural scream leaving her. The soldiers scrambled to contain her movements as she tried to break free. After a minute she passed out again from the shock and the doctor stopped.
It was 9pm when Ambessa woke up again. She looked around the room before trying to sit up straight, feeling a jolt of pain on her left side and opting not to. She looked to her right to be confronted by your sleeping form. You laid your head on the mattress right beside her semi bandaged arm while you sat on a chair. She looked at you for a second before proceeding to run her hand through your hair moving the hair out of your face for a better view.
You woke up feeling her touch, startled by the feeling you jerked up, to be greeted by a small smile on her chapped lips.
"Come here my love~" she cooed at you in her hoarse voice. Opening her semi bandaged right arm to let you into her embrace. You quietly slipped into her side, logging your face into the crook of her neck starting to cry from relief. She ran her hand up and down your back as she felt your tears and heard your sniffles.
After a while you both settled into a comfortable silence, then she spoke up.
"You were the only thing on my mind, you're always the only thing on my mind~" she whispered in your ear continuing to rub your back. Then moved her head to look at the seling. You lifted your head slightly looking at her, tears staining your face and your eyes red. You stared at her face for a couple of seconds, and feeling your eyes on her she turned to look at you.
There was a moment of silence as you stared at each other, before you reached towards her your hands carefully now holding her face. Your eyes were half lidded and your breath shaky, finally meeting her soft lips in a gentle kiss.
The kiss progressed into a hungry makeout session, fueled by your lust for eachother, you could feel yourself getting wetter by the minute. You were touchstarved to say the least, unable to contain yourself.
Ambessa herself couldn't hold back, opting to slide her left hand up the back of your thigh groping the plump flesh of your ass, while her right hand crept up the inside of your sweater feeling up the skin of your back. The feeling of her hands made your breath hitch a harsh exhale coming out of your nose.
You were insatiable. Vivid memories of the times when her calloused hands traveled all over your body, the way her long thick fingers would tease you, the way they felt inside you as you cried for her to give you more, flooding your mind.
She promptly moved her right hand towards your chest, now playing with your perked nipples.
"Fuck,a- ambessa" You broke away from her mouth to moan out her name bucking your hips on the large thigh, you had subconsciously straddled.
You released her face and positioned your hands on either side of her head, raising your upper body up. She grinned at you, taking  this as an invitation to move both her hands and start working on your breasts pinching,tugging, and needing at the flesh.
“Are you enjoying yourself my love~” she asked with a smirk on her face pulling at your nipples harder making your head fall back, your eyes rolling into your head and shutting as you exhaled a guttural moan. 
Chuckling at the sight ambessa moved her right hand slowly down your abdomen reaching the seam of your pajamas and shoving her hand into your soaked underwear.
She met the wet hot heat of your cunt groaning deeply at the feeling of you at her fingertips.  
“Did you miss me this much my love, is this really all just for me?” She asked lust dripping from her voice, her face amused and turned on by your reaction.
“Y-Yes, for you!” You stuttered out. Your mind empty, consumed by the unrelenting pleasure. 
She kept a brutal pace on your clit. Your hips bucking on her hand, and your moans getting louder. She moves her nimble fingers gathering enough of your slick to massaging your entrance.
“D-Don't tease, ple-se mngh!” you exhaled, and with a small hum ambessa complied, shoving her long thick fingers into you with a savage trust. Your head dropped onto her shoulder with a scream of her name. Back arching and your thighs shaking with pleasure. Her pace was picking up she stretched you out on her thick index and middle fingers pumping in and out of you filling your sopping heat. 
“Mngh p-please oh my god!” you screamed as she rubbed your clit with her tumb.
“Look at me when you cum, pretty girl” She whispered into your ear making you shudder.
And you complied eyes half lidded you raised your head up to look at her. The speed of her thrusts were hard and slow working in an unbroken rhythm that had you going crazy. She stared into your eyes, mesmerized by you, her own arousal growing from the fucked out expression on your face.
“That's my good girl” She spoke, and you walls clenched on her thick fingers as she fucked you with reckless abandon finally sending you over the edge, screaming out and cumming all over her fingers, before you collapsed on her chest. A shaking mess.
Thank you all for reading!! Please let me know your thoughts in the comments :)
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mooniekive · 8 months
Slow Burn | six [final] (preview & link)
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Pairing: min yoongi x reader 
AU: neighbors!au | producer!yooongi and teacher reader | they both identify as bi, and reader is aspec (grey-sexual/demi-romantic)
Genre: slow burn, kind of slice of life | fluff, smut
Word Count: 663 words (preview) | 14k (chapter)
Warnings: preview is safe, but in chapter you will find smut - oral m/f receiving, and penetrative sex. A lot of time jumps, sorry if it's annoying.
When one of your best friends and neighbors moves in with his partner, you’re surprised to have a quiet (and attractive) man move in next door. His protective nature intrigues you, and his looks pull you in with a magnetism so unfamiliar to you.
Min Yoongi is so used to being on his own that when he moves into a new place, and into an existing little found family, he’s forced out of his little box. He has no other choice but to finally allow himself to want. To want what he always desired — a place and people to comfortably exist with. 
Preview under cut, or read on ao3
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It’s past 10pm when you reach for the phone ringing on the bedside table. You were under the assumption that you’d find the clock striking midnight and the screen showing February 25, but to your surprise you have not slept longer than it feels you have. You groggily accept Yoongi’s call, and past the sleep still fogging your brain there’s the beginning of some nervous fear seeping through trying to reach your consciousness. 
“Oppa?” you ask, doing your best to sit up on the bed. Bokshil chirps annoyed from all the movement and sound you make, so he stands from his curled position by your feet and jumps down to head to his tree and curl up again. 
“Shit, did I wake you sweetheart?” 
He sounds exhausted, so you start pulling the covers off you, embracing the cold that meets your body as you try to sit up. 
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it, I slept earlier than I thought I would. What’s wrong?” Usually during wintertime you tend to sleep pretty early on Fridays, like the exhaustion of the week piles up until your body practically drags you to bed. 
Yoongi sighs and you can hear the uncertainty in that shaky breath, worry seeping more into you as you stand and step into slippers. “I’m sorry, but can you come over, please?” 
It’s not unusual for Yoongi to call you late at night to catch up, he’s been spending a lot of time in the studio and gets home pretty late. He’s been preparing for his second album, which will have some choreography that has him working for longer hours to prepare for it. He also started having shoulder pains because of said choreography so you often just come over to help massage some lotion onto it and sleep beside him, even if you have to leave early the next day for work. It’s been difficult to see each other for longer than a few hours awake lately. 
This, however, feels different. He sounds antsy. 
“Are you okay, is it your shoulder?” 
“No, no, not that… I mean, it does hurt a little, but it’s not that. Just come over, please, baby.” 
“I’m almost there,” you insist just as you quietly step out of the apartment so as not to wake Namjoon and Jeongguk. Namjoon has been spending a lot of time over at the apartment, which you don’t mind. On the contrary, you welcome having your friend over so often, but it does make you even more aware when you make noise that perhaps Jeongguk is used to, but he isn’t yet.   
“Thank you,” he says almost like a sigh, then hangs up. 
You’re not sure what to expect when you submit the code to the boys’ apartment. The place is quiet, with Taehyung away on some ambassador work for a brand in Europe.  You do miss the sounds of Taehyung watching an old movie or listening to music late into the night from his bedroom, and you hope he returns home safely soon. There’s some light guiding you to Yoongi’s room as it seeps into the hallway from the door frame.
Yoongi is pacing in his room when you enter. His hair is slightly damp and he wears one of his usual sleepwear outfits — black shirt and pajama pants. Clearly he was getting ready for bed but whatever is going on in his head isn’t allowing him to relax. 
“What’s wrong?” you ask as you step in and close the door behind you. 
Yoongi’s worried expression softens when he sees you. He stops pacing and walks over to you. His embrace is strong and warm, and it almost knocks the air out of you. He smells of his shampoo and that perfume with a hint of citrus that lingers in his skin and has become part of his natural scent. 
“I needed to see you,” he whispers just beside your ear. “We should talk, and I couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”
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continue here
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archiveikemen · 10 months
'Villain Wants To Bother The Little Robin' Story Event: Premium END
Jude Jazza & Ellis Twilight Route
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
❥・• Warnings and FAQ
After washing up and changing into a nightgown, a wave of fatigue washed over me the instant I laid down on the bed.
(I need to brace myself for tomorrow… I have to…)
While I went through the plans for tomorrow in my head, my eyelids grew heavier and heavier—,
I soon fell asleep.
— Click. The room door slowly creaked open, and I was woken up in the middle of the night.
(Huh… what time is it right now…?)
(— Wait. This is Her Majesty’s bed chamber, who on earth would come in at this hour?)
A chill ran down my spine. Jude and Ellis were resting in a separate room.
(No way, could it really be Abel?)
(But only people in the palace have the key to this room.)
(Did Abel steal the key? … Or rather, could the mastermind behind the assassination plot be someone working in the palace?)
Through the canopy curtain, I saw the shadow of a person approaching the bed.
(This is not the time to be playing detective! What do I do… should I slip out from the other side of the bed?)
(If I can sneak out of the room without getting caught, I should be able to get Jude and Ellis.)
(Our mission will be completed.)
(Honestly, I doubt that’d be possible, but — I don't have any other choice.)
Holding a pillow like a shield, I stealthily reached for the canopy curtain, and at that very moment…
The person raised his arm, holding something sharp in his hand—
Man’s Voice: — Oof!
A kick to his side caused him to fall onto the floor.
(W-What… what’s going on…)
I fearfully opened the canopy curtain and looked outside,
There stood Jude, stepping on a man dressed as a royal guard.
