amazonsclan · 1 month
Lua/moon 6 (Folha caída/leaffall)
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Lua 5 - Lua 7
Moon 5 - Moon 7
[why this took so long? I don't even know]
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featherclan · 27 days
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MOON 19 [1/2]
Their first gathering commences.
Guest cats in order from left to right(Sorry they ended up being pretty small!):
Briarthorn - @noodlersthesilly , Dawnpaw - @leohnoz , Ruggedgem - @amazonsclan , Roseheart - @ghostclangen , Honeystar - @the-moth-from-elsewhere , Briarbreeze - @in-memoriam-tgwk
There will be more guest cats in the second part! Also the next part might take a while- to give some context I started working on this moon June 30th but I've just been super busy and there are a lot of cats to draw in this moon! And there was Artfight and I'm in college working two jobs- soooo yeah, thank you guys for being patient! Also this was initially guest cats to thank for 500 follows but since then this blogs gotten to 600+!! So this has turned into a thank yall for that as well lol. Anyways, if yall want content with these guys in between these updates feel free to ask questions about whatever, as with asks I only have to do one drawing lol
Also I wanted to thank everyone who attacked Ravenstar and Sparrowtuft in artfight!
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whistleclangen · 9 days
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And here we are! I hope I got everybody right!! Also you, yes YOU, should go check out these stories, they’re super cool!!
Moonhaze belongs to @crocus-clan
Brambletree belongs to @amazonsclan
Fogkit belongs to @mothclan-cg
Honeybracken belongs to @clan-of-ashes
Mudpaw belongs to @wishclan-clangenn
Greenpaw belongs to @trailblazer-clangen-comic
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phoenix-clan · 3 months
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woo now it's filled out ✌️thanks for the suggestions everyone :)
Tidestar @tide--clan
Swanstar @amazonsclan
Jellyfishpaw @songsofchirpclan
Bugkit @bundlesofcrows
Brookstar @clan-genanigans
Honeystar @the-moth-from-elsewhere
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amazonsclan · 10 days
Moon/Lua 8 (leaffall/folha caída)
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Moon 7 - Moon 9
Lua 7 - Lua 9
[o formato tá diferente porque eu tentei uma coisa nova e isso me sobrecarregou, ai eu cortei a página e deixei somente essa parte, espero que não se importem pelo cenário tá inacabado.]
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amazonsclan · 4 days
Lua/moon 9 (folha molhada/wetleaf)
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Lua 8 - Lua 10
Moon 8 - moon 10
[introducing the first neighbors! and these three are also available for questions, here is more information about them refs 2 ]
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amazonsclan · 26 days
Moon 7 (leaffall)
"Ashpaw! Ashpaw!" Lavenderheart shouted as she walked through the forest. Today was the day of her ceremony, but Ashpaw was not in her nest, so she volunteered to look for her sister. Where did she go? Lavenderheart thought. A noise above caught her attention, she just didn't expect to see what she saw. Her sister was… upside down? "Hi" Ashpaw replied "What?- No, I don't want to know, but you need to get down" "No" "…What?" "I don't want to get down" Ashpaw looked away from her sister and crossed her paws over her chest. "Why?" "…I don't think I deserve a warrior name" Lavenderheart's eyes widened, her little sister who always manages to see the good side of everything… is having negative thoughts. "Of course you deserve it, you trained hard and tried hard to help the clan, now come down here." Ashpaw cringed a little and seemed to think. When Lavenderheart least expected it, Ashpaw swung in the air and landed on her feet on the ground. "Okay!"
Ashstripe has earned their warrior name.