Jude: Isn’t it rude to be shrieking in Her Majesty's room in the middle of the night? I don't know, though.
Uniformed Man: You… you're Her Majesty's bodyguard—
Jude: You’re the secretary of that well esteemed minister who wears glasses, yes?
Jude: And why were you up to something with such a dangerous object in your hand?
Uniformed Man: Tch… I’ll kill you as well…
The man crawled out from under Jude’s foot and picked up his knife again.
Uniformed Man: This is supposed to be “a crime committed by the American Ambassador”... I’ll be in trouble if this doesn't go as planned.
Ellis: Trying to frame another person…?
Uniformed Man: Wah!?
The man raised his hand again, but it was caught and twisted by someone else’s hand that reached out from behind him.
Ellis: … That’s a bad thing to do. I doubt it'll make anyone happy.
Uniformed Man: I-It hurts— mmph.
He tried to cry out in pain, but Jude violently slapped a hand over his mouth.
I could still hear him groaning in pain despite his nose and mouth being covered.
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Jude: Shut up, you’ll wake the “Queen”.
Ellis: … The Queen’s aide has a question for you.
Ellis wrapped a hand around the man’s neck and tightened his grip.
Jude: Collapse due to lack of oxygen or be put to sleep peacefully. Make your choice.
Uniformed Man: Mm… mmm…! !
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Ellis: Jude doesn't usually let people choose. You should hurry up and answer him.
Uniformed Man: Mmph… mm…!
Jude: Ah—? What was that? I couldn't catch it.
Uniformed Man: Ggh… ugh…
The man lost all the strength in his body, and Jude threw him down like a filthy object.
Ellis swiftly caught him, bound him up with rope, and dragged him to a corner of the room where he rolled the man over.
(... W-Wow… he’s so skilled…)
Once again, they were people who existed on the dark side of the world.
I was petrified after witnessing first hand how horrible it would be to make an enemy of them…,
Jude: … So.
Kate: Ah!
Swoosh. The canopy curtains were pulled open without hesitation, causing me to nearly tumble off the bed while still holding onto the pillow.
Jude: You’re some nasty Queen, having peeping as your hobby.
Ellis: … You must've been terrified. Everything’s alright now, Kate.
I was faced with two completely different types of smiles again. An agitating sneer and an amicable smile.
This time, I wasn’t confused about what facial expression to make. My facial expression relaxed.
Kate: Thank you so much… both of you.
Kate: But… how did you know what was happening?
Ellis: There was a sweet smell coming from your crown.
Kate: Huh…?
Jude: The crown was tampered with. Someone spread nectar on it, causing the bird to be attracted to it and causing the commotion.
Kate: The crown…?
Ellis: Someone approached the crown before the audience session began, and so Jude went to investigate.
Jude: We kept a close eye on the bespectacled minister, because he claimed to be the last person who inspected the crown.
Jude: That bastard was once heavily involved with an extremist military faction, and they had the guts to cause a ruckus just to make a profit.
(What the…)
Kate: Committing treason against Her Majesty and attempting to pin the blame on someone who seems like a genuinely kind person… they’re the absolute lowlifes.
When I muttered my thoughts aloud, Jude raised an eyebrow in amusement.
Jude: Hah, I’m surprised. … Say something like “there was no need to treat him that way”.
Kate: … He’s alive, right?
Ellis: Yeah, of course. Victor said not to kill him, because he has some questions to ask him.
Kate: Because they tried to take someone’s life…
Kate: Both the secretary and the minister backing him should prepare to suffer.
Kate: … I feel no sympathy for them.
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Jude • Ellis: …
(At least, Jude and Ellis are aware that they will face retribution for their actions… and they’re prepared for when that time comes.)
While I didn't think that was a good thing, I also didn't think that it was necessarily bad.
That was my honest opinion after participating in a number of missions with the two of them.
Jude: Hah, you finally caught on.
Ellis: Should I hurt that person even more? How much should I torment him?
Kate: N-No need to go any further…!
Ellis: Really…?
When I rushed to stop him, Ellis put his knife away, hanging his head slightly.
(These two are quite the troublesome pair.)
(And yet, having someone they trust by their side… might be the strongest source of support.)
Jude: Sigh… I’m so tired because of this unreliable princess.
Jude sat himself down on the bed before falling back onto it.
Jude: It’s almost morning. That weirdo aide to the Queen better pay me extra for working through the night.
I hurriedly spoke up the moment he was about to shut his eyes.
Kate: Um, excuse me, that’s my bed…
Jude: Ah? It’s Her Majesty's bed, not yours.
Ellis: Oh, Jude is so unfair.
Ellis moved to the other side of the bed and laid down, leaving only a space for me between him and Jude.
Ellis: Shall I sleep here too?
Kate: E-Ellis…?
Ellis: Let’s sleep together, Kate.
Kate: Sleep togeth—... uh… wait, WHAT!?
(Together… WITH THESE TWO!?)
Jude: You’re so noisy.
Ellis: Alrighty, come here.
Kate: Wah…!?
He pulled me and I fell onto the bed.
Despite how wide Her Majesty's bed was, it still felt cramped to be laying in between two grown men.
(S-So near…)
Jude had no intention to make room for me, and Ellis seemed to want as little room between us as possible.
I was sandwiched between two of them. Our shoulders, arms, and legs were touching.
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Jude: Your body temperature is rising… are you a kid?
Ellis: So warm and cozy… hey, can I hug you?
Kate: N-No…!
I responded while facing the ceiling. No matter which side I turned to, it was too awkward to handle.
Jude: Pfft, you’re blushing. You lewd woman.
Jude rested on his elbow next to me, looking down at me with a mocking smile.
Kate: Don't you think it's inappropriate to get into someone’s bed like this…?
Jude: Isn’t it? Only scoundrels would do that.
Ellis: You want to get naughty? Okay, let's do it.
Kate: Wha…?
While laying next to me, Ellis looked right at me and made an outrageous suggestion.
Ellis: Ah, maybe you prefer to do it with Jude? Or both of us?
Jude: Oi, leave me out of this.
Jude: Go ahead if you want to. I’ll just be here watching from the sidelines. You’re into that sort of stuff, aren't you?
Ellis: Is that so? In that case, shall we?
The words coming from both sides were making my face turn red and hot.
Kate: Please get off the bed and return to your own rooms…
Ellis: … I’ll get worried if I leave you alone, though.
Kate: Ugh…
Jude: This bed is comfortable, I’m not leaving.
Kate: … D- Damn it…!
Faced with my fatigue, Ellis’ innocence, and Jude’s arrogance,
— I gave up on thinking.
Kate: Fine, go ahead and be like this…! Good night!
I pulled the sheets up to my face, blocking my view of them.
Jude: Pfft, what the hell kind of sleeping position is this?
Ellis: She’s hiding. This feels lonely.
The two of them were completely unbothered. A few minutes later, I heard them fall asleep…
Enveloped by the peaceful sounds, their body warmth, and the sweet smell of them, I unknowingly fell asleep as well.
A few days later.
News of the assassination attempt was kept from the public.
The American Ambassador departed from the palace with the same bright smile he arrived with.
In a horrifying turn of events— the bespectacled minister had mysteriously vanished along with his position in the government. And also—
Ellis: Ah, there she is. Over here, Kate.
Kate: … Sorry to have kept you waiting.
Jude: Hah, you look more nervous than you were during the mission.
We agreed to do each other a favour if we successfully completed the mission without having our identities exposed. And today was the day to decide what those “favours” would be.
(It’s Jude and Ellis I made a deal with, of course they're going to keep their word.)
As much as they made great allies, I was made very well aware of how dangerous it would be to have them as my enemies.
I gulped down and turned to them with the biggest smile I could make.
Ellis: I’m so excited… well then, Kate,
Jude: Shall I do you a “favour”?
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jewishvitya · 1 year
I made a thread on twitter a while ago, and I can't remember if I shared it here or not. So I'll share it again.
There's this feeling I really enjoy about rediscovering stories.
When I first watched YOI, there were moments that stood out to me. The big moments - the beach scene, Viktuuri's kiss, exchanging rings, the reveal of the banquet... And they're glorious, and we talked about them and thought about them all the time. They ended up kind of pushing back other moments from my memories.
And then when I rewatched, there were lovely smaller moments that I could discover because I was already prepared for the big ones.
For example, Viktor's fond head tilt when Yuuri yelled "GANBA" at Minami.
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I LOVE this feeling. It's like getting to experience small parts of my favorite show fresh, almost like watching those bits for the first time.
And I wondered what moments other people got to discover this way, and if it's exciting for others the same way it is for me. So I invited people to share. And these are the moments I got:
Viktor's little laugh right at the start of this:
Yuuri being told by Minako that he brought Viktor there.
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The easy comfortable hug while they watch Chris be Chris.
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Yuuri's perfect form, Yuri trying to keep up, and the way they're animated so well to show it.
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"Hasetsu Tourism Ambassador" Viktor being a sweetheart
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Yuuri the delighted fanboy jumping around Viktor's old costumes
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Viktor's expression in the bluray version.
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Makkachin sleeping in Yuuri's bed - showing how close they got.
When I tried to take a picture of Makkachin in Yuuri's bed, I landed on this frame, so this is the one you're getting.
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Yuuri's little dance waiting for the doors to open.
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This smile when Yuri shares his grandpa's cooking with Yuuri.
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Yuuri's confidence
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Viktor putting an arm around Yuuri and making it easier for him to speak. It's already easy for him to rely on Viktor's support. (Which is amazing considering Viktor can be an asshole... but Yuuri doesn't seem to mind.)
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Sassy Yuuri
This is here for Yuuri's line but I might have intentionally chosen the frame with their matching smiles.
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evita-shelby · 1 month
Paper fucking Moon
Or this au where John Egan is stringing along both my oc, Diane from my peaky blinders/masters of the air crossover and @precious-little-scoundrel 's Lana Tierney/Julie Jean Turner from her series, Dear John.
I am afraid i might make you guys hate John for this one shot sorry
Cw: cheating, irresponsible drinking, mentions of a hangover. Slight bashing of eurocentrinc beauty standards and some internalized racism
(A/n: Jack Nelson is the character James Frecheville (Bill Veal)plays in Peaky Blinders who is based off on Joseph P Kennedy sr and in this universe is him)
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“Oh, come on, let me see! I let you read my last letter to Janey Dogs, Bucky.” The dark-haired girl somehow managed to wrest the letter from his hands. She had managed to read a name, Jean, before Bucky swiped it out of her hands.
She had gotten it back, making use of her smaller size against his giant frame as they tried not to tumble out of his bed and onto the floor. The witch had read it then, in its entirety and felt her heart break in a way it hadn’t done before.
Diane has always had the misfortune of falling hard and fast for someone. From her best friend since she was five, Oswald Mosely, Britain's leading facsist’s son ---who hated his dad’s ideology fiercely--- one summer, a girl she met during her time at Oxford, Tom Bennett in Manchester in 1939 and now John Egan from Wisconsin.
It always ends badly; Di has never been lucky when it comes to love.
Especially something that hadn’t been intended as serious. Only a paper moon, she reminds herself.
A paper fucking moon, she confirms when she reads the salacious letter to Julie Jean Turner, alias Lana Tierney, who is the perfect white girl with blonde hair, big tits and two blue eyes. As always Diane’s unconventional looks and mixed blood pales against the quintessential white woman.
“So, I’m only here to pass the time then?” she doesn’t mean to sound hurt by the things she read in the letter to Julie Jean Turner, but she does because once again Di had been fucked over by her stupid heart. “Women now, as beautiful and charming and smart as they are, they do just to pass the time, but you are different.”
Same shit he’d said to her when it stopped feeling like just fooling around and he started to believe what she saw in the cards. When they sang Paper Moons together before Regensburg and he came back with the moon locket just as she had said he would.
“Di, I’m sorry, I —” he can’t seem to even find the words to justify or even explain himself as the nurse hastily dressed and left before he could stop her.
“Only a paper fucking moon, isn’t it?” she’s never felt more pathetic in her life as she resolves to forget John fucking Egan while pretending she is stronger than she looks. “Fuck me for thinking this was gonna be different. Fuck me for thinking you loved me.”
And what better to get over a guy by getting absolutely hammered and under his single friend.
Bill Veal looked like Jack Nelson in his younger years, back when he was merely a gangster businessman and not the American Ambassador to England. Di did always find Jack hot when she was a teenager and Veal was too good of a man to hurt her. He is nearly always of Egan’s left at the pub and would make it very uncomfortable for her now ex-fling.
Doesn’t work as she had hoped, between the sexy little number she sings and the drinks, she finds herself stabbing at Egan however she can until he confronts her outside of it. Bill knew better than to get caught up in their shit and turned her down but not before saying he wouldn’t do that to Bucky.
She’d sought out another, some nameless soldier who’s gonna die before the week is over, and John had pulled the boy off her by the scruff of his neck as if the man had any right to her anymore.
“Mhmm, angry aren’t you, daddy?” she stands on her tiptoes as if to kiss him, she hates him and herself and even that sad little twat across the sea. “Angry your little fuck toy found out she was just that, your dirty secret who can’t satisfy you like the fantasy of a white girl can?”
Because that was what hurt more, that when he had her, living, breathing and real beside him, he was writing this stranger who he’d only seen once and getting off dreaming of her. It fucking sickened her to know he had been lying to her since the beginning.
“You weren’t a toy to me; I should’ve been upfront with you sooner and her as well. Shouldn’t have led her on, never should’ve written that letter before I left for Regensburg, Di.” At least he knew he had fucked it all up.
He looks sorry, she knows he feels sorry too, but she can’t forgive him. Why forgive him when she won’t ever trust him again?
“I loved you; you know. And you weren’t man enough to tell me the fucking truth!” she shouts at him, tosses the locket in her pocket at him and leaves like the pathetic little girl she feels.
Diane is glad she won’t remember this tomorrow; sure she might as well kiss her job goodbye but at least she isn’t John’s stupid gypsy girl who was the last to know he had someone else.
But she can’t sleep, she’s tired of crying, of thinking about how much she hates everyone now.
The latest in her string of bad decisions tonight brings her to her little locker where her stationary is. Not the normal one for friends and family, but the one with her dad’s company that styles her as Miss Diane E. Shelby of Shelby Co. for when she writes to the Princess of Wales as her loyal pen pal.
The last Di remembers doing is writing:
“Dear Miss Julie Jean Turner…”
And now reading the botched drafts of the letter she tried to write, she is glad she never finished it.
She had gone off about how she met and started her relationship with John, how Winston fucking Churchill got her the post here, how she knows Tierney’s life is shit with lurid detail, and worse the two Buck special a few weeks ago.
These are all the words of a drunk and hurt pathetic girl who’s insecure about her looks, height, lack of breasts and having mismatched eyes. Its barely legible, her drunk self isn’t the damnably charming and classy daughter of a Member of Parliament who went to Oxford.
It's a good thing she didn’t write it all, by the looks of it. The address on the ruined envelope said Arrow House, the young witch wouldn’t hear the end of it if there had been a reply sent to her parents before it got to her.
“Sent your letters to the post before you woke up, the matron in charge wants to speak with you.” The nurse who sleeps next to her handed her a glass of water and aspirin as Diane shuts her eyes as her hangover is worsened by a fucking vision.
Usually, she can get those under control, keep them from affecting her so much, but this one of Lana fucking Tierney receiving a messy letter addressed to her by Miss Diane Shelby of Arrow House, Warwickshire has her tossing her head into her hands as she retched in a bucket by her bed.
What had she done?
What had she written?
“Oh, fuck. Oh, God, what the fuck did I write in it?”
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Dear Miss Julie Jean Turner,
Do not worry I will not reveal your true name nor the nature of your letters to John, I am not like that no matter how much I wish I was. I could ruin your career and life but the torrid abuse your mother and hollywood dole out to you is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemies. Hell I think you might thank me if I tanked your career now before it drains you of life.
It might surprise you to hear why I write to you, but I am sure you already know about the other girl our good major has strung along while writing to you. I was one of such girls he told she was the only one. Different from the rest, all that bullshit he tells you too.
I loved him, I am sure you do to, but it was all a paper fucking moon in a cardboard sky. I knew sex was all he wanted that night, and yet I fell for him, just as you did in his letters. Thought he was different, that maybe he felt like I did because that is what he told me to mu fucking face when he said it should’ve been a ring and not a locket.
But it fucking wasn’t, because he writes to you about all the filthy things he wants to do to you while not even bothering to say its not many girls. That it was one girl singular who he's been with since mere days after sending you that first letter. Before you ask, he didn’t tell me, I know this shit and so much more because God fucking cursed me with visions that didn’t tell me about you.
But of course, no man can resist you. You who are deemed perfect with your big teats, your blonde hair and perfect white skin, meanwhile me with my meager breasts, different colored eyes and tan skin am deemed nothing special, a toy for him to pass the time. As if I already wasn’t singled out for my foreign mother and romani father.
I let him fulfill his fantasy of fucking me and Buck for his birthday, did he tell you that? Did he ever tell you how he liked it when I wore the fleece for him, how he brought me back a locket from Algeria because he claimed he was falling in love with me? Does he tell you how I held him together and let him cry his heart out after missions that go badly? Does he tell you that Paper Moon is our song because we sang it together the first night and now it’s on my picture he takes with himself on his missions?
He sure as hell didn’t tell me he hides yours in his boot, that he gets off to the idea of you despite having me by him. He wasn’t man enough to tell either of us the truth, and here I am writing to you to tell you he’s not the vulgar charming yank we thought he was.
This whole experience has me relieved there is a whole ocean and social hierarchy that won’t have us cross paths anytime soon. So sorry for ruining the image you have of Egan, fuck knows you have very little going for you, but unlike him I at least have the balls to tell you the truth.
You can have him if you want, Miss Turner, he’d be a step up from the current men you have now.
I don’t forgive infidelity, but I don’t know of you are of the same mind.
So terribly sorry for this, I have drunk enough to kill a horse to nurse my broken heart and no longer give a shit about anything.
Yours truly,
Diane Elizabeth Shelby, alias Lady Di
P.S. feel free to tell Marjorie Spencer her fiancé is a lying hypocrite who covered for Bucky this entire time.
P.P.S. if you want to be free of shackles, I know a few people on your side of the pond who can help you with that.
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plushfurniture · 1 year
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frunishop · 1 year
Creating a Luxurious Bedroom with the Ambassador Bed Frame and Kelly 4FT 6" Bed Black
Your bedroom is your sanctuary, a place to unwind, relax, and rejuvenate. The bed is the centrepiece of any bedroom, and it is important to choose one that is comfortable, stylish, and functional. One of the most popular bed frames on the market today is the Ambassador Bed Frame, which is designed to provide the ultimate sleeping experience. In this article, we will explore the Ambassador Bed Frame and the Kelly 4FT 6" Bed Black, as well as other items that can help you create a luxurious bedroom.
The Ambassador Bed Frame
The Ambassador Bed Frame is a high-quality bed frame that is designed to provide a luxurious sleeping experience. It is made from solid wood and features a sturdy construction that is built to last. The bed frame is available in a range of sizes, including the single, double, king, and super king, so you can choose the size that is best for your bedroom.