Moon 6 - Moon 8
[I felt it would fit better like this than drawn, anyway, THE BABY HAS GROWN UP! my weird little girl who always makes others happy. no portuguese version this time]
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amazonsclan · 4 months
refs archive
Adults of moon 0
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Adults of moon 1
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Adults on moon 2
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adults on moon 5
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adults on moon 7
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Current age of everyone (edit on: 9/2) (age of moon 7)
Swanstar: 51 moons
Moonbluebird: 31 moons
Brambletree: 195 moons
Lakehibiscus: 86 moons
Mistlefur: 19 moons
Daisypatch: 18 moons
Lavenderheart: 14 moons
Ashstripe: 12 moons
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amazonsclan · 4 days
Refs 2
all the cats that rng didn't create are here
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amazonsclan · 5 months
Lua 0
você já se perguntou como cada clã surgiu? eis aqui a história que me foi contada através da minha avó, minha mãe e minha mentora.
o primeiro guerreiro veio do mar, nascido de uma concha, uma fêmea que carregava todas as cores, ela foi chamada de aguapé.
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Aguapé foi aquela que salvou as almas sofridas de outras gatas que viveram sobre as regras dos machos, onde eram feitas de loucas, de bruxas e aquelas que são mães de todos os males, foram acusadas de todas as maldições que caiam sobre eles. Aguapé então pois a lei de que eles não poderiam viver juntos, então nenhum macho era bem vindo, nem mesmo os filhotes que eram criados na colônia, mas certas coisas fizeram não só Aguapé mudar sua opinião, mas outras líderes que vieram depois dela.
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Claro, ainda estamos separados, porque a ganância e o orgulho são coisas que não desaparecem tão facilmente, mas não estamos aqui para falar do passado,mas sim,do presente.
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Nosso presente.
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amazonsclan · 5 months
Amazonsclan pinned post
here we go again, hi! I'm Letya and I already had a clangen blog but I gave up on it because the idea was too big for me as i had no experience, but @phoenix-clan words encouraged me to try again anddddd this girls live in Brasil! So i change some names and herbs. Don't expect comic book format consistency here, it's all very experimental.
Useful tags: #amazonsmoon (art), #amazonsask, #amazonslore (write)
Refs! Refs2!
Moon 0 - Lua 0
Current cats number: 8
Caso alguém queira fazer algo no Brasil, eu estou fazendo alguns diários que podem ajudar e só avisando: eles poderam/serão modificados no futuro.
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amazonsclan · 3 months
Moon/lua 3 (Folha Seca/Dry Leaf)
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Lua 2 - Lua 4
Moon 2 - Moon 4
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amazonsclan · 4 months
Moon 2 (Newleaf)
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Daisypatch finds a kittypet named Monika who wants to join the clan.
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The kittypet changes their name to Mistlefur.
Moon 1 - Moon 3
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amazonsclan · 5 months
Moon 0
Have you ever wondered how each clan came to be? Here is the story that was told to me through my grandmother, my mother and my mentor.
The first warrior came from the sea, born from a shell, a female who carried all the colors, she was called water hyacinth.
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Water hyacinth was the one who saved the suffering souls of other she cats who lived under the rules of males, where they were made crazy, witches and those who are mothers of all evil, were accused of all the curses that fell on them. Water hyacinth then because of the law that they could not live together, so no male was welcome, not even the kits that were raised in the colony, but certain things made not only Aguapé change her opinion, but other leaders who came after her.
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Of course, we are still separated, because greed and pride are things that don't disappear so easily, but we are not here to talk about the past, but about the present.
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our today.
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amazonsclan · 2 months
Moon 5 (Dryleaf )
warning: injury and blood
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While Brambletree was gathering herbs, she had an unfriendly encounter with a tayra, resulting in a shoulder injury. Thanks to the magic of the terrain the AmazonsClan inhabits, her injury healed quickly.
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On the same moon, Lavenderpaw completed her training.
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In honor of her loyalty, she now Lavenderheart.
Moon 4 - Moon 6
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amazonsclan · 2 months
Lua 5 (folha seca)
Aviso: ferimento e sangue
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Enquanto Árvore Espinheiro coletava ervas, ela teve um encontro nada amigável com uma irara, resultando em um ferimento nos ombros. Graças a magia do terreno que o Clã das Amazonas mora, seu ferimento se curou rapidamente.
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na mesma lua, Pata de Lavanda completou seu treinamento.
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em honra de sua lealdade, ela agora se chama Coração de Lavanda.
Lua 4 - Lua 6
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