One of the standout features of the Ambassador Bed Frame is its elegant design. It has a classic look that is perfect for any bedroom décor. The headboard is tall and features an arched design with beautiful button tufting. The footboard is also tall and features a similar arched design. The bed frame is finished in a beautiful dark brown colour that adds warmth and richness to your bedroom.
The Kelly 4FT 6" Bed Black
The Kelly 4FT 6" Bed Black is a stylish and comfortable bed that is perfect for any bedroom. It is designed to provide a comfortable sleeping experience, with a soft and supportive mattress that cradles your body and helps you get a good night's sleep. The bed frame is made from solid wood and features a sleek and modern design that is sure to complement any bedroom décor.
One of the standout features of the Kelly 4FT 6" Bed Black is its black leather upholstery. The leather is soft and supple, and it adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to your bedroom. The bed frame also features a low profile design, which makes it perfect for small bedrooms or for those who prefer a minimalist look.
Sofa Chicago 2022
If you are looking for a comfortable and stylish sofa bed, then the Sofa Chicago 2022 is the perfect choice for you. This sofa bed features a sleek and modern design that is perfect for any living room. It is upholstered in soft and supple black leather that adds a touch of sophistication to your living space.
One of the standout features of the Sofa Chicago 2022 is its comfortable and supportive mattress. The mattress is made from high-quality materials that are designed to provide a comfortable sleeping experience. The sofa bed also features a sturdy construction that is built to last, so you can enjoy it for years to come.
Woodgrain SVG
If you are looking for a way to add a touch of natural beauty to your bedroom or living space, then a woodgrain SVG is the perfect choice for you. This digital design features a realistic woodgrain texture that can be used to create a range of home décor items, including wall art, throw pillows, and more.
One of the standout features of a woodgrain SVG is its versatility. It can be used to create a range of different designs, from rustic and natural to modern and sleek. The design is also easy to customize, so you can create a unique and personalized look that reflects your personal style.
In conclusion, the Ambassador Bed Frame and Kelly 4FT 6" Bed Black are two of the most luxurious and comfortable beds on the market today. They are designed to provide a comfortable and supportive sleeping experience, and their elegant designs make them the perfect choice for any bedroom.
0 notes
kissmetae · 2 years
Come back to bed
❧  Taehyung x Reader
❧  AU: (Idol!Tae, Husband!Tae) You moved to Paris with your husband about a year ago. Since then, you’d found a job at a high-end fashion brand that you really enjoyed. While preparing for the upcoming fashion show you have a lot to deal with at work and what could make it worse if it wasn’t for the designer’s assistant who refused to leave you alone or take the hint “I’m married”. Taehyung is of course invited to the fashion show, but at the after party the assistant massively over-steps… right in front of Taehyung, unaware of the fact that Taehyung is your husband.
|| FLUFF + Smut || 8.6k || masterlist in bio ||
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❧ Rating: MATURE || sexual content, unprotected sex || Warnings
❧ Smut features: Soft and loving, very vanilla. Foreplay, oral (giving), fingering, top/power-bottom!Tae, stripping (receiving), slight sensory play, love bites/hickeys, scratching, soft!possessive!Taehyung, gentle and careful, after-care. 
❧ A/N: Based on a request by Anon! // The fluff is extremely domestic
❧ Disclaimer: This is fiction. Actions and events in these stories are often exaggerated and to a certain degree unrealistic.  Please have this in consideration when reading fiction, especially if it includes sexual content. 
The white sheets rustled gently as you stretched your legs. You reached your arms above your head, twisting your torso slightly and letting out a soft groan.
The sun had begun its early voyage, leaking light in through the large windows of your bedroom. The sheer curtains moved softly as a gentle breeze snuck in through the small opening. You sat up, the covers slipping down your body and exposing your bare chest to the cold air.
Curling up under the heat of the sheets again was tempting but you had to get going.
The sheets rustled again and you felt a warm big hand feel it's way up your spine from the base.
"Don't go yet." A deep raspy voice pleaded.
"I have to get ready for work." You said with an empathetic smile.
"No." The man pouted.
His dark curls were a mess over his pillow, cheeks flushed in an innocent pink tint.
His broad lean shoulders were better than any pillow and you could feel them call for you to rest your head back on them.
With a groan, he pushed himself up to sitting, slightly slouched. He blinked slowly, eyes stuck at your chest. A smirk spread across his lips before he went back to his pout. He leaned over you, his weight forcing you back down on the bed as the curls fell over your chest.
"Don't go." He pleaded again, rubbing his face between your breasts.
The two of you were both naked from last night endeavours and you'd gladly stay home to relive it again in the morning hours. Your back arched, his big hands squeezing you tight as he moved his hips against you. Repeatedly telling you how beautiful you are, how badly he craved and wanted you. Confessing every secret thought and fantasy involving you.
"10 more minutes." You announced, brushing your hand through his messy hair. Tired as he must be from last night, he seemed to have dozed back off again.
It had been a little over a year now since you and your husband (currently knocked out buried between your breasts) had moved to Paris. You'd found a job at one of the mayor fashion houses in the city and had become unexpectedly passionate about your job. Your husband on the other hand, was among the "celebrity clientele" so to say. He was a singer (mainly), occasional actor, multi-brand ambassador and (although he wouldn't admit to it himself) a model. Sometimes you'd tease him by adding the flare "influencer" to the list. But he wasn't an "influencer", just a person who happened to influence a lot of people.
Carefully, you tried to slip out from under his 179cm frame. With some struggle and internal resistance, you managed to get out of bed. After a quick shower and getting dressed and ready you headed into the kitchen to make yourself some breakfast and a cup of tea.
The kitchen had a tiny balcony with large glass doors leading out onto it. From it, there was a distanced view of the Eifel Tower. In the evening as the sun set you both loved to sit there, him with some wine (in stereotypical Parisian fashion), maybe a platter of sort or a light dinner.
The kettle clicked and you poured some steaming hot water into your large mug. In unison a pair of strong arms wrapped around you from behind.
He whimpered needlingly.
It was very not like him to get out of bed this early which spoke for how needy he truly was.
"Taehyung." You sang.
He responded with another whimper.
"Honey~ you're making it hard for me to resist your wish."
Taehyung smiled triumphantly.
"But-" You turned in his embrace to face him. The pout returned, along with big pleading eyes.
"But you have to go to work." He filled in and sighed. "I know, I just... want to hug you a bit more before you go." He added.
The fact that he was naked didn't make it easier either.
"Would you like some tea?"
He shook his head.
"Ok go put on some pants and we'll cuddle while I eat my breakfast, ok?"
His face lit up and a kiss was stolen from your lips before he headed back into your bedroom. The view of his toned back and round butt made you want to call in sick for forever. But today was an important day at the office.
Taehyung returned less than a minute later dressed in a pair of polka dotted pyjama pants and sat down next to you on the sofa. His eyes travelled from you to your plate and his face pulled the cute expression he'd always do when he wanted something. He opened his mouth playfully and you gave him a spoon full of your granola much to his pleasure.
"Was it today you were having the fittings with the models?" Taehyung asked, his hand rubbing against your lower back.
"Yes! It's the final fitting for alterations before the big show."
"It's a shame my beautiful wife has to work, or they'd have the most beautiful model walk their show." He said in a dreamy voice and placed a kiss on your shoulder.
"I can barely walk in heels. Someone has to coordinate it all behind the scenes in comfy sneakers."
"I'm excited to see the venue."
Taehyung was of course invited to the fashion show that would take place this weekend and without revealing too much you'd let it slip that you'd managed to arrange a very flashy venue for the show.
You kissed Taehyung goodbye, twice. Then headed down to the parking level of the building and got in your car.
The office complex was about a 10-minute drive but due to the morning rush hour it'd usually end up taking 25.
Once you arrived the models had already begun to gather for their fittings and some of the tailors and designers had already begun with their alterations. Pinning fabrics, adjusting zippers, measuring, and marking lengths with and without the shoes to go with the look.
It all appeared to be going ahead of the plan, like an automatic speed train on a carefully curated train track (constructed by yourself).
The day went by quicker than expected and suddenly you were back in your little car, reversing out of your parking space.
Taehyung had texted you earlier, he'd been at the studio all day since you left for work and so you'd pick him up on the drive home. You pulled up in front of the modern sleek building wedged between the two older looking beige stone buildings and Taehyung came out of the entrance.
He plopped down into the passenger seat with a relieved exhale and closed the door.
"Hey there lovely." He smiled, leaning across the center divider and cupping your cheek with his large hand. His soft lips pressed firmly against yours and all tension just melted away within. A magical superpower only Taehyung had.
During the drive home Taehyung talked about how he'd written a lot of lyrics today, some he was exceptionally confident in. "I felt like that one was one that would make it in the final version. It felt good inside, like a lyrical eureka moment." He asked you about the fittings and how it all went down, he could probably tell that even though everything went well you were experiencing some stress and pre-show anxiety.
"Want to eat some take out tonight and just relax?" Taehyung suggested. A romantic eureka. "I'm so glad you brought that up I've been having some serious craving since lunch."
"What did you have for lunch?"
"I got a random salad at the café around the corner, but it smelled funky, so I didn't end up eating it."
Taehyung gasped softly as if offended.
He reached into his bag and pulled out a protein bar. "Good thing I always have my WECK with me."
"WECK?" You questioned.
"Wife Emergency Care Kit." He explained and pealed open the packaging before feeding you a piece as you drove.
Oh, how he made your heart throb... if you weren't already married you would've stopped the car here and now mid-traffic to DEMAND his hand in marriage.
"What else do you keep in the WECK?" You asked, leaning slightly to take another bite of the bar.
"Many various items." Taehyung said and held up one of your scrunchies.
 The scent coming from the white bag was quickly spreading throughout the tiny car, making your mouth water. You stopped at the usual take out spot, not surprising of course: Korean.
Once back home Taehyung arranged the boxes and sides neatly and set it all out by the living room table. The balcony was “closed” today due to the dark incoming clouds in the sky. After getting changed into something more comfortable you were greeted by the sight of delicious food and your husband attempting to light a candle.
“How cozy.” You pointed out and took a seat on the sofa.
He smiled. “Shall we watch a movie or continue the series?” He asked and placed the now lit candle down. It smelled like vanilla and sandalwood, a scent that had become reminiscent of “home” for you.
The next day you went to work as per usual but instead of pulling of to the office building, you parked a short walk from the venue of the show. The lighting and stage crew were busy setting up and installing. Other people were setting up chairs, tables and decorations. The venue was an old factory, it might not sound charming, but this factory had stood abandoned for some years now and you didn’t expect to get the permit to host the show here at first. The venue tied together well with the aesthetic of the collection and the main designer had loved the proposal. So it was to everyone’s joy when the unexpected grant arrived in your email.
“We definitely need someone to set up the entrance walkway as soon as possible.” You pointed out to your co-worker as you carefully walked around the area.
In the open space at the centre of factory, the models had gathered for rehearsals as well as a filming crew (to record some behind the scenes and preparation shots).
As more and more decorations and props got put into place the full vision was coming into fruition. It was sort of a post-apocalyptic disco, the abandoned factory with rusty mechanics and concrete featuring the many disco balls scattered around the area in huge piles, giant commissioned art pieces and hanging from the ceiling.
Press area, VIP area, general area… entrance, stage, lighting, DJ… you skimmed through your list to make sure you’d checked on everything.
Suddenly a loud gasp was heard from behind you. “Très magnifique!” A familiar voice called out in awe.
You turned around, clipboard in hand and spotted the designer. She was dressed in a long black shimmering dress, a blue fluffy coat and black gloves. To tie it all together a set of disco balls dangled from her earlobes. She removed her tortoise brown sunglasses, pushing them up into neon orange curly hair.
However, aside her was her assistant. Her cousin, significantly less colourful with a black suit and blonde hair with a tube and a half of hair gel in it. It looked shiny enough to be able to grease all the pans of the largest restaurant kitchen in all of France.
“Denis.” You greeted as he approached you.
“Long time no see.” He said, gracefully taking your hand. Only for you to quickly turn what would be a hand kiss into a semi awkward handshake.
Denis cleared his throat softly and took in the view. “Looks great.” He said. “Cousin loves it, clearly.” He added, nodding towards the mesmerized woman checking her reflection in one of the disco balls. “We didn’t expect anything less.” He smirked.
“Glad to hear… it is all coming together good so far… no accidents.”
“Yet.” He added, looking towards his cousin. As if on queue a shattering sound echoed through the concrete space.
“Pardon!” She called out awkwardly and stepped over a now shatter disco ball.
“This is why she is a designer and not a seamstress.” He sighed and rolled his eyes. A pretty rude comment for someone who offered her cousin a steady in come when he was job-less and almost homeless… but their family dynamic was none of your business.
“I think it’s for the best you keep an eye on your cousin instead, I was just about to leave too.”
“Even thou I would rather keep my eyes on you madame, I think you might be right.” What an annoying flirt.
“Au revoir Denis.” You said in an as neutral tone you could and turned towards the exit.
“Goodbye darling.”
 You let out a deep sigh as you sank back into the car seat. Even though you knew this was just his personality, it bothered you greatly anyway. You sent a text to Taehyung that you were on your way home and started the car, just as it began to rain.
The windshield wipers performed a rhythmical squeak as they swished over the window back and forth, back and forth. While driving you thought back of the time when you told Denis that you were not only in a relationship, but married. With arrogance he simply smirked and said “I don’t care, it has never stopped me before so why would it now.” Clearly ignoring your obvious disinterest. Maybe it was all fun and a joke to him, but it was really getting on your nerves.
The “beep beep” echoed cutely as you locked your car and hurried towards the elevator to get home. Thinking too much about Denis only made you aggravated and you needed your husband to “cleanse” you off his weird vibe and forget about him.
The door unlocked and like an excited puppy your husband sprung to his feet and hurried into the hallway where you were now taking off your shoes. Familiar, warm , strong arms wrapped around you and the soothing scent of him calmed you down immediately.
“My beloved has returned to me” He recited dramatically and kissed your temple, forehead and lips.
“How did your shoot go?” You asked, smiling up at him.
“I looked cool.”
“You always look cool.”
“Eh… sometimes I’m a mess.”
“A hot mess.”
Taehyung paused to consider. But instead of waiting for his response you kissed his sweet pout.
Letting go and stepping back he helped you take your coat off. “You had a long day today.” He said, his way of asking.
“So much prepping for the show, despite it being exciting, I’m starting to look forward for it to be over… and the designer came to stop by today.”
“Was he there too?” Taehyung asked immediately.
“Yes.” You sighed.
“As annoying as always?”
“Very, looking like an overly greased shoe.”
Taehyung chuckled.
“And he tried to kiss my hand… again.”
Taehyung gasped dramatically, his face making an angry pout. “Only I have permission to do that.” He said, taking your hand gently and lifting it to his lips.
“I have written permission and if I must I’ll bring it with me to the show and show him in person.” Taehyung said and pressed a gently kiss on your knuckles.
“Our marriage certificate?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the visual of him waving the documents in front of Denis’s face.
“I feel like the two rings on my finger should be evidence enough but… he’s sticky.”
“Yucky yucky.”
“Come, I’ll get that yucky yucky energy off you. Have you eaten?” Taehyung said and pulled you along by the hand into the bathroom.
“Lunch, a few hours ago.”
“hmm…” He hummed deeply, hands reaching to the hem of your top. “Would you like to eat some ramen?” he asked with a playful smirk, slipping his hand up in under the fabric.
“What flavours do you have at your place?”
“Kim Taehyung flavour. Only.”
“Oh! That’s my favourite one!”
Taehyung broke into a chuckle and lifted your top up and over your head. You reached for his t-shirt, pulling it up and off his lean body before his lips crashed against yours, backing you closer towards the shower.
His kiss was rough but soft, hands unhooking your bra, pulling the straps off your shoulders and dropping it to the tiled floor. You unbuttoned his pants, he pushed down your skirt, boxers pushed down his thighs, panties tugged down by his grip… He leaned down slightly and picked you up. You hooked your legs around him as he backed you up against the cold tiles of the shower wall, refusing to break the kiss. You reached your hand to brush his hair back and grab a hold of it, the other squeezing his shoulder muscle. Taehyung’s hand searched for the knob of the shower and without warning a cold flush of water rained down over both of you.
Instinctively he pressed up firmer against you with a groan in reaction to the cold water. His lips pressed against the side of your neck, planting little love bites to blossom. This was exactly what you needed. Sometimes you thought Taehyung might’ve developed the ability of mind-reading without telling you… that or he just knew you thoroughly well.
As the water temperature began to increase, a thin steam filled the shower. His plump soft lips moved up along your jaw to your ear. In his deep honey voice, he whispered by your ear, words that he knew always made you flustered and giggly.
He leaned back slightly to study your reaction. His hair was soaking wet and brushed back.
“Do you find me attractive?” He asked with a slight tilt of his head.
“Attractive is such an understatement and you know it.” You reassured, pressing your hand to the back of his head to get him back closer. Close enough for you to press your lips back against his.
Taehyung smiled against the kiss, pressing back firmly and sliding his hand up from the back of your thigh to the curve of your glute.
 The rain was fluctuating a lot the past days, most days began with a clear sky only to then result in a heavy down pour. Not that it was unpleasant, it was just adding to a cosy ambience. With the heavy pattering at the windows, you snuggled up on the sofa with your bowl of ramen.
Taehyung walked out of the bedroom, dressed in pyjama pants a long sleeve black sweater. As he passed behind the sofa, he ruffled the back of your head affectionately and went to grab his own bowl. The sweater fit tighter than most of his clothes, enhancing his broad build and the curves of his shoulders deliciously.
How could he go back to sweet and innocent so fast after only minutes earlier being a sexy moaning mess thrusting into you in the shower… A thought you’d had many a times throughout your relationship. But never would it be a complaint.
Taehyung sat down with his bowl next to you, the pink after-sex blush still present on his cheeks, making him look even more adorable than he already was.
“You’re such a cutie.” You smiled and took a sip of your broth. He smiled shyly.
Once you had finished your ramen and an episode of the show snuggled up together, you got ready for bed. There was something sacred about getting into bed at the end of the day. The habit of it making your muscles relax once you slipped in under the sheets. And with Taehyung shifting closer behind you, spooning you with his arm wrapped snuggly around your waist and his lips pressing gentle kisses to your nape.
 The day of the grand show had finally come around.
You were woken up by your alarm, shifting and leaning to set it to snooze as you returned to you spot, snuggled up against your husband’s warm chest. With your hand you drew soft gentle strokes up and down his back. A gentler way to be woken up than by a startling alarm.
“It’s time to wake up.”
He shifted and let out a soft groan.
“Wakey wakey.” You teased, making him crack a smile.
 Taehyung had to leave ahead of you in order to get ready with his stylists, you on the other hand got ready in solitude at home. Styling your hair, applying your makeup, and slipping into the dress you’d selected for the event. Lastly you hung your staff badge around your neck and got ready to head to the venue.
Last minute preparations were in full action once you arrived. Backstage the models were being styled and fitted into their looks and the designer was ravaging through it all back and forth inspecting and correcting. Today her neon orange hair was styled into an intricate braid up do and she was wearing a simple black silk slip dress to contrast the hair.
Once you’d made sure everything was in order logistically you headed over to the press entrance area to help register and give out badges to the various journalists and photographers.
At these types of events the press might as well be the VVIP merely for publicity reasons. Now unfortunately they weren’t gifted goody bags or invited to the after-party. (Someone always tried to get in, but the list and security was strict.)
Once all the press had arrived you headed back inside the factory only to stumble upon the greased man in the same suit in the doorway…
“Going to plan?”
“Yes.” You said, trying to push past him inside but his hand reached up and grabbed your arm to stop you.
“I saved you a seat next to me.”
“I’m working and so should you be.” You said and pulled your arm free. With all the stress of everything going right and fluidly you did NOT want to deal with Denis arrogant ass right now.
Someone inside likely needed your help, or the press area needed to be reorganized or an extension cord needed to be found…
But everything seemed to be going fine already.
Overlooking the space filling up with people, cameras being set up and waiters serving champagne. You granted yourself the time to take a deep breathe.
 As the official press had begun to set up inside, the unofficial press (paparazzi) had set up outside. Multiple cars began to pull up, flashes going off, loud chatter and the occasional voice yelling over the sound for a celebrity to look their way.
All you had left to do now was to be available and easy to locate in case of emergency.
You took a tall glass of water from one of the waiters and found a spot near the backstage entrance overlooking the space. The perfect spot to be found if needed and to spot any mishap. Or launch to catch a falling disco ball before it smashed.
The DJ was playing the type of house music you expect to hear walking into the stores of Prada or Chanel. The service staff were dressed formally, and the crowd was starting to take their seats. Everything was going fine.
The VIP area was also beginning to fill up with a mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces. Once you laid eyes on the most familiar one among them, your shoulders relaxed.
If Taehyung was here, then everything was genuinely going to be ok even if the building caught on fire.
He was dressed in a 3-piece black silk suit with no shirt and a chunky chain necklace. His hair was styled in a side part, hairs curling and curving to frame his face. Looking absolutely breath taking. Every now and then you caught him looking around while trying to get to his seat. Once he settled, he looked up towards where you stood, and a wide smile spread across his face.
His hand came up for a subtle wave and you waved back.
Playfully, you made an obvious gesture of checking him out from head to toe and began to fan yourself with your staff budge. With his fist by his mouth, mimicking clearing his throat he tried to hide his grin and placed his hands back on his lap.
His eyes gestured from you to his lap, hinting for you to look. Sneakily, his thumb and index were crossed over in a heart in his lap and it was your turn to hide your grin with your fist.
Denis’s voice made the bubble pop. Seeing Taehyung was enough to forget about him even though he was standing beside you… if he kept his mouth shut.
“Go check on your cousin Denis.” You said, disregarding whatever he had said.
“I already have. I’m here to supervise the show with you.”
You tightened your fist in frustration.
“Whatever.” You whispered under your breath. In the same moment the lights dimmed, and the spotlights aimed towards the numerous reflective balls, filling the space with moving spots of light. The space felt like a monochrome disco-rave club, it was amazing seeing it come to life. The excitement of everything coming to fruition formed a new bubble around you and you became fully emersed in the show.
Once each piece of the collection had been showcased, all models walked a final lap together followed by the designer herself waving, bowing, and thanking everyone. The press were almost tackling each other in their area to try and get the best shot of her.
The next rush was about to unfold. As soon as the first model entered behind the curtain there would be a careful and chaotic removal of all the pieces to get them safely back to the headquarters and secured. During all of this, the VIPs and VVIPs would be escorted to the after party, then the models, the staff, and the designer herself. The after party was more like a reception than the after party you’d imagine. The DJ would of course be continuing his gig at the location and more food would be served plus the bar.
As the show ended you had to rush backstage to help the models get to the coach that would take them to the rooftop bar where the after party would unfold. In other words, you had no chance to go with Taehyung. He obviously couldn’t stay behind and wait. His stylist was likely impatiently waiting to get him ready for the after-event.
The pieces were secured and taken back to the HQ, the models had already left for the after party and the staff were assembling to head over as well. The backstage area, with all it’s vanities and mirrors usually became a makeshift changing room post-show for the staff and models to get ready for the after party.
The dress you’d picked out for the event, was selected with the intension of being suitable for both the show and after party, thus you wouldn’t have to stress and sweat backstage… a mistake you’d lived through before that led to your favourite (and expensive) foundation shattering on the floor and getting all over your heels. Heels that Taehyung had gifted you. Glossy black stilettos… forever ruined. And who’s fault was it?...
“Hey, can you give me a ride to the after party?”
“Go with your cousin.” You said, turning away from him to count how many people were left in the room. (Not that you needed to know, but anything to avoid him was more important.)
“She left with the models, her car wouldn’t start.”
Of course something always had to go wrong. At least this was minor and didn’t affect the show but… “Of course it did…” You sighed. “Fine.” You weren’t heartless and a taxi likely wouldn’t show up.
To: Taehyung
-Leaving the venue now!
 From: Taehyung
-Just got changed and ready! Heading to the AP now too.
-Drive carefully <3
 You put your phone back in your bag and placed it next to the shoe box in the back of the car and closed the boot with an unintended slam.
As you took a seat behind the wheel, Denis had already begun to fidget with the media screen.
“How do I connect my phone?”
“You don’t.” You said and buckled your seatbelt.
 About five minutes into the drive down the makeshift road leading from the venue, Denis finally leaned back and settled for a radio channel he’d already scrolled past 4 times.
“Made up your mind?”
“They all play the same music either way.”
For once, you agreed. The radio seemed to have either a limited access to songs or all narrow-minded DJs being paid to play whatever was on the top list (4 years ago).
As the song came to an “end”, interrupted by the voice of the host mid-song. A familiar beat began to play under their voice, introducing the next song. Your hands gripped the wheel a little tighter, trying to hide your grin as the deep husky vocals of your husband filled the car.
“He seemed more interested in you than the fashion show.” Denis suddenly said.
“And you seemed more interested in him.”
Denis rolled his eyes. “He’s good looking, I’ll give him that.”
“How generous of you.”
“I know, I can be generous too you know. You’d know if you ever welcomed my generosity.”
“Your definition of generosity is different from mine Denis.”
“Many people would love to have my attention you know.”
Except me. You thought.
“If you’re going to flirt with me, I’m kicking you out of my car. Enjoy the music instead.”
“Are you a fan?”
“Yes.” You smiled. “A huge fan, actually. I have all his albums.”
“I better keep you away from him then.”
“Again, Denis. I am married.”
“So? You never talk about your husband, I don’t even know his name.”
“Why do you need to know?”
“To see if I’m better than him.”
You sighed. Please let this drive be over soon.
After surviving 10 more minutes of Denis self-promoting his own music “career” (creating Spotify playlists) you finally pulled up to the valet outside the venue.
You quickly retrieved your bag and changed from your comfy shoes into the black stilettos you’d kept in the shoe box in the boot. Seeing how upset you’d become over your foundation-stained stilettos, Taehyung had gone out and purchased a pair of brand-new ones without hesitation or asking the day after the incident. This was how he first came to know about Denis. Since then, you’d told Taehyung whenever he bothered you. Mostly because Taehyung always managed to cheer you up and make you forget about him.
Prio 1, get away from Denis. Prio 1.5, find Taehyung.
A vintage-rich elevator looking straight out of the Gatsby-era took you to the top floor of the building. You tried to urge Denis ahead by going to the bathroom only to find that he waited for you like an obedient puppy for its owner, tied to a lamp post. You’d gladly duct tape Denis to a lamppost if you had the chance.
 The elevator dinged, opening to a wave of music and a foyer with two security guards. Before entering the building you were ID checked and cross checked with the list of invites. One guard polite held the door open for the two of you to enter out on the rooftop.
Fairy lights in various colours were hanging around the bar area, people were scattered around the roof top, mingling, dancing, eating. (Or all three.)
Your eyes immediately began looking for Taehyung.
“You want a drink?” Denis asked, leaning in slightly to over-voice the music.
“Rosé please.”
Denis winked. Making your gut twist in discomfort. “Coming right up, don’t go anywhere.” He said, the opposite of what you had planned.
As Denis headed towards the bar, you walked deeper into the crowd of people, looking for Taehyung. When you spotted him in the distance, your gut twisted in a completely different manner. Butterflies erupting within and a smile spreading over your face.
He was leaning back against the glass fencing wrapping around the roof top, on the other side of the cluster of people. Dressed in high waisted black slacks, a tucked in mesh top and an oversized black sequin blazer. The chunky chain was replaced by a giant star stud in his left ear.
In one hand, he held a tall glass of wine. In the other a tall glass of your favourite beverage, reserved for you. As Taehyung caught the sight of you, he stood up straight, smile widening.
“There she is.” He grinned, handing you the glass. “Do you come here often?” Taehyung asked playfully and licked across his lower lip out of habit.
“This is my first time here, actually.” You took a step closer towards him.
Taehyung’s eyes travelled down your body, to your heels and back. With another step, he closed the space between you and leaned down by your ear. “You’re coming home with me.” He whispered, slipping his hand up over your hip. A familiar touch so comforting.
You let out a soft chuckle. “We can take my car.”
“How convenient!” Taehyung giggled, his smile making his cheeks look extra full as he leaned back from your ear. He tilted his face slightly, lifting his hand from your hip to come to your cheek… his soft plump lips parted ever so slightly, gaze becoming softer as he leaned in.
But the moment was abruptly interrupted as a hand pulled at your shoulder from behind, parting you from Taehyung. He bit the inside of his cheek and his brows furrowed into a frown.
“I need your credit card so I can pay.” Denis said, holding his hand out as if you’d pull it out of thin air and hand it to him. You knew he would never buy you a drink, he was asking to buy himself one and go get yours as a “generous” thank you gesture.
“I already have a drink.” You smiled, holding up your glass.
“I don’t.”
“Sounds like a you-problem.” Taehyung added and took a sip of his glass.
Denis eyes widened slightly as he noticed Taehyung. Seeing them both next to each other you realized how Taehyung almost towered above him.
“You already located him? That’s impressive.” Denis scoffed. ”Sorry, I told her to stay where she was so she wouldn’t bother you.”
“I’m not bothered. I’m enjoying her company a lot.” Taehyung said with a straight face and aimed a smirk towards you.
Denis grabbed your arm and Taehyung’s smile immediately fell. He tugged, trying to get you to go with him. “I’ll make sure she doesn’t bother you again. Come now, leave him alone.” Denis tugged again put you pulled your arm out of his grip.
“Excuse me, but who are you?” Taehyung asked.
Denis looked at you.
“He’s asking you.” You clarified.
“Denis. And this is-“
“I know who she is.” Taehyung interrupted and reached a hand to your face. With a gentle touch he moved with the intention of moving a strand of your hair behind your ear. But Denis hand came out, holding Taehyung’s wrist to halt his motion.
You could tell Taehyung was reaching his limit as he inhaled deeply and bit his lip.
“She’s married.” Denis said, wording it like a threat as if you were married to Denis himself.
Taehyung yanked his hand free from Denis’s grip, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you firmly against him. Leaning down, Taehyung slipped his tongue into your mouth. Immediately, you met his lips, lacing your free hand into his hair. The taste of his mouth was something you’d longed for all day, his touch, his hold… Just Taehyung. A sample of him was never enough… and displaying his love for you like this… was arousing, more arousing than you’d want to admit.
Taehyung pulled away, flashing a hint of his own arousal in his gaze before he turned to Denis.
“I know. I’m her husband.” He said sternly. “And you don’t fucking touch her, or me. Understood?” Taehyung said, holding you tightly against him still.
You could tell Denis was flustered, anyone could, despite his attempt to hide it.
“I need a drink” He muttered.
Taehyung placed his glass down on a nearby table and took your hand in his. Without a word he pulled you along with him through the crowd. You managed to quickly set your own glass down at a table you passed by before reaching the door back into foyer.
The elevator dinged as it arrived, and you stepped in. Taehyung looked… pissed. Pissed was the right word. He was breathing deeply, biting the inside of his cheek to contain himself.
 You got in the car once the valet had brought it to you. Sitting behind the wheel with a deep sigh, you looked over at Taehyung as he buckled his seatbelt.
“Are you ok baby?” You asked gently.
“No.” He said and brushed his hair back with his hand. “Why didn’t you tell him that I’m your husband?”
“I told him numerous times that I’m married.”
“But not that I’m your husband.”
“It’s none of his business who I’m married to… and knowing him, if he knew he’d probably just start talking down about you to me and I don’t want that.”
Taehyung sighed. You could tell he felt hurt.
“I think the best way of telling him was showing him after all. Maybe he wouldn’t have believed me if I simply said it. And he’ll surely shut up now when you humiliated him… which was very sexy of you. Just saying.” You said, eyes focusing on the traffic.
“It’s just… the way he grabbed my wrist to stop me from touching you. My own wife!? I wanted to throw him off the roof. I felt… I felt violated!”
“What makes it worse is that one the way there in the car-“
“You went together in the car?” Taehyung asked.
“He claimed the designer’s car broke down and she left without him.”
“Bet that was a lie.” Taehyung scoffed.
“What do you mean?”
“I saw the way he was looking at you during the show… I should’ve thrown him off the roof while I had the chance. So, what did he do in the car?”
“Your song came on and he asked if I was fan, I said yes of course and he started talking about keeping me away from you because he saw how you stared at me during the show… ironically.”
“I was admiring my wife.” He muttered. “But stopping me from touching you…” He shook his head in disbelief. “Ha. The only one, sole one that gets to decide when, how or if I get to touch my wife, is my wife.”
“I don’t appreciate him trespassing on your territory, honestly.” You added, earning a soft snort from Taehyung.
He looked over at you and drew a gentle touch with his fingers down your arm. “My territory” He repeated. “Mine.”
 Finally, you arrived back home. Parking the car in your reserved spot and opened the car door to step out. Taehyung, holding your bag, had already made it out of the vehicle. His eyes widened slightly as you stepped out and closed the door behind you.
“You drove in stilettos?”
“Yes? We were in a rush I couldn’t bother to swap back into my sneakers.”
The corner of his mouth curved, gazing down still. “Impressive.” He stated and held out his hand for you.
 Back in the apartment, Taehyung proceeded with what had become a tradition when you wore heels. Sitting on the bench in the hallway, he was kneeled before you gently slipping the glossy black shoes off your feet one at the time. His large palm caressing the back of your heel, along the outer side of your foot and under it. Causing a faint tickle.
“There we go.” He said gently, looking back up at you. His eyes were big. But his expression quickly changed into something else. He swallowed, gazing at your knees instead. His hands came up over your knees, caressing. Without warning, he pushed your thighs apart wide, sending a shock wave through your veins. Your heart began to pound.
Taehyung looked back up again, leaning in further.
“I want to reclaim my territory.”
You swallowed.
Taehyung stood back up, appearing even taller than usual from your seated position. With ease, he bent forward slightly, slipping his hands in under your thighs and picking you up. Your arms quickly reached around his neck for balance. He carried you into the bedroom, gently placing you back down on the edge of the bed.
The sexual tension made it all more arousing.
He stood between your legs, reaching for the sequin blazer, and slipping it off his sculpted shoulders. Unbothered, he let it fall to the floor behind him. Your breaths became longer and fuller. Taehyung’s slender fingers gripped the mesh of his top, pulling it out of the hem of his pants and off his head. The teasing shielded view of his defined chest coming into full view. It joined the blazer on the floor. His gaze never leaving you.
He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, letting them fall. His thumbs slipped into the hem of his underwear, tugging them down over his hips.
“Touch me.” He pleaded, sounding almost like a whimper.
Despite Taehyung being generally confident, he had moments and days when he felt unsure. Standing in front of you, exposed and vulnerable in this very moment could be taken as a display of confidence. A request for pleasure. But knowing Taehyung, after the many years of friendship, dating and what became marriage… You knew that this was Taehyung’s way of asking for reassurance.
He wanted to hear you call him beautiful, wanted to feel your touch on his body like wordless praise. He wanted to see, feel, hear how much you wanted him, adored him. He wanted to experience you, the way only he could. The way only he was allowed to.
You reached your hand up, brushing your finger through his thick black hair. His eyes fell half-shut in response to the tingling sensation and he let out a deep exhale, almost as if relieved.
Your hand continued down his face, stroking his smooth cheek with the back of your hand, tracing down his jaw and tickling your fingertips down his throat. He broke into a smile.
“Feel good?”
Taehyung nodded.
Curling your fingers slightly, making contact with your nails to the skin right above his chest, you began a slow voyage down his torso. The gentle scratch made him shiver. The curve of his throat moved as he swallowed, goosebumps rising over his skin, a tingle down his spine and hardened nipples.
“How did you escape the art museum?” You asked, admiring him with your hands.
Seeing his reaction to your touch was almost half the pleasure. The anticipation building up as you reached further and further down. His tongue swiping over his bottom lip, the bite on the inside of his cheek. Eyes closed, imagining what could come next.
“I jumped out the window and ran.” He said and let out his trademark giggle.
His chest was moving in a faster rhythm as you passed his waistline. The anticipation becoming unbearable.
Seeing him like always made you want to treat him with the most delicate touch and care. Taehyung let out an unsteady inhale as you parted your hands to go down the front of his thighs. With a gentle touch, you ran a hand up along his hard dick. The longed-for touch causing him to hum and lean his head back.
You leaned forward, taking him in your mouth. His hand landed on your head, more to support his balance as you sucked him off. A moment later, his fingers began to soothingly rake through your hair, scratching your scalp. A touch so heavenly and relaxing. The same touch by other hands would never have the same effect or feel as Taehyung’s.
Soft deep moans of pleasure escaped him and you could tell it was becoming harder for him to remain still. You allowed him to slip out of your mouth, licking over the tip one final time before sitting back up.
Taehyung’s cheeks wore a deep pink flush, his eyes gazing down into yours. His hands fells to your shoulders, pushing you down on the bed with a wide eager grin. He crawled up on top of you as you moved further up the bed. Soft plump lips crashed against yours, fingers pushing up the fabric of your dress, slipping the straps off your shoulders… The dress was discarded onto the floor. Your bra straps were slipped off your shoulders, bra unhooked and pulled off. Almost immediately his hands cupped your breasts, lips latching onto one of your nipples as he squeezed and felt.
His patience was running low, greed taking over. His left hand travelled down along your side and slipped in beneath the hem of your panties. His lips abandoned your nipple, relocating to the side of your neck. His lips making sure to leave a trace behind…
Another hum escaped him as his fingers slid in between your lower lips, feeling reassured by how you’d become wet for him. Earning you a soft nuzzle against the neck.
With care he gently pushed a finger into you, curling it the way he knew would drive you insane.
Turning your face to the side, you meet his eyes. His big dark brown eyes studying your reactions to his fingers intently. “Does it feel good?” He whispered, earning a nod in response. He slipped in another finger carefully, working to warm you up. With gentle scissoring motions he made you even more wet. “Your moans are like music to me.” He confessed, for not the first time. “Music that only you get to hear.” You added, making him blush a little deeper with a grin.
With that, Taehyung withdrew his fingers and slipped your panties down and off your legs. He climbed back up on top of you, spreading your thighs for him. Without warning, he leaned down, surprising you with a firm kiss against your aching clit. The start of a trail as he placed the next kiss against your lower abdomen and moved up, placing a kiss as often as possible. Kissing up between your breasts, up your throat, chin and reaching the final destination, your lips. He slipped his tongue in, tenderly caressing your own as his hand pushed your thigh a little further apart.
Reaching for himself, he positioned his tip to your entrance and pushed his hips towards you. Slipping in carefully and slowly, allowing you to feel the filling sensation and stretch as he moved deeper and deeper. A groan escaped his lips, falling for his own pleasure. The feeling of being deeply embraced, squeezed tight. His words from the many times before would always come back… the way you felt so soft and warm to him, so comforting but at the same time so needy for him, so craving…
Your arms wrapped around him, hands resting against his toned broad back as he pushed in all the way. “Ah, fuck… fuck this feels so good.” He confessed, pushing his hips up against you even firmer.
He picked up a deep gentle rhythm and parted from your lips. Finding his way back to the side of your neck again. His favourite place to settle, able to hear your every moan and whisper confessions in your ear.
The way he knew your body never failed to amaze you, he knew exactly how to move, when and what you needed. Words were no longer needed between you, he was fluent in the language of your body. He knew what you needed, what you wanted. The rewards of long-term loyalty.
“Of all the art I’ve collected… you’re my most treasured piece.” He whispered. “They’re all worthless compared to you.”
Your nails dug into his back, causing him to inhale sharply. “I love when you do that.” He groaned. “Harder. Scratch me.” He begged. Unable to resist his wishes you scratched your nails down his back, earning a long deep moan from your husband, his face scrunched in pleasure. His hips were moving at a faster rhythm, pushing his endurance to perform. But you had other plans.
Pushing your hands against his strong shoulder muscles. “Get on your back.” You said, breathing heavily. Taehyung swallowed.
He wrapped his arms in under you, holding you against him as he rolled over to not slip out. Any second was a second too long… especially when you were so close.
You slipped your hands to his chest to push yourself up to ride him, but Taehyung’s grip tightened around you. “No.” He panted, squeezing you tighter against his chest and thrusting up. “Mine.” He asserted, one hand grabbing your ass and the other pressed against your back. You gave in to him and nestled your face into his neck, latching on to the skin of his thick neck, marking your own territory in return, well aware how dangerous this was to do to Taehyung. A deep moan escaped him, and his entire body squirmed beneath you. His neck was so sensitive and the mere thought of you giving him a love bite got him off more than anything. Your name left his lips followed by a groan and a “please”, “I love you so much”, “Yes”.  The more he responded, the harder you went at his neck, peppering him with kisses and sucking at the skin. Turning him into an absolute mess beneath you.
To the point where you couldn’t take it much more. Your head fell to his shoulder, his bottom lip between his teeth. The pleasure becoming too overwhelming as is took over. You slipped a hand into his hair, grabbing it gently for comfort. His arms squeezed tighter, skin glistening from sweat. With another deep thrust he came, along with what sounded like a mix between a groan and a whimper. His hands gripped firmly, holding you still as he buried himself deep, just in time for your own shaking release. The tension in your body immediately left as you felt your senses give in to the pulsing pleasure within and you fell heavy on top of him. Both of you equally desperate to catch your breaths. After a brief moment of recovery, Taehyung’s hand began to caress your back up and down softly, reminding you of the safety in his arms.
“You always feel so good.” You whispered softly, snuggling into him.
He smiled.
Another moment passed and he carefully slipped out once you’d calmed down. Rolling over onto your side, you were able to snuggle up a lot more comfortably. With your head to his chest and his arm around you, holding you securely against his warm body.
Listening to his racing heart begin to calm down you felt a soft kiss on top of your head. You looked up at him and he meet your gaze with a raise of his eyebrow.
“Yes?” he said playfully, brushing a hand over your hair.
“I love you.”
His smile became even fonder, the deep flush of his cheeks making him appear shy and flustered. He was truly glowing.
“I love you too.”
174 notes · View notes
akookminsupporter · 1 year
Why is that anon so pressed 😭 he's an ambassador, yes, they will give him clothes and jewellery they want him to 'promote', yes, but why is it wrong to hope for more? lmao Nobody said he looked bad, nobody said bad things about it. He looked good, yes, but personally I also wanted him to wear more. Tiffany is a jewellery brand, and you have Jimin as your ambassador with a fandom that sells out a bed frame... why not drench him in jewellery?? And why is it bad to hope for more?? These are just opinions. It's <my opinion> that they could have given him more. But it's also <my opinion> that he looked amazing. Jimin will be paid regardless if we say 'he could've had more jewellery' or not like lmao 😭
20 notes · View notes
setagaya-division · 1 month
Once the assumed birthday of the self-proclaimed ‘Big Sister’ of ENIGMA has finally come to the city of Setagaya, one cherry blossom petal was falling through the window’s gap and laying itself not far away from the birthday girl —which could be called rather strange considering the season was gradually turning into summer and normally cherry blossoms didn’t last until this late in May.
Yet strangely enough, this year seemed to be something else since she swore she could still see some trees blooming around her school as if it was celebrating for something…
No one no how this was happening but she then recalled Elliot has ever rambled about something like ‘Climate Change’ or other sorts related to this once ...Maybe there were too many surprising things beyond our realm of understanding in this vast world after all…
Yeah, something just like herself —Something that ought not to have an answer.
However, Mina’s trains of thought suddenly stopped when she heard Elliot telling her that there was a parcel for her delivering at their doorstep.
As curious as she didn’t get many deliveries directly addressing the receiver to be her, Mina rushed in to take some look before finding out that it was indeed her own birthday present from a certain division in Kansai;
Firstly, she was greeted by a pink tube of sakura sunscreen from the babyface wagashi maker in Nara!
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“Happy Birthday Nakayama-san☆ Apparently, it kinda sucks to hear that you are suffering from many food allergies and your weakness to sunlight of sorts. Therefore, go-go fighting! I hope you enjoy the last of this spring and get over your disease soon~ (・ω<)
And the next was coming with a letter… Wait, were there two gifts and also both of them seemed to be crafted by hands!?
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“Hello and sorry to disturb you on your peaceful weekend, President Nakayama-san!
First of all, I’d like to say that I and my friends are very grateful for your approval on the proposal we submitted to the student council not long ago (Great thing that the approval was launching out just before the summer break!). Even if this new found committee of ours is just for temporary, we the ██████████ Committee promise you to carry out this event the best as we can!
By the way, the sakura badge sent to you is a sample of souvenirs we specially prepared for distributing in this event —What do you think about it?
And lastly, could we ask you to please keep this a secret from other students, especially from my classmates? Thanks you a lot!
P.S. The flowery papercut in the frame is a gift made by other committee members since they would like to express their gratitude as well
—Happy Birthday Nakayama-san!
ARROW Yuuya Kanata
(Representative chairman of ██████████ Committee)”
Mod: Miraitabi’s Spring Mixtape coming soon!
"Ugh, that baby-faced wagashi-maker sent this, didn't he?" Yorii asked, frowning at the tube of sunscreen lotion. "I can literally smell the pastry coming from that bottle."
"I really don't see what your issue with Asahi-san is, Yorii." Elliot stated, looking for a good place to hang the Sakura maker that Yuuya-kun had gifted his older sister. "I mean, didn't you two do a duet for last year's Collab Project?"
"Ignore him, Elliot," Mina stated, rolling her eyes at her youngest brother's complaint as she sat on her bed in her room, the sunscreen lotion still in her hands. "He's just envious of Asahi-san, is all. Its no secret that Yorii dislikes anyone that he deems "cuter than him"."
"What?!" Yorii shouted. "Don't make me laugh! What could I possibly be jealous about from that loser anyway?"
"Well, it just seems that whenever he or someone else that girls think is cute is suddenly brought up in a conversation, you suddenly become all defensive." Mina answered, a bored look on her face.
"What?! I do not!"
"Really?" Mina asked, before holding up her fingers. "Asahi from Nara, Shuu from Suginami, that American ambassador guy from Okinawa, Ren and Kaiji both from Kobe, that crazy daredevil kid that lives in Roppongi, that foreign police guy from Kanazawa, that detective guy from Niigata... do you need me to go on?"
"I do not get jealo..."
"And plus, aren't all those guys that you may or may not have issues or problems with, for some reason?" Elliot asked, chiming in.
"I, that's not, I don't..." Yorii stammered.
"Yes?" Mina asked, still a bored look on her face.
"Gah, you both suck!!"
With that, Yorii quickly exited, leaving his older siblings behind who stared at the doorway.
"What's with him?"
"He couldn't handle the truth, is all."
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mediical-trek · 9 months
🥊- were in a fight. (Ambassador Spock).
// @starfleetsxvulcan.
The Doctor was sitting down on a sick bay bed, rubbing the dried blood from her mouth. Or at least, she was. Bluebird was sporting many cuts, bruises, and burn marks along her body; including a half burnt and ripped Starfleet Medical uniform. It was a long mission down on Mininue, a new planet they had stumbled upon- with a not so friendly welcoming committee. The poor Filisophlite was even sporting a black eye on her face; a sight nobody...nobody thought would be on the good doctor's face.
Upon the sound of waddling footsteps, the Blondie turned; quickly shooting up as she saw the Ambassador (who she lovingly referred to as Gramps) walking in. Immediately the pointy eared gal got up despite her weak body screaming no and ran right across the room to him- her arms opening wide without a care of anybody seeing.
"GRAMPS!" Thus, Blue's arms were around his frame in a gentle way- hugging him dearly despite her own condition. As if she was afraid she would've lost him. Then again...he could've lost her. After all, where she was from she was unfortunately not all well trained to fight; but at least she tried and escaped with her life still intact. And that's all that matters now.
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